Invu Brochure


Invu Brochure
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why run round in circles...
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...when you could be running
like clockwork?
By managing all your documents electronically from
your desktop, Invu improves efficiency, lowers costs
and makes you more responsive to enquiries.
You won’t even have to leave your desk.
From legal firms to hospital trusts,
schools to estate agents,
• Never waste time chasing another
endless paper trail
accountants to publishers,
• Access years worth of files in
logistical operators to IFAs,
seconds from your desktop
Invu solves problems common
• Cut query response times and
to all organisations, from 2 to
dramatically improve service
20,000 employees.
• Create watertight audit trails for
regulatory compliance
Designed by the people who
use it, Invu is the simplest, most
intuitive software you’ll ever run
on your desktop.
• Transform dead storage areas into
practical, usable space
• Enjoy secure, shared access to
every document you need
• Protect your work with reliable
Easily searchable and always
accessible, Invu allows anyone who
ever needs a document to find it,
disaster recovery measures
• Rely on the very best support in
the industry with InvuCare
share it, change it and store it,
all within a few clicks of a mouse.
Wherever you work,
whatever your work,
you’ll run like
clockwork with Invu.
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“I can honestly say that investing in Invu was one
of the best business decisions I have ever made.
It creates something you can’t buy – time.”
Mike Miles, Managing Director, Accalon Associates Ltd
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only Invu
saves you so much...
and no other software gives you so much, so
quickly, for so little investment. Invu costs less than
you currently pay to store and retrieve your
documents conventionally.
Now we work far more
Save time: why waste time hunting
Save money: think of the resources
through dusty storerooms and rusty
you’ll save managing and sharing
cabinets? Invu puts everything you
work more efficiently, improving
need on your desktop. Imagine the
service to suppliers and customers
time you’ll save, when you need it
and freeing your team to do the job
most, simply through being in
you’re paying them for.
complete control of your work.
efficiently, provide our
With the burden of admin lifted,
customers with a much higher
When your most important client calls,
efficiency comes naturally. Invu puts an
level of service and have less
you’ll have all the information you need
end to the substantial business cost of
administrative requirements.
for the conversations that really count.
missing files, delayed proposals and
As our company grows over
Last month’s sales report? No problem.
compromised client service.
the next few years, we know
Your latest invoice? It’s right there.
Invu can grow with us.
A customer’s letter? Get straight to it.
Remarkably, Invu reduces the cost
of managing and retrieving every
Steve Griffiths, Practice Manager,
BHG Chartered Accountants
Invu cuts out the time you lose every
document in your business to as
day, looking for missing information.
little as £1 per day.†
You simply won’t believe the
difference Digital Document
Management makes to your query
response times and the level of
service you provide your clients.
£1 a day calculation based on Invu per
user costs for a typical 10 user license.
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Save space: what will you do now
your store room’s clear and your filing
cabinets are being turned into scrap?
How about a new business team or a
meeting room?
Storing your documents electronically
frees up ‘dead’ areas once given over
to cumbersome, impractical storage,
allowing you to put every square foot
of your office space to best use.
With many organisations now obliged
by regulatory bodies to maintain their
records for years, even decades,
storage space has become a major
concern. Invu instantly relieves the
pressure, providing safe, compliant
access at the touch of a button.
Just imagine it. You’ll never waste
time looking for another letter, invoice,
fax, estimate, presentation or record
ever again.
All this and a full return
on your investment
within six months.
“ Invu has enabled many of our staff to access student records
and papers in their charge without having to be on the campus
network, making us more efficient and allowing us to spend
more time on education provision and less on admin.
Mary Hurst, Education Manager,
University of Southampton
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there’s more
to Invu
than saving your organisation valuable time,
money and space. Unlike the paperwork on your
desk, the benefits of Invu just keep stacking up.
“ The solution from Invu
So simple to use
Keeps you in control
Invu is the first software in the world
Invu is more than a hi-tech filing
designed by the people who use it.
cabinet. You can share documents,
Above all, they wanted it simple and
create your own workspace with
straightforward. That’s why Invu
remote online access, keep a track
makes every document in your
of who saw what and when and
business fully searchable via an
improve regulatory compliance.
interface that needs minimal training.
Invu is flexible and designed to suit
your business. So flexible, it tailors
is delivering significant cost
savings, replacing the paper
Gives service a lift
the functionality to your specific
trail with a full audit-trail,
Invu frees your staff from the burden
business needs.
removing the need to
of administration, allowing them to
request copy invoices
focus on the areas of your business
Easy on the budget
and a product which
where they can make a real
We’re so confident in our software,
interfaces with our existing
difference, like looking after your
we know you’ll see a full return on
customers. With Invu at the heart of
your investment within six months.
your business, response times are
There is simply no more cost-effective
Paul Williams,
drastically cut and you’ll always
way to manage the flow of information
UK Systems Manager,
have the answers.
through your business. You’ll spend
accounting packages.
Universal Music Group
less running Invu than you currently
waste tracking down and managing
your paperwork. Invu cuts these costs
to as little as £1 per day.†
£1 a day calculation based on Invu per
user costs for a typical 10 user license.
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Looks familiar
There’s something very reassuring
about Invu software, especially if
you’re a computer user. Its intuitive
interface, menu system and folder
structure means you’ll find everything
right where it should be. Invu is the
only document management software
to balance such broad functionality
with incredible ease of use.
Fits right in
The architecture of Invu software
makes it a big hit with IT Managers.
It integrates seamlessly with legacy
systems, appearing as an icon in the
toolbar and dovetailing neatly with all
common packages like Sage or
Goldmine, offering extended
functionality and accelerated document
access. With minimum disruption and
rapid adoption, every employee soon
feels right at home with Invu.
“ Following the implementation of Invu’s document management
Thanks to state-of-the-art
Series 6, there’s never
been a better time to
experience the remarkable
benefits of Invu.
system, we have managed to take around 200,000 client files out
of the sales locations. We estimate this has led to a 23% increase
in efficiency and time saving for our administrative staff.
Asim Tariq, Project Manager,
Millfield Partnership Ltd
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we’re flexible,
so Invu always meets your specification
What does Invu really do?
With Invu, you can see your
documents in a single or multi-page
Invu will support many different file
format, making it easy to navigate
formats, including those generated
through large documents in
from scanning. The most common is
a logical and simple way.
TIFF but it also supports PDF, JPEG
and many more.
Provided the relevant application is
installed, Invu gives you the ability to
Invu allocates a unique number
create files of any type. You simply
to every version of every document.
decide where it needs to be filed in
You can even set your documents
Invu and your users (security
to display like a filing cabinet, which
permitting) will be able to find it,
can make it easier to store and
retrieve it or search its content with
Stewart Wallace,
file information. Alternatively, you
speed and efficiency.
Fleet Superintendent,
can completely automate the
Stena Line
indexing process.
“ Invu is completely
user-defined and we have
easily been able to adapt
it to our requirements.
Invu’s security can be configured to
allow users and groups to view, edit,
Invu contains state-of-the art search
delete, index and view information,
and retrieval facilities. Using either
according to their own privileges.
an indexing system or document
content, you can search quickly and
Version Control
easily. Results are displayed by
The software allows you to edit any
category and are instantly
document and create a new version.
Other users will be notified that the
document is being modified but will
still be able to see previous versions.
Version numbers are also generated
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Product Lines
With the help of Invu Workflow
Based on the most up-to-date
Designer, business processes become
technology, incorporating the
truly logical – whether they’re system
Microsoft .NET framework, the Invu
or document related. Users can action
Series 6 product range includes:
or authorise tasks and transfer bundles
of data, not just documents.
• S600 – network electronic
document management system
Internet Explorer
Using Invu, you can capture a web
for one or multiple users
• S650 – as S600, plus automated
page or just link to one, using IE 5.0
routing of documents through your
or above.
business using a workflow system
• i600 – access only to the search,
retrieve and view functions of an
You can adjust many aspects of
existing S600 or S650 database
the Invu system and it comes with
• Link Manager – automatically
three different types of interface –
transfers and indexes existing
simple, standard and advanced.
documents into the S600 or
S650 database
• CodeFree and Advanced CodeFree
Invu communicates seamlessly with
Integration – technology which
server-based mail systems, so you
allows Invu to link seamlessly with
can work with your emails and index
other applications, providing a
them in the Invu system just like any
single-view of all business
other document.
information, without additional
programming expense
Your Invu Accredited Partner can provide a full technical specification
upon request. Alternatively, please visit
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Painless. Effortless. Seamless.
Invu works
Invu has successfully integrated with just about
every business application. It works seamlessly with
MS Office suite, SIMS, 1st, JD Edwards, Quay,
ACT! and Goldmine to name but a few.
With SAP Business One…
With Iris…
Invu is the first Digital Document
Iris users can now enjoy a fast,
Management system to receive full
intuitive document management
accreditation to integrate with SAP
function that puts every file, tax return,
Business One, retrieving all
letter and invoice within immediate
documentation relating to data held in
reach. That’s because Invu:
the program, not in hours or minutes,
• Creates instant, infallible audit trails
but seconds.
• Cuts unnecessary storage
• Instant access to background data
• Increased functionality within SAP
• Free flow of information
space and cost
• Stores and retrieves documents
in seconds
across departments
The system was implemented
• Faster decision-making processes
Invu software is also fully accredited
almost immediately and
• Enhanced customer service
by the ICAEW.*
within a month more than 350
• Valuable office space released
of our staff were able to use
• Improved regulatory compliance
it. We are now a much more
With so many files, in so many
formats, in so many locations, is it
efficient organisation giving
With Sage…
any wonder things sometimes
our tenants the service they
By linking seamlessly to Sage Line 50,
go astray? Invu is the missing link,
Line 100 and MMS, Invu reduces the
retrieving all relevant documents
task of accessing data to a few
regardless of location or application.
simple mouse clicks, leading to:
It even allows multiple departments to
• Cost reduction in processing data
access the same file simultaneously,
• Automatic indexing and filing
creating a clear and visible audit trail
• Instant document retrieval
in the process.
deserve and expect.
John Paul,
Head of Information Services,
Anglia Housing Group
• Improved regulatory compliance
• Streamlined invoice workflow
and approval
• Faster decision-making processes
• Increased functionality of Sage
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Digital Document Management
• Invu products have been sold
makes your working life easier.
to over 3,000 customers
Invu, Europe’s fastest growing
worldwide, with approximately
provider of DDM solutions, just
72,000 end users
goes from strength to strength.
• Our established network of
Accredited Partners continues to
Thanks to our strong sales
grow and extends across Europe,
performance and rapid expansion,
the Far East, Australia, the United
we are now Europe’s fastest growing
States of America and Nigeria
DDM solution provider.
• Series 6 has enabled Invu to
become a Microsoft Gold Certified
• Founded in 1997, we listed on
the Alternative Investment Market
(AIM), in January 2004
• The development of each Invu
product and service adheres strictly
• Including former directors of
to our core values of ease of use,
the Sage Group and ICL, the
pedigree of our board members
is impeccable
high quality and price performance
• The Invu Promise guarantees the
highest possible level of service to
all our Partners and users
“ I don’t need to ask for
information anymore because
I can access it easily using
one button and a couple of
keywords on my PC. And I
never have to worry about a
document being misfiled.
Ian Lynch,
Air Sea Scotland
An average business
loses 20% of its time processing and archiving manual paperwork.
Don’t be an average business.
Talk to Invu on 01604 859893 or visit
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Invu Services Limited
The Beren
Blisworth Hill Farm
Stoke Road
t: +44 (0) 1604 859893
f: +44 (0) 1604 859902
* The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales has accredited this software under the terms of its Accredited IT Product Scheme. Purchasers should ensure that the software, its security features and related support meet
their own specific requirements, as the Institute will not be liable for any damage whatsoever, incurred by any person, occasioned by the use of the software, or any related products or services howsoever caused.
† Microsoft
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.