September 4, 2016 - Guardian Angel Cathedral


September 4, 2016 - Guardian Angel Cathedral
September 4, 2016
Guardian Angel Cathedral
The Beginnings of Guardian Angel Cathedral
Guardian Angel Cathedral is unique not only for its magnificent windows, mosaics, mural and architectural design, but also in its
origin and history. Its beginnings go back to 1958, when the priests of St. Viator began the celebration of a 4:30 am Sunday
Mass at various hotels on the Strip to accommodate hotel/casino workers and visitors. The present church became a reality in
1963 as “Guardian Angel Shrine.” When the Diocese of Reno became the Diocese of Reno-Las Vegas in 1977, the Shrine was
designated as Co-Cathedral of the Catholic Church in Nevada. In 1995 the Diocese of Las Vegas was established with
Guardian Angel Cathedral as the Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Church in Nevada. At the present time, we have eight
masses on the weekend, starting at 2:30 Saturday afternoon, to take care of the pastoral needs of our numerous visitors who
wish to fulfill their Sunday obligation, and for whom we are responsible. Back in 1988, Guardian Angel Cathedral received an
Indult (special permission) from Rome for this Mass, due to the fact that ninety-five percent of the participants in our Eucharistic
celebrations are visitors from all over the world.
Most Rev. Joseph A. Pepe, Bishop of Las Vegas
Priests and Deacons
Lay Staff and Volunteers
Welcome You
Your Journey Home
We sincerely thank our visitors for worshipping with us at
Guardian Angel Cathedral. Remember, life is a journey; you
decide to be a pilgrim or a tourist. Obviously, you came to this
sacred place as a pilgrim. “The place on which you are
standing is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). May the blessings of
the Journey remain with you always.
Vaya con Díos!
Guardian Angel Cathedral • 302 Cathedral Way • Las Vegas, NV 89109 • (702) 735-5241 •
Church Hours
Weekdays 7:30am-3pm
Saturdays 1pm-7pm
Sundays 7:30am-6pm
Weekday Masses
Mon-Fri 8am, 12:10pm
Weekend Masses
Saturday 2:30, 4, 5:30pm
Sunday 8, 9:30, 11am
12:30, 5pm
Confessions heard 1/2 hour
before all weekday Masses
Monday – St. Jude
Tuesday – Perpetual Help
Following 12:10 Mass
Parish (1980) + Cathedral Las Vegas (1995)
Holy Hour
First Friday
Following 12:10 Mass
Parish (1980) + Cathedral Las Vegas (1995)
The Final Beginning Sanctuary Mural was created by Isabel Piczek. The
artwork seen here is the kind of art which does not want to exist for its own
sake. It wants to draw you into a passionate and deeply inner existence, step by
step, from the dark original creation into the monumentally recreated world of
Man’s Supernature. The Destiny of Man is to unfold in from your eyes, an
unfolding which ends in happiness - your happiness. The real artwork is not
made from glass, paint or tile. It is created within you—by you.
A personal note by the artist
~ Sick & Hospitalized ~
Mike Alvarez * Edward Beres * Walt Blanton * Jayme Calkins * Debra Cenna
Florence Chesonis * Ann Clancy * Joseph Cognitore * Kashton Connors
Baby William Courville * Sarah DeMayo * Nick & Marjorie DelDuco
Nancy Dispenza * Mary Fisher * Vincent Forcella * Joseph Gutierrez
Dorothy LeBright * Ray Lonowski * Janet Lonowski * Brad Lonowski
Alice Ann Lonowski * Saralyn Lupone * David Navarez * Arthur Nelson
Brenda Mendoza * Frank Nund * Michael Proctor * Grace Schreiner
Robert Schreiner * Ramona Soto * Endiana & John Spaulino * Ron Speed
Bella Weyer * Rebecca & Geno Wiczek * Lala Wilson * Jenny & Ray Works
Last Weekend’s Offertory Donations: $15, 387.00
Second Collection: Mission Co-Op Diocese of Minna, Nigeria :
$11, 911.00
May God reward your generosity!
The Good News is that we
have all been invited-invited
to the Kingdom, invited to be
disciples. It’s a life-changing
invitation, and like so many
other such invitations, it
requires a great deal of
deliberation and discernment. Whether we choose
marriage, ordination, single
life, or community life, we
know the serious planning
and consideration that
accompany these profound
decisions. Like the towerbuilder in the Gospel, we
have weighed both the monetary and emotional cost. We
have pondered and planned
our lives in the direction to
which we believe God has
called us. And while we pray
for guidance and acceptance
of God’s will, we often fail to
understand so much. Like
Solomon, we turn to God for
wisdom and counsel in our
life-changing decisions.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
September 5, 2016.
~ Cathedral Contacts ~
Financial Director
Pastoral Associate
Administra ve Asst
Gi Shop Manager
Gi Shop Director
Gi Shop Associate
Sacristan Associate
Sacristan Associate
Music Director
Maintenance Director
Maintenance Associate
Special Assignments
Special Assignments
Father Gustavo Cruz
Colleen Bevilacqua
Deacon Rick Minch
Joseph von Hazmburg
Nirosh Moodley
Kathy Sheehan
Ivanka Zrnic
Kathleen Calkins
Jeff George
Barbara Ferrara
Bill Bumar
Debbie Cenna
Carol Blanton
Ivanka Zrnic
Dan Gilliland
Kelly Colucci
Carol Padilla
Mass Intention
Sat Sep 3
2:30 Benefactors of Guardian Angel Cathedral
Estelita David
4:00 John Petrenko
Herman S. Viera
5:30 Thomas Ball
Carolina Gonzalez - 21st birthday
8:00 Members of the Parish & Visitors
9:30 Maynard Schumacher
Celeb of the Life & Commem of the Death
of Mary McBride
11:00 Michael Brady
Celeb of the Life & Commem of the Death
of Marie Kelly
12:30 Jorge Augusto Cruz
Edmundo M. Tolentino
5:00 Mr. & Mrs. Istvan Farkas
Mon Sep 5
8:00 Cheryl Korte
Jorge Augusto Cruz
12:10 Josephine Sarno
Bruzzese Family
Tues Sep 6
8:00 Yolanda Parra
Holy Souls in Purgatory
12:10 Eldilberto Mendoza
Edmundo M Tolentino
Wed Sep 7
8:00 Yolanda Parra
Cheryl Korte
12:10 Patrick Fabbraro
Damien Gutierrez
Thurs Sep 8
8:00 Immaculate Conception
12:10 Members of Moniak Family
Fri Sep 9
8:00 May Barth
12:10 Tianlun He
Hermino Mendoza
Sat Sep 10
2:30 Benefactors of Guardian Angel Cathedral
4:00 Bert Fiedorowicz Family
James Vera
5:30 Jessie & Joseph Marchitelli
Eufemia & Dominador Ureta
Requested By
Albay Family
Gonzalo Yabut
Shunney Family
Midory & Armando
Julie Foley
Greg Kelly
Greg Kelly
Evelyn Basahebim
Villanyi Family
Florentino &
Myrna Malasan
Mendoza Family
Evelyn Basahebim
Louise Koener
Yolanda K.
Tassone Family
Mendoza Family
Sabato Family
Emily Ureta
Mass Intention requests are scheduled through the parish office during office
hours throughout the year, or by phone if an out of state
request. If a specific date is desired, please schedule as far in
advance as possible. The suggested offering is $10. Thank you.
The Diocese of Las Vegas is
collaborating with Loyola
University from Los
Angeles to bring you a new
Pastoral Care
program. Professor
Kathleen Schinhofen, LMU’s
instructor for
Pastoral Ministry, is
coming to the Catholic
Center for an orientation
meeting on
Monday, September 12th at
Class Schedule:
Sept 24-25, 2016. One
weekend every two months:
Saturday 9a-4p, and Sunday
Location: Las Vegas
Diocesan Catholic Center
336 Cathedral Way
To register call: (310) 3382799
Enroll Online: http://
This program is hosted by
the Department of Faith
Formation for the Diocese
of Las Vegas
Televised Masses
for the Homebound
The Sunday Mass on
Television is an outreach
of the Diocese of Las
Vegas that serves those
who, for reasons outside
of their control, are
unable to attend
Sunday Mass. For those
who are interested in
viewing our televised
Mass to the
homebound, or might
know someone who
would be comforted by
this outreach, these
Masses can be viewed
online at
and on the CW
Network every Sunday
morning. Check your
local listings.
“In response to countless
inquiries from people asking how
they can help victims of the
extensive flooding in the Diocese
of Baton Rouge, please access
the Diocese of Baton Rouge
website ( for
instructions about how to make an
online monetary donation. Thanks
to all for the extraordinary
outpouring of concern and
generosity we have experienced
locally, nationally and
internationally. May God's blessing
be with you in abundance.
Bishop Robert W. Muench,
Bishop of Baton Rouge”
Fall Faith Festival
September 10, 2016
Christ the King
Catholic Community
4925 S. Torrey Pines Dr.
Las Vegas NV, 89118
Department of Faith Formation
$10.00 per person before 9/7/2016
or $15.00 at the door
“Becoming the Church of Mercy”
SJN Parish Mission
Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday
September 12-14, 2016 at 7:00pm
St. John Neumann Parish Center
2575 W. El Campo Grande Ave.,
North Las Vegas, NV 89031
(702) 657-0200
Featuring: Dan Schutte
Composer of musical classics such as:
Here I am Lord, City of God and Sing to
the Mountains.
Please be advised that on Saturdays the
Cathedral will be open from 1pm to 7pm

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