memorial day - Houston LGBT History
memorial day - Houston LGBT History
\ MEMORIAL DAY fOAHHOUSTONIOM 2~2 TUAM ST. HOUSTONTX77MH6 713522FBAA _ - WE EK END S A L UTE SUN DAY 05.211.15 SHOWTIME 10PM I 21 810 COVEll I FREE BEFORE + 9PII 202 TUAM STREET ZAGAT. TM2014VisitHouli! LOCALS' CHOICE AWARD HoustonPress .~lI. '~~.I COME m SOCIAL @) \.~URENZo:r L_""" A\U.Hlf ~'" COHI'OIlATJ:; TRANSPORTA ACT-TUOM TlON · I f LAIIN ~IVAS + ""'''aul. SPECiAl GUESTS fRUM ~"'G RACE COCO MONTRESE KENNEDY DAVENPORT I LATRICE ROYALE ~rUNSUHEU BY BELVEDERE v 0 0 KA j ..a .....,. ::;; "' - iii on ~ ] c: ..J ~ U :§ .•...• ~ U ~ ~ <l: z 0 I- <l: z a:: UJ I- Z - 3B woo 8u'IuO-lnoqe sex81 UI uOlleo1lqnd 18 ell AH88M-'8 AIUO 8Yl -- 3NIZV'elV'1I'JIn08V' s ~oz'zz AeV'J r-, INEON BOOTS Dancellall Saloon & Since 1981, Legacy Community Health Services has been a constant presence in the lives of LGBT Houstonians. beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, We were there at the providing testing and linking clients to care. We are still here now, offering comprehensive medical care. For more than 30 years, Legacy has been a source of comfort for those who traditionally face barriers to care. We are, now and always, constantly here for you. Adult Primary Care Dental Care HIV/AIDS Testing & Prevention Frost Eye Clinic Ryan White Health Care Services Behavioral Health Services STD Screening & Treatment Vaccination & Immunization Transgender Specialty Care Pediatrics Women's Services The Assistance Fund Body Positive Wellness On-site Pharmacy Nutritional Counseling legacx.....•• Community Health Services 1415 Califomia St., Houston, TX 77006 832-730-4431 ·• • ...· · , • •, • , , , , ,, • , ·• . ., • , \ , . .•• \ TonysCornenPocketBar. com theonerealdeal@sbcglobal,net In ~ 817 West Dallas • Houston • 713-571-7870 11M ~ Houston Area Community Services 2150 West 18th Street 77008 (3rd floor) Monday-Thursday: 9 am - 6 pm Friday: 8 am - 5 pm WALK-INS WELCOME!· • facebook.comITheTurndUpProject FQHC. 832.384.1406 A'if Ace' AY,JUNE5 ing Party at SplashBar - Kara Dion hosts the Sp 11 - OJ Melle Mel OP ING PARTYAT KRAVEGALVESTON SATURDAY MAY 23: 4PM6PMlOPM- 11prn OJ Night Owl Splash Dancers Kourtney Paige Van Wales hosts the Splash Divas Drag Show OJ Melle Mel 11 - Krave Dancers and OJ Night Owl S lOPM - RDAY,JUNE 6 11 -4PM- Gay Beach Event at East Beach/Apfel Park KOURTNEY PAIGE VAN WALES SUNDAYS MAY 24 4PM - ,._ Carmen Can-Too and OJ Debbie Boyd host Sunday Fun Day Drag Bingo OJ Joe Rios A R-PARTYAT SPLASH BAR GALVESTON 10 • Kourtney Paige Van Wales hosts the Splash Divas Drag Show 11 - OJ Melle Mel A R-PARTYAT KRAVEGALVESTON 11 - Krave Dancers and OJ Houseman SU DAY,JUNE 7 MONDAY MAY 25: 11 - Sunday Brunch at M&M Restaurant & Bar, 2401 Church St. Noon - Crawfish Boil and OJ Night Owl CARMEN CAN-TOO sp SH BAR SUNDAY FUN DAY .(F). '-,/ C ••HTAICS· I ". FBARHOUSTON.COM 202 TUAM ST. HOUSTON IX mOG 713522 FOAR SUNDAY 7-9pM MAY JUN 13] [2] bAIlS MOSCOW MULE TASTING PARTY SPONSOREO IV A8S0LUT ZAGAT. The 2014 Vit;itHouston.(Om LOCALS' CHOICE AWARD HoustonPress COME GET SOCIAL • [!J Ell. GlJ \.~URENZo.s 4//1 4'?/1 '1-I1i. ',fI, ,I,?", (I '~\'.I L_=- e. ,;>'" ""I<tHe ..•• v CORPORATE: TRANSPORTATION ACT-TUUM 0' " \ \ ' \.---.:-. " 2409,GrantSf'Suite D HoustonTX 77006 - ~ .'• Conv~ientIY.lo~ted in the heartof Montro$4a~:brien lat••. 1111WESTHEIMER RD. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77006 (713)S21-ADAM ADAMEVETEXAS.COM VIP TICKETS $50 BAYOU MuSIC CENTER 520 TExAs ST., HousTON, TX 77002 INCLUDES ROUND TRIP Bus RIDE, CURTIS BRALY SWAG BAG, COMPLIMENTARY COCKTAIL BEFORE AFTER CONCERT a www.NlanBa/ats·-:C1uh~_.calll ro u Cl.l CL U) '":o:J ::J .a ., .,'"" J! .a •• ~ .a i FairviewSI CD K * * ** ;0:: i y e Park Blvd ~'?- <.ft Missouri SI isa ~ # ~0 * PacifieSI ("") I California SI ~ sa ~ a. sa Avondale I !i:) ~ ~ sa Stratford SI ~ sa I en !Ii' ~ sa -'"' c: AUTOGRAPH PARTY Ii PHOTOSHOOT AFTER PERFORMANCES Miss Fame 'Is so much more than simp-Iy one of 14 contestants from Season 7 of RuPaul s Drag Race. Raised on a chicken farm in California (really?), she is now a high-fashion New York makeup artist, model and singer. With runway looks to die for, and a heart of gold, Miss Fame wil wow you. Fame for some lasts 15 minutes .. .for Miss Fame, it is for LIFE. Please [oln South Beach in welcoming Miss Fame and her hot dancers to Houston, and only at SOBEl jP n D[U n II PTn U jnst~~~~~ 0 U D [n UU 0 I U I~I facebook @ BIOPACifiC STRm *' C i , II •...-- . , : ! NO COVER BEfORE WPM WIIH VIP TEXT. ~15 AFrm 10 PM. lWSOIIID4B700fOBfA ~PM[/vfl[R • 713.529.S0Bf . 9 PM - 4 AM • 18+ ro PARTY & 21+ ro DRINK ,'F""',,, ''.,.,. .~
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