April 2016 Newsletter


April 2016 Newsletter
April 2016
Swing into Spring at the Spring Fling Dance
Inside this issue:
President’s Message
Board Meeting Recap
From the Golf Pro Shop
Directory Additions
Calendar of Events
Civic Associaon
10650 SW Summerfield Dr.
Tigard, OR 97224
Office: 503-620-0131 or
Golf Pro Shop: 503-620-1200
Spring is the season for rebirth, renewal, regrowth AND
Summerfield's Spring Fling dance on Saturday, April
16th, from 7:00 to 9:30 PM. The dance will be held in
the Clubhouse Ballroom. Doors open at 6:45 PM. All
singles and couples age 55+ are invited to a9end.
Prepaid :ckets for Summerfield residents are $8 each, non-residents $10. Tables for 8 may be reserved when purchasing :ckets in advance. Tickets will be
on sale in the Clubhouse lobby on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30
AM on April 4th, 7th, 11th, and 14th. It is recommended that :ckets be bought
prior to the dance. Cost for all walk-ins at the door is $10 per person (if available).
A variety of music from ballroom to rock 'n' roll to line dancing will be provided
by Charles Suniga & His Angels. Even if you don't dance or have a dancing partner, come listen to the live band, join in the line dances, socialize with old
friends and meet new people. Light refreshments will be provided.
For more informa:on about the Spring Fling Dance or pre-purchasing :ckets,
please call Marty at 971.249.3907.
Submied by Bonnie Conger
Office open Monday through
Friday, 8 AM—12 noon
The upstairs of the
Clubhouse is
scheduled for carpet
cleaning on Tuesday,
April 5th. If you aren’t
a/ending one of the
already scheduled
meengs, please
avoid vising the
upstairs Clubhouse
that day. Thank you!
Are We Ready?
SCA Board Nomina:ons
accepted through
April 15th. Obtain the form
from the SCA Office or at
About Us, Board of Directors.
Reminder: The Red Cross,
Portland Chapter will be in
the Summerfield Ballroom
on Wednesday, May 11th at 3:00 PM.
Their presenta:on will be on disaster
preparedness with an emphasis on
earthquake preparedness. They will have
informa:onal handouts, along with a
sample emergency kit with the contents
displayed on a table near the podium.
Submied by Robin Nash
APRIL 2016
Page 2
President’s Message
There are procedures and rules regarding items donated to
the Summerfield Clubhouse. These items include furniture,
electronic equipment, books, craK supplies, plants, etc. The
first thing to do before dona:ng an item is to contact the
SCA Office to see if the item can be used. If it possibly can
be used, your request will be directed to the appropriate
Commi9ee, Club or to the SCA Board. Please don’t just
“drop it off at the Clubhouse”. If it cannot be used at the
Clubhouse, there are nearby op:ons such as Value Village,
Goodwill and The Discovery Shop for your dona:ons.
This procedure also applies to containers placed in the
Clubhouse for collec:on of recycled items, books and
dona:ons to chari:es.
Approval for these collec:on
containers much be approved by the SCA Office or SCA
Board. The request must be in wri:ng to the SCA office.
Remember that the Clubhouse, upper and lower lobbies, is
like your own home. Would you want someone leaving
things at your front door just in case you could use them?
The final note is that due to the increased use of the
Clubhouse, the Board has contracted with a janitorial service
company to clean the Clubhouse. Chris Allen will con:nue
to take care of general maintenance, SCA event set-up and
tear-down and other special projects as needed. The
janitorial service will work at night and resident access will
s:ll be restricted (fobs do not work aKer 11 PM and all
residents must vacate by then). We believe this will answer
concerns voiced by residents and make the Clubhouse ready
for use at 5:30 AM in the morning. Like all new things, there
will be those that don’t understand why we are changing.
Ask the ques:on and we will do our best to give you an
Ken Lance,
SCA Board President
A/enon New Residents:
The April Newcomers
Recep:on has been
cancelled. There may be an
event scheduled this summer.
If you have any ‘new resident’
please contact the
SCA Office.
Swimming Pool News
Have you no:ced how big the
pool area looks without the
trees? The tree shade will be
missed, and unfortunately, there
is no way to replace it all. But with the 4
exis:ng table umbrellas, two new large
umbrellas in smaller tables, and two new extra
large square adjustable umbrellas, we should
be able to make a good dent in all that new
Opening day is a li9le early this year. Mother's
Day falls on May 8th, so for your swimming
enjoyment we are planning to open the pool
on Saturday, May 7th. We need a few extra
volunteers on Saturday, April 30th, at 9:00 AM
to help assemble and set up the new shade
items that are s:ll in the boxes. We will also
need a few volunteers on Wednesday, May 4th
at 9:00 AM to wash off and set up the pool
furniture now in storage. It should only take a
few hours each day. If you would like to help
please call Roger Johnson, 503.684.1658.
We are currently working on a golf ball screen
to replace the safety the trees provided from
errant golf balls. The SCA Board of Directors
has approved the project. Now the Swimming
Pool Commi9ee and Common Area Landscape
Commi9ee (CALC) can work together to get
the screen and some landscape in place before
opening day.
I would like to give a special thank you to
Marshall Henry for his years as Pool
Commi9ee Chairman. He has leK a legacy with
his hard work and commitment to making our
pool a safe and comfortable place for all of us
to enjoy. Fortunately, he has agreed to help
when he can. I would also like to introduce
and thank two new members to the Pool
Commi9ee: Mary Kerns and Elaine Schuller.
Submied by Roger Johnson,
Swimming Pool Commiee Chair
APRIL 2016
Page 3
SCA Board Meeting Report
This report is a recap of the mee ng.
For details, see the minutes on the
Clubhouse bulle n board.
March 2016 Board Meeng
Present: Lance, Stayton, Baldwin, Jay,
Nash, Meek, Miller, C. Lindsey. Absent:
Parkinson, Shadle. Mee:ng called to
order at 9:00 AM. Minutes approved
from February Board Mee:ng.
visitors signed in to speak.
Golf Course Report – Sullivan: Pond
drain repair is complete, procedure and
outcome worked well.
Most pond
fountains serviced and plan to re-install
this week. Spring aerifica:on is last
week of March, may postpone if s:ll
extremely wet. White bunker sand
delivered but not able to spread at this
level of ground satura:on. Pace-of-play
clock posts are installed and clocks
installed soon.
Ordered some new
‘golfers only’ signs; old original wooden
ones are ro9ed. Ladies restroom being
redecorated by some volunteer golf
ladies; maintenance crew started on
men’s restroom floor paint. Fuel tank
scheduled for first week of April; could
be two weeks without the tanks.
Golf Pro Shop Report – R. Lindsey: For
Golf snapshot for February, short $3K by
budget, and short $5,300 budget year-to
-date. Resident annual golf tags down as
well as Cart permits. Public play isn’t too
far off, considering the amount rain. Off
season tag was great success, final
numbers were $7,500 in revenue and
924 rounds, which is $8.12 per round in
winter, a fantas:c conversion. Rainfall
from November 1st through today is 45”
and 5.8” so far in March.
Treasurer’s Report – Miller: February
Total Opera:ng Income of $269,120.81;
February Total Opera:ng Expenditures of
$62,129.83; Cash on hand as of 2/29/16
of $641,230.84. February Total Reserves
Income of $13,675.57; February Total
Reserves Expenditures of $1,385.00.
General Reserve Balance as of 2/29/16:
$642,748.93. New Buyers Fee income
for February was $10,000. New
Buyers Fee account balance as of
2/29/16: $147,293.70. Total General
Reserves plus New Buyers Fee
$790,042.63. Check
registers reviewed for February.
approved to accept the en:re
Treasurer’s report.
Correspondence – C. Lindsey:
Correspondence related to con:nued
scams (phone calls and door-to-door),
parking by Tigard High School
students in Summerfield, real estate
signage, cart path maintenance,
townhouse and condo associa:on
procedure, concern/complaint forms
and reasonable accommoda:ons
Unfinished Business:
A. Swimming Pool Golf Screen
Proposal: Introduc:on by Bob Meek.
recommends Pacific Fence with a bid
of $6,079. Addi:onal 15’ added to
help protect the pool from a front tee
leK-handed shank.
Rick Sullivan
reviewed area and expressed concern
about irriga:on and stump material.
approved with a not-to-exceed
amount of $7,000 for the project.
Administrator’s Report – C. Lindsey:
Community Associa:on Ins:tute is
working on presen:ng a bill to
Congress to allow homeowners
associa:on assessments to be taxdeduc:ble; more informa:on will be
shared as it becomes available.
Nomina:ons are open for Board
Member posi:ons for the 2016-2019
term. Assessment collec:ons were
behind last month, but are now
caught up, with just 8 residents
unpaid and 8 residents on approved
payment plans. Insurance renewal
documenta:on completed. Employee
CPR/AED training scheduled for this
week, as well as Fire Inspec:on.
Reminder to Board Members
regarding 4/29/16 Spring Summit
Homeowners Associa:on.
City of Tigard Liaison Report – Van
City currently installing
pedestrian crossing signs where
golfers cross City of Tigard streets;
wai:ng for dry weather for pain:ng
of “Stop Ahead” at 98th and
Summerfield Drive; new Highland
Drive street light not working, but
now resolved.
New Business:
A. 2015 Audit Report Acceptance:
Mo:on made,
seconded and
approved to accept 2015 audit
report. The addi:onal transfer to
Reserves was $121,782. Electronic
copies of report available upon
B. Clubhouse Use Form Change, P&P
F6.11: Updates to layout and fee
structure change. For SCA groups
that have over 100+ in a9endance,
plus food and beverage, there is a
$100 refundable deposit required per
event (refundable if no excessive
wear or cleaning needed).
structure back to $2 per non-SCA
resident. Discussion regarding types
of events and lis:ng name of person
responsible for SCA events. Mo:on
made, seconded and approved to
accept new Clubhouse Use Form.
Introduc:on by Barbara Stayton,
CALC Liaison; this is for area where
three trees were removed by the
swimming pool and where new golf
screen will be installed. Phase I and
II, two bids each presented and CALC
Landscaping. Discussion regarding
plant screening op:ons. Mo:on
made, seconded and approved to
Connued on Page 4
APRIL 2016
Page 4
SCA Board Report, Cont.
approve total project for not to exceed $6,000 from
Reserves, with considera:on of arborvitae in landscaping.
D. Greens Roller Request: Request presented by Greens
Commi9ee and introduc:on by Rick Sullivan. A Greens
Roller is a terrific tool to use to improve the condi:on of
the greens, both in speed and smoothness. Will absorb
addi:onal labor in current budget and may consider
volunteer labor in the future. Discussion regarding other
golf related priori:es and projects. Mo:on made,
seconded, and approved to purchase new Greens Roller
for not-to-exceed $13,000; four approvals, three
E. Security Camera Addions Request
In reviewing security cameras, missing two cri:cal areas,
Kitchen and U:lity Room. Mo:on made, seconded and
approved to install two addi:onal cameras for $1,806 out
of Reserves.
SCA Board went into Execu:ve Session at 10:50 AM and
came out at 11:10 AM. Mo:on made, seconded and
approved to proceed with contract and personnel
schedule change as presented.
Directors Round Table:
Miller – Board Liaison to Newcomers, Volunteer
Appreciaon, Summary: Newcomers Commi9ee in
transi:on; no recep:on in April. No other reports.
Meek – Board Liaison for Markeng, Swimming Pool,
Marshals/Starters: No reports.
Jay – Board Liaison to Architecture / Landscape, Pro
Shop, Greens: No reports.
Nash – Board Liaison for Neighborhood Watch, Directory
& Website:
Reminder of Red Cross Disaster
Preparedness presenta:on on May 11th.
Stayton - Board Liaison to Sub-Associaons, Common
Area Landscape, Library: Sub-associa:ons mee:ng this
Friday; discussion regarding fences and management
CC&R Review Commi9ee mee:ng on
Monday, 3/21; discussion regarding occupancy, signage
(poli:cal and otherwise) and :meline of vo:ng.
Baldwin – Board Liaison to Clubhouse, Courts: Mo:on
made, seconded and approved to add Ron McGee and
Ann Uphoff as new members of the Clubhouse
Commi9ee and to extend Chairperson Be9e Ederer for an
undefined :me period. Court cleaning later this spring.
Lance – Board Liaison to Clubs/Acvies and Fair
Housing: Encouraged a spring cleaning of cabinets /
cupboards throughout Clubhouse.
Mee:ng adjourned at 11:35 AM. Next regular Board
Mee:ng is Monday, April 11th at 9:00 AM.
*NEW* Hand & Foot
We are star:ng a Hand & Foot group which will
meet EVERY Tuesday aKernoon at 1:00 PM in the
Game Room. There will be some absolute novices,
some beginners, some needing refreshers and some
who are accomplished enough to help teach. You
will be proficient and well able to play aKer your first
session. This is a fun game, so please come and join
us if you have any interest. There is no need to sign
up, just show up! Ques:ons? Call Dari
Submied by Dari McKim
Morning Stretch
Our Yoga / Tai Chi class, 8:00 - 8:30 AM (M/
W/F), is the perfect way to start the day. Whether
you're stretching before your walk, loosening up for
golf or pickle ball, or hoping to gain strength for
spring cleaning or yard work, this is the class for you!
We have par:cipants ranging in age from 56 to 79
who say that they feel stronger and have more
energy since joining the class.
If you want even more flexibility and strength, stay
for the second half (8:30 - 9:00 AM) which is strictly
yoga with both standing and floor work.
M/W/F in the Lakeview Room. No charge. For more
informa:on, contact Connie:
503.816.8563 or
Submied by Connie Jones
Monday Morning Coffee
Want to meet some of the nicest people in
Come to the Clubhouse Lobby
each Monday morning between 9:30 - 11:00 AM for
a cup of coffee, tea and a sweet. Whether you're
new to Summerfield, or have just decided to get the
week started with friends, join us. You will be
welcomed by some of the friendliest people in the
neighborhood. You are encouraged to drop some
small change in the "pot".
Submied by Connie Jones
APRIL 2016
Page 5
Bible Study
One week aKer April Fools Day we will play
BINGO! Not fooling! Why not join us in the Game
Room at 7:00 PM, April 8th and 22nd?
Submied by Marlene Christensen
Book Club
Please join us at 2:00 PM Tuesday, April 12th as Mary
Newville leads the discussion of this month's
selec:on, The Shack by author William Paul Young.
This novel is sure to provide readers with many
thoughts on the spiritual side of our lives. This is a
book about where tragedy confronts eternity.
Submied by Colleen Upright
1st Sunday @ Summerfield
APRIL 3rd, 1—4 PM
Invite your friends and family to tour mul:ple forsale proper:es (houses, condos and townhouses).
In the Clubhouse, you’ll find enthusias:c tour guides
and Summerfield informa:on packets. For details,
call the SCA Office at 503.620.0131. AKer office
hours, call Robyn Dezendorf, realtor coordinator of
the 1st Sunday event, at 503.407.9102.
The Summerfield Bible study is currently studying 2
Corinthians. We meet on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM
in the Conference Room. We invite you to come and
learn with us! If you have any ques:ons please call
Pat or Paula Williams at 503.670.0113.
Submied by Paula Williams
Computer & Technology
Many of us have computers, phones, and tablets
that connect to the Internet. These devices even
"talk" to each other! How does this all happen?
Is there a mouse in your house? If so, we hope it's a
computer mouse. Maybe a trackpad would be
be9er for you.
Mark Mehall will tell us about these topics and
more! Join your friends and neighbors in our
comfortable Game Room. These sessions are
among the most popular in Summerfield, so come
early to get the best seat.
Tuesday, April 12th, 10:30 AM:
Internet of Things (connected devices)
Tuesday, April 26th, 10:30 AM:
Keyboards, Mice & Trackpads
Submied by Gerry Craig
Cribbage—What is it?
Women’s Bunco
Cribbage is a fun card game played with 2, 4 or 6
people. We meet EVERY Monday in the Game Room Oh what a grand :me we will have on April 11 !
from 9:30 AM to 12 noon. If you have never played, Join us in the Game Room at 7:00 PM.
drop by and we will teach you how. If you have
Submied by Marlene Christensen
played and need a refresher course, we will do that
too. We all enjoy playing each week and have all the
equipment needed so there is no cost to play. Why
not drop in and join us for some fun? You don’t need
to stay for the full :me, but I'm sure you will want to. There is a list of new books purchased this year on
the Bulle:n Board in the Library. You can leave me a
Ques:ons? Call Be9y Mills at 503.620.9891.
message in the sugges:on box for future purchases.
Submied by Bey Mills
Submied by Priscilla Jamieson, Chairman
APRIL 2016
Library News
Page 6
Social Club(Planned
Summerfield Activities
by the Summerfield Activities Group)
Bring your ideas for May acvies to the Planning Meeng on Saturday, April 2nd, 11:00 AM in the
Conference Room. Please include details about loca:on, date, :me and cost for each ac:vity.
Let’s go to the movies! Tuesdays are Senior Day at the Tigard & Sherwood Cinemas (only $5), so on Tuesday,
April 5th, we will go to lunch first and then to a movie. We will determine which movie and its loca:on when the
movie :mes come out (about a week before), and then send an email with the informa:on. Meet in the Clubhouse Lobby at 12:00 noon to carpool.
Classic Movies in Sherwood! Come and see “Grease” for only $3 on Thursday, April 7th at the Sherwood Center
for the Arts. Meet at the Clubhouse at 6:15 PM to carpool.
Let’s go to the Oregon Zoo for $4, (plus a possible parking fee) on Tuesday, April 12th. Meet at the Clubhouse
at 9:30 AM to carpool, and we’ll go to lunch aKerwards.
On Sunday, April 17th, we will a/end a Chamber Music Concert performed by members of the Beaverton Symphony at Village Bap:st Church, 330 SW Murray Blvd., Beaverton, 97005. The cost is $5 for seniors. Meet at the
Clubhouse at 2:00 PM to carpool.
Lakewood Theatre for the Arts presents a musical, "Man of La Mancha", winner of five Tony Awards. Dress rehearsal is Wednesday, April 27th. There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulle:n board star:ng April 15th, or email
che15@q.com for reservaons. Meet at the Clubhouse at 6:15 PM to carpool. The cost is $5 cash.
Visit the Portland Art Museum on Thursday, April 28th for free! Meet at the Clubhouse at 2:00 PM to carpool.
Sunday, May 1st, we will a/end “Around the World in 80 Days”, performed by the Beaverton Civic Theatre at
the Beaverton Library Auditorium. You are encouraged to buy your :cket ahead of :me ($12) at
www.beavertoncivictheatre.org. We will also go to dinner aKerwards. Meet at the Clubhouse at 1:15 PM.
MEMOIR WRITING GROUP: The assignment is to write about "Special Friends". Join us at 1:00 PM on Tuesday,
April 26th in the Conference Room. Open to new members. Submied by Sally Stuart
♫♫ ♫ SUMMERFIELD SINGALONGS on the first & third Fridays from 2:00-3:00 PM in the Ballroom. Our group is
growing so hurry up and be a part of it!
DEMENTIA/ALZHEIMER’S/PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP: Are you a caregiver? Do you have a spouse, partner or
friend who needs you to help them through the day? Maybe they have not been diagnosed with one of the diseases under the Demen:a umbrella of diseases, but you know they need your help and support. If this describes you
and you want to talk with others who may be in the same situa:on as you, come to the Conference Room at 1:00
PM on Tuesday, April 19th. As you meet with other caregivers, you will discover that you are not alone in this situa:on in your life. We are here to be what we all need---a good friend to support you in this :me in your life. Bring
your “Care Receiver” to join the talk with like-minded people. Submied by David Gaines
SCRABBLE and MEXICAN TRAIN will con:nue on the first and third Friday nights at 7:00 PM in the Game Room.
There will be no Happy Hour in April. The next Happy Hour will be on Friday, May 13th, so mark your calendar for
this fun event!
If you would like to help with exis:ng ac:vi:es, have new ac:vi:es you would like to start, or have any ques:ons,
call Julie Helle at 503.747.5225
Submied by Nancy Vink
APRIL 2016
Page 7
Senior Life Long Learning
This month we are star:ng our lecture series off by devia:ng
from the norm of a Dr. Greenberg presenta:on to enjoy a not
-completely-authen:c story about Beethoven. However, it is
the wonderful, scenic, music filled movie, “Immortal
Beloved” starring Gary Oldman! It will be shown on Thursday,
April 7th. We will start promptly at 2:00 PM. I will bring the
popcorn, you bring your own drinks and perhaps a pillow for
your posteriors since the :me limit for siZng on our chairs is
about an hour and the movie is longer than that!
I am extremely pleased to say that the series on “The
Symphony” has been and s:ll is an informa:ve, successful
experience. Everyone agrees that Dr. Greenberg makes each
lecture inspiring. Dr. Greenberg received a BA in music,
magna cum laude from Princeton University and his PH.D in
Music Composi:on, With Dis:nc:on, from the University of
California, Berkeley. He has received numerous awards and
honors and he himself has wri9en over forty-five works. He is
a very entertaining and prolific lecturer!
Please join us for an hour of lovely music and informa:ve
lectures, Thursdays at 2:00 PM in the Lakeview Room. For
further informa:on, call Karen at 971.249.3907 or email
Submied by Karen Zwerling
Creative Art Guild
If you are an ar:st living here in our community
and haven’t yet joined the Crea:ve Art Guild, please come to
one of our mee:ngs and check us out. We meet on the third
Monday of each month at 2:00 PM in the Art Room. The April
mee:ng will be Monday the 18th -- join us and bring your
recent pain:ngs and/or an older piece that you would like to
share or need some help with. Many of us also a9end Open
Pain:ng each Wednesday at 1:00 PM.
Crea:ve Art Guild is an ar:st support group and we offer
educa:onal informa:on so we can grow as ar:sts. The Club is
open to all ar:sts and all art mediums. As a member of the
Club, you will be eligible to partake in our Annual Art Show in
the fall. If you want to join the group, there are annual dues
of $5.00. Come join us and celebrate the ARTS.
Submied by Diana Poorman
Garden Club
It’s that special :me again,
:me for our annual trip to
Gardener’s Choice Nursery for the
Spring Container Workshop. Mark
your calendar now for Monday, April
11th. We’ll meet at Gardener’s Choice
promptly at 1:00 PM. As in the past,
Steve Bates and his crew will supply
the soil and, most importantly, ideas
and inspira:on. Of course we will
purchase the plants and any containers
we want. If you have a container you
would like to use, bring it with you.
Bring as many containers as you like.
You can bring along a guest, maybe a
new neighbor who likes to garden. You
don’t have to purchase anything to
a9end, just come, have fun and learn
about what is new for Spring 2016. Be
sure to wear your name tag so the
crew knows you are a Summerfield
Garden Club member! If you bring a
guest, please let Carole Krueger know
so she can provide a Guest name tag.
If you haven’t paid your 2016 dues yet
but want to a9end this event, no:fy
Carole beforehand and bring $5.00
with you, a name tag will be there for
you. Gardener’s Choice Nursery is
located at 14240 SW Pacific Hwy.
Carpooling is suggested. Please park in
the upper lot if you can. Steve and his
crew will help you get your purchases
to your car when you are ready to
Our May 9th mee:ng will be our Annual
Gardening Swap Meet. Start thinking
now about what you have and no
longer want. You can bring anything
garden related to swap, from bulbs to
books, plants to pots, tools to trellises.
Be crea:ve and have fun.
Submied by Sharon Hughes
APRIL 2016
Page 8
Yard Lamp Posts
When Summerfield was built in the
1970s, the only light source was
incandescent bulbs.
Those bulbs
have been replaced with new energy efficient
CFL, LED and halogen bulbs. Light bulbs are
measured by the energy it takes to light them
(wa9s) and the amount of light they radiate
(lumens). Confused? The old style light bulbs
can s:ll be purchased from the Golf Pro Shop
in the Clubhouse. If you wish to change to a
new type of bulb, check the lumens. LED and
CFL lights should not exceed 800 lumens and
halogen should not exceed 600 lumens and a
soK white light is best for elimina:ng glare.
Hope this helps!
While you’re checking out that light bulb, take
a good look at that lamp post. If you have
missing or broken panels, they can also be
purchased at the Golf Pro Shop. Is the post in
need of repair or pain:ng? You will be
surprised how a well maintained and freshly
painted lamp post can be the finishing touch
to your landscape.
Submied by your
Architectural / Landscape Commiee
Ballroom / Social Dance
Have fun, stay fit, build confidence
and learn to dance. Studies have
shown that dancing is beneficial to
seniors in both mind and body. Our
Foxtrot course for Summerfield
residents and guests ended on March 22nd.
We are taking a break for spring/summer and
will start up again in the fall. We would like to
hear your requests for the next dance you
would like us to teach and what evening and
:me would be preferable. Please contact John
or Chris Moore at 503.515.1301 or
prosewc@comcast.net for further details.
Submied by Chris Moore
Update from the
Clubhouse Committee
Hooray! The Art Room is looking pre9y cool...new :le
floor, fresh paint, new furniture and display boards. Our
community of ar:sts, quilters, kni9ers, and craKers
have a new "work room”—a room that is used every
day of the week by many residents of Summerfield and
it was about :me for a fresh look.
The Clubhouse Commi9ee has a few other projects
underway. The current exercise equipment is being
assessed for repair or replacement. This will be an
ongoing project. A number of you are already enjoying
the new machines in the Billiards Room. All major
projects we propose must be pre-approved by the SCA
As you may know, the Commi9ee meets every month
to discuss current business and new business that
needs immediate or future a9en:on. Feel free to sit in
on our mee:ngs that are held in the Conference Room
at 3:00 PM on the third Thursday of every month. You
will find that our objec:ve is to ensure that the
Summerfield Clubhouse is a safe, clean and secure
place to exercise, read, play games, meet for par:es
and celebra:ons, come together to share your hobbies,
gather to get to know your neighbors over coffee or
learn how to line dance....just to men:on a few.
IMPORTANT FOOTNOTE: The only thing we ask of you is
to clean up aKer you use any of the facili:es. Example:
This may require a li9le mopping in the kitchen, picking
up crumbs (vacuuming), throwing away trash, puZng
chairs back where they belong. That's all we ask.
Submied by your illustrious Clubhouse Commiee:
Bee Ederer, Chair; Ed Stern, Vice Chair; Irene Jordan,
Secretary; Jean Madrid, Events Coordinator; Harleen
Pazoff, Women’s Exercise Room and Ad Board; Susan
Van Lente, Kitchen Manager; Lois Wheeler, Plants
Upkeep; Linda McCall, Special Projects; Leigh Wilcox
and Del Jordan, Men’s Exercise Room; Fran Coffield, Ron
McGee, and Ann Uphoff, New members; and Jerry
Baldwin, SCA Board Liaison.
APRIL 2016
Page 9
Women’s Golf Club
Winter golf has ended and we are off to another great year of Summerfield golf in the
sun (we hope!). Opening day for the 2016
year is Tuesday, April 12th. Be sure to get your name
on a sign-up slip, found by the ladies’ bulle:n board in
the lower lobby of the Clubhouse. For ques:ons,
please call Sharon Strain at 503.372.6093.
Mary Kerns, Commi9ee Chair for Birdies and Chip-ins,
reminds us that signup for Birdies and Chip-Ins will be
available at the Opening Luncheon, Thursday, April
7th. Bring your dollars.
A big “Thank You” to Nancy Buchannan for her leadership in our winter golf season. Nancy and her commi9ee concluded the season with a wonderful luncheon on March 31st. Congratula:ons to all the winners
and to all who par:cipated in golf through rain, slush,
mud and some sun!
Save the Date: SWGC 2 day Spring Tournament will be
May 17th & 19th. Watch for details.
Submied by Irene Jordan
QIGONG (chee-gong)
Adapve Chair Yoga
Pamela Olzman, 503.320.5150, is a Cer:fied Yoga
Instructor and will be guiding you through gentle Qigong
and Yoga Poses. No previous experience is necessary.
Some of the benefits from regular prac:ce:
• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Improve flexibility and balance
• Increase your energy and physical strength
• Quiet the mind through meditaon
Learn how to incorporate these benefits into your daily
life. Classes will be adapted to your individual level of
ability. Come join the fun, laugh and make some new
friends. Classes are held in the Clubhouse Lakeview
Room & Ballroom every Tuesday, 11:45 AM—12:45 PM
(the April 5th class will be in the Conference Room).
Golf Course
Marshals Needed
As we enter into our Spring/Summer season
there is a need for more marshals on the
golf course as we will have more golfers
playing and our days are longer. In order to
become a golf course marshal, you do not
need to be a golfer. However, if you are a
member of the ladies or men’s golf groups
you should want to give some :me to
This year, to make this more appealing, we
will be star:ng a split schedule system
where a team of two ladies can team up to
marshal. The ladies will start the day’s
marshaling for no more than four hours
(some:mes less) with a man comple:ng the
shiK un:l closing. We’re hoping this would
be more appealing to you ladies. Pick a
partner of your choice for a once a month,
weekend or week day schedule.
There is a planned Marshals/Starters
general mee:ng to be held on Monday,
April 25th, at 2:00 PM, in the Lakeview Room
where we will be discussing general rules
and guidelines for both volunteer programs.
Please join us there. For more informa:on
contact Bob Primrose, 503.646.1893,
Marshal Chairman.
Submied by Bob Primrose
Line Dance with Lori
Come join us for beginning/intermediate
line dancing in the Ballroom every Monday,
10:30-11:30 AM. Wear shoes comfortable
for dancing. Ques:ons, call Lori Vidoni
Submied by GraceAnn Lynch
Submied by Joe Massaro
APRIL 2016
Page 10
From the Golf Pro Shop
Lindsey’s Tigers
April Clinic: Putting
By Rob Lindsey, PGA Golf Professional
Well, I wish I could say that our winter and
beginning of spring was like that of 2015, but
unfortunately we’ve had one of the we9est ones in
history. Hopefully the rains will subside soon and
we will again be out enjoying one of the best kept
secrets in Oregon.
The week of April 4th, we will again be having a
resident only clearance sale on all apparel and
shoes. For one week only, receive an addi:onal
25% off any apparel or shoe purchase (many items
have already been marked down 25-50%). Please
refer to this offer when making a purchase because
we will not be adver:sing this sale to the general
public in the Golf Shop.
Currently we are offering our annual “Spring Tuneup” for $10. This session is designed to make sure
your clubs are properly fit and that your grips are
ready for the season. Please give us a call to
schedule a :me if you’re interested. During the
month of April, all club adjustments and re-grip
charges are 50% off.
April is aerifica:on month. We will be aerifying our
greens, tees and fairways beginning on Monday,
April 4th. This means the golf course will be closed
on Monday and Tuesday, April 4th and 5th. If you
have any ques:ons or concerns, please don’t
hesitate to ask us in the Golf Shop.
Have you ever stood on the green, feeling good,
knowing you look good, stroked your pu9er and
watched your ball roll right on by the hole, and
thought to yourself:
??? “Why Didn’t The Ball Go In” ???
Wonder no longer - a9end the April Clinic of
Lindsey’s Tigers where we’ll be working on our
puZng skills. Bring your pu9er on Tuesday, April
19th, at 1:00 PM to the Lower Level of the
Clubhouse and we’ll get to work. Weather
permiZng, we’ll head out to the prac:ce green.
If you don’t have clubs yet, don’t let that stop
you. Give Rob Lindsey, our Golf Pro, a call at the
Pro Shop and he can provide a pu9er for your use
at the clinic—our compliments!
If you’re newer to golf and checking out Lindsey’s
Tigers for the first :me, join us Tuesday, April 19th,
at 1:00 PM. You’ll be glad you came!
Submied by Lori Owen
Lindsey’s Tigers - Having Fun - Playing Golf
Men’s Golf Club
St. Patrick’s Day Tournament Results:
Net 1 , Dick Hiller and Janis Pfannens:el, Greg
McKim and Nancy Buchannan (26.4). Tie for 2nd,
Jay Anderton and Chris Walker, Rob and Leslie
Casey and John and Marja Gillan, John and
Sandy Brewer (27.2). 3rd, Jack and Jan Endico9,
Stan and Be9y Eischen (27.3). 5th, Ken Rose and
Pat Dufort, Pat and Becki McWaters (27.8).
Upcoming Events
Sign-ups Begin for Men’s Club 9-Hole Match
Play Beginning May 1st
Greens/Tees Aerifica:on (Course Closed)
Greens/Tees Aerifica:on (Course Closed)
Sign-ups Begin for May Chapman
Men’s Club Sign-up For April 13th Playday
Women’s Club Opening Day Brunch
4-11 Sand Fairways (Course Open)
4-12 Women’s Club Daily Play Begins
4-13 Men’s Club Daily Play Begins
In order to par cipate in any
Summerfield Men’s Club Golf event this year,
your dues for 2016 must be paid.
Submied by Tom Treick
APRIL 2016
Page 11
Card Scores & Winners
Submi9ed by Priscilla Wilson and Chuck Guse
Monday Bridge – Feb. 22: B. Kennedy 3830; Feb. 29: N.
Grimm 3890; Mar. 7: M.L. Lynch 4610; Mar. 14: M.L. Lynch
Wednesday Bridge – Feb. 17: M. Sleight 3710; Feb. 24: C.
Currie 3730; Mar. 2: B. Kennedy 4180; Mar. 9: B. Finch 4520.
Thursday Night Bridge – Feb. 18: M. Chewning 2730, M.
Sleight 2450; Feb. 25: M. Dick 3330, E. Schuller 2880; Mar. 3:
M. Henry 3210, D. Buck 2990; Mar. 10: M. Sleight 3490, M.
Henry 2900.
Thursday Duplicate Bridge – Feb. 4: N/S B. Babbi9 / M.J.
Bartko, M. Benne9 / J. Howard; E/W B. Meier / K. Hughes;
M. Sani / B. Gevurtz. Feb. 11: N/S S. Dirks / C. Hart, L. Turin /
C. Currie; E/W C. Robertson / M. Benne9, B. Meier / K.
Hughes. Feb. 18: N/S M. Benne9 / B. Meier, L. Turin / E.
Landsburg; E/W S. Frank / A. Hanna, M. Sani / B. Gevertz.
Feb. 25: N/S S. Dirks / C. Hart, M. Henry / W. Moore; E/W J.
Budd / M. Benne9, S. Frank / A. Hanna.
Friday Novice Duplicate Bridge – Feb. 26: L. Cook / S. Clark,
C. Grubesic / G. Ladum, N. Rupp / P. Rupp. Mar. 11: N/S L.
Cook / S. Clark, M. Henry / P. Henry; E/W K. Williams / E.
Gerkin, C. Currie / D. Packard.
Canasta – Feb. 17: K. Peper 43185, B. Clark 41600; Feb. 24:
D. Johnson 28900, JJ Bond 28272; Mar. 2: R. Lehman 30335,
J.E. Cleary 29835; Mar. 9: M. Rizzi 38205, R. Lehman 38070.
Women’s Monday Night Pinochle – Feb. 15: J.E. Cleary 8630,
JJ Bond 7550; Feb. 22: J. Jacober 7650, K. Peper 7540; Feb.
29: M. Kelly 8230, Y. Welch 7740; Mar. 7: O. Thorne 7200, B.
Marmon 7080; Mar. 14: R. Lehman 5840, M. Haas 5520.
Tuesday Night Pinochle – Feb. 16: O. Thorne 7180, B. Clark
6490; Feb. 23: J. Jacober 6360, G. Smiley 5730; Mar. 1: J.E.
Cleary 6290, K. Peper 5660; Mar. 8: O. Thorne 6420, W.
Graymer 6130.
SCA Directory Additions
New Residents
February - March 2016
10875 SW Highland Dr.
(Moved from 15740 SW Greens Way)
11245 SW Meadowbrook Dr. #2
15525 SW 114th Ct. #34
HARRISON, Robert & Margaret
15985 SW Brentwood Ct.
11063 SW Summerfield Dr. #7
(moved from 11025 SW Meadowbrook Dr., #2)
MCDONALD, James & Terry
11053 SW Summerfield Dr. #2
No Telephone #
NEGRE, Jean-Sylvain
11061 SW Summerfield Dr. #1
15505 SW 109th Avenue
TELL, Linda
9435 SW Brentwood Pl.
Summerfield Summary Staff
Cari Lindsey
Proofing Sharon Hughes
Cathy Callahan
Diane Ragsdale
Delivery Mgr.
Mary Shute
Board Liaison
Ken Miller
Excerpt from 2005 Parking Resoluon:
Ideally, every vehicle within Summerfield, when not in use, would be parked within a unit’s garage, with the garage
door closed. While this may not be possible as a prac:cal ma9er, it is preference of Summerfield residents. Even if
the vehicles of Summerfield residents or guests must occasionally be parked in driveways or, when absolutely
necessary, on Summerfield streets, Sec:ons 1.2 of the Declara:on a9empts to limit such vehicles to “regular,”
tradi:onal passenger vehicles. Large vehicles, as well as special purpose vehicles like campers, trucks, RV’s, boats,
etc., are generally not permi9ed to be parked within Summerfield except when completely enclosed within a garage.
The second primary purpose behind the prohibi:on against parking certain vehicles is community safety. The more
vehicles that are parked on Summerfield streets and the larger the vehicles are, the more safety hazards are
presented, both due to narrowed travel and obstruc:ons to the vision of drivers and pedestrians.
APRIL 2016