Annual - Trinity Episcopal Church
Annual - Trinity Episcopal Church
Annual PARISH REPORT January 2016 TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1015 HOLMAN ST • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77004 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 14 PAGE 15 PAGE 16 PAGE 16 PAGE 17 PAGE 18 PAGE 19 PAGE 20 PAGE 20 PAGE 21 PAGE 22 PAGE 22 PAGE 23 PAGE 23 PAGE 24 PAGE 24 PAGE 25 PAGE 26 PAGE 27 PAGE 28 PAGE 28 PAGE 29 PAGE 29 PAGE 30 PAGE 30 PAGE 31 PAGE 31 PAGE 31 PAGE 32 PAGE 34 PAGE 34 PAGE 36 PAGE 37 PAGE 38 PAGE 40 PAGE 46 PAGE 47 AGENDA NEW MEMBERS RECTOR’S REPORT ASSOCIATE RECTOR’S REPORT SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT JUNIOR WARDEN’S REPORT CHILDREN AND FAMILY MINISTRY CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD REPORT ECC TWEENS REPORT MUSIC AT TRINITY REPORT ACOLYTE GUILD REPORT ALTAR FLOWER MINISTRY REPORT ALTAR GUILD REPORT ANNUAL BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS REPORT TRINITY ARCHIVES MINISTRY REPORT TRINITY ART MINISTRY REPORT COFFEE HOUR REPORT TRINITY CHURCH ENDOWMENT REPORT EMERGENCY AID COALITION REPORT EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY REPORT EVENING PRAYER REPORT FRANCIS STREET VISION TEAM FUNERAL MINISTRY REPORT GREETER MINISTRY REPORT TRINITY GARDEN CLUB REPORT HOSPITALITY APARTMENTS MINISTRY REPORT LORD OF THE STREETS BREAKFAST REPORT LORD OF THE STREETS LAY MINISTERS REPORT MOVABLE FEAST REPORT NEWCOMERS MINISTRY REPORT PARENTING WITH GRACE REPORT PHOTOGRAPHY COMMITTEE REPORT PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY REPORT PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY REPORT SANDWICH MAKERS REPORT SIGNATURE MASSES STEWARDSHIP REPORT TRINITY JAZZ ENSEMBLE TRINITY JAZZ FESTIVAL REPORT TRINITY JAZZ AND GOSPEL SERVICE LAY MINISTERS REPORT TRINITY JAZZ AND GOSPEL SERVICE GREETER MINISTRY REPORT OFFICE VOLUNTEER MINSITRY FINANCIAL REPORT NECROLOGY REPORT CLOSING HYMN 2 AGENDA 9:20 a.m. Welcome The Reverend Hannah E. Atkins, Rector Opening Prayer The Reverend Rich Houser, Associate Rector Election Procedures Teddy Adams, Chancellor Presentation of Vestry and Council Delegate Candidates 9:30 a.m. Dax Nesossi, Head Teller Children’s Activities Begin Balloting Ushers and Election Committee Members Endowment Board Report Joe Brimberry, President Treasurer’s Report Larry Laubach, Treasurer Francis Street Vision Committee Dan Barnum Recognition of Outgoing Vestry Members The Reverend Hannah E. Atkins Rector’s Report The Reverend Hannah E. Atkins Anthem Trinity Choir Memorial to Deceased Communicants 10:10 a.m. Closing Hymn Mary Cloud Handbells by: John Merullo Wendy Wentland, Organist/Choirmaster Trinity Choir Election results will be announced during the Announcements at the 10:30 service GO IN PEACE TO LOVE AND SERVE THE LORD! 3 NEW MEMBERS BAPTIZED Maya Alexandra Chughtai Albini John “Jack” Arthur Chipman Diego Nicolas LeGrande Addilyn Loraene Lomasang Eleanor August Thompson Macey Grace Trahan Stephen Lee (to be confirmed by Bishop on next visit) CONFIRMED Brannon Jackson Albritton Rheagan Marie Blackwell Piper Alexis Bratton John Alexander Bruton Laurie Lee Christensen Caitlan Snyder Hillier Jhenna Snyder Hillier Robert Snyder Hillier Kenneth James Horton Greg Simsuangco Lomasang Ruth Elizabeth Nolen Anthony Dewayne Sessions Kevin Matthew Smith Emilie Carter Stubbs Anthony O’Brian Thornton David Villarreal RECEPTION Melinda Houser Karen Elizabeth Rogers REAFFIRMATION Bryan Anthony Montemarano TO BE CONFIRMED/RECEIVED/REAFFIRMED BY THE BISHOP ON NEXT VISIT (CLASSES COMPLETED) Jim Castro Katherine Jane Rose Davidson Paul Alexander Knowles Stephen A. Lee Theresa D. McClellan Adria Vacca Montmarano Unay Ynaki Onate Ademian Jermaine Pinder Jack Anderson Quander Michael Pizarro Rodriguez Shelia Wainwright Angel Williams TRANSFERRED IN 2015 The Rev. Canon Henry Atkins Lucy Treadwell Atkins Mary Batsakis Paul Bower Alice Davidson Elizabeth Davidson Emily Davidson Katherine Davidson Elizabeth Donnelly John Donnelly Angie Fresquez Christopher Fresquez Clarice Gomez Mary Margaret Kinnan Julia Madden Wanda Mullen Diana Lynn Nichols Leah Stasney Mollie Hightower Weber 4 Rector’s Report The Reverend Hannah E. Atkins Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-3). This year my report will consist of placing notable moments in our parish life during 2015 in the context of our stated vision. I intend for this to be the regular format from now on, and therefore making a clearer connection of our actions in relation to our vision. Our goals are intentionally broad, to keep this great cloud of witnesses that is Trinity persevering with faith and flexibility. Many of the specific achievements and challenges are outlined in the reports contained in this booklet and in our Stewardship Brochure. Our vision consists of five points, equal priorities amongst themselves, which guide us on our journey with Jesus. 1. Live into a full capacity crowd congregation Churches exist to be communities where God in Christ is front and center, to foster growth in spiritual maturity and faith, to connect people to the Triune God, to invite people to integrate their faith and their lives, and to collaborate in the building of God’s Kingdom. The Great Commission in Matthew’s gospel urges us to share what we have, who we are, what we believe. To that end, we do want to grow the community of Trinity so that our mission might be realized and more people find a spiritual home here. The reality in 2015 was that our numbers remained steady even as we actively sought to grow community through both traditional and creative means. In 2015 those means included but were not limited to: Creative Evangelism through the Signature Music Masses, building and consolidating our Newcomer’s Ministry, fostering a culture of invitation via participation in Invitation Sunday, quality programming, community presence, thorough communication, and prayer. On the communications end, the design and publication of our new Parish Life Guide in the fall and spring was a major step forward. There is still room to grow and in order to do that we need to staff for growth. As of this writing, our stewardship contributions do not support staffing for growth. 2. Offer more, varied, authentic, quality worship We worship here in a diversity of styles and liturgical languages. In 2015, we incorporated a series of Evening Prayer and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament services during Lent and the new Marriage Rite for same sex couples into our liturgical offerings. 5 3. Serve Christ in each other and the least of these abundantly We do this through our on-going and new ministries outlined in the pages of this Annual Report and in our Parish Life Guide. Notably, the Pastoral Care Committee was expanded to include the group studying pastoral care and chaplaincy here at Trinity and all those who head one of the pastoral care related ministries. They have begun meeting on a monthly basis. Our Newcomer’s Ministry has broadened their scope to include not only welcoming but staying intentionally connected. This ministry has also begun to meet monthly. Our outreach ministries remain strong and we raised more funds than ever before at our Breakfast for Dinner Fundraiser in June. There has been healthy consistency as well as rotation amongst ministry heads and participants. 4. Develop our buildings and grounds to their fullest potential in service to our expanding community We are still in a holding pattern on the RHS development of the garage across the street. As soon as we know more, it will be communicated. There are no firm dates for building, but the full lease monthly amount will be due to increase in 2017. We upgraded the Wi-Fi and sound in Fellowship Hall. The Francis Street Vision Committee renewed its purpose when Bob Schorr from the Diocese facilitated a joint meeting between them and the vestry. Much movement has been made since then including expanding ideas for use of the Trinity House, finding historical sources, researching possible grants and so on. This work will be a priority focus in 2016. We will also contend with a major HVAC project to replace the 50-year-old (or older!) system right after Easter this year. One of the most promising things to happen in the fall was the calling together of a talented and committed Properties Committee with a range of responsibilities. Please thank Robert McKenzie who is volunteering now to oversee and follow up on numerous projects around the church fifteen hours a week. 5. Pray without ceasing Prayer is our daily bread. We offer a variety of liturgies, opportunities and resources for community, individual and small group prayer. Our cadre of Spiritual Directors includes five members of Trinity who engage in active listening and spiritual companionship. Our first Trinity pilgrimage to the Holy Land fostered deep prayer and insight into the life of Jesus. A Parish Retreat and Women’s Retreat complemented our daily habits and weekly liturgies, programs and opportunities for small group prayer. Staffing wise, even as our Curate left to head his own small parish, the Rev. Rich continued on with great enthusiasm and skill. Patti Carr became our Administrative Assistant as Sarah Peters left to care for her newborn. The Rev. Bob Flick will begin presiding at the Taize Services the third Sunday of the month and is organizing a men’s group. The Rev. Canon Henry L. Atkins, Jr. move to Houston and into the role of Theologian in Residence here. I want to thank all the volunteer and paid staff, vestry and ministry heads without which we could not preserver in this race. We have an excellent staff, both stipendiary and nonstipendiary: The Rev. Rich Houser, Wendy Wentland, Paul English, Pat Laubach, Larry Laubach, Carol Turley, Patti Carr, James Candler, Ken Jones, Janice Jeys, Carrie Hirdes, Robert McKenzie, Dean Shank, Sam Jones, Booker Lakes, Theresa McClellan, Rosa Gutierrez, Erica Zavala, and Yolanda Catalan. Thank you to the Revs. Bob Wells and Barbara Lewis who support us with the blessing of their prayer and presence. 6 I am grateful to all the members and officers of the vestry. I thank the officers for 2015: Anna Goza, Senior Warden; David Nolen, Junior Warden; Larry Laubach, Treasurer; Rhonda Rogers, Assistant Treasurer; Teddy Adams, Chancellor; Barbara Burch Franklin, Assistant Chancellor; Joanne Starbuck, Clerk; Saba Blanding, Assistant Clerk; and Gayle Davies Cooley, Historian. I thank all others who served on the vestry: Alex Bruton, Bob Davenport, Richard Edgar, Dana Gannon, Paula Lewis Patterson, Jim Luke, Kathryn Lanning Herman, Brad Hirdes, John Cloud, and Dax Nesossi. Anna Goza will continue as Senior Warden while David Nolen rolls off the vestry and gets a well deserved rest after two years as Junior Warden! Well done, good and faithful servants. We run this race with a great cloud of witnesses full of character and faith! Thank you all so much! 7 Associate Rector’s Report The Reverend Rich Houser I begin my position as Associate Rector in the first week of August of 2014. I am honored that among my duties as Associate Rector, I am the liaison to the Garden Club and the ministry head to the following: Youth Ministry Throughout the past year, the youth of Trinity in grades 6th through 12th have assembled along with their parents and interested adults to continue visioning for the coming months and years. The schedule that the youth created included fun events such as dodgeball, paint ball, Shrove Movie Screenings, a Pie in the Face Bowling Contest, Escape the Room, a Halloween Lock-in, go-karts, two pool parties, and a Christmas Party. Events saw collaboration, consistent attendance, and renewed interest in youth activities. Contemplative events included a Fall Retreat and Bible studies. Service projects included Easter Lily and Christmas poinsettia delivery to homebound and nursing home people, serving at Lord of the Streets and church fundraisers. The Youth went on a Mission Trip to San Antonio for the first time in 5 years. They participated in a variety of activities in partnership with other churches from the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. The youth program saw an increase in communication amongst themselves and the leadership through semester calendars, updated Facebook/Instagram accounts, updated website pages, and phone calls to each youth family the week of an event. The group consists of youth in 6th through 12th grades and features a diversity of economic, social, and nationality characteristics. In January, August, and May, the youth congregate in a visioning process to create their own schedule of activities, outreach work, and Christian education pursuits. Young Adult Ministry The Young Adults through this past year have engaged in four evening meals in Midtown, a diocesan service project at the Houston Foodbank and cemetery cleanup , a tasting and touring at three breweries, bingo, Lord of the Streets volunteering and a Christmas gathering. The group will continue to meet monthly on varying days of the week to allow a variety of people to be involved. A further innovation will include subsidized child care at the family’s home to aid parents of young children in allowing their participation. Pub Theology Beginning in late June, this group has met weekly on Wednesday nights at the Alley Kat Bar and Lounge in Midtown. The format is open and honest conversation about things that matter. A table at which all perspectives are welcome. The Rev. Rich Houser Associate Rector 8 Senior Warden’s Report Anna Goza 2015 has been a busy year for all our lay leaders and volunteers and I am grateful for all the support provided by this parish to our various ministries and outreach programs. Last annual meeting, we elected to the Vestry Alex Bruton, Bob Davenport, Dana Gannon, Paula Lewis-Patterson and Richard Edgar, all strong additions to your Vestry. The Vestry had a mini-retreat in February and an all-day retreat in April to help identify what needed to be done this year, discuss how best to move forward and assigned specific tasks to the Vestry committees (Ministry, Property, Administration). These committees work on their projects between the regular Vestry meetings and then provide reports to the entire Vestry. In May, the Vestry accepted the recommendation of the Unity in Mission committee for Reverend Hannah Atkins to request that Bishop Andy Doyle approve offering the witnessing and blessing of a life-long covenant liturgy by Trinity for Trinity parishioners. This was after discerning and thoughtful discussions with the Vestry and open meetings with the parish on four separate dates in spring. In July, the State of Texas approved same sex marriage so Trinity may now, with the Bishop’s approval, offer the sacrament of marriage to same sex couples. Many thanks to Rhonda Rogers, Dax Nesossi, David Nolen and John Cloud for their hard and thorough work on this committee and for their pastoral care of all those who participated in these discussions. The Vestry amended the Trinity By-laws to allow call-in participation of Vestry members to have a quorum for regularly scheduled meetings and to allow voting electronically on issues that need Vestry approval between meetings. There is much more detail on these changes in the By-laws that are posted on our website. These bylaw changes were reviewed by the Diocese and approved by the Bishop on May 19, 2015. Safeguarding God’s Children training was a focus this year and several sessions were held by Pat Laubach, who is our Diocesan trained coordinator and facilitator for these sessions. Anyone who works with our youth, has regular interactions with our youth, or would like to help with programs for our youth, is required by the Diocese to have this training. The training is good for five years. Please contact Pat Laubach if this applies to you or if you have any questions. In November, the Vestry adopted the Diocesan Weapons Policy at Trinity. As stated in the Bishop’s letter dated January 4, 2016, “the long standing policy of the Diocese of Texas remains the same - guns have no place in our churches, schools and institutions. Other than those carried by officers of the peace or security officers on duty, we will adhere to our policy prohibiting guns on church and school property because we believe that our responsibility is to promote an atmosphere of peace and safety. The presence of firearms on church property is inconsistent with our diocesan vision of evangelism, service, and reconciliation.” Many thanks to all the Vestry members for their hard work, their dedication to Trinity and our ministries and their faithful service to all, it is a pleasure working with all of them as we continue to move Trinity forward in God’s purpose. 9 Junior Warden’s Report David G. Nolen It was an honor serving as your Junior Warden again this past year. I want to firstly thank James Candler, our Sexton and Paul Turner for their tireless work at the Church throughout the week and especially on Sundays. Thank you both for making my tenure as Junior Warden much easier. Below is a brief summary of the work preformed this year and a few future projects that the Vestry will need to consider. Church Church Grounds Garden refurbishing – mulching, planting and transplanting. Thank you Garden Club for your tireless work to make the gardens beautiful. Fountains – the fountains were retiled and repaired. Thank you Michael Bratton for supervising this work and donating your services. Broken Tile at the Holman Street handicap entrance – all the broken tile was replaced. Bering House HVAC unit – we changed HVAC maintenance companies and repaired the unit at the Bering House. Our original company quoted us a price of over $6,500.00, with our new company it was repaired for less than $2,000.00. Miscellaneous Painted the walls and removed mold growing on the second floor administrative offices. We updated the audio equipment in the Sanctuary and audio / visual equipment in the Fellowship Hall. We now have assisted listening devices available for members and visitors attending Sunday services. They are located in the back of the Sanctuary. Thank you John Cloud for overseeing this project. Preventive Maintenance Contracts Signed a new maintenance contract for the HVAC units at the rectory, and the Bering House. Renewed the existing cleaning contract for the Church. Future Work This coming year will see a great deal of work being conducting in the Church Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. We are replacing the 50 plus year old HVAC unit . This work will be extensive and ultimately result in better heating and cooling of the Church as well as a reduction in monthly utility costs. Another benefit of replacing the HVAC will be the cleaning/replacing the ceiling tiles in the Fellowship Hall as well as repainting the walls. I want to thank the Trinity Endowment Board for supporting this endeavor. It was a pleasure serving you these past two years. Respectfully submitted, David G Nolen 10 Children and Family Ministries 11 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Janice Jeys, Director of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd “Let the little children come to me and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs.” Trinity holds in high regard the importance of the child to our congregation and the importance of the child’s spiritual life. Upon leaving the Atrium (the Sunday school space for 3 to 9 year olds), just after the passing of the peace, the children of our congregation are led forward to be greeted and blessed in the sight of all present. In doing this, we live into this high regard that Jesus has for children. Additionally Trinity’s chosen Sunday school offering for decades has been the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. This is a developmentally appropriate approach that offers the child respect, freedom within limits, and beautiful hands-on materials that respect the child’s deep need for real, meaningful work and self-direction. In this ministry our goal is to offer the child something beyond religious education, to offer the child spiritual formation. We call the prepared environment for this ministry the “Atrium.” The work there integrates Scripture, Liturgy, and the Child. Much of the work in the Atrium is meditative, allowing the child a quiet place of relationship with God. Atrium begins at 9:30 a.m. in room 112. Children enter, shake hands with the catechist and go to work with the materials that they have been shown. Individual and small group lessons are offered during our time in the Atrium. Sometime before 11 a.m. children put away materials and gather at the prayer table for a last meditation, lesson, or song. The verger leads the children in procession for a blessing at the front of the congregation just after the passing of the peace. Children then return to their families in the pews. Our Atrium year begins after school has started in August or September and continues through Trinity Sunday. The ministry of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd requires a strong volunteer team to assure our compliance with the principles of the Episcopalian Safeguarding God’s Children program. We have a minimum of 2 adults in the Atrium. During Atrium time these volunteers support children in finding engaging work. They sometimes read books such as the scripture booklets that accompany the materials to the younger children. They sit and contemplate the more meditative works with the older children. Margaret Caldwell has over the long course of her relationship with Trinity, worked in many capacities with Children’s Ministries as well as in other capacities. In 2015 she was a terrific asset as the assistant in the Atrium, offering her time weekly to give our community the strong and consistent support it needs. We welcome additional support for those weeks when we are under the weather or otherwise out of pocket. Any and all who are interested in our program or in volunteering would be very welcome to come in and observe and learn more about this Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Please contact Janice Jeys to express your interest in visiting during Atrium time. This year we found an exciting new way to include the children in our Annual Stewardship drive. Each child received a small stewardship box into which they can place coins and dollars between now and the beginning of Lent. On the outside of the box, they write various acts of care and giving that they participate in for the Church’s and Congregation’s benefit, such as: Sandwich Making – November 14, 2015, being an acolyte, visiting the sick, or ushering, etc. The children will bring this back to offer them to the church on the first Sunday of Lent. The Informal Maundy Thursday evening foot washing in Morrow Chapel was a wonderful experience for the young children. Besides the beautiful, humble shared experience of serving one another, Morrow Chapel offers 12 an intimate and transparent experience of the Eucharist that is a must see for all the children of our Atrium. This is an especially wonderful moment in their year for them to experience the Eucharist this way – very up close and personal - since it comes just before our study of the Origins of our Eucharist. The Atrium youth annually Re-Enact the Last Supper during the Good Friday Mass and Stations of the Cross. This Re-Enactment examines the core of our faith and the origin of Eucharist in our liturgy. Each child chooses the role of someone who was likely to have been at the last supper and wears a red nametag. We process from the Masterson room to the Atrium. The two who enact Peter and John, prepare a long table, and all of us sit. So it began. “Jesus” spoke the words, and in time, it concluded with grape juice, matzo, and other delicious Mediterranean foods. On Easter morning the children participate in the Flowering of the Cross. Gathering in the Bishop’s garden, the children process into the 10:30 service each carrying a flower. They go forward to the cross near the baptismal font and put their flowers into it. Our Annual Trinity Group Photo is taken this same day. We all stand still for a brief moment to take the Trinity Annual Photo, before racing to the Easter egg hunt. This year’s Come as You Are Christmas Pageant starred young Holden Cool as the baby Jesus, carried by gentle Mary (Ruth Nolan) and a very kind Joseph (Holden’s dad.) The Star led the multitude of shepherds, angels, kings, and creatures to the Creche for the Blessing of the Creche. Trinity’s Come as You Are Christmas Pageant honors the child’s experience of joy, reverence, and even whimsy. The children enjoy Nativity dress-ups, an Atrium lesson, and participation in the procession to the Crèche. It is peaceful, joyful, and stress-free. Reverend Flick spoke briefly and meaningfully to the children, so that they understood that they were participating in a tradition that dates back to St Francis himself! Families of the children engaged in our Atrium receive occasional Notes to the Atrium Folks by e-mail that keep them abreast of what is occurring in the Atrium. We invite the help of parishioners interested in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. If you are willing to become formally trained as a catechist please contact Janice Jeys. We also have need of untrained assistance to support the Atrium in other capacities. We welcome new volunteers for both Atrium assistants and for materials making partners. Please contact Janice Jeys ( or 713 553 4541) if you’d like to ask about participating in the Atrium in any capacity. 13 Continued on next page ECC (Episcopal Children’s Curriculum) Tweens Theresa McClellan ECC Tweens Blessings: During the tweens ministry we have between three and eight students in attendance weekly. Theresa D. McClellan took over for Fr Steve on December 6 using the Episcopal Children's Curriculum and her own creativity. With Fr. Steve we concluded the study of the prophets and we are now in the second session at the start of the Christian calendar with the New Testament stories and Jesus ministry. Each week under Theresa's leadership, and with the help of Laura Benevides and Saba Blanding, each student receives a manila envelope which they decorated with their names and any designs they wanted. By the end of class, they have something to insert into the envelope. For example, after learning about the prophets, Theresa explained that the Bible stories are messages and prayers to future Christians so she asked the students to write a prayer or message to future Christians. Some of the young ones expressed concerns over "World War III and ISIS" in their prayers for peace. Over the next four weeks we will be learning parables, starting with the parable of the sower. So last week they drew images of the kinds of seeds they are. One young student was a "listening" seed. They are just little weekly lessons engaging them in the Bible stories. By the end of the session, in the spring, the students and parents will be able to see what their young ones have done in class perhaps spark some interesting conversations. For more information contact Theresa D. McClellan at 14 Music at Trinity This writing finds me almost near the three year anniversary as Organist/ Choirmaster. When I 'retired' from the same position after 27 years at The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany here in Houston, never did I imagine that there would be more professional life after that event. Well, Virginia, what can I say. God's mysterious plans overwhelm, surprise, jostle, bless. This has been a dandy trip together. Mother Hannah has been unwaveringly supportive and encouraging, and choir membership has continued to grow. The saints at Trinity continue to express appreciation. And those terrific post-service goodies never disappoint. Just doesn't get any better. The Trinity Choir now numbers 17, including 6 staff singers. This group of dedicated folk continues to give their all, working diligently to honor God with their very best Sunday after Sunday. They have grown in their ability to sing some of the most difficult literature with style and confidence. The addition of several new singers has provided depth to each section. Beside their regular singing schedule, the Choir has presented two Choral Evensongs, one in the spring, the other on Nov. 1 honoring All Saints. Several members again participated in the Diocesan Adult Choral Festival earlier this Fall. The Trinity Youth Choir, under the delightful leadership of Stephanie Dory, has taken good foothold and promises to continue in growth. Accompanied by Vickie Varteressian, this charming group of choristers also works diligently to sing their very best. They have sung for several services this season, and will again sing on Christmas Eve at the early service. Hearty thanks to the parents/friends/other relatives who enable and support the Choir. This year, Easter Sunday's brass quartet was a group of professional friends from the UK who happened to be in Houston for those holy days. What great fun to work with players familiar with the church's liturgy and practices. And what a great sound they made. In early Fall, Bach Society Houston presented their first seasonal concert at Trinity. Because their normal venue is currently under refurbishment, this group is presenting their season "on the road". The full house consented that Trinity was a wonderful host. In early November, a newly formed group, including Emily Klein, harpist for last Christmas Eve services, performed their initial concert at Trinity. Since then, I have received numerous calls from arts organizations and colleges in the Houston area, asking if Trinity would consent to be a performance venue. Our church building and facilities are so inviting and acoustically fine. But we are a small congregation and not yet in a position to accept these requests. In future..............perhaps. Long-time organ service person, Paul Jernigan, died suddenly this past Spring. His knowledge of organ building and repair was huge and always dependable. Thankfully, his long-time associate, Shawn Saunders, inherited the firm and continues to ably service Trinity's Kimball/Shantz organ. Again, thank you for your appreciative and kind words. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of Trinity at this juncture in its history. God continue to bless us, every one. +Soli Deo Gloria+ Faithfully submitted, Wendy Wentland Organist/Choirmaster 15 Acolyte Guild John Cloud, Acolyte Master The members of the Acolytes Guild serve and assist the clergy of Trinity at the 10:30 service, as well as at many special services such as Christmas Eve, Jazz Fest services, weddings, etc. This ministry provides an exceptionally rewarding opportunity to become a vital part of the service, assisting at the altar. Many describe the experience as literally “AWEsome”. The ministry is open to both youths and adults as positions become available. This has been a great year for the Acolyte Guild in both participation and growth. We now have twenty-four (24) young Acolytes. We schedule four (4) youth teams of five (5) Acolytes each in a six-week rotation, and we plan to add a fifth team later in the year. Our adult Acolyte program is one key to the success of the Acolyte Guild. Without the assistance of the adults we’d lack the stability and participation necessary to build and maintain our ministry. The adult program consists of eight (8) adult Acolytes (2 teams of 4) with a waiting list for those interested in future participation. Anyone interested in pursuing an opportunity for themselves or their children as a Trinity Acolyte should contact John Cloud to learn more. Altar Flower Ministry Samantha Rainman and Joanne Starbuck Flowers beautify the sacred spaces of our church each Sunday and on other special occasions. They are a gift to God and to those who worship at Trinity. Flowers can be dedicated to commemorate a special event or to remember a loved one. Samantha Rainman manages the Sunday flower dedications. There are several ways to submit your flower dedication: Sign up on line at Contact the Church office at 713-528-4100 or Sign up on the paper calendar on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall Special occasion flowers (Christmas, Easter and funerals) are managed by Joanne Starbuck, Altar Guild Co-Director. Thank you for your faithful support! 16 Altar Guild Mark Goza and Joanne Starbuck In the early days of the church, followers of Christ gathered in private homes to break bread together and share their memories of him. As Christians multiplied and needed larger buildings in which to meet, certain people were given the task of caring for these places and for hundreds of years thereafter, were responsible for everything that is now considered “altar guild work.” As is the case at Trinity, altar guilds today are groups of men and women who are called to serve God by preparing and tending the space in which we worship. We are thankful for three new members in 2015: Alex Bruton, Linda Davenport and Melinda Houser. Current Altar Guild members are Team 1: Alex Bruton, Sherri McGinty, Carolyn Reyes; Rick Reyes; Team 2: Pauline Maybee, Bethel Quander, Melinda Houser; Team 3: Scott Blackmon, Mark Goza and Joanne Starbuck; Team 4: Linda Davenport, Steve Victor and Tim Youngman. Each Altar Guild member is part of a team which has responsibility once a month. Trinity’s Altar Guild is responsible for preparing for all Sunday and Wednesday Eucharistic services, as well as baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals and memorial services. The Altar Guild also prepares the Church and Morrow Chapel for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost. There are also has various workdays throughout the year, which are usually before Advent, Palm Sunday, Easter and Christmas. Light housekeeping and set-up for the LOTS and 8:00 Chapel services takes place on Saturday. On Sunday morning, the Chapel is cleaned and reset for the 12:30 service and preparations are then made for the 10:30 service. There is a need for additional members for Teams 2, 3 and 4. If you feel called to serve on this important and fulfilling ministry, please contact Mark Goza at or Joanne Starbuck at One-on-one training and a step-by-step instruction manual are provided! 17 Annual Blessing of the Animals Kathryn Lanning Herman, Chair On Sunday, October 4, Trinity Episcopal Church celebrated the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi with our 15th Annual Blessing of the Animals. The patron saint of animals believed that the light of God was perfectly reflected in all of nature and nowhere is His essence better revealed than in the unconditional love, companionship, and devotion of the pets we hold dear to our hearts. The festival was held on the Francis Street lawn and was an opportunity for animal lovers to gather for fun, fellowship, and to show off our beloved animals. Throughout the years, the Blessing of the Animals has attracted a variety of attendees, and more than just the two-legged and four-legged variety! Horses, turtles, Guinea pigs, chickens, and parrots have joined the legions of dogs and cats to enjoy the festivities. The Blessing of the Animals serves as a bridge event to increase awareness about Trinity Episcopal Church in the community at large. This year, the event drew a crowd of approximately 175 people with about a third of them being visitors to Trinity. After a short liturgy, the clergy offered blessings for each animal and the Lady BG Productions provided musical entertainment while guests chatted, visited the variety of charity groups, and learned more about Trinity Episcopal Church. For the fourth year in a row Barrio Dogs and Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition graciously donated their time to host information tables about their charities. Other draws for the event included a children’s activity center, bake sale, and raffle. The raffle was a huge success and featured items donated by Blessing of the Animals ministry members, Trinity parishioners, the featured charities, and many more. The Blessing of the Animals Ministry organized high altar flower dedications again as a part of the celebration and as a fundraiser for the event. People were invited to donate $5 per pet, living or deceased, and the names of their pets were included in the service leaflets for the standard Sunday services as well as in the special service leaflet for the Blessing. All surplus funds then went towards covering event costs like DJ, food, beer, paper goods, etc. We are proud to report that all event costs were once again covered by the flower dedication funds! The bake sale, raffle, and day-of-event donations also brought in a nice donation to Trinity! This event would not be possible without the constant generosity and steadfast loyalty of the ministry members who show up every year to dedicate their time and treasure to this event. Many thanks to all of them for making the event such a success! 18 Trinity Archives Ministry Gayle Davies-Cooley THE PARISH ARCHIVES The purpose of the Trinity Church Archives is to provide a safe place for the parish’s historical documents and other artifacts. The church’s archival collection includes service bulletins and newsletters that date to 1918, vestry minutes, registers of sacraments and services, parish meeting records, some financial documents, membership records, legal documents, architectural drawings, photographs, and much more. Trinity Church was founded in 1893, and the parish’s collection is now of considerable size. Many fragile and one-of-a-kind documents are housed in the archives. However, until recently the archives were inadequate for long-term storage. For the past two-and-a-half years, a project has been underway to remedy the situation. To summarize, the archives room was emptied in mid 2013, and the contents moved to a nearby workroom. Shelving, and acid-free file folders, cartons, etc., were purchased for safe, long-term storage, and the process of transferring documents into these new materials was begun. Following a bid process, in mid 2014 the archives room was transformed through remodeling. Most importantly at that time, a new HVAC system and dehumidifier were installed in the room to keep it at an ideal temperature (70°) and relative humidity (40%). This improvement of better climate control helps to preserve the collection since fluctuations in temperature and humidity can contribute to its deterioration. Since the remodeling was completed, organizing and re-boxing the church’s archival materials has continued at a slow but steady pace through much of 2015. Most of the easier-to-organize documents have been transferred into acid-free storage cartons, and placed in the climate-controlled archives room. Now the more difficult-to-categorize materials are being processed. I want to thank Kay Jackson and Lisa Pearson for their help in processing and filing materials into their new, protective storage. Their help has been crucial in advancing the archives project. For 2015, Lisa wins the “prize” for best find. Sorting through most of the routine documents in the parish archives can be interesting, and keeping on task can be a challenge when one would rather read through an engrossing letter or other document. On the other hand, sorting through some documents can be, well, tedious. In early 2015, Lisa was working on a box of legal documents. More specifically, they were files from the 1960s and 1970s in which the church sold or purchased rectories. Out of the blue, Lisa found a pencil drawing on vellum of the church’s cornerstone, hidden in a contract of sale. This detailed drawing was produced by a Cram & Ferguson (architects) employee in anticipation of building the church in 1917. A real treasure had been hidden away all those decades! The drawing will be exhibited as Trinity observes the centennial of the historic church and parish house. Respectfully submitted, Gayle Davies-Cooley 19 Trinity Art Ministry Theresa Prebilsky Goals for this year: Continue artist reflections of Trinity’s mission to Make God’s presence real by sharing Christ’s life-changing love. Establish “Artists of Trinity” mission statement and Fact Sheet for all interested artists. August 2015 Horizons: Celebrating God’s Good Earth, Original art by Theresa Wyatt-Prebilsky One piece sold, with 50% going towards the Church September 2015 In No Man’s Land, an exhibit by Elmer Romero honoring International Literacy Day Nov/Dec 2015 Christmas on Wall Street: An Advent Journey Less Traveled, photography exhibit by Dax Planned Shows to come: January 2016 – Jazz Fest Photos February 10 – March 27, 2016 (Easter) Lenten Art Series - Invitations for participation went out 12/28/15 April 2016 – Addie Socki Fabric exhibit Mid-May 2016 – Kimberly Lakes “Faces of Faith” Coffee Hour Judith Edgar The Coffee Hour that takes place between the 10:30a.m. and 12:30p.m. services each Sunday is an opportunity for Trinity's members and guests to meet in a welcoming environment where everyone may begin making valuable connections with each other. This ministry is dependent on Trinity members, acting either alone or with a group of friends. Hosts who sponsor the Coffee Hour are in charge of the menu for the day and for deciding whether to buy or make foods that they select. Some Coffee Hour hosts choose to sign up for a particular date in order to celebrate a personally important occasion, such as a birthday or an anniversary. Some of Trinity’s ministry groups sponsor the Coffee Hour in order to recognize or publicize an event significant to that ministry. Members or friends of the parish are warmly invited to volunteer as hosts by signing up for a Sunday in 2016, either on the Coffee Hour Calendar in the Fellowship Hall, online at Trinity’s website, or by contacting Judith Edgar (832) 370-7110. 20 Trinity Church Endowment, Inc. Joseph G. Brimberry, President Trinity Church Endowment, Inc. regularly contributes significant financial resources to Trinity Church, Houston. In addition to the approximately $191,392 provided during 2015 to the general budget, the Endowment has agreed to fund up to $850,000 for the replacement of the Church’s primary heating and air conditioning (HVAC) system. The Endowment also plans to give to The Church over $200,000 towards the operating budget in 2016. As of December 31, 2015, the total assets of the Endowment exceeded $8.3 million. However, these assets may be reduced in 2016 due to the planned and needed HVAC project. Therefore, please consider the Endowment when planning your charitable contributions. For example: To celebrate a birthday, graduation, marriage or other event. To honor a loved one or friend To memorialize someone upon their death Join the Bishop Sterling Legacy Society by committing to make a gift to the Endowment in your estate plans. Please know that gifts to the Endowment generate ongoing earnings for the benefit of the Church over the long term. All gifts to the Endowment are acknowledged by a note to the donor, a note to the honoree or the family of the person memorialized and an entry in a large book at the entrance of the Church. REMEMBER: Make your discretionary charitable contributions to the Endowment and keep your funds working over the long term for the benefit of the various ministries at the Church. Because of the generosity of parishioners who named the Endowment as a beneficiary in their wills, the assets of the Endowment have grown by several hundred thousand dollars over the last few years. If you have any questions about making a contribution please feel free to contact any of the following Endowment Board members: Joe Brimberry, President Mary Cloud, Secretary Edgar Marston Betty Pecore Mike Laster Mark Goza Curtis Clerkly Janet Greene Brad Beers, Vice President Ken Snell, Treasurer Norman Kittrel Marilyn Dorries Dan Barnum Larry Dickerson Thom Gutherie John Donnelly 21 Emergency Aid Coalition (EAC) Mary Johns Trinity collects non-perishable food for the Emergency Aid Coalition (EAC) food pantry at the 8:00, 10:30, and 12:30 services. It is delivered once a month to the EAC food pantry on Fannin Street, an outreach supported by numerous mid-town congregations that targets working families and the elderly. Typically, Trinity delivers 4-8 bags of groceries a month to the pantry. Volunteers from Trinity help pack the groceries, deliver to elderly, and help with client intake. Know that these humble gifts from our kitchens to the Trinity offering to the EAC food pantry to hungry families travel with prayers along the way. Education for Ministry Rob Rumph and Rhonda Rogers Through study, prayer, and reflection, EfM groups move toward a new understanding of the fullness of God's kingdom. This process also helps participants to reflect and better define their individual understanding of theology and personal beliefs. The seminar group is the nucleus of the Education for Ministry program. A group consists of six to twelve participants and a trained mentor who meet weekly over the course of a nine-month academic year. These meetings are usually from two and a half to three hours in length. It is also training for applying theological reflection to all aspects of one’s personal ministries through study of the Christian tradition. The other major components of EfM, are the collective experience of the group's members and the community formed in seminar sessions where life and study meet. Some form of worship, which is vital to the life of the group, is also a dimension of each session. Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of this community group when registration opens again for next Fall. More information can be found at or feel free to ask Rhonda or Rob for more details. 22 Evening Prayer John Merullo “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35, NRSV) At Trinity, we take our Lord’s commandment seriously. Nearly every weeknight throughout the year, at 5:30, we offer the beautiful Daily Office Evening Prayer liturgy, after which bags with sandwiches and other foods are distributed to all who attend. The members of the congregation of this service may be homeless, they may be unemployed, they may be underemployed, or they may just wish to spend a short time out of the elements in a beautiful building and listening to a lovely service. Many of the participants are affiliated with our partner in service, Lord of the Streets Mission; however, Evening Prayer is a ministry of Trinity parish. This is at the same time a pastoral care, worship, and outreach ministry. The sandwiches served are prepared by the Sandwich Makers Ministry, to whom we are grateful for their assistance in making this ministry possible. The Evening Prayer services are led by lay members of Trinity who are licensed by the Diocese as Worship Leaders. Each officiant leads the service somewhat differently. Some offer a short reflection upon the lesson. When the service is over, the officiant distributes the sandwich bags to the members of the congregation, offering a each a smile and friendly handshake. Members of this ministry mainly work independently of one another. As of December, we have nine persons active in this ministry, each of whom lead every other week or twice a month, depending on their schedules: Linda Davenport and Rhonda Rogers (Mondays): Pattie Murchison and Dax Nesossi (Tuesdays); Catherine Reed (Wednesdays); Steve Borden and Danya Corkin (Thursdays); and Magdiel Martinez and John Merullo (Fridays). Julia Madden will be joining the ministry in January to complete our roster. Special thanks go to Mark Goza, Carrie Hirdes, Rob Rumph, Robert Snellgrove, and Charlie Spreull, who also participated in this ministry this year. As ministry head, John Merullo coordinates scheduling, facilitates communication and calls occasional meetings. We are especially grateful to Father Steve, who served as clergy liaison during his time at Trinity. We also thank Booker Lakes, James Candler, Patti Carr, and Mother Hannah for their support in making this ministry possible. Francis Street Vision Team Brad Hirdes This group of individuals meets about once a month to intentionally and prayerfully consider how to best develop Trinity’s current property along Francis Street and its future uses that best meet the needs of our church and our surrounding community. Contact: Brad Hirdes at 23 Funeral Ministry Mary Cloud Trained volunteers work with family members of the deceased to ensure that arrangements go smoothly before and during the funeral service. Rather than a traditional funeral service, families sometimes elect to hold a memorial service for their loved one. Arrangements may specify separate services at the columbarium located on the Church property. You can contact Mary Cloud at for more information. Greeter Ministry Kathryn Lanning Herman Welcoming guests and greeting our members at the 10:30 a.m. service is the very important role of the Greeters Ministry of Trinity Episcopal Church. The Greeters are often the first people guests encounter and Trinity’s first chance to make a positive impression. Our goal is simple: we greet everyone – guests and members - and make sure they know we are truly happy that they have joined us. The general duties of the Greeters Ministry are to arrive 20 minutes before the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service and any special services like those in Holy Week, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Greeters also invite guests to fill out information cards and encourage everyone to wear name tags. After the service is over, Greeters give guests welcome packets from the Newcomers Ministry and invite them to coffee hour where they introduce guests to a couple of parishioners and the clergy. The guest information cards are then turned over to the Newcomers Ministry and clergy for follow up later in the week. Our goal is to have two Greeters at the main entrance to the sanctuary and at least one Greeter in the hallway by the Holman Street entrance so as not to miss anyone who comes to worship. Unfortunately, in 2015 the Greeters Ministry continued to face challenges due to decreased membership. In years past we had six teams of 3 – 4 Greeters whereas we now have four teams of 2-3. As a result of this it is sometimes difficult to secure Greeters for the special non-Sunday services or find substitutes when conflicts arise, but our dedicated crew finds a way. Thank you to our wonderful Greeters Kryshon Bratton, Dana Gannon, John LaRue, Unay Oñate, Mary Peterson, Nancy Toberman, Terri Torres, and Van White for a great year. The Greeters Ministry is always looking to add to our ranks. Anyone who is interested should contact Kathryn Lanning Herman at or 832-965-5022. 24 Trinity Garden Club Marilyn Dorries The garden club continues to meet in member’s homes or at the church on the first Friday of the month, from September through May. Our meetings begin at 10:30 am and workdays are scheduled to follow the meetings held at the church. Other workdays are held on Saturdays and weekdays, determined by need and weather. We welcome new members throughout the year and recently David Marsh and Yvonne Meyer joined our club. This year we hope to increase our membership, making garden improvements while building strong and enduring friendships in this ministry. During the past year, club projects included renewal work in the Abbott and Dalton Gardens, seasonal plantings in the Bishop’s Garden and general grounds maintenance. We sponsor the annual Palm Sunday coffee hour, the Chrismon ornament project and the presentation of the Chrismon tree. In 2015 five beautiful needlepoint Chrismon ornaments were stitched and donated by Marilyn Chapman, Carolyn Reyes, Anne Sloan, Rev. Stephen Spicer and Joanne Starbuck. Besides a word of thanks to all of our great Officers, Chairpersons and Members, the club wants to acknowledge Kryshon and Michael Bratton for the repair of the garden fountains in the Bishop’s and Abbott Gardens: to Joyce Drew who donated a wrought iron table and chairs for the Abbott Garden; and to Anne Sloan for hosting the Christmas dinner party in her home. Anyone interested in joining the garden club is asked to contact Sylvia Drew or Marilyn Dorries. Those interested in donating a Chrismon should get in touch with Marilyn. Thank you for reading this report and we wish you a Happy New Year. 25 The Hospitality Apartments Ministry Joanne Starbuck Hospitality Apartments provide free temporary housing (from two weeks up to three months) and a safe, welcome, comfortable and supportive environment for families in need who live more than fifty miles away from the Texas Medical Center who are receiving medical treatment at any of the medical care facilities in the Texas Medical Center area. Mary Cloud, Rob Rumph, Charlie Spruell and Joanne Starbuck serve as Trinity’s Lay Eucharistic Ministers on the fourth Sunday of each month. A Communion and prayer service is offered in the Community Room for residents and their caretakers. Trinity’s partners in this enriching and rewarding ministry are St. John the Divine, St. Martin's and St. Mark’s. 26 Lord of the Streets Breakfast C. Thomas Behrman Lord of the Streets (LOTS) began as an outreach program of Trinity in 1987 under The Rev. Steve Bancroft and a number of caring and committed Trinity parishioners. Trinity supports LOTS by direct financial assistance, food and by providing the use of its facilities, including the Sanctuary and Parish Hall for the Sunday morning Eucharist services and breakfast. It has been another hardworking and rewarding year for our Trinity LOTS Cook Team. The breakfast team has cooked 6 times this past year, including cooking for LOTS at the Easter Sunday and Christmas time celebrations. This year we served between 225-250 homeless persons at the LOTS Sunday breakfast, averaging 225+ at the regular LOTS Sundays at Trinity. Additionally, the Trinity LOTS Cook Team cooked for the second consecutive year for the traditional Thanksgiving meal for the homeless on Wednesday, November 25, 2015, serving between 220-230 homeless, and another 20-30 volunteers, hearty Thanksgiving turkey meals, with all the trimmings. This report is to express great thanks to all for the continuing support of the Parish and to thank the many devoted cook team volunteers who volunteered throughout this year, not only those in the kitchen but also those parishioners who helped on all aspects of the Sunday breakfasts and the Thanksgiving dinner, from food pickup, delivery, and preparation, to flowers, placemats, set-up, serving and clean-up. Throughout the year we had over 25+ volunteers helping in all aspects of this ministry, and to name just a few: Elizabeth McClintock; Carolyn Hollrah & Frank Ramig; Norma & Charles Cooper; Joanne Starbuck; Joe Brimberry; Julie Fairbanks; Bob Lane and Deanna Bosch; Ken Jones; Jim & Amy Luke; Jack and Pattie Murchison, Mike Bratton; Saba Blanding; Danya Corkin (and her brother), Sonia Serrano, Shelby Bradley, Winnie Davis; Kamisha Escoto; Kathy Behrman; Pauline Maybee; Robert Snellgrove; Steve Lee; Ann McCoy; Corina Groves; and, of course, the Church Office (Pat Laubach & Patti Carr). Also, thanks to Bob and Linda Davenport, and our many Trinity LOTS greeters, who volunteer throughout the year on Sunday breakfasts. A special thanks goes to Mr. Chris Rodriguez (Manager) and all his staff at Kroger #313 for their continued support of our Thanksgiving Dinner with those 17 cooked, deboned, sliced, and packed turkeys! And thank you Pepperidge Farm and its local rep, Brandon Taylor, for donating the stuffing! We could not have done the Thanksgiving Dinner without Kroger #313 and Pepperidge Farm. And we could not have the breakfasts every Sunday at Trinity without the terrific help of James Candler, Sam Jones and Booker Lakes. Thanks be to God for this ministry. Trinity Church looks forward to continuing to fulfill its commitment and to advance the mission of LOTS to minister to the spiritual, physical and social needs of the tired, poor and hungry, the homeless and needy of Houston.” 27 Lord of the Streets Lay Ministers Linda Davenport Every Sunday, rain or shine, dedicated volunteers welcome more than 200 homeless and disadvantaged neighbors for Eucharistic worship. Volunteers assist in all aspects of this unique service. You can be as involved as you like. Some first time volunteers choose to simply model worshipful behavior as members of the congregation. Others like to hand out service materials along with a welcoming smile. We make stick-on name tags for the worshipers, help them find seats, take offering, assist in the Eucharist, hear personal prayers, or help clean-up after the service. No training is necessary. It is the most fun you will ever have at 6:30 on Sunday morning. The gratitude and love you receive by being part of this ministry will bless your week. Regular or occasional help is welcome. Contact: Linda Davenport:, Bob Davenport at or just show up in the church any Sunday at 6:30AM. Movable Feast Janet Greene The purpose of the Moveable Feast ministry is to provide parishioners an opportunity to get to know one another in an informal setting by enjoying good company and good food with a small group of fellow parishioners. Sharing a meal is a great way to build community, and that’s what its all about. The sign-up for participation in a group is during Aloha Sunday, and groups are actually formed and start meeting in the early fall, continuing on through approximately May, or later if a group so decides. For the 2015-2016 season, we have three groups with group coordination provided by Pattie and Jack Murchison, Amy and Jim Luke and Janet Greene and Chap Chapman. 28 Newcomers Ministry Pat Laubach Making God’s presence real by sharing Christ’s life-changing love. Welcoming our guests to Trinity is one way to live into our Mission Statement. Our guests are God’s weekly gift to us, giving us an opportunity to share with those He sends to us. The Newcomers team for the 12:30 service provides a welcoming atmosphere for all who attend that service. At the 10:30 service, Greeters and Ushers welcome guests and encourage them to complete our information cards and wear a “guest” nametag. The program we use at Trinity (for both the 10:30 and 12:30 services) is based on guidelines developed and promoted by our diocese. Parishioners who wear nametags are making it easier for our guests to feel part of our worship community. The 10:30 team includes Winnie Davis and Courtney Vastine who help at the Welcome Table in Fellowship Hall and circulate around the room to visit with guests and new parishioners and to share information about Trinity. Thank you to all who welcome our guests and share Christ’s life-changing love. Parenting with Grace Sarah Fraizer The Parenting with Grace group meets every other week in the Masterson room at 9:30 a.m. for an hour. Our discussions about books on parenting coincide with the Atrium for those with children 3 and older and with the nine and up Sunday school class, and focus on raising children of every age. Our meetings are meant to provide a time and place to support and learn from each other as we try to bring grace into our family lives and our relationships with our children. Our readings over the past year have included books such as Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child by John Gottman and The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: Using Jewish Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children. We’re currently reading To Dance with God, which discusses ritual and household practice for all the church celebrations of the year, in the hopes of learning how to bring into our homes (and practice with our kids) sanctification and celebration. We sponsored a coffee hour in October and would like to have a family event sometime this year. All are welcome. This is a meeting you can attend even if you haven’t read the chapter because the baby was up all night, or you are late and you had to put your son in the car in his PJs because even the lure of coffee hour cookies was not enough to entice him to church, but you really need to vent for a few minutes about the kids and remember you’re both sane, and good. 29 Photography Committee Charlie Spruell The mission of the Photography Committee is to capture the history of Trinity Episcopal church by providing photo coverage for all Trinity events. In looking at the annual group photos on the walls of Fellowship Hall, you can begin to understand the importance of the art of photography. It’s story telling is evident in the clothing of the twenties, the reduced number of men in attendance during WWII, the style of the sixties, all frozen in time, all apart of the history that is Trinity Church. I hope you will consider becoming a part of this team who, through the camera lens, desires to forever capture the life of Trinity for future generations. Please contact: 832-265-3228. Prayer Chain Ministry Pauline Maybee The Trinity Prayer Chain is open to anyone interested in praying when requests are received. These requests for our Trinity family, as an example, could be for the sick, deaths, families in need, or someone who needs prayers but doesn't want to give any explanation. There are no meetings to attend; just your time spent in quiet prayer. Prayer requests are passed from the church office or by individuals to Pauline Maybee who sends out a request via email to all who wish to be notified and who then pray individually. This ministry began as a phone prayer chain, but email allows the information to be received by everyone more quickly. We currently have 42 members participating in this prayerful ministry. If you would like to be part of this ministry, or if you have prayer needs or requests and would like prayers by this group, please contact Pauline Maybee at or 713-668-1351. 30 Prayer Shawl Ministry Pattie Murchison The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second Sunday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in Room 210. Knitters, crocheters, and those wishing to learn these skills are welcomed. Bring needle, hooks, and yarn, or come and make use of what we have on hand and begin creating a prayer shawl that will be given to a person in need who will benefit from this outward expression of God’s mercy wrapped around them. Clergy and parishioners alike are welcome to share a shawl. Please contact Pattie Murchison at for more information. Sandwich Makers Richard and Judith Edgar I take care of the Tuesday morning Sandwich maker group and my wife, Judith, takes care of the Sunday group. Both groups have been active for the whole year. The Tuesday group meets every 1st Tuesday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30-12:00. The Sunday group meets the 3rd Sunday of the month in the fellowship hall after the 10:30 service. Both groups have a very faithful core of supporters. We can always use more volunteers though. No special training is needed. Signature Music Masses Several times a year Trinity offers a unique worship experience in the style of signature music masses. These musical masses are in keeping with the musical diversity celebrated at the church over the past 16 years. The four stylistic offerings so far have been a Bossa Nova Mass, Country Mass, Big Band Mass, and the annual Jazz Festival that culminates with our largest music mass. 31 Stewardship Report Jim and Amy Luke The 2016 Annual Giving Mission theme is God the Giver. The concept builds on the momentum we experienced in our previous campaigns. Once again, in addition to the familiar fall Annual Giving Mission campaign, the Stewardship Ministry Team is implementing a broad‑based, year-round stewardship program including the following – October 11th Annual Giving Mission Kickoff November 1st In Gathering Sunday and Taste of Trinity Diversity Pot Luck December - Advent Alternative Gift Market Look for a parish-wide thank you event in the spring. These events strived to demonstrate good stewardship, appreciation of each other and our resources and gratitude for the people who work tirelessly for Trinity. Heartfelt thanks go to the Stewardship Ministry Team: Alex Bruton, Paul Lewis-Patterson, and Scott Blackmon. Special thanks, as well, to Carrie Hirdes, who created our beautiful graphics and to Patti Carr and Pat Laubach. We also appreciate the valuable clergy input from Rev. Hannah and Rev. Rich. Through Trinity parishioners’ generosity, the 2015 Annual Giving Mission results as of January 17, 2016 are as follows. 2016 Annual Giving Mission Update January 17, 2016 Current $ 507,264 Total Amount Total Pledges 123 Increased Pledges TBD New Pledges 21 Our goal this year was to have a majority of parishioners participate by making a financial commitment. We are so thankful to all who have participated so far. If you have not yet made your pledge, it's not too late! Please remember that while dollars are important, participation at any level demonstrates financial commitment. It is this strong commitment that will enable Trinity to continue to Make God's Presence Real by Sharing Christ's Life-Changing Love. Pledges can be emailed to Larry Laubach, Treasurer at or made online at the “online giving” link on the home page of Please include a dollar amount and indicate if the contribution is weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual. 32 Thank you to the following pledgers for supporting Trinity ministries in 2016. We encourage all who have not yet done so to turn in a pledge card. Mr. Andy Achenbaum & The Rev. Barbara Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Edward Adams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Alderman The Rev. Hannah Atkins & Mr. Elmer Romero Mr. & Mrs. Henry Atkins Mr. Daniel Barnum & Mrs. Marilyn Lewis Ms. Mary Batsakis Mr. Eric Beam & Ms. Mary Johns Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Beers Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Behrman Anonymous Mr. K. Scott Blackmon Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Blanding Mr. Paul Bower Ms. Shelby Bradley Mr. Alex Bruton Mr. Richard Byrd Mr. Nick Bilski, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Myron Caldwell Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Chapman, Jr Mr. Lawrence Chapman, III & Ms. Janet Greene Mr. & Mrs. George Church Mr. Curtis Clerkley, Jr Anonymous Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. John Cloud Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cooper Ms. Danya Corkin Anonymous Ms. Alice Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Trayton Davis Mr. Lawrence Dickerson & Ms. Marcela Donadio Mr. & Mrs. John Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Richard Edgar Mr. & Mrs. John Escoto Mr. Robert Feltenberger Mr. & Mrs. Jason Fielder The Rev. Robert & Dr. Sarah Flick Mr. & Mrs. Chris Fresquez Mr. & Mrs. L. Mark Goza Ms. Clarice Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guthrie Mr. Thomas Guthrie, II Mrs. Barbara Harrison Anonymous Mrs. Kathryn Herman Dr. & Mrs. Scott Hickey Anonymous Mrs. Melinda Houser The Rev. & Mrs. Richard Houser, III Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hutton Ms. Janice Jeys Mr. Kenneth Jones & The Rev. Francene Young Ms. Nabila Kinghorn Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kittrell, III Ms. Suzanne Kupiec Mr. John LaRue Mr. Michael Laster Mr. & Mrs. Larry Laubach Anonymous Mr. Stephen Lee Mr. Greg LeGrande & Mrs. Sylvia Drew Dr. Caroline Levander Ms. Antoinette Longino Mr. & Mrs. James Luke Ms. Julia Madden Mr. David Marsh Mr. Edgar Marston, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maybee Ms. Theresa McClellan Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGinty Mr. & Mrs. Robert McKenzie Mr. John Merullo Ms. Yvonne Meyer Ms. Marcia Moore Ms. Wanda Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murchison Mr. Dax Nesossi & Mr. Brian Bannerman Mr. Donald & Mrs. Diana (Lynn} Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Adam Noble Mr. & Mrs. David Nolen Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Obregon Mr. & Mrs. Scott Painter Mrs. Paula Patterson 33 Mr. & Mrs. John Peterson Mr. Ademian Pinder Mr. & Mrs. Les Prebilsky Mr. Stuart Purdy Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Quander Ms. Julia Ragusa-Thomas Ms. Samantha Rainman Mr. Jeffrey Reck & Ms. Debra Desaulniers Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reed Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Roberts Ms. Rhonda Rogers Mrs. Robert Rose Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rousseau Mr. Robert Rumph Mrs. Kathryn Schuller Anonymous Mr. Tony Sessions & Mr. David Villarreal Mr. Edward Silva, Jr Ms. Barbara Smith Mr. Kevin Smith Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Snell Mr. Robert Snellgrove & Mr. Anthony Waguespack Mr. Charles Spruell & Ms. Tammy Wu Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Starbuck Mr. Michael Tabert & Ms. Dana Gannon Mr. Richard Tate Mr. & Mrs. Carl Thompson Ms. Nancy Toberman Ms. Stacy Toberman Ms. Terri Torres Ms. Lisa Pearson Ms. Samantha Treadwell Dr. & Mrs. Philip Turley Ms. Victoria Varteressian The Rev. & Mrs. Robert Wells Mr. & Mrs. Richard White Ms. Angel Williams Trinity Jazz Ensemble The Trinity Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of Paul English provides contemporary music for Sunday worship at Trinity Church. The music is jazz, gospel, classical and traditional, always in an acoustic, unamplified setting, sensitive, joyous and gentle. Trinity Jazz Festival Charlie Spruell & B.J. Smith On January 23, 24 and 25, 2015, Trinity Church played host to the 14th annual Trinity Jazz Festival. Master Classes for students and jazz fans were held on January 24th. On Saturday the 24th Master classes were held by Triosence, featuring piano, bass and drums. Saturday’s Performance was led off by the Young Jazz Artists Quartet, featuring Sharif Stallworth, bass, Gregory Goods, Saxophone, Robert Chapra, drums and Raven Moran, Guitar. The Jazz Festival went international this year with the appearance of the German jazz group Triosence. This trio featured: Bernhard Schuler, Piano, Ingo Senst, bass and Stephan Emig, Drums. Triosence has performed all over Europe and this was their first performance in the USA. They were enthusiastically received by our audience and called back for several encores. Triosence was followed by our Festival headliners, “The New York Voices”. This outstanding vocal group featured Darmon Meador, Peter Elldridge, Kim Nazarian and Lauren Kinman also featured were Alon Yavnai, piano, Paul Nowinski, bass and Marcello Pellitteri, Drums. “The New York Voices”, are a Grammy award winning vocal group and have been performing together for over 25 years. Their performance at the Festival received a standing ovation and several encores. On Sunday the 25th we presented the annual Jazz Mass. This year’s Mass celebrated the Music of Horace Silver (9/2/28 – 6/18/14), and was produced and directed by Horace Alexander Young. Rev. Hannah E. Atkins, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Celebrant . The Jazz Mass performance featured: Paul English, director/pianist, April Sloan Hubert, vocals, Horace Alexander Young, alto sax/vocals, Dennis Dotson, trumpet, Juan “Johnny Gonzales”, tenor sax, Brennen Nase, bass and Vernon Daniels, drums. Also participating was The Trinity Choir, Wendy Wentland, director/organist with choir members: Stephanie Dory, Bill Jones, John Merullo, Catherine Reed, Tony Sessions, Carol Turley, Victoria Varteressian, Jane Rousseau, Pat Emerson, Amy Luke, Dax Nesossi, Abel Rocha, Ryan Stickney, Phil Turley and Anthony Larson. As usual the Jazz Mass was well received with over 500 people attending the two services. 34 On Friday the 23rd Trinity Jazz Festival held the third annual VIP Dinner. The dinner was held at the Doubletree Hotel in the Plaza Room. The VIP dinner presented “An Evening with Lady Day”. Artists included Julie Jones, Vocal, Paul English, piano, Horace Alexander Young, Saxophone/flute, Brennen Nase, bass and Vernon Daniels , drums. Celebrants enjoyed excellent music, food and good company in beautiful surroundings with some 75 people in attendance. The VIP dinner has been a huge success and will be a fixture in future Jazz Festivals. Generous donations from individuals funded the Festival. As usual, the support of the Trinity staff was excellent. Chairman, Bob Davenport and Horace Alexander Young, Jazz Mass Musical Director, would like to thank the entire Jazz Festival Committee for their many hours of volunteer work that make our Festival so special. Please contact Jazz Festival Co-Chairmen, Charles Spruell ( or B. J. Smith ( for information and tickets to the 15th Annual Jazz Festival and the 4th Annual VIP Dinner. VIP Dinner to be held January 29, 2016 at the Doubletree Hotel in the Plaza Room. Jazz Festival and Jazz Mass to be held at Trinity Episcopal Church , January 30th and 31st. VIP dinner tickets are available but there is a limited supply. 35 Trinity Jazz and Gospel Service Lay Ministry Linda Wise Davenport The 12:30 Lay Ministry Team consists of a dedicated group of volunteers, committed to Making God’s Presence Real by Sharing Christ’s Life-Changing Love. We realize our act of service is a direct manifestation of God’s love, to every person who walks into Trinity. Our team is structured a little differently than that in the main sanctuary, but we share the same passion of service. Host / Acolyte The acolyte offers a personal and hands-on experience with parishioners during corporate worship. The acolyte helps prepare the altar and assists the priest during Holy Communion. Additionally, the acolyte serves as host to the lay ministry team, assuring that assigned members and resources are present to assist with worship. Lector The lector has a vital role, reading aloud the assigned scripture passage during worship. A copy of the assigned reading is sent to the lector in advance, usually arriving via email, on Friday. Prayers of the People The reader leads the people during this beautiful time of corporate prayer. It is a time of tranquil unity, along with individual petitions. Welcome Team / Greeters This volunteer greets people as they enter the narthex, and distributes name tags. This person demonstrates God’s love by making all people feel welcome. Greeters sometimes work in pairs. Usher The usher welcomes visitors – and everyone – to the chapel; demonstrating that, “All are welcome.” The usher assists worshippers in locating seats after the start of the service, and later collects the offertory. Healing Team This volunteer offers prayer during Holy Communion to individuals in need of additional prayer or comfort. Members of the healing team sometimes work in pairs. 36 Trinity Jazz and Gospel Service Greeter Ministry Paul Bower The Trinity Jazz Service Greeters is a heavenly calling. Greeting participants and being able to call them by name is an important step in the welcoming process. The Greeter/Welcomers arrive 15 minutes before the service starts to assemble the table with name tags, visitor information cards, and information about the coffee hour and newcomer meetings. The Greeters are often the first welcome to visitors and regular attendees. The only qualifications are a smile and a love of people. It is a wonderful way to get to know your fellow worshipers. Please contact Paul Bower for more information at 37 Office Volunteer Ministry Pat Laubach Many parishioners generously gave of their time and talents to insure special projects were completed timely and that the front office was staffed during lunch breaks, staff meetings and other times as necessary. Many areas of church life are improved by the dedication of parishioners who answer phones, stuff envelopes, and assist in many ways that are not often recognized. Sandwich Makers, Garden Club members and parishioners who helped administratively are all important to the daily life and ministries of Trinity. The information maintained in our database has been corrected (a never-ending task) and updated, the library system is being updated and improved. If you can help, please contact me at 38 Trinity Women’s Circle Sarah Flick and the Rev. Hannah Atkins The Trinity Women’s Circle offers an opportunity for shared quiet time, reflection, and prayer. All women are welcome to join the group for fellowship and supportive discussion. The Circle is facilitated by Hannah Atkins and Sarah Flick. The Circle will meet this spring on the 4th Tuesday of each month: January 26, February 23, April 26, May 24. (We will not meet during the month of March.) Meetings will be held on the Trinity campus from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Questions? Please contact Sarah at ...Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:25-26 Trinity Women’s Retreat Sarah Flick and the Rev. Hannah Atkins Trinity will host an overnight women’s retreat in November at the Cenacle Retreat House in Houston. The retreat will be facilitated by Hannah Atkins and Sarah Flick. It will begin at 7:00 pm on Friday, and conclude at 4:00 pm on Saturday. All women 18 and older are welcome. The retreat will include time for quiet reflection, group sharing, and rest and recreation in a beautiful setting. More information will be available in September regarding registration for the retreat. Questions? Please contact Sarah at 39 40 41 42 43 44 Larry Laubach, Treasurer Ken Jones, Bookkeeper 45 MEMORIAL TO THOSE WHO HAVE DIED NECROLOGY REPORT The following is a list of those persons deceased during 2015 that were members and friends of Trinity Episcopal Church: The Rev. Israel Ahimbisibwe David Atkins Vernie Bennett Erine Blackman William Blackmon Patricia Brinson Brandi Laine Brown Watson Anthony Davidson Ruth Dory Eugenia Farfan Dell Fielder Pat High William Hillier Bennie Johnston Barbara Jordan Joanne Kirklin Beulah Lackner Henry Lakes Walter Lakes Adair Mapp Augusto Martinez Churmey McClellan Grace Middaugh The Rev. Dr. Rhoda Swanner Montgomery The Rev. Reed Morgan Lois O’Connor Michael Robert Ramig Russ Reck Felipe H. Reyes Robert Rose Edith Rosseau Sue Socki Sr. Theo Betty Tull Tim Tull Howard Turley John Scott Woods 46 Closing Hymn The Church’s Mission 537 47 STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION The Reverend Hannah E. Atkins, Rector ext. 13 The Reverend Rich Houser, Associate Rector ext. 17 Paul English, Trinity Jazz Ensemble Director Wendy Wentland, Organist & Choirmaster ext. 21 Janice Jeys, Director of Catechesis of The Good Shepherd Patti Carr, Administrative Assistant ext. 10 VOLUNTEER STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Pat Laubach, Volunteer Coordinator Ext. 22 Larry Laubach, Treasurer Carol Turley, Membership Secretary Ext. 18 Trinity Episcopal Church 1015 Holman Street, Houston, Texas 77004 Phone 713.528.4100 Fax 713.942.0117
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