wedding guide
wedding guide
WEDDING GUIDE P R O P E R T Y D E S C R I P T I O N Inspired by the many shades of blue, Now Sapphire Riviera Cancun offers Unlimited-Luxury® amidst impressive Mayan architecture, lush landscaping and resplendent ocean views. Its oceanfront setting, alongside a collection of pools featuring luxurious Bali beds and ocean front palapas, treat guests to the ultimate in waterfront relaxation, elegance and tranquility. Y O U R M O M E N T S W E D D I N G P A C K A G E This package is complimentary when booking a minimum of 7 nights in the Preferred Club Junior Suite Ocean-Front View or higher room category, or if 5 rooms are reserved for a minimum of 3 nights at any room category. •D edicated wedding coordinator • S ymbolic Ceremony* • Bouquet(s) and/or boutonniere(s) for the wedding couple •P reparation of the couple’s wedding day attire •W edding cake (for up to 10 guests) •R omantic turndown service that evening: rose petal drawn jacuzzi bath, bottle of sparkling wine, and chocolate covered strawberries • L ate check-out for the Wedding Couple (upon request and availability) •2 0% off spa treatments • S parkling wine toast (for up to 10 guests) 2 0 1 6 / 2017 S E L L I N G P R I C E $ 9 9 9 U S D O R CO M P L I M E N TA R Y Restrictions/exclusions: All weddings, regardless of size, must be booked a minimum of 30 days in advance of the wedding date. Subject to availability and double occupancy only. Prices and package subject to change without notice. This package cannot be combined with the Do Not Disturb Honeymoon Package to receive both packages complimentary and cannot be deducted when purchasing other packages. 20% discount on spa treatments cannot be applied to spa packages or combined with any other spa promotion or offer. Please note restrictions apply when combining the complimentary wedding package with the Groups, Gatherings, and Getaways promotion. See promotion terms and conditions for details. Once wedding is confirmed it cannot be canceled within 6 months of the date of the wedding without a fee. For weddings booked within 6 months of the wedding date the wedding cannot be canceled without the penalty. The cancellation penalty is $100. *Additional fees apply for service of a judge or minister. These fees vary by resort and will be confirmed by the wedding coordinator The complimentary wedding package may not be available during all dates and times at the discretion of the resort. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 3 N O W T O E T E R N I T Y W E D D I N G P A C K A G E •D edicated wedding coordinator •P hoto Package (24 full color photographs) • S ervice of a Judge or Minister •B reakfast in bed morning after ceremony with Mimosas • Bouquet(s) and/or boutonniere(s) for the wedding couple • 1 corsage and 1 boutonniere for the wedding party •P reparation of the couple’s wedding day attire • 1 floral centerpiece arrangement for the reception table •W edding cake (for up to 25 guests) •R omantic turndown service that evening: rose petal drawn Jacuzzi bath, bottle of sparkling wine and chocolate covered • S parkling wine toast (for up to 25 guests) •C omplimentary room upgrade (based on availability and Governors Suites are not included) •M akeup and hair styling for one member of the wedding couple on wedding day •P rivate Cocktail Hour with hors d’oeuvres (for up to 25 guests)(Eternity menu) strawberries • L ate check-out for the Wedding Couple (upon request and availability) •2 0% off spa treatments (boutique purchases not included) • F ree anniversary nights (see pg.8 for details) • Private dinner reception (for up to 25 guests)(Eternity menu) •C ouples massage treatment (50 minutes) 2 0 1 6 S E L L I N G P R I C E $ 2 ,7 9 9 U S D * AU G U S T, S E P T E M B E R , O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 16 S E L L I N G P R I C E : $2,499 U S D 2 0 1 7 S E L L I N G P R I C E $ 3 ,1 9 9 U S D * AU G U S T, S E P T E M B E R , O C TO B E R 2 0 1 7 S E L L I N G P R I C E : $2,799 U S D Restrictions/exclusions: All weddings, regardless of size, must be booked a minimum of 30 days in advance of the wedding date. Subject to availability and double occupancy only. Prices and package subject to change without notice. 20% discount on spa treatments cannot be applied to spa packages or combined with any other spa promotion or offer. Once wedding is confirmed it cannot be canceled within 6 months of the date of the wedding without a fee. For weddings booked within 6 months of the wedding date the wedding cannot be canceled without the penalty. The cancellation penalty is $500. For wedding packages that are downgraded within 6 months of the wedding date, the package cannot be downgraded without the penalty. The wedding package downgrade penalty is $500. When package is downgraded, the time of ceremony is subject to change based on availability. *2016: In the months of August, September and October 2016 the package price will be $2,499 USD. All remaining months of 2016 will be the standard package pricing of $2,799 USD. *2017: In the months of August, September and October 2017 the package price will be $2,799 USD. All remaining months of 2017 will be the standard package pricing of $3,199 USD. A percentage of wedding guest accommodations may be required to confirm the wedding. The policy is up to the resort’s discretion and should be discussed when saving the date with the wedding coordinator. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 4 D I V I N E W E D D I N G • Dedicated wedding coordinator • Service of a Judge or Minister • Bouquet(s) and/or boutonniere(s) for the wedding couple • Preparation of the couple’s wedding day attire • Wedding cake for up to 25 guests • Sparkling wine toast for up to 25 guests •C omplimentary room upgrade (based on availability and Governors Suites are not included) • M akeup and hair styling for one member of the wedding couple on wedding day P A C K A G E •P rivate Cocktail Hour with hors d’oeuvres for up to 25 guests (Divine menu) •P rivate Dinner Reception for up to 25 guests (Divine menu) • Video of the ceremony (30-minute edited DVD) •C hoice of guitarist or saxophonist at the ceremony (1 set, 45 minutes) •P hoto package (24 color photographs taken during the ceremony) and wedding album •R omantic turndown service night of the ceremony with rose petal-drawn Jacuzzi bath, bottle of sparkling wine and chocolatecovered strawberries • Couples massage treatment (50 minutes) • Romantic dinner on the beach (one evening during stay) • Breakfast in bed morning after ceremony with Mimosas • L ate checkout for the couple (upon request and availability) • 2 corsages and 2 boutonnieres for the wedding party • 1 floral centerpiece arrangement for the reception table •C eremony décor — 25 chairs with white covers, ceremonial table • 20% off spa treatments (boutique purchases not included) • F ree Anniversary Nights (see pg.8 for details) and aisle runner 2 0 1 6 S E L L I N G P R I C E $ 3 ,2 9 9 U S D * AU G U S T, S E P T E M B E R , O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 16 S E L L I N G P R I C E : $2,999 U S D 2 0 1 7 S E L L I N G P R I C E $ 3 ,5 9 9 U S D * AU G U S T, S E P T E M B E R , O C TO B E R 2 0 1 7 S E L L I N G P R I C E : $3,299 U S D Restrictions/exclusions: All weddings, regardless of size, must be booked a minimum of 30 days in advance of the wedding date. Subject to availability and double occupancy only. Price and package subject to change without notice. 20% discount on spa treatments cannot be applied to spa packages or combined with any other spa promotion or offer. Once wedding is confirmed it cannot be canceled within 6 months of the date of the wedding without a fee. For weddings booked within 6 months of the wedding date the wedding cannot be canceled without the penalty. The cancellation penalty is $500. For wedding packages that are downgraded within 6 months of the wedding date, the package cannot be downgraded without the penalty. The wedding package downgrade penalty is $500. When package is downgraded, the time of ceremony is subject to change based on availability. *2016: In the months of August, September and October 2016 the package price will be $2,999 USD. All remaining months of 2016 will be the standard package pricing of $3,299 USD. *2017: In the months of August, September and October 2017 the package price will be $3,299 USD. All remaining months of 2017 will be the standard package pricing of $3,599 USD. A percentage of wedding guest accommodations may be required to confirm the wedding. The policy is up to the resort’s discretion and should be discussed when saving the date with the wedding coordinator. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 5 S H A A D I P A C K A G E Expertly crafted for South Asian Weddings T H R O U G H O U R E X P E R T I S E A N D PA R T N E R S H I P S W I T H A M A Z I N G D É CO R S U P P L I E R S A N D C H E F S S P E C I A L I Z I N G I N AU T H E N T I C I N D I A N C U I S I N E , YO U C A N R E S T A S S U R E D K N O W I N G T H AT YO U R T R A D I T I O N S A N D C U S TO M S W I L L B E H O N O R E D A N D O U R D E D I C AT E D O N - S I T E W E D D I N G CO O R D I N ATO R S W I L L W O R K D I L I G E N T LY TO C R E AT E U N I Q U E A N D DY N A M I C W E D D I N G E V E N T S . O U R S H A A D I PA C K A G E CO N S I S T S O F S I X E V E N T S O V E R T H E CO U R S E O F T H R E E D AY S A N D I N C LU S I V E O F S E V E N T Y F I V E G U E S T S . P L E A S E W O R K W I T H YO U R D E D I C AT E D O N - S I T E CO O R D I N ATO R TO TA I LO R T H E S E E V E N T S , A D D G U E S T S , O R C R E AT E A D D I T I O N A L E V E N T S . W E A R E AT YO U R S E R V I C E ! F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N O N T H E S H A A D I PA C K A G E P L E A S E V I S I T W W W. N O W R E S O R T S . CO M / S A P P H I R E / W E D D I N G S - S A O R CO N TA C T T H E W E D D I N G CO O R D I N ATO R : W E D D I N G S . N O S R C @ N O W R E S O R T S . CO M NOW WEDDING GUIDE 6 H O N E Y M O O N • F resh fruit upon arrival •B ottle of sparkling wine upon arrival • S pecial turn down service one evening during stay B L I S S P A C K A G E •R omantic breakfast in bed with Mimosas (Reservations must be made in advance with concierge ) •1 5% discount on all spa treatments CO M P L I M E N TA R Y Note: Please request your honeymoon or anniversary package at time of booking. You will be required to present a copy of your wedding invitation or marriage certificate at check-in. 15% discount on spa treatments cannot be applied to spa packages or combined with any other spa promotion or offer. Travel must occur over anniversary date or within three months of wedding date. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 7 D O N O T D I S T U R B H O N E Y M O O N P A C K A G E This package is complimentary when booking the Preferred Club Junior Suite Ocean-Front View or higher for 7 nights or more. • S pecial turn down service one evening during stay • Sparkling wine, flowers and fresh fruit in room on arrival •P rivate petit fours each evening at turn down service •B reakfast in bed with Mimosas (reservations required in advance via guest service) • F ree Anniversary Nights (see pg.8 for details) • Couples massage spa treatment (50 minutes) •R omantic beachfront dinner for two – bottle of sparkling wine 2 0 1 6 / 2017 S E L L I N G P R I C E $ 9 9 9 U S D O R CO M P L I M E N TA R Y Restrictions/exclusions: Subject to availability and double occupancy only. Prices and package subject to change without notice. This package cannot be combined with the Your Moments Wedding Package to receive both packages complimentary and cannot be deducted when purchasing other packages. To receive the package is only applicable to couples staying within three months of their wedding. Couple must present a copy of their wedding invitation or marriage certificate at the time of check-in. Package is available to all guests when purchased at the selling price. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 8 F R E E A N N I V E R S A R Y N I G H T S Stay a minimum of 7-nights with your qualifying wedding or honeymoon package at any Now Resorts & Spas and earn complimentary nights toward your return stay over your first anniversary! Free Anniversary Nights are valid on all qualifying new wedding or honeymoon reservations made at any of the Now Resorts & Spas with a 7-night minimum stay. The couple will receive the following for their first anniversary return-stay: Stay a minimum of 5 nights over first anniversary date and receive 2 additional nights free - Or - Stay 4 nights over first anniversary date and receive 1 additional night free Restrictions/exclusions: Booking window is year round. Guests must have the authorized anniversary night certificate from the resort of their initial stay in order to receive the free anniversary night (s) which is earned when booking a qualifying wedding or honeymoon package (see individual packages for inclusions, restrictions, and room requirements)). To be eligible for the free anniversary nights, guests must stay during their actual anniversary date. Anniversary nights must be redeemed at same resort brand as the initial stay. Marriage certificate must be provided upon arrival. Blackout dates and restrictions may apply. This promotion is not combinable with any other offers. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 9 S O U L M A T E S V O W R E N E W A L P A C K A G E This package is complimentary when booking the Preferred Club Junior Suite Ocean-Front View or higher for a minimum 5-night stay. • S ervice of a dedicated on-site wedding coordinator • S parkling wine toast for two •R enewal of Vows Ceremony •C ertificate of Renewed Vows •C orsage • S pecial dining arrangements for two the evening of the ceremony •B outonniere •R omantic turn-down service the night of the ceremony •H oneymoon Bliss package 2 016/2 017 S E L L I N G P R I C E $ 4 9 9 U S D Please contact the wedding coordinator at least 30 days in advance to confirm date availability. Terms & Conditions: Subject to availability and double occupancy only. Prices and package subject to change without notice. This package is for two people and cannot be combined with other complimentary packages or be deducted when purchasing other packages. Additional costs may apply for additional guests and optional services requested. Once ceremony is confirmed it cannot be canceled within 6 months of the date of the ceremony without a fee. For ceremonies booked within 6 months of the wedding date the wedding cannot be canceled without the penalty. The cancellation penalty is $100. *refer to Honeymoon Bliss Package (pg. 7) NOW WEDDING GUIDE 10 H O N E Y M O O N W I S H E S R E G I S T R Y You only need so many pots, pans, sheets, and towels. Now that you’ve found the perfect destination for your dream honeymoon, why not register for all the honeymoon experiences you would like to have!? The Honeymoon Wishes registry gives your guests a chance to purchase you and your new spouse an unbelievable experience to enjoy on your honeymoon. You can register for things like an excursion into town, a massage, special dinner arrangements, and many more! It’s easy to register. Simply visit and click “Start Now” under Start a Registry. From there you’ll be able to fill out all the necessary information and begin registering for items to use during your honeymoon. For questions or assistance, please call customer service at the toll free number 1-877-699-5884. International couples please call 858-4331506. Or visit for more information! NOW WEDDING GUIDE 11 A D D I T O N A L W E D D I N G I M A G E R Y At Now Sapphire, we feel each wedding should be as unique and special as you are! The wedding coordinators are able to customize your wedding specifically to your tastes. We strongly encourage to share your vision with your wedding coordinator by giving them pictures of your dream set up and they will work to make it a reality. From flowers, ceremony chairs, finishing touches and more, your day can be just how you imagined it to be! To see images of wedding locations and previous set ups the resort has beautifully executed, please view our Pinterest board for the resort at: NOW WEDDING GUIDE 12 D E S T I N A T I O N W E D D I N G 6 –12 MONTHS BEFORE • Contact wedding coordinator to choose a wedding date • Indicate if you would like a Symbolic or Legal ceremony (note: selecting a legal ceremony date may take • longer as the coordinator will need to work with the judge’s schedule) • Explore your wedding vision: ceremony/reception location, time of the day, estimated number of guests • Select your wedding package • C H E C K L I S T 1 MONTH BEFORE • Confirm all décor, floral, cake and “little extras” with coordinator • Confirm menus for all events (cocktail hour, reception, rehearsal dinner, etc.) • Book hair and make-up appointments at the spa for bride and bridal party • Have programs, menus, place cards, etc. printed • Confirm timeline of event (i.e.: seated for meal, first dance, father daughter dance, cake cutting, etc.) Send deposit to coordinator to reserve your selected date • Cofirm that all special requests have been noted and planned for • Once deposit is received and processed, a formal confirmation of the email is sent (approximately one week 3 WEEKS BEFORE • after receipt of deposit) • Coordinator will email forms, pictures and options • Sign-up for your Honeymoon Registry 6 –11 MONTHS BEFORE • Review your wedding contract and make final ammendments • Send guest list of those not staying at the resort to the wedding coordinator • Be sure the wedding coordinator has your travel schedule and your final guest list, seating charts and events UP TO 1 WEEK BEFORE • Determine an estimated budget guideline • Arrive at the resort (based on the type of ceremony you will have) • Begin clarifying your wedding vision: theme, colors, little extras • • Work with the resort or travel agent to make guest reservations and secure a room block On-site meeting with coordinator to go over all event details and make any last minute changes or additions • Have a trial hair and make-up run through at the salon if desired • Be sure your have your passport and all documents needed; if you are planning a legal wedding, • Set-up a spa day with bridesmaids, mother and other loved ones • Arrange for welcome bag room drop if desired • Arrange a private dinner on the beach — just the two of you! • Leave your wedding dress & groom’s attire with your coordinator to have steamed and prepared for the big day • the coordinator will be sure you know what the legal forms needed are • Secure DJ, band, photographers and videographer (be sure to speak to your wedding coordinator when booking outside vendors) 4 – 6 MONTHS BEFORE • • Determine additional wedding events (welcome cocktail party, rehearsal dinner, dayafter brunch) Start planning outside resort activities like golf, tours, etc. if desired 2–3 MONTHS BEFORE • Finalize guest list and room requirements • Confirm ceremony and reception locations (in case you want to make any changes) • Select décor option, choose flowers, pick the cake • Book ceremony musicians with coordinator (Mariachis, violinist, etc.) • Share with the coordinator any special readings or songs requested for the ceremony • Finalize reception chart, seat cards (if applicable) and send to Wedding Coordinator • Start working on menus • For legal ceremonies, send completed paperwork to coordinator (MUST be received at least 2 months prior) NOW WEDDING GUIDE 1 DAY BEFORE • Have a welcome cocktail party, rehearsal dinner or welcome dinner if desired • Arrange for special room drops (champagne, flowers, petit fours) to be sent to parents or wedding party • Bride & Groom: Get an early night sleep. Tomorrow is the Big Day! WEDDING DAY • Have a nice breakfast • Go to your hair appointment (remember to bring your veil & flowers) • Your coordinator will check in with your throughout the day as she organizes everything. Today is YOUR day and she will be with you every step of the way. • RELAX, SMILE & make the most of this memorable day For a pdf version of this list, please view 13 A D D I T I O N A L W E D D I N G S E R V I C E S If you would prefer to customize your wedding instead of choosing a wedding package, or would like to add other services, we offer a variety of options to make your wedding perfect. CEREMONY Non denominational Minister (customize) Judge’s Transportation Fees $450 From $150 Services for the Judge (legal) $650 Blood Test and Medical Certification $300 Apostilled Validation of the Marriage License $200 Certified Translation (per sheet) $200 Witness $20 SET UP Each white covered Banquet chair with white cover Deluxe Chair (Tiffany, bamboo, Avant, Versalles, Contessa) $5 each $10 Chandelier $250 Crystal Curtain Deluxe Ceremony Set-up (white covered chair, bow and tropical flower) Wedding Gazebo $200 $15/person from $350 FOOD AND BEVERAGE Champagne toast (sparkling wine) $4/person Wedding cake $7/person Price for cake is per person depending on the design selected from cake gallery. Hors d’oeuvres (per hour per person) $15 Price for hours d’oeuvres; includes 4 pieces per person Deluxe Chair (Ghost, Ambasador, Cross Back, Tiffany Bubble, Tiffany Limewash, Phoenix) $15 Single Hors d’oeuvres $3 Cocktails (per hour per person) $15 Cushion for Bamboo or Ghost Chair $4 Eternity Dinner per person $50 Chair Ribbon $5 Divine Dinner per person $55 Prices do not reflect 16% tax and are subject to change., 15% service, and are subject to change NOW WEDDING GUIDE 14 A D D I T I O N A L Restaurant Set Menu (non private) W E D D I N G $24 S E R V I C E S MISCELLANEOUS Dance Floor contact your wedding coordinator This fee is only for the location and it does not include food and service charge. Tent contact your wedding coordinator MUSIC Private event at restaurant from $1,000 Luminaria $5 Violinist 45 minute set $500 Cushion for Bamboo or ghost chair $4 Guitarist 45 minute set $500 Lounge Seat (8 people) $190 Saxophonist 45 minute set $500 Tiki Torches (8 in a set) $160 Jazz Trio 45 minute set $950 Gift Bag Delivery Pianist 45 minute set $500 Tuxedo Rental Harp 45 minute set $850 Ghost Chair $15 Caribbean Trio 45 minute set $950 Tiffany Chair $650 (Available in white, mahogany, gold, silver, dark brown) $10 Mexican Trio 45 minute set Steel Drum Band 3 Musicians 45 minute set $950 Ambassador Chair $15 Classical Trio 45 minute set $1,100 Mariachi (6 men playing) 45 minute set $1,100 Mariachi (10 men playing) 45 minute set $1,500 DJ per hour $350 Sound System per hour $180 Live Band 45 minute set $1,400 $4 each contact your wedding coordinator (Available only in white) Cross Back Chair $15 Contessa Chair $10 Phoenix Chair $15 (Available only in white) Tiffany Bubble Chair $15 Tiffany Limewash Chair $15 Steel Drum Soloist 45 minute set $750 Bamboo Chair $10 Marimba 45 minute set $800 Versailles Chairs Available only in dark brown $10 Ghost Chair $15 Avant-garde Chairs Available only in white $10 H OT E L PA S S E S Day Pass (9am – 5pm) $65/person Night Pass (5pm – 11pm) $65/person Full pass (9am – 11pm) Wedding Day Pass (event) $100/person $60/person Banquet chair with white cover $5 Chair Ribbon $5 (red, brown, yellow, green, pink, ivory, white, purple, etc.) Table Overlays from $30 Linen from $30 Prices do not reflect 16% tax, 15% service, and are subject to change. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 15 NOW WEDDING GUIDE 16 NOW WEDDING GUIDE 17 NOW WEDDING GUIDE 18 Y O U R M O M E N T S B O U Q U E T S The bouquet options below are included in the Your Moments Wedding Package. Please feel free to ask you Wedding Planner about flower and color selection. Price: $100 MOMENTS BOUQUET OPTION 1 NOW WEDDING GUIDE MOMENTS BOUQUET OPTION 2 MOMENTS BOUQUET OPTION 3 19 N O W T O E T E R N I T Y B O U Q U E T S The following options are available for the Now to Eternity Wedding Package. You may select from this page or the Your Moments Bouquets. These arrangements can also be chosen as an upgrade to the Your Moments Bouquets. Price: $125 ETERNITY BOUQUET OPTION 1 ETERNITY BOUQUET OPTION 2 ETERNITY BOUQUET OPTION 4 NOW WEDDING GUIDE ETERNITY BOUQUET OPTION 3 ETERNITY BOUQUET OPTION 5 20 D I V I N E B O U Q U E T S Our Divine Wedding package offers select designs for your special occasion. Please speak with the Wedding Planner for specific flower and color options. Price: $185 DIVINE BOUQUET OPTION 1 DIVINE BOUQUET OPTION 2 DIVINE BOUQUET OPTION 5 DIVINE BOUQUET OPTION 6 NOW WEDDING GUIDE DIVINE BOUQUET OPTION 3 DIVINE BOUQUET OPTION 7 DIVINE BOUQUET OPTION 4 DIVINE BOUQUET OPTION 8 21 P R E M I U M B O U Q U E T S Our Premium Bouquets offers select designs for your special occasion. Please speak with the Wedding Planner for specific flower and color options Price: $350 PREMIUM BOUQUET 1 PREMIUM BOUQUET 2 PREMIUM BOUQUET 3 PREMIUM BOUQUET 6 PREMIUM BOUQUET 7 PREMIUM BOUQUET 8 NOW WEDDING GUIDE PREMIUM BOUQUET 4 PREMIUM BOUQUET 5 PREMIUM BOUQUET 9 22 B O U T O N N I E R E S Price: $22 B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 1 B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 2 B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 5 NOW WEDDING GUIDE B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 3 B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 6 B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 4 B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 7 23 P R E M I U M B O U T O N N I E R E Price: $45 P R E M I U M B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 1 NOW WEDDING GUIDE P R E M I U M B O U TO N N I E R E O P T I O N 2 24 R E G U L A R C O R S A G E S Price: $35 CO R S A G E O P T I O N 1 CO R S A G E O P T I O N 2 CO R S A G E O P T I O N 3 CO R S A G E O P T I O N 6 CO R S A G E O P T I O N 7 CO R S A G E O P T I O N 8 NOW WEDDING GUIDE CO R S A G E O P T I O N 4 CO R S A G E O P T I O N 5 CO R S A G E O P T I O N 9 25 P R E M I U M C O R S A G E S Price: $65 P R E M I U M CO R S A G E O P T I O N 1 NOW WEDDING GUIDE P R E M I U M CO R S A G E O P T I O N 2 P R E M I U M CO R S A G E O P T I O N 3 26 E T E R N I T Y C E N T E R P I C E S Price: $100 ETERNITY CENTERPIECE 1 NOW WEDDING GUIDE ETERNITY CENTERPIECE 2 ETERNITY CENTERPIECE 3 27 D I V I N E C E N T E R P I E C E S Price: $130 DIVINE CENTERPIECE 1 DIVINE CENTERPIECE 2 DIVINE CENTERPIECE 4 NOW WEDDING GUIDE DIVINE CENTERPIECE 3 DIVINE CENTERPIECE 5 28 P R E M I U M C E N T E R P I E C E S Price: From $250 PREMIUM CENTERPIECE 1 PREMIUM CENTERPIECE 4 NOW WEDDING GUIDE PREMIUM CENTERPIECE 2 PREMIUM CENTERPIECE 3 PREMIUM CENTERPIECE 5 29 A D D I T I O N A L F L O R A L A R R A N G E M E N T S T R O P I C A L F LO RAL HEAD PIECE $75 T R O P I C A L F LO W E R S F O R THE CAKE $25 H A N G I N G CO R S A G E F O R T H E G A Z E B O, FROM $150 R O S E P E TA L A I S L E RUNNER $150 B A G O F R O S E P E TA L S $25 BRIDESMAID BOUQUET F R O M $70 (Smaller versions of brides bouquet from the galleries) Flowers for Hair $25 Basket With Petals Ceremony Centerpiece $50 Flower Wedding Arch NOW WEDDING GUIDE $45 from 30 $600 C E R E M O N Y L O C A T I O N S BEACH FRONT Maximum 300 people NOW WEDDING GUIDE 31 C E R E M O N Y L O C A T I O N S BEACH TERRACE Maximum 300 people NOW WEDDING GUIDE 32 C E R E M O N Y L O C A T I O N S WEDDING GAZEBO Maximum 70 people NOW WEDDING GUIDE 33 C E R E M O N Y L O C A T I O N S POOL GAZEBO Maximum 15 people NOW WEDDING GUIDE 34 D I N N E R P O L I C I E S The hotel has different venues available to celebrate the wedding dinner that it may be outdoor or indoor with air conditioning depending on the preference of the wedding couple; however you should be informed about the hotel policies to use these facilities. dinner; the menu will be selected by the clients from the regular menu of the restaurant. This $24.00 USD charge does not guarantee that the restaurant will be closed exclusively for the group but we will have a reserved area and staff service for you. It is important you know that special wedding menus sare only served during private events, all the couples who select the Eternity or Divine wedding package have this option available as these packages include dinner. When your wedding dinner is taking place in any of our restaurants it is necessary to select a set menu. These policies are applicable for any type of special dinners like rehearsal, bachelorette party, anniversaries, birthdays, etc… Any dinner at the restaurants is allowed for maximum 25 guests and it and can be up to 2 hours long (ex. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm). The only G R O U P D I N N E R R E S E R VAT I O N AT T H E R E S TAU R A N T S At al the restaurants, a table for 10 or more is considered a group. restaurant where the group can have a dinner all together without extra cost would be Market Cafe with buffet style (The buffet would not be reserved specifically for the guests of the special event). All outdoor events are allowed until 11:30 pm. Music and dancing are only allowed for private events: Beach Terrace, Pool Terrace, Tequila Terrace, Preferred Pool, or at the Ballroom but not at the indoor restaurants. If any guest is interested in organizing a dinner in one of the restaurants for a group (over 10 people), a set up and service fee will apply, the price for this special service will be $24.00 USD per person. It will be necessary to select a set menu for all guests attending the NOW WEDDING GUIDE 35 R E C E P T I O N DINNER POLICIES B E A C H T E R R A C E M A X . 300 There are various locations, air-conditioned indoor or outdoor A spectacular place for your wedding. Music is allowed. In case throughout the resort to celebrate the wedding dinner depending of inclement weather, the ballroom is available depending on the upon the preference of the couple. size of the group. T E Q U I L A T E R R A C E M A X . 1 00 B A L L R O O M M A X . 250 The perfect location with sea view to share this special day. Round With luxurious facilities and qualified personnel, you will be and rectangular tables are set up that are able to accommodate guaranteed an unforgettable day. Music is allowed up to 10 people per table. The terrace is able to have music and P R E F E R R E D P O O L M A X . 90 private group dinner. The ideal location for a private reception with a romantic ambience . NOW WEDDING GUIDE 36 E T E R N I T Y D I N N E R M E N U APPETIZERS M A I N CO U R S E S Tuna Tartare with Sesame Seeds and Fresh Coriander, Sesame Crisp and Sweet Soy Sauce Chicken Supreme; Spicy Almond Sauce, Fetuccini and Sautéed Vegetables • • Spinach Salad with Goat Cheese, Roasted Apples and Walnut Confit; Mustard Dressing Beef Tournedos Duo; Tomato and Green Pepper Sauce • Fish Filet; White Wine Cream Sauce, Rice and Vegetables Caesar Salad, Garlic Croutons and Parmesan Cheese • Marinated Fish Ceviche, Fresh Lemon Juice, Tomato, Avocado and Cucumber • Cherry Tomato Salad with Cheese and Fresh Coriander • • Grilled Salmon; Squash Blossom Sauce and Vegetables Stir-fry • Breaded Pork Loin Parmigiana, Tomato Sauce, Mashed Potatoes and Vegetables • DESSERTS Fried Chicken Salad Campai Strawberry Cheese Cake • SOUPS Mushroom and Squash Blossom Soup with Parmesan Cheese • Creamy Cheese and Corn Mushroom Soup • French Onion Soup • Tomato and Basil Soup with Cheese Lemon Merengue Pie • Tiramisu • Fruit Tartalette • Apple Pie • Tortilla Soup Chicken Broth with Corn Tortilla Strips, Fresh Cheese, Avocado and Sour Cream • Cream of Potato and Leek Soup NOW WEDDING GUIDE 37 D I V I N E APPETIZERS Seared Tuna Slices; Wasabi Foam, Olive Oil, Oriental-style Vegetables • Salad of Shrimp, Lettuce, Diced Mango, Ginger and Mango Dressing D I N N E R M E N U Chicken Supreme Stuffed with Seafood, Champagne Sauce • Surf and Turf; Beef Filet and Shrimp, Wild Mushroom and Sweet Pepper Sauce • • Beef Filet Bordaleise; Duchess Potato and Asparagus Salmon Tartare; Cucumber and Lemon Scented Olive Oil • • Shrimp Provencal; Mushrooms Risotto and Fine Herb Buttered Vegetables Blue Cheese and Walnut Confit Salad with Honey Balsamic Dressing • • Duck Breast; Hoisin-plum Sauce and Leek Crisps Beef Carpaccio with Parmesan Cheese and Capers; Mustard Dressing DESSERTS • Creamy White Chocolate Aux Mint Vegetable Confit Terrine and Basil Pesto; Sundried Tomatoes Vinaigrette • SOUPS Cream of Asparagus Soup with Smoked Salmon • Mushroom and Roasted Garlic Veloute Fruit Mille Fuille and Vanilla Sauce • Pistachio Panacota • Cognac Truffle Cake • • Cream of Lobster Soup, Brandy Scented Warm Apple Tart with a Creamy Almond Sauce • Shrimp Minestrone • Clam Chowder, Leek Ravioli M A I N CO U R S E S NOW WEDDING GUIDE 38 C O L D H O R S D ’ O E U V R E S M E N U Please choose 4 options of the following menu. If you selected the Eternity or the Divine package. Salmon with Dill and Cream Cheese Guacamole and Chips • Goat Cheese Mousse with Sundried Tomatoes • Variety of Sushi and Nigiri • • Prosciutto Ham and Melon Goat Cheese and Walnuts • • Roast Beef Rolls with Green Beans and Alioli Mushrooms and Surimi • • Shrimp and Pineapple Sliced Tomato and Mozzarella Al Pesto • • Cream Cheese Aux Fine Herbs Cold Turkey on Pumpernickel • • Endive Lettuce with Blue Cheese Prosciutto Ham Bruschetta • • Prunes Stuffed with Bacon Shredded Beef Mini Tostada • • Cucumbers and Blue Cheese Fruit Brochettes • • Sangrita Mini Shot Marinated Ceviche • Ham Rolls with Asparagus NOW WEDDING GUIDE 39 H O T H O R S D ’ O E U V R E S M E N U Curry Chicken Satays Fried Chiken Taquitos • • Beef Brochettes with Rosemary Sauce Mushrooms Vol Au Vent • • Fried Shrimp wrapped in Bacon Breaded Chicken Fingers • • Vegetable Confit Tartalettes Tempura Vegetables • • Fried Crab Maki Vegetable Skewers with Soy Sauce • • Puff Pastry with Sausages Fried Calamari • • Chicken Wings with Spicy Sauce Spicy Meat Balls • • Cheese and Bell Pepper Turnovers Puff Pastry with Ham • • Breaded Fish Fingers Tamales • • Shrimp Tempura Quesadillas • • Mini Cordon Bleu Shredded Chiken Torta • • Mini Pizza Spring Rolls NOW WEDDING GUIDE 40 S W E E T H O R S D ’ O E U V R E S M E N U Ginger Scented Créme Brulée • Rice Pudding • Chocolate Cake • Sweet Floating Islands • Fruit Tartlettes • Creamy Lemon Tart • Brownies • Vanilla Custard Flan • Coffee Eclair • Mexican Fritters with Powered Sugar and Cinnamon • Mini Cheese Cakes NOW WEDDING GUIDE 41 C A K E D E S I G N S Price per additional guest is $7. The cakes are made according to the wedding group size. Flavors are chocolate, vanilla and Tres Leches - a traditional Mexican cake made using three types of milk (moist and incredibly delicious!) **Cake flowers are not included** CAKE OPTION 1 CAKE OPTION 2 CAKE OPTION 3 CAKE OPTION 4 CAKE OPTION 5 CAKE OPTION 6 NOW WEDDING GUIDE 42 T H E S P A For those guests seeking a sanctuary for the senses, our Spa offers a sublime atmosphere of pure indulgence combining hydrotherapy and indigenous treatments creating a refreshing, invigorating and peaceful experience. Jacuzzi baths and treatment rooms, a relaxation lounge, sauna, steam room and private showers are available, as well as pedicures, manicures, facials and a full-service beauty salon. Spa facilities include: •M exican temazcal steam bath (outdoor) •B eauty Salon (2 manicure stations, 3 pedicure stations and 1 hair wash station) •O utdoor treatment areas located throughout the pool and beach areas • F itness center • S auna • F oot Bath •D ynamic Pool • S howers •R elaxing area Massage Rooms: Hydrotherapy circuit: •4 Double Rooms •H ot water Jacuzzi •1 Bridal Room •C old water Jacuzzi •2 Individual Rooms • S team Room •1 Double Cabin on the Beach NOW WEDDING GUIDE 43 S H I P P I N G P R O C E D U R E S Now Sapphire Riviera Cancun highly recommends that all additional decorations and/or favors be brought with the couple on the plane. If it is necessary to ship boxes prior to the couples arrival, we suggest using either FEDEX or UPS and shipping everything a month and a half in advance to ensure all boxes clear customs. •P lease be advised that food, animals, insects or natural flowers are not permitted to enter Mexico. • L abel all boxes with your name and clearly specify the date you will be arriving. • The Hotel Address for Shipping: Attention: Your Wedding Coordinator Hotel Now Sapphire Riviera Cancun Weddings Department SM 11 Mza.9 Lote 10 Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo. C.P.77580 Mexico Phone Number: +52 (998) 827 - 8386 •N ow Sapphire Riviera Cancun will deliver gifts to the guest’s rooms. There will be a $4.00 USD and 16% service fee per room. A complete list of all guests along with room numbers are required. •O nce the boxes have been shipped, please send an e-mail to the wedding coordinator with the following information to allow us to track the packages: Bride’s name Tracking number Shipping company Number of boxes ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ P O L I C Y O N D A M A G E S A N D LO S S E S : The property does not assume responsibility for any items, personal or professional, brought onto the resort prior to, during or after the wedding event. These include, but are not limited to, floral arrangements, decorations or equipment. The wedding couple is responsible for all non resort guests while they are on property attending the event. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 44 P A Y M E N T P O L I C Y DEPOSIT POLICY PA C K A G E D O W N G R A D E P O L I C Y A deposit is required to confirm and hold the requested wedding For wedding packages that are downgraded within 6 months of date. A deposit of $500.00 USD is required. This deposit is the wedding date, the package cannot be downgraded without the non refundable should you fail to comply with the cancellation penalty. The wedding package downgrade penalty is $500. When policy below. package is downgraded, the time of ceremony is subject to change C A N C E L L AT I O N P O L I C Y based on availability. The wedding can be canceled six or more months prior to the PAY M E N T O P T I O N S confirmed date without penalties. If the wedding is canceled with The entire payment must be made in full two days prior to the less than 6 months notice, the non-refundable deposit will be kept wedding, after the first meeting with the wedding coordinator. as a penalty. If the wedding is canceled, but the couple still travels The final wedding payment must be paid with credit card or as planned, the deposit can then be applied toward any additional cash. room charges made during their stay. •P ayments with cash require a passport. • The following credit cards will be accepted: Visa, Mastercard or American Express. •P ersonal checks will not be accepted as a form of payment. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 45 W E D D I N G C E R E M O N I E S S Y M B O L I C O R N O N D E N O M I N AT I O N A L This ceremony is performed by a minister and focuses on This ceremony focuses on love, marriage, family and society. God, love and family in a Christian perspective. Although Mexican law does not consider this ceremony legally valid. many people consider this fundamental, Mexican law does No documentation or blood tests are required. For a symbolic/ not consider this ceremony legally valid. No documentation or religious ceremony, Now Sapphire requires that you be in the blood tests are required. country at least 2 business days prior. Sundays and Mexican CIVIL OR LEGAL CEREMONY Holidays do not count. Your arrival day does not count toward This ceremony is performed by a judge and focuses on family the “business day” requirement. You must arrive 2 FULL business and respect for the couple. A list of requirements must be met days prior. in order to be legally married under Mexican law. For a Legal RELIGIOUS CEREMONY Ceremony, Mexico requires you be in the country at least 4 business days prior. Saturdays, Sundays, and Mexican Holidays do not count towards the “business day” requirement. You must arrive 4 FULL business days prior. NOW WEDDING GUIDE 46 L E G A L • The R E Q U I R E M E N T S bride, groom and four witnesses must arrive 4 full business (Mexican holidays, day of arrival, Saturdays and Sundays do not count). Symbolic and non-legal ceremonies allow flexibility for arrival date. Please speak with the wedding coordinator to discuss requirements. days prior to the wedding day • Tourist to the • I f the (you card will receive your tourist card when you arrive Cancun airport). Bride or Groom are divorced they will need their original Final Divorce Decrees. These documents must be translated into Spanish and each must have a stamp (Le Apostille) of the Registry of their country. Translation services cost $200 USD +16% tax per page.Translation must be done in Mexico otherwise it will not be valid. The judge will keep the original divorce decrees. birth • I f certificats and someone is divorced, they must send 3 months prior a scanned Divorce Decree & Birth Certificate Apostil, so the resort can send it to be translated in Spanish by a certified translator in Mexico. copy of the • I f bride or groom are widowed, they will need the original death certificate. This document must be translated into Spanish and (Le Apostille) of the registry of their country. Translation services (Death Certificate) cost is $200 USD + 16% tax per page. Translation must be done in Mexico or it is not valid. The judge will keep the original document. must have a stamp • I f Widowed they must send 3 months prior a scanned Death Certificate, so the resort can send it to be translated in Spanish by a certified translator in Mexico. someone is copy of the •V alid Passports and Bride & Groom’s Birth Certificate (This essential, otherwise the wedding cannot be performed). • I f is you would like your parents’ names on your marriage certificate an official certified copy of the groom and brides birth certificated needs to 3 months prior to the wedding. These documents must be translated into Spanish and each must have a stamp (Le Apostille) of the registry of their country. Translation services cost $200USD +16% TAX per page. All translation must be done in Mexico; otherwise it will not be valid. The judge will keep the original documents. This is OPTIONAL and if not received the spaces for those names will be filled out as (----) be sent to the wedding coordinator • The names, addresses, nationalities, ages, occupations, relationship, copy of tourist card, and a valid I.D. for 4 witnesses. The wedding coordinator NOW WEDDING GUIDE F O R M A R R I A G E will send you the legal form. The witnesses can be relatives, friends, or 2 & 3). anyone with a valid passport (please see page • I f you don’t have witnesses, USD+16% tax per witness. we can provide them. The cost is $20 •$ 250 USD + 16% tax (per couple) fee for blood test must be taken in Mexico. To be considered valid, the test should not be taken more than 14 days prior to the ceremony. The blood will be tested for HIV, STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases) and blood type. The results will be ready in 24 hours together with a certificate of the blood test and the fee will be paid directly to the doctor in cash the day the test is taken. • J udge’s transportation fee. Roundtrip will be paid to the judge on The cost is from Monday-Friday $150 USD, on Saturday $200 USD. On Sundays and Holidays the judge’s transportation fee is $250 USD. the wedding date, in cash. •$ 650 USD+ 16% tax process (if applicable). for the City Hall court fees and application • The Marriage Certificate is only valid in Mexico. To make the marriage certificate legal internationally the wedding coordinator will send a copy Validation Process. The fee will be $200 USD+ The process will take 2-3 months. Once the document is apostilled, the resort will send all documentation to the couple’s home address. Documents will be in Spanish but can be translated for an additional $200 USD + 16% tax per page. of your license to the tax. •N one of the above mentioned services are included in our wedding packages. It is the couple’s responsibility to have all documents ready 3 months before the wedding, otherwise the wedding cannot be performed. • NOTE : All prices subject to change without previous notice. • To Sum Up & Make Easy: - send your Birth Certificates, Divorce Decree, Death Certificate (If 3 months applicable) and passports scanned to the wedding coordinator prior to the wedding -Come 4 days earlier with passports and fill out your tourist cards accurately upon arrival. -Have the following cash ready: $250 USD (blood test)+ $100 - $250 USD (judge transportation) = $350 - $500 USD -We will take care of the rest! 47 Súper Mza.11 mza 9 Lote 10 Puerto Morelos Benito Juárez 77580 Quintana Roo, MÉXICO T. +52 (998) 872 8383 Ext.8046 F. +52 (998) 872 8384 NOW WEDDING GUIDE 48