From the PTA President… Erika Conner


From the PTA President… Erika Conner
From the PTA President… Erika Conner
Dear Parents and Staff,
Welcome! I hope you’re all ready for another wonderful year at MGIS! As many of you know, the MGIS PTA
does not waste any time getting started with our school-wide events.
Open House will be on Thursday, September 13th from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Do not miss this
chance to meet your children’s teachers, buy school spirit wear and Scrip, join the PTA, sign-up to help with the
PTA, and enjoy the ice cream social with other parents and students.
Grill Fest will be on Friday, September 21st from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. This is a school-wide cook out
where you can meet new people and say hello to those you already know. Watch for the flyer, which will come
home with your children.
September 21st is also 3rd Friday, which is an important day for all kids to attend school as it
affects our funding.
Our fundraiser kick-off day will be September 27th. This year we will, again, be selling Mr. Z’s pizza and
other delicious products. This fundraiser funds the majority of our PTA programs. Please help us by selling as
much as you can. The forms and money are due on October 8. Pick-up delivery on November 7 at
3:30 p.m. in the gym.
Coffee with the Principal will be on Thursday, Sept. 27th in the morning at 9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
Take this opportunity to meet Dr. Brugger and learn more about MGIS.
Our September PTA meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 27th at 6:30 p.m. Meetings usually run about
an hour or less. They are very informative and a great way to get involved or just find out what’s happening.
Childcare will NOT be provided.
More information will be sent home regarding all these events.
I would like to thank all the people who have volunteered to help the PTA this coming year. It takes many people
to make everything run smoothly, and we are always looking for more help. Please call the chairperson of any
committee with questions, or join them at
I would like to ask each parent, grandparent, aunt, and uncle to think about donating their time to MGIS this
year. What a difference even an hour would make to our kids and MGIS! There is much work to be done
behind the scenes, and we’ll take all the help we can find! Thank you very much and have a fantastic school year!
For official MGIS News – Read about it in the Bug or at the MGIS Website
School Shirt Fridays!
Every Friday is MGIS shirt
day. Students, staff, and parents are
encouraged to show off your pride
for our amazing school. Wear your
MGIS school shirt or MGIS sports
team shirt. Vintage MGIS shirts
are always still in style! Let’s show
everyone our school spirit!
Coffee with the Principal
Join Dr. Brugger in the school library on Thurs.,
Sept. 27 from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. for coffee,
treats, and informal conversation. Hear Dr. Brugger’s
plans for the 2012-13 school year. Then ask your
questions, state your concerns, or share your satisfaction about your child’s education at German Immersion. Child care will not be provided.
Get the Bug
via e-mail
Are you looking for a convenient way to receive
PTA news? Add your e-mail to listserv which
allows you to receive e-mails from the PTA such
as the Bug Botschaft newsletter and other important PTA news. Type in “add me” in the subject
box at
Vielen Dank!!!
Ein grosses DANKE SCHOEN to all the volunteers
who helped out at the MGIS table at German Fest
in July. Your friendly faces and helpful information
provide the first contact many have with our unique
school. Thanks so much! For those of you looking to join the party next year, mark your calenders
for July 25-28, 2013!
Many Hands Make Light Work.
Volunteers are needed every day during lunch and recess.
Volunteers can help as often as: once a week, once every
two weeks, once a month or on an as available basis.
All we ask is that you email or call
Pam Gende at 414-659-2708 or Melissa Charnon at 414535-1990. This will allow us to develop a schedule, seek
out additional volunteers, and inform Dr. Brugger of any
holes in the scheduling. This is necessary to ensure staffing levels are met to maintain safety for our students.
The rewards for volunteering
• Meet others (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and
even former MGIS staff) committed to helping students
• Meet MGIS staff who may not currently be working
directly with your child but may in the future
Volunteers are needed for the following roles:
Lunchroom/Hall Monitor:
Help 600+ MGIS students get and eat lunch in 1.5 hours
Shift times: 11:20am-1pm
Number of volunteers needed daily: 3
Duties to include: helping seat students, clear trash, wipe tables, dismiss students & monitor students in
Hall Monitor/Recess:
Monitor students in hallway and on playground
Shift times: 12:20pm-1:30 pm
Number of volunteers needed daily: 2
Duties to include: Monitoring of students and
being available for students on playground
Ready to get started or have questions? Contact MGIS Volunteers Committee Chairs:
Melissa Charnon, 414-535-1990 or Pam Gende, 414-659-2708
or send an email to: or stop by the Volunteer Corner bulletin board outside the office
Parent Assistant
13 21
27 Parent Assistant is a system you access on the
Internet that allows parents to see information
about your child or children who are enrolled in
Milwaukee Public Schools. Since it’s on the Internet,
the information is available any time, day or night,
when you log on.
Open House at 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Grill Fest at 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
3rd Friday
Coffee with the Principal at 9:30-10:30 a.m.
PTA Meeting 6:30p.m. No Child Care.
Mr. Z’s Fundraising Kick Off
Looking Ahead to October
15 17 18 19 23 29 Mr. Z’s Fundraising Ends – FORMS DUE
(Nov. 7 - Mr. Z’s Fundraiser Pick Up)
Conferences 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Conferences 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Heart & Hands quilt night 6:30 p.m.
PTA meeting at 6:30 p.m. No Child Care.
SEPT. 27 AT 6:30PM
Kinder Geburtstags Tisch
Can you sing Happy Birthday in German? Well, you
don’t have to be able to sing to help with Birthday
Club. Every month we celebrate students’ birthdays with a ‘party’ during lunch. Each student
receives a brownie and a pencil from the
PTA. The students really look forward to their turn
at the table. Birthday Club is held once a month
(days still to be determined). If you would like to help
co-host, especially if it is your child’s birthday month,
let me know.
For more info, please contact Susanne
Bowen at or sign up
at Open House.
Parent Assistant is a great way for you,
as parents or guardians to:
• View information about your child/children
enrolled in MPS
• View attendance information
• View bus pick-up and drop off information
• View courses, grades, possible assignments
(not available for elementary schools)
• Parent Assistant is available at all hours
You will need to apply for security access to this
information, and then you can view the information
using a computer with Internet access.
Stop by the office for a form and information on
getting started. Frau Engelbart will be happy to help
with any questions or problems. Call 393-5611.
MPS Visitor
Entry Procedures
Visitors are welcome in Milwaukee Public
Schools. MPS asks that all visitors:
Use the designated main entrance
Report to the Office/Security Desk
Show some form of identification
Sign in on the MPS Visitor Record
Wear/display the MPS Visitor Pass
while in school
6 Be escorted to the requested location
Return the Visitor Pass to the Office/
Security Desk & sign out.
Grill Fest!
Don’t put away those lawn chairs yet!
It’s time for Grill Fest. This annual
event at MGIS is not to be missed.
Grill Fest is a PTA sponsored allschool event. This is your chance to
meet your children’s new friends and
their families, MGIS teachers,
and staff. Grill Fest is scheduled
for Friday, Sept. 21 from 5:30
to 7:30 p.m.
We need volunteers to make this a success.
If you are able to help man the grills or help with
set-up and take down, please contact Geno Kloiber
German Media Sale
Are your children tired of reading the same German
books over and over? Stop by and pick up some
new German books, DVD’s and get them prepared
for their new year of learning. Look for our table at
Grill Fest!
We are looking for volunteers to help at Grill Fest
and a few other sales throughout the year. Your
help would be greatly appreciated! Please contact:
Barbara Merten-Brugger at
Herzlich Willkommen!
Please welcome our new interns from
Germany and Switzerland.
First Semester:
Janette Gandlau
Inken Jansons
Johannes Schlicht
Jasmina Slisko
Maximilian Zerrle (at MSL)
Watch for a more detailed bio on our
new interns in the October Bug Botschaft!
GIF – What is it?
Twelve years ago, a group of MGIS parents and staff
concerned with budget cuts for their children’s
school, joined with Milwaukee School of Languages
(MSL) parents and staff to established a non-profit
organization, the German Immersion Foundation, Inc.
(GIF). Although the GIF is not affiliated with either
school or the Milwaukee Public Schools, it was created to support the education aspects of the immersion programs.
While the foundation funds cannot be used to support school operations, the foundation has been
instrumental in funding crucial professional development for teachers, much needed equipment in the
classrooms, and intern programs that bring native
German speakers to the classrooms as part-time
There are multiple ways you can support the schools’
missions through volunteering for or attending various fundraising events, which provide critical financial
support. For more information and to sign up for
quarterly updates via e-mail please visit our website
GIF Fall Social
Mark your calendar for the German
Immersion Foundation (GIF) annual
Fall Social gathering, Friday, October 26th. This
“friend raiser” is a great opportunity to catch up
with other parents and school staff for a fun evening
out. The event will once again be held at a great location rich with Milwaukee’s heritage. More details are
available online at www.germanimmersionfoundation.
org. Tickets will be available online only in mid-September at the foundation web site.
R E M I N D E R – Friday, September 21, 2012 is 3rd Friday!
This is the day all of our children are counted.
Our funding is affected by how many students we have in our school that day.
Please make sure your children are in school!
Clip, Save & Bring to MGIS
Welcome new and returning MGIS families. Please remember to save and bring
into the office drop box, your Box Tops &
Labels for Education.
This year we are setting the goal for $3,000.00 for
Box Tops and as a many points as possible for Labels for Education. There are many new products for
Labels for Education such as Glad, Dannon, People
Magazine and V-8 caps.
Box Tops also has new products: Fruit Roll Ups, Pillsbury
Grands,Yoplait Bites, Green Giant Vegetables, Ziploc Bags
and will be again included on Kleenex boxes.
Pick up a complete list of products at the school office. Please view the websites to see all the participating products. You can also earn bonus Box Tops when
you shop on line at Box Tops Marketplace Stores such
as: Target, Kohl’s, Lands End, Barnes and Noble and others.
Participating Products list and collection sheet will be
sent home shortly. Check out the websites for more
info and promotions.
Labels for Education –
Box Tops –
Thank you for a great year! Sue Whaley – coordinator.
From Herr Arndt
Welcome back to another great year of Physical Education, fitness and fun at MGIS. This year will start out
a bit different, as I am home on paternity leave as Frau
Arndt and I welcomed our son to the world on August 28th. When I return, here is what you can expect.
All children will be required to dress appropriately
for class with comfortable, non-restrictive clothing
and TENNIS SHOES that lace or strap to stay on the
feet and do not mark the floor. If your child does not
wear tennis shoes, he or she will not be allowed to
participate in our activities. Please see me if you need
accommodations for shoes.
If you have a child in grades 3-5 and are wondering
about the FITNESS CLUB, it has yet to be determined
when and if the club will be run this year due to the
fact that I will only be at school twice a week. Stay
tuned for more details as they become available.
As always, I ask that you take an active role in your
child’s physical education by stressing the importance
of healthy choices and physical activity in your child’s
life.You can be the most powerful influence in the
development of your child.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel
free to contact me at school or via email arndteh@
Frau & Herr Arndt on the birth
of your son. MGIS is so happy
for you and your growing family.
We wish you all the best.
H e rz
Save Pouches for MGIS
Save your empty drink pouches over the school year.
TerraCycle, an eco-friendly innovator, converts them
into unique fashion bags, tote bags and pencil cases,
and gives MGIS 2¢ for each empty drink pouch.
For more info, check out the website:
e n G lüc k w u n s c h z um G e b u rt s
The following staff members
are celebrating a birthday this month.
Don’t forget to wish them well!
3 Frau Porchetta
4 Frau Krause
16 Frau Ulrich
Belated intern August Birthdays
3 Frau Jansons
12 Frau Gandlau
14 Herr Schlicht
t ag
Hi. I’m Frau Rasmussen , the School Nurse. I graduated from Carroll college/ Columbia college of nursing with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I have been a Registered Nurse for
over 12 years. I’m been with MPS since 2007. Before being hired in the schools, I worked in
the hospital setting.
I’ve been married to my wonderful husband, Christopher, for 13 years. We have 2 amazing
boys: Ian, who attends MGIS, is in the 4th grade and Parker, who is 3, will be here next fall.
5 things you didn’t know about Frau Rasmussen
1 When I was 16, I was picked from the UDA (Universal Dance Association)
during our High School summer camp to go to France. I went there to perform
and enjoyed the chocolate croissant and the famous “Croque Monsieur.”
2 I love to travel. I went over to London with Michigan State University to study
nursing in the summer of 1998. I was able to see Ireland, Denmark, and
Amsterdam during this time as well.
Top: Frau Rasmussen with husband Christopher
Bottom: Ian (4th grade) and Parker (3 yrs. old)
3 I know how to salsa dance.
4 I have had the same pen-pal for over 17 years! We met at my first job.
5 My sister and I are “Irish Twins,” even though we are half Sicilian and half Polish!!!
The Finch Family
Jobs/hobbies? Jon is the Training Director at Milwaukee Electric Tool while Abby
has worked as a stay-at-home mom. Her work background is in experiential education,
leadership and team building. Currently, she is co-chair of the art committee and PTA
secretary. Henry is 7 and Lucy is 5. Henry is in 2nd grade and Lucy is starting her first
year at MGIS in K5.
Family Members:
Jon (dad), Abby (mom), Henry 2nd grade,
Lucy (5K).
Where you might have seen us? Both kids are involved in gymnastics and we loved
watching the summer Olympics this year. Lucy is interested in music and dance. Henry
participated in soccer the past 2 years at school. His coach in 5K was also fluent in German
which made his first soccer experience even more unique. Our family has enjoyed Laternennacht, Multicultural night, Kinderkino and the GIF auction over the past couple of years and
really enjoy becoming a part of the MGIS community.
Thoughts on MGIS? Our experience has been very positive and as parents we are
really happy our children can enjoy such a rich elementary school experience. We look forward to both kids being fluent in German and perhaps a future vacation to Germany where
they can be our guides!
Dismissal Procedure
For an orderly, prompt, and safe dismissal of all
students, student pick-up traffic is to stay in the
front hallway to the right of the yellow safety
stands. Please leave the other half of the hallway
clear for teachers with their students. Classes are
still in session in the lunch room for music until
3:30 p.m. We ask that parents picking up
children arrive after the last classes have
been dismissed from the instruction area.
All people leaving the cafeteria must proceed in the
direction of the front doors. Students and parents
will not be allowed to go ‘against traffic’ through
the hallways.
Help us ensure that all students are on their way
home quickly and safely at the end of the day.
Your cooperation at this high traffic time is greatly
needed and appreciated.
Mon. Morning Work Group
Join us on Monday, Sept. 17 for breakfast and
learn about MMWG – a casual get together of parents that meet every Monday and lend a hand to our
teachers. We do chores such as cutting, tracing, collating and stapling while we socialize. We start at
9:10 a.m. and work until the work is done, usually
just a few hours. Teachers really need our help right
now to get the year off to a good start. Remember,
young children, grandparents and dads are
always welcome. We meet in the lower level of
school that has a great toy corner for the little ones.
If you’re interested in helping out on Monday morn­
ings, we always have room for more! We also work
on Tuesday mornings if there is no school on Monday.
Any questions? Please contact: Lorraine Heins at
(414)443-0476 or
Students, Parents, and Visitors: for the safety
of our students and staff, please use only the
front doors to enter and exit the school
building at all times!
Morning Traffic
Parents, if you are bringing your child/ren to school,
please have them on the playground shortly before
9:10 a.m. so that they may line up with their classmates as the bell rings. There is supervision
on the playground beginning at 8:55 a.m.
Please do not drop children off earlier
than this.
We ask that parents who drive children to school,
park on the south side of the building, either in the
lot at the southwest corner of the playground or on
the north side of Nash Street, adjacent to the southern end of the playground.
If you choose to use the parking lot to drop off your
children, please pull in to a parking space if you need
to help your children get out of the car. Or if your
children will be exiting the car quickly in the parking
lot, you may pull up to the fence opening onto to the
playground. This will help keep traffic moving in the
parking lot.
On the north side of Nash Street, children can get
out of vehicles curb side, and proceed safely and
directly to the playground. Parking on the north side
of Nash Street will keep you and your child/ren from
having to cross the busy streets during this high
traffic time.
Remember, the north parking lot is for teachers.
Also, please remember to stay off of neighbor’s lawns
and out of driveways.
If you do end up parking north of the school, rather
than coming through the building, please use the
sidewalk along 82nd Street or the paved path along
the east end of the building (up the stairs and past the
baseball field) to walk to the playground so that your
child/ren may line up with their class before the
bell rings.
At all times, both sides of 82nd Street and the south
side of Vienna are reserved for school buses only.
Thank you for your attention and
cooperation in this safety matter.
Herr Piwek Honored
This May, the Wisconsin Chapter of the American
Association of Teachers of German (AATG) honored
MGIS fourth grade teacher Herr Sigurd Piwek, with
the 2012 Duden Award.
This annual award recognizes outstanding effort and
achievement in German instruction. The Duden is a
German dictionary, first published by Konrad Duden
in 1880. Currently the Duden is in its 25th edition
and is published in 12 volumes, each covering different
aspects of the German language.
The German Immersion Foundation has funded multiple professional development opportunities for Herr
Piwek, including a recent grant to attend the American
Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
conference in Denver, CO this past fall. There he gave
two presentations: Reading Berlin and Songs, Games,
and Poems in Grades 1-5.
In his acceptance speech, Herr Piwek thanked the parents in attendance for encouraging their youngsters
to begin or continue their German studies. He said
these students are at the beginning of a great language
and cultural journey. Herr Piwek hopes that many of
them will continue their studies through high school
and college, and have the chance to travel to or live in
Germany at some point in their lives.
“Although the U.S. is a country of immigrants and foreign language speakers, it is not a country of language
learners,” he said. “A large majority of the population
does not see foreign language skills as relevant for
their economic, intellectual and social progress.”
“Out of necessity, German teachers need to be strong
advocates for their programs, and be outspoken about
the value language learning provides to this and future
generations of students,” he continued. “They also
have to be proactive in developing partnerships—not
just with other individual teachers of German—but
also with supportive parents, professional organizations, as well as other strategic partners in the community.”
“MGIS, where I teach, is an exceptional school. MGIS
parents and school staff are very active and committed to the program. We are also fortunate to have
an organization, the German Immersion Foundation (GIF), which has a sole purpose of helping
provide the financial means to ensure the educational
quality of this program, and the continuing German
immersion program at the MSL.”
“Without the financial support of the GIF, I would not
have been able to take advantage of the many professional development opportunities that have made me
a better teacher. I would also like to thank the MGIS
principal Dr. Albert Brugger for being a staunch supporter of my professional development activities.”
MGIS congratulates Herr Piwek on this great accomplishment and looks forward to the continuing value
he brings to the students at MGIS.
Save the Date – Nov. 2-4
Yes, the beloved Wilderness fundraiser is back! It’s
also being held in fall this year instead of in the spring.
Friends and family are also invited to join us November 2-4. If you have family or friends that live in
outside of Milwaukee, this may be a perfect meet up
location for you to visit with them. Ask your friends
that you have been meaning to get away with or family you have wanted to reconnect with.
When making your reservation (1-800-867-9453),
please be sure to mention that the reservation
deadline is October 2 and to book under the
group name: Milwaukee German Immersion
Group #A78410
MGIS earns a $9 per night rebate for our school.
By GreatSchools
Surprising secrets to school success
Eight ideas about academic learning you may not know.
After a busy day, dinner, and getting the kids to bed, heaven
forbid if sifting through a stack of parenting studies isn’t the
first way you choose to unwind! Still it’s a shame to miss out
on what science can tell us about raising happy learners. In the
interest of your sanity, we’ve gathered eight extraordinary, somewhat counterintuitive findings about fostering children’s success.
Praise the work, not the wit
Not all positive reinforcement is, well, positive. Numerous studies
have shown that children who are praised for their work ethic are
better at solving critical thinking problems than those praised for
ability. Those praised for effort were almost three times as likely to
focus on learning rather than “looking smart.”
Minimize your unexcused absences
Research has shown that you should make the extra effort to be
physically present in your child’s classroom. In fact, attending class
meetings and volunteering at school better predicts literacy development than your family’s income.
Soothe the soul with nature
According to research, communing with nature isn’t just a nice
recreational activity. Natural settings increase a sense of self-worth
and decrease stress — two important factors in priming the mind
to learn. One study has even shown that natural settings can help
relieve symptoms of AD/HD. When children with AD/HD participated in the same activities both inside and outside, those in the
outdoor settings experienced fewer symptoms. (Learn more about
nature deficit disorder, and why it’s important for all kids to spend
time out of doors.)
Behind every smart child is a collection of good books
While reading to children is crucial, don’t underestimate the
importance of simply giving your kid access to a lot of books.
Studies have found that a child raised in a book-friendly environment — with at least 50 children’s books in the home — scores
five percentile points higher in math and reading than kids with less
access to good reads.
Use the TV to channel critical thinking
Let’s face it — prying our kids away from the TV is no small feat.
New research shows that we might be better off using this habit
to facilitate learning. Try muting the commercials and asking your
child simple questions while she watches TV. What just happened?
What do you think about that? These questions teach children to
be effective critical thinkers and communicators.
Attend to the body and wake up the mind
The body-brain connection is far from fully understood, but
research suggests that children’s learning abilities are inextricably tied to physical vitality. When 33 schools in Ontario, Canada,
participated in a program called Living School aimed at increasing
student’s physical activity by about 20 minutes a day and improving
nutrition, some schools bellyached about lost class time. But in the
end, participating school showed enormous improvement. Overall
scores climbed 18% in just two years. Third-grade reading scores
alone shot up by 50%. Ontario’s education experiment suggests
that sometimes basketball practice facilitates learning as much if not
more than another after-school tutoring session.
Fear not the $5 word
Many parents assume they should use simple words with kids
to avoid confusion. But new research suggests we may be wildly
underestimating their brainpower. Children whose parents used
complex language were found to have significantly higher IQ’s (a
formidable 40 points) than children whose parents did not — suggesting that young brains become wired early for complex thought.
Child labor with a higher purpose
According to new research, children of all ages who perform
household chores gain valuable skills, which they can apply to
school learning. In one study, children as young as two years old
who performed household chores like matching socks or wiping
up kitchen spills ended up having more-successful educational
experiences and careers.
Target gives back to MGIS!
Link your REDcard to MGIS and your regular shopping can provide money and school supplies for our
classrooms. We don’t ask that you buy any products
that you don’t already purchase! Just let your normal
shopping raise some money for our kids! and let them know you want to
designate MGIS as your “Take Charge of
Education” school. After that, Target will donate
up to 1% of your purchase to MGIS.
Donation Information Amount:
• The most recent Target donation to MGIS
(August 2012): $1,472.83
Target’s Take Charge of Education program
• Total of all Target donations to this school through
August 2012: $15,138.94
If you have a Target credit card, just call the
number on the back of the card or go online to
• Number of REDcard holders who have designated
this school: 78
WEDNESDAY • SEPT. 13 • 6 – 7:30PM
Open House
Fall Fundraiser
This year MGIS will be partnering with Mr. Z’s pizza
again. We have done some very successful fundraising
with them in the past and would like to repeat that
success this year.
Mr. Z’s offers a variety of frozen foods such as pizza,
garlic bread, ravioli, lasagna, soup, pretzels,
cookie dough, kringle, and cheesecakes.
There are also non-refrigerated items to
make it easy for parents to sell at work.
Join us for a chance to meet your child’s teachers
and so much more! Teachers will be giving
presentations regarding curriculum, topics,
opportunities and what is expected at their grade
level. They will also be available the entire evening
just to chat and get to know you. Once you’ve
checked out your child’s classroom, head to the
gym. There you will find MGIS apparel for sale.
Purchase T-shirts and sweatshirts to get you
through the year in style. Don’t miss the PTA table,
where you can join for this school year and find out
where you are needed. Many activities still need a
chairperson to make them happen! Whether you
have time to help in an on-going project or have
time for a single activity, the PTA needs you.
Scouts will also be there to let you know how your
child can join. And finally, do not miss out on the
ice cream being served in the cafeteria!
Schedule for teacher presentations:
K4 & K5 6:00 PM 3rd grade 6:45 PM
1st grade 6:15 PM
4th grade 7:00 PM
2nd grade 6:30 PM
5th grade 7:15 PM
Mr. Z’s has been very generous with MGIS. Every child
that sells just one item will be entered in a drawing.
Our fall fundraiser is our main source of funding
for the PTA to sponsor events like Grill Fest, Open
House, Kinder Kino, and many more. It is very important that every family helps out. If you or someone
else would like to support MGIS but are not interested in purchasing anything, the PTA would be more
than happy to accept a cash donation. Please send all
donations to the office in an envelope marked “PTA
donation” with checks made out to “MGIS PTA.”
September 27 – Kick Off
October 8 – End Date - Forms & Money Due
November 7 – Pick Up
To help with pick up or for questions,
contact Stephanie Rasmussen at 774-3329 or email:
Let’s be Good Neighbors
In the past, a neighbor put up a “No Trespassing” sign
in a yard across from MGIS. I don’t know if it had
something to do with our school or not, but it is a
good reminder to be considerate of our neighbor’s
property. Please tell your children to stay on the sidewalks and not run through people’s yards, don’t throw
garbage on the ground or be disrespectful in other
ways. Please don’t park in or block neighborhood
driveways. Please take the time to park in our southwest parking lot or on the street.
We would like to be a good neighbor in the
community and with your help we can do this.
Fundraising Made Easy
Earn money to enrich your child’s education while you…
…grocery shop at Sendik’s, Sentry, Pick ‘n Save, Piggly Wiggly, or Walmart.
…buy gas at Speedway, Kwik Trip, Shell, BP or Mobil.
…shop at Kohl’s, Old Navy, Gap, JCPenney, Home Depot or Lowe’s.
…go to Starbuck’s, Chancery, Chili’s, Noodles, Panera or Pizza Hut.
…do your everyday shopping at these and MANY MORE retailers.
How? Meet Scrip!
With Scrip, the PTA earns money through instant rebates from retailers who want to support schools. Participating
retailers agree to sell gift cards to our school at a discount. Families like yours buy the cards for face value, redeem them
for face value, and our school keeps the difference.
Simply put:
You buy a $20 card, you get a card worth $20, and MGIS students get anywhere from $1-$10 from the retailer for each
gift card purchased. The beauty of Scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work.You do fundraising without spending an additional penny.
Where/When can You buy Scrip?
Ordering is simple:
Visit to see the full selection of cards available for purchase.
Stop by the Scrip Table on Wednesdays from 3:30-6 pm in the main entrance at MGIS to place your order or download
a Scrip order form from MGIS’ website and send it in with a check or money order made payable to “MGIS PTA” in an
envelope labeled “Scrip order, please send to office asap”.
Do NOT send cash in with students.
Stop by the Scrip table the following week to pick up your cards
Cards Available for Immediate Purchase every Wednesday:
For things such as: Movies, Haircuts, Pharmacy, Shopping Stores, Gas, Groceries and Dining
Upcoming Scrip Order Dates for September:
Scrip Sales Table ordering
Sept. 12
Sept. 19 or
(Fri.) Sept. 21 at Grillfest
(Thurs.) Sept. 27 at PTA Meeting
Order Pick Up Dates
(3:30-6 pm)
Sept. 11
Sept. 18
Sept. 25
Sept. 19 or
(Fri.) Sept. 21 at Grillfest
(Thurs.) Sept. 27 at PTA Meeting
If you are unable to pick up your order during one of the regularly scheduled times please contact one of the MGIS Scrip Coordinators for other delivery options.
Ordering Scrip online is Simple:
Go to and set up a family account. MGIS’s enrollment code is7176D2LD19477.
Request to set up a Prestopay account
Complete the enrollment process
Place orders online.
If you have any questions please contact MGIS SCRIP Coordinator,
Pam Gende, at 414-875-9368, • Carmen Fernandez, 414-698-5486,,
PTA Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Erika Conner,
president at 6:43pm. A quorum was established. A motion
was made and seconded. The minutes were approved.
In attendance were PTA executives, principal and approximately 45 parents. Membership dues were collected for
this new school year, $6/person, which pay for PTA state
and national memberships.
Feedback for the welcome letter, brochure and volunteer information was positive.
The PTA will be working to improve communication for the
MGIS community this year including the PTA bulletin board
which is directly across the hall from the office, Facebook,
Proboards for school volunteering (www.mgispta.probaords.
com), newsletter, and email.
The 2012-13 PTA budget was proposed and first vote approved.
A second vote will take place at the September PTA meeting.
Dr. Brugger reported district funds are available to have all 22
teaching positions and teaching aide positions. The phy. ed and
music instruction time is still down compared to last year. There
are new Common Core State Standards to the curriculum this
year. The new school website will be ready to launch, likely
before the first day of school.
Scrip will be an on-going fundraiser this year. Scrip volunteers
will be at school each Wednesday from 3:30-6 to sell cards, take
orders, and answer questions.
The MGIS Volunteer committee is organizing volunteers for
before and after school as well as lunch and recess.
Email for more info.
The Monday Morning Work Group chair this year is Lorraine
Heins. Parents available Monday mornings meet to complete
projects for the teachers.Young children welcome. Take home
packets may be organized this year for volunteers willing to
assist in prep work at home. Email if you
are interested.
A volunteer training was conducted by Dr. Brugger after the PTA
meeting for individuals planning to help in school in a continual
basis. Another training will be scheduled for a later date for
those unable to attend.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Abby Finch
Kranke Kinder? We have
a School Nurse!
Hello MGIS Parents and Students. My name is
Frau Stephanie Rasmussen, RN, the School
Nurse. I am very excited to back at MGIS and look
forward to a great new year!
A school nurse not only administers first aid but has
many roles. I provide medical information for IEP’s.
I work collaboratively with the school staff. I help
with immunization entry. I fax orders into doctors,
contact other health care facilities regarding health
concerns, and more.
Please remember to bring in any forms for medical
documentation. Also, LABEL ALL MEDICINE
give your children medicine without a signed consent from the doctor (when it’s a doctor-prescribed
medication). Importantly, to avoid getting a call or
having to exclude your child from school for missed
immunizations, please bring in your shot records.
Thank you for your help.
Questions or concerns?
Typically, I am here every school day
from 12 – 3:30 p.m.
Just call the office and ask for the
school nurse.
Watch for a new Medication Consent
Form to be sent home soon.
Roots & Shoots
Get ready for another great year in Roots & Shoots.
Watch for more information coming soon. Sign-up
will start the second week of school and will end after
Open House on Friday.
Thank you, Frau Mattke
Help is Available
Our German speaking interns are available as tutors or
babysitters for a fee. Please call the office for more
information 393-5600.
Yes, sign me up to help the PTA!
Place this form in an envelope marked PTA and send
to school with your child.
Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Committee ________________________________________________________________________
Phone number ________________________________E-mail address ___________________________
I would be interested in chairing _________________________________________________________
Join the MGIS PTA!
Complete the form below, place it in an envelope marked
“PTA-School Office,” and send it to school with your child.
(Or sign up at Open House or Grill Fest). Don’t forget to include
$6 per person in cash or check (made out to MGIS PTA).
Questions? Contact Michelle Hoey (414) 303-6511
Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________________________________________
E-mail News
Would you like to receive school information and announcement via e-mail?
NOW YOU CAN! Just fill out the form below and send it to the office or
Name ____________________________________________________________________________
E-mail address ______________________________________________________________________
Student/s name _____________________________________________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________________________________
( MGIS Parent/Student Directory Info/Change Form
DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM - If all of your info is the same as last year.
However, if you need to change your information for the student directory this year
fill out below, and return by September 14.
We have:
Student Name
_____ one household OR
Student Name
_____ two households
Student Name
One Household =
1 phone # & 1 e-mail address
Parent(s) Phone
Parent e-mail
Please fill out the info below only if you have two households.
Two Households =
Parent(s) 2 phone #s & 2 e-mail addresses
Parent e-mail