Ladies in red- The Brand of Havis Amanda Junior Chamber


Ladies in red- The Brand of Havis Amanda Junior Chamber
High Class Partners
Being one of the Ladies in Red
Belief, Passion and Dreams: The Amanda Story
There Once Was a Lady Called Amanda
Ladies in Red- The Brand of Havis Amanda Junior Chamber
JC Internationally!
Amanda Co-operation Partners in Short
Lapponia - Art of Expression
Charity Project – Christmas of the Dreams Camp,
again at Christmas 2008
JCI offers great opportunities to an entrepreneur
Corporate Brand and You (Yes, One Does Affect the Other)
Reh Kendermann GmbH Winery
Oriflame - To fulfill dreams
haavi 02/2008
Havis Amandan Nuorkauppakamari
- Helsinki ry
c/o Heidi AIttoniemi
Ruutikellarintie 5E35
02650 ESPOO
Mari Silvennoinen
2 haavi
Proof reading
Tuula Erolainen, Terhi Savikko, Lotta
Soini, Maria Ulvinen
Cover Susanna Muurman
Content Mari Silvennoinen
Take a Deep Dive Into our World
When Havis Amanda Junior Chamber was established in 2003 one of the corner
stones was internationality. During year 2004 we hosted WP 2004 Fernando
Sanchez-Arias as well as business women delegate from Abu Dhabi. After that
Amandas has been actively taking part of European and World Conferences
and at the same time we have been building our international network piece by
This year is a very special year. Firstly, Turku hosts European Conference in June.
Secondly, Havis Amanda Junior Chamber has her fitfh anniversary. To celebrate
and give somekind of review about Amandas we decided to publish this special
issue in English. That we will do by giving you an overview what has happen
since November 2003. Our Deputy President Tuula Erolainen collected our Past
Presidents around the same table and in co-operation they provided historical
review about Amandas. Our Local Marketing Manager Lotta Soini tells you
about brand management and our High Class Partners. Brand Management is
covered in this issue more widely, while our appreciated and inspiring friend, Dr.
Sherron Bienvenu will tell you more about it and how your company (or your
local chamber’s) image and brand have to do with you. Maria Ulvinen acted as a
project manager in a project where we wanted to know what kind of a woman
is average Amanda. She wrote a fictional story called ” There Once was a Lady
Called Amanda”. In the end Project Manager Johanna Haanpää will introduce
you our charity project and Maija Ilmoniemi, young entrepreneur, tells you what
Junior Chamber can provide to entrepreneurs.
Creating this issue has been educating journey for me, while Amanda-journalist showed uncredible commitment to the cause. Secondly, I have learned so
many new things about our chamber, even though I have been a member from
February 2004, so almost from the beginning.
JCI Creed
We believe:
That faith in God gives meaning and
purpose to human life;
That the brotherhood of man transcends
the sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best be won by
free men through free enterprise;
That government should be of laws rather
than of men;
That earth’s great treasure lies in human
And that service to humanity is the best
work of life.
LIO 2008
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Greetings from PRES
Being one of the Ladies in Red
avis Amanda Junior Chamber was established in 1.11.2003.
Three strong ladies had a vision and they decided to make this
come true. The chamber of ladies with red t-shirts was born. My path came across
with this chapter in January 2004 with a help of my dear friend. I had no idea what I
was getting into but to be honest with you, I have not regretted joining Havis Amanda
for a second.
“The theme of the
year was “we are
family” ich was
taken truly by heart.”
At the beginning, as they were only few of us, the members were very close and became
to know each other quite well. It was so easy to become inspired by this whole thing and
eventually concept of Amanda-spirit was launched. The theme of year was “we are family”
which was taken truly by heart. I got deeply involved with this new hobby of mine and
eventually I did not know what had I done with all the leisure time before joining Havis
Amanda?!? First year was true action for us. Everything we did was new – had to build up
from the start. There were many who had doubts about us but this made us work and try
even harder.
The second year I joined the board. This was very challenging year for me but also the
most rewarding one. Being a member of the board, thought me a lot about leadership,
responsibility, delegating and most of all being part of the team which was working like a
little company. Our chapter grew rapidly and it felt like there were new trial members flying
in from doors and windows. We noticed quite soon that in the future it will be a challenge
to spread the Amanda-spirit to new members.
Since then I have applied for a position in the board every year. This way I feel I get to
be in the heart of this chapter and actually have influence. This year, as a president of the
chapter, is the high point of my JCI-career. The best part of being a president is having such
great people around me. Havis Amanda Junior Chamber is full of ladies who want to be
leaders of their own lives and want to achieve something great. These women are proud to
be who they are and they have strong belief of what one can do. That’s what being a Lady
in a red t-shirt is all about.
If I have to go back and point out the best thing or experience I have from this chapter,
it would be very hard to point just one. But there are few that I believe have changed my
life; being a project manager, attending the speech competition and debate team and being
part of the Finlandia Night show in Tallinn. These are all places where I have but myself
on the line and I made it! I wish that each and every JC would have a change to experience
such a winning-feeling! Take the decision to do something unexpected and win yourself!
Heidi Aittoniemi,
PRES 2008
4 haavi
avis Amanda Junior
Chamber was established in 1.11.2003. Three strong ladies
had a vision and they decided to make
this to come true. The chamber of ladies
with red t-shirts was born. My path came
across with this chapter in January 2004
with help of my dear friend. I had no idea
what I was getting into but to be honest
with you, I have not regretted joining Havis Amanda for a second.
At the beginning, as they were only few of
haavi 5
Belief, Passion and Dreams: The Amanda Story
Tuula Erolainen, photos: Amandas
mandas have come a long way
since Havis Amanda Junior
Chamber was established. Five
years of full, passionate action is going to
be completed at first of November 2008.
It’s absolutely amazing how much red
Anu love and devotion has been put
to develop Havis Amanda Junior ChamTiina
ber action
to the exact direction we have
planned since the beginning.
Amandas’ focus areas of profiling have
been women’s entrepreneurship, women’s
leadership, combining of work and family
life and internationality. A lot of different
trainings, projects and actions have been
done in order to keep us on the right track.
We, Amandas feel that the most important
thing is to show ourselves that there’s
nothing we couldn’t accomplish on the way.
Co-operation with other Junior Chambers
and areas is also important for us as we don’t
want be seen too independent although we
have a strong and attractive image and a will
to keep it that way.
A lot has been experienced, tears of joy
have been shed and most importantly, the
learning process on the way has been a huge
strength for all of us. This would have not
been possible without Amandas’ mutual will
to execute the strategy we have created and
updated on the way to see together whether
the direction is right or not.
The will is part of what we Amandas call
“The Amanda spirit”. This amazing feeling
is around us every time we meet and each
one of us experiences that her own way.
We must have done something right as we
have been rewarded so many times for our
actions while accomplishing our important
and beloved hobbie.
I had a great pleasure to interview Havis
Amanda Junior Chamber past Presidents
Susanna Muurman (2004), Mia Lehti (2005)
and Terhi Savikko (2007) while they met at
Mothers’ Day at 11th of May, 2008.
Could you please tell about the motives and
background of establishing Havis Amanda
Junior Chamber and about the moments
behind it?
First of all, establishing of Havis Amanda
Junior Chamber was a tremendously “grazy”
idea which inspired people who had the
same way of thinking. There was also clear
need for a network which would consist
of active, ambitious and energetic women.
Since the beginning it was clear that soft
values, true friendship and spirit were the
major elements that Amandas wanted to
be part of the action. Also questioning
things, new way of doing and thinking
6 6haavi
“The key succ
factors have been
strategic lanning,
clear objes, vision,
miion and valu.
The publicity and
excellent communication have attracted
new, energic members and that has
guaranteed the continuity”.
were important areas let alone positive
influencing to the community.
What were the main reasons for starting up
our action so succesfully?
True commitment and getting inspired were
the key issues for the energetic and versatile
action since the beginning!!!
The inspiration was voluntary and came
deep down from Amandas but the external
pressure and the expectations Amandas
had placed carried us forward. The external
pressure meant other Junior Chamber
community’s and Junior Chambers’ attitude
towards Havis Amanda Junior Chamber
right in the beginning. One could clearly
sense some underestimation and even
resistance for establishing our new and
different Junior Chamber.
Amandas took everything out of their
knowledge, networks, freetime (sometimes
even worktime) and energy in order to
do the very best for our community. We
had amazing belief, passion and high
expectations for everything. We started
ambitiously since the beginning as we were
aiming to be The Best Junior Chamber in
the world for ourselves, so called normal
Junior Chamber action just wasn’t enough
for us.
Havis Amanda Junior Chamber – Helsinki ry in a nutshell
Established 1.11.2003
54 members, 8 trial members, 1 hang around member, honour members 3 (05/08)
Members consist of active women working at management and expertise duties
Finland’s and Europe’s only Junior Chamber established by women
Focus areas of profiling: women’s entrepreneurship, women’s leadership,
combining of work and family life and internationality
Some Awards at Year 2007
International: World’s Best Individual Development Program
National: The Best Individual Development Program
National: The Best Local Information Program
Area 5: The Best Chapter of the Area
Area 5: The Best Areal Visibility: Petra Vaisalo
International Awards
2004 World’s Best New Junior Chamber
2004 World’s Best President: Susanna Muurman
2005 The Best European Individual Development Program
2006 The Best European Individual Development Program
2007 World’s Best Individual Development program (Be better, every day)
JCI Finland’s spearhead projects:
◦ Productive Idea: Community Series Winner: Weather science institute and Vaisala
Helsinki Testbed project
◦ The Most Positive Person in Finland: The best execution
◦ Winning Team of the Debate in english language final
◦ Productive Idea: Innohome, Company series southern Finland
Our strategic planning, thorough base
work and establishing our chamber as
7 7
Could you mention your TOP moments at
Havis Amanda Junior Chamber until today?
”The first sparkling idea of Amandas at
spring 2003 at restaurant Theatre. “
“Sensations of success when establishing
members were inspired to join us.”
“Establisment meeting, World conference
in Fukuoka, Japan and the two amazing
prices we received from Junior Chamber
International on a world level”
professionally as it was a company meant a
lot. Also strong branding, profiling and the
will to differentiate on a positive way were
the key elements.
and values. The publicity and excellent
communication have attracted new,
energetic members and that has guaranteed
the continuity.
There was a kind of positive cycle; our
effort, belief and “crazy” creativity were
awarded for example with successful
projects, partners and awards.
We have been broad-minded since the
beginning and have wanted to do things in
a new inspiring way without forgetting our
passion. We’ve also been humble enough
despite of the success and have wanted
to ensure the continuous development.
Nothing has come for free, we’ve done a
lot of hard, systematic work in order to be
where we are today. As a result we have
managed to create action that is as familiar
and close to our members as possible.
What were the key factors for being able to
maintain our basic action so strong?
The key success factors have been strategic
planning, clear objects, vision, mission
8 8haavi
“The moment when JCI World President
Fernando Sanchez-Arias wanted to meet
Amandas in our own event, The Awards
Gala at Joensuu 2005; “And the winner
is Amandas, Amandas, Amandas”…we
received eight (8) Finland’s best awards and
two honour mentions.”
“TV-news interviews like Channel 4 news
and 10 o’clock news at Channel 3.”
“Charity/Rose project where we gave a rose
for nurses at Helsinki University Hospital as
a reward for the valuable work they do and
also the charity action that started then and
which we’re proud of.”
“Thoughts that were larger than life”
“The moments when Amandas also
operated on a national level at Junior
Chamber Finland.”
Summary of year’s 2005 actions at Havis Amanda Junior Chamber
◦ 54 own events
◦ 10 projects and almost 100 project meetings
◦ We participated in areal conferences and national meetings with high participant figures.
We also participated national competitions and spear head projects.
◦ The amount of members increased from 31 to 42. Immediate Past President received tens of inquiries from
potential members.
◦ We had twelve own training events, for example “Encouragement Seminar for women interested in entrepreneurship.”
◦ We gave a training for other Junior Chamber areas. The contents and the idea of the training was created by Amandas.
◦ New Amandas were trained three times at Start- training.
◦ We participated in all together twelve different areas’ trainings and we had a participant at Prime training at
World Conference in Vienna.
◦ Two Amandas acted as “Skill map” trainers, three Amandas acted as area 4 and 5 trainers and one Amanda acted as
a coach at Future Chapter.
◦ We had numerous partner events, four new 2-year High Class Partnerships, four 1-year partners and tens of different
project partners.
◦ We had and still have strong, positive result and see through financial statements.
◦ We had targeted external communication and brand building. Internal communication was regular and continuous;
45 eHaavi deliveries by email and four Haavi magazines.
◦ Austrian culture night, participation at European and World conferences, presentation of Amandas for
JCI officers; for example World President Kevin Cullinane and Vice President Henry Bertel
Finally looking out for the future; How would
you describe Amandas at year 2013 when we
have our 10-year celebration?
Amandas will be known for its history and
results. We are vital influencer and network
where our values, spirit and passion will
bring more friends and joy to life. We will
also have ideological and financial influence
to the community.
Amandas got an amazing honour to host JCI World President
Fernando Sanchez-Arias’s f irst night in Finland at April 04
One thousand red roses were given to University Hospital
nurses for the valuable work they do at April 04
Amandas’ future was planned at the Strategy Sailing at May 07
Amandas after their best known project “The encouragement
seminar for women interested in entrepreneurship at October 07
After the Awards Gala in a National meeting in Helsinki, April 06
Amandas at European Headquarters, Brussels as guests of MEP Eija
Riitta Korhola at February 2006
Amandas remembered Women Veterans in February 2006
President Heidi Aittoniemi is receiving presidental chain
Amandas Past Presidents, Mia Lehti (2005), Terhi Savikko (2007) and
Susanna Muurman (2004)
10. Amandas after New Gear in January 06
9 9
Maria Ulvinen, photos Anu Vilvala, Johanna Haanpää
happen to know a woman called
Amanda. This woman decided, just for
fun and pure interest, and in tiny parts
as a learning experience – businesswoman as she is, to do something similar
to “a midterm report” of her life. She
wanted to see where she stands at the
moment and how she has come there.
The results were not bad, not at all. In
fact, they were rather astonishing. To
put it short, at 2008 Amanda’s life flows
forward according to her plans; Successfully, happily and on a stable ground.
What does that mean precisely?
10 haavi
Amanda speaks: ”At the year 2008 I find
myself working and making an rather
excellent income with marketing related,
demanding, and responsible position as
an expert. Full 10 years in working life are
just about to become reality. I’ve managed
to graduate from University with Masters
from Business, mixed with some other areas
of studies by the age of 33. I live happily
with my family (including me, my husband,
and our child) in our own apartment. I do
not have pets as there seems to be no time
for them, but it has crossed my mind every
once and then.”
Pretty well done for 33-years old woman, I
would say! What else is there?
“I enjoy various hobbies and experimenting
all sorts of new things in my life. I am active
with Junior Chamber International and
I’ve been a member with a local chamber
for 3 years. ”Sports keep up your shape and
mind” is one of my principles and it shows
in my interests. I like to sweat it out in a
gym, aerobics or sometimes even in yogaclasses. I also golf and shop. I ho-nestly
believe shopping counts for sports in many
occasions! I am also interested in cooking
and interior design and decoration. When
it comes to taking care of my mind, I like
to educate and entertain myself by reading
books, in average nine books in a year. The
literature is mostly either work related or,
some lovely romantic garbage. One needs
some opposites! I simply cannot live without
Helsingin Sanomat newspaper. In addition
to that I read Kauppalehti, Taloussanomat,
and some other work-related newspapers
in regularly. Daily gossips and episodes are
easily collected from Iltasanomat...”
She continues: ”Beside the busy working
life, career, and taking care of home-sweethome, I want to pamper myself, too, every
now and then. I visit day spas, beauty
saloons or hairdresser once or twice two
months. Distinguished looks does mean
some financial inputs, no can do... My
wardrobe charges me close to 200 euros
per month. Inside my wardrobe, there can
be found 21 pairs of my darlings. Meaning
shoes of course! For jewellery I spend
approximately 65 euros per month and the
same number for cosmetics is 125 euros.
The VISA bill depends on the the time of
the year and whether there is something
special coming up. I pick up tips for fashion
and trends from the pages of e.g. Gloria and
Olivia magazines. I read many other women
magazines as well, depending a bit on my
mood. Fashion or being fashionable is not a
key issue in my life. But being well-groomed
and ship shaped does have some part to
do with building a successfull career and a
healthy self-esteem”
”I go out to eat once or sometimes twice
a week. There is not too much time for so
called high cultural activities. I go to movies
in average every other month. Twice in a
year I go to some concerts to listen good
music and go to see theatre plays. I visit
rarely opera, ballet and art exhibitions. I like
to be social, though. I try to steal some time
to visit nightlife with my good friends once
in a month. It’s relaxing and a great way to
re-charge my batteries for long time.”
time off with the family or friends. It is
also a way to enjoy the fruits of my work
as well as gather experiences and boarden
”Having my own car is not a must for me. I
would freely choose, I would definitedly go
for sports car! Maybe Porche... or German
build sports car would be okay too!”
”While having upward tendency with
my career and achieving high personal
accomplishments, I still hold on to my
personal values. Soft issues are still close to
my heart, especially my family and friends,
as well as being healthy.”
“Bide of the busy
working life, career,
and taking care of
home-swe-home, I
want to pamper myself, too, every now
and then.”
As far as the author is concerned, no matter
how splendid any “midterm report” might
be it does not mean a thing if there is no
one to live and share it with.
In all, it really seems Amanda lives a full
and diverse life. I could not help thinking,
though, exactly how many hours does she
have in a day... Pretty amazing, what more
can I say. Wonder where she’ll be in 5 or 10
A Fictional story based on true
facts and averages of the members
of Havis Amanda Junior Chamber. Amanda Barometry 2008
–questionnaire was carried out on
spring 2008 and was answered by
41 members.
”I travel abroad approximately 5 times a
year. Vacations at capital and cultural cities,
beach resorts or with some activities would
be, in my opinion, the best way to travel.
Still, nearly half of my travelling is normally
related to work. Travelling at my own spare
time is a valuable way for me to spend some
haavi 11
Ladies in red-
The Brand of Havis Amanda Junior Chamber
Lotta Soini, photos: Amandas
The Statue of Havis Amanda
Havis Amanda Junior Chamber was named after a nude female statue in Helsinki.The statue was
sculpted by Ville Vallgren in 1906 in Paris. Havis Amanda statue is located at the Market Square
where it was set in 1908. She is a mermaid who stands on seaweek as she rises from the water.
starters they set up a stylish logo, created a
website that topped all the excisting ones,
started publishing a magazine called Haavi
four times a year, made a brochure and
established a clothing line which includes
two different models of red shirts and black
Amanda Friend shirts.
It has always been easy for Havis
Amanda Junior Chamber to get
more members or partners. Since it’s
foundation in 2003 Amandas have
created a powerful and positive brand for
their Chamber. The Amandas are known
from red evening gowns, stylish website,
well functioning communication and red
Amanda shirts.
The most important thing, however, is the
exploding attitude, effectivity and energy
towards everything what they do! According
to its mission Havis Amanda Junior
Chamber - Helsinki, is a dynamic, energetic
end extremely attractive development
and networking organization that gives
young people an opportunity to positively
influence the society and ones own personal
When Havis Amanda Junior Chamber
was established there were some doubts
whether women’s Chamber could make
it work. Amandas showed it possible. For
12 haavi
There are also some other elements, which
make Havis Amanda Junior Chamber quite
unique in Finland. Havis Amanda is the
only chamber that has an LMM (Local
Marketing Manager) as a member of the
board. LMM takes care of marketing,
partners and Amanda t-shirts. Amandas use
red roses as Thank You gifts and rewards for
their members, partners and co-operating
partners. In addition to that Amandas
adobted the song We Are Family as their
theme song and play it in every possible
The brand of Havis Amanda Junior
Chamber has two key elements. The most
important one is the Havis Amanda figure,
which is based on a statue of a mermaid
called Havis Amanda located in the Market
Square in Helsinki. Red color is carried
through all the marketing elements, project
materials and Amanda products.
Finnish Junior Chambers have got their
share of “red flashes” in the past 5 years.
Nowadays there are 56 Amandas in the
Havis Amanda Junior Chamber and all of
them wear either red Amanda t-shirts or red
evening gownes in all the parties depending
on the status of the party. Havis Amanda
has won numerous awards in regional,
national, continental and even at global
level. In 2007 the chamber received the
JCI World award for The Best Individual
Development Programme. Amandas are
often in the media and are well known
and respected in many fields of business
in Helsinki, the capital city of Finland. No
wonder some of their actions have later
been copied for the use of other Finnish
Havis Amanda Junior Chamber has
never had many problems when looking
for partners. Amandas look for partners
who can benefit from Amandas and who
share the same values. Reasons behind the
Amanda success are due to the professional
way of presenting the chamber and - we
have to admit it - its uniqueness. As the
only womens’ chamber in Finland there is
a range of companies to get in touch with.
At the moment Havis Amanda has the
following partners: Oriflame (cosmetics),
Graficolor (publications), Kalevala Koru
with Lapponia brand (jeweleries), SATS
(gym), Tietotalo (it, web solutions) and
Altia with brands Kendermanns and Helmi
(wines and liquires).
Biggest annual Amanda-project is the
Entrepreneurship Seminar for Ladies but all
the projects carried out act as visit cards for
the chamber. There are numerous contacts
from potential member candidates after the
projects and especially after the Seminar.
Each press release or interview where
Amandas are mentioned makes the brand
even stronger.
The Amanda Family offers its members a
new way of life, where partnerships, mutual
respect, trust, caring and Amanda spirit lead
the way. The aim is to spread our values,
energy and positive attitude to life around
everything and everyone.
More about Amandas: www.havisamanda.
JC Internationally!
Jyrki Lihr, NP 2008, photo JCI Finland
The thing you can´t miss, are the international events
in JCI. I´ve seen too many sad faces when it has been
realized what this is all about. Don´t hesitate, the world
is waiting for you, - just go for it!
I encourage you to come and see the unlimited
opportunities JCI World can offer. There are many
different kind of choices, but you have to take the first
step. I guarantee you won´t regret it. You don´t have
to do it on your own, gather your JC friends and do it
together. Personally all my memories from international
events are the most valuable ones.
You can benefit either in business or in self developing, or you can choose both as well. Come and see, but
don´t be late!
haavi 13
Amanda Co-operation Partners in Short
Lotta Soini
SATS is a leading chain of gyms for active persons. SATS offers its members
a possibility to make their lives healthier and better with the help of best sport
products, instructors, and the most enjoyable sporting centers. Basic values of
SATS are joy, energy, safety, unity and innovation. SATS has been a partner
of Havis Amanda Junior Chamber since 2006 and the co-operation has been
very successful for both sides.
ORIFLAME Finland is a new partner of Havis Amanda Junior Chamber.
Oriflame has offered Amandas product presentations and Amandas have for
example. acted as a test group for Oriflame products. Oriflame was also in
a visible role in 2007 entrepreneur seminary for women. Oriflame has been
acting in Finland since 1968 and is nowadays a modern specialist of natural
beauty. Oriflame was chosen the Direct Sales Company of the Year 2006 in
TIETOTALO helps Amandas strengthen their brand by offering the website Tietotalo is a fast growing it-company which employs
about 60 persons in Finland. The staff consists mainly of specialists and
freelancers. Amanda-site has got a new freshened look which was planned
together with Tietotalo. Tietotalo offers also services such as Infomessenger,
which is the tool for Amanda e-letters.
KALEVALA KORU designs, manufactures and markets high quality
jeweleries. Company is one of the biggest companies in its branch in
Northern Europe and has been valued as 14th important brand in Finland.
Kalevala Koru and Amandas have been partners since 2007. You may enjoy
Kalevala Korus Lapponia Jewelry on Amandas in European Conference
Award Ceremony and Gala Night.
ALTIA is a leading Finnish Wine and Spirits House, with traditions reaching
back to 1888. Altia and Amandas have a partnership which consists of two
brands: Kendermanns wines and Helmi liquers. If you are lucky you may get
an invitation to “Amanda-Kentsut” or “Amanda-Konjakit”, which are social
networking events organized by Amandas – even in EC.
GRAFICOLOR is the newest partner of Amandas. Co-operation contract
was made in the beginning of this year. Graficolor offers high quality printing
services for companies and communities. Haavi magazine, which you are
reading at this moment, is printed by Graficolor. Graficolor is trusted printing
house which serves all stages of printing process from planning to logistics.
14 haavi
haavi 15
Lapponia - Art of Expression
Lapponia Jewelry, Heidi Aittoniemi, photos Lapponia Jewelry, Anu Vilvala
alevala Koru with Lapponia Jewelry
has been one of Havis Amanda’s
High Class Partners since the
establishment of the chamber. The cooperation has been working well and in
this issue we are honoured to introduce
probably one of the most intrequing
jewelry designers in the world, Christophe Burger, as well Lapponia Product
Manager Raili Hautanen.
Christophe Burger carries us a way
with whirl
Many of us still remember January 1987.
The season of hard frost lasted in three
weeks’ time even in Southern Finland.
Christophe Burger, Lapponia´s jewelry
designer, remembers those frosty days as
well, as it was just at that time that he for
the first time visited Finland in order to
meet people from Lapponia. Although
the weather was arctic, Christophe Burger
remembers his warm and hearty reception:
“I felt like a son-in-law candidate. I was
asked about my thoughts and plans. I was
frost-hardened. And at the airport, when
leaving, they told me that they liked me!”
Christophe Burger is an exquisite performer. He loves the language and speaks rich,
tuneful English and makes the language
colourful with his French vitality. The listener is enchanted by his stories. That’s why
it is no wonder that he also with his jewelry
wants to intermediate a message which
requires an interaction.
It is more that so natural that he is a
member of several associations. He is the
Vice President of “Corpus”, a group of
French jewelry artists and a founding member of ”Ars Ornata Europeana”, a network
of European modern contemporaty jewelry
Also the jewelry that he has designed for
Lapponia is embossed with concern for the
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“Each human being needs to be rognized as an individual.
Wearing jewelry is a spific way to expr individuality: it
is a non-verbal mage to other people. This mage is both
unique and universal. It always refers to our humanity.”
Christophe Burger
artist, jewelry digner
other. He has examined Lapponia´s history
and the form language of other designers.
In this connection he wants to make a
clear difference between the definitions
“artist” and “designer”. He feels that he as
an artist is free to express himself without
restrictions but that he as a designer takes
into account the reference frame of the
company’s image.
According to him, the success of the
jewelry sales is always a mystery which no
market research can solve or predict. He has
more faith in the intuition. He explains that
it is his aim to create a whirl that takes us to
an other reality. It begins when the person
sees a piece of jewelry which with its form is
giving a certain message. Then the myste-
rious name of the jewelry is exposed and
the whirl is there again, taking the person
deeper and deeper. When he looks at the
jewelry again, it seems to be more familiar
and tells again a somewhat different story.
“At it’s best the piece of jewelry gives an
expression of our unity with each other and
up there, says Christophe Burger and shows
upwards with his hands. “Not with God but
with deity and with that part in us, that the
deity touches and has touched since beginning of time. We should all have a talisman
of our own.”
The dearest pieces of jewelry have their
stories. The designs of Christophe Burger
are full of meaning and symbols, which have
“The world of shap is so
attractive. Everyday work is
demanding, versatile but also
very interting. “
How long have you been working with
Lapponia Jewelries?
I have worked for Lapponia for 18 years. I
started in 1990’s when I was 28 years old. I had
worked couple of years in Germany and met
my future husband there. When coming back to
Finland I wanted to be able to use the language
I had learned and therefore I chose to work for
What motivates you in your job?
been compressed to a reduced and distinct
form language. The final preciousness of
jewelry lies in the preciousness of human
You can’t help your charisma
New Lapponia Jewelry speaks to charismatic,
independent women all over the world. Lapponia
is jewelry for women with vision and who want
to express their personality. Timeless Lapponia
jewelry is a life-long companion.
Havis Amanda Junior Champer has had a
great opportunity to have Lapponia Jewelry as
High Class Partner. We interviewed Lapponia’s
Product Manager Raili Hautanen who truly
knows these exceptional jewelries.
The best thing of all, the salt of the work you
could say, is to be able to see and meet the artistic
world. The world of shapes is so attractive.
Everyday work is demanding, versatile but also
very interesting. I am able to use the languages
because most of the companions and artists are
from Europe.
brand is better known outside Finland and
most of our production is exported to foreign
countries. We can see a lot of new opportunities
for export and therefore the future looks very
What kind of woman is Lapponia Jewelry
designed for?
Lapponia Jewelry is designed for charismatic
women, who want to express their personality.
They are intended for women of all sizes and all
ages, but every woman need to find their own
jewelry – once you do, you will find a friend for
What makes Lapponia jewelries so charismatic?
Shortly – the shape, the form of the jewelry.
We have altogether 6 artists and they all have
their own idiom and that’s what makes these
jewelries special and unique. Furthermore
Lapponia is Finnish design. The first silver
collection, Space Silver, was designed by Björn
Wecström and his necklace, the Planetoid vallies,
is still one of the best known jewelry inside
Lapponia brand.
How do you see the future of Lapponia Jewelry?
The future of this brand is very positive and
cheerful. We have worked hard and now we are
starting to see fruit of all the work. Lapponia
The Group of Lapponia Jewelry and Kalevala Koru Jewelry is the largest in the industry in Finland and among the largest in Northern Europe.
The combined turnover of the Group is c. 23 million € and the number of personnel c. 240. The headquarters and production facilities are
located in Helsinki. The Group also has four jewelry shops in Helsinki and one in Stockholm. Both jewelry collections are based on distinctive
and ambitious design. All jewelry is produced in Finland, and is sold in representative jewelry shops and department stores. The main markets
are Finland, Scandinavia, Germany, Netherlands and Japan.
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Charity Project – Christmas of the
Dreams Camp, again at Christmas 2008
Johanna Haanpää, photo Nina Dodd
his JCI Havis Amanda´s charity project gives joy for children and teens who come
from single parent homes. Project helps people living in difficult family situations. We aim to give these families unforgettable Christmas: atmosphere, scents,
delicacy and presents.
At the end of year 2006 members of JCI Havis Amanda wanted to find a way to give a
break for children living in many ways challenging situations. We wanted to help and innovated a charity project. We decided to organize a camp called Christmas of the Dreams. It
would last the whole Christmas, so that children could enjoy this holiday properly. Idea was
great! Next step was to find children and families who would most need our help. We had an
honour to co-operate with the Salvation Army in this important mission. With their help we
realized that the best way to help was to aim our camp for single parent families. Especially
those families, that had more than one child. In these families Christmas is very often far
away from idyllic Christmas. Because of financial causes, they don´t have mass of presents
under an ornamented pretty tree. Their tables aren´t groaning with food and goodies.
Enthusiasm of partners thrilled
“Our goal is the same, we
want underprivileged single
parent famili to have a
real Christmas.”
Christmas time was magical! During the spring 2007, open hearted couple who ownes the Stockfors House of Patrons contacted us. They wanted to have our camp at their
beautiful house, free of charge. In addition they had partners who wanted to donate food
and beverages for the campers. Magic continued. Staff of the kitchen and employees wanted
to work for free. These wonderful persons donated their very important contribution for a
good cause. We also collected some funds. With collected funds we bought presents for the
campers. They all made a wish, that came true. The amount of joy was measureless!
The camp inspired many companies and private persons to take part in our collection.
All together we collected over 9 000 euros. These funds were used in presents and the rest
was donated for the Hedvig Room. The Hedvig Room is a meeting place for women and
children owned by the Salvation Army.
Excellent experience encourages to continue
We are now encouraged by well succeeded camp. We will organize Christmas Camp also
this year. Our goal is the same, we want underprivileged single parent families to have a real
Christmas. If You or Your company wants to help us, please contact! With partners we give
enjoyment for children. Even a small donation, thing or money, can be unforgettable christmas present for a little child.
Johanna Haanpää
Project Manager of the Christmas Camp
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JCI offers great opportunities to an
Maija Ilmoniemi, photos Maija Ilmoniemi, Anu Vilvala
’ve lived through what probably is the
busiest year of my life: just a year ago
I left my job and started my own business in the field of communications. The
past year has most certainly been one of
the most interesting journeys I’ve ever
taken: not only because of the change in
my career but also because I have found
the JCI. My whole life has turned upside
down in a very positive way.
Networking is very important for an entrepreneur – and it is that to everybody today.
Taking part to JCI events is a natural way to
meet new people and make new contacts. I
have made some very good business contacts
that have been very useful to me. Also,
because I now work alone, the Amandas are
a very important group of interest to share
thoughts and learn from others. Sometimes
working alone gets lonely and these ladies
full of energy and good spirit surely give me
more energy.
I’m still pretty new member to the organization and learn a lot all the time. Because
of my young age, it is possible for me to
grow in the organization and workin many
positions of trust. At this early stage of my
JCI career I’m priviledged to have been
chosen to take part in Finnish leadership
academy training. It is a good way to both
grow personally and learn more about the
organization. Because of my profession
and the fact that my first insight to the JCI
world was in the seminar I also wanted to
take part in organizing the next seminar for
women entrepreneurs.
As much as you give, the more you get
in return. Thats’s why I want to actively
work in different projects and positions. JCI
membership is like you put money to bank
to grow interest. I have found my place!
Maija Ilmoniemi is a 27-year-old entrepreneur living in Helsinki, Finland.
Her company Paraply Ltd is a communication agency founded in 2007. She
has been a member of the Havis Amanda
Junior Chamber since 2007.
If I hadn’t taken the next step in my
career I would’t have found JCI. I attended
a seminar for women entrepreneurs last fall
that was organized by the Havis Amanda
Junior Chamber. I didn’t know anything
about this organization before and got
very interested in it after a great seminar.
And just a month after that I found myself
taking part of my first Junior Chamber
event. Ever since, I have got hooked in the
JCI spirit!
Meeting these wonderful Amanda ladies
and stepping into a whole new world of JCI
has given me a lot. I have made new friends,
made good business contacts and got a great
opportunity to develop myself.
One of the main events of Havis Amanda Junior Chamber is annually organized seminar for young woman entrepreneurs. The seminar is an ideal place to hear
business stories, meet potential business partners and chat with like-minded people. Feedback from the past seminars has shown that the seminar has encouraged many entrepreneurs to carry out their dreams. For more information - please visit
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Corporate Brand and You (Yes, One
Dr. Sherron Bienvenu
“A collection of perceptions in the mind of
the consumer.”
Much better.
So, let’s look at how a company builds a
brand and how that brand influences corporate reputation. Then we’ll talk about your
responsibility in the overall process.
ould a stranger recognize where
you work by how you look or
what you say?
Do you represent your company’s brand?
Does that even matter to your own
professional success? And just what is
“brand”? Is this a marketing buzzword or
something you really need to understand?
Defining Brand
As with many terms, there is some controversy about the definition of “brand”. For
“A name, sign, or symbol used to identify
items or services of the seller and to differentiate them from goods of competitors.”
--Dictionary of Business and Management
Fortunately, we can do better, since
“brand” has moved way past the “sign or
symbol” concept. It’s much more than just
a “logo”.
“The sum of all feelings, thoughts, and
recognitions—positive and negative—that
people in the target audience have about a
company, product, or service.”
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And (the question you were waiting for)
what’s in this for you? Opportunities and
options. You might gain some useful insight
on how to be a better representative of your
company, which could significantly pay off
for you at performance review time. Or,
you might realize that where you are is not
really where you want to be . . . because the
reality is that you are (at least in part) where
you work.
Your Company’s Brand
Many of you will recognize this Reputation Model, including intention, constituencies, identity, and image.
Intention. First, look at the mission
statement of the organization. In its most
simple (and, in my mind, most useful) form,
the mission statement will say 1) What we
do, 2) Whom we serve, and 3) Why we are
unique. Then, discover the values, goals,
or initiatives that derive from the mission
statement. Can you recognize what drives
specific corporate decisions that affect you
and your department or division? Do you
really “get” your company’s intentions?
Constituencies. The “whom we serve”
part of the mission statement is a starting
point for identifying the organization’s
target audiences, or “constituencies.” Often
(but not always), the customer is clear,
but the company should also consider
employees, shareholders, the public, the
media—anyone and everyone with whom
the company wishes to communicate.
Now, answer these questions:
- Can you identify all of your company’s
- Do you think your company has identified them all?
- What is the company’s intention with
each of these constituencies, i.e., exactly
how does the company want to be perceived by each of these target audiences?
Identity. Based on the intentions with
target constituencies, the company should
create its identity. This is where the branding fun really begins because everything
counts! Of course, identity is the name and
the logo, but it’s also everything the company does and says, including actual products
and services, employee relations, customer
service, product and corporate advertising,
investor and government relations, corporate philanthropy—everything in both every
day and crisis situations.
Therefore, this identity also means you!
As an employee of your company, you are
one way in which the company identifies itself. Your work, your actions, your
Image and Brand. How a constituency
perceives all of the details of the company’s
intention is image. And the collection of all
of the perceptions of all the constituencies
is brand.
Finally: Reputation (Speaking with
One Voice). If the image reflects the
company’s original intention and is consistent across all constituencies, then your
organization will earn a credible corporate
Back to You
What can you do with these insights
about branding?
First, does your department or division—
the part of the company over which you
have responsibility and authority—reflect
the corporate identity?
In my experience working with companies of all sizes, I have learned that many
employees do not believe that they have
the power to create identity and then to
Does Affect the Other)
influence the image of the company. But
they do. You do.
The obvious example is the front-line
worker who is the face of the company to
the customer. But for you, as a manager, the
opportunity is much greater.
The way you interpret and apply the mission statement and executive decisions has
a direct impact on the way your company is
perceived by target audiences. Remember:
all constituencies are important. And if you
want your team to stand out, what you learn
from analyzing corporate intention will
drive your daily decisions about your own
target audiences and create a benchmark for
the rest of the organization.
In addition, as you become more aware of
how your company is presenting itself to all
its constituencies, you will recognize small
inconsistencies (or maybe large ones) that
negatively influence corporate reputation.
Your suggestions for reducing inconsistencies might be your opportunity to increase
your direct report’s perception of your contributions to the overall organization.
And finally, do you, as a professional,
represent your company’s brand?
Where you work should be based on
some goal in your life—an intention. Then
what you do and how you do it—what you
say and how you say it—everything—all
your actions and all your words—comprise
your identity, the way you present yourself to everyone around you. The way all
those people perceive your identity is your
image—your professional brand. So, “where
you work” is a part of your identity, and how
your target audiences perceive that job is
part of your brand.
is, “I thought so,” will that make you proud?
I wish that for you. And remember, you can
make an impression that is just as powerful—and definitely more personal—than
the logo.
It Is About You (This Time)
On this rare occasion, it’s all about
you. You have the power to influence your
company’s reputation and your own. (Okay,
well, it’s not totally all about you because if
the perception doesn’t reflect the intention,
you have failed, and perception is never
about you.)
And you have a choice: You can ferret
out the details in the company’s intentionidentity-image process to enhance your own
professional intention and identity. You can
also decide that this is not who you are and
how you want to be perceived.
If you decide that this is not the image
you want—that this company intention and
identity do not match with your own—then
you have a model with which to analyze
your next company—before you make a
commitment to work there.
“However, my experience
tells me that learning more
about a company—even
one with ich you have
been ociated for a long
time—leads to better understanding, more loyalty,
greater oortunity to contribute, and higher rewards.”
However, my experience tells me that
learning more about a company—even one
with which you have been associated for a
long time—leads to better understanding,
more loyalty, greater opportunity to contribute, and higher rewards.
So the next time someone asks you where
you work, and you tell them, if the response
Sherron Bienvenu, PhD- communication specialist, speaker, trainer, author (3 books), consultant, professor, Senior Partner, Communication Solutions, Professor Emerita, Emory University; and Visiting Professor, International MBA Program, Helsinki School
of Economics. Her extensive track record (see attests to her experience, expertise, and popularity.
Dr. Bienvenu is an engaging speaker of many gender and business communication topics. Her dynamic delivery and storytelling ability enhance her relevant, pragmatic material. She inspires and motivates, informs and persuades, all with credibility
and style.
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Reh Kendermann GmbH Winery
he Reh Kendermann Branded Winery in Bingen is one of Germany’s
most modern wineries, a market
leader in the technology and production
of cold-fermented wines. It is also the
largest exporter of German premium
branded wines. The winery is also a
leading importer of locally bottled
branded wines. Reh Kendermann’s Carl
Reh Winery at Oprisor in Romania has
over 350 hectares of vineyards, including
190 hectares currently in production. The
winery is now in its third generation of
family ownership.
One of the company’s most successful
brands is “Kendermanns”, a premium fine
wine. The blue, white and gold label with
its background depicting the shimmering
outline of the Mice Tower, emblem of the
company’s headquarters at Bingen am
Rhein, reflects what sets “Kendermanns”
apart from other wines: the perfect
interaction of tradition and innovation, with
the aim of supplying only the best wines.
Kendermanns: excellent wines
The brand’s distinctive features are its
subtle taste and outstanding quality. The
grapes come from selected wine growers
under long-term contracts in the wellknown German wine regions of the Mosel,
Pfalz and Rheinhessen. Experienced
winemakers mature the wine with great care.
Using temperature-controlled and therefore
very slow fermentation, they ensure that the
wines develop an extraordinarily diverse and
intense range of flavours.
Consumers appreciate quality:
“Kendermanns”, which has been on the
market since 1974, is currently one of
the highest selling German branded
wines both in Germany and worldwide.
Even the experts agree on this, since
“Kendermanns” has received more
national and international awards than
24 haavi
almost any other German winery. For
example, in 2003, Reh Kendermann was
given the “Riesling Winery of the Year”
award for its “Kendermanns” brand. At
the San Francisco International Wine
Competition, the branded winery received
the “Best of nation: Germany” award. And
at the Mundus Vini Awards in Germany,
“Kendermanns” is regularly on the list of
prize-winning wines: in 2007, Kendermanns
Spätlese Rheinhessen won a gold medal.
Kendermanns 2006 Grauburgunder dry
QbA Pfalz and Kendermanns 2006 Riesling
Roter Hang dry QbA Rheinhessen are both
permitted to display the award for “Best dry
white wine of the year / grocery sector”.
the extent to which soil and climate can
influence a wine’s character. The Special
Edition selection includes Pinot Grigio
Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. And the
single vineyard wines are particularly fine:
Leiwener Laurentiuslay Riesling Auslese
and Leiwener Laurentiuslay Riesling
Extensive range
Restaurants and wine bars:
Kendermanns Dry Riesling Schiefer
The Kendermanns range has the right
wine for every taste and every occasion.
The classic “Kendermanns” range
includes the following varieties: Riesling,
Gewürztraminer, Dry Riesling, Pinot
Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Rosé, Dornfelder,
Pinot Noir and Merlot.
The Terroir series is of particular
interest to wine connoisseurs, with
Riesling Roter Hang, Riesling Schiefer
and Riesling Kalkstein demonstrating
Reh Kendermanns wines available in
Alko monopoly stores:
583347 Kendermanns Classic Rielsing, €
583347 Kendermanns Organic, € 8,99
Oriflame - To fulfill dreams
riflame is a cosmetics company that sells high-quality natural skincare and
cosmetic products through an independent sales force, outside the traditional
retail environment. Direct sales allows customers to get advice and inspiration
from people they know and trust. Buying direct is reliable and convenient.
Oriflame valu
“People o work
togher and share the
same goals achieve greater
rults.They motivate each
other and know that
pulling togher is more
rewarding than going it
“People with can-do spirit
have a winning attitude
and never give up.They are
prepared and committed
to do at it tak to
“Pionate people have
the power to change the
world.They love at they
do, they believe in it.They
know deep down that they
can make a difference.”
Copyright © 2008 by Oriflame Cosmics SA
26 haavi
Being an Oriflame Sales Consultant means unlimited income and career opportunities,
personal development and a sense of belonging to a friendly global community.
Oriflame is a company characterized by a can-do spirit, a decentralized management and
a young and entrepreneurial atmosphere.
Oriflame Cosmetics is today one of the world’s fastest-growing cosmetics companies.
Oriflame is present in 59 countries and is one of the market leaders in over 30 countries. A
sales force of 2.3 million independent Sales Consultants market a complete range of high
quality skincare, fragrances and cosmetics.
Although the company has grown rapidly it never lost sight of its original business
concept - Natural Swedish Cosmetics from friend to friend.
Oriflame in short:
- 1,1 billion Euros in annual sales
- 2.3 million Sales Consultants
- 6.200 employees
- more than 800 cosmetic products
- more than 100 million catalogues distributed in 35 languages (2006)
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