May 4 M
May 4 M
2015-2017 Middle School Math Textbook Selection Advisory Committee AGENDA May 4, 2016; 2:15 pm—3:15 pm; JLS, Room 540 Participants DESCRIPTION NAME PRESENT INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISOR Elizabeth Fee (JLS), yes Abby Garrison (Jordan), no Becky Rea (Terman), no Stanley Chow (JLS), Yes Sameer Gupta (Jordan), Yes Marlo Kitch (Terman), No Steven Shirley (JLS), Yes Josh Spira (Jordan), Yes Lori Lester (Terman), No Sharon Ofek (JLS Principal), No Mimi Kwon (Jordan Asst. Principal), Yes JLS: Loup Gourvenec, , JLS: Connor Missett,, Jordan: TBD Yes -- T: Shana Ebrahimnajad,, Yes Amanda Gantley (Nixon Elementary) Yes Dave Deggeller (Gunn) No Ambika Nangia (Paly) No Maureen Duffy (Terman) No Erin Harrigan (JLS) Yes Katherine Baker, CAO Secondary, (DO) Yes Suz Antink (DO) Yes PARENT REPRESENTATIVE MS MATH TEACHER (S) (LEVEL) ADMINISTRATOR(S) STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ELEMENTARY TEACHER OR ELEMENTARY TOSA HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS SPECIAL EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE ENGLISH LANGUAGE REPRESENTATIVE CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER, SECONDARY EDUCATION (FACILITATOR) SEC MATH TOSA (ASSISTANT) ADDITIONAL TEACHERS 1ST HOUR Bryan Nabas Paul Jorgens Marissa Ferrante James Sperry Agenda Item 1. Welcome! 2. McGraw-Hill Presentation Matt Vickers url: User name: mhecamath Password: mheca2014 free trial Look for districts that use it at the bottom of the page (build at UC Irvine) Notes Teachers in Attendance: o Paul Jorgens, Terman o Bryan Nabas, Terman o Introductions Algebra 1 (30 minutes) o Can purchase ALEKS along with the book at a reduce price o All of the reference materials are online o Great math videos—we looked at Transformational Geometry “together we are smarter” comes up first Teachers have asked for this—the students are talking through the problem-solving— students “see” the 8 mathematical practices in action. o Teacher center—home landing page—ebook on the right hand side—looks like the TE o Can zoom in on the lesson in the text (“Then, Now, Why”) o Key concepts; standards o At the top of the page—grad cap lets you toggle between the student edition and the teacher edition o At the bottom of the page… o Virtual tutor and manipulatives—sets of tools o Can pull up the tools while they’re online… o Can drag the example over.. o Makes the classroom dynamic o McGraw-Hill owns Geometer’s Sketchpad (corresponding lesson…) o Shows example of “Mellow Yellow” o No hills—flooding in Texas o Can extend your mathematics in the classroom…. o Sketchpad is used regularly in your classroom… o Go to Menu---under McGraw Hill Education o Go to resources—can look at the chapter lesson by lesson—Systems of equations o Carousel of resources on the left hand side—ALEKS, Check, esolutions, IWB, More, Tools, Tutor, Vocab, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Watch, Worksheets (18)—in both word and PDF—in Word they can be edited (This lesson doesn’t have a Sketchpad application) Can assign HW online—are the answers available to them? Teacher discretion—where there’s a big green dot, there’s step-by-step solution for the students ESS system—students could do problems online every night, they can see their score for the assignment… eSolutions Manual—has he solutions to every problem in the book—could print them off as a PDF—so students have the solutions. Teachers drive this—gives reasons for each step See the online types of practice problems--? Great—I’ll go back to my homescreen… Plan and present—pacing guide Move to assessment—McGraw Hill eAssessment system—can create a new test… Banks of questions—lots of technology enhanced questions—can create your own test from the bank of questions… Each chapter has 6 to 8 different assessments, and practice—from the practice, you can assign the test to your students— Demos what the student sees—shows how it fills in—can do the problems in any order—can go back to problems Can look at these by learning objectives and standards… Works on Chromebooks and iPads (and phones) Sketchpad has a free app--It works beautifully—read-aloud IEPs work fine on the iPad. What kind of resources are McGraw Hill provide to teachers online? –We have training— How long does it take? –prior to being in the classroom— You have to learn the tools every day—a Day training—take them through the program and the technology tools—depends on what the teachers want—print, maybe not so long—maybe more on the technology—then selecting the right resource within the digital platform… All of the tools are available at any time—and the some of the tools are linked to the lesson… The tools give us your personality in the classroom—lots of different options. (Find one and get good at it—then adopt another) Implementation course right here on line—most lessons are about 3 minutes—help button up to the 3. Chat with Teachers for a moment… 4. Debrief right with great videos—for all of the different resources o For 8th grade—in response to ensuring that those mathematical standards are embedded o Interactive student guide o Take a look at those particular problems—we up the rigor—marry it to as many practices as possible— dual coding… o Students can write in the book and teachers have the option to grade what’s written electronically. o Can look at it online—under Program Resources (your second ebook) o We have offers of adaptive technology at its best:ALEKS o (We also have a retention tool: Learn Smart) o free trial –can take a tour o Power of ALEKS is the fact that you can go in—AI; in Alg 1—500 topics… We’ll take 5 topics and explore… o We’ll go in to ALEKS—and it will start the students with an initial assessment—between 20 and 30 questions—which will take them on their own pathways… Because it’s not multiple guess—ALEKS will also have lots of tools o Live teacher reports—We can see what time we took… o About the book—not CA standards—beyond—can be customized—for CA—we believed that it was better to let teachers customize. What did we hear? o What did we like? o Impressions o Very similar to the Holt—repackaged it o So many tools—not a problem o I feel like I’m being sold a bill of goods—look at our bells and whistles—beyond the package o How is the curriculum doing a better job in covering the standards. o The tests are new— o Last week Big Ideas talked about the lesson organization— o It seems like it’s common for the publishers to say that the standards are here, you choose. o I suggested that we hear them—in terms of the curriculum—it may be a good transition from Holt— they did a good job of labeling—real-life problems— very well laid out. o This book looks at concepts in two different ways. o They mentioned that they would customize the book for us. o Looks repackaged… 5. Envision Math Elizabeth: it includes 3-act Tasks 6. We liked the 6th grade text—that was part of the K-6 set; They have completed the 6-8 set—we have the examination copies. To access the new Envision Grades 6-8th grade: user name: envisiongrades678 password: password1 Not now—let the teachers take a look… Next Scheduled Meeting: 5/11/16, Wednesday, 8 am – 12 pm; JLS—Room 730; Breakfast and Snacks provided Agenda Items for the next scheduled meeting: Review our task(s) Finalize Pilot Texts Finalize Pilot Plans Talk about supplementary materials—especially on-line materials that could be used district-wide, such as Discovery Techbook, Recommendation to PAUSD Math Steering: Piloting which texts and Piloting method