PDF - Toronto Pflag
PDF - Toronto Pflag
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays May 2011 Newsletter #7 toronto.office@pflag.ca PFLAG TORONTO VISION PFLAG Toronto is a charitable organization that speaks for a more accepting Canadian society by providing support, education and resources to all people who wish to grow in their understanding of sexual and gender diversity. Through our PFLAG Toronto Chapter, we actively assist in the recognition and growth of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer and questioning persons, and their families and friends, within their diverse cultures and societies. Susan, Keith, Janet, Irene and Kristyn spoke at a Proud of Toronto event at City Hall Next Chapter Meeting Wednesday June 1, 2011 7:30 p.m. Kimbourne Park United Church 200 Wolverleigh Blvd., Toronto, ON M4C 1S2 Raising the Rainbow Flag at city hall for IDAHT 2011 A message from your President May 2011 Every month I spend more and more time with a group of people who are like family to me, albeit not blood related. Like most families we have some things in common and yet each and every one of us is very different. We really are a diverse bunch of people – and therein lies our strength. We are from different countries, religious backgrounds, education and careers. We span a couple (or more) generations, and regardless of our different perspectives, when we come together at PFLAG Toronto, and work as the team that is your Board of Directors, the diversity that we bring to the table enables us as a group to challenge one another and entertain ideas that we might not have explored as individuals. And this we have done in recent months. This is volume 7 of our PFLAG Toronto e-newsletter – a wonderful way of communicating what’s going on and what’s coming up soon. This is Jim Callaghan’s initiative, to which we all contribute. We have printed copies on the table at our monthly Support meetings, and visitors who leaf through them often ask to be put on the distribution list right away. If any of you are forwarding copies to your friends let Jim know and he will add them to our list as well. This edition is a short one; as a team we have been so busy out ‘doing’ we haven’t had the time to sit down and write about it – the next edition will have more information on our activities and events. Here is a glimpse at our May calendar … nd Zelda’s Dirty Bingo 2 th support meeting 4 TH th CAW CONFERENCE 7 8 th 9 th 10 th 12 th 14 th 15 th 16 th 17 Zelda’s Dirty Bingo OISE PROUD FM 103.9 Bowl-A-Thon Climax – Charity fundraiser Proud of Toronto City Hall IDAHT th 18 Board meeting nd 22 Harvey Milk Day th 24 Toronto City Council th 25 Peel PFLAG meeting th 26 Wm. Lyon MacKenzie H.School th 26 City Hall th 26 Newsletter th 27 Inside Out Festival Supported CLGA – and fundraised Support and outreach PRIDE employees Retreat - Facilitated Workshops for CAW employees from Newfoundland to Yukon, and all places in between. Supported CLGA education workshop for teachers and guidance counsellors Interview with Mike Chalut – IDAHT promotion Fundraiser with the emphasis on FUN! Outreach Outreach and Designated Speaker th With allies Proclaimed May 17 the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia and raised the Pride Flag at City Hall Speaking against the proposal to cut funding to Pride Co-Facilitating with Peel Presentation to High School Students Registered Speaker at City Council mtg. re: cuts to Pride and agencies Servicing the LGBTQ community Communication and Outreach Community Support, outreach, and Speaker This month I, and PFLAG Toronto, had the privilege of sharing our message in unison with the voices of Mr. Brian Burke, Councilors Perks, Wong-Tam, Davis, Pride Toronto and the Proud of Toronto group, Mr. Mike Chalut of Proud FM 103.9 and Mr. Billy O’Neill, CAW – allies all, and definitely part of our PFLAG Toronto family! Irene Miller PFLAG Toronto AGM (Annual General Meeting) Wednesday June 22, 2011 6:30 p.m. Kimbourne Park United Church 200 Wolverleigh Blvd., Toronto, ON M4C 1S2 Christine Messier presents a cheque to Irene. Through Christine Messier and Pepsi, PFLAG Toronto received $2,000.00 PFLAG Toronto wants to offer a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to the wonderful people who have recently made a donation to PFLAG Toronto. Your donations are allowing us to continue offering our 24/7 Telephone Support Line, our Monthly Support Meetings and our ongoing outreach and community support. As a fully volunteer run organization, your donations make a direct impact in the lives of those who need our help. If you would like to help, you can make a donation through the secure servers at CanadaHelps.org (charitable donation receipts are issued automatically), and if you wish you can specify that your donation remain anonymous, or you can choose to honour someone or a special occasion. Or you may send a cheque to PFLAG Toronto, 200 Wolverleigh Blvd., Toronto, ON, M4C 1S2. (charitable donation receipts will be issued for amounts of $20 or more) DONATE NOW http://www.canadahelps.org/CharityProfilePage.aspx?CharityID=s70090 Charitable Registration BN: 891493348RR0001 Irene, Marjorie, Brian and Sergio Adam, Phillip, Joe and Matt REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS FOR BOOTH AT PRIDE PRIDE Week is fast approaching, and what a great week it will be! Not only does PFLAG Toronto have a strong contingent of walkers in the parades, but for the past many years, we’ve also had an information booth set up on Church Street. Here, PFLAG members reach out to the community and speak about the support that we offer, as well as sell our t-shirts, buttons, PFLAG bracelets, etc. to help fund our work. This booth can happen ONLY if we get enough volunteers to help out during the weekend of Saturday, July 2 and Sunday, July 3. We work in teams of 2-3 people for approximately 2-hour shifts. It’s loads of fun conversing with everyone who stops by to chat, as well as an excellent opportunity to educate people about what PFLAG Toronto is all about. Without enough volunteers, the booth cannot be set up. There’s also an opportunity for a few volunteers to help out at Family Pride at Alexandra School, at Church and Alexander. There will be games and activities similar to a school Fun Fair (jumping castle, face painting, etc.), running the Saturday and Sunday of Pride Weekend. If you are able to help out, or want to learn more about what is involved in volunteering at the PFLAG Toronto booth or at Family Pride, please call Marla Green at 416-242-1558 or email her at marlagreen@sympatico.ca Marla Green PFLAG Toronto Board Member Happy Bowlers 2011 (front from left) Irene, Paula and Christine (back from left) Gary, John and Jared International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia Toronto City Hall – Nathan Phillip Square May 17, 2011 Michael, Kristyn, Janet, Irene, Bev and Brian Councilor Gord Perks proclaiming IDAHT in Toronto Brian Burke speaking at IDAHT at Toronto City Hall Irene Miller spoke from the heart at IDAHT Councilors Davis and Wong-Tam supported IDAHT Mary-Jo Callaghan at OISE On Tuesday May 10th I had the privilege of speaking to a group of teachers at OISE. These were teachers who are taking specific courses to obtain extra qualifications to work as guidance counselors. Although they were a small group, there were representatives from various school boards in Toronto (including a private school). They represented both high school and elementary teachers. I was quite heartened to hear about the positive things that are happening in some of the schools in regards to GLBTQ issues. In fact many of the schools had events planned to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia to bring an awareness to this issue. Having said that, it was also clear that there is still much work to be done. The Catholic teachers that were present stated that they are very hesitant to speak about this issue in their schools. They are quite clearly conflicted in the area of what is and what is not allowed to be said on this issue. Mary-Jo Callaghan PFLAG Mom RECOGNIZING INSPIRATION A new initiative has sprung up in Canada, specifically in Toronto – ‘Inspire Awards’ is a grand forward thinking movement seeking to honor LGBTQ individuals, youth, and businesses/organizations that make a difference. Inspiring isn’t it? They have 3 categories: LGBTQ Person of the Year Award, Youth of the Year Award, Positive Business of the Year Award. Nominations are still being accepted and tickets are available to the gala ceremony naming the first year’s winners. Inspire Awards is presented by Pink Play Mags & The Pink Pages Directory in partnership with PFLAG Canada (Toronto, Durham & York Regions), Pride Toronto & Durham, Deb Pearce, Rainbow High Vacations, PositiveLite.Com, Club 717. Visit http://inspireawards.ca to learn more, make nominations, and to get tickets to this inspiring event at beautiful Casa Loma on June 16th! Sean Young CEO & Creative Director SERIAL SEAN Flower tea cozy Elephant tea cozy Pam’s Knitting For Sale (Net proceeds to PFLAG Toronto) Cost: Rainbow tiger and teddy Flower tea cozy Elephant tea cozy $20 (each) $30 $25 Mailing costs are not included in these prices. If you are interested in making a purchase send an email to Pam at pamtreefairy@hotmail.com Rainbow tiger and teddy THANK YOU A big thank you to the following people who donated raffle prizes for our Bowlathon: ACT Derrick Burgess Marla Green Proud FM The Black Eagle The Rainbow Café Woody’s Zelda’s Churchmouse and Firkin Dollarama Out on the Street Rabba The Church Street Diner Timothy’s Yvonne Marie Hubbard Pogue Mahone will host the annual PFLAG Toronto brunch the morning of the Pride Parade 2011, July 3. More details to come. Put this on your calendar. It will be a lot of fun. PFLAG and our LGBTQ Allies This past month PFLAG Toronto was fortunate enough to meet with several of th the LGBTQ Community leaders throughout Toronto. From IDAHT to the Proud of Toronto event at City Hall, we found ourselves surrounded by friends & supporters amongst the movers movers-and and-shakers of many LGBTQ community businesses and non non-profit organizations. Justt as the LGBTQ Community appreciates PFLAG as an Ally, PFLAG is grateful for the Allies whom support us throughout the year. This month, PFLAG Toronto wants to give a special shout out to 103.9 ProudFM -Toronto's own LGBTQ Radio Station From supporting us at Dirty Bingo, at PFLAG's Holiday event in December, and again with this month's Bowl Bowl-a-thon, or giving us air-time time when we need help to have our voice heard, 103.9 ProudFM has stood by PFLAG Toronto's side, and raised the decibel on our collective voice -- giving us volume and added visibility. Thank you 103.9 ProudFM ! From all of us at PFLAG Toronto. (In Toronto, find ProudFM at 103.9 on the FM dial or outside of Toronto "Listen Live" on www.proudfm.com). Starbucks Coffee Company at 3250 Yonge Street, provides coffee for the Monthly Support Meetings - helping us to offer a warm welcome to all who come for support.