What`s new in summer 2016
What`s new in summer 2016
© Michel Garon WHAT’S NEW IN 2016 PARC NATIONAL DES HAUTES-GORGES-DELA-RIVIÈRE-MALBAIE PARC NATIONAL DES GRANDS-JARDINS Inflatable boat on the river Malbaie : 8 km of amusement where the emotions, running high in the rapids, alternate with the pleasure of navigating in calmer waters. Recently redesigned, the Sentier L’Érablière (« l’Érablière trail ») offers an unrestricted view on the cran des Érables and allows strolling in a majestic forest. Discover lake Arthabaska now accessible by a paved road. You will find the Centre de découverte et de services (« Centre for discoveries and services), a campground, the centre for boat rentals and two new trails to explore this territory, one of them being the Sentier du Brûlé. Also on lake Arthabaska, the whole family will enjoy the activity of fishing discovery and the free loan of fishing equipment. 1 800 665-6527 www.parcsquebec.com parc.hautes-gorges@sepaq.com 1 800 665-6527 www.parcsquebec.com parc.grands-jardins@sepaq.com LE GERMAIN HOTEL CHARLEVOIX This summer, the guests of Le Germain Hotel Charlevoix will be able to cool off thanks to the addition of an in-ground pool on site. Near the Spa du Verger, it is surrounded by carefully laid out landscapings enhanced by a garden of hammocks where relaxing is in fashion. Another interesting fact, the pool is heated for everyone’s enjoyment! 1 844 240-4700 www.legermainhotels.com TRAIN DE CHARLEVOIX From June 11 to October 9, the Train de Charlevoix service resumes between the Chutes Montmorency and La Mablaie, with this year, music on board and new packages. 418 240-4124 www.traindecharlevoix.com cachoquette@reseaucharlevoix.com CIRCUIT DES 7 LIEUX LA TABLE AGRO-TOURISTIQUE DE CHARLEVOIX Live the Culture experience in Charlevoix through 7 exceptional sites : museums, economuseums and interpretation sites. These are ingenious, alive, contemporary, fun and fabulous sites where you will see artesans at work, and admire art in all its forms as you discover the region’s traditions and history. Le Circuit des 7 lieux : magic in Charlevoix! The Fête des Saveurs (« The Flavour Feast ») has updated its formula for the 20thanniversary of the La Table agro-touristique de Charlevoix (The agrotouristic table of Charlevoix)! Moving from one gourmet food station to another, rather than the sit-down dinner formula, meet the region’s chefs and producers. April 22, 2016 418 665-4411, poste 201 www.facebook.com/circuit7lieux directiongenerale@bellnet.ca (The agrotouristic table of Charlevoix) 1 800 667-2276 www.tourisme-charlevoix.com patrick.turcot@fairmont.com LA CIDRERIE ET VERGERS PEDNEAULT The cider maker economuseum and the boutique at Vergers Pedneault are getting a facelift. The museum section will be annexed to the boutique, the experience will be more interactive, the traffic more fluid and the tastings more user-friendly. 418 438-2365 www.vergerspedneault.com verpedno@charlevoix.net VILLA BORÉALE Enjoy a Scandinavian experience in the heart of Charlevoix. Situated in Petite-Rivière-SaintFrançois, half way between Baie-Saint-Paul and Le Massif de Charlevoix, the Villa Boréale is a high-end chalet for rent, that can accommodate up to 14 people with its 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. The home also boasts a wood burning fireplace and an outdoor terrace with spa and BBQ. 581 702-1886 www.villaboreale.com info@villaboreale.com LE FESTIF ! DOMAINE FORGET Le Festif! officially presents its new series of shows « Les Imprévisibles » (« The unpredictables »). Featuring well-known Québec artists, the shows will be announced minutes before scheduled to start, via the festival’s iPhone mobile application. The artists will present exclusive shows, brand new or known songs and, that in small, incongruous and unlikely places. This year, the students at the Académie de musique et de danse go out to meet you! They will offer free concerts in different places. You will enjoy free yoga sessions in the majestic setting of the Jardin harmonique de sculptures overlooking the river. Erected in 1996, the Françoys-Bernier concert hall, endowed with exceptional acoustics, will celebrate its 20 year anniversary! Many events will mark this anniversary. 418 633-6194 www.lefestif.ca president.coordonateur@lefestif.ca 1 888 DFORGET www.domaineforget.com info@domaineforget.com HÉLI-CHARLEVOIX LES CHALETS DE MÔH The St. Lawrence River holds many treasures of inestimable beauty. Comfortably seated in a helicopter, explore the Cap-de-la-Tête-au-Chien Lighthouse. Once arrived at the lighthouse, savour a delicous picinic sprinkled with Charlevoix’s flavours and enjoy this moment of plenitude. One never gets bored at Chalets de Môh where several activities are now offered : evening of Amerindian stories and legends, Amerindian massages, horseback riding, trout fishing, hiking trails for trekking, vtt-quad and mountain biking. Also two new chalets have been added to the property. 418 435-4071 www.heli-charlevoix.com info@heli-charlevoix.com 418 665-4711 www.cabaneaucanada.ca sylviestbarth@gmail.com POURVOIRIE HUMANITÉ DAVID BLANC, KAYAK AVENTURE Excursions in a kayak with a professional and seasoned guide departing from Baie-Sainte-Catherine Beach, where the Saguenay Fjord merges with the St. Lawrence River. Right across from Tadoussac : initiation, half-day, customized excursions, groups of six people maximum. A new dimension to « Aventures Humanité » offers turnkey packages, with or without lodging, custom-made for the guest and features a host of outdoor activities such as : a kayak excursion or tour, paddle board ride, canoe discovery excursion, relaxing in a pedalo, swimming or a stop at the Island, geocaching tour in forest or on lake François, bicycling, hiking and fauna observation with camera hunting. 418 514-0025 / www.kayakaventure.com / david.blanc31@gmail.com 418 638-5151 / www.aventureshumanite.com / info@aventureshumanite.com AZULÉE FERME AGROFORESTIÈRE DE CHARLEVOIX A range of lavender-based products : bouquets fresh in season or dried sold in sachets, goat milk lavender soap, lavender-geranium lip balm, organic essential oil, organic herbs and treats! Certified organic lavender, unique in Québec! 418 240-2620 www.azulee.ca info@azulee.ca AUBERGE DE NOS AÏEUX This year, enjoy our new terrace with a capacity of 40 people. With its magnicent view on the river and Isle-aux-Coudres, you can either have lunch or dinner in peace. At night, have an apetizer or a cocktail while admiring the splendid sunsets that are our beautiful region`s trademark. In 2016, stimulate your senses as you discover the wealth of edible products from the boreal forest! The Coop de l’arbre launches a series of workshops and excursions to explore these unique and surprising forest products. On the menu : birch syrup, mushrooms, herbal teas and forest spices! 418 617-9715 www.coopdelarbre.org fermeagroforestiere@coopdelarbre.org 1 800 265-2405 www.aubergedenosaieux.com info@aubergedenosaieux.com HAVRE MUSICAL DE L’ISLET From June 26 to September 4, the Havre Musical de l’Islet in Isle-aux-Coudres invites you to a musical season by the sea! Marc Hervieux, Brigitte Boisjoli, Diane Tell and many other shows will be presented. 418 438-2423 www.havremusicaldelislet.com havremusicaldelislet@gmail.com BOUTIQUE SAGNAH New exhibition : « De l’étable au musée » (« From the barn to the museum ») from May 14, 2016 to April 17, 2017. The cows are entering the Museum! Discover their universe and their importance in Québec’s culture in a fascinating and interactive exhibition. Boutique Sagnah, more than a boutique! Small restaurant : offers a menu created from local and regional products, prepared with inventiveness, originality and flavour. Thematic tour : Free access to thematic stations where discovery and learning are synonymous with fun! Every step proposes local and regional realities, historical facts or legendary tales belonging to the Québec heritage. 418 665-4411 www.museedecharlevoix.qc.ca info@museedecharlevoix.qc.ca 418 237-4226 www.sagnah.com sagnah@outlook.com MUSÉE DE CHARLEVOIX L’ESPACE MUSÉAL ET PATRIMONIAL DES PETITES FRANCISCAINES DE MARIE L’Espace muséal et patrimonial des Petites Franciscaines de Marie (« The Little Franciscans of Mary’s museum and heritage area ») is pleased to present a temporary exhibition « Un héritage de valeurs » (« A legacy of values »). An exhibition on the human legacy of St. Francis of Assisi that you are invited to discover when visiting. From June 18 to October 16, 2016. 418 435-3520 (Ask for the museum) www.espacemusealpfm.com espacemusealpfm@derytele.com SPECTACLE ÉQUESTRE LES PRODUCTIONS DU CIRQUE EKASRINGA EUPHORIE AUBERGE LA MUSE The access to a destination recharge station is getting denser in Charlevoix. A new recharge station, favorably located near St-Jean-Baptiste Street, is situated in the joint parking area of the Auberge La Muse and the Eco-Bistro Chez Bouquet. This first public recharge station, available through RéseauVert and Circuit Électrique, costs 1$/hour. From July 14 to August 7, a new theatrical circus show for all ages is presented at the Boisé du Quai in Baie-St-Paul. With poetry and humour, acrobats, majestic horses, clowns, facetious poneys, strange animals, singers and comedians unite to dazzle you. 418 435-5131 www.cirqueequestre.com ekasringa@gmail.com New Programming : Les Baronettes, a retrostyle musical theatre. Rediscover in songs, dance and humour your greatests hits of the 50s and 60s by Michèle Richard, Elvis Presley and the Beatles…The show is presented under the big top of the hotel de La Roche Pleureuse from July 14 to August 20, 2016. 418 780-3699 www.lesbaronettes.com info@lesbaronettes.com 1 800 841-6839 www.lamuse.com lamuse@lamuse.com MAISON DU BOOTLEGGER BOULANGERIE PAINS D’EXCLAMATION! The guests of the Presbytère du Bootlegger (« The Bootlegger’s Presbytery ») now have access to a 20-place shuttle to come and go to and from the restaurant in complete safety. The restaurant will also be revamped to improve the customer’s experience. The bakery Pains d’exclamation! welcomes you this year with a renewed variety of fine pastries and tasty dishes for breakfast and lunch; to savour under the sun, on our nice terraces facing the river! On account of the owner’s recent trip abroad, one may detect new exotic touches but our wonderful Charlevoix terroir will always be highlighted! 418 439-3711 www.maisondubootlegger.com clubdesmonts@mac.com 418 665-4000 www.painsdexclamation.com info@painsdexclamation.com BOULANGERIE À CHACUN SON PAIN À Chacun Son Pain welcomes you on its brand new shaded terrace that can accommodate 36 people. Also, whether for camping, a day at the beach or on the mountainside, reserve your picnic baskets flavoured with Charlevoix’s terroir. To each his PicNic!!! 418 760-8777 www.achacunsonpain.ca info@achacunsonpain.ca Josée Gauthier Project Manager - Marketing josee.gauthier@tourisme-charlevoix.com T. 418 665-4454 ext. 231 495, boulevard de Comporté La Malbaie (Québec) Canada G5A 3G3 1 800 667-2276 (Canada et États-Unis) tourisme-charlevoix.com