2014-15 annual report - St. Augustine High School
2014-15 annual report - St. Augustine High School
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Very Reverend William L. Norvel, S.S.J. Very Reverend Michael L. Thompson, S.S.J. Very Reverend Thomas R. Frank, S.S.J. Very Reverend Charles Andrus, S.S.J. Very Reverend Ray P. Bomberger, S.S.J. Very Reverend James P. Fallon, S.S.J. Very Reverend Francis Asomkase, S.S.J. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Demetric Mercadel, Chairperson Justin Augustine ‘76, Vice Chairman Ben Johnson, Treasurer Terence Sims ‘79, Secretary Rev. Charles Andrus, S.S.J. William Bostick ‘80 Mark Boucree ‘ 85 Damon Burns ‘99 Emmett Chapital Jr. ‘70 Rev. Thomas Frank, S.S.J. Ray Fritz Jr. ‘63 John Georges Wayne J. Lee ‘67 Allen Miller ‘91 Rev. Nelson Moreira, S.S.J. Dr. Charles Mouton ‘77 Judge Kern Reese ‘70 ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM Oyd J. Craddock ‘76, President & CEO Sean Goodwin ‘95, Principal Alfred Jones ‘75, Assistant Principal Rev. Roderick Coates, S.S.J., Chief Religious Officer Terrance Taylor, Director of Finance Hasan Aquil, Executive Director, Institutional Advancement OUR MISSION Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, St. Augustine High School is the training ground for leadership through academic excellence, moral values, Christian responsibility and reasonable, consistent discipline. TABLE OF CONTENTS Headlines................................................................. 02 Financial Summary............................................... 05 Endowment Report.............................................. 06 Donor Honor Roll.................................................. 07 Giving by Alumni.................................................. 13 Code of the Purple Knight................................. 20 Alma Mater.............................................................. 21 A Message from Very Reverend Michael L. Thompson, S.S.J. educational profession, legal professions, athletic arena, both music and media, and in businesses both individual and corporate industry. Dear St. Augustine Family, I address you today as a part of this report on the present status of St. Augustine High School. From its very foundation in 1951 the mission of St. Augustine was to overcome obstacles in providing education to black males, to empower young black men academically, and to demand and strive for excellence in Catholic Education. It has been a journey of faith and love expressed in the sacrifices of the Josephite Priest and Brothers, the Instructors and Staff, the African American Catholic Community, the Parents and Guardians of our students and the Archdiocese of New Orleans. The proud Catholic legacy of this institution of learning, enables us to continue to reach out to the young African American men in our community and beyond. No matter what their economic status we aim to provide an education of higher learning and achievement to the best of our ability. St. Augustine High School develops its students into men of faith and talented service. These young men continue to make significant contributions to the fabric of our African American Catholic Community and to the United States of America. The presence of our Alumni is evident in the Catholic Church, For more than sixty years together we have faced the future with hope, faith, and determination, even in the face of devastation and unrest. The Josephites, St. Augustine High School Community, and Alumni have joined in our commitment to the vision and traditions of our founding fathers. This endeavor is always in need of more money, more facilities, and most especially your service and prayers. Together we strive to motivate our students in academic and moral excellence. With changing times and generations of committed Purple Knights, know that the Josephite Priests and Brothers, Board of Trustees, the President, Principal, Board of Directors, Staff and parents are committed to this academic vision and catholic tradition. To all our Patrons, Alumni, Parents, Benefactors and Supporters, as you review this report, be proud of how far we have come, be motivated to support our school, be committed to the needs of our students, and may we continue to give honor and glory to God by what we say and do in the months and years to come. With prayerful request, to God, we pray for continual success in your ministry to St. Augustine High School. As we remain in His service. Sincerely yours in our Patron St. Joseph, Very Rev. Michael L. Thompson, S.S.J. Superior General I am pleased to offer this 2014-15 Annual Report highlighting some of the year’s major accomplishments along the continuous improvement journey of St. Augustine High School. Technology use by students, parents and faculty entered a new era at St. Augustine. Each student began using a Chromebook laptop for access to all learning resources through an expanded Wi-Fi network. Parents were more informed and engaged through a new, easy-to-use portal application. Our faculty renewed its commitment to leading the teacher-studentparent partnership in the global, technological world of today and tomorrow. Significant milestones were achieved in the areas of finance and development. Our school achieved a positive year-end operating balance for the first time after multiple years of deficits. The Annual Fund giving total of $986,672 was our largest ever. Our total number of donors grew 49% from last year and serves as notice to the support in our community for the St. Augustine mission. Another key area of improvement was student life on our campus. This was highlighted by updates to the gymnasium, renovation of student restrooms and removal of trailers that serviced the post Hurricane Katrina transition period. All of these positive campus changes, combined with students’ enhanced access to technology, affirm our strong belief in putting students first in everything we do. We invite you to browse through the pages of this report to learn more about these and other important developments of 2014-15. We also ask for your continued support of current students “Living the Legacy” that is St. Augustine High School. With humility and thanks, Oyd J. Craddock ‘76 President and CEO HEADLINES FBLA Club with Leah Chase - Dooky Chase’s Restaurant, New Orleans, La. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT & LEADERSHIP • Seniors earn more than $6 million in scholarships. • Christian LeBlanc earns John Besh Scholarship Award with a tenure in New York City. • Students achieve seven 1st Place winners at Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) District VI Conference. • Students complete first year of 1-to1 technology use of Chromebook laptops across the curriculum. • Malik Gibson achieves first Perfect Score in ten years for Public Speaking at the FBLA District VI Conference. • Speech & Debate team achieves 1st Place Winners in five tournaments. • • • • • Essay by Kendall Rowan wins Catholic Textbook Project’s 2015 History Essay Contest. • Ninth grader Kijana Wren participates in National Youth Leadership Training — a week of adventure, cultural exchange, leadership building and service in Boston. • Dillard University partners with St. Augustine High School to host Black Male Summit. Mayor Mitch Landrieu and NOPD Superintendent Michael Harrison among the panelists. • Students build writing skills as part of UNO’s annual “Class it Up!” event. • Dean Baquet ‘74, Pulitzer Prizewinning American journalist and the executive editor of The New York Times, addresses journalism students. Mr. Baquet is the first African-American to serve as executive editor, the highestranking position in the paper’s newsroom. 8th Grade Science Team wins second place in two events at UNO Space Day program. Adonis Billizon-Johnson, attends the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders in Boston. Durrell Jackson selected to participate in the LSU School of Medicine, Summer Science Program. Jean-Paul Willard attends the 2015 National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine in Washington DC. FY 2014 • Trumpet Magazine publishes Evan Sams’ writing, Between Law and Hope in the May/June issue. • The Marching 100 earn top spot as “Best Band in New Orleans” by readers of Nola.com and the Times Picayune . • Brandon Watson, Dwayne McGill, Michael Mims, Jordan Vidato and Eddie Davis selected as MLB UYA South Academy Select Team members and will participate in the 17U & 14U USA Baseball Junior Olympic Championships. • Purple Knight basketball team earns 9-5A District Back-to-Back championships and advances to the playoffs. • Seven student athletes sign National Letters of Intent to play college football. • 1st football team in nation to defeat John Curtis in consecutive years. HEADLINES • Marching 100 Band wins 1st Place in MLK Day Parade in Tampa, Florida. • Brass Band Wins $5,000 in “Class Got Brass” Competition. ADVANCEMENT & ALUMNI • St. Augustine High School successfully achieved the largest annual giving amount in the school’s history, raising $986,672 for the 2014-15 fiscal year. • Number of Donors grew 49% reaching total of 674. • The 2015 Hamp Fest sets new record generating $70,000 profit. • The third annual Give Purple Day sets record -- raises a total of $37,595 for the school and its programs, with 229 gifts in one day. • For the first time in the school’s history a new wooden floor has been • • • FY 2014 installed in the gym and the 2014-15 basketball season got underway in grand style. St. Augustine alumni and community show support through the Crawfish Boil, Hamp Fest and A Knight at Drago’s. New York Times Executive Editor and St. Aug alum, Dean Baquet, class of 1974, returned home to deliver the 2015 commencement address. He also hosted a private fundraiser in support of the school. Fr. Norvel honored for 50 years as a priest at his former parish, St. Peter the Apostle Church in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Alumni members spend summer completing several painting and general maintenance projects around campus. • Alumni judges and attorneys host student symposium titled “New Orleans Judges: From 2600 Where Dreams Are Made to the Halls of Justice.” • Marc Barnes ’87 receives the Fr. Charles Hall Award at the Reunion Gala. • Fr. Wilbur Atwood was honored for fifty-five years of service at St. Augustine High School as history teacher and librarian. • New Orleans Alumni Chapter hosts 2nd Annual Golf Tournament. Atlanta & Houston Alumni Chapters host Mardi Gras Ball fundraisers. • • Arnold Donald ’72 receives BET Image Awards recognition. • Leonard Fournette set LSU freshman record for rushing yards in a season. • Bivian Lee III ’99 receives BET’s 2015 Shine a Light Award. • Fr. Howard Byrd celebrates 40 years of priesthood and service at St. Augustine High School. • The 1963 State Football Championship Team refurbishes the championship trophy earned in 1963. • Bishop Fernand J. Cheri, O.F.M., Tre’ Dawson ‘15, Oyd J. Craddock ‘76, President and CEO STATEMENT of ACTIVITIES Financial Summary BY CONTRIBUTORS 4% BY DOLLARS 2% 3% 1% ALUMNI: 66% FRIENDS: 24% CORPORATIONS: 24% FOUNDATIONS: 66% ALUMNI: 38% 7% JOSEPHITES: 12% 10% 4% 2% ORGANIZATIONS: 3% JOSEPHITES: 1% TOTAL: 100% 38% 11% FRIENDS: 11% ORGANIZATIONS: 11% EVENTS: 11% 11% 11% 12% CORPORATIONS: FOUNDATIONS: 10% 7% TOTAL: 100% $986,672 St. Augustine High School Fiscal year ending (July 31), 2013-2015* OPERATING INCOME 2013 2014 2015 $5,152,605 (616,083) $4,774,706 (530,169) $5,111,655 (503,705) 2013 2014 2015 Instructional General & Administrative Facilities Operations & Maintenance Student Activities Depreciation 3,461,754 1,640,231 553,776 643,833 241,735 3,256,362 1,306,768 780,928 659,617 229,730 3,151,178 1,347,390 1,096,987 643,687 215,909 Total operating expenditures (6,541,329) (6,233,405) (6,455,150) (2,004,807) (1,988,868) (1,847,201) 2013 2014 2015 731,370 (3,821) 473,740 447,814 185,857 684,285 33,189 694,186 402,986 120,165 1,034,090 122,772 399,922 343,947 31,326 Total income from other sources 1,834,960 1,934,811 1,932,057 Operating Surplus/Deficit (169,847) (54,058) 84,858 Tuition and fees (Less student support)** OPERATING EXPENDITURES Deficit from Operations OPERATING INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES Contributions Net Fundraising Income Student Activities Investment Income Misc. Income **Student support includes scholarships, financial aid, other. STATEMENT of ACTIVITIES Annual Endowment Report INTRODUCTION Investment Returns (annualized for periods greater than one year) The St. Augustine Endowment Fund plays a critical role in supporting the operational and financial aid needs of the school. The Endowment Fund is our primary internal funding mechanism and last line of financial defense. Endowment fund contributions are invested according to a modest investment policy designed to protect our portfolio’s value from volatile investment market conditions. As of July 31, 2015, the Fund was valued at $3,408,452, which is a 3% increase from a year ago. We benchmark our investment performance against the Moderate Growth Composite Index. The Fund realized a total return of 7.71% compared to the benchmark’s return of 5.20%. Market conditions during the year were favorable. Total Value of the Endowment (after distributions) SAHS Policy Portfolio Benchmark* Relative 1-Year 7.71% 5.20% 2.51% 3-Year 9.64% 9.94% -0.30% 5-Year 11.44% 9.61% 1.83% *Investment portfolio uses Moderate Growth Index as its benchmark. The school’s financial recovery from the disruption of Hurricane Katrina was supported by capital withdrawn from the Fund. Future plans for the Fund include increasing the principal balance through donations and implementing an annual spending policy of 5%. A key goal is for the Fund to become one of the school’s primary sources of revenue. Millions $3.5 $3 VIEW THE FULL REPORT ONLINE: www.staugnola.org/annual-report $2.5 $3 $1.5 $1 201020112012201320142015 *The Financial Summary and Endowment Report were generated by the St. Augustine High School Finance Department from detailed financial statements submitted to independent auditor Bruno & Tervalon LLP, CPAs. DONOR RECOGNITION Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 St. Augustine High School gratefully acknowledges the support and generosity of contributors who help further our mission. The donors listed in this report are recognized for their cumulative campaign gifts to the school between August 1, 2014 and July 31, 2015. We strive for accuracy and thoroughness. If you believe an entry is listed in error or if you have any questions regarding the donor roll, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (504) 940-5980. ST. AUGUSTINE CLUB Gifts of $10,000 + Association of St. Augustine Alumni Atlanta Inc. Association of St. Augustine Alumni Houston Association of St. Augustine Alumni New Orleans Inc. Bourgeois Bennett, LLC Capital One Bank City of New Orleans Joseph Canizaro Arnold Donald EJ and Marjory B. Ourso Family Foundation Raymond Fritz Greater New Orleans Foundation Troy Henry Charles Jones Josephite Fathers of Corpus Christi Epiphany Roman Catholic Church Josephite Fathers and Brothers Knight Time Ministries and Two Knight Publishing Ladies for Purple Scholars FOUNDER’S CLUB $5,000 - $9,999 Peter Barthe First Bank and Trust Kevin Jordan Rita Benson LeBlanc The Lupin Foundation Charles Mouton Clifton Vaughn Gregory Washington PRESIDENT’S CLUB $2,000 - $4,999 Rochester Anderson John Baker Brian Burns Benjamin Cannon Ronald Carrere Oliver Celestin Emmett Chapital Oyd J. Craddock Mitchell Crusto Cornerstone Club of St. Augustine Daniel Davillier Gregg DeMar Paul L. Fine First Baptist Church of New Orleans John Georges Frederick Giseviuis Foundation GPOA Foundation Ben Johnson Joan Johnson KBR Matching Gift Center Wayne LeBlanc, Jr. Wayne Lee Christopher Marrero Roy Marrero Dwight McKenna George McKenna Jerome Medley Allen C. Miller Kern Reese Tod Smith St. Joseph’s Church Aulston G. Taylor Brian Taylor Rodney Thomas Stanley Verrett Lloyd Villavaso GOLD & PURPLE CLUB $750 - $1,999 John S. Adams Wilbur Atwood Justin Augustine Dean Baquet Marc A. Barnes Rashi Bates Kenneth Beckham Edward J. Blanc Carl A. Blouin William T. Bostick Bruce A. Boucree Robert E. Brown Burton E. Burns Ronald V. Burns Larry J. Burrell Lisa G. Campbell Class of 1964 Frank N. Dupps Earl M. Dural Jon Edmondson Gregory Gaines Terence Green Alfred E. Harrell Emile Hurst Gregory C. Jacobs Avery D. Johnson Warren Haney, Jr. Ronald Carrere, Jr. DONOR RECOGNITION Eli St. Julien Thomas A. Lovince Randy G. McKee Michael McKee Alvin J. McKenna Men In Christ of Corpus Christi Ephiphany Church Imani D. Miller Virginia P. Miller Waldo J. Moret Wayne J. Neveu Newburns Management Group Charles G. Parent Kendall P. Parker Matthew S. Ralph Edwin J. Rigaud Terrell Sandifer Louis B. Saulny Terence Sims Shell Oil Company Alcide J. Tervalon Mark S. Tillman Verline A. Triggs Christopher Vincent Whelan Family Foundation ALMA MATER CLUB $500 - $749 Arthur J. Allen Bourgeois & Associates MTG Steve V. Barbre Jerald S. Barnes Sidney J. Barthelemy Cecil J. Blache Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Gary Blossman Renard A. Boissiere Samuel V. Bolds Leroy Boudreaux Leslie Brown Damon E. Burns Jason G. Burns John H. Chavanne Class of 2002 St. Monica Congregation Costatinos Pappas Coaxum Enterprises dba McDonald’s John L. Davis Ronald M. DelHomme Raymond T. Diamond Royce Duplessis Errol F. Duronslet Adrien M. Eugene Terry J. Felton Alvin L. Garibaldi Antoine M. Garibaldi Booker Gibbs Robert M. Griffin Reginald T. Harris Troy Heard Thaddeus Jackson Keith A. Jenkins Kendrick Johnson Knights of Columbus # 12115 Maria Johnson Robert E. Jones Walter Kimbrough Michael T. Lybarger Bobby A. Major Roy Marrero Marrero Land & Improvement Assoc, Ltd. Vernon Martin Lucy Miller Hubert J. Morton Kevin Mosby New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and Foundation, Inc. Mark S. Paul Elmo J. Peters Howard J. Raphael Alden H. Reine Terence H. Sims Mary Julia Smith St. Augustine Quarterback Club Byron J. St. Cyr Global Parking Systems Gary Tanner Alcide J. Tervalon, Jr. Rahim R. Theriot Torrin W. Velazquez James A. Watts Benedict J. Willard Christopher M. Wilson Richard Winchester PURPLE KNIGHT CLUB $200 - $499 Eugene R. Abatte Bernell J. Alexander Hasan Aquil Warren Armstrong Terrence M. Augillard Augillard Dental Group Rudolph August Automasters Automotive LLC Kenneth Baptiste Jamon J. Barrow Bayou Land Design Kevin Bennette Theodore Bogan Nelson Boyce George D. Bozonier Michael Brandner Jinx C. Broussard Marvin R. Brown Dwight A. Brown Edgar M. Brown Winston R. Burns Eric C. Burrell Ryan Burton Bernard L. Bynum Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation DONOR RECOGNITION Herbert Cade Brandin Campbell Ronald M. Carrere Carriere & Dunn William P. Carter Chevron Humankind Matching Gifts Foundation Nathan Clark Eric G. Coleman Ellis Cooper Rudolph A. Courseault Karen Craig Davillier Law Group, LLC Phillip A. DeMouy Lloyd H. Dennis Kevin Derbigny Norman Dixon Drago’s Foundation Leo D. Dunn David P. Duplantier Lloyd R. Dupre Morris A. Edwards Leland G. Ellsworth David Emilien Martha A. Eshleman John O. Ferdinand Preston Firmin Clarence E. foster Derrick M. Francis Kenneth A. Frick Louis C. Gaignard Michael L. Garibaldi Brent Gilmore Theresa A. Gilyot Walter Goodwin Daniel H. Green Eugene B. Green Walter Green Peter J. Hamilton Jarred Honora Samantha Huggins Terry Jackson Jerald James Sylvester J. Johnson Dominic Keller Feltus P. Kennedy Daniel M. Kiper Gerald G. Lagarde Elizabeth Landis Jerrol Larrieu Joseph I. Laurent Cornelius A. Lewis Darren J. Lewis Liberty Proclaimed Ministry Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Steven Luke Mahogany Renovations Inc. Bobby Major Gregory D. Malone Alton P. Martin Jermaine G. Mazant Microsoft Matching Gifts Foundation Jules McClain McKee Law Firm Kali K. Moore Kevin Moore Jarvis Morgan Marc H. Morial Eddie Moses Gerald P. Pannell Leon G. Pannell Gerald P. Pannell Quillie N. Parker Morris R. Pichon Michael F. Plott Derrick Polk Leo J. Raymond Leslie Rey Robert A. Rising Harold S. Seals Rodney & Etter Shedrick N. Roy Louis Saloy Fred J. Sambrone Harold S. Seals David F. Shaw Eric J. Smith Norey J. Smith Norey J. Smith Ka-Ron J. Smith Brandon Smith State of Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections Sidney J. St. Martin St. Mary’s Academy Taste Buds Management Travel Concepts, Inc Terrance Taylor Renita W. Thomas Marshall Thomas Keith Thomas Quincy Torregano Carroll Turner Blaine Turner Sarah N. Usdin Jason G. Villavasso Orlando A. Washington James H. White Traylon M. Williams Keith R. Wilson Wesley R. Wilson Eric Winchester Carla Wren Christopher Wyre 2600 CLUB $1 - $199 Earl A. Adams Diakka Adusei Kenneth Aguillard Kristen Albanese James Aldridge Eric P. Alexis Emile Alito Leonard J. Allen Joseph Allen Ronald Allen DONOR RECOGNITION Maureen Ancar Charlie Anderson Travis K. Andrews Janna Andrews Sheldon J. Andrus Maureen Angel Michael Armstrong Lester J. Arnaud Jr. Lester J. Arnaud III Daymon G. Arnold Louis Atkins Brad Augillard Ansel J. Augustine Christopher Auzenne Leonard F. Bachemin Clarence Bailey Tasha Bailey Lee Baker Barbara Barlow Bryan Barnes Kevin L. Barnes Harvey Barnes Harold Barrois Gregory J. Bart Joshua P. Bartholomew Russell N. Bartley Levi Bates Michael Batiste Roderick Batiste Kevin Batiste Maurice J. Baudy Jr. Maurice J. Baudy Lionel J. Bazanac Anthony T. Bell Damian M. Bell Devin Bennett Billy Bickham Derrick Bienemy Quentin M. Bienemy Amy Billizone Edward Blakes Joseph L. Blazio Christopher Blunt Justin Boddie Aaron Bocage Charlie Booker Mark S. Boucree Joseph Bougere Sedric Bowens Bruce Braden Andre Branch Mitchell A. Brickley Courtney G. Bridges Michael A. Brooks Darrell Brooks Herman Brooks Joshua Brooks James J. Broussard Darrel M. Broussard Michael W. Brown Wayne A. Brown Romalice Brown Maurice Brown Keith Brown Kristian Buchanan Larry Burney Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Heath A. Butler Kevin Butler Adolph F. Bynum Harold A. Cade Lester A. Caliste Antoinette Cambre Lasana Cambrice Justin Carbone Michael E. Carey Douglas Carey LaVan Carrere Wayne D. Carriere Sarita M. Carriere Gregory Carroll Michael Castleman Central Building Services Rose Mary Cernosek Blaine Cerre Meyer Chambers Travis S. Chase Trevor Chase Alden J. Cheatham Chester’s Temperature Control Jeffery Clark Class of 1998 Gregory Coleman Blair Condoll Robert N. Cooper Myan Coulon Sabrina Cruz Raphael M. Curtis Hudson Cutno Kathryn E. Cyrus Elizabeth Czech Ryan Daly Ullrich Darensbourg Edward L. Davis Dalton Davis Vincent Davis Dennis Dawson Tre’ Dawson Bryan DeCecco Gregory Dejan Alton A. DeLarge Marcus DeLarge Alton A. DeLarge, Jr Horace A. Derry John Dixon Cory Dixon Patrick Dolan DONOR RECOGNITION Nathaniel Dorsey Cordell M. Dubuclet Andrew Dugue Bobby Duplantier Melissa E. Duplantier Drew P. Durand Marcel J. Duronslet Taniqua Dutton Courtney Echols Joseph A. Edwards Timothy Edwards Durrell Edwards Deborah Elam Juanita W. Elliott Rod J. Emelle Ryan S. Emelle Entergy New Orleans, Inc. Lawrence E. Epps Melba Epps Brian Everett Jamal Ferdinand Eric M. Ferrouillet Claude A. Flot Francesca Fontenot Robert Foothorap Kermit W. Francis Edward Francis Marlon S. Francois Dwayne Franklin Jaqueline Franklin Leon Franklin Willard J. Frederick Bradley Freeny Derek M. Frick John K. Gaines Kevin A. Gallien Malcolm Gibson David Gillen Louaunne Gilyot Montrell Givens Avery Goff Sean J. Goodwin Mark Grandpre Raymond Gray Revius O. Green Russell Green Lawrence E. Guimont Brandon D. Hall Emile R. Hall Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Carlos Hampton Cordae Hankton Cortez Hankton Deon M. Harris Santa Harris Turner Harris Cherice Harrison-Nelson Catherine Hartdegen Calvin Haynes Brandon Haynes Darryl Hendricks Kim Heno Herman, Herman and Katz LLC Ricardo Hernandez Christina Hill Jennifer Hillman Louis Holmes Byron Honore’ Daniel Howard Latoria Hubbard Sharon Hudson David Hughes Arthur Hunter It Starts At Home, Inc. Justin A. Jack Charreah Jackson Darinda Jackson Larry C. James Michelle James Karnell James Chad Jenkins Talton Jett Glenn G. Johnson Steffan R. Johnson Eric Johnson Sean Johnson Christopher Johnson Chavier Johnson Brent Jones Gwendolyn Jones Michael T. Joseph Terrance Joseph Mark Joseph LeBron Joseph Bryant Bartley Jr. Philip Orticke, Jr. Lionel J. Jupiter Kimberly King Marc P. Knox William Kurtz Arlette M. Labostrie Garland LaFrance Katie Lander Omar Landrum Paul Landry Joseph Laurent Charmaine Leary Christian LeBlanc Lumar C. LeBlanc Terrel M. LeCesne Top L-R: Rev. Howard Byrd, S.S.J., Rev. Charles Andrus, S.S.J., Bishop Fernand J. Cheri, O.F.M., Rev. David Begany,S.S.J. Bot L-R: Rev. Henry Davis, S.S.J., Rev. Peter Weiss, S.S.J., Rev. Roderick Coates, S.S.J., Rev. Christopher Chike Amadi, S.S.J., Rev. Anthony Bozeman, S.S.J. DONOR RECOGNITION Errol Lecesne Robert E. Lee Bivian L. Lee Clyde Lee Silas Lee Terry Lee Ernest Legier Harold W. Lewis Jeffrey Lewis Jordan Lewis Frank Lewis Melissa Litchfield Emmett J. Lodree Pam Lomax Edgar A. Lombard Ronald Lombard Jillian Lopez Christopher Lott Jamin J. Lundy Craig Lundy Janina Lundy Dominick Mackey Dave Madison Joseph W. Marion Anthony W. Marrero Stephen A. Martin Ashton W. Martin Wayne A. Martin Mary P. Matthews Emile A. McClellan New York Times Executive Editor, Dean Baquet ‘74 Keith Medley Arthur G. Mendoza Sterling Menendez Demetric M. Mercadel Merrell Merricks Louis Meyi Lawrence E. Miller Adam Milz James Moffett Dell Montegut Ashley A. Moore Michael Morelli Sahar Moridi Mary G. Morley Troy D. Moten Herbert Murray Errol Myers Rahmaan Nance Kelwynn Napoleon Joseph L. Narcisse Arlen Nobles Emanuel Nunn Ericka G. Odoms Joseph Odum New School Of Etiquette Michael Owens Kolin Page Kevin Page Edward C. Patterson Tyrone A. Payne Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Quincia Pearson Keith M. Pete Fellman J. Pierre Barbara Ponds Albert J. Poree Malcolm J. Poree Alicia Robinson Poydras Myles Poydras Marcel A. Pratt Dawn Prosper Nadine M. Rachal Rhett R. Ralph Tyrone Ralph Gregory N. Rattler Ezera Raymond Alvin Reine Christopher Richardson Shetellia Riley Jon Riley Adadele Robertson Ron Rodgers Ron Rodgers Scott Rodivich Velazquez Family Room Royce A. Rosemond Stephen Rossi Charmaine Rowan Kenneth Rowan Jason Roy Jeffrey Rugon DONOR RECOGNITION Justin J. Ruiz Harry A. Russell Tyler Sanders Floyd L. Sandle Darren Santiago Lateef A. Sarnor Kelli Saulny Corey Saulny Etheldra Scoggin Brian K. Scott Rugon Computer Services Robert T. Sevalia Seventh Ward Productions Bryan Sigur Kevin Simon Ryan P. Sims Oscar R. Smith Brian A. Smith Clinton T. Smith Lee E. Smith Arthur Smith Chad Smith Patrick Smith Son of a Saint Christopher Spadoni Tramaine Spencer Sharon Spicer Byron Woods, Sr Albert J. St. Kevin J. Staes Xavier Sterling LaVerne Stewart Sudan Social and Pleasure Club Albert Taylor Korey Tennette Denise Thomas Neil Thompson Breeda Thompson Michele Thornton Raymond Tillman Frederick Tombar Truist Brian Turner Hassana Tutt Felters Veal Thomas A. Velazquez Derek Villavaso Gerald Villavasso Lionel Vincent David J. Waddell Paul Waddell James Wagner Derek R. Walker Gerald Walker Patrick Walker Michael Wallace Barry M. Walton Sharon Wanamaker Jarrod I. Wardlow Brad M. Warren Eric M. Washington Samuel Washington Carlotta Watson Kayla Watson Lloyd Watts Elgin Weaver Peter Weiss Whitman Wilcox Dominic Willard Gerald Williams Herman Williams Kevin R. Williams Lionel J. Williams Byron A. Williams Michelle Marquez Williams John Williams Jerome Williams Diannell Williams Eric Williams Kimberly Wilson Damien Witter Manzel R. Woodfork Jarrett Woods Quentin U. Wright James T. Zimmerman Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 DONOR RECOGNITION Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 ALMUNI RELATIONS Private philanthropy is a critical resource that empowers students, scholars and faculty. Individual support becomes collective power—the power to lead a new generation of young men beyond today’s challenges and toward a bright future. Much of the credit for our successful annual fund goes to the many loyal Purple Knights who support our school with a generosity of spirit that never ceases to amaze us. Our alumni volunteer their time, energy and expertise; they attend and support school-based events on campus and across the country. They contribute generously to St. Augustine High School, Give Purple Day and scholarship funds for deserving students; and they make up one of New Orleans’ most dedicated, vibrant and engaged alumni communities. DONORS BY CLASS 1955 Carl A. Blouin Alden H. Reine Lionel J. Williams 1956 Eugene R. Abatte Leonard J. Allen Gregory J. Bart Thomas A. Velazquez 1957 Kenneth Beckham Joseph L. Blazio John L. Davis Terrel M. LeCesne George J. McKenna Fellman J. Pierre 1958 Lester J. Arnaud Edward J. Blanc Errol Lecesne Dwight McKenna Jerome T. Medley Joseph L. Narcisse 1959 Edgar M. Brown Ronald M. DelHomme Adrien M. Eugene Alvin J. McKenna Leon G. Pannell Rhett R. Ralph Joseph Laurent ‘15, Valedictorian 1960 Sidney J. Barthelemy Russell N. Bartley Walter Green Morris R. Pichon Fred J. Sambrone Norey J. Smith James A. Watts 1961 Herbert Cade Edwin J. Rigaud Louis B. Saulny 1962 Leonard F. Bachemin Marvin R. Brown Bernard L. Bynum Charles R. Jones Philip Orticke, Jr. 1963 James Aldridge Warren Armstrong Renard A. Boissiere Larry J. Burrell Nathan Clark Kenneth A. Frick Raymond M. Fritz Jerrol Larrieu Joseph W. Marion Lloyd L. Villavaso Byron Woods, Sr. 1964 Robert E. Brown Lester A. Caliste Preston Firmin Hubert J. Morton Louis C. Gaignard Walter Goodwin 1965 Louis Atkins Steve V. Barbre Errol F. Duronslet Gregory Gaines DONOR RECOGNITION John K. Gaines Bobby Major Louis Meyi Sidney J. St. Martin 1966 Aaron Bocage Robert E. Lee Keith Medley Alcide J. Tervalon 1967 Arthur J. Allen Alton A. DeLarge Joseph A. Edwards Kermit W. Francis Wayne J. Lee Ashley A. Moore Quillie N. Parker Elmo J. Peters 1968 Maurice J. Baudy Dennis Dawson Phillip A. DeMouy Lloyd H. Dennis Wayne J. Neveu Leslie Rey Royce A. Rosemond Floyd L. Sandle Oscar R. Smith 1969 Eric P. Alexis Leroy Boudreaux Bruce Braden Ronald V. Burns William P. Carter Raymond T. Diamond Robert E. Jones Cornelius A. Lewis Vernon Martin Wesley R. Wilson 1970 Cecil J. Blache Emmett Chapital Troy Heard Gerald P. Pannell Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Kern Reese David J. Waddell Barry M. Walton Eli St. Julien Gary Tanner Gregory J. Washington 1971 Mitchell F. Crusto Burton E. Burns Alvin L. Garibaldi Booker Gibbs Costatinos Pappas David Emilien Marshall Thomas 1975 Ellis Cooper John O. Ferdinand Larry C. James Michael McKee Jerome Williams Manzel R. Woodfork 1972 Earl A. Adams Damian M. Bell Ronald M. Carrere Gregg A. DeMar Arnold W. Donald Marcel J. Duronslet Leland G. Ellsworth Willard J. Frederick Kim Heno Lionel J. Jupiter Silas Lee Edgar A. Lombard Alton P. Martin James Moffett Keith M. Pete Clifton A. Vaughn 1973 Kenneth Baptiste Dalton Davis Jules McClain Lee E. Smith 1974 John Baker Dean Baquet George D. Bozonier Leslie Brown Brian Burns Robert M. Griffin Warren Haney Jr Lawrence E. Epps Wayne A. Martin Waldo J. Moret Kevin Mosby 1976 Rudolph August Justin Augustine Oyd J. Craddock Louis Holmes Charles G. Parent Louis Saloy Byron J. St. Cyr Raymond Tillman 1977 Jerald S. Barnes Leo D. Dunn Earl M. Dural Terry J. Felton Kevin Jordan Roy R. Marrero Raymond Gray Charles P. Mouton Tyrone A. Payne Arthur Hunter Leo J. Raymond 1978 Kenneth Aguillard Kevin Bennette Nathaniel Dorsey Troy Henry Sylvester J. Johnson Lawrence E. Miller Matthew S. Ralph Gregory N. Rattler 1979 John S. Adams Bernell J. Alexander Rochester Anderson DONOR RECOGNITION Roderick Batiste Michael Owens Kevin Page Terence H. Sims 1980 Joseph Allen Peter G. Barthe William T. Bostick Clarence E. Foster LeBron Joseph Gerald G. Lagarde Thomas A. Lovince Gregory D. Malone Emile A. McClellan Kolin Page Harry A. Russell Tod Smith James Wagner James T. Zimmerman 1981 Clarence Bailey Bruce A. Boucree Wayne D. Carriere Terry Jackson Joseph I. Laurent Mark S. Paul Howard J. Raphael Jeffrey Rugon Albert Taylor Michael Wallace Kevin R. Williams 1982 Terrence M. Augillard Kevin Derbigny Morris A. Edwards Eddie Moses Eric J. Smith Benedict J. Willard 1983 Michael Batiste Wayne A. Brown Kevin A. Gallien Gregory C. Jacobs Avery D. Johnson Christopher E. Marrero Christopher Richardson David F. Shaw Paul Waddell Eric Winchester 1984 Anthony T. Bell Charlie Booker Kevin Butler Eric G. Coleman Gregory Coleman Robert N. Cooper David P. Duplantier Marlon S. Francois Brent Gilmore Terence Green Keith A. Jenkins Craig Lundy Sterling Menendez Kendall P. Parker Alvin Reine Terrell Sandifer Mark S. Tillman Keith Thomas Stanley Verrett Samuel Washington Byron A. Williams Keith R. Wilson 1985 Mark S. Boucree Darrel M. Broussard Eric C. Burrell Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Adolph F. Bynum Michael E. Carey Daniel E. Davillier Courtney Echols Rod J. Emelle Derek M. Frick Lumar C. Leblanc Malcolm J. Poree Tyrone Ralph Brian T. Taylor Gerald Walker 1987 Ronald Allen Marc A. Barnes Bryant Bartley Jr. Edward Blakes Keith Brown Douglas Carey Blaine Cerre Blair Condoll Leon Franklin Malcolm Gibson Avery Goff Russell Green Kendrick Johnson Mark Joseph Ernest Legier Frank Lewis Bobby A. Major Randy G. Mckee Kevin Moore Kelwynn Napoleon Arlen Nobles DONOR RECOGNITION Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Carlos Hampton Dominic Keller Kali K. Moore Rahmaan Nance Bryan Sigur Korey Tennette Brad M. Warren James H. White Marcel A. Pratt Ron Rodgers Corey Saulny Frederick Tombar Blaine Turner Felters Veal Lionel Vincent Elgin Weaver Eddie WIlliams Jr. Eric Williams John Williams 1988 Charlie Anderson Samuel V. Bolds LaVan Carrere Cory Dixon Edward Francis Revius O. Green Thaddeus Jackson Glenn G. Johnson Omar Landrum Merrell Merricks Edward C. Patterson Kevin J. Staes 1989 Harold Barrois Raphael M. Curtis Jerald James Terrance Joseph Emmett J. Lodree Stephen A. Martin Derrick Polk Robert A. Rising Harold S. Seals Derek R. Walker 1990 Kevin Batiste Alfred E. Harrell Jarvis Morgan Errol Myers Brian K. Scott Chad Smith 1991 Lester J. Arnaud Jamon J. Barrow Maurice J. Baudy Heath A. Butler Cordell M. Dubuclet Brian Everett Eric M. Ferrouillet Daniel M. Kiper Paul Landry Anthony W. Marrero Allen C. Miller Shedrick N. Roy Kevin Simon Patrick Smith Christopher M. Wilson 1992 Daymon G. Arnold Ryan S. Emelle 1993 Sedric Bowens Harold A. Cade Lasana Cambrice Travis S. Chase Trevor Chase Edward L. Davis John Dixon Karnell James Steffan R. Johnson Harold W. Lewis Ronald Lombard Jon Riley Ka-Ron J. Smith Rahim R. Theriot Derek Villavaso Jarrod I. Wardlow Christopher Wyre 1994 David Hughes Quentin U. Wright 1995 Sean J. Goodwin Wayne E. LeBlanc, Jr. Quincy Torregano Thomas A. Velazquez Orlando A. Washington 1996 Rashi Bates Durrell Edwards Darren J. Lewis Troy D. Moten Alcide J. Tervalon, Jr. Gerald Villavasso 1997 Travis K. Andrews DONOR RECOGNITION Ronald M. Carrere, Jr. Darren Santiago Ryan P. Sims Torrin W. Velazquez 1998 Dwight A. Brown Michael W. Brown Oliver Celestin Rudolph A. Courseault Vincent Davis Bobby Duplantier Emile R. Hall Cortez Hankton Ricardo Hernandez Ezera Raymond Steven Luke Aulston G. Taylor Jason G. Villavasso Christopher Vincent Lloyd Watts Dominic Willard Jarrett Woods 1999 Devin Bennett Damon E. Burns Mitchell A. Brickley Larry Burney Brandin Campbell Myan Coulon Peter J. Hamilton Bivian L. Lee Jermaine G. Mazant Albert J. Poree Justin J. Ruiz Norey J. Smith 2000 Royce Duplessis 2001 Marcus DeLarge Brandon D. Hall Chavier Johnson Michael T. Joseph Robert T. Sevalia Brandon Smith 2002 Jason G. Burns Alton A. DeLarge, Jr. Andrew Dugue Claude A. Flot Talton Jett Gerald P. Pannell Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 L-R: Sean Goodwin ‘95, Principal; Marc Barnes ‘87 - Alumnus of the Year 2003 Ryan Burton Alden J. Cheatham Derrick M. Francis Daniel H. Green 2004 Michael L. Garibaldi Lawrence E. Guimont Jamin J. Lundy Ashton W. Martin Brian A. Smith Tramaine Spencer Traylon M. Williams 2005 Quentin M. Bienemy Drew P. Durand Dwayne Franklin Emile Hurst Chad Jenkins Sean Johnson 2006 Sheldon J. Andrus Kevin L. Barnes Jarred Honora Jordan Lewis 2007 Darrell Brooks Montrell Givens Eugene B. Green 2008 Jeffery Clark Justin A. Jack 2009 Maurice Brown 2012 Joshua P. Bartholomew Lionel J. Bazanac 2015 Christopher Auzenne Bryan Barnes Derrick Bienemy Christopher Blunt Justin Boddie Joseph Bougere Herman Brooks Joshua Brooks Gregory Carroll Tre’ Dawson Daniel Howard Brent Jones Joseph Laurent Christian LeBlanc Terry Lee Dominick Mackey Dave Madison Myles Poydras Kenneth Rowan DONOR RECOGNITION Tyler Sanders Christopher Spadoni Xavier Sterling Patrick Walker Whitman Wilcox Gerald Williams Herman Williams CORPORATIONS Augillard Dental Group Automasters Automotive, LLC Bourgeois & Associates MTG, LLC Bourgeois Bennett, LLC Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation Capital One Bank Carriere & Dunn Tax & Accounting Central Building Services Chester’s Temperature Control Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Coaxum Enterprises dba McDonald’s Cornerstone Club of St. Augustine Davillier Law Group, LLC Entergy New Orleans, Inc. First Bank and Trust Global Parking Systems Herman, Herman, And Katz LLC It Starts At Home, Inc. KBR Matching Gift Center Knight Time Ministries and Two Knight Publishing Honor Roll of Donors | FY 2014 Mahogany Renovations Inc. Marrero Land & Improvement Assoc, Ltd. McKee Law Firm, LLC Microsoft Matching Gifts Newburns Management Group, LLC Rodney & Etter Law Firm, LLC Rugon Computer Services, Inc Seventh Ward Productions State of Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections Taste Buds Management, LLC Travel Concepts, Inc. Truist FOUNDATIONS Drago’s Foundation EJ and Marjory B. Ourso Family Foundation Frederick Giseviuis Foundation GPOA Foundation Greater New Orleans Foundation New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and Foundation, Inc. Shell Oil Company Foundation The Lupin Foundation Velazquez Family Room Fund Whelan Family Foundation ORGANIZATIONS Association of St. Augustine Alumni Atlanta Association of St. Augustine Alumni - Houston Association of St. Augustine Alumni New Orleans Class of 1998 Class of 2002 First Baptist Church of New Orleans Knights of Columbus # 12115 Ladies for Purple Scholars Liberty Proclaimed Ministry Men In Christ of Corpus Christi Ephiphany Church New School Of Etiquette Son of a Saint St. Augustine Quarterback Club St. Joseph’s Church St. Mary’s Academy Alumnae Association St. Monica Congregation Sudan Social and Pleasure Club EVENTS Hamp Fest Sponsors Augillard Dental Group Barker Boudreaux Lamy & Foley Benedict J. Willard Capital One Bank Compu-Cure New Orleans Cool Fruit Sensations Entergy New Orleans, Inc First NBC Bank Hamp’s Construction, LLC Henry Consulting, LLC HUB International Gulf South, LTD Joseph Boucree Kevin Derbigny Ladies for Purple Scholars Liberty Bank & Trust Lil Dizzys Cafe LJC Management LLC Ma Momma’s House, LLC Mary Landrieu Michael Biagas Mitchell F. Crusto Mrs. Ackie & Keimika Meals on Wheels MSI/Major Services, Inc. Mysheka Batiste New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and Foundation, Inc. Octave J. Rainey Office of Black Catholic Ministry Peoples Health Network Peter Weiss PJ’s Coffee/New Orleans Roast Poree’s Embroidery Richard’s Disposal, Inc. Sheriff Marlon Gusman Sonitrol of New Orleans Southern Eagle Association of St. Augustine Alumni Houston Stufhapn Catering Sweet Lorraine’s Jazz Club, LLC Toyota of New Orleans TransDev Vaucresson Sausage Co, Inc Vernon Vigne Dean Baquet Dinner Sponsors First Bank and Trust IBERIABANK Logistical Service And Repair Inc ICT Inc Computer, Sales, Service and Networking Imperial - Super Regional Food Distributor The New Orleans Advocate First Bank & Trust Roedel, Parsons, Koch, Blache, Balhoff & McCollister GIVE NOLA DAY DONORS Maureen Ancar Romona Augillard John Baker Stacie Barconey Washington Jerald Barnes Edgar Bernard George Bozonier Craigile Brumfield Ronald Carrere Sr. Cornell Celestine Michael Davillier John Davillier Dennis Dawson Phillip DeMouy Melissa Duplantier David Duplantier Yvettew Endom Ann Eugene Adrien Eugene Keary Gauff John Georges Alorea Gilyot Sean Goodwin Robert Griffin Sabrina Harris Zinnyah Hasan Shannon Haynes Verdell Heisser Neidra Hinton Erica Houston David Hughes Justin Jack Ja’Net Jackson Charmaine Jacobs Wayne Johnson Drs. Warren and Carolyn Johnson Glenn Johnson Blake Jones Savon Jones Lionel Jupiter Louis Keyes Arlette Labostrie Kyle Laurendine Thaddeus Lee Silas Lee Tracy Madison Cheryl Magee Nolan Marshall Jr. Stephan Massey-Haynes Joe McGhee Warren McKenna Jr. Demetric Mercadel Dwayne M. Merridy Imani Miller Andria Milton Larry Napoleon Kevin Page Edward Patterson Jr. Austin Penny Rhett Ralph Leo Raymond Jr. Dorothy Reese Terence Sims Sidney J. St Martin Hyacienth Stiaes Terrance Taylor Breeda Thompson Eric M Washington Adrianne Williams The Code of The Purple Knight The Purple Knight is a man of Christian virtue and a man of honor. The Purple Knight is loyal to his God, to his family, to his friends, to his school and to his country and will never knowingly disgrace them. The Purple Knight is a man of character who values courage and honesty who values and respects all life and with St. Paul has put aside all childish ways. The Purple Knight is always a gentleman for he is considerate of others’ sensibilities. He manifests his Christian joy by his readiness to come to the aid of those in need. The Purple Knight respects his God by keeping the commandments and the frequent use of the church’s sacraments. The Purple Knight respects his teachers for he understands that they serve as guides on his way to a productive life. The Purple Knight is chivalrous by first of all having a devotion to the Mother of Jesus, Mary and flowing from that devotion a respect for all women whether young or old. The Purple Knight shows respect for himself by his appearance, actions and speech. The Purple Knight shows respect for his school by striving to make it the best that it can be by the care he shows for its physical structure and equipment and the spirit and enthusiasm he exhibits for all its activities. ALMA MATER Rise, Sons of the Gold and Purple. Let our swelling chorus sound For the glory of St. Augustine And the honor of our Alma Mater’s Name. Alma Mater, St. Augustine, Alma Mata, Josephite High; We will serve you with true devotion, And be loyal sons of yours forever more! NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW ORLEANS, LA PERMIT NO. 82 St. Augustine High School 2600 A.P. Tureaud Avenue New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 940-5980 www.staugnola.org Thank you for your continued support of St. Augustine High School
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