September 2013 - Department of Surgery


September 2013 - Department of Surgery
“Safer Surgery Today, Better Surgery Tomorrow”
The Surgical Scope
Issue 8
Message From the Chair: Nathaniel J. Soper, MD
September 2013
this issue:
In Memoriam:
John Mann Beal
Greetings from the Department of Surgery within
Northwestern Medicine! Much has taken place at our
institution and within the department since my last
communication a year ago. Probably the most significant development has been the process that will ultimately lead to clinical integration of our medical center. For years we have had a fragmented delivery system, with the medical school, hospital and full-time
physicians’ group each being independently functioning not-for-profit organizations. Although interdependent entities, our disparate organizational structures significantly hampered the exchange of resources, conjoint operations and the ability to move
nimbly in a unified fashion. Despite these limitations,
several years ago we collectively began thinking of ourselves as ‘Northwestern Medicine’ and developed health center-wide strategies and goals. It became apparent,
however, that the changing local and national healthcare landscape would not lend
itself to long-term success by a fragmented organization. It appears that the ability
to move quickly, to grow, and to be able to develop bundled, value-based health
delivery organizations will be necessary to succeed over the coming months and
Thus was born a plan to integrate the full-time academic physicians with the clinical healthcare system. Built upon a funds-flow model to assure adequate clinical
profits being made available to the medical school to support academic activities,
the plan will join our physicians and their hospital at the hip. After months developing the plan and educating the physicians, all of the relevant boards approved
the transaction, which became effective on Sept. 1, 2013. This, then, is the reincarnation of Northwestern Medicine, in a form that can better weather the challenges
facing us. As part of the integration, members of the full-time faculty and the hospital’s primary care providers comprise a new entity within the healthcare corporation, the Northwestern Medical Group (NMG). David Mahvi, M.D., Vice-Chair for
Clinical Affairs and Chief of the Division of GI/Oncologic Surgery, has been named
the President of NMG. He will maintain an active clinical practice in hepatobiliarypancreatic surgery and continue to mentor the junior faculty in his group during
the transitional period.
Dr. John Mann Beal
Page 4
6 -10
11 - 14
15 - 27
NLFH Surgeons
Lurie Children’s
Hospital Update
Jesse Brown VA
Medical Center
36 - 55
Upcoming Events
A newsletter for the faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the Department of Surgery
Continued...Message from the Chair: Nathaniel J. Soper, MD
In the strategic goals developed several years ago to develop a truly great academic medical center, one of our aspirations was to be recognized as ‘Top 10 by 2020’, both in U.S. News & World Report hospital rankings and in markedly
increased research funding. This summer-- only 3 or 4 years into our campus-wide planning process-- Northwestern
Memorial Hospital was ranked #6 in the U.S., the only hospital in Illinois named to the Honor Role and a jump of 6
spots in the ranking from the prior year. Department of Surgery faculty members play a major role in our recognition
as a top healthcare destination. Several specialties in which surgeons are integral to patient care made major jumps
in the rankings. Gastrointestinal medicine and surgery is now ranked #10 nationally, cardiology and cardiac surgery
is now ranked #12, and oncology is now ranked #14. Northwestern Medicine has a definite upward trajectory, and
clinical integration should only accelerate the trend!
The departmental review that follows highlights the progress we’ve made over the past year in fulfilling our research,
education and clinical missions. The impact that the department has on Northwestern Medicine is significant, and
would be impossible without all of the hard work put in by our faculty and staff. Our clinical practice is growing and
expanding to sites outside of Streeterville. We also recently brought on board a thoracic surgeon, Ankit Bharat, M.D.,
to initiate a program in lung transplantation, the only solid organ transplant not currently being performed at
Northwestern. Our surgeons maintain their involvement in cutting-edge, innovative surgical procedures. The research portfolio continues to grow, with major new funding in health services research, nanotechnology and bioartificial organs. These research programs depend upon collaboration with members of other schools and departments
at Northwestern University. The educational program remains strong and vibrant, both for undergraduate and graduate training. The chief residents who graduated in July have all entered subspecialty fellowships at outstanding institutions around the country.
I encourage you to read the following newsletter that details these happenings in the Department of Surgery. I am
humbled to lead this strong program, and feel assured that we will continue to succeed in this time of transition. The
mission statement of the Department—“Safer Surgery Today, Better Surgery Tomorrow”—will continue to guide all
that we do.
I hope that you enjoy this 2013 edition of the Surgical Scope.
Respectfully yours,
Nathaniel J. Soper, M.D., FACS
Loyal and Edith Davis Professor and Chair
Department of Surgery
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
In Memoriam:
Dr. John Mann Beal
Dr. John Mann Beal, Professor and Chairman of the Department of
Surgery from 1963 to 1982, died in Valdosta, GA on June 3, 2013.
Tall and slender, Dr. Beal was elegant in his bearing, but reserved
and modest in his demeanor. His passion was teaching medical students and residents, for whom he had respect and affection. He
treated the departmental staff with deference and kindness.
Dr. Beal, with Dean Eckenhoff and several other chairmen and leaders at Northwestern, worked together to create an environment in
which academic activity could flourish. They pushed for the merger
of Passavant and Wesley hospitals to form Northwestern Memorial
Hospital, giving the medical school and its faculty and students an
authentic university hospital. Dr. Beal consolidated the separate
surgical residency programs of Northwestern’s affiliated hospitals to
form the present program. He also was a leader in establishing the
Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation, which led to the development of a full-time faculty and provides funds for
academic activities.
Dr. Beal received his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Chicago and served his surgical residency at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center.
Prior to succeeding Loyal Davis as chairman at Northwestern, he went through the professorial ranks at UCLA and the
New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. He was active in many surgical organizations, and served as a regent, chairman of the board of regents, and president of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Beal was a director and chairman of
the American Board of Surgery, and chaired the Surgery B Study Section of the NIH. He also was president of the Chicago Surgical Society and the Central Surgical Association, and held offices in several other organizations.
Dr. Beal will be remembered as a kind and gentle man, given to modesty and thoughtfulness. His contributions to Northwestern and the Department of Surgery continue to foster academic and clinical excellence.
Written by:
David Nahrwold, MD
Emeritus Professor of Surgery
Loyal and Edith Davis Professor and Former Chair
Department of Surgery
Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine
2012 Annual Clinical Conference
The photo above was taken at the 98th Annual American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress during
our Joint Chicago Reception. The house “rocked” with faculty, alumni, residents and guests representing
Northwestern Medicine, the University of Chicago, Rush University Medical Center, Loyola University
Health System and UIC/Metropolitan Group Hospitals. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming reception at the ACS clinical congress. Our joint reception will be Monday, October 7 th, 2013,
from 6pm to 8pm, in the Marriott Balcony A room at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.
Department Research Updates
The Department of Surgery had a successful year in research in 2013. From
September 2012 thru mid-August 2013,
a total of 149 proposals were submitted
with an estimated value of $88.5M. Of
these proposals, 51 were federal, valued
at $73.4M and 98 were non-federal, valued at $15.1M in total costs.
gery has continued to prove a force to New Faculty
be reckoned with.
The Department of Surgery welcomes
As part of Edelstone-Bendix Day, three new research focused faculty:
awards were given to residents partici- Ankit Bharat, Karen Ho and Susan
pating in research. We would like to Clare. Dr. Bharat is an Assistant Procongratulate the 2013 Kanavel Surgical fessor in Thoracic Surgery with an inScholars Awardees:
terest in lung transplantation. Dr. Karen Ho is an Assistant Professor in Vas· Ashley Hardy
In terms of awards, 61 projects have
cular Surgery whose research focus is
· Jessica Naiditch
been awarded over the same period,
on chronic kidney disease and neointi· Joseph Phillips
with a total value of $11.5M.
mal hyperplasia. Dr. Susan Clare rejoins the Department of Surgery as ReAlthough surpassed by
search Associate Prothe University of ChiNIH Rankings of Local AMC Surgery Departments
fessor. Dr. Clare is an
cago last year, the De2006
active investigator in
partment of Surgery at
breast cancer nano12
has 10
technology research.
proven to be a strong
competitor in NIH
rankings, both locally 30
as well as nationally. 40 44
U of C
Holding a spot in the
top 20 since 2009, the
research enterprise in 60
the Department of Sur- 70
The Department of Surgery would also like to welcome the addition of Irene Helenoswski. Irene joined the
Department this past year and has been working with us part-time providing biostatistical support. Her primary
appointment is within the Department of Preventive Medicine. She is a member of Feinberg School of Medicine’s
Biostatistics Collaboration Center as well as the Biostatistics Core Facility of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive
Cancer Center. Irene holds a Master’s of Science in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin and a PhD in Biostatistics from UIC. Irene comes to us with a strong research background and numerous publications.
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects
Synergistic Action of Carboplatin/Eribulin in Combination with CDK Inhibitor Therapy for
the Treatment of Triple Negative Cancer
Hormone Receptor-Specific Cancer Risk Biomarkers in Benign Breast
Pre-clinical and clinical studies of breast cancer prevention with transdermal antiprogesterone agents
Measuring Signaling Pathway Dynamics During Tissue Growth in Hydrogels
Protein Expression of RANKL in Benign Breast Tissues During the Menstrual Cycle and in
Pregnancy-Associated Breast Tumor Tissues
Impact of Pin1 and CDK Inhibition in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Migration
10/1/2012 - 9/30/13
9/19/2012 - 9/18/13
10/1/2012 - 9/30/13
9/10/2012 - 6/30/16
12/3/2012 - 12/3/2014
9/1/2013 - 8/31/2014
1/1/2012 - 12/31/2013
3/13/2013 - 3/13/2016
11/27/2012 - 11/27/2015
Cordis Corporation
9/25/2012 - 12/31/2019
Evalve, Inc
10/10/2012 - 10/10/2015
Edwards Lifesciences
11/15/2012 - 11/15/2017
1/18/2013 - 1/18/2016
1/8/2013 - 1/8/2016
Medtronic, Inc.
1/29/2013 - 1/29/2016
Cameron Health, Inc.
3/15/2013 - 3/15/2016
5/20/2013 - 5/20/2016
1/1/2013 - 7/31/2013
5/13/2013 - 5/13/2016
5/24/2013 - 5/24/2016
6/13/2013 - 6/13/2018
7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014
6/14/2013 - 6/14/2016
6/25/2013 - 6/25/2016
Amgen, Inc.
NMF Lynn Sage
Avon Products
Foundation, Inc. (via
Molecular Markers for Predicting Progression to Invasive Cancer
John Hopkins
Prot # NU12B09: Presurgical Phase IIB Trial of Oral CDB-4124 vs. Placebo in Women with Repros Therapeutics,
Stage I-III Primary Breast Cancer
Prot #CP2011-01: ABLATE PAS: AtriCure Synergy Ablation Lesions for Non-Paroxysmal
McCarthy Forms of Atrial Fibrillation Treatment During Concomitant On-Pump Endo-Epicardial
Cardiac Surgery
Prot #P11-4601: A Multicenter, Open Label, Prospective, Non-Randomized Study of the
Incraft Stent Graft System in Subjects with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Clinical Outcomes Assessment of the MitraClip Percutaneous Therapy for High Surgical
McGee, E.
Risk Patients (The COAPT Trial): A Clinical Evaluation of the Safety
Prot #2011-02: Multi-Center Experience with the Rapid Deployment Edwards Intuity
Valve System for Aortic Valve Replacement (TRANSFORM Trial)
Study No. HW-PAS-03: A Multi Center, Post Approval Study Providing Continued
McGee, E. Evaluation and Follow-up on Patients who Received a HeartWare Ventricular Assist
System During IDE Trials for the Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure
AVOID-HF: Aquapheresis Versus Intravenous Diuretics and Hospitalizations for Heart
Acute Multi-Signal Data Collection Study (AMSD Study)
SSO (Komen Breast
Cancer Foundation)
Komen Breast cancer
Breast Cancer
Research Foundation
S-ICD System Post Approval Study (S-ICD PAS)
AtriCure, Inc.
HeartWare, Inc.
Gambro Healthcare
Protocol# PCE 09-02: Evaluation of the GORE TIRGRIS Vascular Stent in the Treatment of W. L. Gore and
Atheroslerotic Lesion of the Superficial Femoral and Proximal Popliteal Arteries
NHLBI (via
Developing a Survey Instrument for Patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
Dartmouth College)
IDE: G120213: Attain Performa Quadripolar Lead Clinical Study
Medtronic, Inc.
Prot # D5135C00001: A Randomised, Double-blind, Parallel group, Multicentre Phase IIIB
Astra Zeneca LP (via
study to Compare Ticagrelor with Clopidogrel Treatment on the Risk of Cardiovascular
Duke Clinical
Death, Myocardial Infarction and Ischaemic Stoke in Patients with Established Peripheral
Research Institute)
Artery Disease (EUCLID) - Examining Use of tiCagreLor In paD
ProMRI Study
Implantable Monitor-Guided Anticoagulation for Non-Permanent Atrial Fibrillation
TACTIC-AF (Tailored Anticoagulation for Non-Continuous Atrial Fibrillation) Pilot Study
St. Jude Medical
Cardiac Rhythm
Management Division
Prot #10-392: ABSORB III Randomized Controlled Trial: Clinical Evaluation of BVS
Everolimus Eluting Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold in the Treatment of Subjects with de
novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions
Prot #GRT 10-11: 'GREAT' Global Registry for Endovascular Aortic Treatment Outcomes
Systems, Inc.
W. L. Gore and
7/26/2013 - 7/26/2016
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects
Cook Medical
The Nuvention Fellowship
Development of an Expandable Radiofrequency Ablation Probe for Breast Cancer
Sentinel Lymph Node Positivity Rates for Breast Cancer and Melanoma: an Opportunity to
Improve Quality and Enhance the NCCN Guidelines
New Approach to Measuring and Improving Surgical Cancer Quality
10/1/2012 - 9/30/13
4/1/2013 - 12/31/2013
8/1/2013 - 7/31/2015
7/1/2013 - 6/30/2015
Antibacterial Surgical Sealants for Enhanced Healing of Biofilm-Infected Wounds
NMF Dixon
1/1/2013 - 12/31/13
Kapp-Simon Craniofacial Microsomia: Longitudinal Outcomes in Children pre-Kindergarten (CLOCK)
9/1/2012 - 8/31/2013
Healthpoint, Ltd.
11/9/2012 - 11/9/2015
Sanuwave, Inc.
1/23/2013 - 1/22/2015
11/13/2012 - 11/13/2015
6/17/2013 - 12/31/2015
Prot# 802-247-09-031: A Phase 3 Randomized, Double Blind, Vehicle Controlled Study
Investigating the Safety and Efficacy of HP802-247 in the Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers
>12 cm2 to <36 cm2
Prot #SAN12-DERM02: A Double-Blind, Multi-center, Randomized, Sham-Controlled,
Parallel Group Comparison of the dermaPACE (Pulsed Acoustic Cellular Expression) Devise
in Conjunction with Standard of Care Versus Standard of Care Alone in the Treatment of
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Prot #100-12-0001: A Prospective, Multi-Center, Randomized, Open Label Controlled
Trial Using a Dissolved Oxygen Enriched Dressing in Nipple-sparing Mastectomy
Outcomes Associated with the use of (Flex-HD9r) Plable™ Human Acellular Dermis, in
Assisted Tissue Expander Breast Reconstruction: A Multi-Center Prospective Study
Rho Kinase Inhibitor AR-12286 as a Potential Anti-Scarring Agent in Rabbit Ear Model
A Novel Therapy to Treat Atheroscleorsis
Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Liquid Cast Drug-Eluting Biodegradable Stent
The Modulation of SCA-1 Stem cells by Nitric Oxide in a Diabetic Mouse Model
Influence of Endothelial Microparticles on Nitric Oxide's Ability to Inhibit Neointimal
Development of a Targeted Therapy to Prevent Restenosis following Cardiovascular
Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program Grant 2013-2014
Abbott Vascular Surgery Fellowship Grant 2013-2014
Preclinical Investigation of a Bioengineered Vascular Graft
Foundation, Inc.
11/30/2012 - 11/30/2015
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
NMF Dixon
American Medical
American Medical
1/1/2013 - 12/31/13
9/1/2013 - 8/31/2016
3/1/2013 - 2/28/2014
3/1/2013 - 2/28/2013
AHA Midwest, Inc
7/1/2013 - 6/30/2015
7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014
7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014
8/15/2013 - 7/31/2017
Boston Scientific
Abbott Fund
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects
Postdoc NRSA fellowship for Lisa VanWagner in support of: Derivation and Validation of a
Cardiac Risk Index in Liver Transplantation
Leventhal Expansion of Facilitating Cells to Enhance Graft Tolerance
Delayed Chimerism Induction in Liver Transplants with Bioengineered Marrow Cells
University of
Pilot Study using a mouse model of kidney transplantation
Society for Surgery of
Wertheim Development of a Humanized Liver in a Rodent Model of Auxiliary Liver Transplantation the Alimentary Tract,
Resubmission: Mechanisms of Fas Ligand Control of Insulitis Initiation in Autoimmune
Johns Hopkins
University (NIH)
Study of Patients Status-Post Kidney Transplant: Study of the Impact of Valganciclovir
Prophylaxis to Prevent CMV Disease on the Incidence of Neutropenia in the Short-Term Anolinx LLC
and Study of Longer-Term Outcomes
Prot #1263-202: A Phase 2, Randomized Study to Assess the Safety and AntiCytomegalovirus (CMV) Activity of Different Doses of Maribavir for Treatment of CMV
Infections That Are Resistant or Refractory to Treatment with Ganciclovir/Valganciclovir Incorporated
or Foscarnet in Transplant Recipients
Protocol #FLU-EPI-001: Prospective Study to Evaluate Viral Shedding Patterns and Clinical
Crucell Holland B.V.
Outcomes of Hospitalized Adult Influenza Patients
9/1/2012 - 8/31/2013
9/1/2012 - 8/31/2013
1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013
12/1/2012 - 2/1/2013
7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014
12/1/2012 - 11/30/2017
9/7/2012 - 9/7/2015
10/2/2012 - 7/31/2015
1/7/2013 - 12/31/2013
Delayed Tolerance in Recipients of Living Kidney Allografts by Donor Stem Cell Infusion
Kentucky Science and
10/19/2012 - 10/19/2015
Technology Corp.
Protocol #CRAD001AUSNC10T: The Effects of Everolimus with and without Tacrolimus
and Mycophenolic Acid on Donor-Specific Tregs in the Treg-MLR
1/11/2013 - 6/30/2014
4/15/2013 - 4/15/2016
3/12/2013 - 12/31/2015
5/3/2013 - 5/3/2016
3/8/2013 - 3/8/2016
9/30/2012 - 8/31/2015
4/1/2013 - 3/31/2014
Prot # M12-999: Open-Label, Single Arm, Phase 2 Study to Evaluate the Safety and
Efficacy of the Combination of ABT-450/ritonavir/ABT-267 (ABT-450/r/ABT-267) and ABTAbbVie Inc.
333 Coadministered with Ribavirin (RBV) in Adult Liver Transplant Recipients with
Genotype 1 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection
RFHE4043: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial to
Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Rifaximin 550mg in Subjects with
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Sever Hepatic Impairment and Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy
RFHE4043PK: A Sub-study to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics of Rifaximin in Subjects with Salix
Sever Hepatic Impairment and Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Evaluating Nulojix Long Term Safety in Transplant, ENLiST Registry
Bristol-Myers Squibb
(via Parexel)
Engaging Patients and Hospitals to Expand Public Reporting in Surgery
I.H.S. Department
Pilot: Evaluation of Physician and Patient-level Factors, Including Fertility Concerns, that
Affect Adherence to Tamoxifen for Young Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
OB/Gyn Department
Total Awards Processed
(September 1, 2012-August 15, 2013)
Outcomes Research
The New Cutting Edge of Surgical Care: Outcomes and Quality Improvement Research
The title says it all; or more
correctly, it does to Karl
Bilimoria, MD, MS. When
talking to Dr. Bilimoria it
takes only a moment to see his
passion to make a difference
in the lives of patients by focusing on measuring and improving the quality of surgical
care locally and nationally.
Dr. Bilimoria was at the NIH
in medical school performing
basic science research in a
prominent lab, and while he feels it
helped him immensely, he wanted to
find a way to have a more immediate
and meaningful impact on patient
care. Eventually he explored opportunities in outcomes and quality improvement research while a resident at
Northwestern, and he was able to create a position for himself as the first
American College of Surgeons (ACS)
Clinical Scholar in Residence. During
his two years at the College, Karl performed numerous studies focused on
examining and improving the delivery
of care for surgical and oncology patients. His work on the ACS NSQIP®
and National Cancer Data Base has
propelled him to the forefront of finding new options to measure hospital
surgical quality, develop new initiatives for safety, and ultimately to foster positive changes to national policy
around healthcare safety and quality.
When Dr. Bilimoria was recruited
back to Northwestern University’s
Department of Surgery in 2011, he began the process of building the infrastructure and then the direction for
his research group, the Surgical Outcomes and Quality Improvement Cen-
ter. The quality of their efforts is reflected in the interest that has been
generated both locally and nationally
as this group has very quickly developed a well-respected local and national reputation.
The group has
three major missions: Better Measures,
Better Levers, and Better Evidence,
and they accomplish this through cutting edge outcomes and health services research, collaborating on practical quality improvement initiatives
with the hospital and working with
the ACS on national quality programs.
Some of Dr. Bilimoria’s current research is focused on examining whether venous thromboembolism is an appropriate measure of quality, whether
state malpractice environment affects
the quality and cost of healthcare provided, and examining the effectiveness
of national cancer policy and payment
initiatives. He is working to define
new quality metrics that will help patients who are searching for a hospital
and surgeon for upcoming surgery.
He is currently working with the hospital on a number of initiatives, particularly focusing on initiatives to reduce
blood clots after surgery. He is the
Surgeon Champion for ACS NSQIP at
Northwestern and is heavily
involved in the department’s
quality improvement initiatives. He also leads a quality
program for surgical residents
and is currently mentoring 5
research fellows. Dr. Bilimoria
organized an Outcomes Research Course for faculty on
September 19, 2013 that focused on the basics of outcomes research and allowed
participants to vet research ideas with
the experienced course faculty. Finally, he has several ongoing initiatives at
the American College of Surgeons including leading the development of
the ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator, leading the Oncology NSQIP Consortium, and many other efforts to
enhance the ACS surgical quality improvement programs. His research is
currently supported by the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, the
American Cancer Society, the National
Comprehensive Cancer Network, and
the American College of Surgeons.
Surgical outcomes and quality improvement research is truly at the cutting edge of surgical care, quality, and
policy, and Dr. Bilimoria is leading
Northwestern to the forefront of this
field through research, local quality
improvement initiatives, and national
surgical quality innovation.
Surgical Education Updates
Medical Student Programs
The FSM class of 2013 included eight students who matched
into general surgery programs, including Northwestern, Yale,
Emory and UCLA. An additional thirty-four students from
the class of 2013 matched into surgical sub-specialties.
Congratulations to Candace Gragnani for winning the 2012
Julius Conn Award! The Julius Conn Award is given annually
to the highest achieving surgery clerkship student based upon academic performance and professionalism.
Dr. Corcoran and Dr. Halverson traveled to the 2013 ASE Conference in Orlando to present their investigation on the
effectiveness of a formative midterm exam at predicting “at risk” clerkship students. Drs. Corcoran and Halverson
concluded that the addition of a formative midterm exam with clinical performance appraisals provided a sensitive
and specific indicator of a clerkship student’s ability to meet a passing score.
Resident Programs*
A team from the Department of Surgery, including Drs. Debra DaRosa, Jonathan Fryer, Eric Hungness, Shari Meyerson, Nat Soper, and Ezra Teitelbaum, along with staff member, Mary Schuller, Surgical Education Fellow, Dr. Brian
George, and University of Kentucky Medical School faculty member, Dr. Jay Zwischenberger, created and designed an
innovative mobile phone-based system to assess resident autonomy and supervision in the operative room. Known as
PASS, Procedural Autonomy and Supervision System, faculty who just completed a case with a trainee are text
prompted to assess the level of autonomy that the trainee demonstrated and the complexity of the case. Development
of the system, which has been used since early 2013, was supported by a State of Illinois Excellence in Academic Medicine grant. The next version of PASS will be a native iOS application and will allow faculty to see a graph of a resident’s previous clinical performance prior to operating with the resident. In this way faculty can tailor teaching to the
level of the learner. Faculty can also leave dictated feedback for the residents to review. The iOS system will be piloted in September 2013.
Department of Surgery Welcome Picnic
The Department of Surgery hosts an annual
picnic in celebration of incoming residents and
fellows featuring games, food and fun! This
year’s event was held on Saturday, July 13 at
Lake Shore Park. Pictured above are the winners of this year’s softball tournament. Congratulations to our softball champions and to
all incoming trainees!
*Additional residency and fellowship educational updates are described in the corresponding division sections.
Edelstone-Bendix Resident’s Day 2013
The 2013 Edelstone-Bendix Residents’ Day was held on Friday, June 21st, 2013. This annual event featured presentations by residents and fellows, showcasing their outstanding work in both clinical and basic science research. The
guest lecturer this year was Michael W. Mulholland, MD, PhD, Frederick A. Coller Distinguished Professor and
Chair of the Department of Surgery at the University of Michigan. Dr. Mulholland also served as a guest judge for
the chief resident research presentations. Edelstone-Bendix Day concluded with the graduation dinner held at the
Ritz-Carlton Hotel where members of the Department of Surgery’s faculty, fellows and residents gathered to honor
our graduates.
We congratulate the following 2013 Department of Surgery graduates who were recognized at Edelstone-Bendix Day:
Breast Surgery:
Melissa Lazar, MD & Denise Monahan, MD
General Surgery:
Amanda Hayman, MD, Seth Krantz, MD, Anna Kane Higham, MD, Timothy Lautz, MD,
Tammy Kindel, MD, PhD, B. Fernando Santos, MD
Pediatric Surgery:
Loren Berman, MD
Pediatric Surgical Critical Care:
Sifrance Tran, MD
Surgical Critical Care:
John Whitehead, DO
Transplant Surgery:
Sunny Fink, MD & Ramanathan Seshadri, MD
Vascular Surgery:
Suman Annambhotla, MD & Marlon Lee, MD
A number of awards were presented to fellows and residents for outstanding performance. The 2013 Alan B. Kanaval Surgical Scholar Award is awarded for exceptional accomplishments achieved in the research laboratory.
This year’s awardees were Drs. Ashley Hardy, Jessica Naiditch, Joseph Phillips and Akhil Seth. Each scholar was
given the opportunity to present their research and all received a monetary prize.
There were three open competitions for excellence in research. The winners presented their research and received
a monetary prize for winning in their respective categories:
Fellow Open Competition:
Melissa Lazar, M.D.
Resident Clinical Research Competition:
Mila Ju, M.D.
Resident Basic Science Competition:
Jill Richman Streams, M.D.
The chief resident presentation award, which was based on the graduating general surgery residents’ EdelstoneBendix Residents’ Day presentations, was awarded to B. Fernando Santos, M.D.
From left to right:
Jonathan Fryer, MD
Seth Krantz, MD
Amanda Hayman, MD
Timothy Lautz, MD
Anna Kane Higham, MD
B. Fernando Santos, MD
Tammy Kindel, MD
Nathaniel Soper, MD
Surgical Education Updates
Fellow as Teacher and Resident as Teacher awards are bestowed onto those Department of Surgery trainees who meet a series of eligibility criteria. Awardees are regarded as excellent role models, physicians, and
learners to their peers, students, and other health professionals. They were noted to make teaching a purposeful activity in their daily efforts and reliably participated in Dept of Surgery education-related activities
and reporting systems.
The following individuals were recipients of the 2013
The following individuals were recipients of the 2013
Resident as Teacher Award:
Fellow as Teacher Award:
Christina Minami, MD
Suman Annambhotla, MD
Vascular Surgery
Dustin Yoon, MD
Marlon Lee, MD
Vascular Surgery
Chad Purnell, MD
Hari Kumar, MD
Vascular Surgery
Carlie Kennedy, MD
Sunny Fink, MD
Transplant Surgery
Ravi Rajaram, MD
Felicitas Koller, MD
Transplant Surgery
Amanda Hayman, MD
Loren Berman, MD
Pediatric Surgery
Sifrance Tran, MD
Pediatric Surgical
Critical Care
Of special note, this id the third time Amanda Hayman has received the Resident as Teacher Award.
An award was presented to the two 2012-2013 General Surgery Administrative Chief residents for their
leadership and commitment to the general surgery residents. Drs. Amanda Hayman and Tammy Kindel received engraved crystal awards in recognition of their hard work and dedication.
The Harold L. Method Award is presented to the chief general surgery resident who exhibits “outstanding
performance for surgical skill, empathy, and understanding towards patients, and for dedication to their care.”
The recipient of this honor is also awarded a cash prize and will have their name engraved on a plaque with all
previous winners, which is displayed in the Department of Surgery administrative suite. This year, the recipient of the Method Award was Amanda Hayman, M.D.
Congratulations to all of our award winners!
We wish a warm welcome to the
new residents and fellows of the
Department of Surgery:
The “Excellence in Teaching” awards recognize faculty members who excel at supporting resident and medical student learning. We are grateful
to these faculty members for their efforts in distinguishing themselves as
outstanding teachers.
Anna Higham & Amanda Amin
Breast Surgery
The 2012-2013 Excellence in Teaching award winners are:
Mitesh Badiwala, Ivan Gambardella, & Hiroshi Kagawa
Cardiac Surgery
Robert Bertellotti & Jonathan
Critical Care
Kristine Corkum, Ben Deschner,
Ramiro Fernandez, Steven
Schuetz, Sam South, Stephen
Chiu, and Brian Keyashian
General Surgery
Tim Lautz
Pediatric Surgery
Eugene Park & Elbert Vaca
Plastic Surgery
Emmanuel Alalade, Richard Ahn,
Katelin, Mirkin, Jeffrey Pearl,
and Victoria Young
Preliminary Surgery
Emily Cassidy, Andrei Churyla, &
Christopher Mehta
Thoracic Surgery
Chokechanachaisakul Attasit &
Sujit Sakpal
Transplant Surgery
George Havelka, Michael
Nooromid & Tad Tomita
Vascular Surgery
David Bentrem
Nabil Issa*
Michael McGee
Kevin Bethke*
Jacqueline Jeruss
Shari Meyerson
Marie Crandall*
Melina Kibbe*
William Pearce*
Amy Halverson
David Mahvi
Hyde Russell
Nora Hansen
S. Chris Malaisrie
Michael Shapiro*
Andrew Hoel
Patrick McCarthy
Nathaniel Soper*
*These faculty members have been awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award a minimum of five times. They are members of the Teaching Wall of Honor.
Congratulations to Dr. Nabil Issa, the surgery sub-internship director
and 4th year medical student advisor, who was awarded a 2013 ASE Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Teacher Award. This national award is given
each year to no more than four faculty members from North American
medical schools who are thought to exhibit the qualities of an outstanding teacher by their chair, peers and students. Dr. Issa was selected for
this prestigious award from a pool of incredibly strong candidates. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Dr. Brian George who successfully completed his two
-year Surgical Education Fellowship under the mentorship of Dr. Debra
DaRosa. Brian will be receiving his Master’s of Arts in education from
the University of California-Berkeley. He was instrumental in the development of PASS and presented work related to PASS at the 2013 Surgical
Education Week. Brian has returned to Massachusetts General Hospital
to complete his General Surgery residency.
Division of Breast Surgery
From left to right:
Dr. Nora Hansen
Dr. Jacqueline Jeruss
Dr. Seema Khan
Dr. Kevin Bethke
Clinical Care
The Division’s operational performance was again strong in Fiscal Year 2013 and ahead of budget in total divisional work
RVUs. Dr. Seema Khan continued to grow a maturing, cooperative high-risk breast cancer clinic and the division worked in
tandem with the Division of Gynecologic Oncology and the Cancer Genetics Program to enhance the patient experience for
this population. In October of 2012, the Division of Breast Surgery and the Lynn Sage Breast Center received reaccreditation
from the National Accreditation Program of Breast Centers (NAPBC) through the American College of Surgeons.
Dr. Melissa Lazar and Dr. Denise Monahan were the graduating Lynn Sage Breast fellows in fiscal year 2013. Dr. Lazar accepted a position as Assistant Professor with Thomas Jefferson University located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Monahan joined the staff at the John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County. As of July 1, 2013, Dr. Amanda Amin and Dr. Anna
Higham joined the Division as the 2013-2014 Lynn Sage Breast Fellows.
Jacqueline Jeruss, MD, PhD, who was promoted to Associate Professor of Surgery, has been awarded a $50,000 Lynn Sage
Cancer Research Foundation Grant for her project titled “Impact of Pin1 and CDK Inhibition in triple Negative Breast Cancer
Migration” as well as a 5-year R01 titled “Measuring Signaling Pathway dynamics During Tissue Growth in Hydrogels.” Dr.
Seema Khan, MD, Professor of Surgery, and the Bluhm Family Professor of Cancer Research, Co-Leader Breast Cancer Program, was also awarded a $50,000 Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation Grant for her project titled “The Humanized
Mouse Mammary Fat Pad for Testing Breast Cancer Prevention Drugs”. Additionally, Dr. Hansen became the new principal
investigator on the NCCN project grant titled, “Opportunities for Improvement (OFI) Project: Quality Evaluation and Improvement in Breast Cancer Care based on NCCN outcomes data”.
Division of Cardiac Surgery
From left to right (back):
Dr. Travis Abicht (Cardiac),
Dr. William Kent (Cardiac),
Dr. Robert Vanecko (Thoracic),
Dr. Emmanuel Amulraj (fellow),
Dr. Hirohisa Ikegami (fellow),
Dr. Daniel Enter (resident),
Dr. Elizabeth Cassidy (fellow),
Dr. Karen Thompson (fellow),
Dr. Danielle Smith (resident),
Dr. Edwin McGee, Jr. (Cardiac),
Dr. Hyde Russell (Cardiac),
Dr. S. Chris Malaisrie (Cardiac),
Dr. Patrick McCarthy (Cardiac),
Dr. Malcolm DeCamp (Thoracic),
Dr. Shari Meyerson (Thoracic),
Dr. Alberto de Hoyos (Thoracic)
Note: Photo of Cardiothoracic
Clinical Care
The Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute was
ranked 12th in the nation for heart and heart
surgery programs in the 2013-14 edition of
U.S. News & World Report’s “America’s Best
Hospitals.” This is the highest we have ever
been ranked, the highest ranking of any CV
program in Illinois and the surrounding
states, and the highest national ranking EVER
for any CV program in Chicago.
Outcomes Assessment of the MitraClip Percutaneous Therapy for Extremely High Surgical
Risk Patients (The COAPT Trial). He has
recently joined Direct Flow as a National Cardiothoracic Surgical PI.
Dr. McCarthy was asked to participate in the
Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Task Force
on Surgical Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation. In
addition, Dr. Patrick M. McCarthy has been
nominated to peer review the 2013 AHA/
ACCF Guideline for Valvular Heart Disease as
an STS reviewer. Lastly, Dr. McCarthy has a
courtesy appointment under the Department
of Biomedical Engineering for the Robert R.
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University.
Dr. Edwin McGee (PI) is participating in the
Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Unblinded, Multi-Center Clinical Trial to Evaluate the HeartWare® Ventricular Assist System
(VAS) for Destination Therapy of Advanced
Heart Failure. He is also participating in the
Dr. Patrick McCarthy is currently participat- Mitraclip COAPT Trial (Clinical Outcomes
ing as a principal PI in the Ablate Post Ap- Assessment of the MitraClip Percutaneous Dr. McCarthy was the Chair and Moderator of
proval Study: AtriCure Synergy Ablation Le- Therapy for High Surgical Risk Patients).
a new, unique course entitled “Working with
sions for Non-Paroxysmal Forms of Atrial
Industry” sponsored by The 93rd Annual
Fibrillation Treatment during Concomitant Dr. S. Chris Malaisrie (PI) is participating in American Association for Thoracic Surgery
On-Pump Endo/Epicardial Cardiac Surgery; the Partner II trial with Edwards Sapien. He Meeting in May 2013. This course helped foCT Surgery Milestones Evaluation: Using the is also participating in the Rapid Deployment cus on the surgeon as a device inventor and
CT Surgery Milestones to evaluate trainee ED-WARDS INTUITY Valve System FOR Aor- designer and the gap that exists during the
competency and optimize feedback utility; tic Valve Replace-Ment) as well as the the process of invention, patenting, prototyping
Multi-CenTer Experience with the Rapid De- AVOOMP study extension (Aortic Valve Op- and licensing or funding a start-up company.
ployment EDWARDS INTUITY Valve System erative Outcomes in Marfan Patients).
In addition, Dr. McCarthy presented the abFOR
stract “Should Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
(TRANSFORMTM Trial); and SironRX JVS- Dr. Hyde Russell (Co-PI) is participating in be Treated During Cardiac Surgery?” which
100: A Phase I Randomized, Double-Blind, the Direct Flow Medical® TranScatheter Aor- has been accepted and is currently in press for
Placebo Controlled Dose Escalation Study to tic Valve RepLacement System US Feasibility publication in the Journal of Thoracic and
Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of JVS-100 Trial.
Cardiovascular Surgery.
Administered by Needle-free Dermal Injection to Cohorts of Adults Receiving Surgical Kathleen Grady, PhD was honored with the Dr. McGee was asked to join the Editorial
Sternotomy Incisions.
Research Nurse of the Year award from the Board of the American Society for Artificial
Heart Failure Society of America due to her Internal Organs (ASAIO). In addition, he has
Dr. McCarthy has been invited as a member work on a current American Heart Associa- been appointed to the ASAIO Board of Direcof the American College of Cardiology (ACC) tion grant. In addition, she is participating as tors.
to serve as a member of the Transcatheter Co-PI in the Pediatric Heart Transplantation:
Valve Therapy (TVT) Registry Module Work Transitioning to Adult Care (TRANSIT) trial. Dr. Malaisrie was promoted to Associate ProGroup. Furthermore, Dr. McCarthy is a memfessor of Surgery.
ber of the Steering Committee for the Clinical
National Marfan Foundation Conference
The Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago were honored to co-host the
28th Annual Marfan Conference and Clinic Health Fair on August 2-5, 2012. From the Division of Cardiac Surgery, Dr. Chris Malaisrie, Surgical
Director for Thoracic Aortic Disease, served as the Director for the Marfan Conference.
The National Marfan Foundation (NMF) Annual Conference enabled people with Marfan syndrome and related connective tissue disorders, and
their families to meet with Marfan syndrome researchers and expert physicians to learn about new medical and genetic research and treatment
options. The conference set a new record for the highest attendance, with 550 registrants for the conference. Surgeons and physicians from
Northwestern Medicine and the Lurie Children’s Hospital joined an expert panel of specialists from across the country and provided free health
exams and medical tests for patients. The Health Fair also set a record by providing health advice and free medical testing to 114 patients and
families for such specialties as cardiology, cardiac surgery, dentistry, genetics, ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, and pulmonary. “The
NMF Annual Conference gives affected people and their families an opportunity to learn about Marfan syndrome and related disorders and
connect with other people who have these conditions,” said NMF President and CEO, Carolyn Levering. “In addition, we offer a free patient
evaluation clinic for attendees, particularly those who don’t have access to Marfan syndrome experts at home. This is a unique offering among
patient conferences that is literally life-saving for so many.”
General conference sessions were held on August 4, 2013 with medical presentations and panel discussions led by researchers and physicians
who have special expertise in Marfan syndrome and related disorders. Conference attendees were welcome to participate in informative workshops and to attend teen’s or children’s programs and a wide array of social outlets.
Based on the proven success of the 2012 program, we are very pleased and honored to be asked to host the 31 st National Marfan Conference in
August of 2015.
For more information, please visit or
Division of Gastrointestinal and Oncologic Surgery
From left to right: Dr. Alex Nagle, Dr. Amy Halverson, Dr. David Mahvi, Dr. Jeffrey Wayne, Tam Nguyen (Division Administrator), Dr. Anne-Marie Boller, Dr. Dina
Elaraj, Dr. Cord Sturgeon, Dr. David Bentrem, Dr. Karl Bilimoria (not pictured: Dr. Michael McGee, Dr. Nathaniel Soper)
Clinical Care
Drs. Jeffrey Wayne and Karl Bilimoria
successfully performed four minimally
invasive lymph node dissections for melanoma patients. Including Northwestern,
only 10 health care institutions in the
country perform such procedures. In addition, as a Co-Director of the Integrated
Pelvic Health Program, Dr. Anne Marie
Boller established the sacral nerve stimution program. This provides another avenue of treatment for pelvic floor patients
with fecal incontinence issues. Also of
note, both Linda Feldman, RN and Patricia Hernandez (surgical oncology patient
procedure scheduler) were nominated for
the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University
awards for service excellence. Linda was
nominated for the Vicki Marer Nursing
Award and Patty for the JoAnn Jones Support Staff Award. We would like to take
this opportunity to thank Linda, Patty,
and the rest of our GI and Oncologic Surgery clinical team for their excellence in
patient and clinical care.
The GI & Oncologic Surgery faculty continues to make their mark in the area of
education and research and would like to
highlight a few of those accomplishments
from fiscal year 2013. Dr. Nathaniel Soper
was appointed the president of the Central Surgical Association. In this role, Dr.
Soper will play an instrumental role in the
advancement of the practice of surgery.
Dr. David Mahvi was also appointed as
the incoming Chairman of the American
Board of Surgery. In April 2013, Dr. Cord
Sturgeon hosted and led a CME approved
course on thyroid and parathyroid ultrasound course. This was done in collaboration with the American Association of
Endocrine Surgeons and held at Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s Feinberg
Pavilion. Dr. Eric Hungness was appointed as the Director of the Northwestern
Center for Advanced Surgical Education
(N-CASE). In addition to his new appointment, Dr. Eric Hungness was also awarded a grant from the Northwestern Memorial Foundation 2013 Alvin H. Baum Clinical Simulation Research Grants Initiative
for a study entitled “Evaluation of a Simulation-Based Mastery Learning Curriculum for Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct
Exploration”. Lastly, Dr. Karl Bilimoria
established the Surgical Outcomes and
Quality Improvement center (SOQIC).
ACS Thyroid & Parathyroid Ultrasound Course
Drs. Cord Sturgeon and Dina Elaraj hosted an American College of Surgeons exported course on Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound on Saturday, April 13 for 41 attendees as well as 13 international faculty instructors.
Attendees earned seven CME hours while learning office-based ultrasound examination of the thyroid and parathyroid glands
and related pathology. Didactic lectures demonstrated ultrasound guided FNA of thyroid nodules and enlarged lymph nodes; a
hands-on skill session was offered on N-CASE produced ultrasound models for teaching FNA.
This course, like all exported ultrasound courses, enables practicing surgeons to learn new skills at accessible locations beyond
the Clinical Congress. For more information, please visit:
A Novel Therapy for Esophageal Reflux Disease: The LINX Device
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the most prevalent gastrointestinal disease in the United States, affecting
up to one in every four Americans. It is a debilitating condition caused by acid and other gastric contents refluxing into
the esophagus. When medical and pharmacologic treatment fails to control GERD the patient may be a candidate
for an anti-reflux operation, usually performed laparoscopically. Previously, the only surgical option involved using
part of the stomach to wrap around the lower esophagus to
strengthen the reflux barrier. While effective, these operations have some side effects that can interfere with normal
functions such as belching, vomiting, or swallowing, and
can lead to the gas-bloat syndrome.
The LINX device was approved last year after four years of
evaluation and testing by the FDA. We were the first hospital in Illinois (and one of relatively few in the country) to
offer implantation of the LINX device to treat GERD. Placement of the LINX augments the lower esophageal sphincter
to limit reflux with proven clinical benefits and generally a
lower incidence of side effects than a fundoplication.
The LINX procedure uses an implantable device consisting
of a “bracelet” of titanium beads with magnetic cores that
expand and act as a replica of the sphincter muscle. After
minimal mobilization of the gastroesophageal junction using laparoscopic techniques, the small band of beads is
placed around the lower esophageal sphincter. Under resting conditions, the magnetism holds the beads together to
keep the sphincter muscle closed and prevent acid reflux.
The beads of the bracelet push apart, opening the esophageal lumen, when swallowing a food bolus. Unlike other surgical options, placement of the LINX system does not involve significant alterations to anatomy that may limit future treatment options. If necessary, it can be removed later
during a laparoscopic procedure similar to the implant procedure. For carefully selected patients the LINX procedure
may eliminate reflux with the added benefits of a shorter
hospital stay and recuperation and less pain. Also, patients
are able to return to ingesting normal food immediately after surgery, while diminishing the likelihood of experiencing
the gas-bloat syndrome.
The LINX procedure is contraindicated in patients with hiatal hernias >3cm, poor esophageal motility or Barrett’s
esophagus, and in those likely to require MRI tests.
The LINX System is designed to
help the LES resist opening to
gastric pressures.
The LINX System is designed to
expand to allow for normal
Photo credit: University of Rochester Medical Center
Magnetic attraction of the device
is designed to close the LES
immediately after swallowing.
Division of Organ Transplantation Surgery
From left to right:
Dr. Jason Wertheim,
Dr. Juan Carlos
Dr. Jonathan Fryer,
Dr. Joseph Leventhal,
Dr. Talia Baker,
Dr. Michael Abecassis,
Dr. Daniela Ladner,
Dr. Anton Skaro
in this arrangement. By expanding the exchange program,
we are able to offer more patients a living donor transplant.
The Division of Organ Transplantation remains the Chicago
market leader in abdominal organ transplantation. Nearly
50% of adult transplants in the Chicago metro area were performed at Northwestern last year. We continue to be among
the nation’s leading transplant programs with the second
largest living donor kidney program in the US in 2012. We
are among the nation’s leaders in performing internal pairedexchanges with over 120 performed to date. We anticipate
expanding these “swaps” (matching an incompatible donor/
recipient pair with another such pair resulting in both recipients receiving transplants) by partnering with several high
volume centers across the country. Methodist Specialty and
Transplant Hospital in San Antonio will be the first partner
Dr. Joseph Leventhal was promoted to Professor and Dr. Jason Wertheim received an appointment at the VA.
The transplant research enterprise continues to thrive. So far
this fiscal year we have submitted 43 grant proposals totaling
$28.4M. In this same period, we were awarded 29 grants totaling $4.5M. Transplant faculty gave 52 presentations/oral
abstracts at national meetings and published 58 articles. In
the area of biomarker discovery and validation, we have accelerated the collection of patient samples for the Comprehensive Transplant Center’s (CTC) biorepository, which
holds a wealth of samples linked to clinical data through the
Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). Our partnership with
Dr. Dan Salomon of the Scripps Research Institute has led to
the discovery of a biomarker signature that will detect early
graft rejection without the need for a biopsy. We have
formed the Transplant Genomics Institute (TGI) to help
transform this and future discoveries into clinical applications like tests for graft rejection. It is our hope that these
tools can be used by transplant centers around the world to
improve outcomes and the patient’s experience while greatly tem. Transplant surgery fellows entering their second year of
reducing health care costs.
the program joined us from Vanderbilt and de Universidad
Nacional de Colombia. This year’s incoming fellows joined us
We have been invited to submit a P01 proposal to the NIAID,
from the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey
which will be titled “Cytomegalo Virus Latency and Reactiva(surgery), Westchester Medical Center/New York Medical Coltion in the Context of Transplantation”.
lege (surgery), Rush (transplant hepatology), NU (transplant
The Northwestern University Transplant Outcomes Research nephrology) and the University of Missouri (transplant nephCollaborative (NUTORC) has continued expanding transdisci- rology). Fellows who will be joining us in FY14 include trainees
plinary health services and outcomes research in transplanta- from Thomas Jefferson (transplant surgery), European Institute
tion. In the area of research on solid organ transplantation in for Telesurgery (transplant surgery) and NU (transplant hepaolder persons, we established collaboration with colleagues at tology). We have been awarded a supplemental diversity slot
the University of Miami as part of a consortium jointly respond- for our NIH-funded T32 Transplant Scientist Training Program
ing to a funding opportunity announcement issued by the Na- for the upcoming year, increasing the number of trainees to
tional Institute on Aging and the National Institutes of Health. three. One trainee will focus on outcomes research with NUSince NUTORC’s inception back in 2009, the number of collab- TORC and the other two will conduct basic science research in
orative efforts and the affiliations of the researchers involved our NUCTRIBE group. Twenty students participated in the
have grown and changed substantially as the graphics below CTC Summer Student Immersion Program this year. The program involves each student working with their mentor to develillustrate.
op a hypothesis and execute a succinct hypothesis driven proEducation
ject. At the end of the program, after collecting and evaluating
Our transplant fellowships continue to be highly competitive the data the students reported their findings in a poster session
with a majority of graduates pursuing careers in academic med- that was judged by faculty. Bi-weekly transplant-related lecicine. The fellows graduating in FY13 accepted positions at tures and opportunities to observe clinical activities were also
Crozer Chester Medical Center (transplant surgery), University part of the summer student curriculum.
of Michigan (transplant hepatology), and Research Medical
Center in Kansas City (transplant nephrology). Our other graduating surgical fellow is continuing his education by doing a
fellowship in laparoscopic surgery at Carolinas Healthcare Sys-
Division of Plastic Surgery
From left to right:
Dr. Gregory
Dr. Robert Galiano,
Dr. Mohammed
Dr. John Kim
Dr. Thomas Mustoe
It was another successful year for the Division of Plastic Surgery. For education, there were over 200 applications for the
two coveted PGY-1 spots, and the majority of the applicants were AOA. The two graduating chief residents obtained
excellent microsurgery fellowships as they plan careers in academic medicine. Resident oral examinations have been an
ongoing effort of Dr. Julia Corcoran. Her mock oral exams have now been used both at Northwestern and at the University of Michigan. The Division won a full 5-year accreditation from the ACGME, with the next site visit scheduled for
Clinically, the full time members of the faculty at Northwestern Memorial Hospital have expanded their clinical expertise and surgical volumes. Advances in breast reconstruction, uses of free fat grafting in aesthetic surgery, mesh use in
hernia repair, and treatment of peripheral nerve conditions with surgery are evident within the division.
The Laboratory for Repair and Regenerative Surgery has continuously well funded by its AFIRM grant for work on a
wound healing bioreactor and on basic mechanisms of scar formation and modulation. Dr. Kim continues his work on a
multi-center outcomes study in breast reconstruction. Dr. Dumanian was awarded a 2.5 million dollar Department of
Defense grant to be the PI on a multi-center trial for the surgical handling of end-neuromas in amputees. He will work
in conjunction with Walter Reed Hospital, the San Antonio Military Medical Center and U. Washington.
Dr. Mohammed Alghoul has completed his first year as an attending, with stellar outcomes in breast reconstruction,
reconstructive microsurgery, and oculoplastic surgery. Dr. Marco Ellis, a previous graduate, has joined the contributed
services faculty. Drs. Robert Walton and Julius Few, previously on the full time faculty, have rejoined the division as
contributed services attendings.
Dr. Arun Gosain has finished over one year as Chief of Pediatric Plastic Surgery at the Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. In this brief time, he has expanded his clinical practice, and opened a new laboratory studying zebrafish craniofacial
suture biology.
Division of Thoracic Surgery
From left to right:
Dr. Travis Abicht (Cardiac),
Dr. William Kent (Cardiac),
Dr. Robert Vanecko (Thoracic),
Dr. Emmanuel Amulraj (fellow),
Dr. Hirohisa Ikegami (fellow),
Dr. Daniel Enter (resident),
Dr. Elizabeth Cassidy (fellow),
Dr. Karen Thompson (fellow),
Dr. Danielle Smith (resident),
Dr. Edwin McGee, Jr. (Cardiac),
Dr. Hyde Russell (Cardiac),
Dr. S. Chris Malaisrie (Cardiac),
Dr. Patrick McCarthy (Cardiac),
Dr. Malcolm DeCamp (Thoracic),
Dr. Shari Meyerson (Thoracic),
Dr. Alberto de Hoyos (Thoracic)
Note: Photo of Cardiothoracic
Clinical Care
GI Cancer Patient Navigator. To-date,
she has successfully crafted efficient care
The Division of Thoracic Surgery continpathways for patients who have diagues to show strong patient volumes, with
nosed or suspected esophageal cancer.
ongoing procedural growth (+15.4%,
since 2009), and new patient volume As was reported in previous editions of
growth (+15%) over the last three fiscal our newsletter, as part of the National
Lung Screening Trial through the National Cancer Institute, the Division collaboDuring fiscal year 2013, the Division was
rated with Northwestern Memorial Hospleased to announce the successful repital to offer affordable, low-dose helical
cruit of Dr. Ankit Bharat who joined
CT scanning to a population defined to
Northwestern as an Assistant Professor of
be at-risk for lung disease. To the DiviThoracic Surgery as of July 1, 2013, and
sion’s delight, these screening recomwill serve as the Surgical Director of the
mendations were embraced by the U.S.
Lung Transplantation Program. Dr. BhaPreventative Services Task Force in July
rat is a graduate of Christian Medical
of 2013, proving that this type of screenCollege, located in Vellore, India. He
ing can positively impact the care delivcompleted residencies in both general
ered to this patient population. It is imsurgery and cardiothoracic surgery at
portant to note that Northwestern was
Washington University.
Further, Dr.
the only Chicagoland hospital to have
Bharat completed a post-doctoral reparticipated in the National Lung Screensearch fellowship at Washington Univering Trial and the Division was pleased to
sity and clinical fellowships at Barcelona
see these recommendations made to all
University, Memorial Sloan Kettering,
healthcare providers.
and MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Joan Marie Loos, RN, joined the Division
in a shared capacity amongst the GI/ The 20th Annual Thomas W. Shields LecEndocrine Surgery Division, as our Lung/ ture was held on May 15, 2013. The guest
lecturer and former mentor to the division’s own Dr. Shari Meyerson, Dr.
Thomas A. D’Amico, presented on the
topic of thoracoscopic lobectomy for locally advanced lung cancer – a surgical
technique strongly embraced by the Division’s faculty and shared with the University’s medical students.
The Division has enrolled 196*patients in
the ProvenCare Lung Cancer Collaborative, which aims to define evidence-based
best practices and assess if subscribing to
these practices results in improved outcomes and lower costs for lung cancer
Satvik Ramakrishna was one of two firstprize winners of the Alfred Soffer Research Award from the America College
of Chest Physicians (ACCP) for his
presentation at CHEST 2012 in Atlanta.
His presentation covered the comprehensive work evaluating the association of
statin use and non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC) outcomes.
*190 through July 31; this figure is a conservative
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
The Division performed its first Lung
Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS) in
December of 2012. This surgical procedure is aimed at providing respiratory
relief for patients with emphysematic
disease, and is accomplished by removing large portions of the non-functioning
lung. While not ideal for every patient
with COPD or emphysema, it can truly
be a quality-of-life enhancement for
those it is suitable for. Our first patient
had the following to state regarding the
“The team of doctors I had [Dr. Malcolm DeCamp, Dr. Ravi Kalhan, and
Andrew Mullen PA-C] were superb. The surgeon, Dr. DeCamp, did a
wonderful job and made me confident
the surgery would be beneficial and
improve my quality of life, as the University of Chicago said my lungs were
too diseased to have the procedure.
…Dr. DeCamp changed my life. I no
longer struggle breathing and feel like
a new person due to the surgery.
…You have a great team of doctors,
nurses, and various staff who made
the surgery seem like nothing. Day
one of surgery I was sitting up in a
chair and on day two I was on a treadmill in my ICU room! I couldn’t believe
I was able to do those things myself.”
services, infection/quality control, inpatient nursing, pharmacy services, physical therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation
services, physical therapy, and social
work services all made this patient’s outcome positive. A special mention of appreciation to Dr. Malcolm DeCamp and
Andrew Mullen, PA-C, for their Divisional efforts in spearheading this program – and for further elevating the
Northwestern Medicine standard of
Additionally, and of important note, the
Division worked over a period of many
months to ensure that we were appropriately positioned to deliver our standard
of care with this new procedure. Collaboration amongst areas including dietary
Excellence Award
Denise Little, Patient Procedure Scheduler and long-time
NMFF employee, was honored
as the recipient of the 2013
Award on the evening of July 17,
2013. Dr. Malcolm DeCamp
presented Denise with this
prestigious service award after
reviewing a few of the submitted vignettes surrounding Denise’s nomination. He summarized the honor of recognizing
Denise by stating that, “Denise
is friendly; she is courteous; she
is unequivocally the heart and
soul of the Thoracic programs
on this campus.”
Division of Trauma and Critical Care
From left to right:
Dr. Nabil Issa,
Dr. Michael Shapiro,
Dr. Marie Crandall,
Dr. Mamta Swaroop,
Christine Schilling, RN,
Dr. Steven Schwulst
Clinical Care
The Trauma/Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care
services provide comprehensive care of the acutely injured
and critically ill, with special expertise in Trauma and the
management of shock, sepsis, and multisystem organ failure. The Trauma program at NMH has maintained accreditation as a Level 1 Trauma center, and will see approximately
1000 patients this year. Of these, 25% are victims of penetrating injury. Chicago has received nationwide attention
recently for the incidence of shooting injuries; Division faculty continue participation in a number of initiatives aimed
at reducing the incidence of violent crime. The Critical Care
service anticipates expanding its patient population with the
beginning of the lung volume reduction and transplant surgery programs.
Divisional research activity has remained diverse, robust,
and productive, with presentations in the areas of trauma,
public health, international health, education, and critical
care. Dr. Schwulst's K award application received a superb
score, and he was recently selected as a finalist for the
American Surgical Association Foundation Fellowship
The Surgical Critical Care Fellowship graduated one fellow
this year, and two new fellows have begun the program. Dr.
Robert Bertellotti trained at Creighton University, and Dr.
Jon Gale completed residency at the University of Wisconsin. The fellowship plans to expand next year, offering a 2year position for a candidate interested in advanced training
in Trauma and Emergency General Surgery. Division faculty
were recognized again this year by the Department of Surgery for excellence in teaching. The 4th year sub-internship
position on the Trauma service has proven to be popular
and successful. In our contact with residents and medical
students on the trauma, critical care and night float rotations, the faculty continue to emphasize an educational balance that embraces preparation, clinical excellence, and professional integrity.
Violence: A Public Health Issue
Dr. Marie Crandall, an Associate Professor in Surgery-Trauma & Critical Care
and Preventive Medicine, has taken on
one of the most common conversational
topics today—violence. She obtained
her Masters in Public Health and is originally from Detroit, MI. Dr. Crandall’s
training and background has influenced
the work she continues to do today. Dr.
Crandall has gone above and beyond her
call of duty as a physician. She has partnered with CeaseFire Illinois/Cure Violence (the name was changed to Cure
Violence September 2012) also referred
to as violence interrupters.
problem and avoid temporary fixes.
“Patients leaving the hospital need tools
for different paths,” said Crandall. This
public health issue has become a concern because a victim of violence can
become a repeat patient of the vicious
cycle if not interrupted.
Not only has she participated in the prevention of violence, Dr. Crandall has
examined the components surrounding
violence. She has studied “Racial and
Socioeconomic Disparities in Trauma
Care”. She is the cofounder of LIVID,
Lowering the Incidence of Violent Injury
and Death in Chicago, which is a collecShe has stated in prior interviews vio- tion of Chicago healthcare systems servlence has become a public health issue ing as an infrastructure to find a soluand compared it to heart disease. Like tion to violence in the city.
impaired cardiac functioning, if not
Along with grant funding for her prolific
treated it can lead to a much bigger isresearch and publications, she continues
sue such as death. This helps to explain
to be a substantial media feature. On
why Cure Violence would be called upon
February 22, 2013, Dr. Crandall appeared
to prevent this issue from going any furon PBS Newshour to provide her experther. They provide on-the-spot assistise on gun violence. She acknowledged
tance. Dr. Crandall has explained how
there is no quick solution but stated
important is to identify the source of the
Northwestern has united with other
community organizations to prevent
this problem. She was also quoted on
WBEZ 91.5 story entitled, “Reports Links
Chicagoans’ Distance from Trauma Centers to Higher Mortality Rates”. Dr.
Crandall has evaluated the relationship
between survival rates and proximity to
trauma centers. This development
would help the communities throughout
if someone is a victim of a violent crime
and seeking urgent medical treatment.
The work Dr. Crandall has completed
will help the community as a whole. It
also helps to better understand the
problem in order to grasp a hold of a
solution. When asked about her future
plans for continuing a relationship with
Cure Violence, she responded, “I plan to
continue as long as we provide trauma
Division of Vascular Surgery
From left to right:
Dr. Heron Rodriguez,
Dr. William Pearce,
Dr. Mark Eskandari,
Dr. Melina Kibbe,
Dr. Andrew Hoel
Not Pictured:
Dr. Karen Ho
Dr. Karen Ho joined the division on August 30. Dr. Ho earned
her medical degree at Harvard Medical School in 2003. She
completed her internship and residency in general surgery and
her fellowship in vascular and endovascular surgery at Brigham
and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Ho is a surgeon-scientist whose
research interest is focused on chronic kidney disease, wound
healing and peripheral vascular disease.
of genuine humanity and empathy toward patients and their
The Division also welcomed three new trainees this year. Fellows George Havleka, MD and Tad Tomita, MD joined the division on July 1 along with resident Michael Nooromid, MD.
Vascular Surgery is also proud to announce the establishment
of the John J. Bergan, M.D., Lectureship honoring the visionary
We congratulate our two graduating fellows, Dr. Marlon Lee vascular surgeon and first chief of vascular surgery at Northand Dr. Suman Annambhotla, who are now practicing at Min- western. Dr. Bergan’s career spans more than fifty years, with
neapolis Vascular Associates and Longstreet Clinical Associates extraordinary dedication to the pursuit of excellence in the advancement and understanding of vascular disease.
in Gainesville, Georgia, respectively.
Dr. Peter Glovicszki of Mayo Clinic presented the first annual
Drs. Nathaniel Koo and Hussein Kassam completed the two- lecture on “Chronic Venous Insufficiency and the Bergan Legayear T32 Vascular Surgery Scientist Training Program in Dr. cy” in March of this year. We look forward to Dr. William
Flinn, Professor of Surgery at the University of Maryland MediKibbe’s laboratory on June 30.
cal Center, joining us for the second annual Bergan lecture on
Dr. Neel Mansukhani, vascular surgery resident, was selected as March 6, 2014.
the 2013 recipient of the Dr. A. A. Goldsmith Award; the award
recognizes one first-year resident who best exemplifies the ideal
The Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. Vascular Medicine Symposium: A Clinical Update on Vascular Medicine and Surgery
Approximately 140 physicians and healthcare professionals attended
the 37th Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium in December,
2012. The 2 ½ day event was held December 6-8, 2012 at the Intercontinental Hotel on Michigan Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. Presentations
by 50 national experts in their respective fields of vascular care focused
on a comprehensive analysis of the current management of vascular
disease as it relates to treatment of extracranial cerebrovascular and
supra-aortic trunk disease, new approaches to lower extremity arterial
and venous problems, recent cutting-edge developments in open and
endovascular approaches to treat aortic and visceral arterial disease
and complex venous problems. In addition, Northwestern faculty presented several interesting case presentations throughout the meeting
which led to spirited discussion between the panelists and the attendees.
The 38th Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium will be held December 12-14, 2013 at the Intercontinental Hotel, 505 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL. To view a copy of the program and to register for
the meeting please see the website at We
look forward to welcoming attendees to Chicago during the holiday
Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital - Department of Surgery
Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital and
the Department of Surgery continue to
evolve and improve with the addition of
new surgeons and new technologies. In
addition, plans are well underway to
build a replacement hospital on the
grounds of the current facility.
New surgeons to the staff over the past
year include Dr. Tara Breslin and Dr.
Victor Tsirline. Dr. Breslin is a dedicated breast surgeon who joined NLFH in
February of this year. She is the Medical Director of the Breast Care Program
and has established “Criteria for Surgeon Participation in Breast Care” at
NLFH based on current standards and
best practices. She speaks with reasoned authority at our weekly Tumor
Board meeting. She is highly respected
and liked by physicians, nurses and
patients. Prior to her arrival at NLFH,
Dr. Breslin was an assistant professor at
the University of Michigan Department
of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology from 2007-2013 and an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin
Department of Surgery from 2000-2007.
Dr. Victor Tsirline came on the staff in
August of 2012, joining Drs. Sobinsky,
Andrews and Ganshirt in an established
Northwestern Faculty Foundation general surgery practice. He completed his
residency in general surgery at Loyola
University Medical Center and his fellowship in Minimally Invasive Surgery
at the Carolinas Medical Center. He also
has extensive training in abdominal wall
reconstruction for complex hernias.
A growing number of physicians from
different specialties have joined NMFF
over the past years including Dr. Hany
Elrashidy of Orthopedic Surgery and Dr.
Allen Carlins, Dr. Landon Duyka, and Dr.
Leslie Block of ENT. Recently, the primary Gastroenterology group at NLFH also
joined NMFF.
Faculty appointments are now available
to all members of the NLFH medical staff
who meet established requirements. The
appointment would give them the title of
“Health System Clinician.” Those interested in an appointment will apply and
undergo evaluation at NLFH and NMH
by their respective departments.
NLFH will soon receive a daVinci robotic
surgery system from Northwestern. The
system should be available for use by mid
to late September. The first surgeon
granted privileges for its use is Dr. Alok
Pant, a Northwestern trained GyneOncologist.
Other surgeons who meet criteria drawn
from those established at NMH will be
credentialed over time, including urologists and general surgeons.
Plans for a new hospital are well under
way. The hospital will replace the existing facility and will be built on the capacious campus of NLFH. The new structure will be erected to the north of the
current building. Its 4-5 towers, interconnected at their bases, will fan out
around a large pond. The preliminary
drawings are quite stunning and in keeping with the Northwestern tradition and
The process is in its Design and Planning
Phase. This will continue through the fall
of 2014 when construction is scheduled to
begin. The Construction Phase should be
complete by the summer of 2017 when the
first patient will enter the new hospital.
This fall entry and exit access from
southbound Route 41 will be created.
This will provide easier access to the
campus for our patients as well as future
construction traffic.
These are just some of the changes at
NLFH. We look forward to the added
benefit of clinical integration throughout
the Northwestern system in the coming
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
sion as Research Associate Professor. Dr. Topczewska comes
to us from Pediatrics – Developmental Biology, and will conOur faculty continue to enhance our commitment to quality
tinue her research of a zebrafish model for skeletal studies.
education. Katherine Barsness, MD, was appointed to the
Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators (FAME) for a two- Clinical Care
year term. Part of the Center for Education in Medicine, FAME
Lurie Children’s was ranked #8 in the U.S. News and World
provides support to faculty in their roles as educators, supReport Best Children’s Hospitals Honor Roll for 2013-2014. The
porting the teaching mission through the Core Teaching Fachospital is pursuing many clinical practice improvements to
ulty program. Dr. Barsness also led a project to create a series
further its success, including projects to improve quality, paof simulation models to teach surgeons-in-training how to
tient safety and patient-family experience. The Division of Pesafely perform minimally invasive repairs through the Simuladiatric Surgery is focusing on improving processes, streamlintion Technology and Immersive Learning program (STIL) and
ing workflows, and reducing unnecessary variation in clinical
NCASE…Catherine Hunter, MD, was elected to serve on the
practice; sharing best practices and data with other children’s
Education Committee of the Association for Academic Surgery
hospitals; improving clinical documentation; and creating
(AASD) for a two-year term.
closer connections with primary care providers for quality imResearch
provement... Marleta Reynolds, MD, Surgeon-in-Chief at
Lurie Children’s, was elected to the Board of Governors of the
Research endeavors continue to expand across the division.
American Pediatric Surgical Association. Dr. Reynolds also
Transplant Surgery continues multiple research projects in
received the March of Dimes Leadership Award for Lifetime
kidney and liver transplant, intestinal rehabilitation and transAchievement in November, 2012.
plantation, and heart transplant. We are a founding member
of the North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative
Studies (NAPRTCS), a nationwide consortium focused on improving the quality of care received by pediatric kidney transplant recipients, and a founding member of the Pediatric
Heart Transplant Study (PHTS), a consortium of 40 institutions dedicated to advances in treatment for children during
listing for and following heart transplantation... Plastic Surgery
welcomed Jolanta M. Topczewska, PhD, who joined the diviPhoto courtesy of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center
(JBVAMC) is the only VA
healthcare facility in the city of
Chicago and includes a 170-bed
inpatient facility on Chicago’s
Westside adjacent to Stroger
Hospital and University of Illinois at Chicago campus. JBVAMC
accommodates more than 8,000
inpatient admissions annually.
JBVAMC also includes five outpatient facilities scattered about
Chicago and northwest Indiana
that accommodates more than
600,000 outpatient visits annually. The “VA” is affiliated with
both Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine and
the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine.
Surgical Service encompasses ten
Surgical Sections (General including Bariatrics and Critical
Care, Orthopaedics, Optometry,
Opthalmology, Otolaryngology,
Plastics, Podiatry, Thoracic, Urology, and Vascular), 53 providers
(including 14 full-time faculty),
and 8 allied health personnel.
Approximately 200 residents
spend time at the VA in a given
year and approximately 35 are
present at any one time. These
staff care for ~21,000 veterans
annually and perform ~3,200
operations annually in the Operating Room theatre at JBVAMC.
JBVAMC continues to play a valuable and growing role in the
Department of Surgery research
mission. Drs. David Bentrem and
Melina Kibbe enjoy extensive
research support through VA
research grants. Importantly, two
fully-funded resident positions
are committed to Northwestern
University Department of Surgery residents whose primary
commitment is to research with
either Dr. Bentrem or Kibbe, but
also provide clinical support to
JBVAMC. This program has
proved very helpful to the department’s research effort in supporting and encouraging resident
research. Dr. Jason Wertheim has
recently joined the VA faculty
and is applying for VA research
funding. Dr. Adam Murphy in
the Dept of Urology, NUFSM,
obtained a VA Career Development Award that is a 5-year commitment by the VA to fund a
young investigator’s research. Dr.
Joshua Meeks, MD,PhD, in Urol-
ogy has also joined the VA staff gery and take part in simulation
and is pursuing extramural fund- exercises also. Although the roing.
bot has been used only for urologic procedures thus far, we
anticipate that it will be used in
The VA rotations continue to be the coming year for Thoracic,
a valuable asset in the residency Otolaryngologic, and General
curriculum. Attending supervi- Surgical cases.
sion is available in all venues of
General Surgery has been augclinical care, yet residents enjoy
mented in recent years with desubstantial autonomy in decision
velopment of Bariatric Surgery
-making and most aspects of
and addition of Thoracic and
patient care. Rotation evaluaPlastic Surgery. Our Chief Resitions by residents and students
dents now enjoy operative expeare highly favorable in this rerience in a variety of surgical
gard and the VA provides a comareas including colorectal, oncoplementary clinical experience
logic, thoracic, breast, bariatrics,
for the resident staff.
minimally invasive and traditionClinical Care
al general surgery. Dr. David
Surgical Service has undergone Bentrem provides expertise in
major recruiting activity during Surgical Oncology, Dr. Joseph
the past year that has successful- Vitello and Abigail Tarbox proly yielded ten new faculty mem- vide expertise in General and
bers including four in Otolaryn- Bariatric Surgery and Dr. Jose
gology, three in Urology, one in Cintron provide expertise in Colo
Plastic Surgery, one in Orthpae- -Rectal Surgery from which our
dics and one in Transplant/ residents and patients greatly
Research. Two of these recruits benefit. Drs. Vitello and Tarbox
are full-time section chiefs so participate with Dr. Stuart Lipthat 7 of 10 sections are now lead nick to maintain 24/7/365 coverby a full-time VA surgeon. We age of our SICU and Acute Care
were especially pleased that Dr. Surgery model for inpatient and
Alberto de Hoyos assumed a key emergency surgical care for the
role as Chief, Thoracic Surgery. hospital.
He is off to a strong start in assisting with procurement of new
Thoracic Surgical equipment and
establishment of a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic
with Pulmonology.
Surgical Service obtained a da
Vinci surgical robot during this
past year and Dr. Meeks has been
our leader in Surgical Robotics
and launched a successful start
to our robotics program. The
device is equipped for dual operators so that our residents can
meaningfully participate in sur-
For 2013-2014, we anticipate continued recruitment to our staff
with focus on Hand Surgery and
Thoracic surgery. We await response from Washington, D.C.
regarding our application to establish an Urotrauma Reconstructive and Rehabilitation Center. Finally, with augmented
staffing in Nursing and Anesthesia, we look forward to a 25%
increase in surgical volume to
over 4,000 cases annually in 2014.
Planning After the 2013 Tax Law Changes
programs and initiatives. Through philanthropic support, you can promote
exploring new knowledge and training
the next generation of leaders. However, recent tax law changes have some
donors wondering how to plan their
future contributions.
changes mean to our alumni and
friends? Our Office of Gift Planning is
pleased to offer a comprehensive new
publication, Planning After the 2013 Tax
Law Changes. You can request a complimentary copy by calling the gift planning office at 800-826-6709.
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of Listed below are some of the new rules
2012 enabled most Americans to step that may affect your planning in 2013.
The Department of Surgery’s alumni,
back from the “fiscal cliff” that would
staff, faculty, and friends remain an imhave meant significantly higher income
portant part of the growth of our vital
taxes for all taxpayers. What will the
Income Taxes
Tax rates for 2013 are the same as those in effect in 2012, but Congress has added a new 39.6% bracket for individuals
with taxable incomes above $400,000 ($450,000 for married couples filing jointly);
Taxes on most long-term capital gains remain capped at 15%, but are increased to 20% for taxpayers in the 39.6% tax
The maximum tax rate on dividends remains at 15%, except for those in the 39.6% tax bracket, who will pay 20%;
A 3.8% Medicare surtax on net investment income (including capital gains) will affect individuals with adjusted gross
incomes (AGI) above $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples);
Itemized deductions may be reduced for unmarried taxpayers with AGI over $250,000 ($300,000 for married persons
filing jointly) — the so-called Pease limitation;
Unmarried taxpayers with AGI over $250,000 and married couples with incomes above $300,000 will see cutbacks on
their personal exemptions, which will be reduced by 2% for each $2,500 of income over those threshold amounts;
The option to deduct state sales taxes, instead of state and local income taxes, was renewed for 2013;
Medical deductions for 2013 are limited to amounts exceeding 10% of AGI, except for taxpayers over 65, who can
deduct the excess above 7.5% of AGI through 2016.
Gift and Estate Taxes
The law provided gift and estate tax exemptions for 2013 of $5.25 million (indexed for inflation) and increased the tax
rate from 35% to 40% on amounts exceeding the exemption. The exemption for married couples now can be as high as
$10.5 million, thanks to permanent extension of “portability,” which allows a surviving spouse to inherit any unused
exemption of the first spouse to die;
Federal gift taxes are also subject to a top rate of 40% and a $5.25 million lifetime exemption (indexed for inflation).
Additionally, the annual gift tax exclusion has been increased to $14,000 per donee, for gifts made by an individual
during any year;
Generation-skipping transfers also qualify for a $5.25 million lifetime exemption, indexed for inflation.
To learn more the 2013 tax law changes please contact Northwestern University’s Office of Gift Planning at 1-800-826-6709.
If you would like to discuss making a contribution in support of the Department of Surgery at Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine, please contact Erin Indovina at the Feinberg School’s Development & Alumni Relations
office by phone at 312-503-2706 or e-mail at
Surgery Information Systems
The years of 2012 and 2013 continued to bring change and
growth to Computing Support Services in the Northwestern
Community. With the consolidation of IT Services across Surgery and Medicine complete, significant new initiatives focusing on security and development were completed by the team.
team became home to the central Chicago campus “encryption
lab.” The team backed-up, updated, and encrypted machines
from 23 different divisions and validated over 650 different mobile devices. During the nearly seven months of the project, no
data were lost or damaged, and each participant’s machine was
returned, “good as new” in full compliance with the University’s
Security and Confidentiality. In a move to support and prosecurity policy.
tect the confidentiality of sensitive data on campus, all Northwestern Medicine portable computing devices were encrypted
as part of an institution-wide project. The Surgery-Medicine
Web “Risk Calculator” Development
Web “Risk Calculator” Development. Working under the direction of Assistant Professor of Surgical Oncology and Medical Social Sciences, Karl Bilimoria, MD, MS, Tom Kmiecik completed
the initial development of the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) Surgical Risk Calculator:
Specifically developed for the ACS, the Risk Calculator assists
surgeons in expedited entry and analysis of procedure-specific
data. For a specific patient contemplating a given procedure, the
Risk Calculator estimates and provides a visual representation of
the individual risks for eight potential complications. The Calculator includes more than 1500 operations and/or CPT codes and it
applies to most surgical specialties. Providing patients with empirically derived risk estimates, the Calculator’s goal is to assist
the physician in improving shared decision during the informed
consent process.
Going forward, the ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator will also
satisfy a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement for the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS).
The Surgical Risk Calculator
remains in active development. Design for a mobile application is under review. Additionally, suggestions for improvement and refinement are
welcome and can be directed
to Dr. Karl Bilimoria at
Service Trips
Recently, I had the opportunity to join Dr. Wilson Hartz and Dr. Mark Toyama of the Northwestern Surgical Associates to travel to Retalhuleu, Guatemala for a week long surgical mission trip with Faith In Practice, a Houston-based non-profit organization. Every year, Faith In Practice facilitates more than 30 medical and surgical
mission trips to Guatemala. Since its inception in 1993, Faith in Practice has helped to provide treatment for
over 100,000 Guatemalans many of whom live in poverty and lack basic medical and dental care. Our team of
31 volunteers consisted of nurses, anesthesiologists, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, interpreters, and clergy.
All volunteers covered their own travel expenses in addition to fundraising more than $35,000 to cover the cost
of medical and surgical supplies for our Guatemalan patients.
Before we arrived, local physicians had identified patients with potential surgical problems and obtained the
necessary preoperative imaging and laboratory tests for our evaluation. We arrived at Hospital Hilario Galindo
in Retalhuleu, Guatemala early on Sunday morning to nearly 100 patients and their families eagerly (and patiently!) awaiting evaluation. The surgeons and anesthesiologists quickly got to work and began seeing all the
patients and scheduling their operations over the coming days while the nursing team unpacked supplies and
set up the operating rooms and pre-and post-operative recovery areas. Over the next four days, our team provided surgical treatment for more than 50 patients ranging from 1 to 91 years old including cholecystectomy,
herniorrhaphy, hysterectomy, soft tissue mass excision, mastectomy and over 80 dental procedures.
I will forever cherish the memories of this amazing experience caring for some of the most patient, strong, and
grateful people I’ve encountered. I am deeply honored to have been entrusted with their lives. It was a truly
pleasure and a privilege to be part of this team that shared a mission of providing the high-quality compassionate care to the people of Guatemala.
For more information about Faith In Practice, please visit their website at
Karen Sherman, MD, MS
Surgical Outcomes Research Fellow &
General Surgery Resident
Service Trips
Northwestern Trauma Initiative has partnered with HOPE Worldwide Bolivia, to work together to find a solution to
decrease the amount of deaths sustained from the lack of proper emergency medical attention. Mamta Swaroop, MD,
FACS, a trauma surgeon for Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Assistant Professor at the Feinberg School of Medicine, teamed with current resident Steven Schuetz, Jennifer Mullen, RN and Inge LeBlanc, RN to work with Hospital
Arco Iris in Bolivia to improve the pre-hospital care of their patients and their emergency department. They have established a training program not only to train first responders to treat victims of motor-vehicle collisions but also to
transport them correctly in order to decrease fatalities during transit to the hospital. The nursing specialists worked on
Emergency Room triage and flow as well as ICU care protocols and wound care. Teaching basic skills are fundamental
when resources are limited. Dr. Swaroop and her team taught first responders and firefighters to adapt to their environment. Using large pieces of wood as a splint to prevent further injury or using vines as rope to keep the brace in
place. Travel time from the site of accident in the jungle to the hospital is long, as such, they also taught pelvic binding.
When asked how long the Bolivian partnership will continue, Dr. Swaroop responded, “When an EMS system is in the
talks. There’s a lot of work to be done.” Dr. Swaroop is committed to the cause. She plans to be involved in the training
process and make the Bolivians self-sufficient in the future.
She also mentioned Global Surgery, as “an up-and-coming field” in Academic Surgery. She has research collaborations
which span across the globe—India, Israel, Pakistan, and others. This overlaps with her research interests of international development of Trauma & Critical Care Systems and injury prevention.
Additionally, surgical societies seek her for lectures, presentations, or as a moderator. She is a current member of Surgical Mission and Partnerships Coordinating Committee, Who Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgery, World
Congress of Surgery, Obstetric, Trauma and Anesthesia Trauma Planning Committee, International College of Surgeons,
and she serves as Co-chair of the Global Affairs Committee, Association for Academic Surgery. These are a few examples of Dr. Swaroop accomplishments and work.
In Bolivia, an everyday commute could be a potential risk. Having some of the most dangerous roads presents a much
higher risk for accidents. The greater danger emerges when the accident occurs and there are few if any emergency crews
available to help. Ideally, providing more first responders would be the most obvious resolution. Providing emergency
training to the first responders would be the most effective.
New Full-Time Clinical Faculty
Travis O. Abicht, MD was appointed as Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Cardiac Surgery
as of July 2013. Dr. Abicht completed both medical school and his general surgery residency at the University of
Kansas School of Medicine. Upon successful completion of his Cardiothoracic Surgery Fellowship here at
Northwestern, Dr. Abicht will focus his clinical practice on adult coronary artery bypass, heart transplant and
ventricular assist device (VAD) surgery. In addition, Dr. Abicht will staff our affiliate site at the John H. Stroger,
Jr. Hospital of Cook County.
Dr. Ankit Bharat joined the Division of Thoracic Surgery as an Assistant Professor of Surgery in July 2013.
Dr. Bharat will serve as the Surgical Director of the Lung Transplantation Program. Dr. Bharat joined Northwestern upon the completion of his Cardiothoracic Surgery residency at Washington University in St. Louis,
Missouri, where he also completed his post-doctoral research fellowship, internship and general surgery residency. Dr. Bharat earned his M.B.B.S. degree from Christian Medical College in Vellore, India. His research
interests include autoimmunity in lung transplantation, organ transplantation and the immunological link between primary graft dysfunction and chronic human lung allograft rejection. Dr. Bharat received the Richard E.
Clark Award at the 2013 Society of Thoracic Surgeons annual meeting.
Tara Breslin, MD, MS , breast surgeon and oncologist, was appointed as Associate Professor of Surgery and
Medical Director of the breast care program at Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital in February 2013.
Dr. Breslin comes to Northwestern from the University of Michigan Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical
Oncology, where she served as Assistant Professor of Surgery since 2007. Previously, Dr. Breslin was an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Wisconsin.
Dr. Breslin received her undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois and her medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. She completed her general surgery residency at Baylor College of Medicine and her fellowship in surgical oncology from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. She also holds a master’s degree in population health
Dr. Karen J. Ho joined the Division of Vascular Surgery as an Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery on
August 30, 2013. Dr. Ho is a graduate of Yale College and Harvard Medical School. She completed a residency
in general surgery as well as a fellowship in vascular and endovascular surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a Harvard teaching hospital.
Dr. Ho received an NIH T32 vascular surgery training grant as well as numerous awards for research and
teaching. She has published and presented on subjects including carotid and peripheral vascular disease.
Dr. Ho is a surgeon-scientist with a focus encompassing clinical
vascular surgery and basic science research. Dr. Ho’s current research interests are
primarily focused on chronic kidney disease, wound healing, and peripheral vascular
disease. She is specifically interested in the effect of chronic kidney disease on the
vascular wound healing response.
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Michael Abecassis, MD, MBA
and the Kellogg School of Management, Chicago,
Illinois. The State of Health, Disease, Discovery,
and Treatment: Regenerative Medicine. July 30,
Member, Northwestern Memorial Clinical Leaders 2013.
Committee, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 20122013
Abecassis M, Bridges ND, Clancy CJ, Dew MA, EldaMember, Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation dah B, Englesbe MJ, Flessner MF, Frank JC, FrieClinical Enterprise Committee, 2012-present
dewald J, Gill J, Gries C, Halter JB, Hartmann EL,
Hazzard WR, Horne FM, Hosenpud J, Jacobson P,
Member, Northwestern Medicine Management Kasiske BL, Lake J, Loomba R, Malani PN, Moore
Group Committee, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, TM, Murray A, Nguyen MH, Powe NR, Reese PP,
Reynolds H, Samaniego MD, Schmader KE, Segev
DL, Shah AS, Singer LG, Sosa JA, Stewart ZA, Tan JC,
Member, Northwestern University Feinberg School Williams WW, Zaas DW, High KP. Solid-organ transof Medicine, Executive Committee of the Faculty, plantation in older adults: current status and future
research. Am J Transplant. 2012 Oct;12(10):260822. Epub 2012 Sep 7.
Co-chair, Alliance for Regenerative Medicine's Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Committee, 2012 Baker TB, Abecassis M, Levitsky J. To kidney or not
to kidney, when…is the question. Liver Transpl.
2012; 18:875-7.
Consulting Editor, American Journal of Transplantation, 2013-present
Donahue LA, Kulik L, Baker T, Ganger DR, Gupta R,
Memon K, Abecassis MM, Salem R, Lewandowski
Member, National Institute of Health Allergy, Immu- RJ. Yttrium-90 radioembolization for the treatment
nology, and Transplantation Research Committee of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in pa(NIAID), 2013-2017
tients with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic
shunts. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2013; 24(1):74-80.
Invited Speaker, ASTS Leadership Development Ladner DP, Skaro AI, Abecassis MM. Are all readProgram, Evanston, Illinois. Translating Business missions the same? Liver Transpl. 2012; 18:1007Knowledge into Practice. September 11, 2012.
Invited Speaker, ASTS Winter Symposium, Miami,
Florida. Margins I’ll Never Revisit. February 1,
Invited Speaker, ASTS Winter Symposium, Miami,
Florida. Marginal Dreamin’ - Margins I Would Like to
Visit. February 1, 2013.
Invited Speaker, University of Chicago Transplant
Center, Faculty Seminar Series, Chicago, Illinois.
Complications of Live Liver Donors for Adults - Is
there a threshold? February 20, 2013.
Invited Speaker, The Chicago Medical School/
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. Transplantation: Past, Present, and Future.
April 16, 2013
Invited Speaker, American Society of Transplant
Surgeons, Advanced Leadership Development Program, Evanston, Illinois. Competing in a World of
Accountable Care Organization and Value Based
Purchasing. April 28, 2013.
Invited Speaker, American Society of Transplant
Surgeons, Advanced Leadership Development Program, Evanston, Illinois.
Effective clinical/
administrative collaborative models. September 29,
Invited Keynote Speaker, American Society of Transplant Surgeons, Advanced Leadership Development
Program, Evanston, Illinois. Dealing with an Adverse
Clinical Event: The Good and the Bad. April 29,
Leventhal JR, Mathew JM, Salomon DR, Kurian SM,
Suthanthiran M, Tambur A, Friedewald J, Gallon L,
Charette J, Levitsky J, Kanwar Y, Abecassis M, Miller
J. Genomic biomarkers correlate with HLA-identical
renal transplant tolerance. Brief Communication. J
Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 [in press].
Levitsky J, Baker T, Ahya SN, Levin ML, Friedewald J,
Gallon L, Ho B, Skaro A, Krupp J, Wang E, Spies SM,
Salomon DR, Abecassis MM. Outcomes and native
renal recovery following simultaneous liver-kidney
transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2012 Nov;12
(11):2949-57. Epub 2012 Jul 3.
Levitsky J, Mathew JM, Abecassis M, Tambur A,
Leventhal J, Chandrasekaran D, Herrera N, Al-Saden
P, Gallon L, Abdul-Nabi A, Yang GY, Kurian SM, Salomon DR, Miller J. Systemic immunoregulatory and
proteogenomic effects of tacrolimus to sirolimus
conversion in liver transplant recipients. Hepatology.
2013 Jan;57(1):239-48. Epub 2012 Jul 17.
Liu XF, Wang X, Yan S, Zhang Z, Abecassis M, Hummel M. Epigenetic control of cytomegalovirus latency and reactivation. Viruses. 2013 May 23;5
Memon K, Kulik L, Lewandowski RJ, Wang E, Ryu
RK, Riaz A, Nikolaidis P, Miller FH, Yaghmai V, Baker
T, Abecassis M, Benson AB 3rd, Mulcahy MF, Omary
RA, Salem R. Alpha-fetoprotein response correlates
with EASL response and survival in solitary hepatocellular carcinoma treated with transarterial therapies: a subgroup analysis. J Hepatol. 2012;56
Gordon EJ, Bergeron A, McNatt G, Friedewald J, (5):1112-20.
Abecassis MM, Wolf MS. Are informed consent
forms for organ transplantation and donation too Rao V, Haywood S, Abecassis M, Levitsky J. A nondifficult to read? Clin Transplant. 2012;26(2):275- induction renal sparing approach after liver trans83.
plantation: high dose mycophenolate mofetil with
delayed, low dose tacrolimus. Transplant Proc 2013
Gordon EJ, Butt Z, Jensen SE, Lok-Ming Lehr A, Jan-Feb;45(1):320-2. Epub 2012 Sep 19.
Franklin J, Becker Y, Sherman L, Chon WJ, Beauvais
N, Hanneman J, Penrod D, Ison MG, Abecassis MM. Salem R, Gilbertsen M, Butt Z, Memon K, Vouche M,
Opportunities for shared decision making in kidney Hickey R, Baker T, Abecassis MM, Atassi R, Riaz A,
transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2013 May;13 Cella D, Burns JL, Ganger D, Benson AB 3rd, Mul(5):1149-58. Epub 2013 Mar 14.
cahy MF, Kulik L, Lewandowski R. Increased quality
of life among hepatocellular carcinoma patients
Gordon, EJ, Reddy E, Ladner DP, Friedewald J, Abe- treated with radioembolization, compared with checassis MM, Ison MG. Kidney transplant candidates' moembolization. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013
understanding of increased risk donor kidneys: a May 2. [Epub ahead of print]
qualitative study. Clin Transplant. 2012;26(2):35968.
Savaryn JP, Catherman AD, Thomas PM, Abecassis
MM, Kelleher NL. The emergence of top-down proIbrahim SM, Kulik L, Baker T, Ryu RK, Mulcahy MF, teomics in clinical research. Genome Med. 2013
Abecassis M, Salem R, Lewandowski RJ. Treating Jun 27;5(6):53. [Epub ahead of print]
and downstaging hepatocellular carcinoma in the
caudate lobe with yttrium-90 radioembolization. Seckert CK, Griebl M, Buttner JK, Freitag K, LemCardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2012; 35:1094-101.
mermann NAW, Hummel MA, Liu X-F, Abecassis MI,
Angulo A, Messerle M, Cook CH, Reddehase
Jensen SE, Butt Z, Bill A, Baker T, Abecassis M, MJ. (2013) Immune Surveillance of Cytomegalovirus
Heinemann AW, Cella D, Dumanian A: Quality of life Latency and Reactivation in Murine Models In CYconsiderations in upper limb transplantation: re- TOMEGALOVIRUSES: From Molecular Pathogenesis
view and future direction. J Hand Surg Am. to Therapy, M.J. Reddehase, ed.,Volume 1, Chapter
2012;37:2126-35. Review. Epub 2012 Aug 30.
22 Norfolk, UK, Caister Academic Press, [in press].
Ladner DP, Alonso EM, Butt Z, Caicedo JC, Cella D,
Daud A, Friedewald JJ, Gordon EJ, Hazen GB, Ho BT,
Hoke KR, Holl JL, Ison MG, Kang R, Mehrotra S,
Preczewski LB, Ross OA, Sharaf PH, Skaro AI, Wang
E, Wolf MS, Woods DM, Abecassis MM. NUTORC-a
Invited Speaker, American Society of Transplant transdisciplinary health services and outcomes
Surgeons, Advanced Leadership Development Pro- research team in transplantation. Transl Behav
gram, Evanston, Illinois. Transplant Center Manage- Med. 2012 Dec;2(4):446-458.
ment and Leadership – A Case for Structured Intrapreneurship. April 30, 2013.
Ladner DP, Skaro AI, Abecassis MM. Are all readmissions the same? Liver Transpl. 2012 Sep;18
Invited Speaker, Multi Organ Transplant Program, (9):1007-8.
Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Transplant Center Management and Leadership – A Leventhal J, Abecassis M, Miller J, Gallon L, RavinCase for Structured Intrapreneurship. May 13, dra K, Tollerud DJ, King B, Elliott MJ, Herzig G, Her2013.
zig R, Ildstad ST. Chimerism and tolerance without
GVHD or engraftment syndrome in HLA-mismatched
American Transplant Congress, Seattle, Washington. combined kidney and hematopoietic stem cell transSignificant deficiencies in postoperative handoffs plantation. Sci Transl Med. 2012;4(124):124ra28.
revealed in a comprehensive assessment of living
donor liver transplantation systems and processes Leventhal J, Abecassis M, Miller J, Gallon L, Tollerud
of care. McElroy L, Holl J, Daud A, Abecassis M, D, Elliott MJ, Bozulic LD, Houston C, SustentoWoods D, Ladner D. May 18-22, 2013.
Reodica N, Ildstad ST. Tolerance induction in HLA
disparate living donor kidney transplantation by
Invited Speaker, OptumHealth Education’s Spotlight donor stem cell infusion: durable chimerism preon Northwestern University Affiliated Transplant dicts outcome. Transplantation. 2013;95(1):169Centers: Exploring Advances along the Continuum of 76.
Care in Transplantation and Cancer Treatment Conference, Chicago, Illinois. An Update on Liver Trans- Leventhal J, Miller J, Abecassis M, Tollerud DJ,
plantation: Status of Live Donor Transplants for Ildstad ST. Evolving approaches of hematopoietic
Adults. June 11, 2013.
stem cell-based therapies to induce tolerance to
organ transplants: the long road to tolerance. Clin
Invited Speaker/Panel Member, Value Imperative: Pharmacol Ther. 2013; 93(1)36-45. Review. Epub
Advancing the US Healthcare System through Inno- 2012 Oct 10.
vation Alumni Conference, Harvard Business School
Suthanthiran M, Schwartz JE, Ding R, Abecassis M,
Dadhania D, Samstein B, Knechtle SJ, Friedewald J,.
Becker YT, Sharma VK, Williams NM, Chang CS,
Hoang C, Muthukumar T, August P, Keslar KS,
Fairchild RL, Hricik D, Heeger PS, Han L, Liu J, Riggs
M, Ikle DN, Bridges N, Shaked A, The CTOT-04 Study
Investigators. Urinary cell mRNA profile and acute
cellular rejection in kidney allografts. N Engl J Med.
2013 Jul 4;369(1):20-31.
Vouche M, Kulik L, Rohiatassi, Memon K, Hickey R,
Ganger D, Miller FH, Vahidyaghmai, Abecassis M,
Baker T, Mulcahy M, Nayar R, Lewandowski RJ,
Salem R.
Radiological-pathological analysis of
analysis from a prospective randomized trial of Y90
+/- sorafenib. Hepatology. 2013 May 22.. [Epub
ahead of print]
Vouche M, Lewandowski RJ, Atassi R, Memon K,
Gates VL, Ryu RK, Gaba RC, Mulcahy MF, Baker T,
Sato K, Hickey R, Ganger D, Riaz A, Fryer J, Caicedo
JC, Abecassis M, Kulik L, Salem R. Radiation lobectomy: time-dependent analysis of future liver remnant volume in unresectable liver cancer as a bridge
to resection. J Hepatol. 2013 Jun 25 [Epub ahead
of print].
Travis O. Abicht, MD
Thoracic Surgery Residents Association, Executive
Subcommittee on Education. 2012-2013.
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Thoracic Surgery Residents Association, Executive Ivy DD, Hraska V, Jaggers J (eds): Pediatric and ConSubcommittee on Communications. 2012-2013.
genital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive
Care, 2013. In press.
Abicht T, McGee E. 2013. Combined Aortic and Mitral Mavroudis C, Deal BJ, Backer CL: Principles of
Valve Disease. In T Nguyen and G Loor (Eds.) TSRA the Fontan Conversion Operation. In: daCruz, E, Ivy
Clinical Scenarios (pp 343 – 350). Retrieved from DD, Hraska V, Jaggers J (eds): Pediatric and Congenih t t p : / / w w w . t s r a n e t . o r g / w p - c o n t e n t / tal Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care,
uploads/2013/05/TSRA-Scenarios-Nguyen-and- 2013. In press.
Mavroudis C, Dodge-Khatami A, Backer CL: CongeniAbicht T, Gordon R, Meehan K, Stosor V, McCarthy P, tal and Acquired Coronary Artery Anomalies in NewMcGee E Jr. Complex Heartmate II Infection treated borns, Infants, Children, and Young Adults. In: daCruz,
with pump exchange to HeartWare HVAD. ASAIO J. E, Ivy DD, Hraska V, Jaggers J (eds): Pediatric and
2013 Mar-Apr;59(2):188-92.
Congenital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive
Care, 2013. In press.
Mohammed Alghoul, MD
Backer CL. Vascular Rings and Slings. In: daCruz, E,
Ivy DD, Hraska V, Jaggers J (eds): Pediatric and ConOutstanding Paper Presentation, Cosmetic Tack. The genital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive
American Society of Plastic Surgeons. October 2012. Care, 2013. In press.
Paper Title: Relationship of the zygomatic facial nerve
to retaining ligaments of the face: The sub SMAS Presentations
danger zone.
Backer CL. Timing of surgical intervention on the
aortic root in the pediatric patient with Marfan synPresentations
drome. Marfan Syndrome 2012: Multidisciplinary
Relationship of the Zygomatic Facial Nerve to Retain- Approaches from Childhood to Adulthood: Chicago, IL,
ing Ligaments of the Face: The Sub SMAS Danger August 4, 2012.
Zone. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, October 28 2012, Backer CL. Surgery for congenital heart disease and
New Orleans, LA
heart transplantation. American Academy of Pediatrics Specialty Review in Pediatric Cardiology, Chicago,
Invited Speaker. Midwest Association of Plastic Sur- IL, September 11, 2012.
geons, Anatomic Concepts for Periorbital and Midface
Rejuvenation. , Chicago, IL. September 30, 2012.
Backer CL, Russell HM, Wurlitzer KC, Boles LH, Robinson D. Modified single patch: are we still worried
about subaortic stenosis? 3rd Joint Meeting, CongenAlghoul M, Codner MA. Retaining ligaments of the ital Heart Surgeons’ Society and the European Conface: Review of anatomy and clinical applications. genital Heart Surgeons Association, Chicago, IL, SepAesthetic Surgery Journal 2013 Aug; 33(6):769-82.
tember 13-15, 2012.
Alghoul M, Bitik O, McBride J, Zins JE. Relationship of
the zygomatic facial nerve to the retaining ligaments
of the face: The subSMAS danger zone. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013;131(2):384.
Alghoul M, Pacella SJ, McClellan WT, Codner MA.
Eyelid reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Aug;
Kapadia, Sameer M.; Gust, Madeleine J.; Alghoul M;
Dumanian, Gregory A. Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery - Global Open. 1(1):1-2, April 2013.
Carl Backer, MD
Mavroudis C, Deal BJ, Backer CL, Stewart RD. Operative techniques in association with arrhythmia surgery
in patients with congenital heart disease. World J Ped
Congen Heart Surg 2013;4:85-97.
Russell HM, Rastatter JC, Backer CL. The aortic uncrossing procedure for circumflex aorta. Oper Tech
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013;18:15-31.
Shuhaiber J, Shin AY, Gossett JG, Wypij D, Backer CL,
Hanley FL, Khan MS, Fraser CD, Jacques F, Manning
PB, van Arsdell G, Mayer JE, Costello JM. Surgical
management of neonatal atrioventricular septal defect with aortic arch obstruction. Ann Thorac Surg
2013; 95:2071-2077.
Russell HM, Johnson SL, Wurlitzer KC, Backer CL.
Outcomes of surgical therapy for infective endocarditis in a pediatric population – a 21-year review. Ann
Thorac Surg 2013;96:171-175.
Piantino JA, Wainwright MS, Grimason M, Smith CM,
Hussain E, Byron D, Chin A, Backer C[L], Reynolds M,
Goldstein J. Nonconvulsive seizures are common in
children treated with extracorporeal cardiac life support. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2013;14:601-609.
Backer CL, Russell HM, Pahl E, Mongé MC,Gambetta
KE, Kindel SJ, Gossett JG, Costello JM, Deal BJ. Heart
transplantation for the failing Fontan. Ann Thorac
Surg 2013, In Press.
Mavroudis C, Backer CL, Siegel A, Gevitz M. Revisiting
the Baffes operation: its role in transposition of the
great arteries. Ann Thorac Surg, In Press.
Mumtaz MA, Danziger-Isakov L, Mavroudis C, Backer
CL. Infective endocarditis. In: Mavroudis C, Backer CL
(eds): Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, 4th ed. Oxford, WileyBlackwell, 2013, pp. 845-855.
Mavroudis C, Deal BJ, Backer CL: Surgical Therapy of
Arrhythmias and Conductive Disorders. In: daCruz, E,
sion patients. 6th World Congress Paediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, February 17-22, 2013.
Pahl E, Gossett JG, Thrush P, Matthews KL, Nubani R,
Bhagat H, Backer CL, Costello JM. Role for immunemonitoring to tailor induction prophylaxis in pediatric
heart recipients. 6th World Congress Paediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa,
February 17-22, 2013.
Pahl E, Thrush P, Kindel S, Gambetta K, Gossett J[G],
Costello JM, Russell H[M], Backer CL. Early and intermediate-term outcomes after transplantation for
restrictive cardiomyopathy in children. 6th World
Congress Paediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery,
Cape Town, South Africa, February 17-22, 2013.
Backer CL. Atrioventricular septal defect repair: onepatch versus two-patch versus modified single patch.
2013 Scientific Sessions, American College of Cardiology, San Francisco, CA, March 9-11, 2013.
Backer CL. Surgical perspective: d-TGA and CCTGA.
10th American Society of Echocardiography Update,
Chicago, Illinois, April 6, 2013.
Backer CL. Optimal epicardial lead placement and
pacemaker strategies for patients with congenital
heart disease and rhythm disturbances. Arrhythmia
Surgery in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
CME Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 23-24, 2013.
Kulat B, Russell HM, Zingle N, Moss S, Sarwark AE,
Backer CL. Modified TandemHeart® ventricular assist
device for pediatric circulatory support. ASAIO 59th
Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 12-15, 2013.
Talia Baker, MD
Deal BJ, Backer CL, Russell HM, Mavroudis C. Long- Member, ASTS Ethics Committee, 2012-Present
term and mid-term follow-up after Fontan conversion.
3rd Joint Meeting, Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society Member, AST/ASTS/NATCO/UNOS Joint Societies
and the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Associa- Work Group, 2012-Present
tion, Chicago, IL, September 13-15, 2012.
Co-Chair, ASTS Living Donor Committee, 2013Devlin PJ, Russell HM, Mongé MC, Patel A, Backer CL. Present
Surgical management of the doubly committed juxtaarterial ventricular septal defect and long-term out- Presentations
comes of the aortic and pulmonary valves. 36th Annu- “Laparoscopic Liver Resection for Benign and Maligal Meeting, Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society, nant Complex Hepatobiliary Surgical Disorders and
Milwaukee, WI, September 28, 2012.
the Role of LDL TX in the HCC Patient”. CME Dinner.
April 15, 2013
Russell HM, Devlin PJ, Mongé MC, deFreitas A, Backer
CL. A 20 year experience with the standard and rein- “Plasma Osteopontin Levels Correlate with Reversible
forced Ross operation. 36th Annual Meeting, Midwest Kidney Injury in Liver Transplant Candidates.” AmeriPediatric Cardiology Society, Milwaukee, WI, Septem- can Transplant Congress (ATC). May 19, 2013
ber 28, 2012.
“Liver Cancer Update”. Northwestern University AffiliRussell HM, Mongé MC, Kulat B, Zingle N, Moss S, ated Transplant Centers Spotlight Conference, Ann &
Backer CL. Use of the TandemHeart® centrifugal axial Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. June
flow ventricular assist device in children. Poster 12, 2013
presentation, 36th Annual Meeting, Midwest Pediatric
Cardiology Society, Milwaukee, WI, September 28, Publications
Baker T, Caicedo JC. Minimally Invasive Living Donor
Hepatectomy, Chapter 56. In: RW Busuttil GB
Wurlitzer KC, Boles LH, Sarwark AE, Russell HM, Rob- Klintmaln eds: Transplantation of the Liver, 3rd Ediinson J, Backer CL. Modified single patch: are we still tion. WB Sanders Company, 2013 [in press].
worried about subaortic stenosis? Poster presentation, 36th Annual Meeting, Midwest Pediatric Cardiol- Baker TB, Abecassis M, Levitsky J. To kidney or not to
ogy Society, Milwaukee, WI, September 28, 2012.
kidney, when…is the question. Liver Transpl. 2012;
Costello JM, Romano JW, Russell HM, Janoski JM,
Backer CL. Association between age at repair of com- Baker TB, Skaro AI, Alvord P, Chaudhury P. Organ
plete atrioventricular septal defects and resource Procurement. Care in Special Situations. Chapter 9.
utilization and outcomes. Presented at the 36th Annu- In ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice, 2013 (in
al Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Scientific press).
Session, September 28th 2012, Milwaukee, WI.
Baker, TB, Axelrod, D. Transplantation. In General
Backer CL. Vascular rings: the Chicago contribution. Surgery Review, 2013 (in press) Editor Martin Makary.
23rd Annual Arthur DeBoer Visiting Professor Lectureship: Chicago, IL, October 18, 2012.
Donahue LA, Kulik L, Baker T, Ganger DR, Gupta R,
Memon K, Abecassis MM, Salem R, Lewandowski RJ.
Johnson S, Russell HM, Wurlitzer KC, Backer CL. Out- Yttrium-90 radioembolization for the treatment of
come of surgical therapy for endocarditis in a pediat- unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in patients
ric population: a twenty-one year review. 59th Annual with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts. J
Meeting, Southern Thoracic Surgical Association, Vasc Interv Radiol. 2013; 24(1):74-80.
Naples, Florida, November 7-10, 2012.
Gordon EJ, Ladner DP, Baker T. Standardized inforPasquali S, Costello JM, He X, Jacobs JP, Hill K, mation for living liver donors. Liver Transpl. 2012
Cooper DS, Backer CL, Jacobs M. Gestational age at Oct;18(10):1260-1.
birth and outcome after neonatal cardiac surgery: an
analysis of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congeni- Ibrahim SM, Kulik L, Baker T, Ryu RK, Mulcahy MF,
tal Heart Surgery database. J Am Coll Cardiol Abecassis M, Salem R, Lewandowski RJ. Treating and
2013;61:A104, #904-4.
downstaging hepatocellular carcinoma in the caudate
lobe with yttrium-90 radioembolization. Cardiovasc
Deal B[J], Tsao S, Webster [R]G, Ward K, Pahl E, Cos- Intervent Radiol 2012; 35:1094-101.
tello J[M], Backer C[L], Mavroudis C. Life expectancy
and the causes of death in a cohort of Fontan conver-
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Jensen SE, Butt Z, Bill A, Baker T, Abecassis M,
Heinemann AW, Cella D, Dumanian A: Quality of life
considerations in upper limb transplantation: review and future direction. J Hand Surg Am.
2012;37:2126-35. Review. Epub 2012 Aug 30.
Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery for Pediatric Pediatr Surg Int. 2013 Aug;29(8):851-3 (Epub
Surgery Fellows’ Course
March 9, 2013)
Simulation Education in Pediatric Surgery. Ann and
Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds. November
Ladner DP, Baker T. Near-miss events: a vastly 2012. Chicago, IL.
missed opportunity. Liver Transpl. 2013 May;19
Update on Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery.
Illinois Surgical Society Annual Meeting. May 2013.
Levitsky J, Baker T, Ahya SN, Levin ML, Friedewald J, Chicago, IL
Gallon L, Ho B, Skaro A, Krupp J, Wang E, Spies SM,
Salomon DR, Abecassis MM. Outcomes and native Laparoscopic Duodenal Atresia Repair. Internationrenal recovery following simultaneous liver-kidney al Pediatric Endosurgery Group. June 2013. Beitransplantation. Am J Transplant. 2012 Nov;12 jing, China
(11):2949-57. Epub 2012 Jul 3.
Simulation Education in Pediatric Surgery. Ann and
Memon K, Kulik L, Lewandowski RJ, Wang E, Ryu Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago –
RK, Riaz A, Nikolaidis P, Miller FH, Yaghmai V, Baker Annual Foundation Board Meeting. January 2013.
T, Abecassis M, Benson AB 3rd, Mulcahy MF, Omary Chicago, IL
RA, Salem R. Alpha-fetoprotein response correlates
with EASL response and survival in solitary hepato- Naiditch, J; Barsness, K. “The Positive and Negative
cellular carcinoma treated with transarterial thera- Predictive Value of Trans-Abdominal Color Doppler
pies: a subgroup analysis. J Hepatol. 2012;56 Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Ovarian Torsion in
Pediatric Patients.” American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Surgery. October 2012. New OrleMouli, S, Memon K, Baker T, Benson AB3rd, Mul- ans, LA
cahy MF, Gupta R, Ryu RK, Salem R, Lewandowski
RJ. Yttrium-90 radioembolization for intrahepatic Barsness, KA; Rooney, DM; Davis, L; Vozenilek, JA.
cholangiocarcinoma: safety, response, and survival “Collaboration in Simulation: The Development and
analysis. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2013;24(8):1227-34. Evaluation of a Novel Thoracoscopic Neonatal SimuEpub 2013 Apr 19.
lator.” American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on
Surgery. October 2012. New Orleans, LA
Salem R, Gilbertsen M, Butt Z, Memon K, Vouche M,
Hickey R, Baker T, Abecassis MM, Atassi R, Riaz A, Davis, L; Barsness, KA; Rooney, DM. “Collaboration
Cella D, Burns JL, Ganger D, Benson AB 3rd, Mul- in Simulation: The Development and Evaluation of a
cahy MF, Kulik L, Lewandowski R. Increased quality Novel Thoracoscopic Neonatal Simulator.” Third
of life among hepatocellular carcinoma patients Annual Medical Education Day. Feinberg School of
treated with radioembolization, compared with che- Medicine. February 2013. Chicago, IL
moembolization. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013
May 2. [Epub ahead of print]
Davis, LM; Rooney, DM; Barsness, KA. “Design and
Development of a Novel Thoracoscopic TracheVouche M, Kulik L, Rohiatassi, Memon K, Hickey R, oesophageal Fistula Repair Simulator.” Medicine
Ganger D, Miller FH, Vahidyaghmai, Abecassis M, Meets Virtual Reality. February 2013. San Diego,
Baker T, Mulcahy M, Nayar R, Lewandowski RJ, CA. Winner: Poster of Distinction
Salem R.
Radiological-pathological analysis of
WHO, RECIST, EASL, mRECIST and DWI: Imaging Barsness, KA; Davis, LM; Rooney, DM; Chin, AC.
analysis from a prospective randomized trial of Y90 “Validation of a Novel Thoracoscopic Esophageal
+/- sorafenib. Hepatology. 2013 May 22. [Epub Atresia/Tracheoesophageal Fistula Repair Simulaahead of print]
tor.” American Pediatric Surgery Association. May
2013. Marco Island, FL
Vouche M, Lewandowski RJ, Atassi R, Memon K,
Gates VL, Ryu RK, Gaba RC, Mulcahy MF, Baker T, Barsness, KA; Davis, LM, Rooney, DM. “The DevelSato K, Hickey R, Ganger D, Riaz A, Fryer J, Caicedo opment and Evaluation of a Novel Thoracoscopic
JC, Abecassis M, Kulik L, Salem R. Radiation lobec- Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair Simulator.” Internatomy: time-dependent analysis of future liver rem- tional Pediatric Endosurgery Group. June 2013.
nant volume in unresectable liver cancer as a bridge Beijing, China.
to resection. J Hepatol. 2013 Jun 25 [Epub ahead
of print].
Barsness, KA; Loren Berman. “Laparoscopic Median
Arcuate Ligament Release.” International Pediatric
Zimmerman MA, Baker T, Goodrich NP, Freise C, Endosurgery Group. June 2013. Beijing, China.
Hong JC, Kumer S, Abt P, Cotterell, AH, Samstein, B,
Everhart JE, Merion RM. Development, manage- Barsness, KA. “Thoracoscopic Neonatal Diaphragment, and resolution of biliary complications after matic Hernia Simulator.” International Pediatric
living and deceased donor liver transplantation: a Endosurgery Group. June 2013. Beijing, China.
report from the adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation cohort study consortium. Liver Transpl. Barsness, KA. “Laparoscopic Duodenal Atresia Sim2013;19(3):259-67.
ulator.” International Pediatric Endosurgery Group.
June 2013. Beijing, China.
Katherine A. Barsness, MD, MS
Director, 2012 Pediatric Surgery Fellows’ Course in
Minimally Invasive Surgery, Chicago, IL
Outstanding Teacher, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Surgical Clerkship
Director, Endosurgical Simulation Course, American
Pediatric Surgical Association, Marco Island, FL
Named Vice-chair, American Pediatric Surgical Association Industry Advisory Committee
Director, High Fidelity Endosurgical Simulation
Course, American Pediatric Surgical Association,
Named Program Co-Chair, International Pediatric Marco Island, FL
Endosurgery Group 23rd Annual Congress in Edinburgh, Great Britain
Director, Advanced Minimally Invasive Hands-on
Animate Course, International Pediatric Endosurgery
Named Co-chair Continue Medical Education (CME) Group, Beijing, China
Committee, International Pediatric Endosurgery
Faculty, Advanced Minimally Invasive Simulation
Course, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group,
Elected into Feinberg Academy of Medical Educa- Beijing, China
tors (FAME), Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine - four year appointment
Davis, LM; Barsness, KA; Rooney, DM. “The Design
and Development of a Novel Thoracoscopic TracheUpdate on Thoracic Disorders in Children. St. Jo- oesophageal Fistula Repair Simulator.” Stud Health
seph’s Hospital Department of Surgery Core Curricu- Technol Inform Dec 2012;184:114-6
Tran, S; Grossman, E; Barsness, KA. “Prune Belly
Update on Common Pediatric Surgical Disease. St. Syndrome, Splenic Torsion and Malrotation: A Case
Joseph’s Hospital Department of Surgery Core Cur- Report.” J Pediatr Surg. 2013 Feb;48(2):e41-3
Meyer, M; Barsness, KA. “Umbilical Arteriovenous
Minimally Invasive Repair of Diaphragmatic Hernias. Malformation: Case Report and Literature Review.”
Barsness, KA; Rooney, DM; Davis, LM. “The Design
and Evaluation of a Novel Thoracoscopic Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair Simulator.” J Laparoendosc Adv
Surg Tech. 2013 Jun 22 (Epub ahead of print)
Barsness, KA; Rooney, DM; Davis, L. “Collaboration
in Simulation: The Development and Evaluation of a
Novel Thoracoscopic Neonatal Simulator.” J Pediatr
Surg. Jul 2013 Jul;48(6): 1232-8
Naiditch, J; Barsness, KA. “The Positive and Negative Predictive Value of Trans-Abdominal Color Doppler Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Ovarian Torsion
in Pediatric Patients.” J Pediatr Surg. 2013 Jul;48
(6): 1283-7
Barsness, KA; Rooney, DM; Davis, LM; Chin, AC.
“Validation Measures from a Thoracoscopic Esophageal Atresia/Tracheoesophageal Fistula Repair
Simulator.” J Pediatr Surg. Accepted May 2013
Barsness, KA; Reynolds, M. “The Spleen.” Pediatric
Surgery. 7th Edition. Eds Coran, A; Krummel, T;
Adzick, S; Shamberger, R; Laberge, JM; Caldamone,
AA. 2012
Barsness, KA. “The Pediatric Surgical Patient.” ACS
Surgery: Principles and Practice. Eds WG Cance,
RJValentine, GJ Jurkovich, SJ Swanson, LM Napolitano, JH Pemberton, H Chen, NJ Soper. 2013
David J. Bentrem, MD
JM Sutton, DA Kooby, GC Wilson, DJ Hanseman, SK
Maithel, DJ Bentrem, SM Weber, CS Cho, ER Winslow, CR Scoggins, RC Martin, HJ Kim, NB Merchant,
AA Parikh, D Abbott, MJ Edwards, SA Ahmad. Effects of Blood Transfusion in Patients Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic
Adenocarcinoma: A Multi-Institutional Study of 698
Patients Digestive Disease Week May 2013
Merkow RP, Bilimoria KY, Tomlinson JS, Paruch JL,
Ko CY, and Bentrem DJ. Postoperative complications reduce adjuvant chemotherapy use in resectable pancreatic cancer. Society of Surgical Oncology 2012 (Washington, DC)
Knab M, Phillips JD, Blatner N, DeCamp M, Meyerson S, De Hoyos A, Khazaie K, and Bentrem DJ. Role
of T-cell subpopulations in patients with non-small
cell lung cancer. Academic Surgical Congress Feb
2013 (New Orleans, LA)
Sherman K, Shah A, Merkow RP, Wang CE, Bilimoria
K, and Bentrem DJ. Management of advanced gastric cancer in the United States: Analysis of 21,039
Patients. Academic Surgical Congress Feb 2013
(New Orleans, LA)
Ahmad SA, Sutton JM, Grewal SS, Kooby DA, Maithel
SK, Bentrem DJ, Weber SM, Cho CS, Winslow ER,
Scoggins CR, Martin RC, Kim HJ, Merchant NB,
Parikh AA, Edwards MJ. Factors Influencing Readmission Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy: A
Multi-Institutional Study of 1,302 Patients. American
Surgical Association 2012 (San Franciso, CA)
Merkow RP, Bilimoria KY, McCarter M, Phillips JD,
DeCamp M, Ko CY and Bentrem DJ. Short-term
Outcomes after esophagectomy at 164 ACS NSQIP
Hospitals: Effect of Operative Approach and hospital
level variation. Arch Surg 2012;147(11):1009-16.
**Merkow RP, Bilimoria KY, Chow W, Weyant M, Ko
C and Bentrem DJ. Variation in lymph node examination after esophagectomy for cancer in the United
States. Arch Surg 2012;147(6):505-11.
Sherman K, Merkow RP, Bilimoria K, Wang E, Mulcahy M, Benson A and Bentrem DJ. Stage IB-III gastric adenocarcinoma: treatment trends and predictors of adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy. Annals of
Surgical Oncology 2012;20(2):362-70.
Tarlov E, Lee TA, Weichle TW, Durazo-Arvizu R,
Zhang Q, Perrin R, Bentrem DJ, and Hynes DM.
Reduced overall and event-free survival among
colon cancer patients using dual system care. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention
Merkow R, Sherman K, Bilimoria K, McCarter M,
Gordon H, Tomlinson JT, and Bentrem DJ. Quality of
colorectal cancer care among veterans: analysis of
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
treatment times at 124 VA medical centers. JOnc 2013 Top-Rated Abstract, ACS NSQIP Annual Con- Justin B. Dimick, Bruce L. Hall Optimizing ACS NSQIP
Pract 7;2013
ference, San Diego, CA
modeling for evaluation of surgical quality and risk:
Patient risk adjustment, procedure mix adjustment,
Sherman K, Shah AM, Merkow RP, Wang E, Presentations
shrinkage adjustment, and surgical focus J Am Coll
Bilimoria K, and Bentrem DJ. Assessment of ad- How Are You Being Judged? Current and Upcoming Surg 217(2): 336-46 e1.
vanced gastric cancer management in the United Surgical Quality Assessment Initiatives, Keynote
States. Ann Surg Onc 2013;20(7):2124-31.
Lecture, Theodore Classen Memorial Lecture, Ameri- Keiki Hinami, Karl Y. Bilimoria, Peter G Kallas, Yael
can College of Osteopathic Surgeons Annual Meet- M Simons, Nicholas P Christensen, Mark V Williams
Khan M, Keshavarzian A, E Gounaris, J Melson, E ing, Chicago, IL 2012
Patient Experiences after Hospitalizations for ElecCheon, Z Chen, F Tsai, G Lee, H Ryu, T Barrett, Bentive Surgery American Journal of Surgery 2013
trem DJ, P Beckhove, and K Khazaie. Colitis-induced Breast Cancer Treatment Advances and Controvercancer is driven by PI3K/AKT active and LY294002 sies, St. Margaret’s Hospital Grand Rounds 2012
Karl Y. Bilimoria Moving Beyond Guidelines to Ensensitive cellular infiltrate of the colonic subsure High-Quality Cancer Care in the U.S. Journal of
mucosa. Clin Canc Res accepted 3/12.
Melanoma Management and Recent Updates, St. Oncology Practice/American Society of Clinical OnJoseph’s Hospital Grand Rounds 2012
cology. 8(4):e67-8, 2012 Jul.
Hayman A, Fisher MJ, Kluz T, Merkow R, Wang E,and
Bentrem DJ. Is Illinois heeding the call to regionalize Currently Available Datasets for Outcomes Re- Karen Sherman, Jeffrey D. Wayne, Karl Y. Bilimoria
pancreatic surgery? J Surgical Oncology 2013; 107. search, ACS Outcomes Research Course, Chicago Overcoming Specialty Bias: Another Important Rea2012
son for Multidisciplinary Management of Soft Tissue
**Heiferman MJ, Heiferman JR, Blatner N, Phillips J,
Sarcoma JAMA Surg 148(7): 640.
Knab M, Wayne E, Cheon E, Khazaie K, Grippo P, Intermediate Biostatistics, ACS Outcomes Research
and Bentrem DJ. 5-Lipoxygenase inhibition attenu- Course, Chicago 2012
Melissa Lazar, Karl Y. Bilimoria Can Radiation Reates intestinal polyposis through suppression of
place Axillary Dissection in Patients with Sentinelinflammation. Academic Surgical Congress Feb Melanoma Management and Recent Updates, St. Node Positive Disease? Breast Diseases Quarterly
2013 (New Orleans, LA)
Mary’s Hospital Grand Rounds 2012
Ankit Bharat, MD
Senior Cardiothoracic Resident Research Competition 1st Prize (Thoracic), American Association of
Thoracic Surgery annual Meeting 2013
Richard E. Clark Award: Society of Thoracic Surgeons annual meeting, 2013 (First author Traves
Best paper: International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary
Association, 2012
TD Crabtree, W Burfeind, A Kosinski, V Puri, A Bharat, GA Patterson, W Hofstetter, BF Meyers. Evaluation of the reliability of clinical staging of T2N0
esophageal cancer: A review of STS database. 2012
V Subramanian, A Bharat, N Vachharajani, J Crippin,
T Mohanakumar, W Chapman. Perioperative Blood
Transfusion Affects Outcome and Hepatitis C Virus
specific immune responses Following Liver transplantation in Hepatitis C Recipients. 10th World
Congress of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary
Association, Paris, 2012.
A Bharat. Overview of the Immune System. Textbook
of Immunology. 1st edition, Editor BK Gupta, 2012.
Subramanian V, Bharat A, Vachharajani N, Crippin J,
Shenoy S, Mohanakumar T, Chapman WC. Perioperative blood transfusion affects hepatitis C virus
(HCV)-specific immune responses and outcome
following liver transplantation in HCV-infected patients. HPB (Oxford). Epub ahead of print.
Using the Surgeon-Specific Registry for the Practic- Karl Y. Bilimoria, Yaoming Liu, Jennifer L. Paruch,
ing Surgeon, American College of Surgeons Clinical Lynn Zhou, Thomas E. Kmiecik, Clifford Y. Ko, Mark
Congress, 2012
E. Cohen Development and Evaluation of the Universal ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator: A Decision
How to Get the Most Current Surgical Quality Im- Aide and Informed Consent Tool for Patients and
provement Programs, Roswell Park Cancer Institute Surgeons Journal of the American College of SurVisiting Professor, December 2012
geons Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Developing Your Specific Aims Page, American Surgical Congress Surgical Investigators Course, 2013 T. Sean Lynch, Matthew D. Saltzman, Jason H.
Ghodasra, Karl Y. Bilimoria, Mark K. Bowen, Gordon
An Update on the Oncology NSQIP NCI Center Con- W. Nuber AC Joint Injuries in the National Football
sortium, ACS NSQIP Annual Conference, 2013
League (NFL): Epidemiology and Management The
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2013
Calculating the Art and Science of Surgery: Development of a Universal ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calcu- Jeanette W. Chung, Min-Woong Sohn, Ryan P.
lator to Help Communicate Operative Risks to Pa- Merkow, Elissa H. Oh, Christina Minami, Bernard S.
tients, ACS NSQIP National Conference, 2013
Black, Karl Y. Bilimoria Development of a Composite
Measure of State-Level Malpractice Environment
Measuring Your Cancer Outcomes, MD Anderson Health Services Research Journal 2013
Cancer Center 11th Annual Oncology Update: Advances and Controversies. Steamboat, CO 2013
BS Kester, JD Wayne, MI Ross, DJ Bentrem, RP
Merkow, KY Bilimoria An Opportunity to Ensure High
-Quality Melanoma Care Through the Use of a PreRyan P. Merkow, Thomas Kmiecik, David Bentrem, operative Treatment Algorithm. Ann Surg Oncol
David Winchester, Andrew Stewart, Clifford Ko, Karl 2013
Y. Bilimoria Effect of Including Cancer-Specific Variables on Models Examining Short-Term Outcomes RP Merkow, DJ Bentrem, ME Cohen, JL Paruch, SM
Cancer. 119(7):1412-9, 2013 Apr 1.
Weber, CY Ko, KY Bilimoria Effect of Cancer Surgery
Complexity on Short-Term Outcomes, Risk PredicRyan P. Merkow, David J. Bentrem, David P. Win- tions and Hospital Comparisons Journal of the
chester, Andrew K. Stewart, Clifford Y. Ko, Karl Y. American College of Surgeons 2013
Bilimoria Effect of Including Cancer-Specific Variables on Risk-Adjusted Hospital Surgical Quality Com- Keiki Hinami, Karl Y. Bilimoria, Peter G Kallas, Yael
parisons Ann Surg Oncol 20(6): 1766-73
M Simons, Nicholas P Christensen, Mark V Williams
Patient Experiences after Hospitalizations for ElecRyan P. Merkow, David J. Bentrem, Mary F. Mulcahy, tive Surgery American Journal of Surgery 2013
Jeanette W. Chung, Daniel E. Abbott, Thomas E.
Kmiecik, Andrew K. Stewart, David P. Winchester, RP Merkow, BL Hall, ME Cohen, X Wang, JL Adams,
Clifford Y. Ko, Karl Y. Bilimoria Effect of Post- WB Chow, EH Lawson, KY Bilimoria, K Richards, CY
Operative Complications on Adjuvant Chemotherapy Ko Validity and feasibility of the American College of
Use for Stage III Colon Cancer Annals of Surgery Surgeons Colectomy Composite Outcome Quality
Measure. Annals of Surgery. 257(3):483-9, 2013
Crabtree TD, Kosinski AS, Puri V, Burfeind W, Bharat
A, Patterson GA, Hofstetter W, Meyers BF. Evaluation of the Reliability of Clinical Staging of T2 N0
Esophageal Cancer: A Review of The Society of
Thoracic Surgeons Database. Ann Thorac Surg May
2013. 741-748.
Morgan M. Sellers, Ryan P. Merkow, Amy Halverson,
Keiki Hinami, Rachel R. Kelz, David J. Bentrem, Karl
Bharat A, Epstein DJ, Grady M, Faro A, Michelson P, Y. Bilimoria Validation of New Readmission Data in
Sweet SC, Huddleston CB. Lung transplant is a the American College of Surgeons National Surgical
viable treatment option for patients with congenital Quality Improvement Program Journal of the Ameriand acquired pulmonary vein stenosis. J Heart Lung can College of Surgeons. 216(3):420-7, 2013 Mar.
Transplant 2013 Jun, 621-5.
Morgan M. Sellers, Kristi Hanson, Mary Schuller,
A Bharat, G A Patterson. Merits of cadaveric lobar Karen Sherman, Rachel R. Kelz, Jonathan Fryer,
lung transplantation. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, Nov Debra DaRosa, Karl Y. Bilimoria Development and
2012. 43(6). 1225-1226.
Participant Assessment of a Practical Quality Improvement Educational Initiative for Surgical ResiA Bharat, T Crabtree. Management of advanced- dents Journal of the American College of Surgeons.
stage operable esophageal cancer. Surgical Clin 216(6):1207-13, 1213.e1, 2013 Jun.
North Am, Oct 2012; 92(5): 1179-97.
Ryan P. Merkow, Karl Y. Bilimoria, Clifford Y. Ko.
A Bharat, T Mohanakumar. Autoimmunity in Lung Surgical Quality Measurement: An Evolving Science
Transplantation. Frontiers of Biosciences, Jun 2012 JAMA Surg 148(7): 586-7.
1; 4:2378-88
Ryan P. Merkow, David J. Bentrem, Jeanette W.
Karl Y. Bilimoria, MD, MS
Chung, Jennifer L. Paruch, Clifford Y. Ko, Karl Y.
Bilimoria. Differences in Patients, Surgical ComplexiHonors/Awards
ty, and Outcomes after Cancer Surgery at National
2012 Top-Rated Scientific Abstract, Society of Surgi- Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Centers Comcal Oncology Annual Meeting 2012, Orlando, FL
pared to Other Hospitals Med Care 51(7): 606-13.
Mar.Mark E. Cohen, Clifford Y. Ko, Karl Y. Bilimoria,
Lynn Zhou, Kristopher Huffman, Xue Wang, Yaoming
Liu, Kari Kraemer, Xiangju Meng, Ryan Merkow,
Warren Chow, Brian Matel, Karen Richards, Amy J.
Hart, Justin B. Dimick, Bruce L. Hall Optimizing ACS
NSQIP modeling for evaluation of surgical quality
and risk: Patient risk adjustment, procedure mix
adjustment, shrinkage adjustment, and surgical
focus Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Ryan P. Merkow, David J. Bentrem, Jeanette W.
Chung, Jennifer L. Paruch, Clifford Y. Ko, Karl Y.
Bilimoria Differences in Patients, Surgical Complexity, and Outcomes after Cancer Surgery at National
Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Centers Compared to Other Hospitals Medical Care 2013
Anne-Marie Boller, MD
Teitelbaum EN, Arafat FO, Boller AM. Transanal
NOTES proctosigmoidectomy in a cadaver
model. Society of American Gastrointestinal and
Endoscopic Surgeons - online video library. 2013.
2013 Top-Rated Abstract in Measuring Quality and Mark E. Cohen, Clifford Y. Ko, Karl Y. Bilimoria, Lynn
Value, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Zhou, Kristopher Huffman, Xue Wang, Yaoming Liu, Teitelbaum EN, Arafat FO, Lapin B, Boller AM. Effect
Baltimore, MD
Kari Kraemer, Xiangju Meng, Ryan Merkow, Warren of Instrument Type on Transanal
Chow, Brian Matel, Karen Richards, Amy J. Hart, Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM) Learning Curves.
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Poster, In D. Dean (Chair). Training models and professional
Digestive Disease Week. Orlando, FL. May, 2013.
identities in health psychology. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American
Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Blatner NR, Mulcahy MF, Dennis KL, Scholtens D,
Phillips J, Bentrem DJ, Ham S, Sandall BP, Khan Butt, Z. (2012, August). Transplantation quality of
MW, Mahvi DM, Halverson AL, Stryker SJ, Boller AM, life: Patient-reported outcomes in organ transplantaMarshall L, Singal A, Sneed RK, Bonertz A, tion and donation. Invited paper presented at the
Beckhove P, Gounari F, Khazaie K. Expression of Northwestern Memorial Hospital Annual Kidney/
RORyt+ distinguishes pathogenic from protective Pancreas Transplant Conference. Chicago, IL.
Treg in colon cancer. Sci Transl Med. December
Reeve, B. B., Butt, Z., Lyons, J. C., Aaronson, N.,
Ahmed, S., Basch, E., Brundage, M., Cella, D.,
Tara M. Breslin, MD
Fayers, P., Feeny, D., Gershon, R., Greenhalgh, J.,
Hays, R. D., Hinds, P., Lenderking, W., McLeod, L.,
Moinpour, C., Revicki, D., Schwartz, C., Snyder, C.,
Vandergrift JL, Niland JC, Theriault RL, Edge Terwee, C., Tinetti, M., Velikova, M., Wu, A.,
SB, Wong YN, Loftus LS, Breslin TM, Hudis CA, Javid & Wyrwich, K. (2012, October). ISOQOL recomSH, Rugo HS, Silver SM, Lepisto EM, Weeks JC. Time mends minimum standards for patient-reported
to adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer in Na- outcomes measures for use in patient-centered
tional Comprehensive Cancer Network institutions. J outcomes research. Paper presented at the annual
Natl Cancer Inst. 2013 Jan 16;105(2):104-12. doi: meeting of the International Society of Quality of Life
10.1093/jnci/djs506. Epub 2012 Dec 21.
Research. Budapest, Hungary.
Breslin TM, Banerjee M, Gust C, Birkmeyer NJ.
Trends in advanced imaging use for women undergoing breast cancer surgery. Cancer. 2013 Mar
15;119(6):1251-6. doi: 10.1002/cncr.27838. Epub
2012 Dec 4.
Marybeth Browne, MD, MS
Named Chairperson of the Quality and Safety committee for the Department of Surgery, Lurie Children’s
“Update on Pediatric NSQIP.” The Illinois Surgical
Society, Chicago, IL 2013
Tran S, Berman L, Wadhwani NR, Browne M:
“Hepatobiliary Cystadenoma: A rare pediatric tumor.” Pediatr Surg Int. 29 (8) 841-845, 2013.
Sulkowski J, Raval M, Browne M: “Margin Status
and multimodal therapy in infantile fibrosarcoma”
Pediatr Surg Int. 29 (8): 771-776, 2013.
Naditch J, Browne M. Ravitch Procedure for Pectus
Excavatum. Medscape Reference. Updated June 04,
2013. Available at: http://
Zeeshan Butt, PhD
Named to Editorial Board, Health Psychology.
Named to Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
Named to Merit Review Panel, Patient Centered
Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Named to Research Committee, Marie Curie Cancer
Care – UK
Awarded 2012 Presidential Citation for Service
Excellence, Division 38 (Health Psychology), American Psychological Association
Awarded 2013 Poster Session Award, Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Named 2013 Finalist, International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL), Early Investigator
Awarded 2013 Editorial Appreciation Award for
Health Psychology, 2012-2013
Co-Chair, Abstract Review Committee, Translational:
Psychosocial and Treatment Adherence, American
Transplant Congress annual meeting
Chair, Early Career Professionals Council, Division
38 (Health Psychology), American Psychological
Member, Board of Directors, Division 38 (Health
Psychology), American Psychological Association
Member, Committee on Division/APA Relations,
American Psychological Association
Butt, Z. (2012, August). Discussant and facilitator.
Settings, 19, 349-352..[online edition includes full
primer for download]
Ladner, D. P., Alonso, E. M., Butt, Z., Caicedo, J. C.,
Cella, D., Daud, A., Friedewald, J. J., Gordon, E. J.,
Hazen, G. B., Ho, B. T., Hoke, K. R., Holl, J. L., Ison,
M. G., Kang, R., Mehrotra, S., Preczewski, L. B.,
Ross, O. A., Sharaf, P. H., Skaro, A. I., Wang, E., Wolf,
M. W., Woods, D. M., & Abecassis, M. M. (2012).
NUTORC – a transdisciplinary health services and
outcomes research team in transplantation. Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy and
Research, 2, 446-458.
Mohammad, S., Hormaza, L., Neighbors, K., Boone,
P., Tierney, M., Azzam, R. K., Butt, Z., & Alonso, E. M.
(2012). Health status in young adults two decades
after pediatric liver transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation, 12, 1486-1495.
Butt, Z., Parikh, N.D., Beaumont, J. L., Rosenbloom,
S. K., Syrjala, K. L., Abernethy, A. P., Benson, A. B., &
Cella, D. (2012). Development and validation of a
symptom index for advanced hepatobiliary and
Zapf, M., Salabat, R., Leung, D., Yetasook, A., pancreatic cancers: The National Comprehensive
Denham, W., Barrera, E., Butt, Z., Carbray, J., Du, H., Cancer Network Functional Assessment of Cancer
& Ujiki, M. (2013, March). Single-incision results in Threapy (NCCN-FACT) Hepatobiliary-Pancreatic
similar pain and quality of life scores with better
Symptom Index (NFHSI). Cancer, 118, 5997-6004.
cosmesis compared to multi-incision laparoscopic
cholecystectomy: A blinded prospective randomized Leung, D., Yetasook, A. K., Cabray, J., Butt, Z.,
trial of 100 patients. Paper presented at the annual Hoeger, Y., Denham, W., Barrera, E., & Ujiki, M.
meeting of the Central Surgical Association. Amelia (2012). Single-incision surgery has higher cost with
Island, FL.
equivalent pain and quality-of-life scores compared
to multiple-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A
Parikh, N. D., Skaro, A. I., Ladner, D., Daud, A., Abe- prospective randomized blinded comparison. Jourcassis, M. M., & Butt, Z. (2013, March). Clinical nal of the American College of Surgeons, 215, 702outcomes and quality of life in recipients of livers 708.
donated after cardiac death. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medi- Butt, Z., Peipert, D., Webster, K., Chen, C., & Cella,
cine, San Francisco, CA.
D. (2013). General population norms for the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Kidney
Zapf, M., Denham, W., Barrera, E., Butt, Z., Linn, J., Symptom Index (FKSI). Cancer, 119, 429-437.
Carbray, J., Du, H., & Ujiki, M. (2013, April). Patientcentered outcomes following laparoscopic cholecys- Butt, Z., Lai, J.-S., Rao, D., Heinemann, A. W., Bill, A.,
tectomy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of & Cella, D. (2013). Measurement of fatigue in canThe Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endo- cer, stroke, and HIV using the Functional Assessscopic Surgeons (SAGES). Baltimore, MD.
ment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue (FACIT-F)
scale. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74, 64Cella, D. & Butt, Z. (2013, May). The Patient- 68.
Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI):
Working through the maze of a new research oppor- Cyranowksi, J. M., Zill, N., Bode, R., Butt, Z., Kelly. M.
tunity. Invited paper presented at the Northwestern A. R., Pilkonis, P. A., Salsman, J. M., & Cella, D.
University Institute for Public Health and Medicine (2013). Assessing perceptions of support, compan(IPHAM) Wednesday Workshop. Chicago, IL.
ionship, and distress in social relationships: Development and psychometric testing of the NIH Toolbox
Dew, M. A., Butt, Z., DiMartini, A., Ladner, D., & Social Relationships scales. Health Psychology, 32,
Simpson, M. A. (2013, May). Psychosocial outcomes 293-301.
3 to 9 years after living liver donation in the Adult to
Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation Cohort Sanford, S. D., Wagner, L., Beaumont, J. L., Butt, Z.,
Study (A2ALL). Paper presented at the annual meet- Sweet, J. J., & Cella, D. (2013). Longitudinal proing of the American Transplant Congress, Seattle, spective assessment of sleep quality: Before, durWA.
ing, and after adjuvant chemotherapy for breast
cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 21, 959-967.
Butt, Z. (2013, May). The importance of assessing
quality of life in outcomes research. In I. Feurer and Pilkonis, P. A., Choi, S. W., Salsman, J., Butt, Z.,
C. Jacobs (Mods). They have survived – what’s Moore, T. L., Zill, N., Cyranowski, J. M., Kelly, M. A.
next?: Adding quality to survival. Paper presented at R., Knox, S. S., & Cella, D. (2013). Assessing negathe annual meeting for the American Transplant tive affect across the lifespan: Developing selfCongress, Seattle, WA. [invited paper]
report instruments for an NIH Toolbox. Psychiatry
Research, 206,88-97.
Butt, Z. (2013, August). Discussant. In A. Shahane
(Chair). A guide to navigating career success for the Salsman, J. M., Butt, Z., Pilkonis, P. A., Cyranowski,
early career health psychologist. Symposium to be J. M., Zill, N., Hendrie, H. C., Kupst, M. J., Kelly, M. A.
presented at the annual convention of the American R., Fox, N. A., Bode, R. K., Choi, S. W., Lai, J.-S.,
Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Griffith, J. W., & Cella, D. (2013). Emotional health
and its assessment within the NIH Toolbox. NeuroloButt, Z. (2013, August). Chair and facilitator. In Z. gy, 80(Suppl 3), S76-S86.
Butt (Chair). Negotiation and self-advocacy for the
health psychologist: A conversation hour with two Cella, D., Butt, Z., Kindler, H. L., Fuchs, C. S., Bray,
experts. Symposium to be presented at the annual S., Barlev, A., & Oglesby A. (in press). Validity of the
convention of the American Psychological Associa- Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Hepatotion, Honolulu, HI.
biliary (FACT-Hep) questionnaire for assessing disease-related symptoms and health-related quality of
life in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer.
Butt, Z., Parikh, N. D., Skaro, A. I., Ladner, D., & Quality of Life Research.
Cella, D. (2012). Quality of life, risk adjustment, and
patient safety in liver transplantation: New frontiers Reeve, B.B., Wyrwich, K. W., Wu, A. W., Velikova, G.,
in health services and outcomes research. Current Terwee, C. B., Snyder, C. F., Schwartz, C., Revicki, D.
Opinion in Organ Transplantation, 17, 241-247.
A., Moinpour, C. M., McLeod, L. D., Lyons, J. C.,
Lenderking, W. R., Hinds, P. S., Hays, R. D., GreenJensen, S. E., Butt, Z., Bill, A., Baker, T., Abecassis, halgh, J., Gershon, R., Feeny, D., Fayers, P. M., Cella,
M. M., Heinemann, A. W., Cella, D., & Dumanian, G. D., Brundage, M., Ahmed, S., Aaronson, N. K., Butt,
(2012). Quality of life considerations in upper limb Z.; on behalf of the International Society for Quality
transplantation: Review and future directions. Jour- of Life Research (ISOQOL). (in press). ISOQOL recnal of Hand Surgery,37, 2126-2135.
ommends minimum standards for patient-reported
outcome measures used in patient-centered outChristophersen, E., & Butt, Z. (2012). Introducing a comes and comparative effectiveness research.
primer for career development and promotion: Suc- Quality of Life Research.
ceeding as a psychologist in an academic health
center. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Gordon, E. G., Butt, Z., Jensen, S. E., Lehr, A. L.,
Franklin, J., Becker, Y., Sherman, L., Chon. W. J.,
Beauvais, N., Hanneman, J., Penrod, D., Ison, M. G.,
& Abecassis, M. M. (in press). Opportunities for
shared decision making in kidney transplantation.
American Journal of Transplantation.
Preczewski LB, Ross OA, Sharaf PH, Skaro AI, Wang
E, Wolf MS, Woods DM, Abecassis MM. NUTORC-a
transdisciplinary health services and outcomes
research team in transplantation. Transl Behav
Med. 2012 Dec;2(4):446-458.
State of Illinois Lieutenant Governor’s Firearms
Working Group, 2013
Vouche M, Lewandowski RJ, Atassi R, Memon K,
Gates VL, Ryu RK, Gaba RC, Mulcahy MF, Baker T,
Sato K, Hickey R, Ganger D, Riaz A, Fryer J, Caicedo
JC, Abecassis M, Kulik L, Salem R. Radiation lobectomy: time-dependent analysis of future liver remnant volume in unresectable liver cancer as a bridge
Zapf, Z., Yetasook, A., Leung, D., Salabat, R., to resection. J Hepatol. 2013 Jun 25 [Epub ahead of
Denham, W., Barrera, E., Butt, Z., Carbray, J., Du, H., print].
Wang, C. E., & Ujiki, M. (in press). Single-incision
results in similar pain and quality of life scores com- Susan E. Clare, MD
pared to multi-incision laparascopic cholecystectomy: A blinded, prospective, randomized trial of 100 Presentations
patients. Surgery.
“Circumventing Barriers to Nanoparticle Delivery in
vivo” Invited speaker “BioSensing BioActuation
Salem, R., Gilbertson, M., Butt, Z., Memon, K., BioNanotechnology Summer Institute 2012”, UniVouche, M., Hickey, R., Baker, T., Abecassis, M. M., versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
Atassi, R., Riaz, A., Cella, D., Burns, J. L., Ganger, D., August 2, 2012.
Benson, A. B. 3rd, Mulcahy, M. F., Kulik, L. & Lewandowski, R. (in press). Increased quality of life among “Delivery of nanotherapeutics to brain metastases”
hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with and “The menstrual cycle, hormonal contraception
radioembolization compared with chemoemboliza- and the normal breast” Indiana University Departtion. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
ment of Surgery Grand Rounds, Indianapolis, IN,
October 17, 2012.
Zapf, M., Denham, W., Barrera, E., Butt, Z., Carbray,
J., Wang, C., Linn, J. & Ujiki, M. (in press). Patient- “Delivery of nanovectors to malignant brain lesions
centered outcomes following laparoscopic cholecys- using a cellular Trojan Horse” Invited speaker,
tectomy. Surgical Endoscopy.
University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma,
TN, November 7, 2012.
Salsman, J. M., Lai, J.-S., Hendrie, H. C., Butt, Z., Zill,
N., Pilkonis, P. A., Peterson, C., Stoney, C. M., “Using Komen Tissue Bank Specimens to Re-Define
Brouwers, P., & Cella, D. (in press). Assessing psy- Normal” Invited speaker, California Breast Cancer
chological well-being: Self-report instruments for the Research Program Symposium, Costa Mesa, CA,
NIH Toolbox. Quality of Life Research.
May 17, 2013.
National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence
Across The Lifespan (NPEIV) Founder’s Award for
Research, 2012
Sanford, S. D., Beaumont, J., Butt, Z., Sweet, J. J.,
Cella, D., & Wagner, L. (in press). Prospective, longitudinal evaluation of a symptom cluster in breast
cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
Juan Carlos Caicedo, MD
Choi M, Bardhan R, Stanton-Maxey KJ, Badve S,
Nakshatri H, Stantz KM, Cao N, Naomi J. Halas NJ,
2013 Heroes for Hope: Real Life Lifesavers - Grant- and Clare SE. Delivery of nanoparticles to brain
ed by Gift of Hope, Organ and Tissue Donor Network metastases of breast cancer using a cellular Trojan
horse. Cancer Nanotechnol. 2012 Dec;3(1-6):47Presentations
Invited Speaker. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, Region V. Hispanic Heritage Month. Cultur- Juan L, Wang G, Radovich M, Schneider BP, Clare
al Competency in Organ Transplantation and the SE, Wang Y, Liu Y. Potential roles of microRNAs in
Hispanic Transplant Program at Northwestern Me- regulating long intergenic noncoding RNAs. BMC
morial Hospital. Chicago, Illinois. October 24, 2012. Med Genomics. 2013;6 Suppl 1:S7. doi:
Invited Speaker. Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, National Harbor, Maryland, Cultural compe- Julia F. Corcoran, MD
tency in Organ Transplantation to Increase Live
Kidney Donation in Hispanic Americans: The North- Honors/Awards
western University Hispanic Transplant Program Member of the American Society of Maxillofacial
Experience, December 2012.
Surgeons, October 2012.
Invited Speaker. Northwestern University, Feinberg
School of Medicine, Department of Surgery Core
Curriculum Series (Teaching Lecture). Causes &
Management of Jaundice. Chicago, Illinois. January
10, 2013.
Invited Speaker. 38th Annual Convention – American Society of Plastic Surgical Nurses, Cleft lip&
palate: diagnosis and management during the preand post natal period, New Orleans, LA. October 28,
Invited Speaker. Saint Mary and Elizabeth Hospital
CME Program. Healthcare Disparities in Hispanics Invited Speaker. Proceedings of The Association for
with End Stage Renal Disease. Chicago, Illinois. April Surgical Education Annual Meeting -Is a formative
16, 2013.
midterm test sufficient to predict students at risk of
failing a surgery clerkship? Orlando, FL.
Invited Speaker. McGaw Medical Center of North- April 2013.
western University Residency Showcase (Keynote
speaker). Happiness and Career Searching. Chica- Lecturer. Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestgo, Illinois. May 4, 2013.
ern University, Interdisciplinary plenary session,
Head & neck module, phasel, clinical manifestaInvited Speaker. American Transplant Congress tions of head & neck embryology, 2013.
(ATC), Seattle, Washington, Transplant Centered
Approach: Northwestern Experience in Hispanic Lecturer. Feinberg School of Medicine,Northwestern
Americans, May 2013.
University, Foundations Module: Clinical manifestation of abdominal wall embryology, September
Invited Speaker. Norwegian American Hospital CME 2012.
Program. Cultural Competency in Organ Transplantation – The Hispanic Transplant Program Experi- Publications
ence. Chicago, Illinois. July 2013.
Krishnan, D and Corcoran JF: Orthognathic Surgery
for Craniofacial Differences in Kummer, AW (Ed.)
Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies: Effects on
Baker T, Caicedo JC. Minimally Invasive Living Donor speech and resonance, 3rd Edition. Delnar Cenage
Hepatectomy, Chapter 56. In: RW Busuttil GB Learing, Clifton Park, NY. 2013.
Klintmaln eds: Transplantation of the Liver, 3rd
Edition. WB Sanders Company, 2013 [in press].
Marie Crandall, MD, MPH
Gordon EJ, Rodde J, Gil S, Caicedo JC. Quality of
internet education about living kidney donation for
Hispanics. Prog Transplant. 2012 Sep;22(3):294303.
Ladner DP, Alonso EM, Butt Z, Caicedo JC, Cella D,
Daud A, Friedewald JJ, Gordon EJ, Hazen GB, Ho BT,
Hoke KR, Holl JL, Ison MG, Kang R, Mehrotra S,
American Board of Surgery Oral Boards Junior Examiner, April 2013
Teaching Wall of Honor, Department of Surgery,
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2012
Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Feinberg School of
Medicine, 2012
Society of University Surgeons member, 2012
Shaheen A, Crandall M, Merlotti G, Jalundhwala Y,
Issa N. Abdominal compartment syndrome: predictors of adverse outcomes in trauma patients. American Surgical Congress New Orleans, LA February
Siddiqui S, Sagar S, Crandall M, Swaroop M. Saying
one thing and doing another: Delhi women pillion
riders and their helmets.
INDUS-EM Summit Nashik, India October 2012
Cochran A, Elder W, Crandall M, Brasel K, Hauschild
T, Neumayer L. Barriers to advancement in academic surgery: views of senior residents and junior
faculty. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress Chicago, IL October 2012
Hansen L, Shaheen A, Crandall M. Emergency department utilization and outpatient follow-up after
traumatic injury American Public Health Association annual meeting San Francisco, CA October
Butler B, Hansen L, Crandall M. Trauma center
screening practices and services for victims of violence. American Public Health Association annual
meeting San Francisco, CA October 2012
Crandall M, Sharp D, Hsia R. Effects of closure of
an urban Level I trauma center on adjacent hospitals and local injury mortality. American Public
Health Association annual meeting San Francisco,
CA October 2012
Swaroop M, Siddiqui S, Arora S, Crandall M. The
problem of the pillion rider: the efficacy of India’s
helmet law and New Delhi’s helmet law exemption. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress Chicago, IL October 2012
Butler B, Hansen L, Crandall M. Trauma center
screening practices and services for victims of violence. 17th International Conference on Violence,
Abuse, and Trauma San Diego, CA September
Crandall M, Sharp D, Unger E, Straus D, Brasel K,
Hsia R, Esposito T. Trauma deserts: distance from a
trauma center, transport times, and mortality from
gunshot wounds in Chicago American Journal of
Public Health 2013; 103(6):1103-9
Haider A, Weygandt P, Bentley J, Monn F, Rehman
K, Zarzaur B, Crandall M, Cornwell E, Cooper
L. Disparities in trauma care and outcomes in the
United States: a systematic review and metaanalysis Journal of Trauma 2013;74(5):1195-1205
Shafi S, Aboutanos MB, Agarwal S, Brown CV, Crandall M, Feliciano DV, Guillamondegui O, Haider A,
Inaba K, Osler TM, Ross S, Rozycki GS, Tominaga GT
for the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma—Committee on Severity Assessment and Outcomes.
Emergency General Surgery (EGS)—
Definition and estimated burden of disease Journal
of Trauma 2013;74(4):1092-7
Swaroop M, Straus D, Agubuzu O, Esposito T,
Schermer C, Crandall M. Prehospital transport
times and survival for hypotensive patients with
penetrating thoracic trauma Journal of EmergenNorthwestern University Public Voices Leadership cies, Trauma, and Shock 2013;6(1):16-20
Fellow, 2013
Stassen N, Bhullar I, Cheng C, Crandall M, Friese R,
American College of Surgeons/Eastern Association Guillamondequi O, et al. Selective nonoperative
for the Surgery of Trauma Health Policy Scholarship, management of blunt splenic injury: an Eastern
June 2013
Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline
Journal of Trauma 2012;73
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Turner J, Kim K, Mehrotra S, Daskin MS, DaRosa
Massachusetts Medical School. Worcester, MA. May DA, Rodriguez HE. Using Optimization Models to
Stassen N, Bhullar I, Cheng C, Crandall M, Friese R, 15, 2013.
Demonstrate the Need for Structural Changes in
Guillamondequi O, et al. Nonoperative manageTraining Programs for Surgical Medical Residents.
ment of blunt hepatic injury: an Eastern Association “How People Learn” presented for grand rounds, Health Care Management Science, 2013 March;1for the Surgery of Trauma practice management Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Universi- 11.
guideline Journal of Trauma 2012;73(5):S288-93 ty of Mississippi Medical Center. Jackson, MS. May
3, 2013.
Fronza, JS, Prystowsky, J., DaRosa, DA, Fryer,
Periyanayagam U, Shaheen A, Crandall M. PredicJP. Surgical residents' perception of competence
tors of assault among urban female trauma pa- “Surgical Skills and Simulation Training – The Good, and relevance of the clinical curriculum to future
tients Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock the Bad and the Ugly” presented for Vascular Sur- practice. Journal of Surgical Education. 2012 Nov2012;5(4):299-303
gery Simulation Summit (VS3), Association of Pro- Dec; 69(6):792-7.
gram Directors in Vascular Surgery (APDVS). ChicaDebra A. DaRosa, PhD
go, IL. March 22, 2013.
Fryer, JP, Corcoran, NA, George, BC, Wang, E., DaRosa, DA. Does resident ranking during recruitment
“Teaching, Assessing, and Supervising in the Oper- accurately predict subsequent performance as a
Editor-in-Chief, Residency Assist Page (RAP) – Amer- ating Room” presented for grand rounds, Depart- surgical resident? Journal of Surgical Education.
ican College of Surgeons, Division of Education, ment of Surgery, Rush University Medical Center. 2012 Nov/Dec;69(6): 724-30.
Chicago, IL. February 6, 2013.
DaRosa, DA, Zwischenberger, JB, Meyerson, SL,
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Graduate Medi- “Maximally Invasive Teaching” presented for grand George, BC, Teitelbaum, EN, Soper, NJ, Fryer, JP. A
cal Education, 2012 - Present
rounds, Department of Otolaryngology University of Theoretical Model for Teaching and Assessing ResiColorado School of Medicine. Aurora, CO. December dents in the Operating Room. Journal of Surgical
Member, NU Faculty Distance Learning Work Group, 31, 2012.
Education. January/February 2013; 70(1).
2012 - Present
“Maximally Invasive Teaching” presented for Univer- Meyerson SL, Tong BC, Balderson SS, D’Amico TA,
sity of Utah Surgical Program Directors/ Phillips J, DeCamp, MM, DaRosa DA. Needs Assess“Comparison of Resident and Faculty Perceptions of Coordinators and “Ultimate Multitasking: Teaching ment for an Errors Based Curriculum on ThoracoActual and Ideal Operative Autonomy.” (co-author), and Assessing in the OR” presented for University of scopic Lobectomy. Annals of Thoracic Surgery.
presented at the Annual International Association of Utah Neurosurgery Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2012 Aug;94(2):368-73.
Medical Science Educators, Scotland, UK. June 8- December 11-12, 2012.
11, 2013.
Klamen D (Ed.), George B, Harken A, DaRosa D, (Co“Maximally Invasive Teaching” presented for Grand Eds). (In Press) Resident Readiness: Surgery. New
“Duration of Faculty Training Needed to Ensure Rounds Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Reliable OR Performance Ratings.” (co-author), USF Health - Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa,
presented at the Association for Surgical Educa- FL. December 5, 2012.
DaRosa, D.A., Corcoran, JF. Schenarts K. (In
tion’s Surgical Education Week, Orlando, FL. April
Press) Maximally Invasive Learning in a Surgery
23-27, 2013.
"Ultimate Multi-Tasking: Teaching and Assessing in Clerkship. In Lawrence PF (Ed.) Essentials of Genthe Operating Room” presented for Surgical Hori- eral Surgery, (5th Ed.), Baltimore, MD: Williams and
“Needs Analysis and Recommendations for Excel- zons Seminar, Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Wilkins.
lence in Teaching Recognition System.” (co-author), Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University,
presented at the Association for Surgical Educa- November 29, 2012.
DaRosa, D.A. (Co-Lead Author), Simpson, D. (Cotion’s Surgical Education Week, Orlando, FL. April
Lead Author), Roberts, N., Lund, M., Marcdante,
23-27, 2013.
Mini-Workshop: “The Personal Trainer Approach to K. 2012. Faculty Development. In Morganstern, BZ
Writing for Education Journals: Ready, Set, Go!” (Ed.) Guidebook for Clerkship Directors. Alliance for
“Teaching and Assessing Residents in the Operating presented at the AAMC Annual Meeting, San Fran- Clinical Education. (4th Ed.), North Syracuse, NY:
Room,” (co-author) presented at the Association for cisco, CA. November 5, 2012.
Gegensatz Press.
Surgical Education’s Surgical Education Week, Orlando, FL. April 23-27, 2013.
"Ultimate Multi-Tasking: Teaching and Assessing in Malcolm DeCamp, MD
the Operating Room” presented for Grand Rounds,
“A Systematic Approach to Teaching and Evaluating Geisinger Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Honors/Awards
Residents in the OR,” presented at the American Danville, PA. October 10, 2012.
Elected to membership in the American Surgical
College of Surgeon’s 98th Annual Clinical Congress,
Association, 2012 –
Chicago, IL. October 2, 2012.
Halverson A, Hughes T, Borgstrom D, Sachdeva A, Presentations
“Resident as Coach” and “Teaching in the Ambula- DaRosa D. (Accepted for publication) What rural AATS Annual Meeting. General Thoracic Surgery
tory Setting.” Residents as Teacher and Leader, surgeons need to master in surgical skills. Journal Controversies Debate. “Thoracic surgeons should
American College of Surgeons (ACS): Chicago, IL, of the American College of Surgeons.
follow their patients forever: Pro/Con” Minneapolis,
March 2013.
MN, 2013.
Schmitz C, DaRosa D, Sullivan M, Meyerson S, Yo“Pearls for Teaching the Teacher” and “Motivating shida K, Korndorffer J. (Accepted for publication) Keynote Speaker. Taiwan Surgical Association. ”A
Faculty to Teach.” Program Directors’ School, Ameri- Development and Verification of a Taxonomy of Stage-based Approach to Resectable Esophageal
can Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecol- Assessment Metrics for Surgical Technical Skills. Cancer” Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
ogists’ (ACOG), Council on Resident Education in Academic Medicine.
Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG): Baltimore, MD,
Visiting Professor, Invited lecture. Tri-Service GenJuly 2013.
George BC, Teitelbaum EN, DaRosa DA, Hungness eral Hospital. “Interventions for Emphysema: BeES, Meyerson SL, Fryer JP, Schuller M, Zwischen- yond Best Medical Care” Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
“Pearls for Teaching the Teacher” and “Motivating berger JB. (Accepted for publication) Duration of
Faculty to Teach.” Program Directors’ School, Ameri- faculty training needed to ensure reliable OR perfor- Invited Lecture. National Defense Medical School.
can Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecol- mance ratings. Journal of Surgical Education.
“Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung Canogists’ (ACOG), Council on Resident Education in
cer: An Evidence-based Approach” Taipei, Taiwan,
Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG): Baltimore, MD, Turner, J.P. Rodriguez, H.E., DaRosa, D.A., Daskin, 2013.
July 2013. Pasadena, CA, July 2012
M.S., Hayman, A., Mehrotra, S. (Accepted for publication) Northwestern University Feinberg School of Invited Lecture. Tzu-Chi Buddhist Hospital.
“Resident as Coach”, “Teaching in the Ambulatory Medicine uses operations research tools to improve “Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung CanSetting”, “Setting Expectations.” Resident as Teach- surgeon training. Interfaces.
cer: An Evidence-based Approach” Hualien, Taiwan,
er, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecolo2013.
gy’ (ACOG), Council on Resident Education in Obstet- Schindler N, Corcoran J, Miller M, Roggin K, DaRosa
rics and Gynecology (CREOG): Chicago, IL, Pasade- D. (Accepted for publication) Implementing an Excel- Visiting Professor, Thoracic Surgery, Massachusetts
na, CA, and Philadelphia, PA, April & June 2013.
lence in Teaching Recognition System: Needs Analy- General Hospital. “Lung Cancer Screening with Lowsis and Recommendations. Journal of Surgical Edu- Dose CT”, “High Risk Lung Cancer: SBRT vs Wedge”,
“Maximally Invasive Teaching”, presented at grand cation.
“Stage IIIA N2 Lung Cancer”, “Application of LVRS in
rounds, Medical Education and Department of SurLung Cancer Resection”, “Early Esophageal Cancer:
gery, Duke University. Durham, NC. July 16, 2013.
Sellers, MM., Hanson, K., Schuller, Mary., Sherman, EMR vs Esophagectomy” Boston, MA, 2013.
K., Kelz, RR., Fryer, J., DaRosa, DA., Bilimoria, KY.
“Ultimate Multi-Tasking: Teaching and Assessing in Development and participant assessment of a prac- Contemporary Management of Chest Problems: A
the Operating Room”, presented at grand rounds, tical quality improvement educational initiative for multidisciplinary approach. “Contemporary Surgical
Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic. Rochester, MN. surgical residents. Journal of the American College Management of Lung Cancer” 2012.
June 24, 2013.
of Surgeons, 2013 June; 216(6):1207-1213.
Ramakrishna S, Andrei AC, Varlotto J, Colosimo A,
“Maximally Invasive Teaching”, presenting at grand Wohlauer MV, George B, Lawrence P, Pugh CM, Van Shelkey J, Sehgal V, Medford-Davis LN, Meyerson
rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Eaton EG, DaRosa DA. Review of Influential Papers SL, de Hoyos A, DeCamp MM. Statin use is associMayo Clinic. Rochester, MN. June 24, 2013.
in Surgical Education. Journal of Graduate Medical ated with decreased local recurrence and improved
Education. 2013 June. 5(2): 219-226.
overall survival in resectable non-small cell lung
“How People Learn”, presented at grand rounds,
cancer (NSCLC). CHEST 2012, Atlanta GA, October
Department of Surgery. New York Hospital Queens. Issa, N., Mayer, RE, Schuller, M., Wang, E., Shapiro, 24, 2012
Queens, NY. June 5, 2013.
MB, DaRosa, DA. Teaching for understanding in
medical classrooms using multimedia design princi- Publications
“Teaching, Assessing, and Supervising in the Oper- ples. Medical Education. 2013 April. 47(4):388-96. Tsukada H, Majid A, Kent MS, Ernst A, DeCamp MM,
ating Room” presented for grand rounds, DepartGangadharan SP. Two-staged end-to-end recon-
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
struction of long segment tracheal defects using a de Hoyos A, DeCamp, M. Open Resection of Esoph- ber 19-21, 2012.
bioabsorbable scaffold grafting technique in a ca- ageal Leoioyoma and GIST. Master Techniques in
nine model. Ann Thorac Surg 2012;93:1088-93.
Surgery Esophageal Surgery, 1st Edition, 2013.
Invited speaker, “Management of Late EVAR Failures”. 18th International Surgical Symposium / 4th
Merkow RP, Bilimoria KY, McCarter MD, Phillips JD, Presentations
West China-CUHK Surgical Forum, Hong Kong, ChiDeCamp MM, Ko CY, Bentrem DJ. Short-term out- de Hoyos, A. STS-ACCP Advanced Diagnostic and na, June 14-15, 2013.
comes after esophagectomy at 164 ACS NSQIP Therapeutic Bronchoscopy: Endobronchial Devices
hospitals: effect of operative approach and assess- and the Bronchoscopic Management of Persistent Visiting Professor, “Management of Late EVAR Failment of variation in hospital performance. Archives Air Leaks, Wheeling, IL, August 2012.
ures”. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China,
of Surgery, 2012 147(11):1009-16.
June 13, 2013.
de Hoyos, A. Energy Devices in Thoracic Surgery.
Meyerson SL, Tong BC, Balderson SS, D’Amico TA, Alternative to Stapling in Pulmonary Surgery. 2012. Visiting Professor, “Management of Late EVAR FailPhillips JD, DeCamp MM, DaRosa DA. Needs as- Second Einstein International Symposium for Mini- ures”. Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beisessment for an errors based curriculum on thora- mally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery. International jing, China, June 21, 2013.
coscopic lobectomy. Ann Thorac Surg 2012 94 Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Sur(2):368-73.
gery. October 2012.
Lee K, Zhu J, Shum J, Zhang Y, Muluk SC, Chandra
Phillips JD, Merkow RP, Sherman KL, DeCamp MM, de Hoyos, A. The National Lung Screening Trial A, Eskandari MK, Finol EA. Surface curvature as a
Bentrem DJ, Bilimoria KY. Factors affecting selec- (NLST): Results and Implications for the Thoracic classifier of abdominal aortic aneurysms: A compartion of operative approach and subsequent short- Surgeon. Second Einstein International Symposium ative analysis. Ann Biomed Eng 2013:41:562-76.
term outcomes following anatomic resection for for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery. Inter- PMID 23180028
lung cancer. J Amer Coll Surg 2012 215(2):206-15. national Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery. October 2012.
Lee CJ, Rodriguez HE, Kibbe MR, Malaisrie SC,
Kim V, Kretschman DM, Sternberg AL, DeCamp MM,
Eskandari MK. Secondary interventions after elecCriner GJ; on behalf of the National Emphysema de Hoyos, A. The Future of Open Thoracic Surgery in tive thoracic endovascular aortic repair for degenerTreatment Trial Research Group. Weight Gain After the Era of Robotic and Minimally Invasive Tech- ative aneurysms. J Vasc Surg 2013;57:1269-74.
Lung Reduction Surgery is Related to Improved niques. Second Einstein International Symposium PMID 23352360
Lung Function and Ventilatory Efficiency. Am J for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery. InterRespir Crit Care Med. 2012 Aug 9. [Epub ahead of national Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothorac- Jeffrey S. Fronza, MD
ic Surgery. October 2012.
Medford-Davis LN, DeCamp MM, Recht A, Flickinger Ramakrishna, S, Andrei, A, Varlotto, J, Colosimo, A, Invited Speaker. Healthy Transitions Series at NorthJ, Belani CP, Varlotto J. Surgical management of Shelkey, J, Sehgal, V, Medford-Davis, L, Meyerson, western Memorial Hospital. “Prevention, Detection,
early-stage non-small cell lung carcinoma and the S, de Hoyos, A, DeCamp M. Statin Use is Associated and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer”. March 2013
present and future roles of adjuvant therapy: A with Decreased Local Recurrence and Improved
review for the Radiation Oncologist. Int J Radiat Overall Survival in Resectable Non-Small Cell Lung Invited Speaker. Northwestern Medicine Scholars
Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Dec 1;84(5):1048-57.
Cancer (NSCLC). CHEST 2012, Atlanta GA, October Program at Westinghouse Prep. “Biliary Disease”.
24, 2012
July 2013
Ernst A, DeCamp MM. Interventional and Surgical
Approaches to Lung Disease, in Goldman’s Cecil Mark K. Eskandari, MD
Invited Speaker. Saint Mary & Elizabeth Medical
Medicine, 24th Edition. Elsevier-Saunders, PhiladelCenter. “Update on Surgical Treatment of Colorectal
phia PA, 2012. pp 617-622.
Cancer”. August 2013
Lecturer, “Techniques for Percutaneous TEVAR”.
DeCamp MM, de Hoyos A. Transsternal, Transcervi- West Virginia Vascular Symposium, White Sulphur Jonathan Fryer, MD
cal, and Thoracoscopic Thymectomy for Benign and Springs, WV, October 13-14, 2012.
Malignant Disease Including Radical Mediastinal
Dissection. In Fischer’s Mastery of Surgery, 6th Lecturer, “Management of Late TEVAR Failures”. 2012 American Board of Surgery, Qualifying Exam
edition, Fischer JE, et al editors. Wolters Kluwer/ West Virginia Vascular Symposium, White Sulphur Consultant
Lippincot Williams and Wilkins: Philadelphia, PA. Springs, WV, October 13-14, 2012.
2012. pp 515-528.
2012 Promotion to Professor
Presenter, “Inferior Vena Cava Filters”. Chicago
Varlotto J, Medford-Davis LN, Recht A, Flickinger JC, Area Vascular Association Spring Conference, Joliet, 2012–Present, NIH Study Section, “Clinical Trials in
Schaefer E, Reed M, Toth J, Hess C, DeCamp MM. IL, April 27, 2013.
Organ Transplantation in Children”
Identification of patients with Stage I non-small cell
lung cancer at high risk for local recurrence follow- Presenter, “Management of Late EVAR Failures”. Presentations
ing limited resection. Chest 2013 May 1;143 Michigan Vascular Society, Kalamazoo, MI, May 17, Financial Outcomes in SBS: IR vs. Tx, ThriveRx Short
Bowel Conference, Boston, MA October 2012.
Varlotto J, Fakiris A, Flickinger J, Medford-Davis L,
Liss A, Shelkey J, Belani C, Deluca J, Recht A, Maheshwari N, Barriger R, Yao N, DeCamp M. Matched
-pair and propensity score comparisons of outcomes
of patients with clinical stage I non-small cell lung
cancer treated with resection or stereotactic radiosurgery. Cancer. 2013 Apr 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Presenter, “Difficult Vascular Repairs”. Michigan The Role of the ASTS Academic Universe in TransChapter of American College of Surgeons Annual plant Surgery Fellowship Training. ASTS, Miami, FL
Meeting, Kalamazoo, MI, May 17, 2013.
January 30-February 2, 2013.
Visiting Professor. “Management of Late EVAR Failures,” Grand Rounds, Division of Vascular Surgery,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, May 22,
Training and Assessing Surgeons After Residency,
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA April 28-29,
DeCamp MM. Surgical and bronchoscopic lung Presenter, “Chimneys, Snorkels, Periscopes, and
volume reduction interventions for emphysema.
Sandwiches (Endovascular Salvage of Late EVAR
J Med Sci 2013;33(3):117-125.
Failures)”. Chicago EndoVascular Conference, Chicago, IL, July 10-12, 2013.
Alberto de Hoyos, MD
Co-presenter, “Vascular Surgery: Aneurysms AffectHonors/Awards
ing Vessels Other than the Ascending Aorta”. NaPromotion to Associate Professor of Surgery, 2012
tional Marfan Foundation 28th Annual Conference,
Chicago, IL August 2-5, 2012.
Chief of Thoracic Surgery, Jesse Brown VA Hospital,
Chicago, 2013
Lecturer, “Contemporary Surgical Approaches to the
Evaluation and Management of Chronic Mesenteric
Appointed to the Board of Directors of the American Ischemia.” VIVA 12, Las Vegas, NV, October 9-12,
Lung Association, 2013
Training the Next Generation of Transplant Physicians and Surgeons, American Transplant Congress,
Seattle, WA May 18-22, 2013.
Raparia K, Villa C, DeCamp MM, Patel JD, Mehta
MP. Molecular profiling in non-small cell lung can- Presenter, “Tips/Tricks for Successful PEVAR”. Teaching and Assessing Residents in the Operating
cer: a step toward personalized medicine. Arch Chicago EndoVascular Conference, Chicago, IL, July Room, Surgical Education Week, Orlando, FL April
Pathol Lab Med. 2013 Apr;137(4):481-91.
10-12, 2013.
22-27, 2013.
American Lung Association Health Lung Expo Plan- Lecturer, “Comparative Outcomes of Bell Bottom
ning Committee Chairperson, November 2012 to Technique and Hypogastric Exclusion for Common
May 2013
Iliac Aneurysm Treated by EVAR: Bell Bottom Wins.”
39th Annual Veith Symposium: Vascular and EndoPublications
vascular Issues, Techniques, Horizons, New York,
de Hoyos, A, DeCamp, M. Resection of Esophageal NY, November 14-18, 2012.
Leiomyoma and GIST: Master Techniques in General Surgery: Esophageal Surgery. 2013
Lecturer, “Management of Late TEVAR Failures”.
37th Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium,
de Hoyos, A, DeCamp M. Congenital Cysts of the Chicago, IL, December 6-8, 2012.
Mediastinum: Bronchopulmonary Foregut Anomalies, Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, Presenter, “Revascularization of the Left SubclaviFifth Edition. 2013.
an: When It Is Covered during TEVAR”. European
Society for Vascular Surgery, Bologne, Italy, Septem-
DaRosa DA, Zwischenberger JB, Meyerson SL,
George BC, Teitelbaum EN, Soper NJ, Fryer JP. A
theory-based model for teaching and assessing
residents in the operating room. J Surg Educ. 2013
Jan-Feb;70(1):24-30. Epub 2012 Aug 28.
Fronza JS, Prystowsky JP, DaRosa D, Fryer JP Surgical residents' perception of competence and relevance of the clinical curriculum to future practice. J
Surg Educ. 2012; 69(6):792-7.
Fryer JP, Corcoran N, George B, Wang E, Darosa D
Does resident ranking during recruitment accurately
predict subsequent performance as a surgical resident? J Surg Educ. 2012; 69(6):724-30.
George BC, Teitelbaum EN, DaRosa DA, Hungness
ES, Meyerson SL, Fryer JP, Schuller M, Zwischenberger JB. Duration of faculty training needed to
ensure reliable OR performance ratings. J Surg
Educ. 2013 (in press)
Schindler, N, DaRosa, DA, Fryer, JP, Roggin, K, Posner, M, Jaskowiak, N, Corcoran, J, Megan, M. Imple-
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
menting an excellence in teaching recognition sys- tion 2013;19(4):395-403.
tem: needs analysis and recommendations. J Surg
Educ. November/December 2013 issue, volume 70 Gordon EJ. Ethical Considerations in Live Donor
(6). (in press)
Transplantation: Should Complications Be Tolerated? Invited. Special Issue of Current Opinion in
Schwartz JJ, Thiesset HF, Bohn JA, Sloat B, Carri- Organ Transplantation 2013;18(2):235-40.
caburu M, Hatch J, Sorensen JB, Kim RD, Vargo D,
Fryer JP. Perceived benefits of a transplant surgery Gordon EJ, Butt Z, Jensen S, Lehr AL, Franklin JF,
experience to general surgery residency training. J Sherman L, Becker Y, Chon J, Beauvais N, HanSurg Educ. 2012; 69(3):371-84.
neman J, McNatt G, Ison MG, Abecassis MM. Opportunities for Shared Decision Making in Kidney TransVouche M, Lewandowski RJ, Atassi R, Memon K, plantation. American Journal of Transplantation
Gates VL, Ryu RK, Gaba RC, Mulcahy MF, Baker T, 2013;13(5):1149-58.
Sato K, Hickey R, Ganger D, Riaz A, Fryer J, Caicedo
JC, Abecassis M, Kulik L, Salem R. Radiation lobec- Tong A, Chapman JR, Israni A, Gordon EJ, Craig JC.
tomy: time-dependent analysis of future liver rem- Qualitative research in transplantation: Recent
nant volume in unresectable liver cancer as a bridge contributions to clinical care and policy. American
to resection. J Hepatol. 2013 Jun 25 [Epub ahead Journal of Transplantation 2013;13(6):1390-9.
of print].
Freeman J, Emond J, Gillespie BW, Appelbaum PS,
Elisa Gordon, PhD, MPH
Weinrieb R, Hill-Callahan P, Gordon EJ, Terrault N,
Everhart J, Pruett T, and the A2ALL Study Group.
Computerized Assessment of Competence in Living
American Journal of Transplantation Editorial Board, Liver Donors: Findings from the Adult-to-Adult Living
Donor Liver Transplantation Cohort Study (A2ALL).
Clinical Transplantation. In Press.
United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) Ethics
Committee, 6/2012-present
Gordon EJ, Reddy E, Gil S, Feinglass J, Rodde J,
Abecassis MM, Caicedo JC. Impact of a Hispanic
Joint Society Work Group for Kidney Paired Donation Transplant Program on Knowledge and Attitudes
Informed Consent Policies (AST representative), about Live Kidney Donation and Transplantation.
01/2013 – 05/13
Progress in Transplantation. In Press.
Chepla KJ, Gosain AK. Giant nevus sebaceous:
definition, surgical techniques and rationale for
treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg 2012 Aug 130(2):
World Transplant Congress, International Advisory Gordon EJ. Living Organ Donors’ Stories: (Unmet)
Committee for Ethics, 04/2013-present
Expectations about Informed Consent, Outcomes,
and Care. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2012;2(1):1
-6. Symposium Editor on Living Organ Donation.
Cultural and Literacy Barriers: How Are We Doing?
Could We Do Better? Panel session: Emerging Barri- Gordon EJ, Ladner DP. Gender Inequities Pervade
ers to Kidney Transplantation. American Society of Organ Transplantation Access. Invited Editorial.
Nephrology, San Diego, CA. 11/02/12.
Transplantation 2012;94(5):447-8.
Zollner AM, Holland MA, Honda KS, Gosain AK, Kuhl
E. Growth on demand: Reviewing the mechanobiology of stretched skin. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater
(In Press).
Hispanics’ Cultural Barriers to Live Kidney Donation: Gordon EJ, Ladner DP, Baker T. Letter to the Editor.
A Focus Group Study. MacLean Center for Clinical Response to Melloul et al. Liver Transplantation
Medical Ethics Annual Fellows Conference, Universi- 2012;18(10):1261-2.
ty of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 11/10/12.
Arun K. Gosain, MD
Gender inequities and disparities in access to organ
transplantation. Joint 3rd European Symposium of Honors/Awards
the International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS) Appointed Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery, Lurie
and 5th Congress of the Italian Society for Safety Children’s Hospital, Northwestern University Feinand Quality in Transplantation (SISQT). Florence, berg School of Medicine. 2012-present
Italy. 04/09/13.
Professor of Surgery (Plastic), Northwestern UniverHow to inform patients before transplantation? Joint sity Feinberg School of Medicine. 2012-present
3rd European Symposium of the International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS) and 5th Congress of the Member of Plastic Surgery Foundation Research
Italian Society for Safety and Quality in Transplanta- Oversight Committee - 2012-2014
tion (SISQT). Florence, Italy. 04/10/13.
Member of American Council for Graduate Medical
Ethical Challenges in Informed Consent for Living Education Review Committee for Plastic Surgery
Donors. MacLean Center Seminar Series on Ethical 2012-2015
Controversies in Organ Transplantation, University
of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 04/24/13.
Chair of American Society of Plastic Surgeons–
Visiting Professor Committee –2013-2014
Donor Consent: What do potential living donors
want and need to know? Allied Health Symposium: Presentations
“Living Donation: Practice Guidelines for the Ad- Invited presenter. Absolute quantification of osteovanced Transplant Practitioner.” American Trans- genic genes in rat calvarial defects. Presented at
plant Congress. Seattle, WA. 05/19/13.
the 57th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery
Research Council, Ann Arbor, MI, June 14-17, 2012.
Gordon EJ, Rodde J, Gil S, Caicedo JC. Quality of ASMS Visiting Professor. Division of Plastic Surgery,
Internet Education About Living Kidney Donation. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY,
Progress in Transplantation 2012;22(3):294-303.
Sept. 11-12, 2012.
Ladner DP, Alonso EM, Butt, Z, Caicedo JC, Cella D,
Daud A, Friedewald JJ, Gordon EJ, Hazen GB, Ho BT,
Hoke KR, Holl JL, Ison MG, Kang R, Mehrotra S,
Preczewski LB, Ross OA, Sharaf PH, Skaro AI, Wang
E, Wolf MS, Woods DM, Abecassis MM. NUTORC – A
Transdisciplinary Health Services and Outcomes
Research Team in Transplantation. Translational
Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy and Research
Gordon EJ. Informed Consent for Living Donation: A
Review of Key Empirical Studies, Ethical Challenges,
and Future Research. Invited. American Journal of
Transplantation 2012;12(9):2273-80.
Gordon EJ, Fink JC, Fischer MJ. Telenephrology: A
Novel Approach to Improve Coordinated and Collaborative for Chronic Kidney Disease. Nephrology,
Dialysis and Transplant 2013;28(4):972-81.
Okada H, Gosain AK. Current Approaches to Management of Non-Syndromic Craniosynostosis. Curr
Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012 Aug 20(4):
Chepla KJ, Gosain AK. Interstitial pneumonitis after
betadine aspiration. J Craniofac Surg 2012 Nov 23
Gosain AK, Haller HS, Lee M, Cullison TM, Noone
RB, Directors of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. A nine-year comparison of practice profiles of
candidates for primary and recertification examinations of the American Board of Plastic Surgery relative to economic indicators. Plast Reconstr Surg
2013 Mar 131(3): 425e-34e.
Amirlak B, Tang CJ, Becker D, Palomo JM, Gosain
AK. Volumetric Analysis of Simulated Alveolar Cleft
Defects and Bone Grafts using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Plast Reconstr Surg 2013
Apr 131(4):854-9.
Chepla KJ, Gosain AK. Current issues in cleft palate
repair: evaluation of recent evidence-based studies.
Plast Reconstr Surg (In Press).
McDaniel JM, Alleyne B, Gosain AK. Secondary cleft
nasoplasty at primary school age: Quantitative evaluation of the efficacy of resorbable plates. Plast
Reconstr Surg (In Press).
Chim H, Gosain AK. Bone substitutes and bone
growth factors. In: Goldberg AN, Lee C, Murr AH
(Eds.), Head and Neck Trauma. New York: Informa
(In Press).
Gosain AK, Totonchi A, Polites S. Craniofacial anatomy and embryology. In Zins JE (Ed.), Handbook of
Craniofacial Surgery. Hackensack: World Scientific
Publishing (In Press).
Zochowski CG, Gosain AK. Pierre Robin sequence.
In Neligan PC (Ed.), Plastic Surgery, third edition.
London: Elsevier, Inc. (In Press).
Chim H, Gosain AK. Vascular anomalies. In Thaller
S (Ed). Essentials in Plastic Surgery. Hackensack:
World Scientific Publishing (In Press).
Chim H, Gosain AK. Congenital melanocytic nevi.
In: C.H. Thorne, K. Chung, A.K. Gosain, G.C. Gurtner,
B. Mehrara, S.L. Spear (Eds.), Grabb and Smith's
Plastic Surgery, seventh edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (In Press).
Chim H, Gosain AK. Vascular anomalies. In: C.H.
Thorne, K. Chung, A.K. Gosain, G.C. Gurtner, B.
Mehrara, S.L. Spear (Eds.), Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery, seventh edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins (In Press).
Larson K, Gosain SA, Gosain AK. Cosmetic surgery
in the adolescent patient. In F. Urso-Baiarda (Ed.),
Evidence Based Cosmetic Surgery. New York: Nova
Invited presenter. Secondary cleft nasoplasty at Publishers (In Press).
primary school age: quantitative evaluation of the
efficacy of resorbable plates. Presented at the 98th Steinberg J, Junewicz A, Gosain AK. Soft tissue
Annual Congress of the American College of Sur- injuries to the head and neck. In P. Taub, P. Patel,
geons, Chicago, IL, Oct 2, 2012.
S. Buchman, M. Cohen (Eds.), Ferraro’s Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery, second edition. New
Invited presenter. The academic scholar award of York: Springer Publishing (In Press).
the American Association of Plastic Surgeons: the
first twenty years. Presented at the 92nd Annual Chepla KJ, Gosain AK. How “successful” is calvarial
Meeting of the American Association of Plastic Sur- reconstruction using frozen autologous bone?
geons, New Orleans, LA, April 22, 2013.
(Discussion). Plast Reconstr Surg Plast Reconstr
Surg. 2012 Nov;130(5):1118-9.
Invited presenter. Comparing the efficacy of deferoxamine or amifostine pre-treatment in the prevention Kathleen L. Grady, PhD
of osteoradionecrosis of the murine mandible.
Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Honors/Awards
Surgery Research Council, Santa Monica, CA, May 3, 2013 Winner, Heart Failure Society of America Nurs2013.
ing Research Award
Commemrotive Graduation Speaker. Meeting one’s
Secunda K, Gordon EJ, Sohn MW, Kaldjian LC, goal as a plastic surgeon. Given at UT Health SciShinkunas LA, Voigt M, Levitsky J. National Survey of ence Center- Division of Plastic & Reconstructive
Provider Opinions on Controversial Characteristics Surgery, San Antonio, TX, June 22, 2013.
of Liver Transplant Candidates. Liver Transplanta-
Quality of Life Research in Cardiovascular Disease. 38th Ten-Day Seminar on Epidemiology and
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (sponsored by
the AHA & CDC). Lake Tahoe, CA. 2012.
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Ethics of LVADs: Shared Decision Making and Life
on a Device. Northwestern Memorial Hospital and
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Annual Medical
Ethics Series. Chicago, IL. 2012.
What to do for the patient without surgical options. American Heart Association. 2012 Scientific
Sessions. Los Angeles, CA. 2012.
Transitioning Back to the Community, LVAD as Destination Therapy for Advanced Heart Failure. Eighth
Annual Heart Failure Holiday Symposium. The
Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute, Center for Heart
Failure and Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. 2012.
E, Bourge R, Rybaczyk B. The relationships among
satisfaction with social support, quality of life, and
survival 5 to 10 years after heart transplantation. J
Cardiovasc Nurs. 2013 September/October;28
Lee C, Mudd J, Gelow J, Nguyen T, Hiatt S, Green J,
Denfeld Q, Bidwell J, Grady KL. Background and
Design of the Profiling Biobehavioral Responses to
Mechanical Support in Advanced Heart Failure
(PREMISE) Study. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2013: epub ahead of print.
Amy Halverson, MD
The Emotional and Psychosocial Selection Criteria “IBD and Cancer” at Community Hospital’s 2013
and Needs of Patients on VADs. International Socie- Oncology Symposium. Center for Visual and Perty for Heart and Lung Transplantation. Montreal, forming Arts in Munster, IN. March 16, 2013
Canada. 2013.
“What We Know Six Years After OR Team Training”.
Psychological and Behavioral Criteria When Refer- TeamSTEPPS National Conference. June 13, 2013
ring Advanced Heart Failure Patients for Advanced
Surgical Therapies. American Society for Artificial “Meet the Professor” Small and Rural Session.
2013 ACS NSQIP National Conference. July 15,
Internal Organs. Chicago, IL. 2013.
Quality of Life Research in Cardiovascular Disease. 39th Ten-Day Seminar on Epidemiology and Publications
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (sponsored by Blatner NR, Mulcahy MF, Dennis KL, Scholtens D,
Bentrem DJ, Phillips JD, Ham S, Sandall BP, Khan
the AHA & CDC). Lake Tahoe, CA. 2013.
MW, Mahvi DM, Halverson AL, Stryker SJ, Boller AM,
Cardiovascular Quality of Care and Outcomes Re- Singal A, Sneed RK, Sarraj B, Ansari MJ, Oft M,
search. 39th Ten-Day Seminar on Epidemiology and Iwakura Y, Zhou L, Bonertz A, Beckhove P, Gounari
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (sponsored by F, Khazaie K. Expression of RORγt Marks a Pathogenic Regulatory T Cell Subset in Human Colon
the AHA & CDC). Lake Tahoe, CA. 2013.
Cancer. Sci Transl Med. 2012 Dec 12;4
Quality of Life for DT LVAD Patients. Destination (164):164ra159
LVAD Therapy: Is it worth the trip? 17th Annual
Scientific Meeting: Heart Failure Society of America. Pawlik TM, Urbach DR, Halverson AL; EvidenceBased Reviews in Surgery Group.Is there an associOrlando, FL. 2013.
ation between implementation of a medical team
training program and surgical mortality? Can J Surg.
Peura J, Colvin-Adams M, Francis G, Grady KL, Hoff- 2013 Feb;56(1):65-8. doi: 10.1503/cjs.001513.
man T, Jessup M, John R, Kiernan M, Mitchell J,
O’Connell J, Pagani F, Petty M, Ravichandran P, Sellers MM. Merkow RP. Halverson A. Hinami K.
Rogers J, Semigran M, Toole J. Recommendations Kelz RR. Bentrem DJ. Bilimoria KY. Validation of new
for the use of Mechanical Circulatory Support: De- readmission data in the American College of Survice Strategies and Patient Selection: A Scientific geons National Surgical Quality Improvement ProStatement from the American Heart Association. gram. Journal of the American College of Surgeons.
216(3):420-7, 2013 Mar.
Circulation 2012 Nov 27;126(22):2648-2667.
White-Williams C, Grady K, Naftel D, Myers S, Wang Nora Hansen, MD
E, Rybaczyk B. The relationship of sociodemographic factors and satisfaction with social support at 5 Honors/Awards
and 10 years after heart transplantation Clinical Named Chief, Division of Breast Surgery, September
Transplantation 2013 Mar;27(2):267-73.
Garcia C, Wallia A, Gupta S, Schmidt K, Malekar- Castle Connolly Top Doctors for Cancer June 2013
Raikar S, Oakes D, Aleppo G, Grady K, McGee E,
Cotts W, Andrei AC, Molitch M. Intensive glycemic Castle Connolly Patients’ Choice Award, June 2013
control after heart transplantation is safe and effective for diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Clinical Vitals Most Compassionate Doctor Award, June
Transplantation 2013;27:444-454.
Farmer S, Grady KL, Wang E, McGee E, Cotts W, Presentations
McCarthy P. Demographic, psychosocial, and behav- Invited Panelist, Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposiioral factors associated with survival after heart um Town Hall meeting, Chicago, Illinois September
transplant. Ann Thorac Surg 2013 Mar;95(3):876- 29, 2012.
Invited Speaker, American College of Surgeons
Grady KL, Wang E, White-Williams C, Naftel DC, 2012 Clinical Congress, Starting a Formal High Risk
Myers S, Kirklin J, Young JB, Pelegrin D, Kobashi- Breast Program - The Essential Components, Chicagawa J, Rybarczyk B, Higgins R, Heroux A. Factors go, Illinois, October 02, 2012 Associated with Stress and Coping at 5 and 10
Years after Heart Transplantation. J Heart & Lung Invited Speaker, Starting a Formal High Risk Breast
Program - The Essential Components, American
Transplant. 2013 Apr;32(4):437-46.
College of Surgeons 98the Annual Clinical Congress,
Feldman D, Pamboukian SV, Teuteberg J, Birks E, Chicago, Illinois, October 2, 2012
Lietz K, Moore S, Morgan J, Arabia F, Bauman M, Invited Speaker, Risk Management Strategies for
Buchholz H, Deng M, Dickstein M, El-Banayosy A, BRCA Mutation Carriers, 14th annual Lynn Sage
Elliot T, Goldstein D, Grady KL, Jones K, Hryniewicz Breast Cancer Symposium, Chicago, Illinois October
K, John R, Kaan A, Kusne S, Loebe M, Massicotte M, 5, 2012.
Moazami N, Mohacsi P, Mooney M, Nelson T, Pagani
F, Perry W, Potapov E, Rame E, Russell S, Sorensen Invited Panelist, Breast Cancer and the Elderly,
E, Sun B, Strueber M. The 2013 International Soci- Multidisciplinary Tumor Case Review, 14th annual
ety for Heart and Lung Transplantation Guidelines Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, Chicago,
for Mechanical Circulatory Support: Executive Sum- Illinois October 6, 2012.
mary J Heart Lung Transplant. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2013 Feb;32(2):157-87.
Invited Speaker, How Do You Manage a Patient with
Positive Sentinel Node? Division of Plastic SurGrady KL, Mendes de Leon C, Kozak A, Cursio J, a
Grand Rounds, Feinberg School of Medicine,
Richardson D, Avery E, Calvin J, Powell L. Does Self gery,
University, April 12, 2013, Chicago,
-management Counseling in Patients with Heart Illinois
Failure Improve Quality of Life: Findings from the
Heart Failure Adherence and Retention Trial (HART). Invited Speaker, Southern Illinois University College
Quality of Life Research. 2013. (on-line) 10.1007/ of Medicine at Peoria, Risk Management Strategies
for Patients at High Risk for Breast Cancer, Peoria,
Illinois, October 19. 2012
White-Williams C, Grady K, Myers S, Naftel D, Wang
Invited Faculty, Feinberg School of Medicine Surgery
Grand Rounds, “Managing Family and Personal
Relationships in Academic Surgery”: Practical Do’s
and Don’ts for managing relationships with children,
Chicago, Illinois, October 25, 2012
Invited Discussant: Western Surgical Association
2012 Annual Meeting, Osteopontin Up-Regulates
Critical EMT Transcription Factors To Induce An
Aggressive Breast Cancer Phenotype, Colorado
Springs, Colorado, November 4, 2012
Invited Speaker The American Society of Breast
Surgeons 14th Annual Meeting: Benign Breast Diseases and High-Risk Lesions , Chicago, Illinois, May
4, 2013
Invited faculty lecturer Feinberg School of Medicine,
Department of Surgery, Core Curriculum lecture.
Benign Breast Disease, Chicago, Illinois, June 27,
Faculty participant: Feinberg School of Medicine,
Department of Surgery General Surgery Resident
Conference, Decision Making: Intraductal Papilloma,
Chicago, Illinois, July 18, 2013
Khan SA, Chatterton RT, Michel N, Bryk M, Lee O,
Ivancic D, Heinz R. , Zalles CM, Helenowski I, Jovanovic B, Franke A, Bosland M, Wang J, Hansen N,
Bethke K, Dew A, Coomes M., Bergan RC. Soy Isoflavone supplementation for breast cancer risk reduction: a randomized phase II trial. Cancer Prevention
Research 2012 Feb;5(2):309-19. PMID: 22307566.
Hansen, NM, Paget’s Disease. Harris JR, Lippman
ME, Morrow, M, Osborne CK, (eds.) in Diseases of
the Breast 5th Ed. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,
New York, In Press.
Hansen, NM, Management of the Patient at High
Risk for Breast Cancer, Springer-Verlag New York.
Andrew W. Hoel, MD
Invited lecturer. Hoel AW. Endovascular Repair of
Complex Aortic Aneurysms. St. Mary’s and Elizabeth
Hospital Grand Rounds, Chicago, IL. June 2013.
Presenter. Hoel AW. EVAR and TEVAR Troubleshooting – Surveillance and Secondary Interventions.
Complex Cardiovascular Catheter Therapeutics:
Advanced Endovascular and Coronary Intervention
Global Summit, Orlando, FL. June 2013.
Hoel AW, Nolan BW, Goodney PP, Zhao Y, Schanzer
A, Stanley AC, Jorgensen JE, Cronenwett JL. Variation in Smoking Cessation After Vascular Operations. J Vasc Surg. 2013 May; 57(5):1338-1344.
Hoel AW. Aneurysmal disease: thoracic aorta. The
Surgical clinics of North America. 2013;93(4):893910.
Seok Jong Hong, PhD
Khang T. Nguyen, Akhil K. Seth, Seok J. Hong, Matthew R. Geringer, Ping Xie, Kai P. Leung, Thomas A.
Mustoe, Robert D. Galiano. (2013) Deficient cytokine expression and neutrophil oxidative burst contribute to impaired cutaneous wound healing in
diabetic, biofilm-containing chronic wounds. Wound
Repair Regen. Accepted
Akhil K. Seth, Mauricio De la Garza, , Robert C.
Fang , Seok J. Hong, Robert D. Galiano. (2013)
Excisional wound healing is delayed in a murine
model of chronic kidney disease. PLOS One 8
Akhil K. Seth, Khang T. Nguyen, Matthew R. Geringer, Seok J. Hong, Kai P. Leung, Thomas A. Mustoe,
Robert D. Galiano. (2013) Noncontact, low frequency ultrasound as an effective therapy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa-infected biofilm wounds.
Wound Repair Regen 21(2):266-74
Jordan Steinberg, Anandev N. Gurjala, Shengxian
Jia, Seok Hong, Robert Galiano, Thomas Mustoe
(2013) Evaluating the Effects of Subclinical, Cyclic
Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury on Wound Healing
Using a Novel Device in the Rabbit Ear. Ann Plast
Surg (in press)
Seok J. Hong*, Shengxian Jia, Ping Xie, Wei Xu, Kai
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
P. Leung, Thomas A. Mustoe, Robert D. Galiano.
(2013) Topically delivered adipose derived stem
cells show an activated-fibroblast phenotype and
enhance granulation tissue formation in skin
wounds. PLOS One 8(1):e55640 *Co-corresponding
Akhil K. Seth, Matthew R. Geringer, Khang T. Nguyen, Sonya P.Agnew, Zari Dumanian, Robert D. Galiano, Kai P. Leung, Thomas A. Mustoe, Seok J. Hong.
(2013) Bacteriophage therapy for Staphylococcus
aureus biofilm-infected wounds: A new approach to
chronic wound care. Plast Reconstr Surg. 131
Seth AK, Geringer MR, Hong SJ, Leung KP, Mustoe
TA, Galiano RD. (2012) In vivo modeling of biofilminfected wounds: a review. J Surg Res 178:330-338
Akhil K. Seth, Matthew R. Geringer, Seok J. Hong,
Kai P. Leung, Robert D. Galiano, Thomas A. Mustoe.
(2012) Comparative analysis of single-species and
polybacterial wound biofilms using a quantitative, in
vivo, rabbit ear model. PLOS One.7(8):e42897
Mary Hummel, PhD
Invited speaker. "CMV Immunology, Evasion, and
Latency: the Role of Epigenetics" American Transplant Congress, Seattle WA, May 19, 2013
Liu, X.-F., Wang, X., Yan, S., Zhang, Z., Abecassis, M.,
and Hummel, M. (2013) Epigenetic control of cytomegalovirus latency and reactivation, Viruses
Seckert, C.K., Griebl, M., Buttner, J.K., Freitag, K.,
Lemmermann, N.A.W., Hummel, M.A., Liu, X-F.,
Abecassis, M.I., Angulo, A., Messerle, M., Cook,
C.H., Reddehase, M.J. (2013) Immune Surveillance
of Cytomegalovirus Latency and Reactivation in
Murine Models in CYTOMEGALOVIRUSES: From
to Therapy,
M.J. Reddehase, ed.,Volume 1, Chapter 22, pp. 374
-416 (Norfolk, UK, Caister Academic Press).
of Surgeons Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL; October single suture craniosynostosis. 12th International
1, 2012.
Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies. Orlando, FL. May 6, 2013.
Invited Speaker. The 14th Annual Lynn Sage Breast Kowalewicz E, Kapp-Simon KA. Neuropsychological
Cancer Symposium, “Young Women with BRCA1- Correlates of Craniofacial Conditions. Symposium:
Induced, Early Breast Cancer,” Chicago, IL; October Psychosocial Factors in Pediatric Craniofacial Condi4, 2012.
tions: Research and Clinical Practice. National
Conference in Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans,
Invited Speaker. Tecnobios Procreazione Symposi- LA. April 11, 2013.
um 2012, “Impact of Infertility Regimens on Breast
Cancer Cells: FSH and LH,” Rome, Italy; November Crilly Bellucci C. Sokowlowski CM, Kapp-Simon KA,
13, 2012.
Aspinall CL, Edwards TC, Topolski TD, Strauss RP,
Patrick DL. Predictors of satisfaction with surgery for
Invited Speaker. Medical Science MD/PhD Training youth with craniofacial conditions. 12th InternationProgram, Northwestern University, “Physician Scien- al Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniotist Career Path,” Lake Geneva, Wisconsin; July 19, facial Anomalies. Orlando, FL. May 8, 2013.
Crilly Bellucci C, Barr M, Morris D, Kapp-Simon KA,
Academic Surgical Congress, “Impact of Fertility O’Gara M, Patel P, Morgan A. Quality of life in adoConcerns on Tamoxifen Adherence in Young Women lescents undergoing orthognathic surgery: Selfwith Breast Cancer,” New Orleans, LA; February 6, reported symptoms versus judgments of unfamiliar
observers. 12th International Congress on Cleft Lip/
Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies. OrlanAcademic Surgical Congress, “Inhibition of CDK do, FL. May 9, 2013.
Mediated Smad3 Phosphorylation Results in Decreased Oncogenic Phenotypes in Triple Negative Publications
Breast Cancer Cell,” New Orleans, LA; February 6, Kapp-Simon KA, Collett BR, Barr-Schinzel MA, Cra2013.
dock MM, Buono LA, Pietila KE, Speltz ML. Behavioral adjustment of toddler and preschool-aged
Academic Surgical Congress, “Combined CDK4 children with single suture craniosynostosis. Plastic
Inhibition and Doxorubicin Restores Smad3 Tumor and Reconstructive Surgery. 2012 Sep;130(3):635Suppression and Induces Apoptosis Via a Survivin- 47. PMID: 22929249.
Associated Mechanism,” New Orleans, LA; February
7, 2013.
Naumann HL, Haberkern CM, Pietila KE, Birgfeld CB,
Starr JR, Kapp-Simon KA, Hopper RA, Speltz ML.
Duration of exposure to cranial vault surgery: AssociSiletz A, Kniazeva E, Jeruss JS, Shea LD. Transcrip- ations with neurodevelopment among children with
tion Factor Networks in Invasion-Promoting Breast single-suture craniosynostosis. Pediatric AnestheCarcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts. Cancer Microen- s i a .
doi:10.1111/j.1460vironment.2012 Oct; 23. PMID: 22981939.
Pilewskie M, Kennedy C, Shappell C, Helenowski I,
Scholtens D, Hansen N, Bethke K, Jeruss J,
Karstaedt P, Khan SA. Effect of MRI on the Management of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast. Ann
Surg Oncol. 2012 Dec. PMID: 23224903.
Nabil Issa, MD
Gracia C, Jeruss JS. Lives in the Balance: Female
Cancer Patients and the Right to Fertility Care. J Clin
Oncol. Feb 20 2013;31(6):668-9.
2013-“Outstanding Teacher Award” by Emergency
Medicine Department, Northwestern University
Siletz A, Schnabel M, Kniazeva E, Schumacher AJ,
Shin S, Jeruss JS, Shea LD. Dynamic transcription
January 2013- Association for Surgical Education factor networks in epithelial-mesenchymal transition
(ASE) Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding National Teach- in breast cancer models. Plos One. 2013 April 8.
er Award
PMID: 23593114.
Founding committee member: “Fundamentals of
Academic Career in Surgical Education Course.” ASE
annual meeting. Orlando, FL April 22, 2013.
Collett BR, Gray KE, Kapp-Simon KA, Birgfeld C,
Cunningham ML, Rudo-Stern J, Ung D, Buono L,
Speltz ML. Laypersons’ ratings of appearance in
children with and without single suture craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg, in press
Seema A. Khan, MD
SSO/ASTRO panel on guidelines for margins in
invasive breast cancer, 2012
Educational Products Committee, Society of Surgical
Oncology, 2012-Present
Khavanin, N, Bethke, K, Lovecchio, F, Jeruss, JS, American College of Surgeon Surgical Standards
Hansen, N, Kim, JYS. Risk Factors for Unplanned Committee, 2012-Present
Readmissions Following Excisional Breast Surgery,
The Breast Journal, In Press, 2013. In press.
NCI/NIH add recent review panel Jul 2013
Surgical Education Week – ASE annual meeting Case Report. Foucar CE, Hardy A, Siziopikou KP,
“Surgery Sub I: What student’s need and what we Wang L, Parini V, Hansen N, Jeruss JS. A Mother and
should provide.” Orlando, FL April 22, 2013.
Daughter with Benign Phyllodes Tumors of the
Breast. Clinical Breast Cancer, 2012 Oct; (5):373-7.
Issa N, Salud L, Kwan K, Woods K, Pugh C. Validity Book Chapter. Llarena N, Jeruss, JS. Fertility Comand Reliability of a Sensor Enabled Intubation Train- munication to High Risk Patients. Oncofertility Comer: A Focus on Patient-Centered Data. J Surg Res. munication: Sharing Information and Building Rela2012 Sep;177(1):27-32.
tionships Across Disciplines, M Clayman, K Timmerman, TK Woodruff (eds) Springer Clinical Medicine,
Issa N, Mayer RE, Schuller M, Wang E, Shapiro M, New York, NY, 2012.
and DaRosa D. Teaching for Understanding in Medical Classrooms: Using Multimedia Design Principles Invited Commentaries. Lazar M, and Jeruss JS.
to Improve Long-Term Retention and Transfer. Med Review of Analysis of Circulating Tumor DNA to
Educ. 2013 Apr;47(4):388-96.
Monitor Metastatic Breast Cancer from NEJM; Selected Readings in General Surgery, 2013.
Jacqueline Jeruss, MD, PhD
Kathleen A. Kapp-Simon, PhD
Promoted to Associate Professor, September 2013 Presentations
Cradock MM, Kapp-Simon KA, Gaither R, Collet BR,
Named the Clinical Co-Director of Oncology of the Buono LA, Starr JR, Speltz ML. Neurobehavioral
National Physician’s Cooperative/Oncofertility Con- correlates of craniosynostosis. Symposium: Craniosortium, 2013.
facial Conditions-Neurocognitive and Psychosocial
Issues. American Psychological Association 120th
Received the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Annual Convention, Orlando, FL. August 5, 2012.
Department of Surgery, Northwestern, 2013.
Kapp-Simon KA. Discussion, Craniofacial CondiReceived the Joan L. and Julius H. Jacobson II Prom- tions: Neurocognitive and Psychosocial Issues.
ising Investigator Award, August 2012.
Symposium: Craniofacial Conditions-Neurocognitive
and Psychosocial Issues. American Psychological
Panel Member, New Trial Evidence and Emerging Association 120th Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
Controversies in Cancer Care, American College of August 5, 2012.
Surgeons Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL; October, 2,
Kapp-Simon KA, Gaither RG, Cradock MM, Pietila K,
Buono LA, Speltz ML. Cognitive and academic perDiscussant, Targeted Therapies, American College formance outcomes of school aged children with
NCI/NIH Special Emphasis Panel, Review Project
P01 Applications, Feb 2013
ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium Program Committee (Steering Committee), 2012-13
Cancer Research Editorial Board Member, 2013 to
Lee O, Lazzeroni M, Khan SA. Innovative Approaches to Tamoxifen Administration For Breast Cancer
Prevention. Tamoxifen Concepts and Cancer New
Paradigms Chap 5, pp. 61-86 Ramon Andrade de
Mello(eds), Nova Biomedical, New York,NY 2013.
Khan SA Surgery for the Intact Primary and Stage IV
Breast Cancer…Lacking "Robust Evidence" Ann Surg
Oncol. 2013 May 7; 20, (9): 2803-2805 PMID:
Wang J , Scholtens D, Holko ML , Ivancic D , Lee O ,
Hu H , Chatterton RT, Sullivan ME, Hansen N ,
Bethke K,. Zalles CM, Khan SA. Lipid metabolism
genes in contralateral unaffected breast and estrogen receptor status of breast cancer. Cancer Prevention Research. 2013 Apr;6(4):321-30. doi:
10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-12-0304. Epub 2013
Mar 19.
Gart MS, Smetona JT, Hanwright PJ, Fine NA, Bethke
KP, Khan SA, Wang E, Kim JY. Autologous options
for postmastectomy breast reconstruction: a comparison of outcomes based on the American College
of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement
Program. J Am Coll Surg. 2013 Feb;216(2):229-38.
PMID: 23211118
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Dew A, Khan SA, Babinski C, Michel N, Heffernan M,
Stephan S, Jordan N, Jovanovic B, Carney P, Bergan
R. Recruitment strategy cost and impact on minority
accrual to a breast cancer prevention trial.
Clin Trials. 2013 Jan 15. Epub ahead of
print PMID:23321266
Pilewskie M, Kennedy C, Shappell C, Helenowski I,
PhD, Scholtens D, Hansen N, K Bethke K, Jeruss JS,
Karstaedt P, Khan SA. Effect of MRI on the management of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Annal of
Surgical Oncology. Epub ahead of print, Dec 2012.
PMID: 23224903
Lazzeroni M, Serrano D, Dunn BK, HeckmanStoddard BM, Lee O, Khan SA, DeCensi A . Oral Low
Dose and Topical Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer Prevention: modern approaches for an old drug. Breast
Cancer Research. Breast Cancer Res. 2012 Oct
Melina R. Kibbe, MD
Promoted to Professor, September 2013
cular Symposium, Ponce, Puerto Rico, February 23, Lederle FA, Freischlag JA, Kyriakides TC, Matsumura
JS, Padberg FT Jr, Kohler TR, Kougias P, JeanClaude JM, Cikrit DF, Swanson KM; OVER Veterans
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Writing an Abstract, Affairs Cooperative Study Group. Long-term comparIntroduction to Academic Vascular Surgery, Center ison of endovascular and open repair of abdominal
for Advanced Medical Learning and Simulation, aortic aneurysm. N Engl J Med. 2012 Nov 22;367
Tampa, FL, April 5, 2013.
(21):1988-97. PMID: 23171095
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. A Basic Science Career Pitfalls to Avoid, Introduction to Academic Vascular
Surgery, Center for Advanced Medical Learning and
Simulation, Tampa, FL, April 5, 2013.
Tsihlis ND, Kapadia MR, Vavra AK, Flannery WD,
Oustwani CS, Jiang Q, Kibbe MR. Nitric oxide may
inhibit neointimal hyperplasia by decreasing isopeptidase T levels and activity in the vasculature. J Vasc
Surg. 2013 Jan 30. doi:pii: S0741-5214(12)02234Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. My Journey, Introduction 3. 10.1016/j.jvs.2012.10.066. [Epub ahead of
to Academic Vascular Surgery, Center for Advanced print] PMID: 23375434
Medical Learning and Simulation, Tampa, FL, April
5, 2013.
Kraiss LW, Conte MS, Geary RL, Kibbe MR, Ozaki
CK. Setting high impact clinical research priorities
Presenter, Welcome and Introduction, Fundamen- for the Society for Vascular Surgery. J Vasc Surg.
tals of Surgical Research and Academic Career 2013 Feb;57(2):493-500. doi: 10.1016/
Development Course of the Association for Academ- j.jvs.2012.09.069. PMID: 23337859.
ic Surgery, Cernobbio, Italy November 12, 2012.
Lee CJ, Rodriguez HE, Kibbe MR, Malaisrie SC,
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. A Critical Assessment of Eskandari MK. Secondary interventions following
NO-based Therapies for the Vasculature, Colombian elective thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR)
Surgical Society, XXXVIII National Surgical Congress, for degenerative aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. 2013
Cali, Colombia, August 22, 2012.
May;57(5):1269-74. PMID: 23352360.
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. An Innovative Therapy
for the Treatment of Atherosclerosis, Surgery Grand Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Current Status of the
Rounds, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, No- Management of Infrarenal Aortic Aneurysm, Colomvember 16, 2012.
bian Surgical Society, XXXVIII National Surgical Congress, Cali, Colombia, August 22, 2012.
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. The Challenges Facing
Women in Academic, Women in Surgery, Loyola Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Update on Gene- and
University, Forest Park, IL, December 14, 2012.
Cell-based Therapies for Critical Limb Ischemia,
Colombian Surgical Society, XXXVIII National SurgiPresenter, Welcome and Introduction, 23rd Annual cal Congress, Cali, Colombia, August 23, 2012.
Fundamentals of Surgical Research Course of the
Association for Academic Surgery, Chicago, IL, Sep- Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. An Innovative Therapy
tember 28, 2012.
for the Treatment of Atherosclerosis, Colombian
Surgical Society, XXXVIII National Surgical Congress,
Presenter, Opening Remarks, 8th Annual Academic Cali, Colombia, August 25, 2012.
Surgical Congress, New Orleans, LA, February 5,
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Basic Science and
Translational Research, Fundamentals of Surgical
Presenter, Introduction to AAS Founders Lecture, Research and Academic Career Development
8th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, New Orle- Course of the Association for Academic Surgery/
ans, LA, February 6, 2013.
Italian Surgical Society, Cernobbio, Italy November
12, 2012.
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Everything You Want to
Know About Preparing & Revising Scientific Manu- Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. How Do I Get My Manuscripts, 23nd Annual Fundamentals of Surgical script Published, Fundamentals of Surgical ReResearch Course, Association for Academic Surgery, search and Academic Career Development Course
Chicago, IL, September, 28, 2012.
of the Association for Academic Surgery/Italian
Surgical Society, Cernobbio, Italy November 13,
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Basic Science Pathway 2012.
– Tips, Strategies, and Pitfalls to Avoid from a Surgeon Scientist, 8th Annual Career Development Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. A Paradigm Shifting
Course, Association of Academic Surgery, Chicago, Technology: Liquid Cast Stents and its Role in FuIL, September 29, 2012.
ture SFA Therapies, 8th European Symposium of
Vascular Biomaterials, Strasbourg, France, May 11,
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. A Paradigm Shifting 2013
Stent Technology. Surgical Biology Club II 2012
Meeting, Chicago, IL, September 30, 2012.
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Future Burning Research Needs in Superficial Femoral Artery TreatInvited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Nanomedicine and ment, 8th European Symposium of Vascular BioCardiovascular Disease. Nanotechnology, Nanobots, materials, Strasbourg, France, May 11, 2013.
and Surgery Session, 98th Annual Clinical Congress
American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL, October Publications
1, 2012.
McDermott MM, Liu K, Ferrucci L, Tian L, Guralnik J,
Kopp P, Tao H, Horn LV, Liao Y, Green D, Kibbe MR,
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. A New Paradigm for Criqui M. Vitamin D status and functional perforArterial Stenting: A Liquid Cast Stent, 37th Annual mance in peripheral artery disease. Vasc Med.
Northwestern Vascular Symposium, Chicago, IL, 2012 Oct;17(5):294-302. PMID: 2281499
December 6, 2012.
Boitano LT, Wang EC, Kibbe MR. Differential effect
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. A Beacon of Hope, of nutritional status on vascular surgery outcomes
Association of Academic Surgery Presidential Ad- in a Veterans Affairs versus private hospital setting.
dress, 8th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, New Am J Surg. 2012 Nov;204(5):e27-37. PMID:
Orleans, LA, February 6, 2013.
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Achieving Goals through
Strategic Partnerships, Association of Women Surgeons/AAS Luncheon, 8th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, New Orleans, LA, February 6, 2013.
Stroupe KT, Lederle FA, Matsumura JS, Kyriakides
TC, Jonk YC, Ge L, Freischlag JA; Open Versus Endovascular Repair (OVER) Veterans Affairs Cooperative
Study Group. Cost-effectiveness of open vs endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm: Results
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Strategies for Success of a multicenter randomized trial. J Vasc Surg. 2012
in the NIH System. AAS/SUS Surgical Investigators’ 56 (4):901-10. PMID: 22640466.
Course: The Grant Writing Workshop, New Orleans,
LA, February 8, 2013.
Losordo DW, Kibbe MR, Mendelsohn F, Marston W,
Driver VR, Sharafuddin M, Teodorescu V, WiechInvited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Endovascular Ap- mann BN, Thompson C, Kraiss L, Carman T, Dohad
proaches: Basic Considerations, Understanding and S, Huang P, Junge CE, Story K, Weistroffer T, Thorne
Managing Diseases of the Aorta, 2013 Ponce Cardi- TM, Millay M, Runyon JP, Schainfeld R; for the Autolovascular Symposium, Ponce, Puerto Rico, February ogous CD34+ Cell Therapy for Critical Limb Ische23, 2013.
mia Investigators. A randomized, controlled pilot
study of autologous CD34+ cell therapy for critical
Invited lecturer. Kibbe, MR. Treatment Options for limb ischemia.Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Dec;5
Abdominal Aortic Disease, Understanding and Man- (6):821-30. PMID: 23192920
aging Diseases of the Aorta, 2013 Ponce Cardiovas-
McDermott MM, Carroll TJ, Kibbe M, Kramer CM, Liu
K, Guralnik JM, Keeling AN, Criqui MH, Ferrucci L,
Yuan C, Tian L, Liao Y, Berry J, Zhao L, Carr J. Proximal superficial femoral artery occlusion, collateral
vessels, and walking performance in peripheral
artery disease. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging. 2013
Jun;6(6):687-94. PMID: 23647796
Havelka GE, Moreira ES, Rodriguez MP, Tsihlis ND,
Wang Z, Martinez J, Hrabie J, Keefer L, Kibbe MR.
Nitric oxide delivery via a permeable balloon catheter inhibits neointimal growth after arterial injury. J
Surg Res. 2013 Mar;180(1):35-42. PMC3578007
McDermott MM, Domanchuk K, Liu K, Guralnik JM,
Tian L, Criqui MH, Ferrucci L, Kibbe M, Jones DL,
Pearce WH, Zhao L, Spring B, Rejeski WJ. The Group
Oriented Arterial Leg Study (GOALS) to improve
walking performance in patients with peripheral
arterial disease. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012 Nov;33
(6):1311-20. PMID: 2315811
McDermott MM, Kibbe MR, Guralnik JM, Pearce WH,
Tian L, Liao Y, Zhao L, Criqui MH. Comparative effectiveness study of self-directed walking exercise,
lower extremity revascularization, and functional
decline in peripheral artery disease. J Vasc Surg.
2013 Apr;57(4):990-996. PMID: 23352363
Dageforde LA, Kibbe M, Jackson GP. Recruiting
women to vascular surgery and other surgical specialties. J Vasc Surg. 2013 Jan;57(1):262-7.
Rodriguez MP, Emond ZM, Varu VN, Ahanchi SS,
Martinez J, Kibbe MR. Nitric Oxide Differentially
Effects ERK and Akt in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetic
Rats, J Surg Res, 2013 Aug;183(2):944-51. PMID:
McDermott MM, Liu K, Guralnik JM, Criqui MH,
Spring B, Tian L, Domanchuk K, Ferrucci L, LloydJones D, Kibbe M, Tao H, Zhao L, Liao Y, Rejeski WJ
Home-based walking exercise intervention in peripheral artery disease: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2013 Jul 3;310(1):57-65. doi: 10.1001/
John Kim, MD
Awarded Overall “Best Scientific Exhibit,” American
College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2012.
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Poster of Exceptional Merit, (Plastic and Maxillofa- outcomes in tissue expander reconstruction: a mulcial Surgery Division) ACS 2012
tivariate analysis of 9,786 patients. J Plast Surg
Hand Surg. 2013. Epub Ahead of Print.
Fahrenbach EN, Chao Q, Kim JYS, Alam M. Re- Rawlani V, Kim JYS, Buck DW, Wayne JD. Recursistance of acellular dermal matrix materials to rence of Head and Neck Melanoma is Not Affected
microbial penetration. JAMA Dermatol. 2013;1-5.
by Reducing Margins of Wide Local Excisions. Eplasty. 2013. In Press.
Buck DW, Kim JYS, Alam M, Rawlani V, Johnson SA,
Connor CM, Dumanian GA, Wayne JD. Multidiscipli- Davila AA, Mioton LM, Chow G, Wang E, Merkow RP,
nary approach to the management of dermatofibro- Bilimoria K, Fine NA, Kim JYS. Immediate Two-Stage
sarcoma protuberans. J Am Acad Dermatol. Tissue Expander Breast Reconstruction versus One2012;67(5):861-866.
Stage Permanent Implant Breast Reconstruction: A
Multi-Institutional Comparison of Short-Term CompliKim JYS, Gust MJ, Connor CM, Davila A, Nguyen KT. cations . J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2013. Epub Ahead
The weave technique for nipple reconstruction. J of Print.
Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2013;57(2):135-8.
Nguyen KT, Mioton LM, Smetona JT, Seth AK, Kim
Seth AK, Persing S, Connor CM, Davila A, Hirsch EM, JYS. Aesthetic Outcomes of ADM-assisted ExpanderFine NA, Kim JYS. A comparative analysis of cryo- Implant Breast Reconstruction. ePlasty.
preserved versus pre-hydrated human acellular 2012;12:e58.
dermal matrices in tissue expander breast reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg. 2013;70(6):632-5.
Nguyen KT, Gart MS, Aggarwal A, Bilimoria K,
Smetona JT, Kim JYS. The Relationship between
Seth AK, Hirsch EM, Fine NA, Kim JYS. Utility of Relative Value Units and Outcomes: A Multivariate
acellular dermis-assisted breast reconstruction in Analysis of Plastic Surgery Procedures. ePlasty.
the setting of radiation: a long-term comparative 2012;12:e60.
analysis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012;130(4):750-8.
Hanwright PJ, Mioton LM, Thomassee MS, Bilimoria
Seth AK, Hirsch EM, Kim JYS, Dumanian GA, Mustoe KY, Van Arsdale JD, Brill E, Kim JYS. Risk Profiles
TA, Galiano RD, Fine NA. Hematoma after mastecto- and Outcomes of Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
my with immediate reconstruction: an analysis of Compared with Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal
risk factors in 883 patients. Ann Plast Surg. Hysterectomy. Obstet Gynecol. 2013;121(4):781-7.
Hanwright PJ, Davila AA, Hirsch EM, Khan SA, Fine
Gust MJ, Nguyen KT, Hirsch EM, Connor CM, Davila NA, Bilimoria K, Kim JYS. The differential effect of
A, Rawlani V, Kim JYS. The utility of the tabbed ex- BMI on prosthetic versus autogenous breast reconpander in latissimus dorsi breast reconstruction. J struction: A multivariate analysis of 12,986 paPlast Surg Hand Surg. 2013;47(2):126-9.
tients. Breast. 2013. Epub Ahead of Print.
Surg Hand Surg. 2013. In Press.
Hirsch EM, Seth AK, Dumanian GD, Kim JY, Mustoe
TA, Galiano RD, Fine NA. Outcomes of immediate
tissue expander breast reconstruction followed by
reconstruction of choice in the setting of postmastectomy radiation therapy. Ann Plast Surg.
2012. In Press.
Honorary Member, American Assoc. of Orthotists
and Prosthetists, February, 2013
Seth AK, Hirsch EM, Kim JYS, Bethke KP, Hansen
NM, Fine NA. Two surgeons, one patient: The impact
of surgeon-surgeon familiarity on patient outcomes
following mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. Breast. 2013. Epub Ahead of Print.
Khavanin N, Lovecchio FC, Hanwright PJ, Brill E,
Kim JYS, Connor CM. Focus on technique: Two stage Milad MP, Bilimoria KY, Kim JY. The influence of BMI
implant-based breast reconstruction. Plast Reconstr on perioperative morbidity following abdominal
Surg. 2012;130(5S-2):104S-115S.
hysterectomy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2013. Epub
ahead of print.
Seth AK, Hirsch EM, Kim JYS, Fine NA. Long-term
outcomes following fat grafting in prosthetic breast Qureshi HA, Rawlani R, Mioton LM, Dumanian GA,
reconstruction: a comparative analysis. Plast Recon- Kim JYS, Rawlani V. Burnout Phenomenon in US
str Surg. 2012;130(5):984-990.
Plastic Surgeons: Risk Factors and Impact on Quality of Life. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013. In Press.
Hanwright PJ, Hirsch EM, Seth AK, Chow GS, Smetona J, McNichols C, Gaido JA, Fine NA, Bilimoria KY, Gust MJ, Smetona JT, Persing SJ, Hanwright PJ, Fine
Kim JYS. A multi-institutional perspective of compli- NA, Kim JYS. The Impact of Body Mass Index on
cation rates for elective non-reconstructive breast Reduction Mammaplasty: A Multi-Centered Analysis
surgery: An analysis of NSQIP data from 2006- of 2,492 Patients. Aesth Surg J. 2013. In Press.
2010. Aesth Surg J. 2013;33(3):378-386.
Mlodinow AS, Ver Halen JP, Rambachan A, Gaido J,
Nguyen KT, Hanwright PJ, Smetona JT, Hirsch EM, Kim JYS. Anemia is not a predictor of free flap failSeth AK, Kim JYS. BMI as a Continuous Predictor of ure: A review of NSQIP Data. Microsurgery. 2013.
Outcomes Following Expander-Implant Breast Re- Epub Ahead of Print.
construction. Ann Plast Surg. 2013. Epub Ahead of
Mioton LM, Jordan SW, Hanwright PJ, Bilimoria K,
Kim JYS. The Relationship between Pre-Operative
Mioton LM, Buck DW, Gart MS, Hanwright PJ, Wang Wound Classification and Post-Operative Infection: A
E, Kim JYS. Does Specialty Training Matter?: A Multi- Multi-institutional Analysis of 15,289 Patients. Arch
variate Regression Analysis of Panniculectomies Plast Surg. 2013. In Press.
Performed by Plastic and Non-Plastic Surgeons.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013;131(4):604e-12e.
Mioton LM, Smetona JT, Hanwright PJ, Seth AK,
Wang E, Bilimoria KY, Gaido J, Fine NA, Kim JYS. A
Jordan SW, Mioton L, Smetona J, Aggarwal A, Wang Retrospective Study Comparing Thirty-Day Morbidity
E, Dumanian GA, Kim JYS. Resident Involvement Outcomes in Prosthetic and Autologous Tissue
Affects Plastic Surgery Outcomes: An Analysis of Breast Reconstruction: A Multivariate Analysis of
10,356 Patients from the American College of Sur- 13,082 Patients. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.
geons National Surgical Quality Improvement Pro- 2013;66(7):917-925.
gram Database. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013;131
Jain U, Khavanin N, Cheesborough J, Kim JYS. Catastrophic outcomes after outpatient plastic surgery: A
Davila AA, Seth AK, Wang E, Hanwright PJ, Bilimoria multicenter analysis. Eur J Plast Surg. 2013. In
K, Fine NA, Kim JYS. Human Acellular Dermis versus Press.
Submuscular Tissue Expander Breast Reconstruction: A Multivariate Comparative Analysis of Short- Mioton LM, Gaido J, Small W, Fine NA, Kim JYS.
Term Complications Based on the National Surgical Differences in Breast Aesthetic Outcomes due to
Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) Database. Radiation: A Validated, Quantitative Analysis of
Arch Plast Surg. 2013;40(1):19-27.
Expander-Implant Reconstruction. Can J Plast Surg.
Gart MS, Smetona JT, Hanwright PJ, Fine NA, Bethke
KP, Khan SA, Wang E, Kim JYS. Comparative Out- Rambachan A, Mioton LM, Saha S, Fine NA, Kim
comes of Autologous Breast Reconstruction: Les- JYS. The Impact of Surgical Duration on Plastic
sons Learned from the National Surgical Quality Surgery Outcomes. Eur J Plast Surg. 2013. Epub
Improvement Program. J Am Coll Surg. 2013;216 Ahead of Print.
Mioton LM, Seth AK, Smetona J, Fine NA, Kim JYS. A
Hanwright PJ, Davila A, Mioton LM, Fine NA, Comparative Analysis of Acellular Dermal Matrix
Bilimoria K, Kim JYS. A predictive model of risk and Breast Reconstruction in High-Risk Patients. J Plast
Mioton LM, Buck DW, Rambachan A, Ver Halen J,
Dumanian GA, Kim JYS. Predictors of readmission
after outpatient plastic surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg.
2013. In Press.
Khavanin N, Mlodinow A, Milad MP, Bilimoria KY,
Kim JYS. Comparison of Perioperative Outcomes in
Outpatient and Inpatient Laparoscopic Hysterectomy. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2013. Epub ahead of
Mlodinow AS, Ver Halen JP, Lim S, Nguyen KT, Gaido
JA, Kim JYS. Predictors of readmission following
breast reconstruction—a multi-institutional analysis
of 5,012 patients. Ann Plast Surg. 2013. In Press.
Mioton LM, Alghoul M, Kim JYS. A Comparative
Analysis of Readmission Rates after Outpatient
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery. Aesthet Surg J. 2013. In
Lim S, Edelstein A, Jain U, Purit L, Kim JYS. Impact
of preoperative myocardial infarction on postoperative complications and length of stay in patients
undergoing inpatient orthopaedic surgery. Int Orthop. 2013. In Press.
Khavanin N, Bethke K, Lovecchio F, Jeruss J, Hansen N, Kim JYS. Risk factors for unplanned readmissions following excisional breast surgery. Breast J.
2013. In Press.
Todd A. Kuiken, MD, PhD
American Academy of PM&R, C Braddom Research
Award, March 2013.
Kuiken TA, Building Bionics, Int’l Congress of Rehab
Robotics, Seattle, WA, June 26, 2013.
Kuiken TA, Building Bionics, Fermi National Laboratories, Batavia, IL. January 18th, 2013.
Kuiken TA. Creation D’une Interface Neuronale
Pour Amputation Proximale Du Membre Superieur,
Centre de Rééducation et d'Appareillage, Institut
Robert Merle D’Aubigne, Paris, France, October 22,
Kuiken TA. Innovations in the Control of Upper-Limb
Prosthetic Arms, Invited Lecture, INAIL Symposium,
Budrio, Italy October 17, 2012.
Kuiken TA. Development of a Neural Interface for
Improved Control of Artificial Limbs: Targeted Muscle Reinnervation, Keynote Speaker 2nd Annual
Symposium of the Bertarelli Program in Neuroprosthetics and Translational Neuroscience, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, October 9, 2012.
Kuiken TA. Targeted Reinnervation: Development of
a Neural Interface for Improved Control of Artificial
Limbs, Keynote Speaker, International Functional
Electrical Stimulation Society, September 11, 2012.
Kuiken TA, Building Bionics, World Congress on
Reconstructive Surgery, July 14, 2013.
Kuiken TA. Targeted Reinnervation: Innovations in
Arm Injury. American Society for Surgery of the
Hand, September 7, 2012.
Hargrove LG, Simon AM, Young A, Lipschutz RD,
Finucane S, Smith DG and Kuiken TA. Robotic Leg
Control with EMG Decoding by an Amputee with
Nerve Transfers. NEJM, Accepted March 2013.
Birdwell AJ, Hargrove, LG, Kuiken TA and Weir RF.
Evaluating Individual Activation of the Extrinsic
Thumb Muscles and Compartments of the Extrinsic
Finger Muscles. J Neurophys, Accepted June 2013.
Rouse E, Hargrove LG, Perreault E Peshkin M and
Kuiken TA. Development of a Robotic Platform and
Validation of Methods for Estimating Ankle Impedance during the Stance Phase of Walking. ASME
Trans BME, Accepted 4/13
Hargrove LJ, Simon AM, Lipschutz R, Finucane SB,
Todd A Kuiken, Non-weight-bearing neural control
of a powered transfemoral prosthesis, J NeuroEngr
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
and Rehab July 2013.
Kim P, Ko JH, O'Shaughnessy KD, Kuiken TA,
Pohlmeyerm EA and Dumanian, GA. The effects of
targeted muscle reinnervation on neuromas in a
novel rabbit rectus abdominis flap model. J Hand
Surg 37A:1609–1616, 2012.
Bunderson NE, Kuiken TA. Quantification of Feature
Space Changes with Experience during Electromyogram Pattern Recognition Control. IEEE Trans Rehab
and Neural Sys. 99(1), 2012. DOI 10.1109/
Young AJ, Hargrove LG, and Kuiken TA. Improving
Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Robustness to
Electrode Shift by Changing Inter-electrode distance
and Electrode Configuration. IEEE Trans BME 59(3):
645-53, 2012. DOI 0.1109/TBME.2011.2177662
Daniela Ladner, MD, MPH
2012-2014 Program Committee Member, Association for Academic Surgery (AAS)
Creating a Health Services and Outcomes Research
Collaborative in Transplantation - The Northwestern
University Transplant Outcomes Research Collaborative (NUTORC). Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic
Transplant Center, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio,
October 2012.
Dreaming of a world that isn’t flat. ASTS Winter
Symposium, Soapbox, Miami, Florida, February 2,
NUTORC. Transplant Advisory Council, Northwestern
University, Chicago, February 12, 2013.
research team in transplantation. Transl Behav Leventhal J, Miller J, Abecassis M, Tollerud DJ,
Med. 2012 Dec;2(4):446-458.
Ildstad ST. Evolving approaches of hematopoietic
stem cell-based therapies to induce tolerance to
Ladner DP, Baker T. Near-miss events: a vastly organ transplants: the long road to tolerance. Clin
missed opportunity. Liver Transpl. 2013 May;19 Pharmacol Ther. 2013; 93(1)36-45. Review. Epub
2012 Oct 10.
Ladner DP, Skaro AI, Abecassis MM. Are all readmis- Leventhal JR, Mathew JM, Salomon DR, Kurian SM,
sions the same? Liver Transpl. 2012 Sep;18 Suthanthiran M, Tambur A, Friedewald J, Gallon L,
Charette J, Levitsky J, Kanwar Y, Abecassis M, Miller
J. Genomic biomarkers correlate with HLA-identical
McElroy LM, Ladner DP, Holl JL. The role of technol- renal transplant tolerance. Brief Communication. J
ogy in clinician-to-clinician communication. BMJ Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 [in press].
Qual Saf. 2013 Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Levitsky J, Leventhal JR, Miller J, Huang X, Chen L,
Serper M, McCarthy DM, Patzer RE, King JP, Bailey Chandrasekaran D, Tambur AR, Mathew JM FavoraSC, Smith SG, Parker RM, Davis TC, Ladner DP, Wolf ble effects of alemtuzumab on allospecific regulatoMS. What patients think doctors know: Beliefs about ry T-cell generation. Hum Immunol. 2012; (2):141-9.
provider knowledge as barriers to safe medication
use. Patient Educ Couns. 2013 Jul 25. [Epub ahead Levitsky J, Mathew JM, Abecassis M, Tambur A,
of print]
Leventhal J, Chandrasekaran D, Herrera N, Al-Saden
P, Gallon L, Abdul-Nabi A, Yang GY, Kurian SM, SaloTheodoropoulos N, Jaramillo A, Ladner DP, Ison MG. mon DR, Miller J. Systemic immunoregulatory and
Deceased organ donor screening for HIV, hepatitis proteogenomic effects of tacrolimus to sirolimus
B, and hepatitis C viruses: a survey of organ pro- conversion in liver transplant recipients. Hepatology.
curement organization practices. Am J Transplant. 2013 Jan;57(1):239-48. Epub 2012 Jul 17.
2013 Aug;13(8):2186-90. Epub 2013 May 24.
Tambur AR, Leventhal JR, Zitzner JR, Walsh RC,
Theodoropoulos N, Ladner DP, Ison MG. Screening Friedewald JJ. The DQ barrier: improving organ allorecipients of increased-risk donor organs: a survey cation equity using HLA-DQ information. Transplanof transplant infectious diseases physician practic- tation. 2013;27;95(4):635-640.
es. Transpl Infect Dis. 2013 Jul 31. [Epub ahead of
Theodoropoulos N, Wang E, Penugonda S, Ladner
DP, Stosor V, Leventhal J, Friedewald J, Angarone
Theodoropoulos N, Wang E, Penugonda S, Ladner MP, Ison MG. BK virus replication and nephropathy
DP, Stosor V, Leventhal J, Friedewald J, Angarone after alemtuzumab-induced kidney transplantation.
MP, Ison MG. BK virus replication and nephropathy Am J Transplant. 2013 Jan;13(1):197-206. Epub
after alemtuzumab-induced kidney transplantation. 2012 Nov 8.
Am J Transplant. 2013 Jan;13(1):197-206. Epub
2012 Nov 8.
Xue-Feng Liu, PhD
Creating a Health Services & Outcomes Research Joseph Leventhal, MD, PhD
Collaborative in Transplantation. Transplant
Liu, X.-F., Wang, X., Yan, S., Zhang, Z., Abecassis, M.,
and Hummel, M. (2013) Epigenetic control of cytoGrand Rounds, Washington University, St. Louis, 2012-Present, Member, Joint Planning Committee, megalovirus latency and reactivation, Viruses
Missouri, March 7, 2013.
American Transplant Congress
Challenges in Safety Managing the Pain in Living
Liver Donors. D Ladner, K Waitzman, T Strenski, E
Pomfret, MA Simpson, R Brown, R Fisher, R Kang, T
Berzins, A Daud, J Holl and D Woods. American
Transplant Conference, May, 2013.
Promoted to Professor, September 2013
Invited Speaker, NATCO Meeting, Washington, DC,
Using Donor Stem Cell Infusion to Induce DonorSpecific Tolerance in Kidney Allograft Recipients,
Significant Deficiencies in Postoperative Handoffs August, 2012.
Revealed in a Comprehensive Assessment of Living
Donor Liver Transplantation Systems and Processes Invited Speaker, OPTUM Health Education Conferof Care. Lisa McElroy, Jane Holl, Amna Daud, Mi- ence, Chicago, IL, The Role of Induced Immune
chael Abecassis, Donna Woods, Daniela Ladner. Tolerance in Transplantation, September, 2012.
American Transplant Conference, May, 2013.
Invited Speaker, Nephrology Research Conference,
Burden of OPTN Data Submission: Far More Than Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, TolerEstimated. Kai Xu, Luke Preczewski, Gwen McNatt, ance Induction in Clinical Transplantation: a half
Daniela Ladner. American Transplant Conference, century journey in pursuit of the Holy Grail, SeptemMay, 2013.
ber, 2012.
Psychosocial outcomes 3-9 years after living liver
donation in the Adult to Adult Living Donor Liver
Transplantation Cohort Study (A2ALL). Dew MA, Butt
Z, Di Martini AF, Ladner DP, Simpson MA. American
Transplant Conference, May, 2013.
Ladner DP, Skaro AI, Abecassis MM. Are all readmissions the same? Liver Transpl. 2012; 18:1007-8.
Gordon EJ, Ladner DP, Baker T. Standardized information for living liver donors. Liver Transpl. 2012
Gordon EJ, Ladner DP. Gender inequities pervade
organ transplantation access. Transplantation.
2012 Sep 15;94(5):447-8.
Seckert, C.K., Griebl, M., Buttner, J.K., Freitag, K.,
Lemmermann, N.A.W., Hummel, M.A., Liu, X-F.,
Abecassis, M.I., Angulo, A., Messerle, M., Cook,
C.H., Reddehase, M.J. (2013) Immune Surveillance
of Cytomegalovirus Latency and Reactivation in
to Therapy,
M.J. Reddehase, ed.,Volume 1, Chapter 22, pp. 374
-416 (Norfolk, UK, Caister Academic Press).
David M. Mahvi, MD
Farley Fellow- McCormick School of Engineering
2013- present
Visiting Professorship: “Surgical Innovation” University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 2013
Invited Speaker, Cedars Sinai, Promedica Int'l Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, Acquired Tolerance with Presentations
Bone Marrow Stem Cell and Organ Transplant, Sep- Mahvi DM.
Moderator/ organizer- “The nasty
tember, 2012.
gallbladder” American College of Surgeons Clinical
Congress Chicago October 2012
Invited Speaker, Stanford School of Medicine Symposium, Stanford, CA, Tolerance Induction after Mahvi DM. Meet the professor session “Should you
Kidney Transplantation, February, 2013.
become a hospital employee?” American College of
Surgeons Clinical Congress Chicago October 2012
Chhabra D, Skaro AI, Leventhal JR, Dalal P, Shah G, Publications
Wang E, Gallon L. Long-term kidney allograft func- Knab M, Salem R, Mahvi D. Minimally invasive thertion and survival in prednisone-free regimens: tacro- apies for hepatic malignancies. Curr Probl Surg.
limus/mycophenolate mofetil versus tacrolimus/ 2013 Apr;50(4):146-79
sirolimus. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012; (3):504-12.
S. Chris Malaisrie, MD
Gallon L, Leventhal J, Skaro A, Kanwar Y, Alvarado
A. Resolution of recurrent focal segmental glomeru- Honors/Awards
losclerosis after retransplantation. N Engl J Med. Promoted to Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic
Surgery, September 2013
Gordon EJ, Rodde J, Gil S, Caicedo JC. Quality of
internet education about living kidney donation for
Hispanics. Prog Transplant. 2012 Sep;22(3):294303.
Leventhal J, Abecassis M, Miller J, Gallon L, Ravindra K, Tollerud DJ, King B, Elliott MJ, Herzig G, HerGordon, EJ, Reddy E, Ladner DP, Friedewald J, Abe- zig R, Ildstad ST. Chimerism and tolerance without
cassis MM, Ison MG. Kidney transplant candidates' GVHD or engraftment syndrome in HLA-mismatched
understanding of increased risk donor kidneys: a combined kidney and hematopoietic stem cell transqualitative study. Clin Transplant. 2012;26(2):359- plantation. Sci Transl Med. 2012;4(124):124ra28.
Leventhal J, Abecassis M, Miller J, Gallon L, Tollerud
Ladner DP, Alonso EM, Butt Z, Caicedo JC, Cella D, D, Elliott MJ, Bozulic LD, Houston C, SustentoDaud A, Friedewald JJ, Gordon EJ, Hazen GB, Ho BT, Reodica N, Ildstad ST. Tolerance induction in HLA
Hoke KR, Holl JL, Ison MG, Kang R, Mehrotra S, disparate living donor kidney transplantation by
Preczewski LB, Ross OA, Sharaf PH, Skaro AI, Wang donor stem cell infusion: durable chimerism preE, Wolf MS, Woods DM, Abecassis MM. NUTORC-a dicts outcome. Transplantation. 2013;95(1):169transdisciplinary health services and outcomes 76.
Co-Recipient of the Clinical Collaboration Award,
Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation
June 2013. A case based discussion of hemodynamic support for high risk PCI and refractory cardiogenic shock. Speaker Advanced Percutaneous
Hemodynamic Support Symposium. South Barrington, Illinois.
May 2013. Aortic Dissections: Ascending and Descending. Vascular Interdisciplinary Clinical Rounds.
Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute Of Northwestern
Memorial Hospital’s Center Vascular Disease. Chi-
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
cago, Illinois.
Scientific Session Chair - ASHI Annual Meeting, Clinical Challenges. Surgeon’s View of Mitral Valve
October 2012
Disease. Chicago, IL, October 2012.
Apr 2013. Current Treatment for Aortic Stenosis:
Trending Technology. Interventional Cardiology CME Presentations
Lecture at St. Joe’s Hospital. Chicago, Illinois.
Invited Speaker: American Transplant Congress
“Cellular Biomarkers of Clinical Transplant TolerMar 2013. Transcatheter Heart Valve for Treatment ance”; Seattle, WA; May 18-22, 2013.
of Aortic Stenosis. Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. Vascular
Symposium. Chicago, Illinois.
Presenting Author: American Transplant Congress;
Mathew JM, Leventhal J, Huang X, Chen L, Tambur
Mar 2013. Trending Technology and Advances in AR, Friedewald J, Abecassis MM and Miller J.
Surgical Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation. The Beat on “Interactions of B and T Regulatory Cells in Normal
Atrial Fibrillation Seminar, Northwestern Memorial Volunteers and in Tolerant HLA-Identical Kidney
Hospital. Chicago, Illinois
Transplant Recipients”. Seattle, WA; May 18-22,
Jan 2013. Is TAVI Appropriate for AS Patients with
Intermediate Risk? St. Francis Hospital Grand Co-Author: American Transplant Congress; LeRounds Evanston, Illinois
venthal JR, Mathew JM, Salomon DR, Kurian SM,
Suthanthiran M, Tambur AR, Friedewald J, Kanwar
Nov 2012. Trans-sternotomy Standard AVR Is and Y, Abecassis MM and Miller J. “HLA Identical Renal
Always Will Be the Best Approach. American Heart Transplant Tolerance with Donor Hematopoietic
Association Scientific Sessions 2012. Los Angeles, Stem Cells Absent Chimerism: T and B Regulatory
Cell and Genomic Analysis”. Seattle, WA; May 1822, 2013.
Oct 2012. My Preferred Approach to TAVR is Best
for Patients Because … Position 1: Trans-Apical Presenting Author: ASHI Annual Meeting; Mathew
Delivery is Easier and has Better Outcomes with JM, Miller J, Huang X, Chandrasekaran D, Chen L
Less Stroke. Vascular InterVentional Advances and Levitsky J. “Differential Dose-dependent Effects
(VIVA). Las Vegas, Nevada
of Belatacept and Mycophenolic Acid on Regulatory
T Cell Generation in MLR”. San Juan, Puerto Rico;
Oct 2012. Traditional Surgical Treatment of Aortic October 8-12, 2012.
Stenosis and Diseases of the Aorta. 34th Annual
Echo Northwestern 2012. Chicago, Illinois
Levitsky J, Mathew JM, Abecassis M, Tambur AR,
Sept 2012. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replace- Chandrasekaran D, Herrera N, Al-Saden P, Gallon L,
ment: Will This Become the Preferred Treatment of Abdul-Nabi A, Yang GY, Salomon DR, Kurian SM and
Aortic Stenosis? The American College of Surgeons Miller J. Systemic Immunoregulatory and ProteogeAnnual
Clinical Congress. Chicago, Illinois
nomic Effects of Tacrolimus to Sirolimus Conversion
in Liver Transplant Recipients. Hepatology, 2013.
McCarthy PM, Malaisrie SC. Surgical Approach to
Disease of the Aortic Valve and Aortic Root. In: Otto Leventhal JR*, Mathew JM*, Salomon DR, Kurian
CM, Bonow RO, eds. Valvular heart disease: a com- SM, Suthanthiran M, Tambur AR, Friedewald J, Galpanion to Braunwald's heart disease. 4th edition. lon L, Charette j, Levitsky J, Kanwar Y, Abecassis
Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA: March 2013, MM and Miller J. Functional Genomic Biomarkers
In Press.
Identify HLA Identical Non-Chimeric Renal Transplant Tolerance – An Interim Report. Journal of the
Lee CJ, Rodriquez HE, Kibbe MR, Malaisrie SC, American Society of Nephrology. In press.
Eskandari MK. Secondary interventions after elective thoracic endovascular aortic repair for degener- Levitsky J, Miller J, Huang X, Chandrasekaran D,
ative aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. 2013 May. Chen L and Mathew JM. Inhibitory effects of Belat(5):1269-74.
acept on allospecific regulatory T-cell generation in
TREG-MLR. Transplantation. In Press.
Lee R, Jivan A, Kruse J, McGee EC Jr, Malaisrie SC,
Bernstein R, Lapin B, Passman R, Knight BP, McCar- Patrick M. McCarthy, MD
thy PM. Late neurologic events after surgery for
atrial fibrillation: rare but relevant. Ann Thorac Surg. Honors/Awards
2013 Jan;95(1):126-31.
America’s Top Surgeons, 2002-present
Vaduganathan M, Lee R, Beckham A, Andrei AC, America’s Top Doctors, 2001-present
Lapin B, Stone NJ, McGee EC, Malaisrie SC, Kansal
P, Silverberg RA, Lloyd-Jones DM, McCarthy PM. Best Doctors in America, 2000-present
Relation of Body Mass Index to Late Survival after
Valvular Heart Surgery. Am J Cardiol 2012; 110: Who’s Who in America, 2000-present
Malaisrie SC, Carr J, Mikati I, Rigolin V, Yip BK, Lapin Invited Visiting Professor. Cardiothoracic Surgery
B, McCarthy PM. Cardiac magnetic resonance imag- Grand Rounds. Columbia University Medical Cening is more diagnostic than two-dimensional echo- ter/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Mitral Valve
cardiography in determining the presence of bicus- Surgery: Evolving from an Art to a Science.
pid aortic valve. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2012 York City, NY, September 2012.
Invited Visiting Professor. Grand Rounds. F.A.C.T.
Malaisrie, SC. Is TAVR Cost-effective in the non- Surgery. Evolving Approaches for Patients with
surgical elderly population? Future Medicine. June Aortic Valve Disease. Tampa, FL, February 2013.
2013. In Press.
Invited Speaker. Cardiology Grand Rounds FellowKent W, Malaisrie SC. Reoperative mitral valve re- ship Core Curriculum. Northwestern University
placement. In: CARDIAC SURGERY: TECHNIQUE AND Feinberg School of Medicine. Cardiac Surgery 2012:
PRACTICE. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. June 2013. What Cardiology Fellows Must Know. Chicago, IL,
In progress.
August 2012.
Invited Presenter: 2012 Heart Valve Summit: Medical, Surgical and Interventional Decision Making.
Session III: Breakout II: Mitral Valve Repair: Surgical
and Interventional Video Session. Chicago, IL, October 2012.
Invited Panelist. 2012 Heart Valve Summit: Medical, Surgical and Interventional Decision Making.
Session IV: Case Presentations: A Case for Watchful
Waiting and Early Surgery. Chicago, IL, October
Invited Panelist. 2012 Heart Valve Summit: Medical, Surgical and Interventional Decision Making.
Session IV: Case Presentations: When to Operate on
Tricuspid Valve. Chicago, IL, October 2012.
Invited Presenter. 2012 Heart Valve Summit: Medical, Surgical and Interventional Decision Making.
Session VII: Breakout II: Surgical and Interventional
Video Session: aortic Root Surgery, Valve Sparing,
TAVR. Chicago, IL, October 2012.
Invited Speaker. 17th Annual Illinois State Perfusion
Society Meeting. State of the Art: Valve & Atrial
Fibrillation Surgery. Oak Brook, IL, October 2012.
Invited Speaker. 24th Annual Scientific Symposium
of Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT)
2012. No: In This Case Even the Most Ingenious
Percutaneous Approaches Are Doomed to Fall
Short! Event Title: Next-Generation Transcatheter
Mitral Valve Therapies; Section Title: Session I. Past
Revisited and Future Predicted; Sub-Section Title: Instructive Debate: Will Transcatheter Therapies
Ever Match the Surgical Standard for MR? Miami,
FL, October 2012.
Invited Speaker. 24th Annual Scientific Symposium
of Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT)
2012. Do Adjustable Mitral Annuloplasty Rings
Address an Unmet Clinical Need? Event Title: NextGeneration Transcatheter Mitral Valve Therapies;
Section Title: Session V. Other Transcatheter Mitral
Approaches. Miami, FL, October 2012.
Invited Speaker. 2012 Vanderbilt Valve Symposium: 21st Century Techniques for Complex Valve
Procedures. Anterior Leaflet Repair. Nashville, TN,
October 2012.
Invited Speaker. 2012 Vanderbilt Valve Symposium: 21st Century Techniques for Complex Valve
Procedures. Tricuspid Valve Repair: When, Why and
How. Nashville, TN, October 2012.
Invited Moderator. American Heart Association
2012 Scientific Sessions. When to Operate in Valvular Heart Disease. Los Angeles, CA, November
Invited Speaker. Cardiology Grand Rounds. University of Illinois at Chicago. State of the Art: Valve &
Atrial Fibrillation Surgery. Chicago, IL, November
Invited Speaker. 8th Annual Heart Failure Holiday
Symposium. Percutaneous Options for Functional
Mitral Regurgitation; Do We Have Good Options?
Session III: Treatment of Heart Failure and Valvular
Heart Disease. Chicago, IL, November 2012.
Invited Speaker. Dallas-Leipzig Valve 2012. Mitral
Lab Wet Lab: Imaging Didactics: Grading Functional
MR and Assessment of LV Geometry. Dallas, TX,
December 2012.
Invited Speaker. Dallas-Leipzig Valve 2012. Mitral
Lab Wet Lab: Functional Ischemic MR. Dallas, TX,
Kent W, Malaisrie SC. Ascending Repair Combined Invited Speaker. Bakken Symposium 2012: Inno- December 2012.
with TEVAR for Acute Dissections. In: Current Valvu- vations in Cardiovascular Therapy. University of
lar Surgery 2013. PMPH-USA, Ltd., Shelton, CT. Minnesota. The Innovation Imperative; A Journey Invited Moderator. Dallas-Leipzig Valve 2012. The
June 2013. In progress.
from Doctor to Inventor to Professor. Minneapolis, Left & Right Atrium: Everything You Want to Know.
MN, August 2012.
Dallas, TX, December 2012.
Malaisrie SC, Mikati I, Rigolin V, McCarthy PM.
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for assess- Invited Speaker. Mended Hearts Chicago Chapter Invited Speaker. Dallas-Leipzig Valve 2012. Atrial
ment of aortic valve morphology. J Thorac and Car- 106. Northwestern Memorial Hospital. A 30 Year Fibrillation at The Time of Mitral Valve Surgery:
diovasc Surg 2013;145(6) 1682. (Letter to the Perspective on Cardiac Surgery. Chicago, IL, Sep- Should Everyone Have Ablation? Session: The Left
tember 2012.
& Right Atrium: Everything You Want to Know. Dallas, TX, December 2012.
James M. Mathew, PhD
Invited Speaker. Department of Surgery Resident
Core Curriculum. Northwestern University Feinberg Invited Speaker. Dallas-Leipzig Valve 2012. ManHonors/Awards
School of Medicine. Valvular Heart Disease. Chica- agement of the Left Atrial Appendage During CardiAppointed as Co-Chair of Publications Committee. go, IL, September 2012.
ac Surgery. Session: Stroke Prevention: Drugs and
American Society for Histocompatibility & ImmunoDevices. Dallas, TX, December 2012.
genetics (ASHI), December 2012
Invited Speaker. 34th Annual Program: Echo Northwestern 2012 – Echo Innovations to Meet Today’s Invited Moderator. Dallas-Leipzig Valve 2012. The
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Fine Art of Mitral Valve Surgery. Moderator. Dallas, aortic valve. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012;144 and Management, Davies DW; Training RequireTX, December 2012.
ments and Competencies, Lindsay BD; Surgical
Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, Damiano R Jr; Clinical
Invited Moderator. Pediatric and Adult Intervention- Takeda K, Ahmad U, Malaisrie SC, Lee R, McCarthy Trial Considerations, Packer DL, Brugada J, Camm
al Cardiac Symposium (PICS-AICS). Breakout # 1 PM, McGee EC Jr. Successful implantation of Heart- AJ, Crijns HJ, Dimarco J, Edgerton J, Ellenbogen K,
Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion – State of the Art. Ware HVAD left ventricular assist device with con- Ezekowitz MD, Haissaguerre M, Hindricks G, Iesaka
Miami, FL, January 2013.
comitant ascending and sinus of valsalva aneu- Y, Jackman WM, Jais P, Jalife J, Kalman J, Keane D,
rysms repair. J of Artif Organs 2012;15(2):204-6.
Kim YH, Kirchhof P, Klein G, Kottkamp H, Kumagai
Invited Moderator. Pediatric and Adult InterventionK, Mansour M, Marchlinski F, McCarthy PM, Mont
al Cardiac Symposium (PICS-AICS). Breakout Ses- Albaghdadi MS, Popescu A, Davidson CJ, McCarthy JL, Morady F, Nademanee K, Nakagawa H, Nattel S,
sion # 4 Mitral Valve Interventions. Miami, FL, Janu- PM, Kansal P. Adult cardiac fibroma. J Am Coll Pappone C, Raviele A, Reddy V, Ruskin JN, Shemin
ary 2013.
Cardiol 2012;59(8):e15.
RJ, Tsao HM, Wilber D. 2012 HRS/EHRA/ECAS
Expert Consensus Statement on Catheter and SurgiInvited Speaker. Pediatric and Adult Interventional Sales VL, McCarthy PM, Carr JC, Mehlman DJ, Lo- cal Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: Recommendations
Cardiac Symposium (PICS-AICS). Debate “TAVR is masney J. Near-complete obstruction of an aortic for Patient Selection, Procedural Techniques, PaCost Effective in the Non-surgical Elderly Popula- homograft. Circulation 2012; 128(8):e392-4.
tient Management and Follow-up, Definitions, Endtion” – AGAINST. Miami, FL, January 2013.
points, and Research Trial Design: A report of the
Markl M, Mikati I, Carr JC, McCarthy PM, Malaisrie Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) Task Force on Catheter
Invited Instructor. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons SC. Three-dimensional blood flow alterations after and Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation. Developed
49th Annual Meeting. STS University Course 1: transcather aortic valve implantation. Circulation in partnership with the European Heart Rhythm
Mitral Valve Repair. Los Angeles, CA, January 2013. 2012;125:e573-e575.
Association (EHRA), a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European
Invited Speaker. Northwestern Lake Forest Sympo- Vaduganathan M, Stone NJ, Andrei AC, Lee R, Cardiac Arrhythmia Society (ECAS); and in collaborasium: An Update on Clinical Cardiology for the In- Kansal P, Silverberg RA, Bonow RO, McCarthy PM. tion with the American College of Cardiology (ACC),
ternist. Cardiovascular Surgery. Lake Forest, IL, Midterm benefits of preoperative statin therapy in American Heart Association (AHA), the Asia Pacific
February 2013.
patients undergoing isolated valve surgery. Ann Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS), and the Society of
Thorac Surg 2012;93:1881-7.
Thoracic Surgeons (STS). Endorsed by the governing
Invited Panelist. American College of Cardiology
bodies of the American College of Cardiology Foun62nd Annual Scientific Session & Expo/TCT@ACC-i2. Calkins H, Kuck KH, Cappato R, Brugada J, Camm dation, the American Heart Association, the EuropeMeet the Experts: Mitral Valve Disease and Atrial AJ, Chen SA, Crijns HJ, Damiano RJ Jr, Davies DW, an Cardiac Arrhythmia Society, the European Heart
Fibrillation: Customizing Treatment for Optimal Dimarco J, Edgerton J, Ellenbogen K, Ezekowitz MD, Rhythm Association, the Society of Thoracic SurOutcome. San Francisco, CA, March 2013.
Haines DE, Haissaguerre M, Hindricks G, Iesaka Y, geons, the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, and
Jackman W, Jalife J, Jais P, Kalman J, Keane D, Kim the Heart Rhythm Society. Heart Rhythm 2012;9
Invited Panelist. American College of Cardiology YH, Kirchhof P, Klein G, Kottkamp H, Kumagai K, (4):632-696.
62nd Annual Scientific Session & Expo/TCT@ACC-i2. Lindsay BD, Mansour M, Marchlinski FE, McCarthy
Meet the Experts: Multidisciplinary Valve Confer- PM, Mont JL, Morady F, Nademanee K, Nakagawa Calkins H, Kuck KH, Cappato R, Brugada J, Camm
ence: The Tumor Board of Tomorrow? Interpreting H, Natale A, Nattel S, Packer DL, Pappone C, AJ, Chen SA, Crijns HJ, Damiano RJ Jr, Davies DW,
Challenging Valvular Heart Disease Cases with the Prystowsky E, Raviele A, Reddy V, Ruskin JN, She- Dimarco J, Edgerton J, Ellenbogen K, Ezekowitz MD,
Experts. San Francisco, CA, March 2013.
min RJ, Tsao HM, Wilber Wedge D; TASK FORCE Haines DE, Haissaguerre M, Hindricks G, Iesaka Y,
MEMBERS:; Chairs:, Calkins H, Kuck KH, Cappato R; Jackman W, Jalife J, Jais P, Kalman J, Keane D, Kim
Invited Co-Chair. American College of Cardiology Section Chairs: Atrial Fibrillation: Definitions, Mecha- YH, Kirchhof P, Klein G, Kottkamp H, Kumagai K,
62nd Annual Scientific Session & Expo/TCT@ACC-i2. nisms, and Rationale for Ablation—, Chen SA, Lindsay BD, Mansour M, Marchlinski FE, McCarthy
Mitral Regurgitation Due to Left Ventricular Dysfunc- Prystowsky EN, Kuck KH, Natale A, Haines DE, PM, Mont JL, Morady F, Nademanee K, Nakagawa
tion: Etiologies and Optimal Treatment. San Fran- Marchlinski FE, Calkins H, Davies DW, Lindsay BD, H, Natale A, Nattel S, Packer DL, Pappone C,
cisco, CA, March 2013.
Damiano R Jr, Packer DL, Brugada J, Camm AJ, Prystowsky E, Raviele A, Reddy V, Ruskin JN, SheCrijns HJ, Dimarco J, Edgerton J, Ellenbogen K, Eze- min RJ, Tsao HM, Wilber D. 2012 HRS/EHRA/ECAS
Invited Speaker. 2013 AATS Mitral Conclave. The kowitz MD, Haissaguerre M, Hindricks G, Iesaka Y, expert consensus statement on catheter and surgiTricuspid Valve: Forgotten No More. New York, NY, Jackman WM, Jais P, Jalife J, Kalman J, Keane D, cal ablation of atrial fibrillation: recommendations
May 2013.
Kim YH, Kirchhof P, Klein G, Kottkamp H, Kumagai for patient selection, procedural techniques, patient
K, Mansour M, Marchlinski F, McCarthy PM, Mont management and follow-up, definitions, endpoints,
Invited Co-Chair. 2013 AATS Mitral Conclave. JL, Morady F, Nademanee K, Nakagawa H, Nattel S, and research trial design. J Interv Card ElectrophysBreakout Session IV: Mitral Surgery in the Damaged Pappone C, Raviele A, Reddy V, Ruskin JN, Shemin iol. 2012;33(2):171-257.
Ventricle. New York, NY, May 2013.
RJ, Tsao HM, Wilber D; Document reviewers:, Ad N,
Cummings J, Gillinov AM, Heidbuchel H, January C, Arnaoutakis GJ, Zhao Y, George TJ, Sciortino CM,
Invited ePoster Discussant. 2013 AATS Mitral Con- Lip G, Markowitz S, Nair M, Ovsyshcher IE, Pak HN, McCarthy PM, Conte JV. Surgical repair of ventricuclave. ePoster Live Presentations. New York, NY, Tsuchiya T, Shah D, Siong TW, Vardas PE. 2012 lar septal defect after myocardial infarction: outMay 2013.
HRS/EHRA/ECAS Expert Consensus Statement on comes from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons NaCatheter and Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: tional Database. Ann of Thorac Surg 2012;94
Invited Co-Chair. 2013 AATS Mitral Conclave. Ple- Recommendations for Patient Selection, Procedural (2):436-44.
nary Session IX: Predicting the Future. New York, Techniques, Patient Management and Follow-up,
NY, May 2013.
Definitions, Endpoints, and Research Trial Design: A Lee, R, McCarthy PM, Wang EC, Vaduganathan M,
report of the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) Task Force Kruse J, Malaisrie SC, McGee EC Jr. Midterm survivInvited Course Chair. The 93rd Annual American on Catheter and Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrilla- al in patients treated for atrial fibrillation: A propenAssociation for Thoracic Surgery Meeting. Working tion. Developed in partnership with the European sity-matched comparison to patients without a histowith Industry. Minneapolis, MN, May 2013.
Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), a registered ry of atrial fibrillation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
branch of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2012;143(6):1341-51.
Invited Speaker. The 93rd Annual American Associ- and the European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society
ation for Thoracic Surgery Meeting. Debate: Open (ECAS); and in collaboration with the American Col- Banayan J, Dhawan R, Vernick WJ, McCarthy PM.
Trans-Sternal Techniques is the Preferred Method lege of Cardiology (ACC), American Heart Associa- CASE 3-2012: Iatrogenic circumflex artery injury
for MV surgery. Minneapolis, MN, May 2013.
tion (AHA), the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society during minimally invasive mitral valve surgery. J
(APHRS), and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2012;26(3):512-9.
Invited Discussant. The 93rd Annual American (STS). Endorsed by the governing bodies of the
Association for Thoracic Surgery Meeting. Should American College of Cardiology Foundation, the Kodali SK, Williams MR, Smith CR, Svensson LG,
Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation be Treated During American Heart Association, the European Cardiac Webb JG, Makkar RR, Fontana GP, Dewey TM,
Cardiac Surgery? Minneapolis, MN, May 2013.
Arrhythmia Society, the European Heart Rhythm Thourani VH, Pichard AD, Fischbein M, Szeto WY,
Association, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, the Lim S, Greason KL, Teirstein PS, Malaisrie SC, DougInvited Co-Chair. Second Annual Chicago Cardiovas- Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, and the Heart las PS, Hahn RT, Whisenant B, Zajarias A, Wang D,
cular Update. Northwestern University Feinberg Rhythm Society. Europace 2012;14(4):528-606.
Akin JJ, Anderson WN, Leon MB; PARTNER Trial
School of Medicine. Session II: Valvular Heart DisInvestigators (McCarthy PM). Two-year outcomes
ease: Current State of the Art; What’s New on the Calkins H, Kuck KH, Cappato R, Brugada J, Camm after transcatheter or surgical aortic-valve replaceHorizon? Chicago, IL, July 2013.
AJ, Chen SA, Crijns HJ, Damiano RJ Jr, Davies DW, ment. N Engl J Med 2012;366(18):1686-95.
Dimarco J, Edgerton J, Ellenbogen K, Ezekowitz MD,
Invited Case Presenter. Second Annual Chicago Haines DE, Haissaguerre M, Hindricks G, Iesaka Y, Makkar RR, Fontana GP, Jilaihawi H, Kapadia S,
Cardiovascular Update. Northwestern University Jackman W, Jalife J, Jais P, Kalman J, Keane D, Kim Pichard AD, Douglas PS, Thourani VH, Babaliaros
Feinberg School of Medicine. Session IIA: Aortic YH, Kirchhof P, Klein G, Kottkamp H, Kumagai K, VC, Webb JG, Herrmann HC, Bavaria JE, Kodali S,
Valve Disease. Rapid Fire Case Presentations-TAVR Lindsay BD, Mansour M, Marchlinski FE, McCarthy Brown DL, Bowers B, Dewey TM, Svensson LG,
Inoperable, High Risk, Partner II; Valve in Valve. PM, Mont JL, Morady F, Nademanee K, Nakagawa Tuzcu M, Moses JW, Williams MR, Siegel RJ, Akin JJ,
Chicago, IL, July 2013.
H, Natale A, Nattel S, Packer DL, Pappone C, Anderson WN, Pocock S, Smith CR, Leon MB; PARTPrystowsky E, Raviele A, Reddy V, Ruskin JN, She- NER Trial Investigators (McCarthy PM). TranscatheInvited Speaker. Second Annual Chicago Cardiovas- min RJ, Tsao HM, Wilber D, Calkins H, Kuck KH, ter aortic-valve replacement for inoperable severe
cular Update. Northwestern University Feinberg Cappato R; Atrial Fibrillation: Definitions, Mecha- aortic stenosis. N Engl J Med 2012;366(18):1696School of Medicine. What the Cardiologist Should nisms, and Rationale for Ablation, Chen SA; Indica- 704.
Know About Valve Surgery MR, TR, AF, MV Repair tions for Ablation and Patient Selection, Prystowsky
Live Surgery. Chicago, IL, July 2013.
EN; Techniques and Endpoints for Atrial Fibrillation, Lee R, Homer N, Andrei AC, McGee EC Jr, Malaisrie
Kuck KH; Technologies and Tools, Natale A; Other SC, Kansal P, McCarthy PM. Early readmission for
Technical Aspects, Haines DE; Follow-up Considera- congestive heart failure predicts late mortality after
Malaisrie SC, Carr J, Mikati I, Rigolin V, Yip BK, Lapin tions and Definitions for Success, Marchlinski FE; cardiac surgery.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
B, McCarthy PM. Cardiac magnetic resonance imag- Outcomes and Efficacy of Catheter Ablation of Atrial 2012;144(3):671-6.
ing is more diagnostic than 2-dimensional echocar- Fibrillation, Calkins H; Complications of Atrial Fibrildiography in determining the presence of bicuspid lation Ablation: Definitions, Incidence, Prevention Malaisrie SC, Lee R, Kruse J, Lapin B, Wang EC,
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Bonow RO, McCarthy PM. Atrial fibrillation ablation Invited Speaker, Cardiac 1; Continuous flow pumps.
in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement. J “Concomitant Procedures- Aortic Valve Repair” June
Heart Valve Dis 2012;21(3):350-7.
13, 2013. ASAIO 59th Annual Conference, Chicago,
Vaduganathan M, Lee R, Beckham AJ, Andrei AC,
Lapin B, Stone NJ, McGee EC Jr, Malaisrie SC, Cardiac Session 8; Co-Chair, Improvements in deKansal P, Silverberg RA, Lloyd-Jones DM, McCarthy vice Technology and The Future of LVAD Therapy.
PM. Relation of body mass index and late survival June 15, 2013. ASAIO 59th Annual conference,
after valvular heart surgery. Am J Cardiol 2012;110 Chicago, IL.
Cardiac Session V: Co-Chair, Heart Failure, BCVI
McGee EC Jr, McCarthy PM. Do patients with heart Second Annual Cardiovascular Update July 11-13,
failure benefit from coronary artery bypass grafting? 2013. Chicago, IL
Curr Opin Cardiol 2012;26(6):629-33.
Lee R, Jivan A, Kruse J, McGee EC Jr, Malaisrie SC, Relation of Body Mass Index to Late Survival After
Bernstein R, Lapin B, Passman R, Knight BP, McCar- Valvular Heart Surgery. Vaduganathan M, Lee R,
thy PM. Late neurologic events after surgery for Beckham AJ, Andrei AC, Lapin B, Stone NJ, McGee
atrial fibrillation: rare but relevant. Ann Thorac Surg EC Jr, et al. Am J Cardiol. 2012
Aug 23.
Farmer SA, Grady KL, Wang E, McGee EC Jr, Cotts
WG, McCarthy PM. Demographic, psychosocial and
behavioral factors associated with survival after
heart transplantation. Ann Thorac Surg 2013;95
Lou X, Enter D, Sheen L, Adams K, Reed CE, McCarthy PM, Calhoon JH, Verrier ED, Lee R. Sustained
supervised practice on a coronary anastomosis
simulator increases medical student interest in
surgery: unsupervised practice does not. Ann
Thorac Surg 2013;95(6):2057-63.
McCarthy PM. Three-dimensional Echocardiography
is not essential for intraoperative assessment of
mitral regurgitation. Circulation 2013;128(6):653-8.
McCarthy PM, Manjunath A, Kruse J, Andrei AC, Li Z,
McGee EC Jr, Malaisrie SC, Lee R. Should paroxysmal atrial fibrillation be treated during cardiac surgery? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 July, In Press.
Edwin C. McGee, Jr., MD
Honors/ Awards
Appointed ASAIO Board of Trustees, June 2013
ASAIO Editorial Board, August 2013
Invited Speaker, The Patient with Heart Failure and
Severe Valvular Disease. “Can I Ignore TR in My
Patient with Left-Sided Valvular Heart Disease” 16th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the HFSA, Seattle
Washington, September 2012
Invited Speaker, “Cardiogenic Shock: Improving the
Treatment Paradigm.” STS Advanced Technologies
for Heart and Lung Support Symposium. Chicago, IL,
September 2012
Discussant, Cardiothoracic Surgery III, “Continuous
Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation as a
Bridge to Transplantation or Destination Therapy:
Racial Disparities in Outcomes” Abstract ACS Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL, September 2012
Guest Speaker, Session VI: MCS and Transplant:
Ongoing Technical Challenges and Controversies,
“The minimalist Approach during VAD Surgery for
Concomitant Procedures” Cleveland Clinic Kaufman
Center for Heart Failure and the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Heart Failure Summit,
Cleveland, Ohio, October, 2012
Invited Debater, General Session: Debate with Audience response Con: “VAD’s should be done outside
a Transplant Center” STSA 59th Annual Meeting,
Naples, Florida, November 2012
Session II: Surgical and Interventional Therapies for
the Advanced Heart Failure Patient. “Mechanical
Options for BiVentricular Heart Failure; Is a total
Artificial Heart the Only Way to Go?” 8th Annual
Heart Failure Holiday Symposium, Chicago, IL, November, 2012
Invited STS University Table Instructor 3 - STS U
Course #5: Short and Long Term Mechanical Support. February 2013, Los Angeles, California
Invited Speaker at Texas Heart Institute 21st Annual
Symposium 2013, March 8-9, 2013 Houston, Texas
Invited Speaker, "The Surgical Approach in the Management of Heart Failure" OptumHealth Education’s
Spotlight on Northwestern Memorial Hospital and
Lurie Children’s Memorial Hospital, June 11-12,
Chicago, IL
Early readmission for congestive heart failure predicts late mortality after cardiac surgery. Lee R,
Homer N, Andrei AC, McGee EC, Malaisrie SC,
Kansal P, McCarthy PM. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
2012 Sep;144(3):671-6.
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Appointed to Public Relations Committee, 2013.
American College of Surgeons, Invited Faculty, Basic
Endoscopy Course, 2012 Clinical Congress
Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Surgery, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern
University, 2012, 2013
“Perioperative Preparation and Education for Your
Stoma Patient”. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, October 2012, Chicago, IL.
“Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery”. SAGES Basic
Endoscopy and Laparoscopy Course for Residents.
Cincinnati, OH. August 2012
“Patient Education – The Next Frontier for Surgical
Outcomes, Quality of Life, and Reimbursement”
Northwestern University Department of Surgery
Grand Rounds, May 23, 2013
“Combined Endoscopic-Laparoscopic Resection of
Colon Polyps” Citywide Education Day in Colon and
Rectal Surgery: Advanced techniques, Innovative
Hemolysis and pump failure secondary to spontane- approaches, emerging solutions. NorthShore Evansous bend relief disconnection in a HeartMate II ton University Hospital, January 25, 2013
device with a sealed outlet graft. McGee EC Jr,
Meehan KA, Gordon R. J Heart Lung Transplant. “Management of Crohn’s Disease: Surgical Perspec2012 Oct 5.
tives of a Medical Disease (and vice versa)”. Mount
Sinai Hospital Grand Rounds, August 2013.
Late Neurologic Events After Surgery for Atrial Fibrillation: Rare but Relevant. Lee R, Jivan A, Kruse J, Publications
McGee EC Jr, et al. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012 Oct 11.
Keller, D. McGee, MF, et al . Construct Validation
and Comparison of a Novel Postoperative Quality of
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance T2 Mapping in the Life Metric and the Short Form 36 in Colorectal
Monitoring and Follow-Up of Acute Cardiac Trans- Surgery Patients. Surgery, in press.
plant Rejection: A Pilot Study. Usman AA, Taimen K,
Wasielewski M, McDonald J, Shah S, Shivraman G, American College of Surgeons (as co-author). OstoCotts W, McGee E, Gordon R, Collins JD, Markl M, my Home Skills Kit, 2012.
Carr JC. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 Oct 15.
American College of Surgeons (as co-author). CenDo patients with heart failure benefit from coronary tral Venous Access Device Home Skills Kit, 2013, in
artery bypass grafting? McGee EC Jr, McCarthy PM. press.
Curr Opin Cardiol. 2012 Nov;27(6):629-33.
McGee MF, George BC. Status Post Colectomy With
Hemolysis and pump failure secondary to spontane- New Pelvic Discomfort. In: George BC, ed. Resident
ous bend relief disconnection in a HeartMate II Readiness- Surgery; in press. McGraw-Hill.
device with a sealed outlet graft. McGee EC Jr,
Meehan KA, Gordon R. J Heart Lung Transplant. McGee MF, George BC. A 78-year-old Woman and a
2012 Dec;31(12):1326-7.
62-year-old Man With Drains In: George BC, ed.
Resident Readiness- Surgery; in press. McGraw-Hill.
Intensive glycemic control after heart transplantation is safe and effective for diabetic and non- Shari Meyerson, MD
diabetic patients Garcia C, Wallia A, Gupta S,
Schmidt K, Malekar-Raikar S, Johnson Oakes D, Honors/Awards
Aleppo G, Grady K, McGee E, Cotts W, Andrei AC, Women in Thoracic Surgery Program Committee
Molitch ME.. Clin Transplant. 2013 May-Jun;27 Chair 2012-2013
Appointed to Associate Program Director of General
Late neurologic events after surgery for atrial fibrilla- Surgery 2012
tion: rare but relevant. Lee R, Jivan A, Kruse J,
McGee EC Jr, et al.Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 Jan;95 Promotion to Program Director of Cardiothoracic
(1):126-31; discussion 131-2.
Surgery, 2013
Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch in Bovine Pericardial
Aortic Valves: Evaluation Using Three Different Modalities and Associated Medium Term Outcomes.
Chacko SJ, Ansari AH, McCarthy PM, Malaisrie SC,
Andrei AC, Li Z, Lee R, McGee E, Bonow RO, Puthumana JJ. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013 Aug 7.
PubMed PMID: 23926194.
Meyerson SL. Minimally invasive thoracic surgery.
Association of Surgical Assistants, Elmhurst IL, October 20, 2012
Ramakrishna S, Andrei AC, Varlotto J, Colosimo A,
Shelkey J, Sehgal V, Medford-Davis LN, Meyerson
SL, de Hoyos A, DeCamp MM. Statin use is associated with decreased local recurrence and improved
overall survival in resectable non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC). CHEST 2012, Atlanta GA, October
24, 2012.
Relation of body mass index to late survival after
valvular heart surgery. Vaduganathan M, Lee R,
Beckham AJ, Andrei AC, Lapin B, Stone NJ, McGee
EC Jr, Malaisrie SC, Kansal P, Silverberg RA, LloydJones DM, McCarthy PM. Am J Cardiol. 2012 Dec
George BC, Teitelbaum EN, DaRosa DA, Hungness
E, Meyerson SL, Fryer, MD, Schuller M, ZwischenShould paroxysmal atrial fibrillation be treated dur- berger J. Duration of Faculty Training Needed to
ing cardiac surgery? McCarthy PM, Manjunath A, Ensure Reliable OR Performance Ratings. AssociaKruse J, Andrei AC, Li Z, McGee EC Jr, et al.J Thorac tion of Surgical Educators, Orlando FL, April 24,
Cardiovasc Surg. 2013 Jul 25. doi:pii: S0022-5223 2013.
DaRosa DA, Meyerson SL, Teitelbaum EN, George
HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device (HVAD) Bridge BC, Schuller M, Fryer JP. Teaching and Assessing
to Transplant ADVANCE Trial Investigators. Use of an Residents in the Operating Room. Association of
intrapericardial, continuous-flow, centrifugal pump Program Directors in Surgery, Orlando FL, April 25,
in patients awaiting heart transplantation. Aaronson 2013.
KD, Slaughter MS, Miller LW, McGee EC, et al. Circulation. 2012 Jun Epub 2012 May 22.
Meyerson SL, Teitelbaum EN, George BC, Schuller
M, Fryer JP, DaRosa DA. Comparison of resident and
Michael F. McGee, MD
faculty perceptions of actual and ideal operative
autonomy. International Association of Medical
Science Educators, St. Andrews Scotland, June 10,
American College of Surgeons, Appointed to Patient 2013.
Education Committee, Division of Education, 2013
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Joshua Miller, MD
Hyde Russell, MD
(XM-ONE assay) in predicting living donor kidney
transplant outcome. Hum Immuno June 15, 2013
Levitsky J, Miller J, Huang X, Chandrasekaran D,
Chen L, Mathew JM. Inhibitory effects of belatacept
on allospecific regulatory T cell generation in humans. Transplantation 2013 Jul 23 [Epub ahead of
Backer CL, Russell HM. Truncus and transposition: Reed EF, Rao P, Zhang Z, Gebel H, Bray RA, Guleria
the Chicago approach. Cardiol Young 2012 I, Lunz J, Mohanakumar T, Nickerson P, Tambur AR,
Zeevi A, Heeger PS, Gjertson D. Comprehensive
assessment and standardization of solid phase
Russell HM, Mavroudis CD, Backer CL, Mavroudis C. multiplex-bead arrays for the detection of antibodies
Long-term follow-up after truncal valve repair. Cardi- to HLA. Am J Transplant 13: 1859-1870, 2013
Mathew J, Tryphonopoulos P, Defaria W, Ruiz P, ol Young 2012;22:718-723.
(Figure is featured on cover page)
Miller J, Barrett T, Tzakis A, Kato T. Role of innate
and acquired immune mechanisms in clinical intes- Russell HM, Pasquali SK, Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Leventhal JR, Mathew JM, Salomon DR, Kurian SM,
tinal transplant rejection. Transplantation, 2013, In O’Brien SM, Mavroudis C, Backer CL. Outcomes of Suthanthiran M, Tambur A, Friedewald J, Gallon L,
repair of common arterial trunk with truncal valve Charette J, Levitsky J, Kanwar Y, Abecassis M, Miller
surgery: a review of the Society of Thoracic Sur- J. Genomic biomarkers correlate with HLA-identical
William Pearce, MD
geons Congenital Heart Surgery Database. Ann renal transplant tolerance. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013
Thorac Surg 2012;93:164-9.
Jun 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Lecturer. “Pectoralis Minor Syndrome”, 37th Annual Backer CL, Russell HM, Kaushal S, Rastatter JC, Joseph R. Schneider, MD, PhD
Northwestern Vascular Symposium, Chicago, IL, Rigsby CK, Holinger LD. Pulmonary artery sling:
December 6-8, 2012.
current results with cardiopulmonary bypass. J Honors/Awards
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012;143:144-51.
Medical Director of Mid-America Vascular Study
Group (August, 2012)
Skamara C, Romero-Diaz J, Sandhu A, Huang Q, Lee Backer CL, Russell HM, Deal BJ. Optimal initial palliJ, Pearce W, McPherson DD, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Pope ation for patients with functionally univentricular Chairman, Department of Surgery, Central DuPage
R, Ramsey-Goldman R. Telomere Length in Patients hearts. World J Pediatr Congen Heart Surg Hospital (July 1, 2013)
with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Its Associa- 2012;3:165-70.
tions with Carotid Plaque. Rheumatology (Oxford)
2013 Feb 4 (Epub ahead of print) PMID 23382361 Backer CL, Russell HM, Wurlitzer KC, Kaushal S, Schneider JR, White GW, DeJesus EF. PasteurelRastatter JC, Rigsby CK. Primary resection of Kom- la multocida infected ePTFE hemodialysis access
McDermott MM, Kibbe M, Guralnik JM, Pearce WH, merell diverticulum and left subclavian artery trans- graft. Ann Vasc Surg 2012;26:1128.e1115-1127.
Tian L, Liao Y, Zhao L, Criqui MH. Comparative fer. Ann Thorac Surg 2012;94:1612-8.
effectiveness study of self-directed walking exercise,
Patel MV, Patel NH, Schneider JR, Kim S, Verta MJ.
lower extremity revascularization, and functional Russell HM, Johnson SL, Wurlitzer KC, Backer CL. Persistent sciatic artery presenting with limb ischedecline in peripheral artery disease. J Vasc Surg Outcomes of surgical therapy for infective endocar- mia: A study of two cases. J Vasc Surg 2013;57:225
2013;57:990-6. PMID 23352363
ditis in a pediatric population – a 21-year review. -9.
Ann Thorac Surg 2013; 96:171-175.
Marleta Reynolds, MD
Anton Skaro, MD, PhD
Russell HM, Rastatter JC, Backer CL. The aortic
uncrossing procedure for circumflex aorta. Oper Presentations
Jonas Salk Leadership Award for Lifetime Achieve- Tech Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012;18:15-31.
Update on Liver Transplantation/TIPS and Other
ment, March of Dimes, November 2012.
Hepatic Surgeries. American Association of Surgical
Backer CL, Russell HM, Pahl E, Gambetta K, Kindel Physician Assistants CME and Surgical Update,
SJ, Gossett JG, Hardy C, Deal BJ. Heart transplanta- Chicago, Illinois, September 27, 2012.
James Warden Visiting Professor Lectureship: Chil- tion for the failing Fontan. Ann Thorac Surg. In
dren’s Hospital of Orange County, University of press.
Who, If Anyone, Might Benefit from a DCD Liver
California, Irvine. Irvine, CA, Feb 27 – March 1,
Transplant? American Transplant Congress, Seattle,
Anat R. Tambur, DMD, PHD
Washington, May 20, 2013.
Introduction to ECMO & Pulmonary Hypertension. Presentations
ECMO course. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Invited speaker – American Society of HistocompatiHospital of Chicago. Chicago, IL, October 2012.
bility and Immunogenetics, Annual Meeting Puerto
Rico, October 2012. HLA-DQ epitopes in Organ
Faith EF, Jaar R, Chou P, Reynolds M, Chamlin SL.
Congenital nodule on the scapula. Pediatr Dermatol. Invited speaker – American Society of Transplanta2012 May-Jun;29(3):363-4.
tion: Cutting Edge of Transplantation (CEOT), Chandler, AZ, February 2013
Piantino J, Wainwright MS, Grimason M, Smith CM,
Hussain E, Byron D, Backer CB, Reynolds M, Chin A, Virtual Crossmatching: Good? In Avoiding the probGoldstein J. Nonconvulsive seizures are common in lem session.
children treated with extracorporeal cardiac life
support. Pediatr Crit Car Med. 2013 July; 14 (6): Invited speaker - Canadian Society of Transplanta601-609.
tion (CST). Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada,
Heron E. Rodriguez, MD
Presenter. Management of Aorto-Iliac Aneurysms:
Surgery Remains the Gold Standard, Chicago Endovascular Conference, Chicago, IL, July 12, 2013.
Presenter. Management of Venous Trauma, Chicago
Endovascular Conference, Chicago, IL, July 12,
Chhabra D, Skaro AI, Leventhal JR, Dalal P, Shah G,
Wang E, Gallon L. Long-term kidney allograft function and survival in prednisone-free regimens: tacrolimus/mycophenolate mofetil versus tacrolimus/
sirolimus. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012; (3):504-12.
Ladner DP, Skaro AI, Abecassis MM. Are all readmissions the same? Liver Transpl. 2012; 18:1007-8.
Gallon L, Leventhal J, Skaro A, Kanwar Y, Alvarado
March 2013. Understanding and Trusting the Virtual A. Resolution of recurrent focal segmental glomeruXM.
losclerosis after retransplantation. N Engl J Med.
Invited speaker – American Society of Transplantation: Annual meeting, Seattle WA May 2013. Rele- Ladner DP, Alonso EM, Butt Z, Caicedo JC, Cella D,
vance of Donor Specific Antibodies in Liver Trans- Daud A, Friedewald JJ, Gordon EJ, Hazen GB, Ho BT,
Hoke KR, Holl JL, Ison MG, Kang R, Mehrotra S,
Preczewski LB, Ross OA, Sharaf PH, Skaro AI, Wang
Invited speaker. International Pediatric Transplant E, Wolf MS, Woods DM, Abecassis MM. NUTORC-a
Congress. Warsaw, Poland, July 2013. Evaluation of transdisciplinary health services and outcomes
Technology and Standardization for HLA Antibody research team in transplantation. Transl Behav
Detection and Quantitation.
Med. 2012 Dec;2(4):446-458.
Presenter. Managing Paget-Schroetter of Effort
Thrombosis, Chicago Endovascular Conference,
Chicago, IL, July 12, 2013.
Askar, M; Daghstani, J; Thomas, D; Leahy, N; Dunn,
Presenter. Visceral Artery Reconstructions, 37th P; Claas, F; Doran, S; Saji, H; Kanangat, S; KaroiAnnual Northwestern Vascular Symposium, Chicago, chane, M; Tambur, A; Monos, D; El-Khalifa, M;
IL, December 7, 2012.
Turner, V; Kamoun, M; Mustafa, M; Ramon, D; Gandhi, M; Vernaza, A; Gorodezky, C; Wagenknecht, D;
Gautreaux, M; Hajeer, A; Kashi, Z; Fernandez-Vina,
Lee CJ, Rodriguez HE, Kibbe MR, Chris Malaisrie S, M. 16th International HLA and Immunogenetics
Eskandari MK. Secondary Interventions after Elec- Workshop (IHIW) Global Distribution of Extended
tive Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair for Degen- HLA Haplotypes Project: A Preliminary Analysis.
erative Aneurysms. J Vasc Surg, 2013 Jan 24. Epub International Journal of Immunogenetics 40:31-38,
ahead of print.
Turner J, Kim K, Mehrotra S, DaRosa DA, Daskin
MS, Rodriguez HE. Using Optimization Models to
Demonstrate the Need for Structural Changes in the
Training Programs for Surgical Medical Residents.
2013;10.1007/s10729-0013-9230-6. Epub ahead
of print
Baker TB, Skaro AI, Alvord P, Chaudhury P. Organ
Procurement. Care in Special Situations. Chapter 9.
In ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice, 2013 (in
Tambur AR, Leventhal JR, Zitzner JR, Walsh CR,
Friedewald JJ. The DQ Barrier: Improving Organ
Allocation Equity Using HLA-DQ Information. Transplantation January 2013 Transplantation 95:635640, 2013.
Zitzner JR, Shah S, Jie C, Wegner W, Tambur AR,
Friedewald JJ. A prospective study evaluating the
role of donor-specific anti-endothelial crossmatch
Ladner DP, Skaro AI, Abecassis MM. Are all readmissions the same? Liver Transpl. 2012 Sep;18
Levitsky J, Baker T, Ahya SN, Levin ML, Friedewald J,
Gallon L, Ho B, Skaro A, Krupp J, Wang E, Spies SM,
Salomon DR, Abecassis MM. Outcomes and native
renal recovery following simultaneous liver-kidney
transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2012 Nov;12
(11):2949-57. Epub 2012 Jul 3.
Parikh ND, Skaro AI. Donation after cardiac death
liver transplantation: another fly in the ointment.
Liver Transpl. 2013 Jan;19(1):1-2.
VanWagner LB, Skaro AI. Program-specific reports:
implications and impact on program behavior. Curr
Opin Organ Transplant. 2013 Apr;18(2):210-5.
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Nathaniel J. Soper, MD
Named Chair for the “Summer Intensive” Program
for George Westinghouse College Prep High School,
Chicago, IL, July 2013
Named President for Central Surgical Association,
March 2013
Named Layton Rikkers Lecturer, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE, September 2012
Named Founder’s Lecturer, North Pacific Surgical
Association, Spokane, Washington, November 2012
Named Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of
Canada Lecture, North Pacific Surgical Association,
Spokane, Washington, November 2012
Named John H. and Cynthia H. Schultz Endowed
Lecture, University of Colorado, Department of Surgery, Aurora, Colorado, January 2013
Named in the 2013 edition of Chicago Super Doctors®
Named “Best Doctor” by US News & World Report,
June 2013
Invited Faculty: “Endoscopic vs. Surgical treatment
of Achalasia” Round Table, Chicago Live 2012 Endoscopic Innovations and Practical Applications,
Chicago, IL, August 24, 2012
Invited Lecturer: “Minimally Invasive GI Surgery:
Past, Present and (?) Future” University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE, September 19, 2012
Invited Lecturer: The Nasty Gallbladder: "Damage
Control Cholecystectomy: How to Get Out of Trouble
in the OR", American College of Surgeons 98th Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL, October 1, 2012
Invited Lecturer: “Treatment of Complications Associated with Anti-Reflux Surgery: Persistent Dysphagia”, American College of Surgeons 98th Clinical
Congress, Chicago, IL, October 1, 2012
Invited Lecturer: "Intra-Operative Use of EndoFLIP:
Where Do We Stand Now?", IRCAD, Strasbourg,
France, October 18, 2012
Invited Lecturer: "EndoFLIP-Distensibility and Redo
Functional Surgery", IRCAD, Strasbourg, France,
October 18, 2012
Invited Lecturer: "Endoluminal anti-reflux procedure:
where do we stand?", IRCAD, Strasbourg, France,
October 19, 2012
Invited Lecturer: “NOTES”, IRCAD, Strasbourg,
France, October 20, 2012
Invited Educator: "Hands-On Training on Live Issue",
IRCAD, Strasbourg, France, October 20, 2012
Invited Lecturer: “Minimally Invasive GI Surgery:
Past, Present and (?) Future”, University of Massachusetts, October 24, 2012
Invited Founder’s Lecturer: “Minimally Invasive GI
Surgery: Past, Present and (?) Future”, North Pacific
Surgical Association, Spokane, Washington, November 9, 2012
Invited Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of
Canada Lecturer: “Treatment of Achalasia 2012”
North Pacific Surgical Association, Spokane, Washington, November 10, 2012
still happen - techniques for prevention and identifi- Auyang ED, Soper NJ (2013) “Cholecystitis and
cation of high risk situations”, SAGES, Baltimore, Cholelithiasis”, In: Maingot’s Abdominal Operations,
Maryland, April 19, 2013
12th edition, Zinner MJ, Ashley SW, Eds., The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 995-1008
Invited State of the Art Lecturer: “Update on
NOTES”, Annual Meeting of the Mexican Association Teitelbaum EN, Soper NJ. (2013) Intraoperative
of Endoscopic Surgery, Mazatlan, Mexico, May 1, Ultrasound During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.
In: Abdominal Ultrasound for Surgeons, Hagopian E,
Machi J, eds., in press
Invited Lecturer: "Safe Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy", Annual Meeting of the Mexican Association of Steven J. Stryker, MD
Endoscopic Surgery, Mazatlan, Mexico, May 1, 2013
Invited Educator: “Postgraduate Course: Residents Nivatvongs Visiting Professor, Mayo Clinic, Rochesforum, Topic: Complex cholecystitis: laparoscopic or ter, MN, August 27, 2012.
open?", Annual Meeting of the Mexican Association
of Endoscopic Surgery, Mazatlan, Mexico, May 1, Publications
Blatner NR, Mulcahy MF, Dennis KL, Scholtens D,
Bentrem DJ, Phillips JD, Ham S, Sandall BP, Khan
Invited Lecturer: "How to prevent common bile duct MW, Mahvi DM, Halverson AL, Stryker SJ, Boller AM,
injuries"?", Annual Meeting of the Mexican Associa- Singal A, Sneed RK, Sarraj B, Ansari MJ, Oft M,
tion of Endoscopic Surgery, Mazatlan, Mexico, May Iwakura Y, Zhou L, Bonertz A, Beckhove P, Gounari
1, 2013
F, Khazaie K. Expression of RORyt Marks a Pathogenetic Regulatory T Cell Subset in Human Colon CanInvited Lecturer: “Update on Endoscopic and Lapa- cer. Sci Trans l Med 2012; 4(164)
roscopic Management of GERD”, Illinois Reflux ra159.doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.3004566.
Society, Oakbrook, Illinois, May 9, 2013
Cord Sturgeon, MD
Santos BF, Plachta SM, Soper NJ, Hungness ES Honors / Awards
(2013) Management of intraoperative hemorrhage Elected to Executive Council American Association
during NOTES®: a prospective, randomized compar- of Endocrine Surgeons, April 2013
ison. Surg Endosc (published online DOI
Named Chair of Education and Research Committee
of American Association of Endocrine Surgeons, July
Hungness ES, Teitelbaum EN, Santos BF, Arafat FO, 2013
Pandolfino JE, Kahrilas PJ, Soper NJ. (2013) Comparison of Perioperative Outcomes Between Peroral Elected to Nominating Committee, Association for
Esophageal Myotomy (POEM) and Laparoscopic Academic Surgery, Feb 2013
Heller Myotomy. J Gastrointest Surg. 17(2) 228235.
Chair of American College of Surgeons Metropolitan
Chicago Committee on Applicants, September 2012
Berci G, Hunter J, Morgenstern L, Arregal M, Brunt
M, Carroll B, Edye M, Fermelia D, Ferzli G, Greene F, Editorial Board, Clinical Thyroidology December
Petelin J, Phillips E, Ponsky J, Sax H, Schwaitzberg S, 2012
Soper N, Swanstrom L, Traverso W. (2013) Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: first, do no harm; second, Editorial Board, Thyroid. December 2012 Course
take care of bile duct stones. Surg Endosc 27:1051- Director: American College of Surgeons Exported
Course on Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound –
April 13, 2013
Marks JM, Phillips MS, Tacchino R, Roberts K,
Onders R, DeNoto G, Gecelter G, Rubach E, Rivas H, Presentations
Islam A, Soper NJ, Paraskeva P, Rosemurgy A, Ross Harvard Course on Surgery of the Thyroid and ParaS, Shah S. (2013). Single-Incision Laparoscopic thyroid Glands. Total thyroidectomy for cancer. Are
Cholecystectomy Is Associated with Improved Cos- the standards being followed? 11/2/2012. Bosmesis Scoring at the Cost of Significantly Higher ton, MA Harvard Course: Surgery of the Thyroid and
Hernia Rates: 1-Year Results of a Prospective Ran- Parathyroid Glands. Panel Discussion on Complicadomized, Multicenter, Single-Blinded Trial of Tradi- tions from Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. Novemtional Multiport Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy vs ber 3, 2012. Boston, MA.
Single-Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. J of
Am Coll of Surg. In press.
15th Annual International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’
Conference. Recurrent thyroid cancer . October 19Teitelbaum EN, Soper NJ. (2013) Laparoscopic 21, 2012. Chicago, IL.
Paraesophageal Hernia Repair: Current Controversies. Surg Lap Endosc Percut Tech. In press
Thyroid Cancer Public Education Symposium. Recurrent Thyroid Cancer. April 6, 2013. Robert H.
Soper, NJ. (2013) Opinion. Are there significant Lurie Medical Research Building. Chicago, IL.
advantages for robotic vs. laparoscopic surgery?
“This is a question of value” ACS Surgery News 9 American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress
(2): 7
2012. Ultrasound Guided FNA: How to Incorporate,
Logistics, Technical Tips. October 2, 2012. Chicago,
Soper, NJ, Scott-Conner CEH, eds. (2012): The SAG- IL.
ES Manual, Volume 1, Basic Laparoscopy and Endoscopy, 3rd Ed, Springer, New York
American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress
2012. Office Ultrasound: How to Do It and How To
Nagle A, Soper NJ (2012) “Laparoscopic Cholecys- Get Paid For It. October 3, 2012. Chicago, IL.
tectomy and Choledocholithotomy”, In: Surgery of
the Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas, Fifth Edition, Mt. Sinai Endocrine Surgery Course. Panel DiscusBlumgart LH, Ed., Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, sion on Neuroendocrine and Familial Conditions.
PA, 511-531
11/30/2012. New York, NY.
Soper NJ (2012) “Access to Abdomen”, In: The SAGInvited Lecturer: “Treatment of Achalasia in 2013: A ES Manual, Volume 1, Basic Laparoscopy and EnNew Paradigm?”, Milwaukee Academy of Surgery, doscopy, 3rd Ed, Springer, New York, 61-77
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January 22, 2013
Soper NJ (2012) “Laparoscopic Paraesophageal
Invited Lecturer: “Minimally Invasive GI Surgery: Hernia Repair” In: The SAGES Manual, Volume 2,
Past, Present and (?) Future”, Medical College of Basic Laparoscopy and Endoscopy, 3rd Ed, SpringWisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January 23, er, New York, 189-204
Nagle AP, Soper NJ (2013) “Laparoscopic ventral
Invited Lecturer: “Minimally Invasive GI Surgery: hernia repair” In: Atlas of Advanced Operative SurPast, Present and (?) Future”, University of Colora- gery, Khatri, VP, Ed., Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 620do, Department of Surgery, Aurora, Colorado, Janu- 626
ary 28, 2013
Nagle AP, Soper NJ (2013) “Laparoscopic transInvited Lecturer: “Presentation: Persistent Dyspha- abdominal preperitoneal repair of Inguinofemoral
gia”, SAGES, Baltimore, Maryland, April 18, 2013
hernia” In: Atlas of Advanced Operative Surgery,
Khatri, VP, Ed., Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 634-641
Invited Lecturer: “Bile duct injuries: Why do they
Mt Sinai Endocrine Surgery Course. Panel Discussion on Thyroid Cancer – Part 1. 12/1/2012. New
York, NY.
American College of Surgeons Exported Course on
Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound. Fine Needle
Aspiration Biopsy – April 13, 2013, Chicago, IL
World Congress on Thyroid Cancer Advanced Thyroid Ultrasound Course. Ultrasound guided fine
needle aspiration biopsy techniques. July 10, 2013.
Toronto, ON.
Hodin R, Angelos P, Carty S, Chen H, Clark O,
Doherty G, Duh QY, Evans DB, Heller K, Inabnet W,
Kebebew E, Pasieka J, Perrier N, Sturgeon C. No
need to abandon unilateral parathyroid surgery. J.
Am Coll Surg. 2012 Aug;215(2):297.
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Sturgeon C. A single PTH measurement on the first
postoperative day predicts the need for calcium
and/or calcitriol supplementation following total
thyroidectomy. Clin Thyroidol 2013;25:3–5.
Sturgeon C. Is robotic thyroidectomy too expensive
for routine use in the US?
Clin Thyroidol
Sturgeon C. Long-term surveillance with serum
thyroglobulin might not be worthwhile in patients
with very low risk differentiated thyroid cancer. Clin
Thyroidol 2013;25:83-85.
Sturgeon C. Surgeon-performed laryngeal ultrasound can be used to screen for vocal cord palsy
before thyroid surgery. Clin Thyroidol 2013;25:113115.
Sturgeon C. Patients with thyroid cancer are at
higher risk for bankruptcy than patients with other
types of cancer, or those without cancer. Clin Thyroidol. 2013;25:150-151.
Zanocco K, Heller M, Elaraj D, Sturgeon C. Is subtotal thyroidectomy a cost-effective treatment for
Graves’ disease? A cost-effectiveness analysis of
the medical and surgical treatment options. Surgery. 2012 Aug;152(2):164-72.
Heller M, Zanocco K, Zydowicz S, Elaraj D, Nayar R,
Sturgeon C. Cost-effectiveness analysis of repeat
fine-needle aspiration for thyroid biopsies read as
atypia of undetermined significance. Surgery. 2012.
Zanocco K, Pitelka-Zengou L, Dalal S, Nayar R, Sturgeon C. Routine on-site evaluation of specimen
adequacy during initial ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of thyroid nodules: A costeffectiveness analysis.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2013.
March 26 [Epub ahead of print].
Zanocco K, Heller M, Elaraj D, Sturgeon C. Cost
Effectiveness of Intraoperative Pathology Examination during Diagnostic Hemithyroidectomy for Unilateral Follicular Thyroid Neoplasms. J Am Coll Surg.
2013 Jun 27. doi:pii: S1072-7515(13)00367-0.
10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2013.05.008. [Epub ahead
of print]
Mamta Swaroop, MD
Editorial Board: International Journal of Critical
Illness and Injury, July 2013
Appointed to Surgical Mission and Partnerships
Coordinating Committee, WHO Global Initiative for
Emergency and Essential Surgery, July 2013
Appointed to the World Congress of Surgery, Obstetric, Trauma and Anesthesia Trauma
Planning Committee, International College of Surgeons/WCSOTA, July 2013
Appointed Co-Chair Global Affairs Committee, Association for Academic Surgery, February 2013
Fellow, International College of Surgeons, July 2013
Fellow, American College of Surgeons, October
Swaroop M Neurotrauma Resuscitation, Key Note
Lecture: Primer Simposio International de Neurotauma. Hospital Arco Iris, La Paz, Bolivia March 2013
Paper on the Integrated Emergency Communication May 31-June , 2013.
Response Service in India: Much more than just a
number! J Emerg Trauma Shock Vol 6:3, 216-223 Gaber R, Blatt H, Nitsche K, Guevara Y, Eilers S,
Duffecy J, Begale M, Mallett K, Turrisi R, Hultgren B,
Bilmoria K, Wayne J, Robinson JK. Promoting skin
M Kwiatt, A Tarbox, M Seamon, M Swaroop, J Cipol- self-examination for early detection of melanoma
la, C Allen, S Hallenbeck, HT Davido, DE Lindsey, VA with a tablet-based intervention. The International
Doraiswamy, S Galwankar, D Tulman, N Latchana, T Society for Research on Internet Interventions 6th
Papadimos, CH Cook, SPA Stawicki: Thoracostomy Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL, May 18, 2013
Tubes: A Comprehensive Review of Complications
and Related Topics. In press: International Journal Surgery Update: A Worldwide Interactive Web Symof Critical Illness and Injury Science, January 2013. posium, Case Western Reserve University School of
Medicine. Oncology Panel, Friday, November 16,
Siddiqui S, Arora S, Sagar S, Crandall M, Swaroop 2012.
M: Surveying Attitudes and Influences of Female
Pillion Riders in New Delhi, India. Journal of Surgi- Surgical Management of Soft Tissue Sarcomas.
cal Research. 2013 Jun 22. Epub ahead of print
Grand Rounds, Division of Plastic Surgery, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Tarbox, A, Swaroop M: Symposium: Embolism in the November 16, 2012.
Intensive Care Unit: Pulmonary Embolism. International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science. Development and Use of Melanoma Quality IndicaVol 3:1, 69-72, Jan-March 2013.
tors. 52nd Annual Education Meeting of the Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons. April 27,
Moazed F, Weiss CH, Swaroop M, Wunderink RG: 2013.
Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Amylase Is Elevated In The Surgeon’s Role in the Co-Management of PaPatients With A High Risk Of Aspiration. Critical Care tients with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor. GIST
Medicine. Vol 41:3, March 2013.
Day of Learning at The Robert H. Lurie Medical
Research Center of Northwestern University. May 5,
Swaroop M, Straus D, Agubuzu O, Esposito T, 2013.
Schermer C, Crandall M: Pre-hospital Transport and
Survival from Penetrating Thoracic Trauma. J Emerg Publications
Trauma Shock Vol 6:1, 6-20 (2013).
Svetlichnaya J, Huyck TK, Wayne JD, and Agulnik M.
Neoadjuvant Use of Sunitinib in Locally Advanced
Steven J. Schwulst, MD
GIST with Intolerance to Imatinib. Chemotherapy.
2012; 58(1): 30-33.
Schwulst S, Trahanas M, Perlman H. Traumatic Buck DW, Kim JYS, Alam M, Rawlani V, Johnson S,
Brain Injury Polarizes Monocytes Towards an Anti- Connor CM, Dumanian GA, and Wayne JD. MultidisInflammatory Phenotype. Shock Society, 36th An- ciplinary Approach to the Management of Dermatofinual Conference on Shock. San Diego, CA. June 1-3, brosarcoma Protuberans. Journal of the American
Academy of Dermatology. 2012 Nov; 67 (5): 861-6.
Schwulst S, Trahanas D, Saber R, Perlman H. Traumatic Brain Injury-Induced Alterations in Peripheral
Immunity. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. In press.
von Mehren M, Benjamin RS, Bui MM, Casper ES,
Conrad EU, DeLaney TF, Ganjoo KN, George S, Gonzalez R, Heslin MJ, Kane JM, Mayerson J, McGarry
SV, Meyer C, O'Donnell RJ, Paz IB, Pfeifer J, Pollock
RE, Randall RL, Riedel RF, Schuetze S, Schupak KD,
Nick D. Tsihlis, PhD
Schwartz HS, Shankar S, Van Tine B, Wayne J, and
Sundar H. Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Version 2.2012,
Featured updates to the NCCN guidelines. J Natl
Invited Speaker, American Heart Association quar- Compr Canc Netw. 2012;10(8):951-960
terly meeting, Chicago, IL, March 13, 2013.
Rawlani V, Wayne JD, Buck D III, Dumanian GA, Fine
Oral presentation at the Academic Surgical Con- NA, Mustoe TA, and Kim JYS. Cosmetic outcomes of
gress in New Orleans in Feb 2013. head and neck melanomas: the patient’s perspective. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2012; 20
(1): 10-15.
Havelka, G.E., Moreira, E.S., Rodriguez, M.P., Tsihlis,
N.D., Wang, Z., Martínez, J., Hrabie, J.A., Keefer, Agulnik MA, Adekola A, and Wayne JD. PharmacologL.K., and Kibbe, M.R. Nitric oxide delivery via a ical Treatment of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors:
permeable balloon catheter inhibits neointimal Updates from Recent Clinical Trials. Clinical Investigrowth after arterial injury. J. Surg. Res. 180, 35-42 gation. 2012; 2(5): 537-544.
(Mar 2013).
Sherman KL, Wayne JD, and Bilimoria KY. OvercomTsihlis, N.D., Kapadia, M.R., Vavra, A.K., Flannery, ing Specialty Bias: Another Important Reason for
W.D., Oustwani, C.S., Jiang, Q., and Kibbe, Multidisciplinary Management of Soft Tissue SarM.R. Nitric oxide may inhibit neointimal hyperplasia coma. JAMA Surgery. 2013; Epub ahead of print.
by decreasing isopeptidase T levels and activity in
the vasculature. J. Vasc. Surg. 58, 179-86 (Jul Jordan SW, Wayne JD, and Dumanian GA. The pedi2013).
cled lateral arm flap for oncologic reconstructions
near the shoulder. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2013;
Moreira, E.S. and Tsihlis, N.D. Chapter 6: How to Jun 12 E pub ahead of print.
Conduct Cell Culture. Success in Academic Surgery:
Basic Science. Springer-Verlag London 2014 (in Jason Wertheim, MD, PhD
Jeffrey Wayne, MD
2012 Liver Scholar Award, American Association for
the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) and the AmeriHonors/Awards
can Liver Foundation (ALF). “Liver Tissue EngineerElected Secretary-Treasurer of the Medical Staff, ing: Novel Methods for Organ Design and Animal
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, May 2013
Model Development.”
Swaroop M Hypertonic Saline and Hypothermia in
TBI TRAUMA 2012 (International Meeting of Indian
Society of Trauma and Acute Care) New Delhi, India. Appointed Chairman, Northwestern Memorial Hospi- 2012-Present, Admissions Committee, NorthwestNovember 2012.
tal Cancer Committee, May, 2013
ern University Medical Scientist Training Program
Swaroop M ABCs and Ground Rules, Fundamentals Appointed Chairman, Membership Committee of
of Resuscitation in Trauma (FORT) INDUS-EM The Central Surgical Association, March, 2013
(International Meeting of Indo-US Emergency and
Trauma Collaborative). Nashik, India October 2012. Presentations
Kester BS, Wayne JD, Bentrem DJ, Merkow RP,
Swaroop M Mechanical Ventilatory Support, Opus Bilimoria KY. Can Insurance Pre-Authorization En12 Trauma and Critical Care Course INDUS-EM sure High Quality Melanoma Care? Development of
(International Meeting of Indo-US Emergency and A Simple Algorithm to Verify the Surgical Treatment
Trauma Collaborative). Nashik, India October 2012. Plan. Oral presentation at the Academic Surgical
Congress. February 5-7, 2013, New Orleans, LA.
A Joshi, P Rajhans, S Galwankar, B Arquilla, M Sherman KL, Wayne JD, Bentrem DJ, MS, Bilimoria
Swaroop, S Stawicki, B Das, P Aggarwal, S Bhoi, OP KY. Assessment of multimodality therapy use for
Kalra. Academic College of Emergency Experts in extremity sarcoma in the United States. Poster
India's INDO-US Joint Working Group (JWG) White presentation, American Society of Clinical Oncology,
2013 Career Development Award, Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract.
2013 Faculty Development Grant, American Society
of Transplant Surgeons.
2013-Present, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials
Committee, Alliance for Regenerative Medicine.
Committee co-chiar.
2013-Present, Program Committee, Association for
Academic Surgery
2013-Present, Vascular Composite Allotransplantation Advisory Council, American Society of Trans-
Faculty Honors, Awards, Presentations & Publications
Bijonowski BM, Miller WM, Wertheim JA. Bioreactor
2013-Present, Cell Transplant Committee, American design for perfusion-based, highly-vascularized
Society of Transplant Surgeons
organ regeneration. Curr Opin Chem Eng. 2013 Feb
2012-Present, Tissue Engineering& Regenerative
Medicine International Society (TERMIS)
Patnaik SS, Wang B, Weed B, Wertheim JA, Liao J.
“Decellularized Scaffolds: Concepts, Methodologies,
2013-Present, Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, and Applications in Cardiac Tissue Engineering and
Institutional Member
Whole-Organ Regeneration” In: Tissue Regeneration: Where Nanostructure Meets Biology, Hack2013-Present, Association for Academic Surgery
ensack, NJ: World Scientific Company. In Press.
Wertheim, JA. Faculty and invited discussant,
“Transplantation and Tissue Engineering” session.
American College of Surgeons 98th Annual Clinical
Congress. Chicago, IL (October 2012)
Soto-Gutierrez A, Wertheim JA, Ott HC, Gilbert TW.
Perspectives on whole-organ assembly: moving
toward transplantation on demand. J Clin Invest.
2012 Nov 1;122(11):3817-23. Epub 2012 Nov 1.
Caralt M, Iacob S, Obergfell K, Akgun B, Bijonowski
B, Abecassis M, Zhang J, Wertheim JA “A Critical
Evaluation of Kidney Extracellular Matrix After Perfusion Decellularization as a Structural Basis for Renal
Tissue Engineering.” 3rd TERMIS World Congress,
Vienna, Austria (September 2012).
Soto-Gutierrez A, Wertheim JA. The regeneration of
organogenesis. Organogenesis. 2013 Jan 1;9(1).
[Epub ahead of print]
Vacanti JP, Otte JB, Wertheim JA. “Introduction:
Regenerative Medicine and Solid Organ Transplantation from a Historical Perspective” In Regenerative
Wang B, Jakus A, Eiden D, Wu A, Wu Y, Zhang J, Medicine Technology as Applied to Organ TransplanShah R, Wertheim JA “Use of IPS Derived Hepato- tation, Waltham, MA: Elsevier/Academic Press. In
cytes to Create Liver Bioscaffolds and a Whole Or- Press.
gan, Tissue Engineered Liver”. CDI User’s Group
Meeting, Madison, WI (October 2012).
Yersiz H, Lee C, Kaldas FM, Hong JC, Rana A,
Schnickel GT, Wertheim JA, Zarrinpar A, Agopian VG,
Wang B, Jakus A, Eiden D, Wu A, Wu Y, Zhang J, Gornbein J, Naini BV, Lassman CR, Busuttil RW,
Shah R, Wertheim JA “Derived Bioscaffold as a Petrowsky H. Assessment of hepatic steatosis by
Multiplex System to Evaluate Bioactive Molecules transplant surgeon and expert pathologist: a prothat Enhance Cell Function”. 10TH Annual Chicago spective, double-blind evaluation of 201 donor
Biomedical Consortium Symposium, Evanston, IL livers. Liver Transpl. 2013 Apr;19(4):437-49. Epub
(October 2012).
2013 Mar 17.
Wertheim, JA. “Organ Transplantation and Regener- James S.T. Yao, MD, PhD
ative Medicine: Where Two Highways Meet.” University of British Columbia Department of Surgery Publications
Grand Rounds (November 2012).
Gregory RT, Yao JST. The first Gore-Tex femoralpopliteal bypass. J Vasc Surg 2013; 58:266-269.
Wertheim, JA. “Engineering New Organs.” Child &
Family Research Institute Mini-Med School, Vancouver, BC (November 2012).
Wertheim, JA. “Organ Engineering: Moving Toward
Transplantation on Demand.” American Society of
Transplant Surgeons 13th Annual State of the Art
Winter Symposium (February 2013).
Wertheim, JA. “Tissue Engineering and Organ Transplantation: A convergence of two fields.” University
of New Mexico, Department of Pathology Grand
Rounds (February 2013).
Wang B, Jakus A, Wu A, Wu Y, Zhang J, Shah R,
Wertheim J “Development of Micro Bioscaffold as a
Multiplex System To Evaluate Bioactive Molecules
That Enhance Cell Function.” American Transplant
Congress, Seattle, WA (May 2013).
Wu Y, Wang J, Ye J, Abecassis , Wertheim J, Zhang Z.
“Modified Technique of Auxiliary Partial Liver Transplantation in Rat for the Study of Liver Regeneration
and Tissue Engineering In Vivo.” American Transplant Congress, Seattle, WA (May 2013).
Surgical Grand Rounds 2013-2014
Thursday 7:00 A.M. — 8:00 A.M.
Faculty Meeting
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Planning Lectures That Work
Deb DaRosa, PhD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Gerald Ujiki Education Grand Rounds
& Teaching Awards
Bruce Gewertz, MD
Cedars-Sinai Health System
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Mamta Swaroop, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Melina Kibbe, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
State of the Department
Nathaniel J. Soper, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Research Presentations
Research Residents
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Regional Quality Improvement
Collaborative in Breast Cancer
Tara Breslin, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Harold Method Lectureship
Julie Freischlag, MD
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Loyal Davis Lectureship
Selwyn Vickers, MD
University of Minnesota
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
What’s SOQIC? Current Local, Regional,
and National Initiatives to
Improve Surgical Quality
Karl Bilimoria, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Bergan Lectureship
William Flinn, MD
University of Maryland
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
“Having It All” Is it a Myth?
Marleta Reynolds, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Mayo Lectureship
Carlos Pellegrini, MD
University of Washington
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Faculty Meeting
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Quality Improvement Presentations
Ravi Rajaram, MD; Brett Duncan, MD;
and Bill Luo, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Joe - Evolution of Surgical Management for COPD
Joe Phillips, MD and Ashley Hardy, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Shields Lectureship
David Sugarbaker, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Chief Presentations
Geoff Chow, MD; Jessica
Naiditch, MD; and Akhil Seth, MD
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Research Presentations
Research Residents
6th Floor, VC Room—Arkes Building
Save the Date
Edelstone-Bendix Resident Research Day and Faculty Retreat will be
held on June 20,2014