Optimal solutions for 24/7 environments


Optimal solutions for 24/7 environments
User-centered control room interiors
Supremely ergonomic operator desks
Auxiliary furniture and ambience controllers
Optimal solutions for 24/7 environments
Keys to high productivity in 24/7 environments
Control rooms for people; not robots
Super-ergonomic operator desks
Synergistic auxiliary furniture and storage solutions
Collaboration suites that induce participation
Acoustic, lighting, airflow and ambience control
Best possible workflow induced by design
CGM makes operator desks like no others. Working in close co-operation with human-factors engineers, research
institutions, system suppliers and systems integrators, we design and build robust, advanced, ergonometric workstations and ancillary equipment. Driven by high demand in Scandinavia, we offer unique, modular, space-efficient
concepts that empower and motivate operators to work harmoniously with technology. Embracing form, function,
layout, workflow, lighting, acoustic and airflow optima, a CGM solution protects your most valuable assets, utilizes
your resources optimally and safeguards your mission-critical processes.
We focus on people. An operations center furnished by
CGM will showcase any control system and induce happier, more alert, less stressed and much safer operators.
The rewards for the investor include higher productivity
and unprecedented industrial harmony.
and Development
and Planning
Production, Sales
and Service
Scrutinizing workflows
Early consultation to cut costs
Full quality assurance
Focusing on operator alertness
Focusing on your fundamentals
Built to serve and built to last
Observing individualities
Co-operating with your experts
Three series of operator desks
Listening. Asking questions
Sharing of know-how
Many configurations and sizes
Seeking productivity drivers
Clear 3D/VR design proposals
Motorized sit/stand options
Putting HMI in the spotlight
Clean lines and high workflow
Built-in upgradeability
Testing new console theories
Tailored solutions to optimize
Pro-support operator chairs
Reviewing layout issues
Interactive testing of layouts
Tailored ESD and CAP desks
Designing healthy workplaces
Total or sectored solutions
Enhanced collaboration desks
Creating an ergonomic future
New-builds and upgrades
Printer desks and PC desks
Focusing on 24/7 durability
Flexible modular concepts
Storage and shelving solutions
Thinking in 20-year cycles
Expandable and adaptable
Total aesthetic harmony
Developing the metrics
Best utilization of space
Lighting, acoustics and airflow
Proving the economic power of
Designed for the present with
Installation and commissioning
ergonomic solutions
an eye on the future
Technical support and service
Research and Development
Research and Development
Focusing on operator alertness
Turning fatigue and distraction into alertness and proaction
Losses in global production due to operator error and unplanned downtime run into billions of
dollars every year. Similarly in transport, dispatch and emergency services, time lost through
error and misdirection is costly, and often fatal. According to research, nearly 80 per cent of such
downtime is preventable and half is due to operator error. At CGM, we believe this is caused
mainly by inferior working conditions in many control centers. They can be depressing, unwelcoming and uncomfortable. Even in cases where high technology should be delivering fault-free
operation and the best ever productivity, there remain too many examples of human factors
not being properly understood. One issue we face is the dramatic rise in sedentary work with
little-or-no need for physical activity, which technology has brought in its wake. Far from making
strain injury a thing of the past, it has introduced a raft of new complaints ranging from backache,
RSI and E-thrombosis to eyestrain, headache, SBS, mental fatigue and sheer boredom. Each
is a seed of unhappiness, of lethargy, poor monitoring, error and low productivity, the enemies
of any organization.
Poorly planned workplaces become
increasingly disorganized with time
Empowering the operator to optimize the process
The challenge is to create a working environment where personnel feel alive, welcome, comfortable, motivated, professional and engaged. The value that results shows not only in the process
and business, but also in interactions at work and at home. Profit may be the driver of ergonomics.
But it is respect for the worker, both ergonomic and economic, which produces the greatest
gains not only for business but also for society. The social value of this cannot be understated.
The operator is not a static robot. He or she is a human being that thrives on variety, stimulation,
activity and choice. No one is the same. Each has different dimensions and can have a different
cone of fixations, line of sight, nearpoint, field of vision and reach envelope. And each will have
different postural preferences within a given task zone. Thus the science of keeping operators
alert, engaged and proactive (and thereby organizations profitable) has to place many individualities under the microscope. So when CGM uses the verb “to optimize”, we mean “to develop the
best possible total solution, considering all of the circumstances with which you, your personnel
and your consultants present us”. And this includes the space available and long-term thinking.
Thinking ahead and planning early
are much cheaper in the long run
Furniture and layouts that boost human capacity
Whether you choose a large video wall with back projection cubes or a front projected megawall, or opt for a modern personal large-screen overview for each operator, the consoles that
house such displays are a vital part of the human-machine interface (HMI). Their job is to
present interactive overviews to the operators effectively and comfortably, from the best possible
viewing angle and distance. The aim, always, is to create the optimal visual connection between the user and the control system, the plant, process, business and organization. The next
vital HMI facilitator is the operator desk, which CGM regards as a mini-environment in itself.
Then comes the control room, the equally important microcosm we call the 24/7 environment.
All are objects of focus and specialization by CGM. The products and solutions that result are
your best assurance of greater alertness, more proactive supervision, better workflow, greater
job-satisfaction, improved harmony and sustained high productivity.
Inducing decisions that maximize productivity and results
Focusing on the operator; not just the technology
Example of Close Large Interactive
Dynamic Overview Integration™
The more the ergonomic freedom, the
less the operator fatigue.
Alertness and precision through proper ergonomic support
HMI furniture adjustable to the individual
Sit/stand alternation for health and vitality
Customized consoles for any large-screen display
Secluded task zones for focus and efficient monitoring
Computers and other strong EMF, heat and noise generators outside
Productive ambience through airflow, lighting and acoustic control
Conducive to focus yet optimized for collaboration
Easy to clean surfaces on top, front, underneath and behind
All CGM operator desks are strong,
stable and built to last.
Research and Development
Control rooms of the future today
Laboratory of Operator Ergonomics
Simulations of different 24/7 environments
Human factors under the spotlight
Identifying the key drivers of alertness
Pinpointing productivity issues
Exploring the relationships between KPIs and operator comforts
Intensive experimentation with postural guidance and support
Emergency operator desk, parked in
ceiling, descends when needed.
Designs to accommodate all human dimensions
Researching new concepts, materials, shapes and technologies
Exhaustive testing of prototypes under extreme loading
Finding the metrics of alertness and self-possession
Identifying the non-remunerative drivers of attitude and esprit de corps
Translating ergonometric measures into economic results
Proving the business and societal value of ergonomic respect
A high-value resource for customers
CGM Seventh Motion Variability™ allows
rapid personalization at shift changes.
Working hand-in-glove with systems suppliers
Establishing the housing criteria for different operating platforms
Tailoring the layout and furnishings for optimal workflow
Developing the best HMI furniture solutions for different devices
Showing a variety of options for testing and evaluation
Letting customers experience the value of new patented functions
Test different options and make qualified decisions before ordering
Experience different ambience solutions and modulation options
See ergonomic benefits demonstrated and measured in a scientific way
Alternate sitting/standing improves circulation, reduces strain and raises productivity.
CGM Seventh Motion Variability™
Desk height infinitely variable from 65 to 130 cm
Pushbutton-operated simultaneous tilting of all screens from +5° to –45°
Pushbutton depth-adjustment of rows of screens; Even curved rows and tiers
Patented solutions to match workstations to individual operators
Strong and stable positionality, even at the extremes
Rectangular and/or curvilineal harmony between units
Experientially designed, workflow-centric, collaborative layouts
Optional micro-climate control improves
operator alertness even further.
Thinking ahead and anticipating developments
Designing our products for 6 times normal duty
Testing exhaustively in tough 24/7 environments
Accommodating ever wider variations in human form
Making generous provisions for individual preferences
Conceptual overview of CGM Operator
Desk Micro-Climate Control System™
Raising load capacities; Increasing strength and endurance
Testing new designs, shapes and materials that are easy to clean
Aiming to utilize your space optimally, with a big eye on the future
Research and Development
Ergonomizing a thousand industries
Thanks to extensive R&D and worldwide experience in 24/7 environments, we can design properly ergonomic control-center
interiors for any industry, any utility and any dispatch operation. Our scope ranges from police, fire and ambulance to global networks, transport, oil and gas, power generation, mining, manufacturing and process control. In each case, our mission is to raise
operator alertness, drive efficiency, improve collaboration and cut total cost. We achieve this by optimizing the control-room layout
and investing substantially in the design of hardwearing HMI furniture based on extensive ergonomic and anthropometric data.
CGM operator desk systems with Close Large Overviews (Oil & Gas)
A cool, proximate control environment that allows focus yet facilitates collaboration (Iron & Steel)
This dispatch centre, upgraded and expanded, now contains 27 CGM Cergo operator desks. (Railway Traffic Management)
CGM operator desks with Large Common Overview and extended middle table (Power Generation)
Proposals and Planning
Segmented designs demarcate functions, improve workflow, encourage collaboration, route traffic, induce focus and allow peaceful
Compartments and layout are always tailored to match your industry, space, infrastructure, personnel and control system.
Proposals and Planning
Worldwide experience in 24/7 environments
Whether you choose to have a very large common video overview or one-or-more personal yet shareable large-screen overviews
integrated with individual operator desks, CGM can tailor your consoles and furniture optimally in respect of form, function and project
resources. Similarly, we can adapt the shape, size and layout of your units to make optimal use of any shape or size of room.
CGM offers the best layout design and HMI furniture for your space, numbers and overview technology.
Proposals and Planning
Putting people first
Solutions that focus on the operator
Personally and quickly customizable workstations
Designed for multiple operators in 24/7 environments
Adjustable to individuals at the touch of a button
Variable reach envelope and viewing angles
Options to alternate between sitting and standing
Smoothly motorized adjustment of desk height
CGM B-shape operator desks
facing a Large Common Overview
Very stable, even in the extreme positions
User-centered environment for focus and control
Variable screen attitudes for different needs
Alertness induced through optimal ergonomic support
Calmness induced through order, ambience and lighting
Removing the clutter and multiplying the functions
Accommodating the trend toward system integration
Furnishing the need for macro-systemic understanding
Attracting and retaining high-caliber operators
A strategically placed CAP desk;
for easy access by operators
Optimal layout for people and technology
Smart segmentation for best function, flow, focus and simultaneity
Maximum utilization of surprisingly small spaces
Environments that stimulate, motivate and engage
Laid out to induce collaboration and teamwork
Meeting tables shaped to encourage participation
Optional meeting-table turntables to direct group-focus
Facilities that lead to improved health and greater job satisfaction
Meeting zone mounted on turntable for directing group focus
Layout and designs that strengthen the bond between collaborators
ISO-11064 compliant and very much more
Raising the standard; not just following the norm
Support for Close Large Overviews and/or Megawalls
Operator desk systems tailored for fully integrated environments
Highly interactive, ergonomic microcosms for maximum alertness
Optimal support for the monitoring of complex control system sequences
Self-contained work-permit zone with
easy access to active operators
Integrated adjustable mountings for individual flatscreens
Different mounting/control options for tiered rows of screens, straight or curved
Complete mounting solutions for personal interactive large-screen overviews
Unified console solutions for different projection options and megawalls
Motorized adjustment options to suit individual operators
Solutions to facilitate the trend toward fewer and more widely skilled operators
Separate Interactive Non-Executable Dynamic System-Status Overview Station(s)™
Interactive Non-Executable Overview™
for shift-changes, visitors etc.
Proposals and Planning
Solving problems before they arise
Production, Sales and Service
Production, Sales and Service
Operator desk systems
Designed for the long run and built to last
To optimize human performance in 24 / 7 control environments, CGM offers three different series of operator-desks that position and
prime the controller like never before. Starting with Comfortio, a strong, universal series that meets most needs, we graduate to models
that are ergonomically adjustable by degrees, such that they can be customized in seconds to match the physical dimensions and
personal preferences of individual operators. With motorized sit/stand desk-height and screen adjustment options and many other
distinctions, a CGM desk can be the ultimate in form and function. Designed to keep operators alert during monotony and calm in
emergencies, our desks and auxiliary products are bio-mechanically optimized, aesthetically pleasing and built to last.
Comfortio series
CGM Class III UNIVERSAL™ operator desk system
Quality operator-desk system for most applications
Different shapes, sizes and configurations
Optional motorized sit/stand height-adjustment
Different mounting options for up to 5+5 flatscreens
Safe, smart and discreet cable porting; Easy to service
Stand-alone desk system; free of sideboard options
Cergo series
CGM Class II SUPERIOR™ 24 /7 operator desk system
Specialized operator desk system with high functionality
Industrial mainstay for tough 24/7 environments
Different shapes, sizes and configurations
Integrated sideboard expandability options
Optional motorized 65-130 cm sit/stand height-adjustment
Optional motorized screen tilt and depth controls
Options for up to 8+8 screens in linear rows or curved tiers
Safe, smart and discreet cable porting; Easy to service
Long-term upgradeability to match new developments
Alerto series
CGM Class I SUPER-PREMIUM™ 24/7 operator desk system
Multi-functional operator desk system for fully integrated
24/7 environments
The controller’s dream! Designed to meet the highest
human-factor demands
Robust, intelligently motorized 65-130 cm sit/stand
height adjustment
Includes the latest ergonometric screen handling
solutions for Close Large Overviews and/or Common
Large Videowalls
Motorized control of screen height, tilt and depth
Local airflow and ambience control options
Retractable leather armrests for enhanced support
Different shapes, sizes and configurations
Safe, smart and discreet cable porting
Logical and easy to service
Long-term upgradeable to new needs and technologies
We also offer straight-rectangular versions (R)
and corner-desk versions (C)
See product sheets
at www.cgm.se
Production, Sales and Service
HMI furniture and auxiliaries
Coordinative solutions to further support your controllers
In addition to operator desk systems, CGM manufactures and/or supplies a wide range of
auxiliary furniture and ambience controllers to complete the optimal control center. As with
all our products, their designs are purposeful, ergonomic, coordinative and co-operative. Their
roles, too, are to keep operators alert in times of monotony and induce coolness and selfpossession during critical moments and emergencies.
Robust ergonomic operator chairs
CGM offers sturdy 24/7 operator chairs
built for support, comfort and functionality.
Synergistic sideboards and desk expanders
Tailored middle tables and desk joiners
Shelving and storage solutions, fixed or mobile
Our big flatscreen holders include
strong, motorized, coordinate models.
Standard PC desks and printer desks
Tailored consoles for ESD and CAP desks
Uniquely collaborative meeting and emergency tables
Meeting-table turntables to direct group-focus
A CGM mobile storage solution doubles
as a relief and short-discussion zone.
Total aesthetic harmony between auxiliaries and operator desks
Dimmable, high-frequency, anti-glare lighting systems
Mounting accessories for rows and tiers of flatscreen monitors
Solutions for integrating personal large-screen overviews
Our ESD/CAP desks (usually hardwired)
always reflect the overall aesthetic.
Tailored mountings and consoles for common large overview systems
Insulation equipment and materials for acoustic control
So completing the 24/ 7 user-centered environment
CGM small meeting table with sturdy,
unobtrusive foot.
Early consultation pays handsome dividends
Driven by high demand in Scandinavia fueled by both legislative and market forces, CGM has developed unique
competence in superior ergonomic workplace solutions that raise productivity and improve health and well-being.
By calling in CGM early you can easily avoid many common errors associated with the ergonometric design of
control centers and other demanding 24/7 environments. Not only does it save time and cost, it also enables
you to take advantage of our worldwide experience and presents opportunities to test, at an early stage, various
layout options in 3D or virtual reality. Armed with this virtual hindsight, you will be much better equipped to choose
with confidence the optimal layout and designs for your needs.
CGM is happy to co-operate with your architects, human-factors engineers, systems suppliers and other professionals. This ensures that all input is considered in our designs. For more information, please visit www.cgm.se.
Or, better still, call us!
CAP..................... .............Critical Action Panel
DCS................... ...............Distributed Control System
EMF.......................... ........Electro-Magnetic Field
EMR..................................Electro-Magnetic Radiation
ESD...................................Emergency Shut Down
E-Thrombosis............Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary
embolism: said to be caused by working long
hours at fixed computer workstations
HMI...................................Human-Machine Interface
KPI....................................Key Performance Indicator
RSI....................................Repetitive Strain Injury
SBS..................................Sick Building Syndrome: a combination of
health problems said to be caused by poor
airflow, artificial light, dust, EMF, EMR, toxic
mold, etc at the place of work.
SCADA...........................Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
Solutions for 24/7 environments
With technology racing ahead of personnel development, much of it is being underutilized. While training and direct interfaces are being improved as fast as possible, CGM believes that the values of other key integrators are underestimated.
These include the HMI furniture and consoles that must position and prime the operator to interact optimally with the I/O
devices of the control system. Also crucial are the internal layout of the control room, the auxiliary furnishings, the lighting
system, the airflow and the acoustic controls. In each of these cases, CGM puts the focus on the operators, first one at a
time then collectively. With the uniquely ergonomic, operator-focused, productivity-oriented products that result, we give
you the tools to showcase and enhance your control system, empower your operators, optimize your output, safeguard
your assets and maximize your return on investment. A CGM solution, be it new-build or upgrade, total or sectored, is your
assurance of safer, alerter operators, more attentive monitoring, quicker and more rational responses, and higher productivity.
Further added values we have seen include improved operator retention and more widespread interest in operator careers.
In a different league
CGM AB, Box 515,
SE-503 14 Borås, Sweden
Visiting address:
Bockasjögatan 15
Tel +46 33 22 95 00
Fax +46 33 22 95 01