Client - Metro Business
Client - Metro Business
CONTENT Metro nordic Sweden AB 2010 SWEDen CZECH reP. OUR TARGET GROUP HUNGARY NETHERLANDS METRO LIFE PANEL FINLAND CHILE METROPOLITAN LIFE STAGES USA ITALY GREECE CANADA DENMARK 1 FRANCE 2 HONG KONG SOUTH KOREA RUSSIA INTRODUCTION PORTUGAL MEXICO ANNUAL GROWTH BRAZIL ECUADOR GLOBAL SALES THE PRODUCT 3 1 introduction PRESENt time An advertisers’ objective with any advertising campaign is always to get as much “bang for their buck” as possible. What you have in your hand is a catalogue of the Metro countries’ BEST campaigns, all of which created lot of bang for our clients’ bucks. The “Best of Metro” catalogue aims to celebrate the contributions from clients, media and creative agencies around the world that challenged Metro to become more creative. We have learned from you that creative media solutions both entertain and engage our readers in a positive way, besides creating better results for your advertising campaigns. 2010 is a special year for Metro. It is 15 years since we launched the first edition of Metro in Stockholm. Besides giving out daily news for free, Metro revolutionised the advertising industry by offering a brandnew way of communicating with young and urban people. Metro was the first newspaper to offer advertisers creative ad formats to increase reader impact. “Best of Metro” is also to celebrate 15 years of impactful advertising! We hope – actually, we know! – that the advertising industry will continue to challenge Metro with even more brave creative advertising ideas. So, dear clients, media and creative agencies, please see this catalogue as inspiration for your new future creative ideas, and don’t forget to challenge us! THE BEGINNING 4 Creative Regards Christian Quarles, Vice President, Global Marketing Director Luis Rebola, Global Marketing Director THE FUTURE 5 1 ANNUAL GROWTH THE LARGEST AND FASTESTGROWING NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. Since the publication of the first Metro in Stockholm in 1995, we have revolutionised the global newspaper industry – 1 in 5 European newspapers are now free. In many markets, we were the first to launch and then established publishers copied our business model. Rest assured that Metro’s successful expansion doesn’t stop here – there are more cities, more countries and a fifth continent to conquer! Budapest Gothenburg Netherlands Helsinki Malmö Santiago Philadelphia Rome Toronto Milan Athens Montreal Boston Copenhagen Hungary nat. Paris Marseille Lyon Aarhus Hong Kong Seoul Busan Prague Stockholm 1995 6 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Moscow Quito Santos Guyaquil ABC São Paulo Czech nat. New York Sweden nat. Rotterdam Cote d’Azur Bordeaux Toulouse Lille 2004 St Petersburg Lisbon Porto France west Strasbourg Amsterdam Florence Bologna Genoa Turin Vancouver Ottawa 2005 Rio de Janeiro Campinas Halifax Monterry 24timer (2 editions) Mexico City Edmonton Calgary 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 7 1 the product SOME THINGS ONLY THE WORLD’S LARGEST GLOBAL NEWSPAPER CAN DO. While other media owners are closing foreign and domestic bureaus, reducing staff, increasing their reliance on wire and pool reporting, and generally tightening their belts, we do the opposite: invest in our product. Our strategy is to increase the quality of our newspapers with exclusive, unique content, revitalise our presentation and revolutionise our brand perception. How? Weekly sections: travel, fitness & wellbeing, style, eco-living, motoring and food. Global campaigns: Green Metro, Happy Metro, Cool Metro, Kids Metro, and many more! Partnerships: CNN, Getty Images, sharing of content between all local Metros across the global network. We invest in Metro World News. Metro World News is now a functioning resource, employing 11 full-time writers, editors and designers, and exploiting the talents and contacts of more than 400 local journalists across four continents. Metro World News operates along two parallel tracks: the collection and distribution of exportable, locally generated content; and central production of original, exclusive content. This content is published in all Metros, and reaches 37 million readers every week. Exclusive interviews with film stars, celebrities, musicians; sitting down with heads of state and politicians in Metro World Leaders; in-depth reporting with Metro Focus; partnerships with global brands like CNN. 8 (different from the easily accessible wire services); relevant to our reader (we offer context and analysis); and THE story everyone talks about that day, on the train, around the office. We should be a “need to read” newspaper, not merely one that’s nice to have around. Can the reader get this content anywhere else except Metro? NO! Over time, they will learn this, and it keeps them coming back for more… So what is it that makes us different? Our editing – we choose stories that our readers will find interesting, we present them in a way that they will respond to, we set ourselves apart from our competitors, both in print and online. GREEN METRO We honor our heritage as a NEWSpaper We find the news angle in every story – we are committed to “newsiness”. All of our pages focus on news, and we strive to make our stories original (written by our reporters); unique EXCLUSIVE, ORIGINAL STORIES ENGAGING PHOTO STORIES DEEPER ANALYSES We introduced a new design – and a new way of presenting news The new design is not just another set of fonts and colors. The layout is loaded with design tools — analyses, graphics, photo stories, facts — that push our journalists to give our readers a newspaper for today, not the news from last night. We are no longer a simple news summary, as our readers get that via their mobiles before they hit our “Metro moment” — so we changed what that “moment” means. Now, we go behind — and beyond — the headlines. It’s a different ILLUSTRATIVE GRAPHICS way of telling stories, it requires more news gathering and original reporting. It’s a more sophisticated way of working, and our savvy demographic has responded in kind. Who we are and how we are structured Metro is a global newspaper; a quickly read news summary that carries the most important national, local and international news and the latest developments. Metro brings added value — we are the newspaper of today, NOT last night. We go behind and beyond the headlines to keep our readers hungry for Metro! Metro is EYE-CATCHING HEADLINES unbiased and neutral, but not scared to earnestly analyse news. Metro targets readers who are 18–40 years old. Metro keeps readers’ interest levels high: lots of stories OR lots of ways of telling one in-depth story using our unique design & storytelling elements. Metro generally keeps its stories shorter than the average newspaper – between 300–350 words, with sidebars and graphics. Metro is upmarket, inspired and has IMPACT! 9 2 WE CALL THEM METROPOLITANS “Metro readers are typically aged 18 to 40 years old, active, studying or employed full-time, predominantly in white-collar positions. They live in large metropolitan areas such as New York, Paris, Stockholm or Hong Kong. We call them the Metropolitans.” Wilf Manoir, Global Research Director Metropolitans work hard and play hard Metropolitans are welleducated and well-travelled Everything happens faster and earlier in big cities They want get ahead in their career. Their social lives are hectic. They are time-poor. Metropolitans love the city in which they live – and make the most of its cultural life, shopping and sports facilities. They have the big-city mentality and are always open to new experiences, which in turn feed their cultural tastes. They love the city so much that they indulge themselves in weekend city breaks in London, Barcelona or Prague. Metropolitans tend to be early adopters and trendsetters, and hugely influenced by word-of-mouth. Love it or hate it, they will let their Facebook friends know or Tweet about it. Their world is in constant motion. Metropolitans are full of paradoxes They keep fit but indulge in Chinese take-away. The game is not about how much money you have, but how you spend it. They combine a simple dress from Primark with the latest Jimmy Choo shoes. They will pay the price for the things they want, but they also value freebies and exclusivity – being treated as a VIP at the opening of a hot new nightclub or at a Lady Gaga concert. 10 Metropolitans like to be kept well-informed They like to be ahead of the game, so they use a wide range of media. Collectively, their media consumption is pretty fragmented and they are hard to reach. Luckily for advertisers, they all read Metro – which they value as a convenient, efficient way to stay informed, and which fits well into their busy urban lives. Metropolitans are the first truly global target group No matter where they live or their precise demographics, Metropolitans across the world share a lifestyle and many psychographic characteristics. They consumer the same products, listen to the same music. Mankind created the city; the city is shaping the Metropolitan mindset. Illustration: Cecilia Lundgren 11 2 WE CALL THEM METROPOLITANS Illustration: Cecilia Lundgren 12 73% 67% 33% 48 % 73% 74 % 15% 60% enjoy living in their city of readers are aged 18 to 39 years old have kids went to university recycle as much as they can are employed are students have a laptop Source: NRSs (2009-10), GMS 2008 (GfK), Metro Life Panel (2010) WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT METROPOLITANS? Metro Life Panel is a dedicated online research panel of 35,000 readers. Its purpose is to provide continuous insight and dialogue with “Metropolitans”: the young, active and affluent people living in one of the 100 major cities across the world in which Metro has a steady presence. The contributions of Metro Life Panel members are featured in the news and help the editorial teams to create a newspaper relevant to readers and in line with their interests. The panel also provides a robust research platform for advertisers to conduct ad-effectiveness surveys, strategic planning and consumer insight. The panel not only helps advertisers develop outstanding creative campaigns more effectively across multiple markets, but also to deliver them with a very short turnaround time. Metro Life Panel is currently available in ten Countries: Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, The Netherlands and USA. 13 2 METROPOLITAN LIFE STAGES SARAH AS A YOUNG URBAN PROFESSIONAL WITH A PROMISING CAREER When travelling to New York or Kuala Lumpur to shop for exclusive fashion items, Sarah enjoys being cash-rich in an exciting city. She is not partying as hard now, enjoying instead cosy dinners with her boyfriend Peter in exquisite restaurants and cocktail parties with their friends. Her tastes have become more sophisticated – more Chilean wines, less beer – and she moved from edgy to trendy, going to see Lady Gaga or the Killers in concert. She bought her first flat on a mortgage and takes great pleasure in hunting for cool furniture. She also bought her first car – a small city car. She is also saving for the future... 14 SARAH AS A YOUNG, AMBITIOUS STUDENT WITH GREAT EXPECTATIONS She has many interests in life, from travelling to partying. She is open to new experiences and cultures, and wants to study abroad. She loves fashion that fits her budget, from Mango and Zara to H&M and Urban Outfitters. She spends a lot of time and money on music, video games, art and movies – anything edgy, the next new thing. She goes to summer music festivals such as Sonar, Roskilde or Glastonbury. She is flat-sharing with her best friends, which is fun and cost-effective. Her challenge is to make the most of her budget so she can afford the occasional luxury. SARAH AS A YUMMY URBAN MUMMY She now lives with Peter and their kids in a modern house in a cool suburb. It is sometimes hard to be urban parents – but she is recharging her battery with “all-inclusive” family holidays in Majorca. She saves a lot of time by doing her shopping online. When she is in the city, she looks for cool stuff for her children, from brand-name prams and toys to video games, clothes, etc. Peter and Sarah are house-proud, so invest time and money in making their home nice and contemporary. They have a cool hybrid family car, but they are environmentally aware and make good use of public transport whenever they can. 15 2 REACH THE METROPOLITANS 16 Our readers ARE our strength! Metro’s distribution structure aims to reach your perfect demographics on a daily basis METRO STRIVES TO PROVIDE A FRESH COPY AVAILABLE JUST BEFORE YOUR PERFECT COMMUTING READING MOMENT Always a step ahead! To better serve its readers, Metro regularly studies their habits. Our target groups can now find their favourite newspapers at the start of their journey or activities. Dentist waiting rooms, gyms, bakeries and coffee shops are just a few examples of the network we have built up to serve your customers. Thanks to its tailor-made distribution channels, Metro enjoys an average of 2.8 readers per copy. Metro’s efficiency is continuing to grow at a fast pace. 17 SWEDen CZECH reP. HUNGARY NETHERLANDS FINLAND CHILE USA ITALY GREECE CANADA DENMARK FRANCE HONG KONG SOUTH KOREA RUSSIA PORTUGAL MEXICO BRAZIL ECUADOR GLOBAL SALES 18 Preview to Fashion Week special edition and Miami campaign. 3 19 3 SWEDEN Metro Sweden launched in Stockholm in 1995. Readership: 1,5 million. Contact: | +46 8 422 99 00 Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Metro On Stage 2010 Gala event in Stockholm Promoting ad Music competition for unsigned artists Objective The overall purpose of Metro On Stage is to meet Metro readers’ passion for music – both for creating music and for listening to new sounds. Execution • Main partner: Swebus, whose objective was to launch their new music strategy and promote their new name and branding • Other partner: Apple Premium Reseller, whose objective was to drive sales through their stores • Editorial: The competition was promoted with articles in Metro • Marketing: Print, online, radio and TV ad campaign • Campaign website: For participation and interactivity in the competition • Viral activation: Links to Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, blog, etc. • Gala event to announce the winner. By creating a recurrent concept that allows engagement and interaction, we can create loyalty among our readers in order to strengthen both the Metro brand and our partners’ brands. Media Agency ... Creative Agency ... 20 Advertiser: Nordisk Film Format: L-shape front ad back cover + broadsheet format Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Nike Cover wrap as landing page Nike dressed distributers Radio interview with Ara and Agnes Editorial coverage In-store campaign Club Metro offer 21 3 CZECH REPUBLIC Metro Czech Republic launched in Prague in 1997. Readership: 398.000 Contact: | +42 0 224 742 710 Solution: PACKAGED SAMPLING Client: Knorr Instant soup in a bag Objective Knorr decided to support the launch of a new type of instant soup via sampling in Metro, which gave a large public audience the chance to taste it for themselves. Execution Packaged sampling in plastic bag Media Agency PHD Creative Agency LOWE GGK 22 Advertiser: Gambrinus Format: Cover wrap Advertiser: Lidl Format: Island ad Advertiser: Tesco Format: Cut-out Advertiser: McDonalds Format: Bespoke Format Advertiser: 20th Century Fox/Fox Movies Format: Bespoke Format Advertiser: LG Electronics Format: Bespoke Format Advertiser: GE/GE Capital Format: Bespoke Format 23 3 HUNGARY Metro Hungary launched in Budapest in 1998. Readership: 501.000 Contact: | +36 1 4316400 Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Intercom Ltd. Spider-Man creative campaign Objective Launch of the Spider-Man movie. Execution Special package in three phases: 1) 4 August – prize draw. Readers had the chance to win tickets for the Spider-Man premiere. 2) 4–12 August – teaser countdown “megastripe” ads in Metro. 3) 12 Aug (day of the premiere) – special hand-distribution, with six promoters dressed like Spider-Man in prime distribution points in Budapest. Creative Agency Sony Studios International 24 Advertiser: Vodafone Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Budapest Bank Format: Onsert (I HUF-coin) Advertiser: Walt Disney Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Toyota Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Novartis Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Milka Format: Sampling and special package of Metro Advertiser: Danone Format: L-shaped ad Advertiser: H&M Format: Cover wrap other Advertiser: Unilever Format: Cut-out 25 3 NETHERLANDS Metro Holland launched in 1999. Readership: 1.727.000 Contact: | +31 20 511 4000 Solution: COMPETITION & WRAP Client: Zillertal Arena Cover wrap Text message competition Objective To attract new visitors to the Zillertal Arena in Austria. Execution Wrap cover and an SMS competition. To enter the competition, readers had to count the “Arenaphants” in Metro. Investment: EUR: 50,000. Follow-up: The campaign was a big success, and ran again last April with a baby-wrap. Agency Reklameburo Vogelfrei 26 Advertiser: Peugeot Nederland BV Format: Butterfly wrap Advertiser: Warner Bros Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Unive, VGZ, IZA & Trias Format: Cover wrap + onsert Advertiser: Burger King Format: Island ad Advertiser: Dreamworks Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Transivia Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Universal Pictures Format: Cut-out 27 3 finland Metro Finland launched in Helsinki in 1999. Readership: 305.000 Contact: +358 9 122 2007 Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Indiska King Size Spread L-shaped ad Dressed up distributors Belly band Objective Indiska sells a unique mix of fashion and interiors inspired by Indian style. When the company needed to promote the opening of a new store, it decided to do so in a highly visible way with Metro. The Belly Band was actually a discount coupon for the new store. The newspaper was distributed to readers by 10 beautiful promoters dressed in Indiska’s original clothes. Execution L-Bar, King Size Spread, Belly Band, 10 models. Media Agency Vizeum Finland 28 Advertiser: Format: Belly band + A4 insert + Skyboxes + Banner + Distributors Advertiser: Sony Playstation Format: L-shaped ad Advertiser: Fazer Format: Glossy wrap Advertiser: Nokia Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Tector Format: Island ad Advertiser: Unibet Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Hartwall Format: Cover wrap 29 3 CHILE Publimetro Chile launched in Santiago in 2000. Readership: 374.956 Contact: | +56 2 421 5900 Solution: PUBLIMETRO BraillE Client: Movistar The first newspaper in Chile for the blind Objective To launch the first newspaper fully written in Braille for the blind community. Execution • The newspaper’s content is a summary of the main news stories, plus features of interest to the blind community • Fully printed in Braille language • Distributed across Chile to blind institutions • Movistar (cell-phone provider) sponsored the project Results • Huge media coverage as well as PR • Improvement of brand perception for Publimetro as well as Movistar 30 Advertiser: Banco Santander Format: Bespoke Format Advertiser: Transbank Format: Bespoke Format Advertiser: Unilever Format: Cover wrap other Advertiser: Soprole Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Banco Santander Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Telefonica/02 Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Telefonica/02 Format: Full Page 31 3 USA Metro USA launched 2000 and is the 4th largest newspaper in the United States with a readership of 1.103.000 Contact: | +1 646 792 8073 Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Miami Preview to Fashion Week special edition and Miami campaign. Cover wrap Miami and New York Fashion Week Campaign Dressed up models Flyer for sampling. Hotel Nash South Beach weekend getaway contest campaign. Objective To stimulate awareness of Miami as a destination among style-savvy New York Fashion Week attendees. Execution Thursday February 11, 2010 Fashion Week Preview: 322,000 copies • Four-page 4C full-circulation glossy wrap • Quarter-page 4C contest ad with call to action for readers to enter to win a weekend getaway at Miami’s Hotel Nash South Beach • Metro provided Greater Miami & Conventions with a dedicated contest microsite ( and landing page featuring their weekend getaway entry form. Friday February 12, 2010 • Overrun of Fashion Week special edition: 20,000 copies • 10 Miami-outfitted models distributing newspaper and flyers to Fashion Week attendees at Bryant Park. 32 Solution: STRATEGIC ADVERTISING Client: Stella McCartney Models dressed in custom Stella McCartney wraps and accessories distributing brochures of her latest collection at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Solution: SAMPLING Client: Swarovski Models dressed in custom Swarovski crystal blazers distributing brooklets in Soho and the West Village, NYC 33 3 ITALY Metro Italy launched in Rome and Milan in 2000. Readership: 1.771.000 Contact: | +39 06 49241237 Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Buena Vista International Film launch of Casanova Objective To create a buzz around the launch of the film Casanova at the Venice Film Festival. Buena Vista International wanted more than the standard advertising space, and asked Metro to create something especially for Venice, where Metro Italy is not distributed. Execution Metro created a bespoke solus edition with an editorial focus on the Venice Film Festival. Buena Vista was the sole advertiser in the special edition. The promoters hired for the distribution wore 17th-century costumes to reflect Casanova’s era, creating even more interest in the film through strong visual impact. 34 Advertiser: Movimax Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Longoni sport Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Sony Pictures Format: Front page banner Advertiser: Warner Bros Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Barilla Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Moviemax Format: Pyramide Advertiser: Coca Cola Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Jack Daniel’s Format: Cut-out 35 3 GREECE Metro Greece launched in Athens in 2000. Readership: 299.000 Contact: | +30 210 6901 400 Solution: MUSICAL AD Client: Havana Club Objective To promote Havana Club’s summer season. Execution Four-page illustrated Havana Club insert with music, distributed on beaches in Athens, Mykonos, Paros and Santorini. Media Agency BGM Creative idea Metro Creative 36 Advertiser: Henkel Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Alpha Bank Format: Onsert Advertiser: Kraft Foods Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Nestlé Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Skoda Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Swatch Format: Cut-out Advertiser:Unilever/Knorr Format: Bespoke format 37 3 CANADA (E) Metro Canada (English) launched in Toronto in 2000. Readership: 1.025.300 Contact: Solution: GLAMMA WRAP Client: Canadian Tire Objective To let people know that Canadian Tire’s Outdoor Room collections allow you to enjoy all the comforts of indoor living, outdoors. Execution Glamma Wrap Media Agency Mediacom Creative Agency Taxi 38 Advertiser: American Express Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Diageo Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: H&M Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Bell Format: T-shaped ad Advertiser: Swiffer Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: P&G Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Volkswagen/Audi Format: Cut-out 39 3 CANADA (F) Metro Canada (French) launched in Montreal in 2001. Readership: 337 300 Contact: Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Loto Québec/Mise-O-Jeu Objective To launch the new sports lottery product Mise-O-Jeu. Metro promoters were dressed in Mise-O-Jeu colours and accompanied by a Zamboni ice resurfacer. The campaign dominated that day’s Metro, including a cover wrap and an editorial page in the sport section that had been erased by a Zamboni (the unerased page was printed overleaf). A media first in Canada, it won the Prix Média 2006 (Québec). Execution Cover wrap, creative cut-out in sports editorial and special distribution, with the slogan: Make way for hockey! Bet on hockey games through Mise-O-Jeu and Pronostik. Advertising Agency Touché!PHD 40 Advertiser: Dreamworks Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Lasik MD Format: L-shaped ad Advertiser: Ubisoft Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Banque Nationale Format: L-shaped ad on the front page combined with back cover Advertiser: Sears Format: Triangle ad Advertiser: HP Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Walmart Format: Cut-out 41 3 Denmark MetroXpress Denmark launched in Copenhagen in 2001. Readership: 451.000* Contact: | +45 77305757 Solution: STORYTELLING Client: EA Games Objective To launch The Sims 2 and tell young adults about the game’s new features. Execution The solution was to create a Sims 2 daily as a cover wrap around metroXpress. It was designed as a real newspaper, complete with a lead story, feature stories and small back-page stories. Cartoons, cut-outs and small stories were found in the real paper. • Cover wrap (created as a newspaper) and smaller ads inside, with stories about the characters from the Sims game • Cut-out ads with the characters. Agency Mediabroker *Gallup Index Denmark 1H. 2010 42 Advertiser: Kellogs Format: Integrated Advertiser: Nestlé Format: Onsert and sampling Advertiser: H&M Format: Glossy wrap Advertiser: Egmont Format: Double Triangle 43 3 FRANCE Metro France in Paris and Marseille in 2002. Readership: 2.444.000 Contact:| +33 1 55 344 500 Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Philips Consumer Lifestyle Objective To promote the launch of Philips Cinema 21.0 at Festival de Cannes 2009. Execution Print: Two pages in special Cannes edition, 1/3 clipped in national edition (excluding Paris). Two-page surroundings in Metro Paris. Web: Various banner formats online Media Agency Carat 44 Advertiser: H&M Format: Butterfly cover wrap Advertiser: Electronic Arts Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Dreamworks Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Orange/France Telecom Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Swatch Format: Cut-out 45 3 hong kong Metro Hong Kong launched in Hong Kong in 2002. Readership: 755.000 Contact:| +852 31961600 Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Ocean Park Horror bonanza Objective A creepy marketing campaign based on a “New Fear Formula” raised horror to a thrilling new level in 2008! The chillingly creative ideas used to advertise 2008’s Halloween Bash included sending “ghosts” to the busiest districts in town to distribute horror-themed newspapers. Execution Cover & Back Cover, with “ghost” distributors Media agency Mediacom Ltd Creative agency Metta Communication 46 Advertiser: Nokia Format: Mini dominator Advertiser: Citigold Format: Bespoke format 47 3 SOUTH KOREA Metro Seoul launched in 2002. Readership: 691.000 Contact: Weongeun Lee, Sales Management Team, Metro Seoul Solution: DESIGN COMPETITION Client: Kia Motors Kia Motors’ annual design competition Objective To promote KIA Mortors’ new line KIA Morning (Picanto in European markets) and KIA SOUL. Execution Metro launched a design competition for its readers, who were invited to submit ideas under specific themes. A team of juries chose the two winning designs, which were printed on special film and used to decorate KIA’s new cars. The competition not only helped raise brand awareness, but also promoted sales. Every year, the competition generates buzz in other media outlets and encourages new designers. 48 49 3 russia Metro Russia launched in St. Petersburg in 2005 and in Moscow in 2009. Readership: 1.319.000 Contact: Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Swatch Swatch Love Squad Objective To present Swatch’s special Valentine’s Day watch collection. Execution Two double 1/3 generic page ads at the bottom + ¼ cut-out teaser banner at the top. Distribution by 100 street promoters wearing angel wings and special “Love Squad” caps. 1,000 plastic cupid arrows were distributed with the newspaper. 50 Advertiser: McDonalds Format: Full page, Cut-out and Island ad Advertiser: P&G Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Auchan Format: Cut-out Advertiser: Mastercard Format: Junior page Advertiser: Walt Disney Format: Cover wrap 51 3 portugal Metro Portugal launched in Lisbon and in Porto in 2005. Readership: 501.000 Contact: | +351 214 241 436 Solution: PERFUMED PAPER Client: Unilever/Comfort Puppet distributors Scented paper Objective To promote Comfort’s new concentrated formula, with smaller packaging and a new fragrance. Execution The newspaper was folded in two, smaller than usual, but opened out to be BIGGER than normal, as it was printed in berliner format. It was also scented, to promote the new fragrance of the fabric softener, and Comfort ads dominated. Testimonial from Brand Manager Rui Silva: “In just a few days, we sold all of our stock in the main hypermarkets.” Media agency Brand Connection 52 Advertiser: McDonalds Format: Bespoke format Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Sloggi Cover wrap Dressed up distributors in the biggest cities in Portugal Objective To promote the launch of Sloggi’s Wild Jeans collection. Execution Models were recruited to wear the lingerie while distributing the newspaper. Their bodyguards wore Sloggi T-shirts, further branding the street promotion. The newspaper’s cover wrap featured the new Sloggi collection. Result Four years later, Lisbon citizens still recall encountering the promotion at the city’s traffic lights. 53 3 MEXICO Publimetro Mexico launched in Mexico City in 2006. Readership: 380.000 Contact: | +52 55 53 400700 Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Movistar Objective Movistar wanted to promote their Christmas offer in order to increase sales. The aim was to match their massive and outdoor campaign with creative formats and street-marketing strategies via Publimetro. Execution Cut-out folder and creative formats during the campaign, as well as brand presence with promoters wearing Movistar T-shirts. Also, TV, outdoor, press & magazines, displays and street marketing. Result Movistar reached their sales and positioning objetives. Media agency Starcom Creative agency Olabuenaga 54 Advertiser: Diageo Format: Cover Wrap Advertiser: Estee Lauder Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: P&G Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: Seat Format: Island ad Advertiser: Samsung Group Format: Bespoke format Advertiser: 20th Century Fox Format: Cut-out 55 3 BRAZIL Metro Brazil launched in Sao Paulo in 2007. Readership: 406.000 Contact: | +55 11 3528 8500 Solution: MINI METRO Client: Johnson & Johnson Objective The agency challenged Metro to come up with something new to launch the new Mini Listerine line. Execution We produced a special edition with a in a smaller format, full of content about small things. To highlight the importance of oral hygiene products, we distributed this special edition, along with samples of Mini Listerine, at lunchtime. Media Agency JWT 56 Advertiser: Itaú Format: Integrated Advertiser: Yahoo Format: Cover wrap Advertiser: Quaker Format: Cover wrap Advertiser: Ambev Format: Double page spread + Cover 1/4 page banner Advertiser: Whiskas Format: Cover wrap Advertiser: Visão Laser Format: Cover wrap Advertiser: McDonalds Format: / page and watermark 57 3 ecuador Metro Ecuador launched in Quito and Guayaquil in 2009. Readership: 148.000 Contact: Juan Carlos Bermeo, Sales Manager Solution: STRATEGIC ADVERTISING Client: Toyota Objective Toyota wanted to create brand awareness for their hybrid vehicles, based on their concept of “the ideal model for you”, which focuses on cars specifically designed for environmentally aware people. Execution Using our “Green Metro” Edition, the sales team approached Toyota and presented a multichannel campaign (in-paper advertising, and BTL). Toyota opted for a MetroQuil cover-wrap, on which they presented their different hybrid models. In addition, at prime distribution points in Guayaquil, our promoters wore a banner on their heads that attracted the attention of both drivers and pedestrians. The banners had the same image as the cover-wrap, reinforcing the client’s campaign. 58 Solution: SAMPLING Client: Yanbal Launch of Osadia Objective To introduce a new perfume by Yanbal, a well-known cosmetics company, to the Ecuadorian market. Like most of Yanbal’s products, the perfume is targeted at middle-class women, but their products are sometimes used by the upper and lower segments of the market too. Generally speaking, cosmetics and perfumes use highend communication media for advertising. Execution Metro chose its best street distribution points in Quito and Guayaquil to give away samples of the new Yanbal perfume, Osadia. At the client’s request, samples were only delivered to women. In addition, the client chose to advertise on the front and back covers with a sample of perfume attached to the paper, reinforcing their image. Metro promoters wore T-shirts with Yanbal and Osadia branding. 59 3 global sales Metro International Global Sales Contact: +44 (0)20 7016 1300 | Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Sex and the City 2 SATC2 clutch with the newspaper inside. Inside the clutch Global Fashion Editor’s style blog Objective Metro International was tasked with promoting the launch of the film Sex and the City 2 in a fun and creative way that would engage readers on a number of different levels. Execution Metro International produced and distributed a cover wrap that looked like a gold clutch bag. The wrap enclosed 120,000 newspapers in 5 markets: France, Italy, Spain, Russia and the UK. To minimise wastage, the special wrap was distributed only in fashion and shopping districts among the core target audience of women aged 18–40. A bespoke online competition element was also integrated into the campaign, offering readers the chance to win a trip to the premiere of the film. The movie was also promoted on Metro’s Global Fashion Editor’s style blog. Result The campaign was huge success with great resonance among the core target audience. 80% of recipients of the clutch-bag wrap thought the execution had an extremely positive effect. Almost 50% of respondents said they would be booking tickets to see the movie having seen the campaign, with the same percentage having visited the microsite and entered the competition. 60 Winning cover wraps Website for the competition Microsite Cut-out ad Solution: Competition Client: HP Objective The brief was to promote HP’s printers as a way of releasing your creativity. HP wanted the campaign to incorporate their tag-line “What Do You Have To Say?” Execution Metro’s solution was to run a competition for readers to design their own cover for Metro. The competition encouraged readers to be creative on the topic “What do you have to say about your city?” Entries were invited via a truly 360-degree campaign incorporating print, outdoor poster sites, an advanced microsite ( and viral applications through Facebook. The winning cover designs were seen by millions of people. Result This campaign won the M&M 2008 award for “Best Contribution by a Media Owner” and got some impressive results: • 80,000 unique visitors • 630,000 votes • 1,480 registered people • 60% of readers thought HP was more appealing as a result of the campaign. HP winner 2008 M&M awards best contribution by a media owner 61 3 global sales Solution: INTEGRATED Client: Hyundai 2010 Fifa Worl Cup Handbook™ Metro International & Hyundai Motor Company 2010 FIFA World Cup Handbook™ Objective To celebrate the launch of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa Execution Metro International and Hyundai teamed up to produce a glossy, 44-page World Cup Handbook, packed full of information about every group, team and player. Tailored according to each national team and translated into 5 different languages, the Handbook was designed, produced and distributed by the Metro team. 2.25 million copies were distributed across France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and UK in the week leading up to the launch of the tournament. Colour pages in each market’s newspaper ensured that Hyundai’s World Cup goodwill message was seen by 12 million Metro readers, not just those that received a copy of the Handbook. The campaign was a great success! •An unprecedented 90% of respondents recognised Hyundai as the advertiser in unbranded recall, with 70% responding positively to the Handbook. •After seeing the campaign: 21% likely to find out more about Hyundai cars 21% likely to go to the website 25% will compare pricing 17% likely to enquire at a dealership 13% intend to book a test drive 62 02.p.29.deportesnokia:12.p.10 10/1/08 6:55 PM Página 04 jueves 02-10-2008 Respetan a “Kalule” “Sabemos que es un jugador muy importante para ellos y es especial por todo lo que entrega y hace en la cancha”, dijo Rafael Olarra sobre el volante Rodrigo Meléndez. Ya se vive el “banderazo” Cerca de 300 hinchas colmaron la práctica de Colo Colo adelantando el tradicional banderazo que las barras le brindan a sus equipos. Deportes 29 “Chupete” llega al cien El delantero Humberto Suazo fue sometido a exámenes médicos que aseguran su presencia ante Ecuador y Argentina, por las eliminatorias sudamericanas. El médico de Monterrey, Raúl Luna, aseguró que el atacante nacional sufre una pequeña inflamación de los tendones de la rodilla izquierda, lo que no le impedirá llegar a los lances eliminatorios ante Ecuador y Argentina. Sección editada por Sebastián Morales P H OTO S P O R T Los “magos” calientan el Clásico Nelson Pinto y Macnelly Torres adelantaron el choque del domingo en Macul SE NOTA QUE son archirriva- Walter Montillo será de la partida el domingo. “Será una final para nosotros” Walter Montillo reconoció que será una “final” el próximo “Superclásico” ante Colo Colo, a disputarse el domingo a las 16:00 horas en el Estadio Monumental, en alusión a la lucha por el “Chile 3”. “Sabemos es que esta es una final y no podemos dejar la chance de volver a meter el club a un torneo internacional", admitió tras la práctica matinal en el 'Caracol Azul'. AGENCIAS Clásico en breve PIENSAN EN COPA CHILE No sólo en el “Superclásico” están pensando en Universidad de Chile. Los azules se medirán esta noche (22 horas) ante Santiago Wanderers, en Valparaíso, por la segunda ronda de la Copa Chile. La escuadra de Arturo Salah saldrá a la cancha con una formación alternativa. ASUME EL “RUSO” El argentino Héctor Adomaitis asumió ayer formalmente como ayudante técnico de Marcelo Barticciotto en Colo Colo. El ex volante del “Cacique” en los noventa llegó a acuerdo económico con la dirigencia de Blanco y Negro, convirtiéndose en el segundo entrenaAGENCIAS dor de los albos. do bien y arriba de ellos en la tabla. Es el momento de ponerles el pie encima y revalidar todo lo bueno que hemos mostrado”, agregó Pinto. S.M.H. Habla el “Chupa” Retornado desde México llegó este semestre Nelson Pinto. Y con buen fútbol y goles nuevamente se ganó el corazón de la hinchada azul. La última vez que Pinto visitó el Monumental salió en una camilla tras recibir un piedrazo. “Sólo quiero borrar ese recuerdo y el domingo salir con un triunfo de allá”, dice el “Chupa”. “Llegamos muy bien. Quizás como nunca antes: jugan- “Hay algunos trabajos en el interior que estarían solucionados. Las puer tas se abrirán a las 11 de la mañana”, ex plicó Jo sé Or tega, jefe de Carabineros. AGENCIAS En números 12 partidos sin perder ha sido la mejor racha de Colo Colo ante a “U” entre 1939 y 1944 los albos cosecharon 9 victorias y 3 empates. 8 lances sin saber de caídas fue la mejor de Universidad de Chile. Entre 1957 y 1960 los azules tuvieron un registro de 5 victorias y 3 empates. 5-4 Juntos pero no revueltos. Pinto y Torres ya viven el “Superclásico”. Vuelan las entradas: van 25 mil vendidas EMOCIÓN EXTREMA ha causado el “Superclásico” del fútbol chileno en los incondicionales de Colo Colo y Universidad de Chile. Por ejemplo, los forofos azules ya agotaron las 5.500 entradas que la dirigencia de Blanco y Negro puso a la disposición de la hinchada rival. Y no sólo eso, según el último informe entregado por la dirigencia alba, hasta la tarde de ayer ya se habían vendido más de 25 mil entradas de las 42 mil que se pusieron a disposición de los fanáticos. En la jornada del miércoles, también se realizó la inspección al Monumental. explica “Magia”, quien a grega que el mal momento de Colo Colo no es tema. “Un clásico es un clásico. No importa cómo lleguen los equipos”, afirma Macnelly. sentido mejor y espero poder hacer un gran partido este domingo”, SY LV I O GA R C Í A EL VOLANTE argentino les. Apenas cruzan miradas y cuando uno hace una declaración rimbombante, el otro sólo atina a gesticular una sonrisa socarrona. Son Nelson Pinto y Macnelly Torres, motores de Universidad de Chile y Colo Colo, respectivamente. Es que a tres días del “Superclásico”, sus protagonistas, los jugadores de ambos bandos, ya co mienzan a mostrarse los dientes. “Es un partido trascendental para noso tros, sobre todo para mí. Quizás no he rendido como muchos esperaban y si tengo un buen partido el domingo seguramente revertiré todas las críticas”, asume el colombiano Torres. “Ya creo que el período de adaptación pasó. Me ha costado un poco ambientarme al país, al fútbol de acá. Pero ya me he Fue el marcador más abultado que recuerde un “Superclásico”. Ocurrió en 1977 y el triunfo se lo llevó Colo Colo ante un estadio Nacional repleto hasta las banderas. Un Monumental recién asegurado EL CLUB COLO COLO y las compañías Seguros Cruz del Sur y American Assist han acordado un inédito convenio para que todas la personas que asistan al Estadio Monumental. Los días en que el Cacique juegue como local, los hinchas que acudan al coliseo de Pedreros tendrán un seguro médico por accidentes y un servicio de Asistencia Total, con la sola presentación de la entrada el día del encuentro. ¿Qué es? Se trata de un seguro de Accidentes Personales, Plan C, es decir, destinado a cubrir el reembolso de gastos médicos producidos por un accidente al interior del estadio Monumental. Un recurso pionero y único en Chile. Este seguro cubre exclusivamente a los asistentes al estadio durante el horario del partido (desde 30 minutos antes del inicio, y hasta 30 minutos después del término del juego), al interior de las instalaciones del estadio de Colo Colo. UPI Listos los asientos Además, el club popular informó que la tribuna Rapa Nui funcionará casi en su totalidad con nuevas butacas el “Superclásico” de este este domingo. Así en la tribuna más alta del Estadio Monumental está casi terminado el recambio total de las actuales butacas que son reemplazadas por las que ya exhibe el resto del coliseo maculino. Solution: EDITORIAL INTEGRATED Client: Nokia Navigator Objective Metro is the perfect vehicle for advertisers to reach their audiences. Many of the world’s leading brands are already using Metro as an effective answer to their marketing needs. Execution The idea was to integrate the Nokia campaign with the day’s editorial content in the travel, sport and entertainment sections. Metro inserted a Nokia Map of the featured article’s location into an image of the phone. A tag-line asked readers for directions to other articles, supporting the map concept. Result The campaign clearly demonstrated to Metro readers the advantages of the Nokia 6210 handset’s map function. 63 3 For YOUR NOTES ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 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