$$$ Spending more than Five Minutes fitting and adjusting your


$$$ Spending more than Five Minutes fitting and adjusting your
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Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, commonly known as TMD or TMJ, is a musculoskeletal disorder that is
associated with pain from the neck to the head. Headaches, sinus pain or a clicking jaw are some of the symptoms.
Laboratory requirements:
Both upper and lower vinyl impressions (preferred) and a wax bite (for reference). If casts are sent they must be
poured in high quality die stone (hard).
All casts are mounted on a Sam articulator with the use of an indexing jig which mimics the average angles and
distances from the condyles.
Flat Occlusal Plane Splint
This is a full coverage splint on either the maxillary or mandibular arch. The surface is flat with the opposing buccal cusps and incisal edges
touching evenly (no divots).
Interocclusal acrylic is fabricated to a vertical dimension of aprox 1 +/- mm in the terminal molar area.
Wax bite is not needed unless patient’s bite is neither in centric occlusion or centric relation.
The symptoms for using this splint are grinding, headaches, sinus pain, and chronic neck pain with no clicking in the temporomandibular
Flat Occlusal Plane Splint with Cuspid Rise
This is a full coverage splint on either the maxillary or mandibular arch. The surface is flat but with cuspid rise for anterior and or posterior
with the opposing buccal cusps and incisal edges touching evenly (no divots).
Interocclusal acrylic is fabricated to a vertical dimension of approximately 1 +/- mm in the terminal molar area.
Wax bite is not needed unless patient bite is neither in centric occlusion or centric relation.
The symptoms for using this splint are grinding, headaches, sinus pain, and chronic neck pain with no clicking in the temporomandibular
Tanner Splint
Dr. Henry Tanner developed his method many years ago; (1) he developed a bite appliance that his patients could wear at night to reduce
clenching trauma and (2) a method of balancing the natural teeth. With the use of a deprogrammer or anterior type splint, finding the patients
true bite can be achieved and then with that bite, a tanner splint can be constructed.
A tanner splint is constructed on the mandibular arch, covers all teeth and has a lingual bar anteriorly with a ramped cap over the anteriors.
In the posterior there is slight contact on the lingual cusps and traditionally has ball clasps.
The symptoms for using this splint are headaches, sinus pain, and chronic neck pain with a definite click in the temporomandibular joint.
A wax bite is requested to bring the mandible into a balanced position.
Anterior Repositioning Splint (sometimes called the Pull Forward Splint)
This is a full coverage maxillary splint that guides the mandible into a forward position with the use of an acrylic ramp, which intern
engages the anterior lingual incisal edge. The anterior interocclusal acrylic is balanced to allow lateral and protrusive movement with
incisal guidance and cuspid protection. The acrylic ramp maintains position even at night when the jaw relaxes.
This splint is used to recapture anteriorly displaced discs. Similar to a tanner splint in its use.
The symptoms for using this splint are headaches, sinus pain, and chronic neck pain with clicking in the temporomandibular joint.
A wax bite is requested to bring the mandible into a protrusive position.
Centric Relation Splint (Superior Repositioning Splint)
This is a full coverage splint on either the maxillary or mandibular arch. The surface is flat with the opposing buccal cusps and incisal edges
touching evenly (no divots).
Acrylic is added to the anterior region to form a ramp, centric stops from the lower posterior buccal tips or upper lingual tips, providing
incisal guidance and cuspid protection.
Interocclusal acrylic is fabricated to a vertical dimension of aprox 1 +/- mm in the terminal molar area.
The symptoms for using this splint are headaches, sinus pain, and chronic neck pain with clicking in the temporomandibular joint.
A wax bite is required in the centric relation position.
Overlay Splint
Made on either mandibular or maxillary arch, using a polycarbonate material and can be made from a all hard or hard outside and soft on
the inside. Can be used for bruxing patients or as a base onto which acrylic can be added for other splint designs.
A maxillary or mandibular vinyl impression or stone cast is needed
Soft Biteplate
The soft biteplate is used for bruxing habits or bite disclusion.
A maxillary or mandibular vinyl impression or stone cast is needed.
Many of these references are from Louis O Thomas DDS
The Balanced Jaw www.clenchingsyndrome.com
Double Night Guard
For the extreme grinder, these guards are flat like a table top, allowing for no resistance; both planes move freely, no cuspid rise.
A wax bite is not needed unless patient’s bite is neither in centric occlusion or centric relation.
Mini Deprogrammer
This is a flat anterior bite plate fabricated 6-11 or 5-12, eliminates muscle related TMJ, by allowing the condyles to properly seat and keeps
the back teeth from contacting during sleep. Clenching on back teeth is the major cause of TMJ problems, such as headache sinus pain, and
chronic neck pain. An anterior splint should not be used long term, but it is a good interim appliance before equilibration.
Best if used in conjunction with the Tanner Splint
The symptoms for using this splint are headaches, sinus pain, and chronic neck pain with a definite click in the temporomandibular joint.
A wax bite is not needed unless patient bite is neither in centric occlusion or centric relation.
Kois Deprogrammer
The Kois Deprogrammer can be worn at night to relieve muscle fatigue and headaches.
It can also be used as a diagnostic splint as well as to determine centric relation
and facilitate centric relation records.