foundation course prospectus 2016
foundation course prospectus 2016
F O U N DAT I O N C O U R S E P rospectus 2016 M usica l T h eatre A nd Actin g B ui lt on a passion for success PAG E 2 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E F O U N DAT I O N CO U RS E P rospectus 2016 I N T RO D U C T I O N C O N T E N TS Introduction page 3 As course leaders we have strong belief in the strength of Why choose Stageworks page 4 in training students to reach the standards required to Course overview page 6 Qualifications page 8 Fees page 9 Faculty and team page 10 our training in Stageworks. With over ten years of experience achieve college placements and funding to progress, we are proud of the results this programme achieves. After placing over 300 students into full time accredited vocational colleges, our team have proved that they have the knowledge and skill to individually prepare each student to reach their aspirations. If you are successful at gaining a place on the course and Progression page 11 Discipline / Academic enhancement page 12 you. Our ethos is that every student is important; every Student welfare and pastoral care page 13 meet. This means that your training is closely monitored and Accommodation page 14 Your life at our college page 15 The student’s perspective page 16 Facilities / Location page 17 The application process / The audition process page 18 Contact us page 19 if you are prepared to work hard, this course will work for student has different skills to progress and ambitions to negotiated with you at all times. The college has a friendly, family atmosphere and the pastoral care you will need as you enter the full time world of Performing Arts. Our smaller environment means that you will get the quality time you deserve that is coupled with the discipline that the industry requires. We believe that your career starts here. PAG E 3 PAG E 4 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E F O U N DAT I O N CO U RS E P rospectus 2016 PAG E 5 W h y C h oose S tag ewor k s ? Course Structure Student Focus Does the Course work? Qualifications We have designed our course to give students an experience With two directions of specialism, this course offers Since the course started in 2004, we are delighted to say we We believe it’s important for a student’s own personal that resembles that of the next level of training. You students the necessary guidance towards either Professional have a 100% success rate in getting our graduating students development to be able to prove their progression of will receive high quality, professional tuition in a variety Dancers/Musical Theatre courses, or Drama Schools placed in colleges for their next level of training and high skills with Nationally Recognised Qualifications. For of subjects that you need to get you ready for that next and University placements, whichever is most suited to levels of examination pass rates. those interested in degree courses, UCAS points are also important step on your Acting or Musical Theatre career. encourage your development and aspirations. achievable. Hours Audition Preparation CDET Endorsement Students will receive advice and support on all aspects of We are the first provider in the UK to offer a Level 3 Access recommend that you ask other colleges how many studio Accommodation facilities are available for students living the audition process as required, from songs, monologues to Professional Training Course that is fully endorsed by the hours you will be in training. We believe anything less than outside the local area. Funding may also be available should and dance pieces, to completion of application forms, Council for Dance Education and Training (CDET). this will not develop you enough as a performer to give you you be successful in your audition. professional head shots, interview skills and the importance Stageworks students train for 25 hours per week. We Accommodation Available the best chance at auditions and scholarships. of self confidence and professionalism. Independent and Unbiased As our course is designed to train students both mentally Training for the Individual Fees We are looking for the desire to perform and the willingness and professionally, by being independent, we can advise and With both funded and private places available, we work hard to learn. Classes are aimed at different levels depending on provide the relevant training and information for audition to offer high quality training that’s affordable for everyone. individual abilities. Experience in all areas is not necessary at ANY of the 3 year accredited colleges at Diploma or Our selection process is based on talent which we believe as full training in all genres will be given. Degree level or other specialist training courses. should be nurtured and not defined by finance. Where fees are required to be paid, they are at a realistic rate and at no compromise to the quality of training. OfSted Report “Progression to higher education is very good. Substantial number of Performing Arts students gain scholarships”. PAG E 6 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E C ourse Ov erv iew Y ear O ne All students attending Stageworks for the first time will arrive with a variety of talent, some whose specialism is acting or singing who may never have danced before and others who have danced for many years but never sung in public or taken part in a drama class. Our objective is to build on existing skills and introduce, develop and expand the areas that students have less experience in. Classes will be weighted to meet the specialist nature of Musical Theatre or Acting course you are on. Students will undertake a timetable of a variety of classes from Cardio & Toning, to Singing, Improvisation & Play Study, to Jazz Technique & Musical Theatre Dance. In addition to this, classes will also take place in the core Performing Arts subjects and syllabus that will earn students Nationally Recognised Qualifications. Our combination of weekly classes will see students learn the essential skills and knowledge needed for successful auditions in their second year. Once the foundations are in place and through feedback and assessment, students can identify their areas for improvement and begin work on performance quality and integrity. OfSted Report “Performing Arts students are consistently highly successful in their exam work. Their professional attitudes enable them to produce works of maturity and professionalism.” To help achieve this, students are encouraged to think independently about key elements of their various lessons and take responsibility to apply them across their training. From class etiquette and time management, to the importance of performance and putting feedback into practice, students must learn very quickly that without self-motivation and determination to succeed, they will find this level of training and those subsequently thereafter very difficult to pursue. With training in full swing and exam preparations well under way, rehearsals can begin for a variety of performance opportunities throughout the year. Some of these are compulsory and included within the course; others are extra-curricular but recommended to enhance students’ training and performance experience. The completion of Year One fast approaches with rehearsals for our end of year production to showcase the student’s hard work and celebrate the graduation of our second year students. F O U N DAT I O N CO U RS E P rospectus 2016 C ourse Ov erv iew Y ear T WO The priority for returning students in their second year at Stageworks is audition planning. Students by now should have a firm idea on the area of training they wish to specialise in and having been expected to spend the summer researching the many colleges around the country, be ready to make a short list of those they wish to apply to. Including the Stageworks Professional Performance Diploma Course. Through regular communications with the Course Leaders and Department Specialists, students will begin writing their Personal Statements and completing application forms. Alongside this, students will continue their training a level above that of their first year. Second year students are expected to continue the responsibility for their training through self-motivation and dedication by spending the necessary time organising and preparing everything they need for classes and auditions. Direction and feedback will be offered regularly and preparation is tested in their practical assessments. Once auditions begin, it can be an unnerving time waiting for college responses but students are supported and advised every step of the way. During your second year of study you will perform in a full musical. We host ‘The Musical Theatre Company’ which boasts the highest standard and quality assured amateur Musical Theatre performances in our area. Previous productions include, 42nd Street, Ghost, Grease, Footloose and Guys and Dolls. Weekly rehearsals boost training whilst giving you as near an experience as possible to performing on a West End stage, with a live orchestra and professional set. Once the exams are complete, the celebration of graduation begins. The students will reap the rewards of their hard work and excitement ensues for what lies ahead during the next stage of their pathway to success. PAG E 7 PAG E 8 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E Q ua l ifications F O U N DAT I O N CO U RS E P rospectus 2016 FEES During the course, students will study for a Ofsted Report future college applications and employability. - Level 3 Diploma in Musical Theatre or Acting “A range of data is used very effectively by staff to monitor Colleges will see a student’s application before being - RAD/BTDA Major Dance Grades (Full and part time Having formal, nationally recognised qualifications not only justifies progression of skill but also drastically enhances invited to audition so having proof of training will suggest commitment and a versatile skill base necessary for any performer. With UCAS points achievable too, students looking to progress onto degree courses can rest assured knowing they will hold the necessary pre-requisites to access these courses. In turn, this can assist in reducing any difficulty choosing between vocational training and an academic education. student options) progress against targets” Our mission statement at Stageworks says it all... ‘To provide affordable, high quality performing arts experience and educational classes for everyone.’ We work hard to provide the necessary training for our students at a highly competitive cost allowing a student’s talent to be nurtured and not defined by finance. Depending on age and previously gained qualifications (amongst other factors), students may be in a position to access our training for through government funding. Stydents will be required to pay for the non funded subjects that are essential to our training courses from £1265.00 to £1965.00 per year. (Payment schemes are available) This area is best discussed with us directly in order to assess student eligibility. For privately paying students course fees totalling £6,000.00 per year and include all registration and examination fees. There are options available including various national and local charities in your area as well as Professional and Career Development loans. The website can offer help and advice on what’s available and how to apply but again feel free to speak to us directly to discuss accessibility. PAG E 9 PAG E 10 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E Faculty & Team F O U N DAT I O N CO U RS E P rospectus 2016 PAG E 11 P ro g ression All our tutors are qualified or working professionals with Many of our tutors have either been taught or have been We prove this course works year after year with increasing Some of the many colleges our students have the relevant professional experience to advise and educate teaching at various three year vocational colleges so have numbers of students graduating with numerous offers to earnt places at include: students towards the standards required in order to meet the direct knowledge of the courses and the specifics required. Diploma and Degree courses. Guest teachers and additional working professionals are Not only do we see students who have already received Bird College invited to the college on a regular basis to enhance the college offers, be successful at re-auditioning with enough Cambridge Performing Arts student’s experience and knowledge whilst also learning knowledge to earn full funding, but we also see students Laban to adjust to unfamiliar choreographic styles and teaching who begin training at Stageworks with lacking areas of skill, Laine Theatre Arts methods, much like you would experience in an audition. not only earn places at some of the best colleges in the London Contemporary Dance School country, but also be offered fully funded places. To us, this London School of Musical Theatre confirms these colleges identify the skill and knowledge London Studio Centre of our students and wish to invest in their future training Masters Performing Arts College towards a successful career. Millennium expectations of full time three year colleges. OfSted Report ‘Staff are highly experienced practising artists who have rich and varied industrial experience & contacts, which they use very well to help the students succeed.’ Arts Educational Mountview Performers College The Urdang Academy After graduating from their next college, our students can be found working in numerous artistic areas all over the world including performing, teaching, composing, choreographing and directing. All these students have realised their ambitions and will continue to do so for many years to come. We are very proud to have had an input in their success. Stageworks now offers a 3 year Professional Performance Diploma Course. The course is designed to prepare students for work. It reduces annual fees and accommodation costs and makes a quality option for students facing funding difficulties. See our Professional Performance Diploma prospectus for further details. PAG E 12 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E D iscip l ine Technique in performing arts is based upon discipline S tudent W e l fare & Pastora l C are and anyone pursuing a career in this industry whether performing or teaching, must understand this is just as crucial when you are outside the studio. We begin this process of understanding from the start with a strict uniform policy that all students are expected to adhere to. Not only does this promote smart appearance and boost confidence, it creates a positive work ethic across all areas of training. It is important for students to understand the purpose of this policy and cannot expect success without feeling motivated to work hard. Staff at Stageworks takes the responsibility of welfare very seriously. With students spending much of their time in and around the vicinity of college, we are able to take the time to identify personal needs. With an open door policy for personal, emotional or educational worries, we will always do our up most to help guide students to resolve any issues or concerns. If issues do arise, students and parents alike should feel assured that personal discussions with staff members are kept private and confidential with the required action taken where necessary. Academic E n h ancement Whilst with us, all students are given an Individual Learning Plan through communication with the College Principals. This is reviewed regularly and termly assessments ensure students are on track to meet their targets. These assessments will be posted to parents along with records of attendance including any unauthorised or repeat absence. Performers, being creative people, are not always as comfortable when it comes to writing and with degree courses becoming increasingly popular, it’s more important than ever for students to refresh and improve their writing skills. We have superb support from specialists in reflective writing and UCAS applications who work closely with the students to help put into practice the skills needed in order to successfully self promote themselves on paper or in written exams. Numerous systems are in place to ensure every student reaches their full potential. A ‘red letter system’ is in place to record and inform all teachers of any injuries sustained, along with the recommended recovery needed. This enables consistency during the treatment of an injury and promotes the optimal recovery. One evening a week a sports masseuse comes into college to offer professional massage at a reduced student rate. PAG E 14 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E Accommodation F O U N DAT I O N CO U RS E P rospectus 2016 PAG E 15 Your Life at our C o l l e g e With a range or properties all within walking distance to Having met the students, staff will suitably assign tenants Our studio complex is set walking distance from St Neots With an increasing need for students to support themselves the college, students and parents alike can feel satisfied to rooms within the various properties and to reduce an train station and town centre, with a range of shops, cinema financially, there is often a variety of job opportunities knowing there is a solution to distance between home and overwhelming list of things students must consider when and leisure facilities. Everyone at the college is focussed on in the local area. Students with existing jobs at national Stageworks. It needn’t be expensive either, with possible living independently, Stageworks will organise payments of training for their career and by working as a progressive team companies may find it useful to look into transfers as there access to residential support funding and competitive rates all utilities. with a common goal; this in turn creates a close family feel. are good transport links to various towns and cities within a We ask one thing of prospective students when considering Outside of college, with many students either relocating For a high majority, if not all students who require our accommodation and that is to understand our position to the area or already living close by, you will quickly have accommodation, it’s the first time moving away from the as a local business. With a positive and friendly reputation friends on your doorstep. family home. Instead of experiencing this for the first time in our local area, we expect students to respect each other in the hustle and bustle of the country’s capital, deciding as house mates and also the surrounding neighbours who to live with and being solely responsible for sourcing of our student houses. We do not tolerate breaches of and paying for accommodation and utilities, making contract and will not refrain from removing students from Stageworks your stepping stone is a safe and practical way accommodation if necessary. if paying privately. for students to learn the added responsibilities of looking after themselves. reasonable distance. PAG E 16 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E T h e S tudent ’ s P erspecti v e F O U N DAT I O N CO U RS E P rospectus 2016 Faci l ities ‘The atmosphere at my audition was nothing like what ‘We are amazed at the progress our son has made in such We have three fully equipped studios for practical tuition I had experienced at other colleges. It was friendly and a short time, particularly in his improved self-confidence. complete with professional fully sprung flooring, Barres, welcoming and completely calmed any nerves I had. Even We are so grateful to the staff at Stageworks for helping to Mirrors, Electric Piano and PA system. with the areas of my audition I felt less confident in, I was achieve a dream and the student performances are a credit encouraged and reassured by the audition panel.’ to the hard work and dedication of both staff and students Auditionee A fourth studio space is also available for drama and group at Stageworks.’ singing, one on one practical guidance and active personal Parent of a Graduate time outside of classes for assessments, auditions or exams. study for student use when wanting additional preparation A singing room/recording studio, complete with Electric ‘My wife and I knew as soon as we arrived at Stageworks Piano and library of Sheet Music books for private singing that this was where we wanted our daughter to grow and ‘Stageworks has changed my life in so many ways. Not only develop into a young adult before continuing her training has it given me a second chance to realise my dream of elsewhere in the country. The staff were so helpful with any being an actor, but it has allowed me to grow so much as a questions that we had and so supportive of all the students person. I have gained the confidence and fitness I need and at their audition, we know our daughter is in the right place now feel so much healthier and happier doing what I love, I to gain the skills she needs to get her into the next level am so unbelievably proud to be a part of Stageworks.’ performance space. 1st Year Student Other facilities include male & female changing areas with colleges.’ Parent of an Auditionee tuition or personal music study. Classroom for contextual studies. Access to a fully equipped Black Box Theatre and secure lockers available and a communal seating area with vending facilities. ‘Training at Stageworks has prepared me both mentally and I auditioned at Stageworks having already earned places at physically for the next level of training and has given me various Level 4 colleges but was unsuccessful in receiving an advantage over others in auditions. Without Stageworks any funding. By attending Stageworks I was able to improve I feel that I wouldn’t have reached the same level of through the training I received which then not only got me achievement.’ into more colleges when I re-auditioned, but with funding at more than one! I really enjoyed my time at Stageworks, I made some fantastic friends and there was such a nice LO C Ation Graduate Stageworks Studios is located in St Neots, Cambridgeshire. family atmosphere amongst everyone in my year.’ The college course is sited at Longsands Parade, within Graduate centre, with it’s range of shops, cinema and leisure facilities walking distance from St Neots train station and town St. Neots station is served by the First Capital Connect railway line from King’s Cross, London and Peterborough. There are also national coach links to St. Neots from many parts of the country. PAG E 17 PAG E 18 STAG E WO R K S CO L L E G E F O U N DAT I O N CO U RS E P rospectus 2016 T h e A pp l ication P rocess C O N TAC T U s Applying couldn’t be easier and you have already completed Step 2: Complete our application form. You can download it If you have any questions about our course, the first step by researching our course. Now all you need to from our website. please do not hesitate to get in touch. Step 3: Send us your completed application along with the Applications to be sent to: audition fee. Administraion Department do is decide if you would like to apply. If you feel there is anything you are unsure of, please don’t be afraid to contact us with any questions you may have or to arrange a visit to come and look around. That’s it! Once we have received your application, you will receive a confirmation letter and an offer to attend our next available audition. Stageworks Studios The Towers, High Street Buckden, St. Neots Cambs PE19 5TA Call us on: 01480 81 26 26 | 22 33 31 Email us at: T h e Audition P rocess The important thing to remember during your audition is the The Musical Theatre Course audition will comprise of purpose of our course. We build on your existing talents and a ballet and jazz class that will not require preparation improve the areas you have less experience in. We do not in advance, however, you will be required to prepare a expect you to be perfect. monologue and musical theatre song (with backing track or You may feel more comfortable in a dance class but never sheet music). sung in public before, or your strength may be in acting The Acting Course Audition requires you to prepare a and never learnt to dance before. Either way, by having the monologue, musical theatre song (with backing track or courage to try will show us your willingness to learn. sheet music) and you will take part in various workshops. You will then be interviewed by members of the audition panel. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss your future ambitions and ask any questions about your future training. Applicants will be notified in writing on the outcome of their audition. Visit our website at: PAG E 19 01480 81 26 26 | | 01480 22 33 31 The Towers, High Street, Buckden, St. Neots, Cambs PE19 5TA St Neots Site, Longsands Academy, Longsand Road, St Neots, Cambs PE19 1LQ
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