February 2016 Newsletter
February 2016 Newsletter
Summerfield Civic Association’s Monthly Newsletter VOLUME 170 February 2016 Summary Valentine's Dance on February 13th Inside this issue: President’s Message 2 Ask the Administrator 2 Board Meeting Recap 3 From the Golf Pro Shop 8 Directory Additions 9 Calendar of Events 10 Summerfield Civic Associaon 10650 SW Summerfield Dr. Tigard, OR 97224 Office: 503-620-0131 or sca55@comcast.net Golf Pro Shop: 503-620-1200 Charles Suniga and His Angels are returning to Summerfield! You won't want to miss hearing them perform a wide variety of music from ballroom to line dancing. Whether you have a dance partner or not, and even if you don't dance, you are invited to come enjoy the music of this live band, socialize, visit with old friends, and meet new people. Light refreshments will be served. Summerfield's Valen=ne's Dance will be held on Saturday, February 13th, from 7:00 to 9:30 PM in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Doors open at 6:45 PM. All singles and couples age 55+ are welcome to a@end. Prepaid =ckets for Summerfield residents are $8 each; non-residents $10. Cost for all walk-ins at the door is $10 per person. It is highly recommended that =ckets be bought in advance. Reserved tables for 8 may also be purchased, but only ahead of =me--not at the door. Tickets will be on sale in the lobby of Summerfield's Clubhouse on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 AM on February 1st, 4th, 8th, and 11th. For more informa=on about the Valen=ne's Dance or pre-purchasing =ckets, please call Marty at 971.249.3907. www.summerfield55.org www.golfsummerfield.com Office open Monday through Friday, 8 AM—12 noon Submied by Bonnie Conger AARP Driving Class Offered SUMMERFIELD RESIDENTS: SAVE $$$ ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE! Annual Assessments due by February 16th! Extra SCA Office Hours on Sunday, 2/7, 8 AM—3:30 PM Oregon law* states that any driver, 55 or older, who completes an ODOT approved motor vehicle accident preven=on course, shall receive an appropriate reduced rate in premium charges. Take advantage of that reduc=on, learn new traffic laws and register for a 6-hour ODOT approved course, conducted by AARP, February 18th and 25th, 9:00 AM—12 noon in the Clubhouse Game Room. Cost: $15 for AARP members or $20 non-members. Sign-up sheet on Clubhouse bulle=n board effec=ve February 1st. Sponsored by the Summerfield Singles. *2013 ORS 742.490 Submied by Clare Engel FEBRUARY 2016 Page 2 President’s Message A BIG FYI We have had reports of items being taken from garages, cars and pa=os. Recently a car was stolen from The Fountains parking lot. Last summer a truck was stolen from the Clubhouse parking lot. We do not live in a gated community so we are open to public traffic at any=me. What can we do? • • • • Do not leave your car unlocked, even for a couple of minutes. Do not leave your garage door open during the day, even if you are home or working in the yard. It only takes a second for someone to steal something out of your garage. Keep your street side and golf course side doors locked. Be@er safe than sorry. Do not open your door if you don’t personally know the person knocking. We are in a Neighborhood Watch community. Let your neighbors know when you will be gone. Keep an eye on your neighbor’s home, especially those homes that belong to our snowbirds who have gone south. The Tigard City Police, at our request, will resume monitoring Summerfield for speeding and stop sign viola=ons. The speed limit in Summerfield is 25 MPH, and a stop sign means that you must stop. That includes “before” making a right turn. I talked to a resident who received a =cket for a rolling stop. The officer stated a car is not stopped un=l the wheels come to a complete stop. Those of us who own golf carts must remember that we can get a traffic =cket for all of the above when we drive on city streets. So, lets stay safe, secure and out of traffic court. Ken Lance SCA Board President Call for Interest: Painting Class? Interested in a Pain=ng Class? $10.00 per class. Experienced Ar=st Jean Hodges teaches pain=ng techniques. Now is your opportunity to learn how to paint that landscape, pet portrait or s=ll life you've always wanted. Group class with individual a@en=on. Beginners to advanced. 2-3 hours per class. Supplies to bring: ⇒ Acrylic paints, minimum required of primary colors and white, or bring box of assorted colors. ⇒ Assorted Acrylic Ar=sts brushes. Non-plas=c bristles. ⇒ Canvas Board or Canvas Michaels has a nice assortment of reasonably priced art supplies. Classes tenta=vely set for Wednesdays. First class starts on the first Wednesday in February. Please let instructor Jean Hodges know if day or evenings are preferred, 503.535.9871. Submied By Gail Thomas Ask the Administrator By Cari Lindsey, SCA Administrator Q: Why don’t we pay the assessment per household, rather than per person? A: Summerfield’s CC&Rs were originally set up in 1973 and that was what they decided back then. To change it from the per person structure to a per household structure would require a 100% approval vote from our residents and that is highly unlikely, if not impossible to obtain. Can you image all the effort of a vote and just one resident says no? Budge=ng for a per person assessment can be tricky, with constant changes in move-ins/outs, deaths, addi=onal occupants, etc. However, the fluctua=ons over the year tend to balance out overall. FEBRUARY 2016 Page 3 SCA Board Meeting Report This report is a recap of the mee%ng. For details, see the minutes on the Clubhouse bulle%n board. January 2016 Board Meeng Present: Lance, Stayton, Baldwin, Jay, Parkinson, Nash, Meek, Miller, C. Lindsey. Absent: Shadle. Mee=ng called to order at 9:00 AM. Minutes approved from December Board Mee=ng. No visitors signed in to speak. Golf Pro Shop Report – R. Lindsey: 2015 over 2014 by $8,758, and over budget by $11,548. Frozen condi=ons so far for 2016. Na=onal Golf Founda=on repor=ng was 3-4 months behind, so not going to renew this year. Golf Course Report – Sullivan: Working on edging of cart paths and will be ready for cart path sealing when scheduled. No major damage due to ice. Tree pruning completed. Purchased used truck and sold old truck. For fuel tank update, Fire Marshal does not need to be involved, but City of Tigard requiring Land Use permit and filing fee is $718. Required to have regular fence all the way around the tank itself, shrubbery does not qualify. For pond leak, working with City to obtain resources, as part of the conduit takes the water from Summerfield Drive to the City storm system. Treasurer’s Report – Miller: December Total Opera=ng Income of $12,988.31; December Total Opera=ng Expenditures of $80,989.36; Cash on hand as of 12/31/15 of $149,498.25. December Total Reserves Income of $3,066.09; December Total Reserves Expenditures of $29,194.11. General Reserve Balance as of 12/31/15: $417,496.75. New Buyers Fee income for December was $3,000. New Buyers Fee account balance as of 12/31/15: $127,293.00. Total General Reserves plus New Buyers Fee account: $544,789.75 (note that $63,538 is preapproved, but not actually spent yet, so the expected balance was $481,241.75). Check registers reviewed for December. Mo=on made, seconded and approved to accept the en=re Treasurer’s report. Correspondence – C. Lindsey: Correspondence related to upcoming possible age variance, sub-associa=on unit with water/mold issue (s=ll trying to determine cause and solu=on) and con=nued budget / financial inquiries. Unfinished Business: - None Administrator’s Report – C. Lindsey: Worked on purchase and sale of maintenance trucks (cash transac=ons, insurance, =tles and registra=on), working on required updates to Employee Manual related to Oregon’s new Sick Law and marijuana laws. Audit is scheduled for first week of February. Vehicle theX reported from parking lot of Fountains Condos. Assessment update: 400 residents paid so far and 105 Resident Annual Golf Tags sold so far. City of Tigard Liaison Report – Van Vlack: At the City Council mee=ng this Tuesday, there will be a public hearing on the park maintenance fee, as it will either be on water bill as u=lity fee or put out as bond measure. Reminder about City Council Outreach on January 28th. For the First Transporta=on Advisory Commi@ee mee=ng last Wednesday, the first agenda item was implemen=ng some traffic calming ideas. The January 20th mee=ng will be specifically regarding 98th and Summerfield Drive. Took pictures of 104th and Durham Road right-of-way; trying to get City to clean out underbrush, if not, then we may proceed with contac=ng homeowners. New Business: A. Fitness Equipment Proposal: Three pieces of fitness equipment in the Billiards Room have been very well received and well used. A lot of excellent feedback related to the loca=on and quality of equipment. Average use of treadmill was 2 hours per day. Mo=on made, seconded and approved to purchase the three pieces for $1,700 total. B. Policy & Procedure E. 5.01 Update – Public Golf Punch Card: Mo=on made, seconded and approved to update E. 5.01 with corrected public golf punch card price of $104. C. Policy & Procedure D. 4.31 Update – Greens Commi@ee: Changes include term change from 5 years to 3 years and change mee=ng day from Wednesday to Thursday. Mo=on made, seconded and approved to update D. 4.31. Directors Round Table: Baldwin – Board Liaison to Clubhouse, Courts: Nash assis=ng with Art Room Renewal, have paint bid, wai=ng for flooring bid, finalizing chairs and plan to present at February Board Mee=ng. For rock pile under stairs, power and water source determined and now finding concrete company to lay concrete. Next Clubhouse Commi@ee mee=ng is 1/14. Mo=on made, seconded and approved to add Fran Coffield to Clubhouse Commi@ee. Courts repair patching not done at this =me due to weather. Parkinson – Board Liaison to Apartments: Apartments at 99% occupied and fully leased. No major projects at this =me. Nash – Board Liaison for Neighborhood Watch, Directory & Website: Working with Neighborhood Watch and Martha Ambler for May 11th Disaster Preparedness Seminar by Red Cross (one hour presenta=on). Stayton - Board Liaison to SubAssociaons, Common Area Landscape, Library: Roundtable discussion for 1/15 sub-associa=on mee=ng. A@orney review completed for CC&Rs update and SubCommi@ee mee=ng on 1/25 to review; next step is educa=on/informa=on to residents. Jay – Board Liaison to Architecture / Landscape, Pro Shop, Greens: For Architectural / Landscape Commi@ee, distribu=ng new Manual to each household when they pay their annual assessments. Meek – Board Liaison for Markeng, Swimming Pool, Marshals/Starters: Have two bids for new golf ball screen, proposal will be ready for February Board Mee=ng. Marshals/Starters dormant due to weather. Miller – Board Liaison to Newcomers, Volunteer Appreciaon, Summary: Next Newcomers Recep=on is in April and Volunteer Apprecia=on Commi@ee may present informa=on / opportuni=es. Lance – Board Liaison to Clubs/Acvies and Fair Housing: Club/Commi@ee Chairs mee=ng on January 25th at 12:30 PM. Mee=ng adjourned at 9:50 AM. Next regular Board Mee=ng is Monday, February 8th at 9:00 AM. FEBRUARY 2016 Page 4 Remember those Valen=ne cards you received in school? Well, shades of days gone by. Revisit those =mes with us, and who knows, the big red heart may be yours to take home on February 12th or February 26th at 7:00 PM in the Game Room. Women’s Bunco Let's get together, Yea, Yea, Yea! How about the second month, the second week and the second Monday, February 8th at 7:00 PM in the Game Room. Submied by Marlene Christensen Submied by Marlene Christensen Book Club Bible Study The Summerfield Bible Study is now studying 2 Corinthians. We meet every Wednesday at 12:00 PM in the Conference Room. We enjoy our =me together each week and invite you to join us! If you have any ques=ons please contact Pat or Paula Williams at 503.670.0113. Submied by Paula Williams The selec=on for February is The Giver, a 1993 young adult dystopian novel by Lois Lowery. It is set in a society which first appears as a utopian society but then later is revealed to be a dystopian one as the story progresses. A 2012 survey based in the U.S designated it as the fourth best children's novel of all =me. Come join us on February 9th at 2:00 PM when member Lona Olson will lead the discussion. Submied by Colleen Upright 1st Sunday @ Summerfield FEBRUARY 7th, 1—4 PM Invite your friends and family to tour mul=ple forsale proper=es (homes, condos and townhouses). In the Clubhouse, you’ll find enthusias=c tour guides and Summerfield informa=on packets. For details, call the SCA Office at 503.620.0131. AXer office hours, call Robyn Dezendorf, realtor coordinator of the 1st Sunday event, at 503.407.9102. Computer & Technology In the good old days we could fix things with screwdrivers, pliers and duct tape. Those won't work on your computer! You need new "tools". And how about that email account you have? It can be a blessing AND a curse. There are ways to deal with this modern convenience. Tuesday, February 9th, 10:30 AM: How to Fix Your Computer rd ♦ Tuesday, February 23 , 10:30 AM: Using email ♦ Cribbage!!! We are s=ll playing Cribbage EVERY Monday morning, star=ng at 9:30 AM to noon. Come for all or part. If you haven't learned the game... it is easy and we welcome newcomers. If you need a li@le refresher, we can help with that too. We have all the equipment so there is no cost to play.... just plan to have fun! Ques=ons? Call Be@y Mills, 503.630.9891. Mark Mehall is locally famous as the guy who knows just about everything about computers. Get yourself down to the Clubhouse in February and learn about these topics AND MORE! The comfortable Game Room is just right for this type of event. Relax and learn at the same =me. Submied by Gerry Craig Submied by Bey Mills FEBRUARY 2016 Page 5 Social Club(Planned Activities Summerfield Activities by the Summerfield Activities Group) DEMENTIA/ALZHEIMER’S/PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP: We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, February 16th at 1:00 PM in the Conference Room. This group gives the help and support that you need when going through this trying =me. As a caregiver, it is difficult at =mes to understand what to do or what is happening. Is there something you would like to share with the group that may help others as they work with their care receiver? That is exactly why we have a support group. Submied by David Gaines JUST-FRIENDS SUMMERFIELD SINGLES: Planning meeng: Saturday, February 6th, 11:00 AM in the Conference Room. Help us plan fun ac=vi=es! See Australia, New Zealand, Tahi, Fiji and the Cook Islands! Take a virtual photographic tour through these wonderful places, and sample an Australian biscuit with Aussie, Jeff Adams, a rep for Down Under Answers Travel Agency. It’ll be at the Tigard Library on Saturday, February 13th. Meet at the Clubhouse at 1:30 PM to carpool. AXerwards, we’ll go to Happy Hour at Fanno Creek Brew Pub in Tigard. www.fannocreekbrewpub.com Lunch out on Wednesday, February 17th at John Barleycorn’s, 14610 SW Sequoia Pkwy, Tigard, 97224. Meet at the Clubhouse at 11:30 AM to carpool. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: SUMMERFIELD SINGALONGS: First and Third Fridays from 2:00—3:00 PM in the Ballroom. Our director, Julie Helle, is doing a fabulous job keeping us together and making it fun! Ques=ons? Call Julie at 503.747.5225. MEMOIR WRITING GROUP: We are back in full swing on Tuesday, February 23rd at 1:00 PM in the Conference Room. The topic is "Valen=ne's Day Memories," or any topic of your choice. Submied by Sally Stuart SCRABBLE and MEXICAN TRAIN will be on the first and third Friday nights at 7:00 PM in the Game Room. The NEXT HAPPY HOUR will be on St. Patrick’s Day, Thursday, March 17th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Save the date and find something green to wear! If you would like to help with exis%ng ac%vi%es, have new ac%vi%es you would like to start, or have any ques%ons, call Julie Helle at 503.747.5225 Submied by Nancy Vink The SCA Office will be CLOSED on Monday, February 15th for President’s Day. FEBRUARY 2016 Page 6 Senior Life Long Learning Dear Fellow Learners: The lecture series on “The Symphony” has, so far, been a resounding success! We started with the defini=on of the word “Symphony” and the origins of The Symphony itself, to discussions on the first genuine concert symphonies (three movement orchestral works), to pre-classical symphonists and closing with the Viennese Classical Style. We also explored Stamitz’s contribu=on to the Classical Symphony at Mannheim. O.K.! I agree it sounds like a lot to take in. However, the beauty of these lectures is to now be able to go to a concert understanding the crea=ve effort it took to give us this enchan=ng music. Knowledge is awakening and that is why you a@end the lectures. Dr. Robert Greenberg starts February’s lectures discussing five symphonic masters of the 1770s-1780s and infuses his lectures with samplings of their genius. Join us Thursdays, at 2:00 PM in the Lakeview Room. On some dates we will be in the Conference Room, but you will be no=fied beforehand. For further informa=on, email karen@ptbreak.net or call at 971.249.3907. Submied by Karen Zwerling Creative Art Guild Crea=ve Art Guild is a group of Summerfield Ar=sts that meet monthly to share our crea=ve efforts and encourage and share our knowledge. If you are new to Summerfield or have lived here awhile, consider visi=ng our group mee=ng to see what we are all about. Garden Club The February mee=ng of the Garden Club will be at 1:00 PM on Monday, February 8th in the Clubhouse Lakeview Room. It’s =me for one of our lively discussions. Bring your gardening knowledge, your ques=ons and sugges=ons, your shows and tells and we’ll stay warm and dry and have a good =me. We will have a copy of the tenta=ve 2016 schedule we worked out at our January mee=ng for each of you. Anyone interested in the Garden Club is welcome and encouraged to join our fun. You don’t need a yard, you don’t even need a pot on your deck or a house plant of any kind. All you need is an interest in plants, gardens and having a good =me. Your interest and any gardening knowledge and experience you have will be very welcome. The March mee=ng will be all about the art of Bonsai Gardening. If you haven’t paid your 2016 dues, bring $5.00 and your name tag to get your 2016 membership s=cker. Submied by Sharon Hughes February Gardening Tip February is the =me to plant your peas and sweet peas. Soak the seeds overnight before plan=ng them. You can start them inside. All ar=st and all mediums are welcomed. Bring your recent crea=ons to share. This is a fun group of ar=sts, some are more experienced than others, but we all learn from and are inspired by each other. We meet once a month, on the third Monday. The next mee=ng will be February, 15th at 2:00 PM in the Art Room. February is also the =me to finish any pruning you didn’t do in the fall. Roses should be pruned by President’s Day. Hydrangeas, hardy fuchsias, and most other summer blooming shrubs should be pruned before any green buds start to show. Wait un=l aXer they have bloomed to prune camellias. Submied by Diana Poorman From the Summerfield Garden Club FEBRUARY 2016 Page 7 Ultra Beginning Line Dance *New Times* Mondays at 5:30 PM Wednesdays at 1:30 PM There will not be a charge for these classes. Just show up prepared to have a good =me. Be sure to wear shoes that will move easily on the dance floor without s=cking. Contact Diane Christensen at 971.228.8371 or dianeandbri@yahoo.com if you have any ques=ons. The exis=ng Line Dance with Lori will s=ll be here Monday mornings at 10:30 AM. Submied by Diane Christensen QIGONG (chee-gong) Adapve Chair Yoga Beginning February 9th, Pamela Olzman (503.320.5150), a Cerfied Yoga Instructor, will be teaching Gentle Yoga Poses (suitable for all levels). No previous Yoga experience is necessary. Besides the physical Yoga poses, Pamela will include: • Meditaon. • Pranayama (breathing techniques). • The 7 Chakras (energy centers of our bodies). Each week we will focus on a different Chakra and how it benefits the body. • Ayurveda (Yoga, India healing, and neuroscience exercises for the leX and right sides of the brain). Classes will be adapted to your individual level of ability. Classes are held in the Clubhouse Lakeview Room & Ballroom every Tuesday 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM. Submied by Joe Massaro 2016 Dance Schedule Mark your calendars for the 2016 schedule of dances that will be held in the Clubhouse Ballroom. They take place on Saturday evenings, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (unless noted otherwise), every other month star=ng in February. Whether you are single or a couple, a dancer or not, if you enjoy listening to live band music, socializing, and having fun, you won't want to miss the dances. Below is a list of the dates and names of the bands scheduled: • • • • • • February 13th: Valen=ne's Dance - Charles Suniga & His Angels. April 16th: Spring Dance - Charles Suniga & His Angels. June 18th: Celebra=ng Summer - Sandpoint Band. August 20th: Beat-the-Heat - Charles Suniga & His Angels. October 15th: Autumn Dance - Sandpoint Band. December 31st: New Year's Eve Gala (8 PM to midnight) - Charles Suniga & His Angels. Submied by Bonnie Conger Architectural / Landscape ON THE NEXT DRY DAY… Put your boots on and survey the trees and bushes in your yard. Did you no=ce they have all been growing? It is =me to trim them back. A good rule about pruning is “be bold,” everything will return be@er than ever. A big problem for many homeowners is how to get rid of the trimmings. Pride Disposal solves that worry for us as they provide yard disposal totes and they pick them up every two weeks at no addi=onal cost. If your pruning requires removal of larger tree limbs or even a tree itself, a neighbor with a fireplace may find good use of the wood. Storage of fire wood must be out-of-sight. See the new Manual for details (on-line or in the Clubhouse). Submied by your Arch. / Land. Commiee FEBRUARY 2016 Page 8 From the Golf Pro Shop Women’s Golf Club By Rob Lindsey, PGA Golf Professional Even though it’s cold and rainy, and even snowy and icy at =mes, nice weather will soon be here and it will be =me to get out on the golf course again. The Summerfield Women’s Golf Club starts up in April with an Opening Luncheon on April 7th and Opening Day of Golf on April 12th. Informa=on for the luncheon will be posted in the Golf Lobby at the beginning of March. We con=nue this year with Pay for Play for each Tuesday and Thursday golf day. Start collec=ng your one-dollar bills now. With the New Year upon us now, it’s =me to start thinking about our golf games again. Beginning February 1st, we will again be offering our annual $10 club fi]ng promo=on. Give us a call (503.620.1200) to schedule a =me to come in and see if your clubs are properly fit for you. During this =me we will also be running our re-grip special of $1 per club (+ the price of the grip) and 50% off any adjustments that need to be done on your clubs. Don’t forget about lessons. This is a great =me of year to be working on your game. Call Rob in the golf shop for pricing and availability. 2016 club storage fees are now due. If you currently store your clubs here at the club or would like to for the upcoming season, the cost is $40 for the year. We have limited space and currently we have a wai=ng list so don’t wait to get your name on the list. Upcoming Events Valen=ne’s Tournament: Tues., Feb. 9th – 10:00 AM Shotgun Lindsey’s Tigers are Back for ‘16 Are you a woman considering golf or want to improve your golf game? If so, Lindsey’s Tigers is the group for you! Rob Lindsey, our Golf Pro, is ready to help you develop basic golf skills, follow a fitness and flexibility program, understand the rules and e=que@e of golf, and become familiar with our wonderful Summerfield Golf Course. This is a terrific opportunity to meet fellow Summerfield women through the game of golf. Rob has scheduled a series of complimentary clinics and ac=vi=es to be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM. Our first mee=ng is February 16th, in the Clubhouse Lower Lobby, and will be an informal =me to discuss the upcoming season. Personal equipment is not required unless the scheduled clinic requires a specific golf club. We can provide a loaner club for the day, if needed. Membership in the Summerfield Women’s Golf Club is not required. Feel free to talk with Rob in the Golf Shop if you have any ques=ons. This program benefits the beginner through seasoned golfer. Plan to join us Tuesday, February 16th! Submied by Lori Owen Lindsey’s Tigers - Having Fun - Playing Golf If you are a golfer and have not joined our women’s group, or are new to Summerfield and want to join the lady golfers, we would love to have you. The cost for the year is $25.00 for regular membership and $35.00 for OGA membership. To sign up, please call Grace Ann Lynch @ 503.746.7994. Current members who have not paid their dues for 2016 may do so by puMng a check in the treasurer’s file in the cabinet in the Golf Pro Shop. Please put your check in an envelope and mark it with your name and 2016 dues. The Execu=ve Commi@ee for the SWGC is also available for ques=ons and concerns about the women’s golf program. Please feel free to contact any one of them. President, Sharon Strain @503.372.6093; Vice-President, Pat Dufort @ 503.522.9239; Secretary, Becki McWaters @503.419.6399; and Treasurer, Marja Gillan @ 503.747.0552. Think sunshine and golfing weather! Submied by Sharon Strain FEBRUARY 2016 Page 9 Card Scores & Winners SCA Directory Additions New Residents December 2015 – January 2016 Submi@ed by Priscilla Wilson and Chuck Guse Monday Bridge – Dec. 14: M. Sleight 4300; Dec. 21: J. Brown 5410; Dec. 28: J. Sipes 4390; Jan. 11: B. Finch 4330. Wednesday Bridge – Dec. 16: B. Kennedy 3970; Dec. 23: C. Currie 4400; Dec. 30: A. Bennet 3840; Jan. 6: N. Sayler 3870; Jan. 13: G. Croy 4820. Thursday Night Bridge – Dec. 17: D. Buck 3480, P. Higgins 3240; Jan. 7: M. Chewning 5450, P. Higgens 3590; Jan. 14: E. Schuller 3520, M. Henry 3390. Thursday Duplicate Bridge – Dec. 3: N/S M. Benne@ / J. Howard, L. Turin / E. Landsburg; E/W C. Guse / B. Fuson, B. Meier / K. Hughes. Dec. 10: N/S S. Dirk / C. Hart, C. Guse / B. Fuson; E/W K. Hughes / B. Meier, J. Gould / N. Lau. Dec. 17: N/S S. Dirk / C. Hart, B. O’Driscoll / D. Darm; E/W C. Guse / B. Fuson, A. Hanna / S. Frank. Dec. 24: No Game. Dec. 31: No Game. Friday Novice Duplicate Bridge – Jan. 8: A. Perry / M. Sleight, N. Stuart / M. Erwin, M. Henry / P. Henry. Canasta – Dec. 16: (Tied) D. Johnson & C. Capri 27540, K. Peper 25795; Dec. 23: M. Rizzi 42085, J. Cleary 36525; Dec. 30: B. Ederer 41655, Y. Welch 38340; Jan. 6: N. Seyle 38615, Y. Welch 36550; Jan. 13: (Tied) J. Bond & B. Clark 34945, Y. Welch 25470. Women’s Monday Night Pinochle – Dec. 14: K. Peper 7190, B. Marmon 7040; Dec. 21: L. McCall 8100, O. Thorne 7300; Dec. 28: J. Jacober 8090. J.E. Cleary 7790; Jan. 4: R. Lehman 9610, Y. Welch 8110; Jan. 11: J.E. Cleary 8700, K. Peper 7500. ALLEN, Ronald & Carol 503.504.3599 10955 SW Meadowbrook Dr. #14 (Moved from 15495 SW Alderbrook Circle) ELLIOTT, Daniel E. 11005 Summerfield Dr.#8 503.702.0641 FELICIANO, Louis & Wanda 11005 SW Summerfield Dr. #7 503.720.4689 JANES, Marcia 15435 SW 114th Ct. #98 913.827.6577 MCGEE, Ron & Rebecca 15370 SW Oaktree Lane 971.221.1822 ROMERO, Gail V. 15990 SW Century Oak Circle 650.515.5437 STEINLE, Karen 15405 SW Oaktree Ln New Telephone # 971.246.5167 WARD, Linda / NELSEN, Stan 971.404.5545 15462 SW Fountainwood Pl. (Moved from: 10955 SW Meadowbrook Dr. #16) WHITEMAN, Tex & Kit 15640 SW Alderbrook Circle 503.407.8364 Start the new year right! Cut these Directory Addi=ons out and staple them into your new 2016 Resident & Business Directory. Tuesday Night Pinochle – Dec. 15: O. Thorne 5570, J.E. Cleary 5180; Dec. 22: K. Pepper 7140, G. Smiley 6380; Dec. 29: G. Smiley 8630, O. Thorne 6390; Jan. 5: J J Bond 6790, G. Pemble 6470; Jan. 12: B. Clark 6190, R. Lehman 5930. 2016 Annual Assessment: $555 per person Check payable to SCA; if not paid in full by 2/16/16, late fees and interest begin accruing on unpaid balance. Summerfield Summary Staff Editor Cari Lindsey Proofing Sharon Hughes Cathy Callahan Diane Ragsdale Delivery Mgr. Mary Shute Board Liaison Ken Miller FEBRUARY 2016
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