96.9%↓ - St Catherine
96.9%↓ - St Catherine
Issue 04 www.stcatherines.academy ~ classnews.stcatherines.academy 21st September 2015 St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School, Firshill Crescent, Sheffield S4 7BX School Dinners Week 2 Important Dates View the school dinner menu online at stcatherines.academy/school-meals View more information about important dates online at stcatherines.academy/calendar Sign up for online payments at stcatherines.academy/online-payments Thursday 24th September Year 5 Eyam Museum Please pay dinner money in advance at the school office in an envelope with your child’s name and class on it. Dinners must be ordered by 9.30am; if a child is going to be late due to an appointment, you need to phone school before 9.30am and order dinner for that day. Dinners cost £1.98, or £1.75 for nursery children. Attendance and Punctuality Wednesday 14th October World Maths Day Overall school attendance last week was 96.9% Miss Sefton F2AW Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Wood Year 1AH Miss Ambler Mrs Hughes Year 1PH Mr Higgins Year 2JW Miss Weir Year 2JP Mr Park Year 3RH Miss Handy Year 3BH Mr Harper Year 4GG Miss Gleeson Year 4MT Mrs Tipping Year 5OW Mrs Wilson Year 5LI Ms Illien Year 6SJ Mrs Jennings Year 6FS Miss Scott Friday 2nd October Brighten the Harvest! Harvest Fast Wednesday 14th October Y1 & Y2 Flu Immunisation Oh no – 48 late marks last week! F2ES Wednesday 30th September 1PH Parents’ Evening Monday 5th October Parents’ Evening Well done to F2AW for the highest attendance last week! Class Wednesday 30th September M&M Robin Hood Production Friday 13th November Children in Need Lates % Attendance 4 98.9 2 100 3 98.7 3 94.1 5 94.8 1 99.7 7 98.3 7 91.7 2 94.1 2 98.3 3 93.7 4 97.3 2 99.0 3 97.2 Monday 1st to Friday 5th February Safer Internet Week Friday 18th March Sport Relief Thursday 26th May 7.00pm Primary Swimming Gala Issue 04 www.stcatherines.academy ~ classnews.stcatherines.academy 21st September 2015 St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School, Firshill Crescent, Sheffield S4 7BX Buns Pupil Voice Thank you for Year 5 for bringing buns last week. This week it is the turn of Year 4 children to provide buns! As part of our Pupil Voice work, we will be sending out a pupilmade newspaper every month – we need your help! Harvest Fast Day Every year, we team up with Cafod to take part in Harvest Fast Day. This year Harvest Fast Day will take place on Friday 2nd October. We will be raising money for the world’s poorest people. Some of the money will go to the refugee crisis in Europe and the Middle East. Instead of having the normal school dinner, children can instead choose a simple meal of soup and bread, and donate their dinner money to Cafod. Your child can also wear one piece of bright clothing on this day (this is not a non-uniform day – please make sure you just wear one piece of different clothing!) Read about the Harvest Fast Day at st.catherin.es/fast-day Year 5 Eyam Trip Remember, the Year 5 Eyam trip is this Thursday! Children will be out of school all day, walking in the countryside. Children need to come to school in normal uniform but with sensible trousers (jogging bottoms), a waterproof coat and sensible footwear for walking (these shoes might get muddy!). Year 5 Plague Masks st On Thursday 1 and Friday 2nd October, Year 5 will be working with a visitor to create plague masks. These masks will be made from Modroc (used to plaster a broken arm or leg) and will be moulded on the children’s faces to make a perfect fit. Every child will make a plague mask to use in a school production. The children will put Vaseline on their faces first and use baby wipes to remove any traces afterwards. If there is a medical reason why your child can’t make a mask, please let Miss Illien or Mrs Wilson know in writing by Friday 25th September. Please send your child with a large old t-shirt or shirt that they can wear to protect their school uniform. We are launching a competition to name our school newspaper and design a logo. There will be a prize for the winning entry. There is homework attached to this week’s Newsletter. The deadline is Wednesday 30th September. Please give your homework to a Pupil Voice leader: Mrs Wilson, Miss Hammonds, Mrs Winterbottom or Miss Franks. Year 3 Roman Day On Thursday 22nd October, Year 3 will be inviting Romans into their classroom! The Romans will be working all day with Year 3, for a Roman Day. The cost of this Roman day is £8. Please send this money to the office marked with your child’s name. Foundation 2 Notice If your child is in F2AW or F2ES, please make sure you send them with a pair of wellies and a waterproof coat every day! Issue 04 www.stcatherines.academy ~ classnews.stcatherines.academy 21st September 2015 St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School, Firshill Crescent, Sheffield S4 7BX We Need You! Parent Forum Miss Illien is looking for members of our wider school community to get involved with our learning – look out for a letter going home with your child tomorrow. Contact Parent Forum by emailing parent.forum@stcatherines.academy Changes to ‘Persistent Absence’ As you will be aware, our school considers regular school attendance a priority to improve the educational outcomes of our children. For the past two years the Department for Education have said that pupils with school attendance below 85% are at risk of becoming a persistent absentee. 85% = 28 ½ days of learning lost each year. From September 2015, this threshold is being increased to 90%. Therefore, pupils with attendance each half term below 90% will be at risk of becoming a persistent absentee. Any absence, including illness, medical appointments, term time leave, punctuality and unauthorised absence will affect your child’s attendance rate. 90% = 19 days of learning lost each year. Any student below 90% will now be classed as a persistent absentee. Your child’s attendance will be routinely monitored this academic year by the school and the Local Authority. If your child’s attendance becomes a cause for concern, then a referral may be made to the Local Authority for consideration about how to improve your child’s attendance rate. Like you, we want the very best for all our children; we hope, therefore, that you will support us in ensuring your child attends school every day, and on time, in order for them to access the education they are entitled to, enabling them to reach their full potential. If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance, please call at the office and ask to speak to Mrs Woodhouse. Parent Forum Coffee Morning runs every Tuesday morning. This is a great time to catch up on news around school and meet other parents. A member of the leadership team attends Parent Forum every week to discuss any questions. Parent Forum have received a thank you card from Kirsty and Paul, who we helped fundraise for. Thank you all for helping out! Exciting new homework is on the way! To help with getting the balance of homework just right, we are launching a new system from next week called ‘St Catherine’s Takeaway Homework!’ Each week your child will bring home a menu with three courses on it (like the blank one we’ve attached to this week’s Newsletter). The main course is designed for everyone and we’d expect all children to complete this. The starters and desserts are for those with a bit more time or a bigger appetite! You won’t really notice a difference in the type of homework your child takes home; there will just be more flexibility. If they’d like to do a bit more work and take on a starter or dessert (or both!) then they can; if not, they can just stick to the main course. As with the old homework, the new menus will come home on a Monday and be brought back to school on Friday. If you’ve got any questions or comments, then please get in touch. We hope you like it! Pupil Voice needs you! For homework this week we would like you to think of a name and a logo for our monthly school newspaper. Use the space below to design your logo and come up with a name. What does Pupil Voice mean to you? Try this week’s main course, and if you have the appetite, take a look at the starters and desserts too! Dear parents, My new role in school this year is related to getting you more involved with our school and your child’s learning. I know that there are many of you out there (not just parents – grandparents, siblings, aunties, uncles….) who have skills and knowledge that we could draw upon. I am also sure that lots of you would like to be more involved with what happens here in school. Do you have a job that children in school might be interested in hearing about? Do you have a hobby or area of expertise that you might like to share with our community? Is your family heritage something that might be of interest? Is there anything else that you think you could bring to our school community? Do you speak a language that you would like to share? Do you have any other ideas about how parents and carers or other family members could be more involved with life in school? On the other side of this letter is a feedback form that I would greatly appreciate you filling in and returning to school. It will really help me to ensure we use the skills, expertise and talents that we have within our school community in the very best ways that we can. Thanks in Advance for your help, Miss Louise Illien Please return to Miss Illien in school as soon as possible. 1. Do you have a job that children might be interested in hearing about or that might relate to any learning in school? Yes No If yes, please state what your job is: 2. Do you have any talent, skill or area of expertise that you would be interested in sharing with children within our school? Yes No If yes, please state what you would like to share with children in school: 3. Is there anything relating to your family heritage that you would be interested in sharing with children in school? Yes No If yes, please state what you would be able to share: 4. Do you speak a language that might be interesting to share with other members of our school community? Yes No If yes, please tell me more: 5. Is there anything else, not already mentioned that you feel you could bring to our school community? 6. Do you have any ideas about how parents and carers could be more involved with learning in school? Your name(s) The name(s) of your children in school