Cooperação Jurídica Internacional sexta juízes do BRIC II.INGLÊS
Cooperação Jurídica Internacional sexta juízes do BRIC II.INGLÊS
INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 1 • Crime: a territorial issue. • Prevention and repression of the crime: sovereignty of the national territory as a limit. • Judiciary Power limit: territoriality. Introduction INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 2 • transnational crime. • the globalization of the crime = threat against the security of the States. • sprayed patrimony of the criminals in many parts of the world. • need of extraterritorial measures. The present world situation and its reflect in the legal area: global society. INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 3 Cooperate is now an international obligation The importance of the International Legal Cooperation in XXI Century. INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 4 o Give safety and stability international relashionships. o Respect the sovereignty. o Consecrate crimes. o Mitigate the Priciple of the territoriality. the not-impunity to the of the Base INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 5 Proceeding activities complex. Only public authorities may request. Executed by jurisdictional organs that belong to different States. Seek the same purpose. Observe the guarantees. Caracteristics INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 6 There is not a specific law about the subject matéria; There is a general principle described in the 4th article of the Federal constitution: “Article 4. The international relations of the Federative Republic of Brazil are governed by the following principles: (...) IX – cooperation among people for the progress of mankind;” Homologation of foreing court decisions and granting of exequatur to letters rogatory are ruled in the Federal Constitution (articles 105, I, i and 109, X), in the Code of Criminal Procedure(articles 780 to 790) and in the Code of Civil Procedure (articles 201 to 202, 210 to 212 and 483 to 484); Federal law number 9.613/98 (Lei of Money Laundering); Internacional treaties (multilateral and bilateral) confirmed by Brasil; Resolução number 9, of 05-04-2005, do Superior Court of Justice. Rules of internal law INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 7 ACTIVE = send the cooperation request PASSIVE= receive cooperation request INFORMAL and DIRECT = It is independent of the Judiciary Power. Exemple:Interpol way (, Grupo de Egmont ( FORMAL and DIRECT = direct assistance, extradiction, homologation of foreing court decision and letters rogatory Modalities INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 8 Judicial proceedings of communication. Judicial proceedings related to the evidences. Judicial proceedings with preventive nature. Definitive judicial proceedings. Acts destined to the criminal proceeding. Formal Co-operation Objects INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 9 LETTERS ROGATORY DIRECT LEGAL ASSISTANCE Demand a “juízo de delibação” by STJ (exequatur) Does not demand “juízo de delibação” Give to a foreing court decision effectiveness in Brasil It is the need of assistance in order to take the necessary steps in Brasil, to acomplish the request(example. Localization of the accused person or witness), including the production of a national court decision, when it is necessary (example. The broke of the secrecy) There is no analysis of merit of the reasons that brought the foreing court to that decision. It analyses just the formal requirements and the ones that can might violate the public order and the national sovereignty There is analysis of merit of the reasons of the request After the exequatur it will be conducted to the judicial authority to be executed. A diligence will be executed by the national authority that is competent. Differences INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 10 o Bilateral: specific dispositives regarding to the execution of the cooperation requests; solution to the execution problems (ex.: responsability for the payment pelo pagamento das custas da execução da medida) o Multilateral: wide and generic dispositions. United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized crime (Palermo Convention) United Nations Convention against Corruption and against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances(Viena Convention) Rules of Public International Law INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 11 UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION AGAINST TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME 1. States Parties shall afford one another the widest measure of mutual legal assistance in investigations, prosecutions and judicial proceedings in relation to the offences covered by this Convention as provided for in article 3 and shall reciprocally extend to one another similar assistance where the requesting State Party has reasonable grounds to suspect that the offence referred to in article 3, paragraph 1 (a) or (b), is transnational in nature, including that victims, witnesses, proceeds, instrumentalities or evidence of such offences are located in the requested State Party and that the offence involves an organized criminal group. 2. Mutual legal assistance shall be afforded to the fullest extent possible under relevant laws, treaties, agreements and arrangements of the requested State Party with respect to investigations, prosecutions and judicial proceedings in relation to the offences for which a legal person may be held liable in accordance with article 10 of this Convention in the requesting State Party. Article 18. Mutual legal assistance INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 12 To bring to internal ordainment the Treaty or Convention: It is a complex legislative process. It depends of the will of two Powers: o Celebrated by the President of the Republic Ratified by the National Congress through legislative decrees promulgation by the Senate Ratified by each State or International Organism Promulgated by act of the President of the Republic (executive power) Published in the official press o o o o International Treaties and its application in Brasil INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 13 Cooperation based in reciprocity. Requisitant State settle the compromisse of giving the same treatment to the required State in similar situations. Formalized throught Verbal Note transmited by diplomatic way. Legal base: legislation of the required State Lack of Treaty INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 14 Cooperation is done by specialized organ in the subject: Main Authority. Gennerally, there are a larger number of legitimated to request the cooperation. Larger number measures. of provisions: executory The advantages of the direct assistance direto INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 15 Sovereignty Double Criminality Speciality Cooperation Priciples INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 16 The jurisdiction is exercised by Sovereign in the limits of its territory. each Public Order Clause. Cooperation requests must be executed due to the law. Sovereignty INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 17 The fact that is the origin of the request, must be a crime in the legislation of the required State Mundial inclination to the mitigate of this Principle Bilateral deals ratified by Brasil, that renounce the double criminality: Spain, Italy and Peru Bilateral deals ratified by Brasil, that admit the double criminality as a mere faculty: Cuba, China, EUA e França Double Criminality Principle INTERNACIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 18 The evidences must be used only in the processes related in the cooperation requirements It is not allowed the use of the evidence in other procedure, without a previous extension request Extradiction:extradicted person cannot be processed, arrested or punished by the foreing State for whom was given, for other crime that was not in the request, unless the required State agree with the extension demand. Speciality INTERNACIONAL JURIDIC COOPERATION 19 Submission of the Treaty to the Federal Constitution • According to the EC n. 45/2004, only the treaties and international Conventions about Human Rights that are approved, in each House of the National Congress, in two rounds of voting, by three fifths of the votes of the respective members shall be equivalent to constitutional amendments. • Any international treaty, without the requisits of the EC n. 45/2004, cannot be superior than the Federal Constitution. International Treaties and its application in Brasil INTERNATIONAL JURIDIC INFORMATION 20 Prison of na unfaithful trusteedão de depositário infiel. STF, in the judgement of the RE 466.343 e 349.703 (j. de 3-12-2008), concluded that Pact of San José da Costa Rica has a “supralegal” character. It is superior than the internal norms and inferior than the Federal Constitution Therefore, today, in Brasil it is no more possible this kind of prison. Human Rights Treaties INTERNACIONAL JURIDIC COOPERATION 21 It does not prepondarate the Principle of Hierarchy, but the Principle of the better norm to the human being. There is not revogation of the Constitutional norm by the treaty, but its application of the better norm in the concrete case. Conflict between Human Rights Treaties and the Federal Constitution INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 22 Aprooval of a Cooperation law. International Juridic International treaty that disposes about administration of obstruction of property executed by international legal cooperation. Future Cenary INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COOPERATION 23 CONTACT: 24