2013-14 Annual Report - St. Augustine High School
2013-14 Annual Report - St. Augustine High School
Conducted by the Society of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart 20,000+ FOUNDED 1951 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION Catholic; Society of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart (Josephite Fathers and Brothers) volunteer hours of community service donated to dozens of programs and non-profit organizations last year $12.5 million in college scholarships 2012-13 ACT College Readiness Award recipient ACCREDITATION Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) ENROLLMENT 646 GRADES 6-12 SCHOOL COLORS Gold and Purple MOTTO Gratia est vita (Grace is life) Our Mission Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, St. Augustine High School is the training ground for leadership through academic excellence, moral values, Christian reponsibility and reasonable, consistent discipline. 100% college acceptance 23 AP St. Aug alumni are Courses offered current Average class size: faculty or staff members 22 6 Presidential Scholars 13 National Merit Scholars 120+ National Achievement Finalists MASCOT Purple Knights 1 Gates Millennium Scholar TABLE OF CONTENTS ST. AUGUSTINE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Very Reverend William L. Norvel, S.S.J. Rev. Thomas Frank, S.S.J. Ray Fritz, Jr. ‘63 Wilmer Jacobs ‘85 Very Reverend Michael L. Thompson, S.S.J. Wayne J. Lee ‘67 Very Reverend Thomas R. Frank, S.S.J. Allen Miller ‘91 Very Reverend Charles Andrus, S.S.J. Rev. Nelson Moreira, S.S.J. Very Reverend Ray P. Bomberger, S.S.J. Very Reverend James P. Fallon, S.S.J. Dr. Charles Mouton ‘77 Very Reverend Francis Asomkase, S.S.J. Judge Kern Reese ‘70 SUP. GENERAL’S MESSAGE.................................3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE......................................4 2013-14 HEADLINES..............................................5 FINANCIAL SUMMARY..........................................8 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS................................10 CODE OF THE PURPLE KNIGHT........................25 ALMA MATER........................................................26 Terence Sims ‘79 ST. AUGUSTINE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Daniel Davillier ‘85 Chairman Courtney Thornton ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM 2013-14 Justin Augustine, III ‘76 Vice Chairman Oyd Craddock ‘76 President, CEO Ben Johnson Treasurer John Charles ‘71 Principal Demetric Mercadel Secretary Sean Goodwin ‘95 Assistant Principal Troy Henry ‘78 Immediate Past Chairman Rev. Roderick J.D. Coates, S.S.J. Chief Religious Officer Rev. Charles Andrus, S.S.J. William Bostick ‘80 Terrance Taylor Director of Finance Rev. Anthony M. Bozeman, S.S.J. Damon Burns ‘99 ST. AUGUSTINE HIGH SCHOOL 2600 A.P. TUREAUD AVENUE | NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70119 P: 504.944.2424 | F: 504.947.7712 | WWW.PURPLEKNIGHTS.COM The Goals of St. Augustine High School To open its doors to young men, especially the economically disadvantaged, who are willing to strive for excellence; To develop each individual to the fullness of his own unique capacity; To foster Christian values based on the sacred scriptures and Roman Catholic Tradition; To provide each student with educational opportunities and experiences related to his AfricanAmerican heritage and his American citizenship; To instill in each student the responsibilities of leadership in family, church, community and society atlarge; and, To carry out the mission of Evangelization as part of the Josephite charism. A Message from Very Reverend William Norvel, S.S.J. corporate industry and so much more in the State of Louisiana and across the country speaks for itself. Dear St. Augustine Family, It is with faith and hope that I write to you today as a part of this report on the present status of St. Augustine High School. From its very foundation in 1951 the journey of St. Augustine has been to overcome obstacles, to blaze new trails, and to demand and strive for excellence in Catholic Education. It has been a journey of faith and love expressed in the sacrifices of the Josephites, the African Catholic Community, the Parents of our students and the Archdiocese of New Orleans. The proud Catholic legacy of this institution of learning enables us to continue to reach out to the young African American men of our community no matter what their economic status to provide an education for higher learning and achievement that to the best of our ability develops the whole person into a man of faith and talented service. The young African American men of the gold and purple have been encouraged to make a contribution to the fabric of our African American Catholic Community and to these United States of America. The presence of our Alumni in the Catholic Church, educational profession, legal professions, music and media, businesses both individual and For more than Sixty years we have faced the future with faith, collaboration and determination. Even mother nature through Katrina has not stopped us. We Josephites and the St. Augustine High School Community must renew our committment to the vision and traditions of the founders. We have always needed more money, more facilities, and most especially, human resources. We have always needed to motivate our students to excellence. We have always had to adapt to the needs of each generation. We still do. Know that the Josephites, the President, Principal, Board of Directors, our Staff are committed to this vision and tradition. To all our stakeholders: Alumni, Parents, and Supporters, as you review this report, be proud of how far we have come, be motivated to support our school, be committed to the needs of our students, and may we continue to give honor and glory to God by what we say and do in the months and years to come. With prayerful best for continual success in your ministry at St. Augustine High School, I remain Sincerely yours in St. Joseph, Very Rev. William L. Norvel, S.S.J. Superior General Dear St. Augustine Family and Friends, I am pleased to offer you this 2013-14 Annual Report highlighting some of the year’s major accomplishments and milestones for St. Augustine High School. One major accomplishment was full accreditation for another five years by the Southern Association for Colleges and Schools (SACS) Council on Accreditation and School Improvement in June 2014. Another accomplishment was improved financial results from school operations. St. Augustine students continued to contribute to our cultural focus on “Excellence in Everything.” Our students achieved in academics, athletics, bands and community service. This is evidenced by a 2013-14 Gates Millennium Scholar, Speech & Debate State Champion, National #1 Football Recruit and Marching 100 Band appearance in the Rose Bowl Parade. In many ways, our students’ performance mirrored 2013-14 achievements of Purple Knights who came before them, such as Dean Baquet ’74 who was named Executive Editor of the New York Times newspaper, Jon Renthrope ’06, Cajun Fire Brewing Company CEO and New Orleans “Big Ideas Contest” $50,000 prize winner, and Trai Turner ’11 NFL 3rd Round Draft choice of Carolina Panthers. Again, more evidence that St. Aug develops young men of faith for success in life and leadership like no other school. We invite all to browse through the pages of this report to learn more about these and more important developments of 2013-14. The report will also highlight St. Augustine’s positioning for future challenges and the importance that we “Rise Up and Build.” Sincerely, Oyd J. Craddock ‘76 President and CEO 05 HEADLINES 2013-2014 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT & LEADERSHIP • Middle School Speech and Debate team is 1st overall in points for SAHS city wide tournament. • Gates Millennium Scholar Jeremy West receives a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of his choice. • Student-Athlete Timothy Dawson receives academic scholarship to Yale University. • Seniors receive scholarship offers totaling $12 million dollars. • Fifty-one 6th and 7th grade students publish a book called “A New Purple Heart: Reflections and Poems by Young Purple Knights” featuring writings on their faith, their families and their St. Augustine experience. • LA Chapter of the American Association of Blacks in Energy awards $1,500 scholarships to Eric Thompson, Anthony Bennett and Kenneth Clark. • Blaine Derbigny is the District VI Vice President of the Future Business Leaders of America for a second term. • Jerald James is the Speech and Debate State Champion in Declamation with the speech “Deal With It” by Elizabeth Reiley. • Entergy Community Power Scholarship from Entergy Louisiana awarded to Zachary Nelson for volunteering 400 hours plus over the last 4 years • Malik Gibson wins first place for Public Speaking at Future Business Leaders of America state conference. • Archdiocese of New Orleans Archbishop Gregory Aymond presents Malik Gibson and Christian LeBlanc with Altar • Server of the Year medals for their service to St. Peter Claver and St. David parishes. • Senior Leonard Lewis completes four years as coordinator of St. Augustine’s Black History Program. • Students win “Trust Your Crazy Idea Challenge” and $2,500 to use in developing their business plan. • Marching 100 Band makes second appearance in the Tournament of Roses Parade. • Under Armour All-Star Game selects Leonard Fournette and Jermaine Roberts to compete in the nationally televised game January 2, 2014. • Members of the Marching 100 Brass Band take home the first place prize and $10,000 worth of instruments at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation’s “Class Got Brass” competition. • St. Augustine defeats John Curtis in nationally televised game on ESPN2. • Marching 100 Band lands top spot as “Best Band in New Orleans” by readers of nola.com and Times Picayune newspaper. • Twelve senior football players sign letters of intent to colleges around the country. • Varsity basketball team marches to state semifinals. • Leonard Fournette is #1 football college recruit in the nation. • Purple Knight Football team wins first outright Catholic school district title in 20 years. • College Tour ‘14 planned by students had stops at campuses of Notre Dame, Indiana University, Purdue, University of Chicago, Washington University and Vanderbilt. • Over thirty students attend “March for Life Rally” in Washington, D.C. • Senior Class President and Student Council President attend the investiture ceremony of U.S. Attorney Kenneth Polite. • Over forty students attend partnership banquet at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. ADVANCEMENT & ALUMNI • Twenty-three St. Augustine alumni on 2013-14 faculty and staff. • Over fifty New Orleans alumni attend summit to discuss current status and future of the school. • Members of the St. Augustine 1963 Football Team celebrate the 50th anniversary of the school’s first state championship victory. • Mitchell Crusto ’71 given the Fr. Charles Hall Award at the Reunion Gala. • N.O. Alumni Chapter hosts 1st Annual Golf Tournament. • Atlanta & Houston Alumni Chapters host Mardi Gras Ball fundraisers. • Alumni drive creation of partnerships with Google and Capital One Bank to enhance student skills in computer science, entrepreneurship and financial literacy. • Over 100 students receive tuition assistance from donations to scholarship and financial aid campaigns. • Alumni and community support “Rise Up & Build” annual giving campaign and fundraisers – Hamp Fest 2013, Super Raffle, Knight at Dragos, Crawfish Boil and “Give Purple Day.” • Last of mobile trailes taken from campus. • School administration launches plans to become a 1-to-1 technology school with each student receiving a Chromebook laptop. • Work begins to restore school locker rooms and gymnasium, including installation of a wooden floor. ALUMNI GIVING Alumni play a vital role in sustaining the unique and formative experiences that inspire young men for a lifetime. St. Augustine is honored to have a strong and loyal group of alumnus who support their school through gifts of time, talent and treasure. Four hundred (400) of St. Augustine’s alumni showed their support by making a financial donation August 1, 2013 – July 31, 2014. We thank you for your participation. out to alumni to engage in strengthening the school through greater involvement and tangible investment. The Alumni Division’s goal is to accomplish measurable and meaningful increases in alumni engagement each year. Gifts by Clicks Are On The Rise ALUMNI RELATIONS Online giving is a convenient, environmentally friendly way to support St. Augustine High St. Augustine’s graduates often speak of the impact School. Since the first online donation in 2010, the school had on the men they became. They gifts by clicks have increased nearly 75 percent. are eager to reconnect with the Purple Knight community and to help ensure that today’s and In addition to St. Aug’s “Give Purple Day” tomorrow’s students have the same opportunity campaign, donors now have the opportunity to make online gifts for all of the school’s major to experience the life-shaping journey fundraising events. St. Augustine’s offers. Kendrick Johnson ’87 leads the newly restructured Alumni Division. He’s passionate about the gold and purple and has already been reaching To learn more about online giving or to donate on our secure site, please visit www.purpleknights. com and click on “Giving.” 08 FINANCIAL SUMMARY St. Augustine High School Fiscal year ending, 2012-2014* OPERATING INCOME 2012 2013 2014 $4,956,207 (648,424) $5,152,605 (616,083) $4,774,706 (530,169) 4,307,783 4,536,522 4,244,537 2012 2013 2014 Instructional General & Administrative Facilities Operations & Maintenance Student Activities Depreciation 3,223,543 1,987,190 499,314 706,461 277,482 3,461,754 1,640,231 553,776 643,833 241,735 3,256,362 1,306,768 780,928 644,493 229,730 Total operating expenditures (6,693,990) (6,541,329) (6,218,281) (2,386,207) (2,004,807) (1,973,744) 2012 2013 2014 610,401 84,461 562,806 274,113 108,823 731,370 (3,821) 473,740 447,814 185,857 684,285 33,189 694,186 402,986 120,165 1,640,604 1,834,960 1,934,811 (745,604.00) (169,847) (38,934) Tuition and fees (Less student support)** Total operating income OPERATING EXPENDITURES Deficit from Operations OPERATING INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES Contributions Net Fundraising Income Student Activities Investment Income Misc. Income Total income from other sources Operating Deficit **Student support includes scholarships, financial aid, other. Financial Summary was generated by the St. Augustine High School Finance Department from detailed financial statements submitted to independent auditor Bruno & Tervalon LLP, CPAs. *Auditors have received statements for years 2012 and 2013 only. 2013-14 ANNUAL REPORT NUMBER OF DONORS 1% 1% Alumni: 74% 2% 3% Corporations: 3% 19% Foundations: 2% Friends: 19% 74% Josephites: 1% Organizations: 1% TOTAL: 100% VOLUME OF DOLLARS 2% Alumni: 50% Corporations: 2% Foundations: 15% 26% 5% 50% Friends: 5% Josephites: 26% Organizations: 2% 15% TOTAL: 100% 2% AMOUNT: $468,670 09 10 ENDOWMENT SUMMARY ENDOWMENT OVERVIEW St. Augustine High School possesses an endowment fund in the amount of $3,164,600. The endowment fund is designed to support the school’s overall mission. The fund is managed by qualified external fund managers with oversight from our Administration and Investment Committee. Endowment funds are invested in accordance with our investment policy, which is designed to preserve the fund while achieving reasonable investment returns. Positive investment returns are used to fund operational and financial aid needs. Annualized Rates of Return 2012 2013 2014 12.7% 11.4% 5.6% Percentages rounded to nearest tenth. Asset Allocation as of December 31, 2013 5.7% ENDOWMENT PERFORMANCE At the close of the 2013-2014 fiscal year, the endowment was valued at $3,164,600 compared to $2,997,281 at the end of the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Investment returns have been stable over the course of the endowment’s life. We plan to continue managing the endowment using a reasonable investment policy that will allow us to deliver value to our students and their families. Mutual Funds 52.9% 41.4% Cash & Equivalents Equity Accounts *It is important to point out that comparisons of the above returns to other investments may not always be appropriate. The Endowment pool’s asset mix includes long-term components that influence short-term results and values. 2013 -14 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS S t. Augustine High School gratefully acknowledges the support and generosity of contributors who help further our mission. The donors listed in this report are recognize for their cumulative campaign gifts to the school between August 1, 2013 and July 31, 2014. We strive for accuracy and thoroughness. If you believe an entry is listed in error or if you have any questions regarding the donor roll, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (504) 940-5980. Gifts ($20,000+) Gregory Washington Raymond Fritz James & Zita Gavin Foundation The Josephites Father & Brothers EJ and Marjory B. Ourso Family Foundation Gifts ($1,500-$2,499) Gifts ($10,000-$19,999) Troy Henry Greater New Orleans Foundation Liberty Foundation Kevin Jordan Gifts ($5,000-$9,999) Gregory Jacobs Gifts ($2,500-$4,999) Alfred Harrell, III Randy McKee, Esq. St. Augustine New Orleans Alumni Chapter Edgar Taplin Clifton Vaughn Body Design Fitness Damon Burns Mitchell Crusto Jostens, Inc. Christopher Marrero Roy Marrero, Jr. Jerome Medley Newburns Management Group, LLC Matthew Ralph Louis Saulny Rahim Theriot Rodney Thomas, III Christopher Vincent Gifts ($1,000-$1,499) 1963 Football Team John Adams James Arnett Edward Blanc Carl Blouin William Bostick Damon Burns Larry Burrell Cakebread dba New Orleans Auction Galleries Donald Carrere Emmett Chapital Oyd Craddock Gregg DeMar Lloyd Dennis Drago’s Foundation Entergy John Ferdinand Frederick Giseviuis Foundation Warren Haney Ben Johnson Walter Kimbrough Ladies for Purple Scholars Lance LaMotte Jerrol Larrieu Michael Lavigne Wayne LeBlanc, Jr. Wayne Lee Thomas Lovince Marrero Land & Improvement Assoc., Ltd. Vernon Martin Alvin McKenna Allen Miller Imani Miller Edwin Rigaud St. Monica Congregation Aulston Taylor Rahim Theriot Clifton Vaughn Whelan Family Foundation Christopher Wilson Reginald Woods Gifts ($500-$999) Rochester Anderson, Jr. Peter Barthe Sidney Barthelemy Kenneth Beckham Simone Benoit-Willis Brian Bickman W. Boland Bruce Boucree Robert Brown Frances Brunault Jason Burns Heath Butler Ronald Carrere, Sr. Michael Davillier John Davis Ronald DelHomme Kevin Derbigny Raymond Diamond Earl Dural Alvin Garibaldi Antoine Garibaldi Dwight Green Peter Hamilton, III William Harris, Jr. Sioban Harwin JP Morgan Chase & Company KBR Matching Gift Center Louis Keyes Thomas Lovince Michael Lybarger Bobby Major, III Anne Markey Anthony Marrero Roy Marrero Ambrose Martin, III Jermaine Mazant Michael McKee Kali Moore Waldo Moret, Jr. Hubert Morton C. Maxille Moultrie Keith Newton Gerald Pannell Leon Pannell Quillie Parker Mark Paul Elmo Peters, Jr. Errol Quintal Gregory Rattler Alden Reine Royce Rosemond Fred Sambrone Terence Sims Norey Smith, IV Kevin Smith St. Augustine Houston Chapter Gary Tanner Brian Taylor Alcide Tervalon Raymond Tillman Mark Tillman Torrin Velazquez Christopher Vincent James Watts Eric Winchester Gifts ($250-$499) Eugene Abatte Kenneth Aguillard Gilmore Alexander, III Leonard Augustine, Jr. Jerald Barnes Marc Barnes Damian Bell Lucy Billingsley Edward Blanc Carl Blouin, Jr. Samuel Bolds, Jr. Leroy Boudreaux Edgar Brown Craigile Brumfield Burnell Brunious, MD Winston Burns Eric Burrell Bernard Bynum, Jr. Ronald Carrere, Jr. Sarita Carriere Carriere & Dunn Tax & Accounting Services William Carter Raoul Chauvin Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Nathan Clark Edgar Dapremont, Jr. Barry Domio Leo Dunn Royce Duplessis Lloyd Dupre Marcel Duronslet Martha A. Eshleman Adrien Eugene Jamaal Fobbs Tricia Fowler Louis Gaignard, Jr. Kevin Gallien Booker Gibbs Richard Gussoni Neal Hamilton Nile Hamilton Hamp’s Construction, LLC Ruston Henry Arthur Hunter, Jr. Emile Hurst, Jr. Dennis Jack, Jr. Terry Jackson JCH Development Joe McGhee Insurance Agency, Inc. Kendrick Johnson Sylvester Johnson Dominic Keller Feltus Kennedy Joseph Laurent Terrel LeCesne William Lohnes Joseph Marion Jules McClain Emile McClellan Warren McKenna, Jr. Kali Moore Kevin Mosby Joseph Narcisse Jeffery Ott Kevin Page Keith Pete Michael Plott Malcolm Poree Gregory Rattler David Raymond Rodney Ricard Howard Rodgers Shedrick Roy Justin Ruiz Harold Seals, Jr. Mary Julia Smith Eric Smith David Soublet Albert Taylor Jeffery Thomas Lawlis Turner Velazquez Family Room Fund James Wagner, Jr. Derek Walker Michael Wallace Lawrence Wooden Gifts ($100-$249) Joseph Abadin, Jr. Kerry Alexander Bernell Alexander Joseph Allen, Jr. Leonard Allen, Jr. Travis Andrews Torrey Andrews Warren Armstrong Christopher August Kenneth Baptiste Harold Baquet Barbara Barlow H. Jamon Barrow Hurchail Barthe Roderick Batiste Maurice Baudy,Jr. Kenrick Bennett Kevin Bennette Joseph Blazio Kevin Bennette Brandon Boutin Sydney Bradford, II Marvin Brown Dwight Brown, II Ronald Burns Bernard Bynum Michael Carey Wayne Carriere Furnell Chatman Lawrence Coulon Myan Coulon Rudolph Courseault Michelle Craig Eileen Curran Raphael Curtis Drago Cvitanovich Thomas Daniel Wayne deGrange Louis Delair Alton DeLarge Raymond Diamond David Domingue Barry Domio Leo Dunn, Jr. Bobby Duplantier Durand’s Tuxedo Consultants Morris Edwards, IV Leland Ellsworth Terence Franklin Michael Garibaldi Andrew Garver Sean Goodwin Walter Goodwin Russell Green Walter Green Lawrence Guimont, IV Kevin Hale Brandon Hall Marlis Harang Reginald Harris Louis Holmes, III Leon Holmes Jarred Honora Jerald James, Jr. Glenn Johnson Earnest Jones, Jr. Elaine Ker William Kurtz Emile LaBranche, III Robert Lee Linda Leoni I.R. Lester Jordan Lewis Liberty Foundation Edgar Lombard Jordan Louis Percy Marchand Vernon Martin, Jr. Travis McDonald Lawrence Miller, III James Moffett, III Carol Molina Dell Montegut Stevens Moore Calvin Moret Marc Morial Bradley Myers Rahmaan Nance Nick’s Kids Fund Cynthia Nolan Gerald Pannell, Jr. Salvador Pratts Logan Perkins Prestige License Plates Rhett Ralph Leo Raymond Leslie Rey Eric Richard Ron Rodgers Adam Rosemore Floyd Sandle Errol Simmons Eloise Simmons Damon Singleton Brandon Smith Suzanne Smith Oscar Smith John Square St. Augustine Atlanta, GA Area Albert St. Cyr Steven Staes Linda Steele Barry Terrance Alcide Tervalon, Jr. Bruce Thalley Frederick Tombar, III Carl Thomas Desmond Tillery Quincy Torregano Wilson Vallett Germain Vanison John Vanison Jason Villavasso David Waddell William Waring, MD Merlin Wells Matthew Williams Gregg Williams Lionel Williams Wesley Wilson Richard Winchester Christopher Wyre Gifts up to $99 Francis Abadie James Aldridge Carlotta Amos Lester Arnaud, III Ansel Augustine Kevin Barnes, Jr. Robino Barnes, III Viola Barnes Russell Bartley Joanne Bobek Aaron Bocage Albert Bouise, III Earnest Boyd Darrell Brooks Patrick Briscoe Consuela Bruce Adam Brunious Larry Burney, Jr. Brian Burns, Jr. Lester Caliste Charmaine Jacobs-Carrere Marshall Carver, IV Central Business Services Meyer Chambers Alden Cheatham Fr. Edward Chiffriller, S.S.J. Lynette Clayton Robert Cooper Linda Crockem Brett Cyprian Jan Davillier Nikki Davis Alton DeLarge, III Dominick Desdunes Cordell Dubuclet Marcel Duronslet Joseph Edwards, Jr. Lawrence Epps Eric Ferrouillet, Jr. Keith Ferrouillet Mary Fragale Derrick Francis Kermit Francis Willard Frederick, Jr. John Gaines Kevin Garner Rose Gillums Louaunne Gilyot Montrell Givens Vaughan Gonsoulin Willie Gray Daniel Green Brandon Haynes David Hughes Susan Isaacs Justin Jack Chad Jenkins Jerome Williams Pest Control Co. Ronald Johnson Terry Joseph Lionel Jupiter Desmond Keller Marc Knox Omar Landrum Lumar Leblanc Darren Lewis Geralyn Love Jordan Love Craig Lundy John Magee Arthur Mendoza Dwayne Merridy Mary Morley Randall Morris Margot Murphy Michael Navarre Howard Nickles Harold Paisant Fellman Pierre Nadine Rachal Howard Raphael Devin Ricks Robert Rising Patrick Roberson Sue Robertson Gerard Simon Arthur Smith Son of a Saint Justin Smith Norey Smith, III Vanessa Smith Shelley Smith Joshua Speight Kevin Staes Gregory Swafford Terrance Taylor Ryan Thomas Max Tobias, Jr. Antoinette Verrett Barry Walton Eric Washington V.M. Wheeler Kevin Williams ROSE BOWL CONTRIBUTORS H. Abbott Kimberly Adkins Tiffany Adler Rochester Anderson Lori Babin Annette Bak Cecile Ballard Wayne Baquet Vaughn Barbarin Kevin Barnes Coleen Barsley Ernest Bartholomew Levi Bates Ryan Bates Kelley Bazile Bob Bekian Sephen Bernstein Veron Bernstein Bernard Bilbo Cecil Blache Samuel Blakes Simona Blantnik Gary Blossman Ronald Bocage Anthony Bonadona Bruce Boucree Angela Bowlin Herman Brooks Delilah Broussard Christian Brown Paula Brown Ranald Brown Craigile Brumfield Michael Burke Samantha Burkhardt Ronald Burns Helen Butcher Caroline Calhoun Emile Cantrell Ronald Carrere Kenneth Carter Karen Carter Peterson Sidney Cates Lacey Chandler Joel Charbonnet Kenny Chenier Vanessa Claiborne Simone Claire Lloyd Clark Yvette Cola James Coleman Emmett Collins Lynton Cook Ellis Cooper Darryl County Ullrich Darensbourg Michael Davillier Aaron Davis Amy Davis Terrell Davis Arnold Donald Catherine Drennan Terence D’Souza James Ducote Wayne Ducote Errol Duronslet Joseph Edwards Morris Edwards Malcolm Ehrhardt Ismail El-Shaakir Lawrence Epps Adrien Eugene John Ferdinand Wiletta Ferdinand Timothy Finney Jean Fischer Clark Fitz-Hugh Gregory Gaines Keith Gaines Marge Garvey Gregory Gavins Alexa Georges John Georges Doris Glanizo Carlyn Goodwin Sean Goodwin Daniel Green Trimble Green Jules Guidry Warren Haney Marlis Harang Carolyn Harden Turner Harris Odom Heebe Verdell Heisser Jeffery Herbert Lori Herbert D’Juan Hernandez Mindy Hobley Mark Jackson Courtney Jansen Harvey Jefferson Angelique Jett Henry Johnson Katie Johnson Steffan Johnson Artemise Jones Cathryn Jones Gladstone Jones Laurene Jones Monique Jones Theodore Jonson Excel Joyner Robin Kanner Shawn Kennedy Gilbert Kennison Robert Kerrigan Voadketria King Cynthia Knight Mary Knight Claire Koch Omer Kuebel Beth Lambert Phyllis Landrieiu Mary Landrieu Adam Landry Steven Lane Orlando Leavell Lester Leufroy Andre Lewis Arlendre Lewis Manya Louis Archie Manning Cooper Manning Herbert Martin Jermaine Mazant Emile McClellan Joe McGhee Victoria Mchenry Kerry Mckinney Kimberly McNeil Jerome Medley Leonard Merriman Louis Meyi Errol Milanes Eunice Miller Sheril Miller Jesse Mondy Denise Monteleone Brenda Moses Anthony Mumphrey Michael Nedd Daren Nelson Beverly Nichols Shelley Nicholson Roger Ogden Julie Oreck Kendall Parker Stephen Pepin Jarrod Perrault Albert Petrie Albert Poree Joyce Pounds Chris Prevost Hallowed Prevost LaShonda Prevost LaTasha Prevost Yolanda Prevost Velva Rabb Nadine Ramsey John Rigley Darren Riley Andre Robert Pamla Robertson Melissa Rufty Kenneth Sabathia Katherine Saer Britton Sanderford Eloise Sandifer Lennis Saulny Terrance Saulny Brian Seaton Elvera Shannon Matthew Shipman Edward Sholes Roy Simmons Clint Simoneaux Stephanie Simoneaux Jeanette Slakey Debbie Smith Donovan Smith Vanessa Smith Susan Stall Sharon Starks Carol Starr Albert Steele Leona Stich Troy Straughter Michael Stykes Ronald Swartz Debbie Tabb Billie Tannen Albert Taylor Neil Taylor Jacqueline Tellez William Thompson Alton Torregano Ortman Townsend Lionel Trouillier Melissa Turlich Lilly Unknown Raphael Velazquez Carlos Vital Robert Walker Gwendolyn Wallace Orlando Washington Theodore Washington Brian Weimer Kathleen Weldon Robert Whann Yvette Wilcox Andrea Wilkes Benedict Willard Herman Williams Lawrence Williams Eric Winchester Valaida Winn Alton Woods Susan Wormser David Wright Leonard Young Augillard Dental Group Brad A. Adams Charitable Foundation Brothers Petroleum, LLC Bruno & Bruno, LLP Class of ‘14 Band Members Class of 1999 Coaxum Enterprises dba McDonald’s Crescent Bank & Trust Cresent City Chapter Links, Inc. Davillier Law Group, LLC Diaz II, LLC DND Inflatables, LLC Edward G. Schlieder Educational Foundation Ferdinand Learning Center First Bank and Trust First NBC Bank Fishman Haygood Phelps Walmsley Willis & Swanson, L.L.P. Goldring Family Foundation Greater New Orleans Foundation Hebert Real Estate Holdings, LLC HRI Lodging, Inc Ja’lia Construction JCH Development, LLC JP Morgan Chase & Company Kenner Theaters Kern Services, LLC Knights of Columbus #2925 Krewe of Bacchus Krewe of Muses Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians MD State Board Ladies for Purple Scholars Lakeside Shopping Center Landrieu Public Relations, LLC Liberty Bank & Trust Lionel Hampton Estate Liskov & Lewis Marching 100 Alumni Mardi Gras Parade Bands McKee Law Firm, LLC Metro Disposal National Basketball Retired Players Association New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and Foundation, Inc. On-Camera Audiences, Inc Pro Bono Publico Foundation Ralph Brennan Restaurant Group Red Dress Run Royal Honda Salutare Deum Foundation Smallpage Family Foundation Knights of Columbus St. Leo the Great Council 12115 Ladies for Purple Scholars Lakeside Shopping Center New Orleans Saints Paragon Marketing Group St. Augustine Atlanta, GA Area St. Augustine Parent Teacher Association The Lupin Foundation IN KIND & OTHER GIFTS HAMP FEST SPONSORS Southern Theaters, LLC St. Augustine Atlanta, Georgia Area St. Augustine Chearleaders St. Augustine New Orleans Alumni Chapter St. Mary Protector, LLC Stacy Head Stirling Properties, LLC Youth Development Association James Arnett Justin Augustine Jamon Barrow Marvin Brown Romalice Brown Selvish Capers Edwin Compass Daniel Davillier Raymond Fritz Troy Henry Jacqueline Hithe Jerald James, Jr. Ben Johnson Phyllis Landrieiu Vernon Martin, Jr. Mark Paul Floyd Sandle Terence Sims Benedict Willard Carla Wren Box Tops for Education Bruno & Tervalon Carriere & Dunn Tax & Accounting GW Fins Josephite Fathers of Corpus Christi Augillard Dental Group Bayou Land Design Bruno & Tervalon C & S Consultants, Inc. Capital City Press dba The Advocate Capital One Bank Compu-Cure New Orleans Crescent Guardian Inc. Entergy New Orleans, Inc. Germaine Bazzle HUB International Gulf South, LTD Iberia Bank Joseph Boucree Kern Reese LACE-The Grand Ballroom Ladies for Purple Scholars Lamarque Ford Lambert Boissiere Lewis Coaches, Inc. Money Management International MSI/Major Services, Inc. New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and Foundation, Inc. Orleans Parish Sheriff ’s Office Peoples Health Network PJ’s Coffee/New Orleans Roast Quick Courier Services Richard’s Disposal, Inc. Royal Engineering Signs Now Sonitrol of New Orleans St. Augustine Atlanta, Gerogia Area St. Augustine Houston Chapter Toyota of New Orleans Veolia Transportation HONOR ROLL OF DONORS BY CLASS 1955 Carl Blouin Alden Reine Lionel Williams 1956 Eugene Abatte Leonard Allen 1957 Kenneth Beckham Joseph Blazio John Davis Terrel LeCesne Howard Nickles Fellman Pierre Adam Rosemore 1958 Lester Arnaud Edward Blanc John Magee Jerome Medley 1959 1961 William Harris Edwin Rigaud Louis Saulny Errol Simmons Carl Thomas 1962 Marvin Brown Bernard Bynum Errol Quintal Hurchail Barthe Edgar Brown Ronald DelHomme Adrien Eugene Nile Hamilton Terry Joseph Alvin McKenna Leon Pannell Rhett Ralph 1963 1960 1964 Sidney Barthelemy Russell Bartley Marcel Duronslet Walter Green Michael Lavigne Fred Sambrone Norey Smith James Watts James Aldridge Warren Armstrong Larry Burrell Raoul Chauvin Raymond Fritz Jerrol Larrieu Joseph Marion Reginald Woods Gilmore Alexander Robert Brown Lester Caliste Louis Gaignard Emile LaBranche Hubert Morton Harold Paisant 1965 Sydney Bradford Furnell Chatman Edgar Dapremont John Gaines Thomas Daniel Gerald Pannell David Waddell Barry Walton 1966 1971 Aaron Bocage Albert Bouise Robert Lee Edgar Taplin Alcide Tervalon 1967 Alton DeLarge Joseph Edwards Kermit Francis Wayne Lee Quillie Parker Elmo Peters Gerard Simon 1968 Maurice Baudy Lloyd Dennis Leslie Rey Royce Rosemond Floyd Sandle Oscar Smith 1969 Robino Barnes Leroy Boudreaux Ronald Burns William Carter Raymond Diamond Louis Keyes Vernon Martin Wesley Wilson 1970 Emmett Chapital Mitchell Crusto Alvin Garibaldi 1972 Damian Bell Donald Carrere Ronald Carrere, Sr Gregg DeMar Marcel Duronslet Leland Ellsworth Dwight Green Lionel Jupiter Edgar Lombard Ambrose Martin Keith Pete Clifton Vaughn 1973 Kenneth Baptiste Jules McClain 1974 Meyer Chambers Warren Haney Waldo Moret Gary Tanner Gregory Washington 1975 John Ferdinand Michael McKee 1976 Justin Augustine Harold Baquet Edwin Compass Oyd Craddock Louis Holmes Kevin Smith Raymond Tillman 1977 Leo Dunn Earl Dural Arthur Hunter Kevin Jordan Roy Marrero 1978 Kenneth Aguillard Kevin Bennette Troy Henry Sylvester Johnson Lawrence Miller Matthew Ralph Gregory Rattler 1979 John Adams Bernell Alexander Rochester Anderson Roderick Batiste Michael Davillier Terence Sims David Soublet Jeffery Thomas 1980 Joseph Allen Christopher August William Bostick Ruston Henry Thomas Lovince Emile McClellan Michael Navarre David Raymond Damon Singleton James Wagner Peter Barthe Lumar Leblanc Malcolm Poree Brian Taylor 1981 1986 Bruce Boucree Wayne Carriere Jan Davillier Wayne deGrange Terry Jackson Joseph Laurent Mark Paul Howard Raphael Albert Taylor Michael Wallace Kevin Williams 1982 Kevin Derbigny Morris Edwards Rodney Ricard Eric Smith Ryan Thomas 1983 Barry Domio Gregory Jacobs Christopher Marrero Eric Winchester 1984 Robert Cooper Craig Lundy Jeffery Ott Mark Tillman 1985 Eric Burrell Michael Carey Daniel Davillier David Domingue Lance LaMotte Marc Knox Steven Staes Eric Washington 1987 Marc Barnes Kendrick Johnson Bobby Major Randy McKee Desmond Tillery 1988 Samuel Bolds Craigile Brumfield Terence Franklin Leon Holmes Glenn Johnson Matthew Williams 1989 Kerry Alexander Carl Blouin Raphael Curtis Louis Delair Neal Hamilton Jerald James Derek Walker Gregg Williams 1990 Torrey Andrews Marlis Harang Alfred Harrell Devin Ricks 1991 Lester Arnaud Maurice Baudy Heath Butler Anthony Marrero Allen Miller Shedrick Roy Christopher Wilson 1992 Dominic Keller Travis McDonald Kali Moore C. Maxille Moultrie Rahmaan Nance 1993 Vaughan Gonsoulin Rahim Theriot Percy Marchand Jermaine Mazant Justin Ruiz Norey Smith 2000 Kevin Barnes Brett Cyprian Jarred Honora Dennis Jack Jordan Lewis 2007 Christopher Wyre Royce Duplessis James Moffett Howard Rodgers 1995 2001 2008 Sean Goodwin Wayne LeBlanc, Jr. Quincy Torregano 1996 Jamaal Fobbs Desmond Keller Darren Lewis Alcide Tervalon 1997 Travis Andrews Ronald Carrere Torrin Velazquez 1998 Dwight Brown Burnell Brunious Rudolph Courseault Bobby Duplantier Willie Gray Aulston Taylor Jason Villavasso Christopher Vincent 1999 Brandon Boutin Damon Burns Myan Coulon Peter Hamilton Brandon Hall Brandon Smith Lawlis Turner Lawrence Wooden 2002 Brian Burns Jason Burns Gerald Pannell Joshua Speight 2003 Alden Cheatham Derrick Francis Daniel Green 2004 Michael Garibaldi Lawrence Guimont Kevin Hale Ronald Johnson Earnest Jones 2005 Emile Hurst Chad Jenkins Logan Perkins 2006 Darrell Brooks Montrell Givens Justin Jack 2010 Jordan Love ROSE BOWL DONORS BY CLASS 1955 Joel Charbonnet Lester Leufroy Lennis Saulny Lionel Trouillier 1958 Jerome Medley 1959 Adrien Eugene 1961 Jules Guidry Raphael Velazquez Leonard Young 1963 Ronald Bocage Verdell Heisser Michael Nedd Ellis Cooper John Ferdinand Neil Taylor Errol Duronslet Gregory Gaines Louis Meyi 1977 1966 1979 Wayne Baquet Samuel Blakes Turner Harris Joe McGhee 1965 Theodore Washington 1967 Joseph Edwards 1968 Vaughn Barbarin Robert Walker 1969 Ronald Burns Alton Torregano 1970 Cecil Blache Sidney Cates Gregory Gavins 1971 Leonard Merriman Kenneth Sabathia 1972 Arnold Donald 1973 Albert Steele 1974 Lawrence Epps Warren Haney 1975 Emile Cantrell Emmett Collins 1986 Rochester Anderson Michael Davillier 1987 1980 1988 1981 1989 Andre Lewis Emile McClellan Bruce Boucree Kenny Chenier Stephen Pepin Troy Straughter Albert Taylor 1982 Morris Edwards Edward Sholes Donovan Smith Benedict Willard David Wright 1983 Eric Winchester 1984 D’Juan Hernandez Orlando Leavell Herbert Martin Jesse Mondy Kendall Parker Roy Simmons 1985 Terrance Saulny Lawrence Williams Craigile Brumfield Terrell Davis Ismail El-Shaakir Alton Woods 1990 Marlis Harang 1991 Ortman Townsend Carlos Vital 1993 Steffan Johnson 1995 Sean Goodwin Brian Seaton Orlando Washington 1997 Ronald Carrere 1999 Jermaine Mazant Albert Poree The Code of The Purple Knight The Purple Knight is a man of Christian virtue and a man of honor. The Purple Knight is loyal to his God, to his family, to his friends, to his school and to his country and will never knowingly disgrace them. The Purple Knight is a man of character who values courage and honesty who values and respects all life and with St. Paul has put aside all childish ways. The Purple Knight is always a gentleman for he is considerate of others’ sensibilities. He manifests his Christian joy by his readiness to come to the aid of those in need. The Purple Knight respects his God by keeping the commandments and the frequent use of the church’s sacraments. The Purple Knight respects his teachers for he understands that they serve as guides on his way to a productive life. The Purple Knight is chivalrous by first of all having a devotion to the Mother of Jesus, Mary and flowing from that devotion a respect for all women whether young or old. The Purple Knight shows respect for himself by his appearance, actions and speech. The Purple Knight shows respect for his school by striving to make it the best that it can be by the care he shows for its physical structure and equipment and the spirit and enthusiasm he exhibits for all its activities. ALMA MATER Rise, Sons of the Gold and Purple. Let our swelling chorus sound For the glory of St. Augustine And the honor of our Alma Mater’s Name. Alma Mater, St. Augustine, Alma Mata, Josephite High; We will serve you with true devotion, And be loyal sons of yours forever more!
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