Denta Dental
Denta Dental
43rd YEAR OF PUBLICATION ,. r Doctor, another unique service of your Ticonium Laboratory. An award-winning magazine you can read with interest, with pleasure, and with profit. 234,00 1984 129, Denta 249,7 1990 155,00 Dental An award·winning magazine for Dentists, Dental Assistants, and Dental Hygienists r OCCUPANCY By MORe- THAN ~ CHILDREN IS /lIlTH /)AN~S AND u~ LftW FilL league, he remarked, "You seem to have lost some weight." "No, I haven't," I said, "It's just that I now wear suits that are two sizes too large for me, so it gives me that appearance. Actually, I weigh more than ever. I've given up dieting." Then I stuffed the last piece of chocolate whipped cream cake into my mouth to emphasize the point. "Nonsense, there's a sure way to lose weight, keep it off and eat all the things you like-" "Are you kidding?" I interrupted. "I've heard that kind of talk before. You know as well as I do that it's all a matter of calories." Nature goofed when it came to the distribution of calories. Why couldn't there be plenty of calories in lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers, instead of in ice cream, cake and candy?" My companion laughed. "You did hit the nail right on the head. Ever hear of Quasimodo Kern?" "The name rings a bell," I replied closely. "Well, he's chief of the food and science department at the university, and that's just what he's working on-the redistribution of calories." That was the most exciting news I'd heard since I was told that Ted Williams got six hits in Philadelphia on the last day of the 1941 season to finish with a batting average of .406. The very next day I met with Dr. Quasimodo Kern. His office and laboratory looked like a small supermarket, piled high with food and vegetables. He gave me a rundown on his experiments, and then asked me what I knew about calories. Remembering my college physics, I said, "A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree centigrade." Dr. Kern smiled. "That's the old-fashioned definition, but did you ever wonder what a calorie is really like? What sort of personality it has?" Then he had me peer through a special spectothermo-microscope, and for the first time I saw a cal- 16 orie. I soon learned that it's a greedy little bugger with an overactive sex drive that is stimulated by the chemical components of fats and starches. In the presence of proteins, it is as impotent as a eunuch. "The problem is actually a simple one," said Dr. Kern. "We must 'find a way to alter the sex life of the calorie. When we do, protein foods will be full of calories, and all the 'goodies' will be free of them. We shall be able to eat and enjoy the food we prefer. No more dieting, no pills, no starvation, no frustration." That's how SCARE began. As soon as we find a way to control the calorie, we shall all be thin and the term "fatso" will become obsolete. Of course, for people who really enjoy a nice crispy salad with cottage cheese, that could present another problem. This whole business of dieting really does kind of scare you, doesn't it? Here is a new diet we just came across. It's called the Mini-Bite System. The idea is to use specially designed miniature utensils that enable one to pick up a morsel of food no larger than a crouton. With this technique it requires 70 minibites to eat a single slice of toast. To get through an entire meal would seem to be so tedious that one would probably give up half way through. · ... ...... ... ..... ··· , • ,,~ " Published monthly by TlCONIUM COMPANY Division of CMP Industries, Inc., Albany. New York Joseph Strack Harry Cimring. D.D.S. Arthur H. Levine. D.D.S. Maurice 1. Teitelbaum. D.D.S. Assistant Edit&r Mary S. Yamin Edward Kasper Cover Artist Editor Contributing Editors JANUARY 1984 Vol. XLIII No.1 Psychological Evaluation and Preparation CONTENT S DENTURE PATIENTS: PSYCHOlOGKAl EVAlUATION AND PREPARATlOft Beginning with this, its 43rd year, TIC will occasionally reprint an a rticle of unusual interest or import. Such an e xcellent feature is this statement of professional philosophy and practice by the late Keith D. Suthe rland, D.D.S. BRA(ING FOR ABREAKTHROUGH A prom ising research report f rom the Unive rsity of Pennsylvania School of Denti stry by KEITH D. SUTHERLAND, D.D.S. 6 THE WORlDS OUTSIDE From the Gourmet Kitchen of Harry Cimring, D.D.S... Pearls of Something, Not Wisdom .. _ Over 9 Million Have No Jobs, 2 Million Have 2 Jobs State and local Taxes May Top $300 Billion _. . Case of the Vanishing Americans ... _._ 8 8 9 10 10 ~ GERIATRIC DENTAL CARf An impo rtant message from the Journal of the American College of Dentists 11 THE fAKE DENTIST • ·• • . ·· o ·· Q CJ An amusing story from a 1910 French 12 comic strip ANGLES AND IMPRESSIONS A thousand new chem icals daily . . . The aching back is back . .. Acquiring a green thumb ... SCARE makes you thin ... 14 IB81 ··. · ·· ·.... .... ··11_ ......... TIC, JANUARY, 1984 DENTURE PATIENTS: MEMB ER PUUATION AM ERI CA'" ASSOClA1 JON OF OEN TAt. EDITORS Send editor ial contr ibutions and correspondence to Joseph St rack, Box 4()7, North Chatham, N. V. 12132; change-ofalfaress notlees to CirCUlation Manager, TIC, Box 350, Albany, N.Y. 12201 TIC is microfilmed by University Micro! ims, Inc., 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106. TIC's lllternational Standard SerIal Number Is: US 0040·6716 TIC. Copyrig ht 1984, Tk onlum Company, Oivision of CMP Industri es, l nc., 413 North Pearl St ., Albany, Nffl York 12207 . Opinions expressed by contributors t o TIC do not necessarily refl ect the of the publishers. Annua l Subscript ion, $7.00. Single copies, 70¢. Printed in U.S.A. by J ersey Print ing Co., Inc., Bayonne, N.J. TIC, JANUARY, 1984 A complete psychological evaluation of a potential prosthetic patient is the most important initial service you can perform for that person. Such a procedure is also of utmost importance to your own well-being, health, and practice. You may possess the finest of technical skill, have a complete understanding of the anatomical and physiological factors involved, yet drastically fail in your service to the patient. It is only through an established rapport with the patient that he will benefit from your skill. How do you judge whether such harmony can be established? By a psychological diagnostic and prognostic appraisal of the prospective patient. How many patients have you had who have been a constant trouble throughout your treatment association with them? Patients you are sure you treated with: skill and care? They are the ones that disturb your well· being, make you irritable at home, mean to the children, and tend to elevate your golf score. They are the ingredients from which coronaries develop. And they are the components of a sickening practice. How can you avoid many of these difficulties? By a psychological evaluation of the prospective patients and by psychologically preparing them for what is to take place. It has been our experience that two appointments are necessary for complete evaluation of the prospective patient'S psydlological classification and projected preparatory program. The first visit acquaints the person with the operator and vice versa. The pro· spective patient is encouraged to relate in complete detail his dental history, his attitude toward other dentists, his present problems, and what he expects us to do for him. Many patients enjoy OUR COVER: A six-year projection. Population data from the Census Bureau; other data from Health Care Financing Review (March 1983). I dentists, for it is estimated that eight out of 10 Americans will suffer back pain some time during their lives. In fact, back injuries account for approximately 400,000 of all disabling work injuries each year. Once again, here are some suggestions to help you take the strain off your back: (1.) Don't carry excess body weight. Even though thin individuals also suffer from back pain, the incidence among those who are overweight is much higher. (2.) Wear comfortable shoes, and never mind trying to be taller than the little lady. Low heels are preferable. (3.) Don't sit on chairs or furniture that don't support your back or don't let your feet touch the floor. (4.) Use a firm pillow at night. A soft, feather pillow that can collapse or shift may throw your body out of alignment, putting strain on your back. (5.) Try to sleep on your side, preferably with your knees bent. Sleeping on your stomach puts added pressure on your back, especially if your stomach is large. (6.) Whenever you have to bend over to lift, push, or pull anything, bend your knees and let your legs do the work. Exercising by touching your toes without bending your knees can do more harm than good-unless your body is supple and there is no strain. (7.) When you reach for instruments, don't use rotating movements that twist your back. (8.) Take a few minutes throughout the day to relax and raise your legs. This will help reduce the tension in your back muscles. the girlhood picture she has brought with her. The male will demand unreasonable retention and a disastrous increase in vertical dimension. Both will tell you that work is to be done at the earliest possib le moment, a t the most nominal cost, and you will be p aid when they are completely satisfied with your results. They will advise you that as you proceed with construction thev will instruct vou as to their needs and wants. ' , - - --:::=:.- "COULD YOU GIVE ME SOMeTHING TO HELP Me THINK OF YOU AS DR. MARCUS WELBY? " speaking of these relations and will freely give much information to be entered on their charts. No question of total fee is answered at this time. It is explained this aspect will be discussed during the next appointment after the case history has been studied together with the x-rays to be made during this first visit. Following this initial visit, the patient's information is evaluated and he is placed in one of the following a tti tude classifications. I. THE OPTIMISTIC OR PHILOSOPHICAL TYPE These people display confidence in your ability to be of service to them, in their capability to follow your instructions, and to wear their new dentures with comfort and utility. Treat them with calm courtesy and thoroughness but not too great familiarity, lest they change in their attitude of respect for you and your ability. Cherish such patients. They are a pleasure to serve and they will build your ego, practice, and pocketbook. II. THE PESSIMISTIC OR EXACTING TYPE These individuals present problems. They demand more than you can produce and are seldom completely satisfied. The female demands that you remove all facial wrinkles and restore vouthful beauty enjoyed some years before, as evid~nced by 2 III. THE IMAGINATIvE OR HYSTERICAL TYPE The highly nervous and reactionary individuals. These people ca nnot resign themselves to the fact they must wear dentures. They delight in relating the abnormali ties they are sure you will recognize in their particular case. These preconceived notions are the result of misconstrued information thev have received from d enture wearers. Most of thi s 'group will have consulted other dental practitioners before see ing you. T he experienced denture wearer in this category will bring a number of previously constructed dentures with him . He will explain in detail the reasons [or his failure to be able to endure each case. Such reasons are usuallv incorrectlv espoused and are presented in an inc;easingly hy;terica l manner. This patient will try your patience and ingenuity to the utmost. Success with this type can only be approached followin g a progressive individualized plan of education which changes his origin:ll atti tude. IV. THE DISI:'\TERESTE D OR II\"DIFFERENT TYPE These are usually older people who exhibit little interes t in vou or what vou ca n do for them . Thev are brough't to your office by friends, relatives, o~· some type of agency interested in their rehabilitation to an interest in life or an occupation. Such individuals are quite satisfied with their present mouth conditions and appearance, and content to eat their food without teeth or with the few that remain. The disinterest is often shown in their careless dress and slovenly habits. The prognosis h ere is dim beca use, after delivery. the patient will seldom exert the effort to wear his dentures. Here is where a carefullv followed educational program may improve th e p'atient's atti tude before delivery of his case. V. THE CHRO:-iICALLY ILL These individuals will later be assigned to one of the above classifications. For reasons relative to their condition, we may start work on these patients before we h ave fully considered a psychological program for them. After consulta tion with relatives and their physicians, and watching them as we proceed, we attempt to educate them as befits their indi vidual requirements. Success with such patients is ordinarily in direct proportion to thei r health TIC, JANUARY, 1984 ACQUIRING A GREEN THUMB / Plants in the office add color, freshness and a relaxing atmosphere. To keep your plants healthy and alive, here are some tips from the experts: (1.) Keep your plants near a window or with as much light as possible. (2.) Some plants require more water than others. Cacti and succulent plants need little moisture in the winter. Remember, no two plants drink alike. (3.) Plants in small pots need more water than those in large pots. Newly potted plants should be watered cautiously until they have taken firm root. (4.) Watering is best done in the morning with the water at room temperature. Cold water is injurious to the roots. (5.) Don't over-water your plants ; more plants die from too much water than from too little. (6.) To test the dryness of plants, rap your knuckles outside the pot. If there is a hollow, dull sound, the plant is too dry. TIC, JANUARY, 1984 SCARE MAKES YOU THIN In a few weeks, you will probably receive some information in the mail from SCARE - but don't be frightened. SCARE is an acronym for the Society for Calorie Adjustment, Redistribution and Evaluation. Most of you will want to read the literature carefully, and perhaps make a small, tax-free contribution to this worthwhile organization, especially if you are one of the tens of millions of Americans who have been in the front lines of the Battle of the Bulge. You probably haven't heard of SCARE. It is a new organization, for which I am proud to have been chosen as national co-chairperson. During the past decade, there have been few subjects about which more has been written and discussed than "dieting." We have been -literally deluged by the written and spoken word on how to lose weight. Who hasn't heard about the High Protein Diet, the Drinking Man's Diet, the Carbohydrate Diet, the Water Diet, the Banana Diet, the Rice Diet, the Mayo Clinic Diet, the Vegetarian Diet, etc., etc. (Only the Japanese Diet makes no such promise.) And to help maintain these diets, there is bio-feedback, hypnosis, group therapy like Weight Watchers, Lean Line, and Overeaters Anonymous. And, of course, exercise regimes-all promising svelte figures and a long life. Unfortunately, for a majority of "chub-chubs" all these diets and aids have proven useless. I know, because I've tried them all. Finally, I gave up trying, and decided my only hope was to associate with people fatter than I am, so that, by comparison, I'd look a little thinner. But that was in the past. Now, thanks to SCARE, the thin person locked inside of me will soon have a chance to emerge and remain on the scene. Let me start at the beginning. Last month, as I was finishing luncheon with a col- 15 by Maurice J. Teitelbaum, D.D.S. THISA AND DATA The importance of keeping dental records was more apparent recently by the New Hampshire legislature. They passed a law requiring dentists to keep dental records "in sufficient detail" for seven years. The primary purpose is for identification of a~cident or murder victims . . . . Money Magazine did a profile of the Alden sisters, two financial and market analysts whose prediction about the price of gold in 1976 was right on target as it went from $130 an ounce to $850. They predicted that it would drop to around $300 in March of 1982 and it did dip below $300 in June. Now hold on to your hats - or your scrap gold - for they predict that gold will hit $850 by mid-1984 and skyrocket to $4,000 in early 1986! They also look for silver to reach $150 an ounce by 1986 .... Perhaps you never thought of it, but when you enter your office you must shove against atmospheric pressure with a force of 14 pounds on ~very square inch of your body. Then, as you step mto the room, you must be sure of landing on a plank traveling at 20 miles a second around the sun. No :vonder it's sometimes difficult to take that first step mto the office some mornings! According to the American Council of Life Insurance, a woman reaches middle age at 40 and a man reaches middle age at 37 . . . . While on the subject of age, did you know that the nation's car population is the oldest its been since the 1950's? The average car on the road is just short of seven years, while an estimated six to eight million cars are "senior sedanzens" of 15 years or older .... While we go on worrying about all the harmful chemicals in our food and environment, it is estimated that 1,000 new chemicals are registered every day! ... A spokesman at a meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists told members that smokers who refrain from smoking at least 12 hours before surgery "reduce the risk of danger to organs and post operative complications often caused by the lack of oxygen." It was pointed out that the "carbon monoxide produced by smoking combines with the blood's hemoglobin, lessening its ability to carry oxygen, releasing it to body tissues." ma~e 14 s The 12-hour cessation of smoking enables the oxygen in the blood to reach its normal carrying capacity level. Good advice for the patient who is going to have an extraction or periodontal surgery. Which is probably the idea of this new plan. . . . As most philatelists know, a dentist has never been pictured on a postage stamp, although many stamps around the world have paid tribute to dentistry. An effort is being made to have the government issue a comemorative stamp honoring G. V. Black. The year 1986 will mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of this remarkable man, who was a physician, attorney, scientist, inventor, draftsman, teacher, pathologist, author and editor-as well as a dentist. THE ACHING BACK IS BACK The Canadian Dental Association, in a survey of almost 500 dentists, found that the incidence of back problems among dentists has not changed in the past 15 years. Despite the emphasis on physical fitness, proper chair posture and special back exercise, the same number of dentists complain of back pains. The greatest number of sufferers were between the ages of 30 and 50. The general popuLation doesn't fare any better than TIC, JANUARY, 1984 problems and the amount of cooperation obtained from them and their physicians. vVhat has the psychological evaluation of patient attitudes produced? Clues relative to the educational requirements needed to place each patient in the best possible attitude to receive skilled technical denture service. In our opinion, many difficulties in such service are brought about by our not having educated the patient as to what he may expect of his new appliances. This must be done prior to starting the work. As a matter of fact, educational procedures should be utilized before, during, and after the construction period. To affect thinking relative to preparatory education, we will discLlss it in relation to the varioLls types of patients who present themselves for denture service. It is assumed that in most of the follo wing types an initial visit has been made to our office for classification of attitude. By APPOINTMENT ONLY THE IXEXPERIENCED DEl'iTURE PATlEl\T WITH REMAINING TEETH This patient is open to a complete program of education at our hands. His complete denture knowledge is limited to his imagination and what he has been told by denture wearers. Such a person is experiencing anxiety about the surgery to be performed and is fearful of appearance change. How do we allay these fears? Advise the patient of developments in surgery that promise little distress; should he so desire, he may sleep through the extractions and mouth preparation. Explain that he is fortunate he can have immediate dentures and explain the advantages of such procedure. It is paramount the patient also be informed of the difficulties he will encounter. He is also told of the expectations relative to his case. It is better we promise too little than too much. It must be emphasized to the patient that when we give him correctly fitted dentures with esthetic appearance and properly aligned teeth, balanced occlusion, proper instructions in denture use, and periodic checkups, we are doing our job. His job will be to give us his COIllplete confidence and cooperation. He must also be told that continued denture success will be greatly dependent on the health of his oral tissues, which, in turn, depend on the maintenance of good general health. A simple explanation of the abO\e points is usually sufficient for the philosophical type patient. In handling the exacting and hysterical types, educational application must be more inclusive and profound. Reasons for complete mouth examination and health history must be expounded, results of x-ray examination fully explained, and the mechanics of denture construction related step by step. \\'e tllllsl inform the patients what they should expect ill order to counteract false impressions they maY haye TIC, JANUARY, 1984 " I HAVEN 'T BEEN IN FO R QU ITE SOME lIME. I' M AFRAID I'M JUST A ·W HE NEV ER -IT-STA RTS -TO .ACHE' PATIENT," that dentures will relieve them of all future mouth troubles. Listen patiently to all the questions these people ask. Tactful answers will gradually improve their attitudes previous to delivery time. Immediate dentures are a boon to the prosthetist in the treatment of exacting and hysterical patients. Tissue changes are easily comprehended by the immediate denture wearer, as he is shown first hand ~o denture is a permanent one. As gradual absorptIOn takes place, he fully realizes the dentures fitted properly when first inserted; this gives him confdence in the dentist's ability to fit his mouth after the tissues allow construction of the second dentures. The immediate dentures we refer to as treatment dentures. The patient now realizes the need for replacement of his treatment dentures was not advised by the prosthetist for financial gain. These psychological phenomena are seldom considered by the . dentist in his thoughts concernin bo ' I)atient edu"catIOn. THE I:-.iEXPERlF.l\CF.D EDEl\TlJLOUS PATlE:-.iT These patients are divided into two groups, those having had recent extractions and patients who have been edentulous over a long period of time. The patient with recent extractions is educationally handled in much the same way as the inexperienced denture patient with remaining teeth. It is 3 dentures, after their delivery he will not attempt to ",ear them. It is then that the others assume his problems. Have the person or persons who originally brought the patient present when you discuss details relative to his case. Explain that you will only accept the case if full cooperation of the patient himself can be assured. Explain the usual happenings in cases of indifferent patients and state you will use every effort to interest the patient in wearing his dentures. But, with the exception of necessary adjustments, your responsibility as to the utility of the dentures will end on their delivery. Such candid oratory in the presence of the patient to his attendant will often interest the patient to the point of cooperation with you. It will also convince the attendant and the patient that you are experienced with such cases. THE EXPERIENCED DENTURE PATIENT ~VJ " I KNOW IT'S IMPOSSI BLE BUT DON 'T EAT ANYTH ING FOR 24 HO URS ." necessary to explain to him that successful results will depend on his attitude, cooperation, age, health, size and shape of the mouth, and his expectations, as well as the knowledge, skill, and materials used in construction. As in other types of cases, you will make full mouth x-rays. This is explained by your desire to evaluate the underlying tissues for denture prognosis. Such procedure not only provides an evaluation of this tissue and reveals possible surgical errors, but also impresses the patient with a sense of confidence in your thoroughness. If preparatory surgery relative to denture construction is in need of any correction, ask the patient to have this done. If your request is refused, enter this fact on the patient's chart in his presence. The patient presenting himself with an edentulous mouth of long standing is usually an ill person or one typed as indifferent. He will ordinarily be accompanied by a friend, relative, or nurse. Because of his indifference it is very difficult to reason with or educate such a person. Should the patient be ill, an educational program should be individually planned with the cooperation of his physician. The troubl~ you will experience with an indifferent patient rests not altogether with him but rather with the friends or relatives who bring him to your office. If his indifference is not corrected by an educational program instigated by you, prior to delivery of his 4 There are two primary considerations concerned with experienced denture wearers. Why the patient desires new dentures. And, if the patient has worn his dentures unsuccessfully, whether it was due to his lack of cooperation or to faulty construction. We ascertain the answers to these questions from the patient and from examination of his dentures, mouth, and x-rays. Prior to the patient's second visit, we consider these factors and formulate a program to present to him during his second office visit. The philosophical patient presents a reasonable attitude, and his desire for new dentures is usually due to tissue loss and a resultant loss of retention plus a change in vertical dimension. For this patient little psychological preparation is necessary. The exacting patient usually proclaims contempt for his present dentures and for the dentist who fabricated them. He will go on as follows: he paid an exhorbitant price for dentures he has never been able to use. His mouth has been ruined. Can anyone correct the terrible work of Dr. So-and-So? He had many adjustments but nothing helped. If he let us make him a set of dentures, he wants to check every step; and, if at any time he does not like ,,;hat we are doing, he will quit, as he cannot afford spending more money for nothing. Such a person cannot be accepted as a patient in his present attitude. 'What procedure is used to change his attitude to the point where we can accept him? There is one thing we should never do and that is blame the construction of the old dentures. Not only because of the ethics involved; such procedure is also psychologically unsound. If his present dentures are of the immediate type, explain they were treatment appliances, that his tissues have changed but dentures are made of materials that do not alter with tissue change. If the tissues were allowed to heal before denture construction, point out TIC, JANUARY, 1984 TIC, JANUARY, 1984 13 THE FAKE DENTIST • by Cyril B. Kanterman, D.D.S. Remember when New York City's Mayor Fiorello La Guardia used to read the Sunday funnies to the kiddies over the radio? We, too, are going to read the comics - not because Tic readers are illiterate (which they assuredly are not) but because this comic strip happens to be in French. Titled "The Fake Dentist," it was published in the Parisian humor magazine Images amusantes in 1910 - a time when the funnies were really funny and intended primarily for an adult readership. Le Faux Dentiste comes from the National Library of Medicine's dental print collection and tells, with typical Gallic humor, a credible story, one that could have actually happened. TOP ROW: A man enters a cafe and seats himself at a table. Holding his face, he is obviously in distress. He explains to the sympathetic patrons that he has a severe toothache. Enters a professional-looking gentleman carrying a medical bag. SECOND ROW: The newcomer asks the waitress what's the commotion about at the next -table. She informs him that the fellow over there is afflicted with mal de dents. By coincidence, the gentleman happens to be a dentist. He offers the toothache sufferer a pill from his bag. Lo and behold, the toothache instantly disappears! 12 THIRD ROW: The cost of this miraculous medication is a mere five francs , which the grateful patient is most happy to pay. Naturally, the bystanders are anxious to acquire this wondrous remedy. The dentist does a brisk business, quickly selling out his wares. BOTTOM ROW: What's this? The "dentist" and the "patient" gleefully meet outside. It turns out they are a pair of swindlers who staged this scenario to peddle worthless pills. Meanwhile, back at the cafe the people discover they have been fleeced and take off after the crooks. The two polissons (rascals) get a deserved dunking in the river. As they are fished out of the water, they conclude that maybe their dental scam wasn't such a great idea after all. Cute story that it is, "The Fake Dentist" has a universality that transcends time and place. Instead of in a bistro in Paris in 1910, this little tale could have happened in Archie Bunker's Place in Queens in 1983. Why? Whatever the environment, people are still basically the same. We have our hopes, our fears - and our greed. Besides providing a few laughs, comics often make a serious point. This one is no exception. The lesson here is take nothing at face value. It also confirms P . T. Barnum's observation that there is one born every minute. N'est-ce pas? TI C, JANUARY, 1984 that he was the type of patient whose tissues, at first, did not take to the h ard material replacements. Otherwise, he would not have had to have as many adjustments as he reported to us. Point out the unfavorable conditions you find in his mouth. Tell him how some of these conditions can be improved. Put the full emphasis of your explanations on the unfavorable physical conditions. If you are persistent in this approach, you will find an awakening interest in the patient. You have not minimized the construction efforts or results of the other dentist. You are telling him facts he h eard from the other man, and his subconscious thoughts about how complex he believes his particular case to be, are slowly entering his conscious mind. You will recognize this metamorphosis in the patient's attitude. Now is the time to assert that you will only accept his case if he will give you his entire cooperation. If he agrees t.o this, enter it on his chart in his presence. Also, at thIS time, quote your fee. Explain that you will require at least one half of the fee at the start of the case and the remainder on delivery of the case. Enter this fact on his chart in his presence. Do not swerve from this procedure. The prepara tory handling of hysterical patients follows the same line as used with exacting patients; however, there are some added features. It is good practice in the case of highly emotional and reactionary pa tients to obtain as much information as possible relative to medical history. If possible, consult with his physician for information and planning. With h ysterical patients, as is sometimes the case with indifferent patients, you can use family members to great advantage. Explain to the family member all you have told the p atient and explain TI C, JANUARY, 19 84 "YOU WANT AN APPOINTMEN T TO LOOK AT THE DOC. TOR'S BOO KS" WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE MAGAZINES?" wha t you can and cannot do. Often this procedure will decide whether or not your further service to the individual is warranted. There are other types of trouble to avoid. One is making a n ew immediate lower denture to an old upper that has been articulated to lower natural teeth . Another is constructing a new upper denture to oppose a lower old partial denture. In such cases a balanced occlusion is impossible. Many patients present themselves for denture ser vice and demand of us all types of unprincipled service. Unless these patients can be educated by us to proper dentistry, then they should not be accepted as patients. Another point relates to the fee for the work. When you figure your fee , take into consideration not only your technical work and the laboratory costs but also the psychological evaluation and prepara tory work involved. If you do not, you will lose all interest in the psychological preparation of your patients, which is just inviting trouble. In conclusion, the above is certainly not all-inclusive of the psychological evaluation and preparation problems you will meet in denture practice. But if this information tends to bolster your thinking in this direction, then it will not have failed in its purpose. Bracing for a Bflmkthrough Geriatric Dental Care Electrical stimulation of the gums may help straighten teeth in half the time. by John Hayden, Editor Health Affairs, University of Pennsylvania ot (Dr. Blair is the distinguished editor of .the J?urn~l t~e American College of Dentists, from which hiS edltonal IS reprin ted. ) T wo investigators at the University discovered that it is possible to move teeth of cats in half the time using electrical currents applied at very low levels. They are now using this new technique on a group of human patients in a clinical trial. Before their joint project got underway, both of these investigators were pursuing the same goal independently, unaware of the other's research interest. Dr Zeev Davidovitch an orthodontist at the Dental School, was trying to' find a way to reduce the time required for orthodontic treatment by studying the effeots of the cells responsible for tooth movement. Dr. Edward Korostoff, a professor of restorative dentistry, materials science and engineering and bio~n gineering, had been doing research on the generatIOn of electricit:y in bones that are undergoing mechanical force since 1966 and on the use of applied electricity to cause bone to grow. He had worked on the development of the now-accepted method for healing certain bone fractures that refused to knit in any other way, which was pioneered clinically by a group at the School of Medicine headed by Dr. Carl T. Brighton, Paul B. Magnuson Professor of Bone and Joint Surgeryand chairman of Orthopaedic Surgery. In 1969 Dr. Korostoff proposed in a symposium that electrical stimulation would accelerate orthodontic tooth movement. This was paralleled in 1975 by Dr. Davidovitch's pIan to initiate experiments on electrical stimulation to accomplish the same purpose. Dr. James Ackerman, then chairman of the Department of Orthodontics at the School of Dental Medicine, brought them together to pursue their joint research. Their work was aided significantly when Dr. Davidovitch, using a technique he developed, was able to identify active cells in bone under the microscope. This subsequently enable.d the two investi~a tors to examine tissues to determme whether electncity could stimulate cells to an active state. The idea of using electricity to stimulate bone growth began with the discovery nearly 30 years ago that bone develops its own electricity when bent. It 6 Keith P. Blair Dr. Davidovitch evaluates a patient's malocclusion. develops positive charges on the outwardly curved side and negative charges on the inwardly curved side. Bone tends to grow on that inward curve when stressed and resorbs, or disappears, on the outward curve. According to Dr. Korostoff, people began to wonder whether applying electric current might not do the same thing. Orthodontic tooth movement takes place by a process of bone remodeling in which the tooth moves into the place where the bone has resorbed and then bone builds up behind the spot where it had been. "We thought it would be useful to see if we could accelerate the movement of teeth that way," Dr. Davidovitch said. It had already been discovered before their work began that it takes about 20 millionths of an ampere to stimulate bone to grow and resorb. Therefore, they placed two wires connected to a power pack on either side of the tooth they wanted to move. The positive lead, or anode, was placed in the direction they wanted to move the tooth because that would cause the bone to resorb and the tooth could move into the space more rapidly. The negati~e, or cathodic, electrode was on the rear of that motIon so as to build up bone where the tooth had been. Over the next several years, they experimented on a large number of cats in a project funde? by the National Institute for Dental Research, WIth some additional support for investigating the m~chanisms involved by the National Science Fou!1d~tIon. T~e result of those experiments was a defirute Illc~ease III the rate at which teeth moved under orthodontIc force when electrically stimulated. This was acco~p~ished with very low electrical currents, 10 to 20 ~rulhonths of an ampere-too low to be felt by the aruma!. TIC, JANUARY, 1984 One of the fastest growing segments of our national popUlation is the elderly. It is time that the d~nt~l profession learns more and does more about genatnc dental care. Neglect, not age, is the main cause of tooth loss, as every dentist knows, and when people have less neglect in middle-age they prevent unnecessary loss of teeth as they approach their later years. Contrary to the frequent image that unfortunately type-casts most elderly people as senile and incompetent, the great majority of our present ol?er,populatIon lead very productive lives. They have Improved general health and better oral health, as compared wirth a generation ago. As an increasing number of middleaged people seek regular dent~l. car~, the~e same people have better dental condItIons In theIr older years. The dental care needs of the elderly are no different than that of people in younger age groups. SeniOrs' need a full range of dental services including oral hygiene, restorative procedur~s, period~ntal treatment endodontic care, fixed bndges, partIal dentures and full dentures. There will be an increasing need in all phases of dental care for the elderly, except for full dentures where the need is decreasing as people preserve more of their teeth. These senior citizens have as much concern for their health comfort and appearance as do people of any other 'age category. Their chronological a~e should not interfere with having the care they need, If they are physically able to have the treatment. We should begin geriatric dental care early by i~ forming our patients about the need to save theIr teeth, not only for appearance and mastication, but TIC, JANUARY, 1984 also to preserve alveolar bone, whi~h gives SUPP?rt to the face and preserves the dimenSIOns of the entIre lower third of the face. Dentists know that the restriction of sugars and the use of proper oral hygiene will result in healthy dentition for the lifetime of most people. There is no cure as good as pre.vention though that simple message seems to be so dIfficult to communicate to the public. Recent government statistics show that 45 percent of the elderly live on pensions they have earned and another 33 percent are still earning incomes. Only a small minority of the elderly receive public ~ssistance. Generally, they are becoming more finanCIally comfortable. But for those seniors who cannot afford regular fees, we should arrange low-cost facilities where they can receive adequate treatm~nt. Certain steps need to be taken, also, If the elderly are to have better dental care and improved oral health. Community health organizations must infort? the public, including senior citizens, a~out good nutntion and preventive dental care. NurSID? homes need to train their staffs to improve oral hYgIene. Dental schools should include courses on geriatric dentistry in undergraduate studies. Mor~ continuing education classes are needed on the speCIal problems of the elderly and recommended methods of treatment. With our declining birth rate and the lower number of school~aged persons, our population ~ge-groups are noticeably changing. As the great mIddle-aged QTOUp moves steadily into the senior classification, fhere will be an ever-increasing demand for dental care for the elderly. Will we be prepared for it? Keith P . Blair II State and Local Taxes May Top $300 Billion S tate and local general tax collections will probably exceed $300 billion in the 1983 calendar year, for the first time in history, according to Tax Foundation analysts. This would follow in short order the passing of the $200 billion mark in 1979. For the years 1977-1982, state-local taxes rose by amounts averaging 8.4% annually, even with persistent recessionary conditions in the private economy. The cumulative five-year increase was 50%56% for states and 42% for localities. Growth has been especially rapid for the more "broadly based" taxes. State and local units collected $52.7 billion in individual income taxes in 1982, 71 % more than five years earlier. General sales and gross receipts tax collections, at $61.9 billion in 1982, rose by 60% for the 19771982 period. One-fourth of the total dollar increases in general state-local taxes during these five years was attributable to general sales. General tax collections of local governments passed the $100 billion mark in 1982, owing primarily to a sudden resurgence in property tax growth. In an unexpectedly high rebound from the "Prop 13" slowdown of the late 1970s, property taxes jumped by $10.5 billion between 1981 and 1982, accounting for better than half of the year's net increase of $19.6 billion in general state-local collections. Our 82,688 Local Governments Reach R'ecord Deficits Governments in the United States ran a record deficit of $117.4 billion in calendar year 1982, topping the previous peak red-ink year of 1975, when they spent $63.8 billion more than they received in revenues. There were 82,688 government units in the United States in 1982. On general accounts, states and localities ran a $4.1 billion deficit in 1982, up from $75 million the previous year. Deficits as such do not show up in most official state-local budgets, however, because of budgeting methods that provide separate accounting for current and capital spending. The Federal deficit amounted to $149.5 billion in calendar year 1982. It was partly offset by a $32.1 billion surplus in state-local operations that resulted from a buildup of balances in social insurance accounts, largely pension funds. 10 • "He said his recovery was a miracle, so he sent the check to his minister instead of you." The Case of Vanishing Americans Large numbers of Americans seem to be disappearing every day. And the nation's life insurance companies are looking for them. It's part of a multimillion-dollar lost and found operation. These "lost" Americans are the beneficiaries of insurance policies and they've moved without leaving a forwarding address. Many aren't aware they are beneficiaries; some have paid up annuities they've forgotten; some simply never knew the deceased had a policy. In most cases, insurance companies make regular, often elabora:te efforts to locate beneficiaries using investigators, sales representatives, even newspaper ads to do the job. Sometimes a letter to a postmaster or a simple reference to a telephone directory will locate the missing party. Often the search leads across the country, sometimes across oceans. But if they're not located within three to seven years, depending on state law, the money goes to the state for safe keeping, This is known as "escheat," meaning the state is entitled to custodial care of the unclaimed property. Still, if the beneficiary shows up with proof of his claim, the insurance company will either pay directly or arrange for the state to repay - possibly with interest. TIC, JANUARY, 1984 When working on human' subjects, the electrical device is used in addition to regular orthodontic brackets and wires attached to the teeth. The power pack is placed between the lip and the gum and is connected to electrodes similar to the way it was used in experimental animals. Orthodontic practice was once confined mainly to children, but Dean D. Walter Cohen pointed out that in recent years some orthodontists say that about 40 percent of their practice is on adults who require correction of malocclusions. Since it takes much longer for treatment on adults, one of the important objectives of using electric current as an adjunct in orthodontic treatment is that it shortens the time needed to move teeth. Since a patient would be wearing the devices for a shorter time, discomfort would be reduced and patient cooperation, which is usually high in the early period of treatment, could be more easily maintained throughout the treatment period. In addition the potential damage to oral tissue is also reduced. Since the electric charge is so minute as not to be felt, complaints from patients are mainly about the bulkiness of the battery pack, which the patient attaches and wears only at night. To be sure the battery pack is working, the subject has a device that measures the current output. When the investigators saw their positive results on experimental animals, the University of Pennsylvania applied for a U.S. patent, which was granted in 1979. The potential for widespread use of the device was recognized by Mr. Nathaniel Lieb of Venture Technology, Incorporated (VTI). This led to the formation of a research and development limited partnership, Ortho-A-Associates. Mr. Richard Smith is the General Partner of Ortho-A-Associates, which has the funds for the clinical trials on human subjects. It has been agreed that VTI will assist in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of the device in the future. The clinical study on human subjects will last approximately two years and will involve 60 females and three age groups: 12-to-15; 20-to-30; and 31-to40 years-of-age, corresponding to adolescents, young adults and middle-age adults. Females were chosen because they are the predominant group of individuals seeking orthodontic treatment at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. By using females only, the research team was able to remove one of the variables in their research project. The clinical tests are being directed by Dr. Robert Sanford, an orthodontist with general experience in electronics, who received his orthodontics certificate from the School of Dental Medicine in 1982. The patent for the device also covers other applications which are in various stages of development. One is the electrical treatment for periodontal disease, which would counteract problems caused by bone loss. Another application being studied by these investigators is the use of electrical stimulation to treat cleft palates. Finally, in patients with dentures, bone growth under the denture base may be stimulated electrically, which will improve the retention of the denture. Just as it was possible several years ago for orthopedicsurgeons to use electrical stimulation to aid in bone growth, dentists may be using a battery pack to assist and speed up corrective orthodontics within the next few years. Dr. Korostoff displays the model of the electrical device (shown at right) for faster movement of teeth in orthodontics. Dr. Sanford, left, is conducting the clinical tests. (Photos. The DailY Pennsylvanian) (Copyright by Health Affairs. Reprinted by permission.) tiC, JANUARY, 1984 1 Over 9 Million Have No Job, 2 Million Hold 2 Jobs Ithant isninedifficult to believe that at a time when more million unemployed Americans are looking Ik qtuPuHei K~ '" Harry Cimring, D.D.S. IfJ.IUUn Pearls of Something, Not Wisdom BROILED HALIBUT WITH FRESH GINGER 2lbs. halibut steaks Juice of one-half1emon Vz c. soy sauce Vz tsp. fresh grated ginger Butter or margarine . Cut halibut into six serving pieces. Sprinkle fish lightly with the lemon juice. Put them in a shallow broiling pan. Pour soy sauce over fish and let set for Vz hour. Dot fish with butter and sprinkle ginger over each piece. Broil 10 minutes or until fish is tender. Baste several times. Serves 6. GUACAMOLE 2 avocados 2 hard-cooked eggs 3 small tomatoes 6 stuffed olives 1 small onion or 2 scallions with greens Juice of one lemon Season salt and pepper to taste Few drops Tabasco sauce. Mash avocados and eggs and dice tomatoes; slice olives and mince onion. Mix and add lemon juice and Tabasco sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with crackers, pita bread, chips or fresh vegetables. SHRIMP NICOISE 2 lbs. uncooked shrimp, shelled and cleaned Y4 c. butter, margarine or oil Pinch of salt Dash of pepper 3 cloves garlic, minced 3 Tbsp. dried parsley Saute shrimp in butter. Cook quickly until pink, about 5 minutes. Stir frequently. Season with salt and pepper. Add minced garlic and parsley, mix well, and serve immediately. Serves 6. 8 and it's constitutional, which is even better." • "Some of our friends wanted it in the bill, some of our friends wanted it out, and Jerry and I are going to stick with our friends." • "I'm not only for capital punishment, I'm also for for the preservation of life." • "From now on, I'm watching everything you do with a fine-toothed comb." • "The chair would wish the members would refrain from talking about the intellectual levels of other members. That always leads to problems." • "Mr. Chairman, fellow members and guests. That's a goddamn lie." • "I don't think people appreciate how difficult it is to be a pawn of labor." • "This state's atypical. We've got some real weird ducks, and I think that's reflected in this Senate, with all due respect." • "Let's violate the law one more year." • "Mr. Speaker, what bill did we just pass?" There was more, of course. Much more. But you get the point, even though all the politicians together - or separatelydon't. So, let's be careful on election days. The voting booth levers can be danger" ous to our community "It's a new disco called 'The Politican.' One step forward, two health. steps backward, then sidestep." Political leaders make use of ghost writers, public relations specialists and many others who have talent at the typewriter to create the phrases which make headlines and paint a public image of eruditeness. But, alas, left on their own, on the debating floor of a government body, such as a state legislature, what comes forth is far from the Churchillian standards too often associated with lawmakers. Michigan reporters have documented some choice political malaprops. They have compiled some of the pithiest quotes of Michigan lawmakers. They post the chosen ones. But before making it to the wall of honor, the words must have been spoken in a public forum and heard by at least two reporters. Here is a sampling of their "roll of honor"--each spoken by a different elected official: • "Before I give you the benefit of my remarks, I'd like to know what we're talking about." • "There comes a time to put principle aside and do what's right." • "I don't see anything wrong with saving human life. That would be good politics, even for us." • "This bill goes to the very heart of the moral fiber of human anatomy." • "It's a step in the right direction, it's the answer, TIC, JANUARY, 1984 TIC, JANUARY, 1984 to get one job, two million of their neighbors are holding down two. The faot that the great American tradition of moonlighting is prospering while the rest of the workforce struggles in search of a single paycheck is an American paradox, for it is spawned as much by the economic distress that has lifted the jobless rate to double digits as by American ingenuity. Who are those Americans who have not only been able to hold on to their own job, but a second as well? The names are different, but the reasons are the same: • Some are hobbyists who have managed to turn a favorite pasttime into a second source of income; • Some are entrepreneurs seeking to launch their own businesses while clinging to the security of a recession-proof job; • Some are saving for something special, a college education, a summer home, a vacation lost to a depressed work week. More typically, however, the American moonlighter is a family man or woman seeking little more than to make the mortgage and car payments, get the children through school, and have a little something left over for retirement. One factory manager, who supplements his salary by working weekends for a caterer, reasons his two jobs this way: "I just want my children to grow up in an atmosphere' of as little want as possible." The reluctance of many moonlighters to reveal a second source of income and the loss of federal funding for gathering labor statistics have hampered government efforts to pinpoint the number of multiple jobholders. But the last time it surveyed workers, the U.S. Bureau of Census found 3.2 million Americans working more than 40 hours on at least two job. And while the recession has undoubtedly cost some of these workers at least one of these jobs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics conservatively estimates that more than 2.2 million workers continue to moonlight. The moonlighter is not likely to be taking a job away from one of the unemployed, experts in labor say, explaining that the typical person who holds a second job has some type of specialized skill and that's not generally where the unemployment is coming. 9