Village of Mount Prospect Storm Water Management Program April 1 2011 March 31 2012 Mountl ros ect ptF Binder 1 of 2 A I Fall GEWA TAHAMILTON CONSULTING Table of Contents Village of Mount Prospect Notice of Intent ComplaintsSuggestions Distribution of Printed Materials Outreach Events Hazardous Waste Removal Electronic Recycling Catch Basin Cleaning Storm Sewer Cleaning InletGrate Cleaning Street Sweeping Outfall Inspection DetentionRetention Basins Vehicle Fluid Battery Removal Spoil Stock Removal Employee Training Rain Garden Installation IDDE Log Annual Report Water Quality Testing Results Newsletters ENGINEERS Notice of Intent Log for IWS4 Projects 1 acre Project Location Log n Insr aN J EPA No Start End Date Date 2 NOI Acreage it ZG Section Staff Initi s ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 North Grand Avenue East P O Box 19276 Springfield Illinois 627949276 6 217 7822829 lames R Thompson Center 100 West Randolph Suite 11 300 Chicago IL 60601 312 8146026 PAT QUINN GOVERNOR RECEIVED AUG 2 9 2011 7820610 217 23 08 2011 CLPSPF RANDHURST LLC JAMESCONROY 55 E EUCLID AVE SUITE 450 MOUNT PROSPECT IL 60056 RE FACILITY RANDHURST VILLAGE MOUNT PROSPECT IL COUNTY COOK NPDES Permit NO ILR10K587 Notice of Termination Under Construction Site Activity Storm Water General Permit Dear NPDES Permittee Thank you for notifying us that construction activities at the above referenced site have ceased and that final stabilization of the site has been completed Based on your notification we have terminated Permit Number ILRl OK587 effective immediately Although yourpermff has been terminated fees may still apply to your account To check your account balance please contact Rosie Kellus at 217 7821649 Ifcontact you have questionsat orthecomments regardingnumber the above or if we can be of any further assistance please Terriany LeMasters above telephone Very truly yours Alan Keller P E Manager Permit Section Division of Water Pollution Control CC Records Unit Billing System Will South Cook SWCD Region DesPlaines de 4301 l Rodlo Main N 595 S an ayn 6 d It 61103 Rnckto Des Phlars 9511 sv Wmson 5L Des Maim IL 601 4944000 011dL 602231u4n60631D uorta 51 Peo U C CCNl i It IL 62234 W 0 5015 N Unhxs0y54 Penna IL 61614 a hW16936463 6161 1618 3445120 Vtlmatl C6ampa194121255 nrsI5q ClampalgM IL61820 11 7177115000 Marion 2309 W main 51 5ulie 116 Madoq lL 62959 618 9937200 nn PttyieJ pap F I ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 NORTH GRAND AveNUE EM r P O BOX 19276 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62794 9276 217 7822829 AMEs R THOMPSON CTNTLY 100 WEST RANDOLPH SUITE 11 300 CHICAGO IL 60601 312 8146026 ROD R BLACOIEVICH GOVERNOR Dou S P SCOTT DIRECTOR 7620610 217 2008 10101 CLPISPF RANDHURST LLC JAMES CONROY 55 E EUCLID AVE SUITE 450 MOUNT PROSPECT IL 50056 RE FACILITY RANDHURSTVILLAGE MOUNT PROSPECT IL COOK CCUNTY NPDES Permit NO ILR10K587 Notice of Coverage Under Construction Site Activity Storm Water General Permit Dear NPDES Penalties We have reviewed your application and determined that Storm Water discharges associated with industrial activity from construction sites are appropriately covered by the attached General NPDES Permit Issued by the Agency Your discharge Is covered by this permit effective as of the date of this letter or as identified by the conditions of the permit The Permitas issued covers application requirements a storm water pollution prevention plan and reporting requirements As a Permit Holder it Is your responsibility to 1 Submit a modified Notice of Intent of any OWnmildo or address tO the Permit Section within 30 days 2 ANDt ee of Terminati must be Sent to the Agency at the address Indicated on he Notice of Termination once your construction Project has been Completed and the site Is properly stabills farm has been enclosed for your convenience S EliaLsEdil b chame ilt IIIIIII t has been t y t A Notice ofTermlnalion To ensure that fees for the current Fiscal Augustyear tat July thru June are not assessed the Notice of Termination must be received by the Agency by This letter shows your facility permit number below the construction site name Please save this number and reference it In all future correspondence Should you have any questions Concerning the Permit please contact Terri LeMasters at 0610 782 217 Very truly yours Ner9ll61ro 4 Alan Keller P E Manager Permit Section Division of Water Pollution Control CC Records Unit Will South Cook SWCD Region DosPlainas ROCxnoao 4302 North Main 9lreeq Rpcklord IL 61103 60 915 987J Eoa SOS South Sale Elgin IL 60123 3131 847 608 Dsa PuNO 9511 W 14amso9 SL Des Maines IL 60016 p0 ag 0 2 847 5415 N Universily SL Peoria 61614 309 6935463 f Unversity St 7620N IL61a14 6935462 Peona 309Prow C wsmu 2009 Mallso PeIGN 2125Southfirst Si W w4ChaMPaS6 IL 2171278 5800 foee ce4 uliinsvlile IL 62234 6191346 5130 Mucm 23a9W Main SL suite 116 Marian IL42959 1616 9937200 OURWOr LwD PMRIA Penal ON rgcYclai At n EROSION CONTROL CONSULTING 5407106th Street Pleasant 02 wI F INC 315 970 4089 FX 262997 9972073 com rr wi ecciC DATE January 19 2012 CLIENT GLPSPF Randhurst LLC Attn Jim Conroy 55 East Euclid Avenue Mount Prospect IL 60056 PROJECT SITE Randhurst Village Mount Prospect Illinois REPORT Final Weekly Site Inspection and Recommendations Inspection performed Thursday January 19 2012 This report includes Inspection Evaluation and Recommendations for NPDES Phase 2 compliance at Randhurst Village located in Mount Prospect Illinois The report is based on the following plan set Proposed site improvements for RANDHURST VILLAGE 999 N ELMHURST ROAD MOUNT PROSPECT IL 60156 Located in Cook County Illinois Drawings by WOOLPERT dated 11 08 07 Sheets EXH 1 and EXH 2 two 2 total sheets Per agreement with CLPSPF Randhurst LLC Erosion Control Consulting Inc ECCI is performing weekly site inspections evaluating ongoing site conditions and making recommendations regarding soil erosion and sediment control at the above stated project site Site inspections are to be performed once every seven 7 days Weekly inspections include a detailed Site Inspection Report with Action Item Index of SESC issues to be addressed on a weekly basis for site compliance ECCI performed an initial site inspection on December 15 2008 Changes to the SWPPP Plan are going to be documented by WOOLPERT Engineering 09 10 9 International Erosion Control Association j CLPSPF Randhurst LLCRandhurst Village January 19 2012 Page 2 of 3 Index of Action Items Recommended ECCI has created this section to summarize the action items and existing conditions on site These items should be addressed in a timely manner for site compliance and are based on the site inspection dated 01119112 Install energy dissipation RR4 at the outfalls of the detention located at the NW and SE corner of the site Verify that the dormant seediblanket that is installed along the north side of the PetSmart site including ROW areas germinates in Spring 2012 Remove inlet protection on all open grate storm sewer structures throughout and adjacent to the site NOT has been filed and on going site monitoring responsibilities will transfer to the site ownerdeveloper Index of Action Items ECCI has created this section to summarize the action items that have been completed on the site Installed additional silt fence around the topsoil stockpile located near the NW corner of the site to prevent sedimentation as required Finalized topsoil respread final grading and stabilization with seed and blanket blanket used as buffer strip at the SE corner of the site Perimeter silt fence protection has been removed throughout the site due to ongoing stabilization and final grading site SESC is in fair condition topsoil respread and stabilization is ongoing on site Concrete wash out installed at SW corner of SE portion of site as an over excavated area lined with 30mil poly or designated concrete wash out dumpster to prevent concrete waste from entering storm sewers or detention facilities for areas where concrete pouring is actively ongoing evidence of some concrete washout material that is being discharged in to the NW detention basin via storm sewer has been cleaned up The AMC Theater area in the NE portion of the site has been completed A NOT Notice of Termination can be filed with the IEPA based on change of ownership if desired 06 08111 Demolition work has started at the far N side of the site just E of Chase Bank General building construction continues throughout the remainder of the site Mass grading for the proposed detention facility located at the SE corner of the site has been started 06 11 fill with black dirt has 22 begun 06130 11 fill is completed 07 07111 stabilization has begun with seediblanket 08104111 additional stabilization with seediblanket at disturbed area is required 10 11 29 Main construction entrance moved from the north side to the east side of the SE portion of the site to facilitate proposed detention basin installation on the SE portion of the site 02 11 site 28 entrances stabilized with asphalt pavement and roadway sweeping completed and is in good condition 01 12 19 CLPSPF Randhurst LLCRandhurst Village January 19 2012 Page 3 of 3 Installed Rip Rap RR 4 over geotextile fabric at the discharge FES location in the detention basin at the northwest corner of the site monitor and enhancestabilize as needed in spring 2011 01 13110 Final stabilized NW comer of site adjacent to Sediment Basin with seed installation 10 blanket 05 seed blanket installation completed at all final graded areas 10 27110 Building construction ongoing on central portion of site Installed rock check dam around existing storm sewer inlet in the basement area of excavation at the SW corner of the site 09 14 10 rock check dam removed completed per plan 06 10 01 Installed 23 stone enhancement at two 2 construction entrances being utilized for ingressegress near the SW corner of the site work completed 07106109 Installed 2 3 stone Over geotextile fabric at construction entrance to dumpsite 01 09 monitor and enhancestabilize as needed 29 08110 maintenance completed 10 06 21 ADDITIONAL Rainfall Events During this reporting period January 07 2012 through January 19 2012 approximately 0 08 inches of precipitation was recorded near the project site There were zero 0 reportable rainfall events recorded 0 50 inches during the specified reporting period The precipitation information is obtained from weather for Mount Prospect Illinois and compared to recorded data from com an automated rain gage located in Buffalo Grove Illinois operated by LCSMC for reliability On the date of the inspection the temperature was 29 degrees F and windy Site discharge is controlled and there is no illicit site discharge observed during the current site inspection This is the final site inspection at the owner s request If you have any questions please contact me at 815 9704089 or e mail at ecci com rr Dwi eby Submit Da er CPESC CFM President ontrol a Consulting CC RO0 Se4er Ca90 LP Mm Rox ArcMe AMe Cl Pgecl Manager wa n ip CaAo LP via a mail o LCCC Pmj v e Manager 8 kMWeW YIIa9e 0 MOUnI Pws we ct mai Inc International Erosion Control Association a EROSION CONTROL CONSULTING INC 5401106th Street Pleasant Prairie WI 53158 8159704089 FX 262 9972073 ecci @wi com rr r FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT COMMUNITY Mount Prospect Illinois WATERSHED DesPlaines River Watershed PROJECT R Sandhurst Village TIME OF INSPECTION DATE 0 19 12 rt12 00pm ADDRESSLOCATION Southeast corner of Rand Road and Elmhurst Road NPDES PERMIT NO ILR10K567 renewed annually OBSERVER ECCI PD IN ATTENDANCE N A CERTIFIED COMMUNITY No ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Chuck Lindelof WEATHER CONDITIONS 29 E windy Village of Mount Prospect site is dry and accessible OBSERVATION NOTES Energy dissipation RR 4 required at all storm sewer outfall locations et the SEand NW detention facilities 01 12 19 Two 2 active construction areas are ongoing and proposed near the northern side of the property PctSmarthmrgoingatlbe north side of the property and a small stockpile is created near the NW corner of the site 1016 11 site work is on going 01119 12 0lonitor and scrapdclean or sweep parking areas and roadways as needed to remove any mud and sediment that has accumu lated maintenance is ongoing and adjacent roadways are mostly clean The AMC Theater area in the NE portion of the site has been completed An NOT Notice of Termination can be filed with the IEPA based on change of ownership if desired 06108111 Aspeciiied concrete wash out area should be utilised for concrete waste as needed on the PetSmart source Topsoil and material stockpile being utilized on site as respread located at the SE corner of the site just north of the Home De pot store parking lot silt fence has been removed 07 27 11 area is significantly stabilised with germination ongoing approx 70 Const coverage ruction entrances being utilised for ingress egress are existing asphalt pavement or additional binder material to mmi mire mud and sediment from frocking offsite routine sweeping recommended for dust control new entrance installed on the east side of SE portion of the site and the north entrance is closed to facilitate proposed detention basin installation site ingress egress locations maintalnetl to good condition 01 19112 Perimetersilt fence removed as required on the PetSmart site and along the western property line Monitor inlet protection on open grate storm sewers northern portion of the site and remove all inlet protection that is not longer needed to prevent backup during the winter months ESTIMATED TRIBUTARY AREA 100 AC 20 AC 100 AC 640AC ESTIMATED DISTURBED AREA Approximately 25 acres FLOODPLAM IMPACTED YES NO X FLOODWAY IMPACTED YES NO X WETLAND IMPACTED YES X VIOLATION OBSERVED YES NO X REINSPECTION REQ D YES X NO SE SC INSTALLED X NO International Eroslon Control Association YES CT ry W tz o N W a 5 O a 0 2 E ii o o z G O OO ON y p 5 d 4 y N x G O m o Q o c B w i m o h 0 0 L yr U y y 1 0Na v H STORM RELATED SERVICE REQUESTS 2011 0 SERVICE REQUEST CALL DATE SERVICE RE A 1452879 1812011 07 5403 CREEK 1453847 0811612011 5403 CREEK 202 E HIAWATHA TL 1454578 2011 09 5403 CREEK BURNING BUSH LN 1456788 03 2012 09 5403 CREEK 2003 HOPI LN 1456797 0310912012 S403 CREEK 1457023 2212012 03 S403 CREEK 580 SLAWIN CT 6 1450743 2011 04106 1451117 0510912011 S414 STREET CLEANING 1451408 2011 05131 5414 STREET CLEANING 421 WE GO TL 1451543 2011 06 5414 STREET CLEANING 11NWILLE ST 1451651 1312011 06 5414 STREET CLEANING EMERSON ST 1451680 2011 14 06 8414 STREET CLEANING 1418 ALTHEA LN 1452443 2011 07101 S414 STREET CLEANING 10ESUNSET RD 1452759 2011 12 07 5414 STREET CLEANING WLINCOLN ST 1452910 2011 19 07 5414 STREET CLEANING 300 HATLEN AV 1454769 14 09 2011 S414 STREET CLEANING 416N WILLE ST 1454790 2011 09115 5414 STREET CLEANING 1455567 1110112011 5414 STREET CLEANING 419N PINE ST 1455659 2011 08 11 414 STREET CLEANING 1505 GREENWOOD DR 1456421 2012 02102 S414 STREET CLEANING W GREGORY ST 1456558 2012 02120 S414 STREET CLEANING 317 SELMHURST AV 1456576 0212212012 S414 STREET CLEANING WGREGORY ST 1456690 0212912012 5414 5414 STREET CLEANING STREET CLEANING FOREST AV 401 DOUGLAS AV ECENTRAL RD 17 1450925 2212011 04 416 INLET 1451013 3012011 04 416 INLET 1451157 2011 12 05 5416 INLET 11 N ELM ST 1451231 0511812011 8416 INLET 1612 PARK DR 1451275 2011 05123 S416 INLET 501 EPROSPECT AV 1451284 2011 23 05 5416 1451319 0512512011 5416 INLET 1451324 2011 05125 5416 INLET 1451338 05012011 5416 INLET 1451351 05012011 5416 INLET INLET 1451475 0610212011 S416 INLET 1451476 022011 06 5416 INLET 1451477 2011 06102 5416 INLET 521 S EDWARD ST 1609 SITKA LN 1718 LAUREL DR 2003 CHINKAPIN OAK DR ISABELLA ST OWEN ST WILLIAM ST 1451478 2011 06102 5416 INLET 300 FAIRVIEW AV 1451479 2011 06102 5416 INLET 410 EASTWOOD AV 1451480 02 06 2011 5416 INLET 300 FAIRVIEWAV 1451481 2011 02 06 5416 INLET 410 EASTWOOD AV 1451501 02 06 2011 5416 INLET 2115 HAVEN ST 1451552 0712011 06 5416 INLET 1811 BONITAAV Page 1 of 5 SERVICE REQUEST CALL D ATE DD E REQUE C RVI SE 1451701 2011 14 06 S416 INLET 1453215 2011 26 07 5416 INLET 1453246 2011 27 07 5416 INLET COTTONWOOD LN 607SWILLE ST 412 EASTWOOD AV 1455186 2011 10106 5416 INLET 1455664 0812011 11 5416 INLET 115 5 KENILWORTH AV 1456589 2012 02123 S416 INLET 1450756 0812011 04 5417 FLOODING 1450880 2011 19 04 5417 FLOODING 511 S PINE ST 1103 IRONWOOD DR 300 N ELM ST 25 511 GEORGE ST 1450965 0412712011 S417 FLOODING 1450973 2011 27 04 5417 FLOODING GREENWOOD DR 1450995 2011 04129 5417 FLOODING 629 ALBION LN 1451320 0512512011 S417 FLOODING 1451322 0512512011 5417 FLOODING OWENST 1451323 2512011 05 5417 FLOODING 1811 PARK DR 1451325 2011 25 05 5417 FLOODING 1421 PARK DR 1451326 0512512011 5417 FLOODING 213 S WILLIAM ST 1451328 2011 25 05 5417 FLOODING 208S WILLIAM ST 1451329 2512011 05 5417 FLOODING 611 GEORGE ST 1451331 2512011 05 5417 1451330 2011 25 05 5417 FLOODING 1451333 0512512011 5417 FLOODING 402 S MT PROSPECT RD 1451334 2512011 05 5417 FLOODING 1100 W LINCOLN ST 1451337 2512011 05 5417 FLOODING IOKA AV SEE GWUN AV FLOODING 1451366 2612011 05 5417 FLOODING 1451375 0512612011 5417 FLOODING 401 N WILLE ST FAIRVIEW AV 1451428 2011 05131 5417 FLOODING 1451448 0112011 06 5417 FLOODING 101 EASTWOOD AV 1451449 0610112011 5417 FLOODING 1103 IRONWOOD DR 1451451 0112011 06 5417 FLOODING 1451452 0610112011 5417 FLOODING 1451456 2011 01 06 5417 FLOODING 300 STRATTON LN 1451463 2011 01 06 5417 FLOODING 200 S EDWARD ST 1451464 2011 01 06 5417 FLOODING 416 S MAPLE ST 1451465 2011 01 06 5417 FLOODING OWENST 1451470 2011 02 06 5417 FLOODING 1104 CHERRYWOOD DR 1451471 2011 02 06 5417 1451472 2011 02 06 5417 FLOODING ECOUNCIL TL 1451473 06102011 S417 FLOODING EDWARDST 1451474 2011 06102 5417 FLOODING EBERKSHIRE LN 1451482 0610212011 5417 FLOODING BIRCH DR 1451575 2011 09 06 S417 FLOODING 1451583 0912011 06 S417 FLOODING 5191OKA AV 1451608 2011 10 06 S417 FLOODING LANCASTER AV 1451609 2011 06110 S417 FLOODING GEORGEST 1451610 2011 10 06 S417 FLOODING WHEELING RD 1451623 0611012011 5417 FLOODING 1452993 0712312011 S417 FLOODING 310 HATLEN AV 1453041 0712312011 S417 FLOODING CAN DOTA AV 1453042 2011 23 07 5417 FLOODING GO WANDO AV FLOODING 7041OKA AV WILLE ST 304 E BERKSHIRE LN 219 S EDWARD ST Page 2 of 5 vnft 1453045 2011 23 07 5417 FLOODING 1453046 2312011 07 5417 FLOODING WHEELING RD 1453047 1453048 2011 23 07 5417 FLOODING ENORTHWEST HW 2312011 07 S417 FLOODING EEVERGREEN AV 1453051 2011 23 07 S417 FLOODING WTHAYER ST 1453109 2011 23 07 S417 FLOODING 909 CAN DOTA AV 1453114 0712312011 5417 FLOODING 1453133 2011 25 07 5417 FLOODING 711 WA PELLA AV 1453146 2512011 07 5417 FLOODING 311 FAIRVIEW AV 1453156 2011 07125 5417 FLOODING 2102 LAWRENCE LN 1453159 2011 07125 5417 FLOODING 1103 IRONWOOD DR 1453171 0712512011 5417 FLOODING 810 W MILBURN AV 1453225 2011 27 07 5417 FLOODING 711 WA PELLA AV 1453231 2011 27 07 5417 FLOODING 305 HATLEN AV 1453733 2011 08111 417 FLOODING 1480 S ELMHURST RD 1453923 2011 20 08 5417 FLOODING 1103 IRONWOOD DR 1453949 2212011 08 5417 FLOODING ALGONQUIN RD 1453951 2011 22 08 S417 FLOODING 1704 VERDE DR 1455405 2011 10117 S417 FLOODING 610 CAROL LN 1455648 0812011 11 5417 FLOODING 1211 WHEELING RD 1455651 0812011 11 5417 1455652 08 11 2011 5417 FLOODING 1455661 2011 11108 5417 FLOODING 501 SWILLIAM ST 511 FAIRVIEWAV FLOODING 1455669 2011 11109 5417 FLOODING 1455992 2011 12114 5417 2011 12114 5417 FLOODING 1455993 FLOODING RAND RD WILLE ST BONITAAV 401 N WILLE ST 1455994 1412011 12 5417 FLOODING 1455995 1412011 12 5417 FLOODING EMERSON ST 1455997 1412011 12 S417 FLOODING ELMHURSTAV 1455998 2011 12114 5417 FLOODING 109 N SCHOOL ST 1456009 1211512011 5417 FLOODING 1440 BLACKHAWK DR 1456031 2011 12119 S417 FLOODING BURNING BUSH LN 1457046 2012 03123 S417 FLOODING WMILBURN AV 1450915 0412112011 5418 118 N MAIN ST 1451248 0511912011 5418 MANHOLE 1451308 24 05 2011 5418 MANHOLE 1451484 06 2011 02 5418 MANHOLE 1451504 0312011 06 5418 MANHOLE 218 WE GO TL 1453087 2011 23 07 5418 MANHOLE PEACHTREE LN 1453090 2011 07123 5418 MANHOLE 414 CAN DOTA AV 1453101 2011 23 07 5418 MANHOLE 511 S OWEN ST 1453118 0712312011 5418 MANHOLE BUSSE RD 1453119 0712312011 5418 1453525 08 2011 05 5418 MANHOLE 1451 BLACKHAWK DR 76 MANHOLE MANHOLE LAVERGNE DR ELMHURST RD ROB RD 113 N SCHOOL ST 1454461 2011 09107 5418 1455514 2011 26 10 S418 MANHOLE ISABELLA ST 1457055 0312612012 5418 WAVERLY PL MANHOLE MANHOLE W GOLF RD 14 1450819 2011 04113 5422 DITCH EDGEWOODLN Page 3 of 5 SERVICE REQUEST CALL DATE DD SERVICE REQUEST DITCH 605 W RAND RD 1451342 2512011 05 S422 1451378 0512612011 S422 DITCH 421 BOBOLINK RD 1456921 2012 16 03 5422 DITCH 900 ARDYCE LN 4 1450949 2512011 04 S424 DETENTION RETENTION POND 1451290 2011 23 05 5424 DETENTION RETENTION POND 1453143 2011 07125 S424 DETENTION RETENTION POND 1453405 0312011 08 5424 DETENTION RETENTION POND 1720 MARTHA LN 1454864 2011 21 09 5424 DETENTION RETENTION POND 1005 NAWATA AV 1450716 0512011 04 5426 STORM SEWER 1441 BUSINESS CENTER DR 1450722 0410512011 5426 STORM SEWER 1205 IRONWOOD DR 1450852 2011 15 04 5426 STORM SEWER 211 1451302 05 2011 24 5426 STORM SEWER 213 S WILLIAM ST 1451355 2011 26 05 5426 STORM SEWER 411 GO WANDO AV 1451387 2712011 05 S426 STORM SEWER 1903 PAWNEE LN 1451404 2011 31 05 S426 STORM SEWER 2103 SEMINOLE LN 3112011 05 S426 STORM SEWER 219 S EDWARD ST 216 WIMBOLTON DR LAWRENCE LN 5 1451411 FAIRVIEWAV 1451507 0610312011 5426 STORM SEWER 1612 PARK DR 1451508 0610312011 5426 STORM SEWER 1807 ARALIA DR 1451792 2011 21 06 5426 STORM SEWER 411 DOUGLAS AV 1452159 2011 23 06 5426 STORM SEWER 1425 W ALGONQUIN RD 1452754 1212011 07 5426 STORM SEWER 628 S EDWARD ST 1452875 1812011 07 5426 STORM SEWER 109 W SUNSET RD 1452991 0712312011 5426 STORM SEWER 318N ELMHURST AV 2312011 07 S426 STORM SEWER 623 PROSPECT MANOR AV 1453035 2011 W LINCOLN ST 1453071 0712312011 5426 STORM SEWER 1453129 2011 07125 S426 STORM SEWER 1453145 2011 25 07 5426 STORM SEWER 1453176 2512011 07 5426 STORM SEWER 1453186 2011 26 07 5426 STORM SEWER 1453238 2712011 07 5426 STORM SEWER 1453251 2712011 07 S426 STORM SEWER 919 NAWATA AV 1453253 2011 07127 S426 STORM SEWER 917 NAWATA AV 1453342 0810112011 5426 STORM SEWER 724 CRESTWOOD LN 1453352 0810212011 5426 STORM SEWER 1332 MALLARD LN 1453445 2011 03 08 5426 STORM SEWER 701 EASTMAN DR 1453476 0810412011 5426 STORM SEWER 300 S EDWARD ST 1453552 2011 08 06 5426 STORM SEWER 1453561 2011 08108 8426 STORM SEWER 1714 PHEASANT TL 1453574 2011 08 5426 STORM SEWER 1709 BONITA AV 1453579 0812011 08 S426 STORM SEWER BUSINESS CENTER DR 1453628 081092011 5426 STORM SEWER 903 PALM DR 19 N LANCASTER ST 1418 BURNING BUSH LN 208 N MAIN ST 10 S MT PROSPECT RD 903 WILLOW LN LANCASTER ST 1453633 2011 08109 5426 STORM SEWER 1453647 0912011 08 5426 STORM SEWER 1453651 2011 08109 5426 STORM SEWER 1453685 2011 10 08 S426 STORM SEWER 1453752 1212011 08 5426 1453918 2011 08119 426 STORM SEWER 1220 W SUNSET RD 1453948 2212011 08 S426 STORM SEWER 300 SELMHURST AV STORM SEWER 1605 ESTATES DR 1312 TAMARACK DR 200 W NORTHWEST HW E CENTRAL RD Page 4 of 5 1453973 2011 23 08 S426 STORM SEWER 2129 HAVEN ST 1454116 2011 26 08 5426 STORM SEWER 1725 CRYSTAL LN 1454811 2011 19 09 5426 STORM SEWER 1454914 232011 09 S426 STORM SEWER 1454919 2011 26 09 5426 STORM SEWER 403 N PINE ST 1454973 2011 27 09 5426 STORM SEWER 118 S LANCASTER ST 1455207 0712011 10 5426 STORM SEWER 1455255 101072011 5426 STORM SEWER 1713 PHEASANT TL 1455291 2011 10110 5426 STORM SEWER 2112W LINCOLN ST 1455508 26 10 2011 5426 1455667 2011 08 11 5426 STORM SEWER 1455790 172011 11 5426 STORM SEWER 1455948 2011 07 12 S426 STORM SEWER 1456735 03 2012 05 5426 STORM SEWER 212 MAC ARTHUR BL STORM SEWER 310 N MAPLE ST 116 S LANCASTER ST 1400 S BUSSE RD 300 S WILLIAM ST 12 N PINE ST 612 ORIOLE LN 311 HI LUSI AV 1456915 03 426 STORM SEWER 1804 W CENTRAL RD 1457008 03 21 2012 9426 STORM SEWER 1007 ASH DR 1457042 2312012 03 5426 STORM SEWER 406 SEE GWUN AV 57 204 Page 5 of 5 Distribution of Printed Materials Log Title of Publication Publication Topic SWANCC EIist Current SWANCCP ANCC at Home Pick U Com uter Re Distribution Method rams Ouanti Outreach Events Website Mailin s clin WebsiteOutreach EventeMlailin s ANCC Prescription DrugSharps Dia IP Presol ticn Dm ram DompaIX Fluorescent Light CFI Bulb Racyching P ram Shares Dis Fluorescent B CFL Bulb R al Websitel0ulreach EVentvMailin s clin Outreach Events Website Mailins Solid Waste Services Brochure Solid Waste Refuse Rules WebsiteOutreach Events Mailins The Trees of Mount Pros sect Tree lnformatlen Guide WebsiteOutreach EventsMtailin s Information General Recycling Guidelines WebsitelOutreach EvernMtailin s Electronics Recycing Recycling program Flyer Permanent Electronic Dro WebsiteOutreach EventeNlelin s SWANCC Community Awamnees Recycling Etc off Locations Overview of Various Rec clin Pr rams Website Outreach Evente Mailins A resource guide for items not destined for the SWANCC Green Pa es landfill Pollutants Their Sources and Impacts Guitle on Pollutants Catch Basin Care Protection Guide of Waterva s WebsiteOutreach Events Solitl Waste Additional Recycling hums Pe Solid Waste Additional Rec Pr rams SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTATION 4 F 1 WebsiteADutreach Events Mailins blin s Website Outreach EventslMailins Data Staff Distnbuted Initials SWANCC SWANCC is dedicated to providing resources and programs to assist residents with reusing, recycling or disposing of waste in an environmentally-friendly manner. SWANCC’s At Home Computer Pickup Program is available to all SWANCC-area residents (see list of member communities inside). • Convenient program cost is only $30.00 • Visit to schedule a pickup • Put your items outside on the assigned pickup day with signage • It’s that easy! Programs Battery Recycling CFL Bulb Recycling Document Destruction Events SWANCC pickup program Electronics Recycling Permanent Drop-Off Sites One-Day Events At Home Pickup Program Holiday Lights Recycling Mercury Thermometer Recycling Pharmaceuticals and Sharps Disposal Trashy Fashions Project Resources Books and Media for Loan Closing the Loop Brochure Eco-Cleaning Guide Eco-Friendly Marketplace Guide Eco-Landscaping Guide Elist for Educators Elist for Residents Green Pages Directory Recycling Etc. Community Newsletter SWANCC encourages recycling or donating materials to reduce waste and potentially harmful materials going to landfills as much as possible -whenever possible. at HOME Waste Reduction Solutions Brochure Only residents that live in a SWANCC member community are eligible to participate in the Agency’s programs. Resources can be downloaded at Do you have old computer and electronic equipment piling up in your home office or basement? Recycle it! Contact SWANCC by emailing or call (847) 724-9205. For more information or to schedule a pickup, visit Convenient. Reliable. Earth-friendly. SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF NORTHERN COOK COUNTY Printed on recycled paper. Only $30.00 for convenient at your door pickup! Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, it is estimated that billions of consumer The $30.00 fee allows for 6 items per pickup which offsets program costs. • No individual item can exceed 50 pounds • Cell phones and calculators are accepted but do not count as an “item”. Since 1999, SWANCC has provided environmentally-responsible recycling for computers and electronics. According to the Illinois Product Recycling and Reuse Act (PA 97-0287), as of January 1, 2012, the following items are prohibited from being thrown away in the garbage: Convenient. Acceptable Materials: • Cable Receivers • Computers (including tablets) • Digital Converter Boxes • DVD Players/Recorders • Electronic Mice • Electronic Keyboards • Facsimle Machines • Monitors • Portable Digital Music Players • Printers • Satellite Receivers • Scanners • Small Scale Servers • Televisions • Video Game Consoles • Videocassette Recorders Reliable. Print Cartridges Postage Machines Power Tools/Cords Refrigerators Shredders Software Stereo Equipment Telephones Toasters Typewriters Vacuum Cleaners All materials in SWANCC’s program will be dismantled domestically and recycled by an ISO 14001 and 9001 certified contractor. Due to these recycling efforts, natural resources and energy are conserved, materials are recovered or disposed of in a safe manner as well as saving landfill space. For additional information regarding reuse and recycling programs for computers and electronics or other materials, visit SWANCC’s “Green Pages” online at Unacceptable Materials: Air Conditioners Answering Machines Blenders Calculators Camcorders CDs/DVDs (Games) Copy Machines Dehumidifiers Digital Cameras Home Appliances Humidifiers Microwaves electronics will be scrapped during the rest of this decade. Because there are both potentially harmful and recoverable materials in computers and electronic equipment, recycling old equipment is the responsible thing to do. Earth-friendly. Do not just throw it all away because you can – think before you throw and make a difference! To be eligible to participate you must: • Live in a SWANCC member community • Have street level access to front door SWANCC Communities computer pick-up Arlington Heights Mount Prospect Barrington Niles Buffalo Grove Palatine Elk Grove Village Park Ridge Evanston Prospect Heights Glencoe Rolling Meadows Glenview Skokie Hoffman Estates South Barrington Inverness Wheeling Kenilworth Wilmette Lincolnwood Winnetka Morton Grove SWANCC’s At Home pickup program is easy as 1, 2, 3! Step 1 Schedule a pickup by visiting Step 2 Place electronic and computer equipment without packaging on the front porch or steps by 7:30 am on scheduled day of pickup. Step 3 Tag equipment with signage provided by SWANCC. SWANCC SWANCC provides a disposal program for prescription drug waste called the Prescription Drug/Sharps Disposal Program to: Programs Battery Recycling CFL Bulb Recycling Document Destruction Events Electronics Recycling Permanent Drop-Off Sites One-Day Events At Home Pick-Up Holiday Lights Recycling Mercury Thermometer Recycling • Ensure environmental safety • Guard against potential theft SWANCC Prescription Drug/ Sharps Disposal Program Pharmaceuticals and Sharps Disposal Shoe Reuse and Recycling Trashy Fashions Project associated with disposing of old medications • For residentially-generated unused prescriptions, expired over-the-counter drugs, and needles known as “sharps” • No commercial or institutional waste will be accepted • No pharmaceutical controlled substances will be accepted Resources Books and Media for Loan Closing the Loop Brochure Eco-Cleaning Guide Eco-Friendly Marketplace Guide Eco-Friendly Fashion Show – for loan Elist for Educators Elist for Residents Green Pages Directory Recycling Etc. Community Newsletter Waste Reduction Solutions Brochure Only residents that live in a SWANCC member community are eligible to participate in the Visit, call SWANCC at (847) 724-9205 or email Agency’s programs. Resources can be downloaded at Contact SWANCC by emailing or call (847) 724-9205. for participating disposal locations. Do not flush old medications or put down the drain. SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF NORTHERN COOK COUNTY Printed on recycled paper. Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (847) 724-9205 This program is for residents that live in one of SWANCC’s 23 member communities. No prescription drugs or sharps from businesses, schools or hospitals will be accepted. IDs will be checked for verification of residency. General tips: • Prescription drugs that are more than a year old should be disposed of properly. • Turn in non-prescription medicines without an expiration date that are more than six months old. •Keep pharmaceuticals in their original containers with labels to identify contents. •Sharps need to be placed in a rigid container with a sealed lid. A new sharps container will be provided. For Your Information Dangers of medicine in the water system Recent research conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Geological Survey found substantial amounts of antibiotics and steroidal hormones in rivers, lakes and wells from samples analyzed in 36 states. For more information, visit Dangers of needles in trash According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, each year, 8 million people use more than 3 billion needles, syringes, and lancets, also called sharps, to manage medical conditions at home. Some sharps users throw their used needles in the trash or flush them down the toilet. Used sharps left loose among other waste can hurt sanitation workers during collection rounds, at sorting and recycling facilities and at landfills, or become lodged in equipment, forcing workers to remove them by hand. Acceptable Items: Unused/Expired prescription medications Prescription cough syrup Prescription ear drops and eye drops Expired over-the-counter medications Residential sharps (needles/syringes) Children, adults and even pets are also at risk for needle-stick injuries when sharps are disposed improperly at home or in public settings. For more information, visit Unacceptable Items: Evanston Glencoe Glenview Hoffman Estates Inverness Kenilworth Lincolnwood Morton Grove Mount Prospect Niles Palatine Park Ridge Prospect Heights Wilmette Winnetka Program may be restricted to respective community’s residents only. Please visit for a listing of participating locations. Danny’s diabetes Miranda’s strep throat Peter’s ulcer Darryl’s migraines Helen’s arthritis 2001 Elk Grove Village Wheeling WHAT IS IN YOUR MEDICINE CABINET? 2000 Buffalo Grove South Barrington For sources of facts and information, visit Tobin’s ear infection Barrington Skokie Any resident that lives in a SWANCC-member community and administers home injections is eligible to receive a 1 quart sharps container. Go to the designated prescription drug drop-off site in your community to request one. *Visit for a list of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regulated pharmaceuticals. Arlington Heights Rolling Meadows Personal Sharps Containers Pharmaceutical Controlled Substances* Institutional or business waste Non-prescription liquids Household Chemical Waste SWANCC Communities SWANCC’s Disposal Program 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Niles Palatine Park Ridge Prospect Heights Rolling Meadows Skokie South Barrington Wheeling Wilmette Winnetka Barrington Buffalo Grove Elk Grove Village Evanston Glencoe Glenview Hoffman Estates Inverness Kenilworth Lincolnwood information details. Visit for drop-off locations and Morton Grove Mount Prospect Arlington Heights member community households. Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) from SWANCC- is for residentially-generated spent Compact The SWANCC-sponsored recycling program SWANCC Member Communities Printed on recycled paper. SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF NORTHERN COOK COUNTY or call (847) 724-9205. at Contact SWANCC by emailing Agency’s programs. Resources can be downloaded community are eligible to participate in the Only residents that live in a SWANCC member Waste Reduction Solutions Brochure Recycling Etc. Community Newsletter Green Pages Directory Elist for Residents Elist for Educators Eco-Friendly Fashion Show – for loan Eco-Friendly Marketplace Guide Eco-Cleaning Guide Closing the Loop Brochure Books and Media for Loan Resources Trashy Fashions Project Shoe Reuse and Recycling Pharmaceuticals and Sharps Disposal Mercury Thermometer Recycling Holiday Lights Recycling At Home Pick-Up One-Day Events Permanent Drop-Off Sites Electronics Recycling Document Destruction Events CFL Bulb Recycling Battery Recycling Programs (847) 724-9205 Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulb Recycling Program Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County Used CFLs should be disposed of properly using the guidelines stated above, please visit for details. CFLs are made of glass tubing and can break if dropped or roughly handled. Be careful when removing the lamp from its packaging, installing it or replacing it. Always screw and unscrew the lamp by its base and never forcefully twist the CFL into a light socket by its tubes. Should I be concerned about using CFLs in my home? CFLs are safe to use in your home. No mercury is released when the bulbs are in use and they pose no danger to you or your family when used properly. There is currently no substitute for mercury in CFLs; however, manufacturers have taken significant steps to reduce mercury used in their fluorescent lighting products over the past decade. To locate ther nearest drop-off location and hours of operation for CFLs in your community, visit What should I do with a CFL when it burns out? Like paint, batteries, thermostats and other hazardous household items, CFLs should be disposed of properly. Do CFLs contain mercury? CFLs contain about 5 milligrams (mg) of mercury sealed within the glass tubing. In comparison, an older oral thermometer contains 700 mg of mercury, 140 times the amount in a CFL. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Information and resources on all sources of mercury can be found at CFL RESOURCES Learn more about saving energy and recycling by visiting and HOW DO I PARTICIPATE IN SWANCC’S CFL PROGRAM? Only residents that live in a SWANCC member community are eligible to participate. Visit for a list of SWANCCmember communities that are providing a drop-off location for CFLs. Some will accept 4 foot fluorescent lamps. Bring spent bulbs in a zip-lock-type baggie for extra protection to a drop-off location during designated hours. Each CFL contains a small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing – an average of 5 milligrams (roughly equivalent to the tip of a ball-point pen). Mercury poses potential health risks, therefore the CFLs should not be disposed of in the garbage if there is a recycling option. DANGERS OF CFLs This information is taken from the Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. ▪ CFLs reduce air pollution for a cleaner environment. If every IL household replaced one incandescent bulb with an 18-watt CFL, the results would be equivalent to: … removing 294,000 tons of carbon emissions from the air; … planting 39.4 million trees; … removing over 74,000 vehicles from Illinois roads each year. ▪ CFLs produce about 70% less heat than standard incandescent bulbs and are cool to the touch. ▪ Each CFL bulb can save you at least $25 in energy costs over the life of the bulb. ▪ They produce the same amount of light, but use 2/3 less energy and last 10 times longer. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends the use of CFLs when compared to incandescent bulbs for the following reasons: BENEFITS OF COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTBULBS Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFL) For more information about SWANCC and its many school and community programs and special material collections or events, visit, email or call the Agency at (847) 724-9205. Do not miss out on upcoming program opportunities and recyling events sponsored by SWANCC. Be on SWANCC’s Elist and receive Agency information. Sign up online at SWANCC ELIST Tips to Clean Up a Broken CFL 1. If possible, open a window in the room for ventilation. 2. Sweep up the broken glass fragments and fine particles with a piece of cardboard and a damp paper towel. 3. Contain broken glass, cardboard and paper towel in a zip lock bag, then place in a brown bag marked “broken glass”. 4. Place the double bags with above contents in the outside garbage can – do not sweep up or vacuum debris or put it in an inside garbage compactor. Tips to Remove and Replace a CFL • Turn light switch off before removing the bulb • Unscrew the bulb by holding the plastic or ceramic base, not the glass tubing • Do not over-tighten bulb when replacing • Never forcefully twist the glass tubing • Consider placing a towel underneath area where CFL is being changed • Do not use CFLs in locations where lamps can be knocked over The following tips are provided by the EPA and can be found at 1700 West Central Road Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Phone: 847/870-5640 E-Mail: Web Site: Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Department - TIME Environment Challenge “Throughout history, many great civilizations have been buried, none, however, by their own garbage.” The Village Board of Trustees would like to thank the residents of Mount Prospect for their waste reduction efforts and working toward a safe and healthy environment. 01/12 • Curbside Refuse Collection • Curbside Recycling Collection • Yard Waste Collection • Multi-family Collection Residential Guide to: Solid Waste Services Mount Prospect Village of Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Page 19 It is unlawful for any individual, firm or corporation to deposit refuse and/or yard waste on either private or public property, including residential/commercial dumpsters and Village receptacles, other than that authorized for the individual. This will be strictly enforced; a fine may be imposed. “Fly Dumping” Please contact Public Works (847-870-5640) for a current listing of businesses accepting used car batteries, tires and motor oil. State law prohibits the disposal of car batteries, tires and motor oil. Therefore, car batteries, tires and motor oil are not collected by the refuse hauler. However, residents have several options for proper disposal of car batteries, tires and motor oil. A number of businesses in the area will accept these materials for recycling, charges may apply. Car Batteries, Tires, Motor Oil • Dispose of only empty containers in the household refuse. • Recycle through reuse by giving unused portions to neighbors or community organizations who will use the product; i.e. paints, cleaning products, etc. • Recycle products that can be remanufactured for reuse; i.e. motor oil, automobile batteries. • Solidified latex paint can be disposed of in household refuse. Use absorbents like kitty litter to solidify latex paint. • Take unused household hazardous waste to a permanent collection facility or a one-day collection. Visit the Village’s website at www.mountprospect. org to find out more. When improperly stored or disposed of, household wastes threaten human health or cause environmental contamination. Please follow these rules to properly dispose of hazardous materials. Household hazardous waste, such as chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, oil, paint, varnishes, strippers and similar items are not allowed in landfills and thus are not collected as part of the Village’s solid waste collection program. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE Page 18 Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Multi-family properties are responsible for the collection and disposal of all yard waste generated at the properties. Each property may contract independently for landscaping service or they can contact ARC (847-981-0091) for details regarding yard waste collection at multi-family properties. Yard Material Questions regarding your property’s participation should be directed to the owner/property manager. Residents residing in properties without the centralized program are encouraged to contact Public Works (847-870-5640) to obtain information about drop off locations. Recycling carts containing refuse and/or plastic bags will not be collected. If the placement of refuse and/or plastic bags is an ongoing problem and no solution can be arrived at by the property manager and the Village, the program may be discontinued. Recyclables are collected in 95 gallon wheeled carts. Please check with the property owner/manager for the location of the wheeled carts. The Village provides centralized recycling services to any multi-family property choosing to participate. The same materials collected in the curbside collection program are also collected at multi-family properties. Please refer to the recycling section under Single-family Collection beginning on page 3 for proper preparation of recyclables. The Village of Mount Prospect encourages residents to reduce, reuse and recycle. While the Village provides an extensive recycling program, residents should be aware that purchasing habits can reduce the amount of waste generated. Recycling MULTI-FAMILY COLLECTION (Centralized Collection) Fly Dumping ..............................................................................................19 Car Batteries, Tires, Motor Oil ................................................................19 Household Hazardous Waste .................................................................19 Refuse, Bulk Items, Appliances, Construction Debris, Christmas Trees, Recycling, Yard Material General Guidelines ...................................................................................17 Multi-family Collection (Centralized Collection) Back Door Service, White Good Collection (appliances) Special Services ..........................................................................................16 Yard Waste Collection ..............................................................................14 Set Out and Removal Times, Holiday Schedule, Cart “Do’s and Don’ts” General Guidelines ...................................................................................12 Leaf Collection Schedule......................................................................... 10 Leaf Collection .............................................................................................9 Electronics Waste Ban.................................................................................8 Move-in Collection......................................................................................7 Christmas Tree Collection .........................................................................7 Construction Debris/Large Limbs...........................................................7 Bulk Items .....................................................................................................6 Brush .............................................................................................................6 Recycling.......................................................................................................3 Refuse/Garbage ..........................................................................................3 Basic Residential Services ..........................................................................3 Single-Family Collection (Curbside Collection) Curbside Collection Schedule ...................................................................2 Introduction..................................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Page 17 Clean (no tinsel, ornaments or lights) Christmas trees will be collected on your regular scheduled collection day. Christmas trees are not to be placed in plastic bags. Christmas wreaths will be collected on your regular scheduled collection day with refuse. There is no additional charge for this service. Christmas Trees Refuse containers are to be used for household residential waste only. Owners/ managers are to make arrangements for special collection of debris from construction projects at the properties. Construction Debris Residential appliances will not be collected as regular refuse. See page 14, Residential Appliances, for disposal instructions. Residential Appliances Large items such as furniture, bedding, etc. (see the Single-family collection bulk item list on page 6) should be placed next to the refuse container. Small amounts of properly prepared carpeting only. Bulk Items All residential garbage must be placed inside the refuse container(s). Bags and other loose debris should not be set next to the container. To minimize this problem please: • Do not send small children to dispose of refuse; they may not be able to open the container lid or reach the container. • Do not throw garbage over the enclosure surrounding the container. Place the garbage directly inside the refuse container. • Refuse container lids must be closed after placing refuse in the container(s). Refuse The Public Works Department works with the owner/manager from each property and ARC Disposal in providing residents with centralized collection of solid waste. However, the residents are ultimately responsible for the proper disposal of their solid waste. General Guidelines MULTI-FAMILY COLLECTION (Centralized Collection) Page 16 Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Residents with large quantities of refuse/debris may contact ARC (847-981-0091) directly for an estimate. Payment to ARC must be made at the time of service. Special Collection and Disposal Services • At the time of purchase, arrange for the retailer to remove the old appliance upon delivery of the new appliance. • Contact ARC Disposal (847-981-0091) for curbside removal. Charges do apply. • Payment for collection must be made to ARC Disposal at the time of service. • Per state law, refrigerator/freezer doors must be removed, or latches broken. Residents have several options for the collection and disposal of residential appliances: State law (July 1, 1994) prohibits the landfilling of large residential appliances or “white goods.” Therefore, large residential appliances are not collected as bulk items. It is the responsibility of the resident to ensure proper collection and disposal. Examples would include but are not limited to: water heaters, refrigerators, ovens, washer/dryer, window air conditioning unit. Residential Appliances (white goods) ARC Disposal offers back door service for collection of refuse, recycling and yard material. Charges apply. ARC bills the resident directly for this service. Call ARC (847-981-0091) for further details. Back Door Service Special Services SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Page 1 Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM to 4:30PM 1700 West Central Road Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Phone (847) 870-5640 TDD (847) 392-1235 Village’s Web Site: Public Works Email: Public Works Department Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM 2101 South Busse Road Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Phone (847) 981-0091 ARC Disposal & Recycling Company, Inc. Please keep this brochure for future reference, as knowing this information will help you have trouble free service. ARC Disposal has been the exclusive residential hauler for the Village since August of 1991. The new contract with ARC is effective January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2015. The Village’s exclusive residential solid waste contract provides services to both single-family residences (curbside collection) and multi-family (centralized refuse containers). The Public Works Department administers the Solid Waste Contract and serves as the liaison between the resident and the refuse hauler. The Village of Mount Prospect has a comprehensive Solid Waste Management program that promotes waste reduction and resource recovery. The Village’s residential solid waste services are paid through property taxes, an annual direct charge and user fees. INTRODUCTION Page 2 Village of Mount Prospect Public Works CURBSIDE COLLECTION SCHEDULE Bowen Ace Hardware 1753 W. Golf Road, Mount Prospect 24 N. Dryden Place, Arlington Heights The most current list can be found at Jewel Food Stores 333 East Euclid, Mount Prospect 819 S. Elmhurst, Des Plaines Dominick’s 1042 S. Elmhurst Road Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Page 15 • Once a week pick-up on regular scheduled collection day. • Use of a 95 gallon wheeled cart. • Collection between April 1 and December 15 (dates subject to change). • Annual fee includes the wheeled cart rental, collection and disposal. • Resident arranges for service and payment directly with ARC (847-981-0091). Households producing a large amount of yard waste may be interested in the Village’s optional yard waste subscription service. The program has an annual fee, paid directly to ARC, that includes the use of a 95 gallon wheeled cart. Yard Waste Subscription Service Public Works 1700 W. Central Village Hall 50 S. Emerson The Village yard waste stickers ($2.25 in 2010) and decals (free) can be purchased at the following locations: Sticker Purchases and Decals Yard waste that is not properly prepared will not be collected. Improperly prepared yard waste must be removed from the parkway and be stored on the resident’s property. Yard waste must be prepared properly and set at the curb the next week for collection. • Yard waste mixed with garbage. • Yard waste containing dirt, rocks, wood chips, sod with attached soil, fruits and vegetables. • The above items are considered garbage and should be disposed of with your regular garbage. Non-Acceptable Yard Waste • Grass clippings, leaves, weeds, brush and twigs. Acceptable Yard Waste SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) Page 14 If you are using a compost bag to dispose of yard waste, you only need to attach a pre-paid Village sticker. Compost Bag r cke Sti 30 Gal. ge illa dV pai Pre Village of Mount Prospect Public Works If you are using a rigid container for yard waste, you need to attach a prepaid village sticker AND a Yard Material Decal. Rigid Container 32 Gallon YARD MATERIAL • Bags must be biodegradable. • Bags cannot exceed 32 gallon capacity. • Bags cannot exceed 50 pounds. • Plastic bags cannot be used to dispose of yard waste. Bag Specifications • Rigid containers cannot exceed 32 gallon capacity. • Rigid containers cannot exceed 50 pounds. Container Specifications • All rigid containers and biodegradable bags placed at the curb containing yard waste must have a Village yard waste sticker (user fee) attached. • Rigid containers must have a Village yard waste decal affixed in addition to the Village yard waste sticker. Procedure for Disposing of Yard Waste Recycling: One 35, 65 or 95 gallon blue wheeled cart (provided by Village) Brush Bundles: Unlimited Collection Bulk Items: Unlimited Collection Christmas Tree Collection Move-in Debris Collection Leaf Collection: Curbside Collection of Loose Leaves and Extended Collection of Bagged Leaves • • • • • • Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Page 3 Recycling does not need to be separated. All approved recyclables can be placed in the provided recycling cart. One 35, 65 or 95 gallon BLUE wheeled cart for refuse service (provided by the Village) The wheeled carts are the property of the Village and are to be left at the residence when an owner vacates. Recycling If your current refuse cart is not meeting your needs please contact Public Works to discuss options available to you. For refuse only - all trash must be placed in the cart. Any trash outside of the cart that is not on the approved bulk item list (see page 6) will not be collected. Please call Public Works at (847-870-5640) for a special pick-up (charges may apply). One 35, 65 or 95 gallon GREEN wheeled cart for refuse service (provided by the Village). The wheeled carts are the property of the Village and are to be left at the residence when an owner vacates. Refuse/Garbage Refuse/Garbage: One 35, 65 or 95 gallon green wheeled cart (provided by Village) • The following is a list of the basic residential services provided as part of the Village’s contract with ARC Disposal. Basic Residential Services Yard Waste Collection (April 1 - December 15 - Dates subject to change) Yard waste collection is a user fee based service requiring a Village yard waste sticker be purchased for every unit of yard waste placed at the curb. Yard waste can be placed at the curb in either 32 gallon rigid containers or 32 gallon biodegradable bags. The following rules apply to yard waste collection: SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) Page 4 Corrugated Cardboard Mixed Paper Newspaper Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Cardboard that has been soiled with food is not acceptable. Please place cardboard in the blue wheeled cart. Cardboard should be prepared in a manner that allows the cart lid to close. The following items are not acceptable: inserts from cereal boxes, waterproof paper bags, plastic wrap, water softener salt bags, pet food bags, mixed paper soiled with food. Please place mixed paper in the blue wheeled cart. Includes junk mail, magazines, envelopes, flyers, school papers, cereal/cracker boxes, copy paper, computer paper, shredded paper, catalogs, frozen food boxes, paper grocery bags, paperboard beverage cartons, telephone books. Please place newspapers loosely in the blue wheeled cart. Please do not bundle newspaper. Includes flyers, comics, inserts, etc. The following is a list of recyclables accepted. The most current recyclable list can be found on the Village’s website While the Village provides an extensive recycling program, residents should be aware that purchasing habits can reduce the amount of waste generated. Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Page 13 All other materials (yard waste, bulk items, bundled brush, construction material, white goods, etc.) placed at the curb for disposal should be placed on the parkway next to the wheeled carts. Do not place any material for disposal in front of the wheeled carts. Placement of material in front of the carts will prevent the hauler from collecting refuse and recycling carts. Yard Waste, Bulk Items, White Goods, etc. Village Code regulates where refuse, recycling and yard waste containers may be stored. • Carts or yard waste containers can be stored along the side, rear or in the garage of a property. • Carts or containers cannot be stored in front of the property. Carts stored on the driveway in front of the garage or in the front yard are a violation of Village Code. • Corner houses may not place receptacles in a corner or exterior side yard unless receptacles are completely screened from adjacent street by permanent fence or dense planting. Cart Storage Wheeled Cart Placement Don’ts • Carts should not be placed in the street. • Cart lids should not be open. • Items should not be placed on top of the closed lid. • Do not place items (white goods, bulk items, yard waste) in front of the carts. Wheeled Cart Placement Do’s • Carts should be placed on the driveway apron at the curb line or on the parkway. • Carts should be placed for collection with the handle facing away from the street. • Carts should be placed at the curb with a two (2) foot separation between the carts. • Cart lids must be closed. Refuse and recycling wheeled carts must be placed at the curb on your scheduled collection day to be collected. Cart Placement General Guidelines (continued) Recycling (continued) The Village of Mount Prospect encourages residents to reduce, reuse and recycle. SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day (July 4th) Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Page 12 Village of Mount Prospect Public Works If New Year’s, Independence, or Christmas Day fall on a Saturday, there will be no disruption to the collection schedule. If the Holiday falls on Sunday, the Holiday will be observed on Monday. Refuse collection will be delayed one day with Monday’s collection occurring on Tuesday, Tuesday will be on Wednesday, etc. The following week will return to the regular collection schedule. If a Holiday falls on a weekday or is observed on a weekday and your regular scheduled pick-up is on that day or after, your pick-up will be delayed by one day. Friday pick-ups will be done on Saturday. The following week will return to the regular collection schedule. • • • • • • There will be no collection on the following Holidays: Holiday Collection Schedule Improperly prepared refuse, recyclables, yard material, etc. will not be collected. Materials that are not collected due to non-compliance must be removed from the parkway and stored on the resident’s property. Material must be prepared properly and set at the curb the next week for collection. If the refuse hauler misses your collection, it will be picked up the next working day. Please call ARC Disposal at (847-981-0091) to report the missed pick-up. Missed Collection Refuse and recycling wheeled carts and yard waste containers must be removed from the parkway the same day as scheduled collection. Refuse, recycling, yard waste, bulk items, etc. can be placed at the curb as early as 4:30PM the day before collection and no later than 6:30AM of the collection day. Late set outs will not be collected until the following week. Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Mixed Recylcables Page 5 Remember, even though an item may have the recycling symbol or be identified as recyclable, if it is not on the list of acceptable materials collected in Mount Prospect then it is not recyclable through the curbside program. No plastic bags will be accepted. Plastic bags are often returnable to the stores where purchase was made. Please check with individual store for their return policy. Rinse all items. Flatten all milk, water jugs and plastic beverage containers. Place all mixed recyclables in blue wheeled cart. Also included are wax/polycoated “gable topped” beverage containers (milk cartons, juice boxes, juice cartons) and six/twelve pack rings. The following items are included as mixed recyclables: Glass bottles and jars (clear, green or brown), steel/tin/bi-metal cans (including empty aerosol cans), aluminum cans, aluminum foil/pie tins (free of food), plastic containers identified by the following codes (check container): Recycling (continued) General Guidelines Collection Set Out Times SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) Exercise Equipment Toilets (tank and bowl need to be separated) Propane Cylinders (empty of gas) Water Softeners (empty of salt) Large Toys Lawn Care Equipment Microwave Ovens Mattresses/Box Springs Bicycles Snowblowers/Shovels Barbecue Grills Plumbing Fixtures Furniture Carpet Rolls (no longer than 5 feet) Swing Sets (5 foot lengths) Page 6 Village of Mount Prospect Public Works This is not an exhaustive list of bulk items. If you do not see your item on the list, please contact the Public Works Department to see if it will be collected as a bulk item. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bulk items are collected weekly on your regular scheduled collection day. Collection is provided at no additional charge and there is no limit on the number of items that can be placed at the curb next to your wheeled carts. The following is a list of approved bulk items: Bulk Items (unlimited) Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Leaf Pick-Up Schedule Brush Bundles (unlimited) Residents may set out an unlimited number of properly prepared bundles of brush. Properly prepared brush bundles will be collected at no cost; no sticker is required. • Brush bundles are collected at no cost on your regular scheduled collection day. • Tree limbs must not exceed 3.5 inches in diameter. • Brush must be bundled: Bundles not to exceed 50 pounds. Bundles not to exceed five (5) feet in length. Bundles must be secured with a biodegradable material (cloth or twine); no wire or plastic. • Bundles must be placed on the parkway next to your wheeled carts. SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) Page 11 Page 10 • • • Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Leaves must be placed in biodegradable compost bags. Each bag must not exceed 50 pounds. No Village yard waste sticker is required. Bagged leaf collection occurs on the resident’s regular scheduled refuse collection day. Leaves must be prepared in the following manner: The extended leaf collection program allows residents to set out bagged leaves from the end of the loose leaf program through December 15. Extended Collection • Leaves should be raked onto the street in a long pile. • The pile should be placed approximately one (1) foot from the curb. • Leaves should be placed at the curb the day before scheduled pick-up. • Do not place grass, rocks, plants, sod, etc. in the leaf piles. This popular program allows residents to set out loose leaves at the curb between the first full week in October through the last full week before Thanksgiving. Leaves will be picked up weekly by Public Works crews. Please refer to the map for your collection day. The rules for loose leaf collection are as follows. The Village’s fall leaf collection program provides residents with a convenient and cost-free method to dispose of leaves. These programs are for leaves only. Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Page 7 Residents moving into a home in the Village are entitled to a one (1) time only unlimited move-in collection at no charge. Residents must call Public Works (847-870-5640) within one (1) month of the move in to arrange for collection. All restrictions and guidelines regarding the preparation of materials and limitations on construction debris apply to move-in collections. Yard material is a user fee program and does not qualify for free pick-up. Move-In Debris • Clean (no tinsel, ornaments or lights) Christmas trees will be collected on your regular scheduled collection day. • Christmas trees are not to be placed in plastic bags. • Christmas wreaths will be collected on your regular scheduled collection day with refuse. • There is no additional charge for this service. • Do not trim or cut the tree for collection. Place the tree at curb for collection whole. Christmas Tree Collection For pick up of construction debris/large tree limbs in excess of one cubic yard, you must call ARC at (847-981-0091). Additional charges apply. • Bundles or individual logs must be placed on the parkway next to your wheeled cart. NOT IN YOUR CART. • Bundles are not to exceed five (5’) in length nor 50 pounds in weight; one (1) cubic yard limit. (Approximately six (6) bundles equal one (1) cubic yard) . • Bundles must be secured with a biodegradable material. Large Tree Limbs (limbs exceeding three and one half (3.5”) inches in diameter) Construction Debris • Debris placed in the cart must be prepared in a manner that allows the lid of the cart to close (boards placed in the cart must be cut to a size allowing the lid to close). • Bundles are not to exceed five (5’) feet in length nor 50 pounds in weight; one (1) cubic yard limit (approximately six (6) bundles equal one (1) cubic yard). Doors count as one bundle of construction debris. • Bundles must be placed on the parkway next to your wheeled carts. Construction debris and large tree limbs must be placed in the wheeled cart. Materials that cannot be containerized must be prepared in the following manner: Construction Debris/Large Tree Limbs (one cubic yard limit) Leaf Collection Curbside Collection SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) SINGLE-FAMILY COLLECTION (Curbside Collection) Page 8 Televisions Monitors Printers Computers (including tablet computers) Electronic Keyboards Facsimile Machines Videocassette Recorders Portable Digital Music Players Digital Video Disc Players Video Game Consoles Small Scale Servers Scanners Electronic Mice Digital Converter Boxes Cable Receivers Satellite Receivers Digital Video Disc Recorders Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Page 9 One day collections are held at various SWANCC communities throughout the year please visit for a current collection schedule. One-day Drop-Off Locations Hoffman Estates (April –November) Village Hall 1900 Hassel Road Mondays: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Wednesdays: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Winnetka Public Works 1390 Willow Road Tuesdays: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Thursdays: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Glenview Transfer Station 1151 N River Road Across from the Maryville Academy Saturdays: 9:00 am - 11:30 am Please note that the transfer station will be closed following a holiday Collection locations will be closed on national holidays. Weekly Drop-off Locations Each location will accept items from all SWANCC residents. Please note that only the acceptable items will be allowed at the drop-off locations. Beginning, January 1, 2012, the Village’s waste hauler, ARC Disposal & Recycling, will no longer pick up the following electronics at the curb: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • To assist residents with collecting old electronics and to ensure environmentally safe recycling of these materials, the Village in association with the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) have developed the Electronics Recycling Drop-off Program to collect electronics on an ongoing basis. ELECTRONICS WASTE BAN In September 2009, Illinois became the 16th state to adopt an electronics recycling law known as the Electronics Products Recycling and Reuse Act (SB2313). This legislation bans certain electronic items, mainly computers and televisions, from Illinois landfills starting January 1, 2012. ELECTRONICS WASTE BAN The Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) provides the Green Pages Reuse and Recycling Directory, a useful resource for residents seeking outlets for items they no longer need. The Reuse and Recycling Directory lists reuse opportunities for books, clothing, office equipment, sporting goods, toys and other materials. This guide also provides information on various aspects of recycling and waste, featuring sections for appliances, batteries, construction debris, electronics, office machine cartridges, metals, motor oil and many other items. There are also online avenues to divert materials from the waste stream such as, and that are used to post items to be purchased or picked up for free. Other helpful online sites include: – finds recycling locations near your zip code – provides recycling options for whatever item you specify – provides electronics recycling locations – supplies responsible electronics information and recycling locations Help us spread the word! If you find a new reuse or recycling source or learn about a change in the information we have provided, please contact SWANCC staff at or call (847) 724-9205, x9. Thank you for your help! 2 ALUMINUM – see METALS ANTIFREEZE – see AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS APPLIANCES___________________________________ Arrange for pickup of old appliances with the store before the purchase of new appliances. Many retailers will remove them free of charge at the time of the delivery. Many haulers and scrap dealers will pick up appliances, but most assess fees for the service. Abt Electronics 1200 N Milwaukee Ave, Glenview (847) 967-8830 Thursday – Saturday: 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm - Free recycling on all LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba and Zenith electronics. - All TVs - free - All computers, fax machines, VCRs, and DVD players - $5 - Refrigerators - $29 - Built-in Refrigerators - $49 - All Other Appliances - $20 (includes microwaves) - Air Conditioners - $15 - All Other Small Electronics - $10 - Batteries – $0.30 per pound Abt also recycles cardboard, white polystyrene (styrofoam) and plastic packaging material. Please bring your recyclables to the freestanding building located just west of the main building. Best Buy Appliance and TV Pickup Best Buy will remove and recycle two appliances or large TVs for $100 ($20 per additional unit). Removes appliance or TV free when a replacement Best Buy product is delivered. Everlights, Inc. 9901 S Torrence Ave, Chicago (773) 734-9873 Accepts computer and electronic equipment, lamps, ballasts and microwaves. Also accepts batteries and thermostats. Call for pricing. Joe’s Scrap Metal Pickup Service 2169 N Natchez, Chicago (773) 851-9020 Pickup service available. Call Joe Perez for pricing information. Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Appliances in good working condition only. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off appliance donations. Also accepts bicycles, clothing, musical instruments, books, working television sets, working computers and monitors, and furniture in good condition. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. APPLIANCES continued______________________________ Seattle Coffee Gear (866) 372-4734 Recycles any brand coffee maker. Mail to: Seattle Coffee Gear Recycling 6911 216th Street SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Steel Recycling Institute 1-800-YES-1-CAN (937-1226) Call or visit the website for a recycler near you. Sims Metal Management 2500 S Paulina, Chicago (773) 254-1200 Large quantities only. ASBESTOS_____________________________________ For any questions related to asbestos management or removal contact: Illinois Department of Public Health (217) 782-5830 Small Business Environmental Assistance Helpline (800) 252-3998 Illinois EPA Environmental Helpline (888) EPA-1996 (372-1996) AUTOMOBILE DONATION___________________ American Lung Association of Greater Chicago (800) 583-4425 Habitat for Humanity Cars for Homes (877) 277-4344 Accepts cars, trucks, boats and RVs. Lambs Farm (847) 990-3749 Accepts cars, trucks and RVs. 4 AUTOMOBILE DONATION continued__________ Winnetka Congregational Church Rummage Sale (847) 446-0575 Drop-off location at Pine and Lincoln is open 7 days a week: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Furniture pickups may be scheduled on Fridays. No large appliances, exercise equipment, office or baby furniture. Accepts cars and boats. Call first for specifics. AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS_____________________ Arlington Heights: Chicago: Dakota Auto Repair and Tire 3450 N Old Arlington Heights Rd (847) 398-4645 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $3.50 per tire. Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business/commercial sector waste) Accepts auto fluids (used motor oil, gasoline, antifreeze) and car batteries. O'Reilly Auto 75 W Golf Rd (847) 758-9539 Accepts oil and car batteries at no cost. Pep Boys 375 E Rand Rd (847) 577-8494 Accepts oil, antifreeze and car batteries at no cost; $2.50 per tire. Elk Grove Village: Barrington: Reber Auto Service Inc. 417 W Main St (847) 381-4467 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $3.50 per tire. Elk Grove Marathon Service 1195 Rohlwing Rd (847) 301-0058 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $3.50 per tire. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 5 AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS continued____________ Evanston: Lincolnwood: 400 Super Service 1310 Sherman Ave (847) 869-5560 Accepts oil, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $3.00 per tire. Jiffy Lube 4019 W Touhy (847) 674-2322 Accepts oil and antifreeze at no cost. Morton Grove: Duxler Car Care Center 2620 Green Bay Rd (847) 475-5400 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $2.00 per tire. Harlem Shermer Service 9021 Harlem (847) 965-4388 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost. The Auto Doctor 2116 Ashland (847) 491-9600 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $3.00 per tire. Just Tires 9246 Waukegan Rd (847) 965-2757 Accepts tires at $3.00 per tire. Glenview: Mount Prospect: C&M Auto Service 835 Milwaukee Ave (847) 724-6311 Accepts oil, oil filters, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $1.75 per tire. Autozone 1735 W Golf Rd (847) 718-1841 Accepts oil and car batteries and gasoline at no cost. Six J’s 601 Greenwood Rd (847) 729-4050 Accepts antifreeze and car batteries at no cost; oil at $0.25/gallon; $2.00 per tire. Hoffman Estates: Acorn Tire 100 E Higgins Rd (847) 882-0600 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $3.50 per tire. Just Tires 102 E Rand Rd (847) 392-8181 Accepts tires at $2.50 per tire. O'Reilly Auto Parts 1 E Rand Rd (847) 398-3203 Accepts oil at no cost. US Automotive 101 E Rand Rd (847) 577-6525 Accepts oil and car batteries at no cost. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 6 AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS continued____________ Niles: Park Ridge: Niles Marathon Service 7300 Waukegan Rd (847) 647-8186 Accepts car batteries at no cost. Kris Touhy Amoco 1220 W Touhy Ave (847) 823-0344 Accepts car batteries at no cost; oil and antifreeze at $1.00 per gallon; $2.50 per tire. Oil Express 8430 W Dempster St (847) 827-0500 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $3.50 per tire. O'Reilly Auto Parts 97 Civic Center Dr (847) 673-470-1317 Accepts oil and car batteries at no cost. Palatine: Advanced Automotive 300 W Colfax St (847) 776-3566 Accepts oil, antifreeze and car batteries at no cost; $2.00 per tire. Busch Auto Service 137 S Northwest Hwy (847) 358-1234 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $2.00 per tire. Palatine Shell Service 7 E Palatine (& Plum Grove Rd) (847) 358-4299 Accepts oil, antifreeze and car batteries at no cost; $2.00 per tire. Rolling Meadows: Ray's Auto, Inc. 3001 Kirchoff Rd (847) 255-8511 Accepts car batteries at no cost; $2.00 per tire. Skokie: Golf-Crawford Auto Service 9555 Crawford Ave (847) 679-8862 Accepts oil, antifreeze and car batteries at no cost; $5.00 per tire. Oakton & Hamlin Auto 3800 Oakton St (847) 673-3278 Accepts oil, antifreeze, car batteries and gasoline at no cost; $3.00 per tire. Interstate Batteries of Chicagoland 8056 N Central Pk (847) 673-6993 Accepts car batteries at no cost. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 7 AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS continued____________ Wheeling: Winnetka: Checkpoint Tire 723 W Dundee (847) 541-2122 Accepts car batteries at no charge; oil at $2/gallon and tires at $3-$9 per tire. Fred's Winnetka Service 574 Green Bay Rd (847) 446-3025 Accepts oil, car batteries and gasoline at no cost. Jiffy Lube 10 E Dundee Rd (847) 229-9203 Accepts oil at no cost. BATTERIES___________________________________ SWANCC has established a Battery Recycling Program at for alkaline and rechargeable batteries for member communities. Alkaline batteries may also be disposed of safely in the garbage. All Batteries: Abt Electronics 1200 N Milwaukee Ave, Glenview (847) 967-8830 Thursday – Saturday: 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm $0.30 per pound No car batteries. Abt also recycles cardboard, polystyrene (styrofoam), appliances, batteries, plastic packaging material and electronics. Please bring your recyclables to the freestanding building located just west of the main building. Batteries Plus •1212 East Central Road, Mount Prospect (847) 818-0659 Accepts all batteries, except alkaline. •409 S. Rand Road, Lake Zurich (847) 550-6545 Accepts all batteries free of charge. Batteries Plus will test and do diagnostics on any batteries free of charge. They also rebuild cordless power tool batteries. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 8 BATTERIES continued__________________________ Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business/commercial sector waste) Accepts all types of batteries. This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. Everlights 9901 S Torrence Ave, Chicago (773) 734-9873 Accepts all batteries for a fee. Car Batteries (Lead- Acid Batteries): See also Automotive Products. Checkpoint Tire Centers, Inc. 723 W Dundee Rd, Wheeling (847) 541-2122 Illinois Battery Specialists 2456 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago (773) 478-8600 Interstate Batteries of Chicagoland 8056 N Central Park, Skokie (847) 673-6993 Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm. Accepts lead acid, alkaline, Ni-Cd, and lithium batteries at no cost. Hearing Aid/Watch Batteries (button cell) (Lithium Ion/Mercury Batteries): See Ni-Cd Section or check with a jeweler, watchmaker or retailer that replaces watch and hearing aid batteries. NOTE: Lithium/Ni-Cd batteries are usually accepted at IEPA Household Chemical Waste collection events. Refer to the HCW Information section for the one-day collection location nearest you. Nickel-Cadmium Batteries (Ni-Cd)*: Cordless/cellular phones, camcorder, power tools, rechargeable household batteries and laptop batteries NOTE: Many Ace, Best Buy, Lowes, Motorola, OfficeMax, RadioShack, Sears, Staples, Target, US Cellular, Verizon and Wal-Mart locations accept Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries. Best Buy Recycling kiosks at all stores for rechargeable batteries, cell phones, inkjet and toner cartridges and wires, cords and cables. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 9 BATTERIES continued__________________________ Lowe’s Partners with Call2Recycle and accepts any rechargeable batteries up to 11 pounds at no charge at in-store recycling centers. Millen Do It Best Hardware 1219 Wilmette Ave, Wilmette (847) 251-3060 Accepts rechargeable batteries at no charge. Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (Call 2 Recycle) (800) 822-8837 Type in zip code for participating locations. Businesses, retailers and schools may participate. Does not accept alkaline, lithium, non-rechargeable or wet-cell batteries. Also recycles cell phones. Shaver Shop 1609 Maple Ave, Evanston (847) 869-7755 Accepts all batteries except car batteries. NOTE: Many Sears Automotive Centers, KMart, Sam’s Club, and Wal-Mart stores will accept car, motorcycle, boat, sump pump and tractor lead-acid batteries (check local phone directory for their exact locations). Also check with a boating store for boat and sump pump battery recycling. BICYCLES/ CHAINS/TIRES ___________________ Ciclo Urbano 2459 W Division, Chicago (773) 772-4870 Donate old bikes to fund and support youth bike programming in Chicago area. Call to arrange drop-off or request a pickup. Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Also accepts computer equipment and peripherals (including monitors), TVs, small appliances, clothing, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. No mattresses or box springs. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 10 BICYCLES/ CHAINS/TIRES continued___________ The Recyclery Collective 7628 N Paulina, Chicago (773) 262-5900 Operates educational programs and donates bikes to those in need. Call first to donate used bikes, bike parts, tools and office supplies. Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Also accepts clothing, musical instruments, books, working television sets, working computers and monitors, and furniture and appliances in good working condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. Working Bikes Cooperative Provides bikes to charity organizations in Chicagoland area, and ships bikes to countries in which they are the primary mode of transportation. Drop-off sites: •Alberto’s Cycles 661 Central Ave, Highland Park (847) 432-0015 •Campbell Street Bicycle Shop 13 W Campbell St, Arlington Heights (847) 222-7887 •Green Bay Cycles 999 Green Bay Rd, Winnetka (847) 446-7433 •Higher Gear 1898 N Sheridan Rd, Highland Park (847) 433-2453 •Prospect Bikes & Trains 506 E Northwest Hwy, Mount Prospect (847) 259-4569 •RRB Cycles 562 Green Bay Rd, Kenilworth (847) 251-7878 •Village Cycle Sport 1313 N Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 398-1650 •Dan Thompson’s House 2518 W Lake Ave, Glenview (847) 998-0647 Bike Chains: Resource Revival Resource Revival recycles bike chains to create new products. See website for locations and mail-in information. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 11 BOOKS________________________________________ Donation: Local libraries, senior citizen centers and nursing homes often have exchanges or take donations. Book Rescue (SCARCE) 799 Roosevelt Rd, Bldg 2, Ste 8, Glen Ellyn (630) 545-9710 Sponsored by SCARCE (School and Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education). SCARCE’s shelves display over 25,000 books. Schools or organizations working with children in need are welcome to choose books free of charge. SCARCE also collects the following for proper reuse/recycling: cell phones, printer cartridges, crayons, American flags, clothing, buttons, safety pins, eyeglasses, keys, LP records and license plates. Also see “Education” section on website to donate school and office supplies Please call ahead. Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Also accepts clothing, musical instruments, bicycles, working television sets, working computers and monitors, and furniture and appliances in good working condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. Resale and Recycling: Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Also accepts computer equipment and peripherals (including monitors), TVs, small appliances, clothing, furniture, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. Bookman’s Alley 1712 Sherman Ave (Rear), Evanston (847) 869-6999 Hard cover only. Bookmarks 718 E Northwest Hwy, Mount Prospect (847) 869-6999 Hard cover only. Open Books 1740 W Webster, Chicago (312) 475-1355, x115 Sales of donated books support literacy programs for students of all ages. Put books in drop box at address listed or see website for other donation alternatives. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 12 BOOKS continued_____________________________ North Park Village Recycling Station 5801 N Pulaski, Chicago (773) 821-1351 9:00 am – 5:00 pm daily Book mobile – Donate and/or take books. Also accepts aluminum and stainless steel cans; brown, clear and green glass bottles and jars; plastic bottles (#1 and #2 only); newspaper, magazines, catalogs, office paper and cardboard. Please do not drop off materials outside of the posted hours. Textbook Reuse/Buy-Back: B&B Book Supply (800) 622-7986 Will pick up selected textbooks and unused workbooks published anywhere in-state. This is a buy-back program of multiple copies of same books. Follett Educational Services 1433 Internationale Pkwy, Woodridge (800) 621-4272 A representative will provide a quote to your school to buy used textbooks and sell them to other schools. This is also an economical and environmentally sound place from which to buy textbooks. Textbook Recycling Buy, sell or rent textbooks. See website for details. BRASS – see METALS BUBBLE WRAP – see PACKAGING PRODUCTS CANDY WRAPPERS – see MISCELLANEOUS CAR BATTERIES – see AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS CARDBOARD – see PACKAGING PRODUCTS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 13 CARPET/PADDING____________________________ Carpet and Carpet Padding Carpet Cushions and Supplies: Many major carpet manufacturers offer exchange programs. When purchasing new carpet, ask your supplier about recycling old carpet. Freecycle ( and Habitat for Humanity ( are other options. Carpet Cushions Rebond and prime urethane padding are recyclable. Call for quote on per pound pricing. No residential pickup service. •1520 Pratt, Elk Grove Village (847) 364-6760 •3423 N Drake, Chicago (773) 267-7327 CARTRIDGES/INKJET/TONER______________ Contact your local school district for donation opportunities. Affordable Inkjets 255 William St, Bensenville (630) 521-9671 Recycles inkjet and toner cartridges. Best Buy Recycling kiosks at all stores for rechargeable batteries, cell phones, inkjet and toner cartridges and wires, cords and cables. Cartridge World 2865 Pfingsten Rd, Glenview (847) 562-0971 9336 Skokie Blvd, Skokie (847) 329-9096 Also accepts computers, monitors, printers and small electronics. Two items recycled free, $5 each for three or more items. Funding Factory Educational and nonprofit fundraising organizations can earn funds for technology, classroom equipment and cash. Accepts inkjet cartridges, laser cartridges and cell phones. See website for registration information. Hewlett-Packard Check inside HP inkjet and laser jet cartridge boxes for return materials. Postage-paid return shipping labels are also available on website. Laser Service 875 Lively Blvd, Elk Grove Village (847) 364-4446 Laser, inkjet, toner and fax cartridges. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 14 CARTRIDGES/INKJET/TONER continued_____ Midwest Laser Cartridge Corporation 928 N Delphia Ave, Park Ridge (847) 292-2274 Inkjet, toner and fax cartridges. Also recycles printers, copiers, scanners and fax machines. Office Depot Get $2 back in Recycling Rewards for each qualified ink/toner cartridge, up to 10 per month. See website for details. Pogoda Computer Supplies, Inc. (847) 808-8984 Refurbishes laser cartridges. Large quantities only. Recycle for Breast Cancer Also accepts cell phones, printer fuser cores, PDAs, digital cameras, ipods and other MP3 players, laptops (Pentium 1 or higher only), and most storage media. Go to website for information and pre-paid shipping labels. Recycling Avenue (847) 951-1607 Provides support and job opportunities for the physically challenged. Accepts cell phones, smart phones, landline phones, inkjet cartridges, laptops, digital cameras, handheld games, GPS devices, radar detectors, E-book readers, graphing calculators and MP3 players. For drop-off sites, see Recycling Avenue listing in Electronics Donation. Staples Offers $2 in Staples Rewards for select cartridges up to 10 per month. Also offers free recycling for rechargeable batteries, cell phones, PDAs, digital cameras and other small electronics. There is a small fee for computers, monitors, printers, scanners, allin-ones and fax machines. Dell-branded items are recycled free. Recycle Tech Solutions 11235 S Cottage Grove Ave, Chicago (773) 821-9700 Cash-back for select inkjet cartridges and empty printer/fax cartridges. Also accepts cell phones, GPS units, laptops, gaming systems, Ipods and MP3 players. CASSETTE TAPES – see MEDIA CDs – see MEDIA This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 15 CELL PHONES AND ACCESSORIES_____________ AT&T Website lists AT&T-operated stores and participating dealer stores for dropping off cell phones, chargers, handsets and batteries. You also have the option of downloading a postage-paid mailing label or requesting a postage-paid mailing envelope through the website. Program supports Cell Phones for Soldiers. Best Buy Recycling kiosks at all stores for rechargeable batteries, cell phones, inkjet and toner cartridges and wires, cords and cables. Cell Phones for Seniors Program Sheriff Tom Dart is collecting used cell phones to distribute as 911 Emergency phones for at-risk Cook County senior citizens. Phones can be dropped off at the following locations: Skokie Courthouse 5600 Old Orchard Rd, Skokie Rolling Meadows Courthouse, 2121 W Euclid Ave, Rolling Meadows Cell Phones for Soldiers Phones may be donated at AT&T stores listed on website. Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. Funding Factory Educational and nonprofit fundraising organizations can earn funds for technology, classroom equipment and cash. Accepts inkjet cartridges, laser cartridges and cell phones. See website for registration information. Lowe’s Partners with Call2Recycle and accepts all used cell phones at in store recycling centers. Motorola’s Race to Recycle Program Printable pre-paid postage shipping labels are available on the website. You can also return Motorola brand cordless phones, modems and routers. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 16 CELL PHONES AND ACCESSORIES continued_____ RadioShack Trade & Save Program provides in-store and online opportunities to sell or recycle small electronics. See website for details. Recycle for Breast Cancer Also accepts inkjet and laser toner cartridges, printer fuser cores, PDAs, digital cameras, Ipods and other MP3 players, laptops (Pentium 1 or higher only), and most storage media. Go to website for information and pre-paid shipping labels. Recycling Avenue (847) 951-1607 Provides support and job opportunities for the physically challenged. Accepts cell phones, smart phones, landline phones, inkjet cartridges, laptops, digital cameras, handheld games, GPS devices, radar detectors, E-book readers, graphing calculators and MP3 players. For drop-off sites, see Recycling Avenue listing in Electronics Donation. Sprint Stores Net proceeds from sales of recycled phones fund and promote free internet safety resources for kids. Pick up free postage-paid envelope at participating stores or print one from the website. Staples Offers free recycling for rechargeable batteries, cell phones, PDAs, digital cameras and other small electronics. Also offers $2 in Staples Rewards for select inkjet and toner cartridges (up to 10 per month). There is a small fee for computers, monitors, printers, scanners, all-in-ones and fax machines. Dell-branded items are free to recycle. T-Mobile Bring your phone to a T-Mobile store or send it using a postage-paid mailing label. Verizon Hopeline program refurbishes and recycles any brand cell phones. With funds raised, Verizon donates wireless phones and airtime to victims of domestic violence. Used phones can be returned to any Verizon Wireless store, or go to website to print free postage-paid label. Wireless Alliance (866) 366-5791 Value of recycled phone donated to a charity of your choice. Wireless Foundation’s “Call-to-Protect” Collection Program (888) 901-SAFE (7233) Aids victims of domestic abuse. Go to website to download a pre-paid mailing label. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 17 CEREAL BOXES– see MISCELLANEOUS CHIP BAGS – see MISCELLANEOUS CLOTH DIAPER SERVICE_______________________ Bottoms Up Diaper Service 201 N Greenbay Rd, Waukegan (847) 336-0040 Offers a cloth diaper service as an alternative to using disposable diapers. Clean Green Nappy (224) 616-2779 Offers a cloth diaper service as an alternative to using disposable diapers. See website for additional information. CLOTHING ____________________________________ Many of the shops listed also accept toys, books, jewelry, household items, small appliances and some furniture. Items should be clean and in useable condition. Call ahead for specifics. Donation: Amvets (708) 388-7800 Call or see website for pickup service information. Avenues to Independence Thrift Shoppe 7710 W Touhy, Chicago (847) 292-0870, x771 All proceeds from the shop support residential and work programs for developmentally disabled adults. Donations of clothing and household items accepted at the back door Tues. – Sat., 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Bottomless Closet 435 N LaSalle, Lower Level 1, Chicago (312) 527-9664 Accepts ready-to-wear professional women’s clothing and accessories for distribution to women on assistance and working-poor women. Please call to schedule a time to drop off items. Christ Church of Winnetka 470 Maple St, Winnetka (847) 446-2850 Weekdays: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Weekends: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Annual rummage sale benefits 60 charities in the Chicagoland area. Call to schedule furniture pickups. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 18 CLOTHING continued____________________________ Clearbrook (Practically Perfect) 1815 W Central Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-0267 Clearbrook provides services to children and adults with developmental disabilities. The store accepts donations of clothing and household items at the following times: Monday - Friday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Call to schedule pickups of useable furniture. Glenview Community Church Resale Shop 1000 Elm St, Glenview (847) 724-2638 Accepts clothing and small housewares during business hours. Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Also accepts computer equipment and peripherals (including monitors), bicycles, TVs, small appliances, furniture, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. No mattresses or box springs. Kenneth Young Community Mental Health and Senior Services 1150 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg (847) 891-0978 Lamb’s Farm Thrift Shop 14245 W Rockland Rd, Libertyville (847) 362-4636 Tuesday – Saturday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Also accepts housewares, bedding and furniture in good condition. ORT Resale Store 800 Central Ave, Highland Park (847) 433-1697 Proceeds benefit the ORT America education programs. Also accepts housewares, books and toys. No furniture or computers. Purple Heart Pickup service available. Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Also accepts books, musical instruments, bicycles, working television sets, working computers and monitors, and furniture and appliances in good working condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 19 CLOTHING continued___________________________ Save a Pet Thrift & Gift 4446 Oakton St, Skokie (847) 677-8805 Tuesday – Saturday: 10 am - 4:00 pm No furniture. Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. (708) 371-4418 Call or visit website for pickup. Clothing, shoes and household items accepted. Second Time Around 4123 Oakton St, Skokie (847) 673-3172 Benefits SHORE Community Services, which provides services for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Please call first. WINGS Resale •8349 W Golf Rd, Niles (847) 965-1454 1315 N Rand Rd, Palatine (847) 963-0861 Call individual store or visit website for hours and type of donations accepted. Sparrow’s Nest 275 E Northwest Hwy, Palatine (847) 705-6852 Provides housing and support services to homeless and low income women and children. Accepts donations Monday – Saturday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Winnetka Congregational Church Rummage Sale (847) 446-0575 7 days a week: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Furniture pickup available on Fridays. Also accepts vehicles, cars and boats. Call for specifics. Thrift House of Junior League 920 Chicago Ave, Evanston (847) 328-5778 Monday – Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Accepts clothing, housewares, books and small electronics. Winnetka Thrift Shop 992 ½ Green Bay Rd, Winnetka (847) 446-8060 Proceeds benefit the counseling and psychotherapy program at Family Service. Donations accepted: Monday – Saturday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Twice Blest Thrift Shop 27 E Northwest Hwy, Palatine (847) 934-1140 Monday – Saturday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Proceeds benefit Misericordia. Accepts clothing, housewares, books, small electronics and furniture (no pickup service). This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 20 CLOTHING continued____________________________ Women’s American Ortique Resale Shop 915 Chicago Ave, Evanston (847) 864-6099 Proceeds benefit the ORT America education programs. Call for type of donations accepted. Check with other donation sources: - your township or county Human Services Department - local shelters - churches - hospitals - community organizations (Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, etc.) - local schools or libraries Consignment and Resale Shops: LilyJack Resale & Consignment 9227 Waukegan Rd, Morton Grove (847) 965-3330 or (800) 780-9228 Women’s clothing and accessories. Also carries original artwork and home accessories. Consignment only. Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Bearly Used Inc. 401 Linden Ave, Wilmette (847) 256-8700 Newborn/children’s, teens and women’s clothing. Call first. Encore Resale 1027 N Northwest Hwy, Park Ridge (847) 698-0908 Consignment only. Glen Cote Thrift Shop 372 Hazel Ave, Glencoe (847) 835-0026 Consignment only. Hand-Me Downs Inc. 614 Dempster, Evanston (847) 475-0803 Newborn to pre-teen clothing, toys, books, baby equipment. Call for appointment. New For You 1915 Plum Grove Rd, Rolling Meadows (847) 358-7899 Consignment only. Call first. USAgain 1555 W Hawthorne Lane, Ste 4W, West Chicago (800) 604-9533 A for-profit textile recycling company which recycles most donations as secondhand clothing. The remainder is recycled as polishing cloths or converted into fiber to be remade into recycled textile products. See website to find a collection bin. COFFEE BAGS – see MISCELLANEOUS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 21 COMPOSTING__________________________________ DK Organics 29307 N Skokie Hwy, Lake Bluff (847) 234-5499 Accepts most organic matter including grass, leaves, brush, branches, wood chips and logs (maximum 6 feet in length). No stumps or food. Also accepts clean fill (must be separated from other organic material). Material made into compost and mulches, available for purchase. Land and Lakes 1300 N Milwaukee Ave, Wheeling (847) 825-5000 or (847) 520-1857 Weekdays: 7:00 am – 3:00 pm Saturday: 6:00 am – 2:00 pm Accepts freshly cut grass and landscape material for composting; you can also purchase prescreened and unscreened compost. Do not tie or put in plastic bags. Logs accepted 3-4 feet in length and up to 34 inches in diameter. Also see Yard Waste at CONSTRUCTION/BUILDING MATERIAL – DONATION________________________________________ Evanston ReBuilding Warehouse 1818 Dempster, Evanston (847) 864-9246 Non-profit organization sells reclaimed building materials at low cost. Call for a list of accepted building materials and appliances to donate. The ReBuilding Exchange 2160 N Ashland, Chicago (773) 252-2234 The mission of the ReBuilding Exchange is to divert building materials from the waste stream and make them accessible to the public for reuse, protecting community health, creating jobs and saving resources. Habitat for Humanity ReStore Accepts building materials, construction tools, pallet jacks, cabinets, siding, tile, paintbrushes. Call (847) 249-3160 (distribution center) or see website for list of donations accepted, hours of operation, and criteria for donation pickups. Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Accepts tools and supplies, not wood or building materials. Also accepts bicycles, clothing, musical instruments, books, working television sets, working computers and monitors, and furniture in good condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 22 CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION MATERIAL – DISPOSAL_________________________________________ SWANCC Residential Construction Debris/ Refuse Drop-off Program (847) 724-9205 Glenview Transfer Station 1151 N River Rd, Des Plaines Located on east side of Des Plaines River Rd; north of Central Rd - directly across the street from Maryville Academy. Hours: Monday - Friday: 6:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday: 6:00 am – 12:00 pm. Cost for ½ ton of material or less = $33.75; $67.50 per ton or more. Only major credit cards accepted. NOTE: Household chemical waste (paint, cleaning products, motor oil or automotive batteries), landscape waste, asbestos, asbestos roofing shingles and materials, or medical/liquid wastes are not permitted. SWANCC Roll-off Program Rent a 10-yard roll-off for $299. Holds 2-4 tons of waste material. Next day delivery available. For residents only. Major credit card, check or cash accepted. Call SWANCC at (847) 724-9205, x9 to order. CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION MATERIAL – RECYCLING_______________________________________ Crush-Crete, Inc. 600 S Lombard Rd, Addison (630) 627-1713 Accepts clean broken concrete and asphalt. Call for pricing. C&D Recycling 2300 Carlson Dr, Northbrook (847) 291-1222 Accepts construction and demolition debris comingled or separated, including: ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wood, concrete, brick, cardboard and roofing shingles. For information and pricing, call or email: Cook County Demolition Sales (847) 795-9139 The goal of Cook County Demolition Sales is to keep as much building material out of the landfills as possible in the Chicagoland area in both commercial and residential sales. The sales are typically conducted over a weekend to allow customers to browse sales and to remove the items for purchase. All sales are conducted on the site of the property to be demolished. Demolition sales typically include all types of building materials such as: hardwood floors, windows, doors, hardwood trim, plumbing fixtures, furnaces, hot water heaters, plumbing fixtures (non-water saving toilets, tubs, sinks). Mature outdoor plants and landscaping are available at very reasonable prices. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 23 CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION MATERIAL – RECYCLING continued______________________________ MBL Recycling, Inc. 630 S Hicks Rd, Palatine (847) 776-1500 Accepts all construction and demolition material, including metals, non-ferrous materials, concrete, brick, cardboard, wood and roofing shingles. Republic Services 2351 S Laflin St, Chicago (312) 226-1226 Accepts large loads of all materials. Murco Recycling Enterprises, Inc. (708) 352-4111 Conducts demolition auctions at houses prior to demolition or major household renovations. Redistrbutes items such as kitchen cabinets, appliances, bathrooms, flooring, doors, mechanicals, landscaping and more, thus diverting items destined for landfills back into the community. COOKIE WRAPPERS – see MISCELLANEOUS COPPER – see METALS CRAFTS – see MISCELLANEOUS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 24 CRAYON RECYCLING_________________________ Book Rescue (SCARCE) 799 Roosevelt Rd,Bldg 2, Ste 8, Glen Ellyn (630) 545-9710 Sponsored by SCARCE (School and Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education). SCARCE’s shelves display over 25,000 books. Schools or organizations working with children in need are welcome to choose books free of charge. Crazy Crayons, LLC (800) 561-0922 Pack crayons securely when shipping to company. See website for instructions and shipping information. SCARCE also collects the following for proper reuse/recycling: cell phones, printer cartridges, crayons, American flags, clothing buttons, safety pins, eyeglasses, keys, LP records and license plates. Also see School Equipment at to donate school and office supplies. Please call ahead. DAIRY BOTTLES________________________________ Returnable dairy bottles: Farm Fresh Home Delivery, Inc. 515A South Vermont St, Palatine (847) 202-3955 Oberweis Dairy Locations: Home delivery available. •9 E Dundee Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 368-9060 •1405 Palatine Rd, Hoffman Estates (847) 776-1987 •6469 N Lincoln, Lincolnwood (847) 983-4514 •80 E Northwest Hwy, Mt Prospect (847) 577-6100 •101 S Northwest Hwy, Park Ridge (847) 692-9840 •1735 W Algonquin Rd, Rolling Meadows (847) 290-9222 •967 Waukegan Rd, Glenview (847) 729-8700 DEHUMIDIFIER – see APPLIANCES DISPOSABLE DIAPER PACKAGING – see MISCELLANEOUS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 25 DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION – see PAPER SHREDDING/RECYCLING DRINK POUCHES – see MISCELLANEOUS DVDS – see MEDIA ELECTRONICS DONATION______________________ Assistive Technology Exchange Network 7550 W 183rd St, Tinley Park (800) 476-2836 A program of the United Cerebral Palsy Association. Refurbishes working and nonworking computers and electronics (computers, monitors, peripherals, cell phones) for individuals with disabilities. Call for drop-off sites and collection events. Free Geek Chicago, Inc. 3411 W Diversey, Chicago (773) 342-6205 Friday - Sunday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Not-for-profit organization recycles used computers and parts to provide computers, education and job skills training. They accept computer donations (no other electronics), which are rebuilt. What cannot be used is environmentally recycled. See website for items accepted and applicable charges. Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Also accepts clothing, bicycles, TVs, small appliances, furniture, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. No mattresses or box springs. National Cristina Foundation (203) 863-9100 Supports training for people with special needs. Accepts computers, peripherals and software from corporations and individuals. See website for donation process. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 26 ELECTRONICS DONATION continued____________ Recycling Avenue (847) 951-1607 Provides support and job opportunities for the physically challenged. Accepts cell phones, smart phones, landline phones, inkjet cartridges, laptops and accessories, networking equipment, digital cameras, film cameras, handheld games, GPS devices, radar detectors, E-book readers, graphing calculators and MP3 players. Following is a list of drop-off sites: Arlington Heights Wheeling Township-Disability Dept. 1616 N Arlington Heights Rd (847) 259-7730 Buffalo Grove Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd (847) 459-2500 Evanston Civic Center Health Dept., lower level 2100 Ridge Ave (847) 866-2948 Hoffman Estates Village Hall, main floor, 1900 Hassell Rd (847) 882-9100 Kenilworth Police & Rec Dept, 419 Richmond Rd (847) 251-1666 Lincolnwood Fire Dept, 6900 N Lincoln Ave (847) 673-1540 Morton Grove Village Hall, 6101 Capulina Ave (847) 965-4100 Mt. Prospect Boy Scouts – foyer, 600 N Wheeling Rd (847) 635-7869 Park Ridge Avenues to Independence, reception area 515 Busse Hwy (847) 292-0870 Wilmette Village Hall, 1200 Wilmette Ave (847) 853-7501 Winnetka Village Hall. 510 Green Bay Rd (847) 501-6000 Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Also accepts books, clothing, musical instruments, bicycles, working television sets, and furniture and appliances in good working condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 27 ELECTRONICS DONATION continued____________ World Computer Exchange WCE is a global educational and environmental nonprofit organization looking for donations of working Pentium 4 or newer computers and related peripherals. Computers are sent to developing countries for use in classrooms, libraries and youth centers. Youth Organizations Umbrella, Inc. (Y.O.U.) 1027 Sherman Ave, Evanston (847) 866-1200 Neighborhood-based program that provides academic, social and emotional support to local youth. Call or see website for items needed. ELECTRONICS RECYCLING___________________ Electronics Disclaimer, May 2010 In September 2009, Illinois became the 16th state to adopt an electronics recycling law known as the Electronics Products Recycling and Reuse Act. This legislation bans certain electronic items, mainly computers and televisions, from IL landfills. The IL EPA posts a list of approved electronic waste Collectors, Recyclers and Refurbishers at The following electronics recyclers are not an endorsement by SWANCC, simply a listing of options. It is recommended by SWANCC that you research the downstream recycling practices of any company listed prior to giving them your old electronics. The Federal Electronics Challenge provides a checklist to assist businesses, municipalities, schools, etc. with the selection of responsible electronics recycling services. For more information, visit To learn about the dangers of exporting electronic waste to Third World Countries, visit the Basel Action Network at Supply-Chain Services is SWANCC's recycling contractor: Supply-Chain Services, Inc. (SSI) 250 W North Ave, Lombard (630) 629-9344 Call for details and pricing. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 28 ELECTRONICS RECYCLING continued___________ Abt Electronics 1200 N Milwaukee Ave, Glenview (847) 967-8830 Thursday – Saturday: 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm - Free recycling on all LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba and Zenith electronics. - All TVs - free - All computers, fax machines, VCRs, and DVD players - $5 - Refrigerators - $29 - Built-in Refrigerators - $49 - All Other Appliances - $20 - Air Conditioners - $15 - All Other Small Electronics - $10 - Batteries – $0.30 per pound Abt also has a trade-in program, both instore and online. Recycle old electronics and receive Abt gift cards. See website for details: Abt also recycles cardboard, white polystyrene (styrofoam) and plastic packaging material. Please bring your recyclables to the freestanding building located just west of the main building. Best Buy Stores accept most consumer electronics, including TVs and monitors up to 32 inches, flat-panel TVs and monitors up to 60 inches, computers and notebooks, small electronics, VCRs and DVD players, fans, vacuums, keyboards, mice and remotes. $10 per unit for TVs and monitors is offset with a $10 Best Buy gift card. Trade-In program allows consumers to exchange select gently used electronics for a Best Buy gift card. Recycling kiosks at all stores for rechargeable batteries, cell phones, inkjet and toner cartridges and wires, cords and cables. Cartridge World 2865 Pfingsten Rd, Glenview (847) 562-0971 9336 Skokie Blvd, Skokie (847) 329-9096 Also accepts computers, monitors, printers and small electronics. Two items recycled free, $5 apiece for three or more items. Chesapeake Recycling 1600 S US 35, Winamac, IN 46996 (866) 946-6602 Primarily for businesses; electronic recycling and document destruction. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 29 ELECTRONICS RECYCLING continued___________ Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. Com2 Computer and Technologies •140 Fullerton Ave, Carol Stream (630) 653-2662 •1196 S Main St, Lombard (630) 678-2662 Free for residences, schools and non-profit organizations. Call for information. Costco The Costco Trade-In Program is a service provided to Costco customers by Gazelle. Eligible products qualify for Costco Cash or recycling. Shipping charges are pre-paid by Gazelle. See website for details. Dell Inc. Donate any brand of computer equipment to Reconnect, a partnership between Dell and Goodwill Industries. See website for dropoff locations. You may also recycle Dell computers and peripherals free at any Staples store. Gateway Trade-in Program Customers can get cash for pre-owned, working technology products, or computers and electronics will be recycled using environmentally sound practices. See website for details. Everlights, Inc. 9901 S Torrence Ave, Chicago (773) 734-9873 Accepts computer and electronic equipment, lamps, ballasts and microwaves. Also accepts batteries and thermostats. Call for pricing. Gazelle Buys electronics. Items received with no market value are responsibly recycled. See website for information. Hewlett-Packard Get a trade-in allowance toward new HP products or donate equipment to the National Christina Foundation. You may also recycle inkjet and laser jet cartridges and rechargeable batteries. See website for details. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 30 ELECTRONICS RECYCLING continued___________ Intercon Solutions 1001-59 Washington Ave, Chicago Heights (708) 756-9838 or (888) 452-5642 Microwaves are also accepted. LifeSpan Technology Recycling (888) 720-0900 Large- and small-scale technology recycling, including computers, printers, monitors, telephone gear and fax machines. Primarily for businesses. Midwest Laser Cartridge Corporation 928 N. Delphia Ave, Park Ridge (847) 292-2274 Inkjet, toner and fax cartridges. Also recycles printers, copiers, scanners and fax machines. Office Depot Buy a tech recycling box in-store and fill with as many acceptable items as will fit, including CRT and LCD monitors, fax machines, desktop and laptop PCs, printers, scanners, computer peripherals, telephones, digital cameras, video cameras, VCRs, DVD players, MP3 players, small TVs, cables. Small box 8”H x 15”D x 18”W $5 Medium box 20”H x 16”D x 16”W $10 Large box 24”H x 18”D x 18”W $15 RadioShack Trade & Save Program provides in-store and online opportunities to sell or recycle small electronics. See website for details. Recycle 4 Cash Cash offered for obsolete electronics. See website for value of computers, monitors, cell phones, MP3 players, cameras and more. Pre-paid shipping labels available. Panasonic Corporation of North America 5201 Tollview Drive, Rolling Meadows (847) 637-4899 Drop off hours: Monday –Friday: 9:00 am 3:00 pm Please park in Visitor Parking. Leave your recyclables in your vehicle and proceed to the security desk inside the main entrance. The guard will provide further instructions. Products accepted for no fee: - Panasonic, Technics, Quasar and Sharp branded consumer electronic products - Toshiba branded televisions There may be a charge for recycling other brands or products. Sam's Club Mail-in Program The Sam's Club Trade-In and Recycle Program is available only to members of Sam's Club who elect to trade in or recycle any qualifying consumer electronic product currently offered by the program. Based on the configuration and condition of your item, Sam's Club will offer to purchase your item at the value displayed by the trade-in value estimator. Shipping for both trade-in and recycled items is free. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 31 ELECTRONICS RECYCLING continued___________ Samsung Recycling Direct Check website for information on recycling Samsung products at assorted locations. SIMS Recycling Solution/United Recycling 1600 Harvester Rd, West Chicago (630) 231-6060 Call for details and pricing. Software Plus 400 W Dundee, Unit #10, Buffalo Grove (847) 520-1717 Accepts computers and laptops only. Call or email for pricing. Supply-Chain Services, Inc. (SSI) 250 W North Ave, Lombard (630) 629-9344 Call for details and pricing. Think Green From Home (Waste Management) Delivers electronic recycling kit in choice of three sizes, with a return-shipping label. See website for prices and information about types of electronics accepted. Staples There is a small fee for computers, monitors, printers, scanners, all-in-ones and fax machines. Dell-branded items are free to recycle. Offers free recycling for rechargeable batteries, cell phones, PDAs, digital cameras and other small electronics. Also offers $2 in Staples Rewards for select inkjet and toner cartridges (up to 10 per month). ENERGY BAR WRAPPERS – see MISCELLANEOUS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 32 EYEGLASSES_______________________________ Most LensCrafters and Pearle Vision stores, Wal-Mart Vision Centers and Lions Clubs accept used eyewear for donation to people in need. Check local listings for locations. New Eyes for the Needy Organization purchases new prescription eyeglasses for needy children and adults living in the United States, and recycles donated glasses for distribution to indigent people overseas. See website for items accepted for donation (eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids, jewelry, silverware) and mailing instructions. FAX MACHINES – see ELECTRONICS RECYCLING FILM, TRANSPARENCIES AND X-RAYS_________ Film: Transparencies: Kodak Go to link for list of films Kodak purchases for recycling and refining. Kodak Go to link for list of films Kodak purchases for recycling and refining. (570) 654-5511 Canisters (35 mm): Jewel/ Osco Food Stores Some stores accept film canisters. Check local phone directory for nearest store. 3M Ship used transparency film to: 3M Recycle Program c/o Gemark 99 Stevens Lane Exeter, PA 18643 or go to website for shipping label. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 33 FILM, TRANSPARENCIES AND X-RAYS continued___________________________________________ X-rays: Check with your local hospital to see if they recycle x-rays. Acme Refining 3357 S Justine St, Chicago (773) 523-4500 Call or email for information. B.W. Recycling, Inc. Recycles x-ray and MRI films at no charge when mailed to the following address: B.W. Recycling, Inc. 301 W Ansin Blvd Hallandale, FL 33009 Quantities weighing over 350 lbs will be picked up at no charge. See website for details. AMS Store and Shred (AMS Ag Medical Systems Inc.) (800) 262-2344 An authorized Kodak subcontractor, AMS recycles old x-ray, lithographic film, aluminum plates and silver flake. The company also provides document destruction services. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS __________________________ Contact product manufacturer to see if there is a recycling program in effect. Fire extinguishers are under pressure, and have the potential to explode in combination with some materials. They cannot be discarded curbside and are not accepted at Household Chemical Waste collections. Earth911 suggests disposing of a fire extinguisher as follows if it is not empty: 1. Check pressure gauge: The extinguisher should have a gauge saying whether it’s overcharged, at the correct pressure or in need of a recharge. 2. Call your fire department: You might be able to exchange your extinguisher or get it recharged. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 34 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS continued__________________ If it’s empty: 1. Squeeze the lever above the handle, ensuring that all contents are discharged. 2. Remove the head: This will let whoever disposes of the extinguisher know that all contents have been removed. 3. Recycle the steel body: Once the head is removed, your community should accept fire extinguishers with the rest of your ferrous metal. In either case, make sure to follow any instructions on the fire extinguisher. The following are recycling options for fire extinguishers: Aurora Tri-State Fire Protection 1080 Corporate Blvd, Aurora (630) 978-0600 Monday - Friday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). Accepts small fire extinguishers, small nonrefillable cylinders (NCRs) and propane tanks for BBQ grills. This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. Cintas 1870 Brummel, Elk Grove Village (847) 228-3970 Recharges fire extinguishers, which may also be dropped off for disposal. Henrichsen’s Fire & Safety Equipment Company 563 N Wolf Rd, Wheeling (847) 459-7877 Recharges and maintains fire extinguishers, which may also be dropped off for disposal. Reliable Fire Equipment Company 12845 S Cicero, Alsip (708) 597-4600 Recharges and maintains fire extinguishers, which may also be dropped off for disposal. U.S. Fire & Safety Equipment Company 6542 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago (773) 763-4422 Recharges fire extinguishers, which may also be dropped off for disposal. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 35 FLAGS________________________________________ Many American Legion posts conduct “Disposal of Unserviceable Flag Ceremonies” on June 14, Flag Day. Check local directory for locations. Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Flags can be dropped off at some local VFW posts for proper burying/burning disposal. FLUORESCENT BULBS AND HIGH INTESITY DISCHARGE LAMPS________________________________ SWANCC has established a CFL Drop-Off Program at for member communities. Many Ace Hardware, Do It Best Hardware, Home Depot and Lowe’s stores accept compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) only for recycling. Check local listings for locations, and call individual stores for specifics. Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). Everlights, Inc. 9901 S Torrence Ave, Chicago (773) 734-9873 Also accepts batteries, thermostats, computer and electronic equipment, lamps, ballasts and microwaves. Call for pricing. Fluorecycle, Inc. 27780 W Concrete Dr, Unit A Ingleside, IL 60041 (815) 363-4411 Can recycle all types of mercury-containing lamps including fluorescent, HID, UV, CFL and specialty lamps. Call for pricing. Accepts CFL bulbs and tubes. This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 36 FLUORESCENT BULBS AND HIGH INTESITY DISCHARGE LAMPS continued_______________________ IKEA 1800 E McConnor Pkwy, Schaumburg (847) 969-9700 CFL bulbs only. Lighting Resources LLC (866) 375-7340 Greenwood, IN See website for pre-paid recycling options for gas discharge, high intensity and halogen lamps and ballasts. Industry/commercial. FURNITURE________________________________ Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Also accepts computer equipment and peripherals (including monitors), TVs, small appliances, clothing, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Also accepts books, clothing, musical instruments, bicycles, working television sets, and appliances in good working condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 37 FURNITURE continued_______________________ Village Treasure House 1460 Paddock Dr, Northbrook (847) 832-1030 Proceeds benefit local agencies supporting women and families in crisis. Sell or donate fine home furnishings and accessories. World Relief (773) 681-8586 Resettles and serves refugees in Chicago. For inquiries about donating furniture and scheduling pickups, email or leave a voicemail (no mattresses, futons, sofa-beds). GASOLINE – see AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS GLUE CONTAINERS – see MISCELLANEOUS GRANOLA WRAPPERS – see MISCELLANEOUS GREETING CARDS – see MISCELLANEOUS GREASE TRAP AND FRYER OIL DISPOSAL_____ A & J Sewer 1055 Courtesy Ln, Wheeling (847) 537-9090 Grease traps only. Aurora Tallow Inc. 28W440 Main St, Warrenville (630) 393-6806 Primarily business/commercial. Email for sites to dispose of large amounts of residential used cooking oil. Black Gold Septic Batavia (630) 879-3743 Grease trap only. Darling Restaurant Services (708) 388-3223 Kaluzny Bros. Inc. 2324 Mound Rd, Rockdale (815) 744-1453 Mahoney Environmental 1819 Moen Ave, Joliet (800) 892-9392 M.W. Hopkins & Sons, Inc. 9150 Pyott, Lake of the Hills (847) 458-1010 Individual residents may drop off used cooking oil at above address free of charge. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 38 GREASE TRAP AND FRYER OIL DISPOSAL continued___________________________________________ Superior Grease, Inc. 1327 W Beecher Rd Bristol, IL 60512 (847) 381-6339 Tierra Environmental & Industrial Services 3821 Indianapolis Blvd, East Chicago, IN (888) 551-1998 GUM PACKAGES – see MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH CARE AND CONVALESCENT EQUIPMENT_______________________________________ Materials accepted include crutches, walkers, canes, wheelchairs, portable toilets, hospital beds and other health care items. Call organization first to see which items are needed, as most are constrained by lack of space. Arlington Heights Nurses Club Lending Closet 1801 W Central Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 797-5315 Monday: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Tuesday: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Friday: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Elk Grove Lending Closet Sheila Ray Adult Center 225 E Elk Grove Blvd, Elk Grove Village (847) 364-7224 Wheelchairs, walkers, grabbers and crutches only. Hoffman Estates Lending Closet 1900 Hassell Rd, Hoffman Estates (847) 781-4850 Call Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Wheelchairs, walkers and canes only. Morton Grove Lending Closet 6140 Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 470-5223 Call Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Palatine Nurses Lending Closet 200 E Wood St, Rm 266, Palatine (847) 934-3016 Call Wednesday and Saturday: 10:00 am 11:30 am No beds. Prospect Heights Nurses Lending Closet 8 N Elmhurst Rd, Prospect Heights (847) 398-6070, x200 Call Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am–4:30 pm This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 39 HEALTH CARE AND CONVALESCENT EQUIPMENT continued______________________________ Skokie Lending Closet Skokie Office of Human Services 5120 Galitz, Skokie (847) 933-8208 Walkers, wheelchairs and canes. Call first. Vernon Township 3050 N Main, Buffalo Grove (847) 634-4600 Call Monday – Friday, 8:30 am–4:30 pm Accepts shower chairs and benches, commodes, crutches, canes, walkers, wheelchairs. Wheelchair Recycling Program •2554 Advance Rd, Madison, WI (608) 243-1785 •3540 N 126th St, Unit F, Brookfield, WI (Greater Milwaukee area) (262) 439-8248 Call to make arrangements for delivery. Sender pays shipping charges. HEARING AIDS________________________________ North Suburban Hearing Services 7638 N Milwaukee Ave, Niles (847) 966-0060 Box is located in the office. Most local Lions Clubs also accept donations. HEATING OIL/HEATING TANK REMOVAL_______ Cicero Oil Company 6259 S Kenneth Ave, Chicago (773) 581-2041 400 Super Service 1310 Sherman Ave, Evanston (847) 869-5560 Recycles heating oil. Call for pricing. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 40 HELIUM TANKS__________________________________ To dispose of helium tanks, do the following: While outdoors, close valve tightly. Unscrew and remove nozzle by hand or with a 3/4 inch wrench, then open valve completely to release any residual pressure in tank. Write “EMPTY” on the tank in permanent marker. Take tank to a steel recycling center or place with curbside recycling pickup. If necessary, dispose with trash. HOLIDAY LIGHTS__________________________________ After the holiday season, string lighting and extension cords can be dropped off at various locations throughout northern Cook County. Garland, live greens, wreaths or other nonrecyclables are not accepted in this program. The following location provides year-round dropoff for holiday lights: Elk Grove Village Health and Community Services 901 Wellington Avenue Monday - Friday: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (847) 357-4240 JEWELRY – see MISCELLANEOUS JUNK HAULERS_____________________________ 1-800-GOT-JUNK (800) 468-5865 Clavey’s Light Hauling Glenview (847) 729-3444 A - ABF Hauling Skokie (847) 568-1328 College Hunks Hauling Junk Northern Suburbs Call Zack Weiner, local owner (800) 586-5872 Accepts single items to multiple truckloads. All labor, loading & disposal fees included in pricing. Call for free estimate. A - Affordable Hauling Glenview (847) 657-9926 Circle M Dumpster Service Northbrook (847) 564-9097 This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 41 JUNK HAULERS continued____________________ Direct Source Material Handling Service Spring Grove (815) 675-0363 Environmental Services Morton Grove (847) 917-3631 Estate cleanouts, antiques hauling. JUNK MAIL____________________________________ Catalog Choice Free service that lets you communicate your mail preferences to companies. GreenDimes/Tonic Mailstopper Eliminates unsolicited mail, and lets you choose which catalogs you want to receive. See website for fees. Privacy Rights This link provides information about removal from a variety of junk mail lists, such as the following: • Mailing lists of major national marketers • Direct Marketing Association’s Mail Preference Service • Flyers and advertising supplements • Catalog, mail order lists and magazines • Pre-approved offers of credit • Phone books and reverse directories • US Postal Service and change of address data file • Charities and non-profits • Sweepstakes and prizes • Supermarket loyalty cards • Public records • Data compilers and mailing list companies. LEAD ACID BATTERIES – see AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS LEAD-BASED PAINT – see PAINT LEGAL ISSUES – see MISCELLANEOUS LITHIUM ION BATTERIES – see BATTERIES This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 42 LUNCH KITS – see MISCELLANEOUS MAKE-UP CONTAINERS________________________ Garnier Send personal care and beauty product packages to TerraCycle which will upcycle the packaging into new innovative products. See website for details. Kiehl’s Cosmetics Return empty Kiehl’s containers to freestanding Kiehl’s stores and get a “Recycle and Be Rewarded” card stamped for complimentary samples. M.A.C. Cosmetics To receive a free M.A.C. lipstick, return six M.A.C. containers to a M.A.C. counter or log onto M.A.C. online: Return to Origins Recycling Program Bring clean, empty cosmetics bottles, jars, tubes, etc. to Origins retail stores or department store counters for recycling. Origins will accept packaging from any cosmetic company (including hair and body care products). See website for additional information. MARGARINE CONTAINERS – see MISCELLANEOUS MEDIA________________________________________ ACT Recycling Recycle videotapes and floppy disks through an organization that provides jobs to individuals with disabilities. See website for details. Back Thru the Future Recycles CDs, DVDs and hard drives at no cost except shipping. See website for instructions. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 43 MEDIA continued_______________________________ Best Buy Recycling kiosks at all stores for rechargeable batteries, cell phones, inkjet and toner cartridges and wires, cords and cables. The following stores have been accepting VHS tapes for recycling, but call first to verify individual store policies have not changed: 615 E Palatine, Arlington Heights (847) 590-9849 2301 Howard, Evanston (847)570-0450 1072 Willow, Northbrook (847)205-2305 9625 Skokie Blvd, Skokie (847)982-1263 Com2 Computer and Technologies •140 Fullerton Ave, Carol Stream (630) 653-2662 •1196 S Main St, Lombard (630) 678-2662 Free for residences, schools and non-profit organizations. Call for information. Disc Replay •5455 W Touhy Ave, Skokie (847) 568-0773 •13 W Golf Ctr, Hoffman Estates (847) 882-7660 Buys and sells used DVD and blu-ray movies, CDs, video games, video game systems and accessories. GreenDisk (800) 305-DISK (3475) Accepts all electronic media or computerrelated accessories and supplies. Mail-in instructions and prices on website for small and bulk amounts. MRC Polymers 3535 W 31st St, Chicago (773) 890-9000 Accepts CDs, DVDs and jewel cases. Recycle for Breast Cancer Accepts most storage media. Also accepts cell phones, inkjet and laser toner cartridges, printer fuser cores, PDAs, digital cameras, Ipods and other MP3 players, laptops (Pentium 1 or higher only). Go to website for information and pre-paid shipping labels. Ripstyles (866) 391-8447 Converts albums, tapes and CDs to digital format. Recycles cases. Prices vary depending on volume. Second Spin Buy and sell used CDs, DVDs and games. Vintage Vinyl Records 925 Davis St, Evanston (847) 328-2899 Buys and sells records – no CDs or DVDs. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 44 MEDICAL WASTE_____________________________ SWANCC Member Communities: See also SWANCC’s Prescription Drug/Sharps Disposal Program at Prescriptions and over-the-counter medications: Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Sharps: Most local pharmacies have sharps disposal programs. Call your local pharmacist for details. LB Medwaste (888) 526-3392 Pickup contracts available. Stericycle (866) 783-7422 Pickup contracts available. Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). Accepts unused or expired medications (non-controlled only). No sharps or needles accepted. This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 45 MERCURY____________________________________ NEVER use a vacuum to clean up mercury. If you have a mercury spill, contact one of the following immediately for cleanup procedures: •Illinois Department of Public Health (217) 782-5830 •Illinois EPA Collection (217) 524-3300 These departments will also answer any questions related to mercury spills, management or removal. Also visit: for more information. SWANCC has established an environmentally-friendly thermometer exchange program for member communities. Mercury is taken at Household Chemical Waste collections. Thermometer, switch and thermostat disposal: Full-service environmental management company: Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm R3 Environmental Management (847) 488-1492 1050 East Chicago Avenue, Elgin Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). Accepts thermometers, switches and thermostats. This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 46 METALS_____________________________________ Acme Refining 3357 S Justine St, Chicago (773) 523-4500 Industrial-based. Joe’s Scrap Metal Pickup Service 2169 N Natchez, Chicago (773) 851-9020 Pickup service available. Call Joe Perez for pricing information. Barb’s Salvage Company 38200 N Lee, Spring Grove (847) 973-0105 There is a $10 charge for any size load of metal materials picked up. No charge for materials dropped off. Accepts cars, bikes, lawnmowers, and anything made of metal. No wood or plastic accepted. Maine Scrap Metals 1274 Rand Rd, Des Plaines (847) 824-3175 Accepts all non-ferrous metal, including allmetal clothes hangers. C & R Scrap Iron & Metal 4619 S Knox, Chicago (773) 585-3030 Accepts all metals. Elgin Recycling/Crystal Lake Recycling Accepts all metals, including all-metal clothes hangers. •Elgin Recycling 20450 N Rand Rd, Palatine (847) 540-0020 •Elgin Recycling 660 Schiller St, Elgin (847) 741-4100 •Crystal Lake Recycling 5114 Terra Cotta Ave, Crystal Lake (815) 455-7700 North Park Village Recycling Station 5801 N Pulaski Rd, Chicago (773) 821-1351 9:00 am – 5:00 pm daily Accepts aluminum and steel cans. Also accepts brown, clear and green glass bottles and jars, #1 and #2 plastic bottles, newspaper, magazines, office paper and cardboard. Please do not drop off materials outside of the posted hours. Sims Metal Management 2500 S Paulina, Chicago (773) 254-1200 Accepts sheet iron, cars. Call for pricing. Steel: Steel Recycling Institute (800) YES-1-CAN (937-1226) Check website for steel recycling locations. MICROWAVE – see APPLIANCES MILK BOTTLES, PLASTIC – see MISCELLANEOUS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 47 MISCELLANEOUS____________________________ Bubble Mailers and Cushion Wrap (Scotch brand): Recycle Scotch brand mailers and cushion wrap by mailing to: Crafts: Kohl Children’s Museum 2100 Patriot Blvd, Glenview (847) 832-6600 Scotch@Recycling Program 3131 Cincinnati Dayton Rd Middletown, OH 45044 Accepts the following items for children’s creative art projects: cardboard tubes, fabric scraps, plastic film containers, thread spools and plastic bottles. Call to arrange drop-off or to ask what additional materials might be needed. or see website for drop-off locations. Candy Wrappers: See website for details. Corks: Whole Foods Market has partnered with Cork ReHarvest to collect and recycle some of the 13 billion natural corks produced each year. Call individual store regarding participation. Cereal Boxes (Kashi): See website for details. Chip Bags: See website for details. Coffee Bags: See website for details. Cookie Wrappers: See website for details. Disposable Diaper Packaging (Huggies): See website for details. Drink Pouches: See website for details. Energy Bar Wrappers: See website for details. Glue Containers: See website for details. Granola Wrappers: See website for details. Gum Packages: See website for details. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 48 MISCELLANEOUS continued___________________ Greeting Cards: St. Jude's Ranch Recycled Card Program 1-877-977-SJRC (7572) Mail card fronts from all occasion cards to the following address: St. Jude’s Ranch for Children Card Recycling Program 100 St. Jude's Street Boulder City, NV 89005 NOTE: St. Jude’s cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards. Jewelry: Cash Converters 1125 N Roselle Rd, Hoffman Estates (847) 781-0890 Buys gold jewelry. Legal Issues: IEPA Helpline (888) 372-1996 Lunch Kits: See website for details. Margarine Containers: See website for details. Milk Bottles, Plastic: See website for details. Paper Towel Packaging: See website for details. Storage Bags and Containers: See website for details. Transparent Adhesive Tape: See website for details. Water Filters: Select Whole Foods locations recycle Brita water filters. Call individual store for details. Writing Instruments: See website for details. Yogurt Containers: See website for details . This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 49 MOTOR OIL (BULK)_________________________ Illinois Recovery Systems, Inc. 9870 Franklin Ave, Franklin Park (847) 671-3494 Special waste hauler for used waste oil, antifreeze, coolants, waste water. See Automotive Products for service stations that recycle small to medium quantities. MOTOR OIL (RESIDENTIAL) – see AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS______________________ Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Also accepts computer equipment and peripherals (including monitors), TVs, small appliances, clothing, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Also accepts books, clothing, bicycles, working television sets, and appliances in good working condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERIES (Ni-Cd) – see BATTERIES This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 50 OFFICE EQUIPMENT___________________________ Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Midwest Laser Cartridge Corporation 928 N Delphia Ave, Park Ridge (847) 292-2274 Recycles printers, copiers, scanners and fax machines. Also recycles inkjet, toner and fax cartridges. Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). Accepts home office fax machines, scanners, printers/copiers (no large/business office machines). This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. Second Systems, Inc. 1040 W Thorndale, Itasca (630) 250-7555 Purchases mid-to-large size quantities of name-brand quality office furniture and workstations. LifeSpan Technology Recycling (888) 720-0900 Large- and small-scale technology recycling, including computers, printers, monitors, telephone gear and fax machines. SIMS Recycling Solutions 1600 Harvester Rd, West Chicago (630) 231-6060 Also accepts cell phones, consumer electronics, and microwaves. Call for details and pricing. Refurbished Office Environments 905 S Menard Ave, Chicago (773) 379-5222 Buys large quantities only. Midwest Copier Exchange, LLC See website for information about buying or selling office machines. Also see Furniture. OIL TANK REMOVAL__________________________ Cicero Oil Company 6259 S Kenneth Ave, Chicago (773) 581-2041 This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 51 OXYGEN TANKS_________________________________ Oxygen tanks used for medical purposes in the home should be returned to the supplier or manufacturer. Check the neck of the tank for an address. Dive tanks can usually be sold back to the dive shop. Before purchasing any compressed gas tanks, ask the supplier about proper disposal methods. PACKAGING PRODUCTS______________________ All packing peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap should be clean and acceptable for reuse. If your municipality does not have a shipping store that accepts recycling, call the Plastic Loose Fill Council's 24-hour "Peanut Pipeline" at (800) 828-2214 which gives the closest collection site that accepts plastic peanuts for reuse. To give away or acquire used cardboard boxes for free, refer to the website Recycle Scotch brand bubble mailers and cushion wrap by mailing to: Scotch@Recycling Program 3131 Cincinnati Dayton Rd Middletown, OH 45044 or see website for drop-off locations: Arlington Heights The UPS Store 126 E Wing St (847) 818-9000 Accepts peanuts and cardboard. Buffalo Grove The UPS Store 113 McHenry Rd (847) 459-7060 Accepts peanuts and bubble wrap. The UPS Store 309 E Rand Rd (847) 259-6700 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. The UPS Store 318 Half Day Rd (847)913-0335 Accepts peanuts and bubble wrap. Barrington The UPS Store 117 S Cook St (847) 304-1911 Accepts peanuts and bubble wrap. Elk Grove Village The UPS Store 836 S Arlington Heights Rd (847) 956-1112 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 52 PACKAGING PRODUCTS continued______________ Evanston The UPS Store 1555 Sherman Ave (847) 869-3000 Accepts peanuts. Morton Grove The UPS Store 6321 W Dempster (847) 581-2870 Accepts peanuts. The UPS Store 848 Dodge Ave (847) 475-2335 Accepts peanuts. Mount Prospect The UPS Store 119 S Emerson Ave (847) 788-9001 Accepts peanuts. Pack ‘n Mail 635 Chicago Ave (847) 866-6225 Accepts peanuts. The UPS Store 2906 Central (847) 475-5200 Accepts peanuts. Glenview Abt Electronics 1200 N Milwaukee Ave (847) 967-8830 Accepts peanuts and cardboard. The UPS Store 2516 Waukegan Rd (847) 724-3800 Accepts peanuts and bubble wrap. Hoffman Estates Pack ‘n Mail 1566 W Algonquin Rd (847) 934-6700 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. The UPS Store 3 Golf Ctr (847) 310-9666 Accepts peanuts and bubble wrap. Mail Box Plus 1516 N Elmhurst Rd (847) 577-1737 Accepts peanuts and bubble wrap. Pro-Mix Audio & Lighting 960 E Northwest Hwy (847) 797-9404 Accepts peanuts. Niles The UPS Store 8926 N Greenwood Ave (847) 824-6800 Accepts peanuts. Palatine The UPS Store 1935 S Plum Grove Rd (847) 991-9980 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. The UPS Store 738 E Dundee Rd (847) 934-9054 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 53 PACKAGING PRODUCTS continued______________ Park Ridge The UPS Store 310 Busse Hwy (847) 825-3700 Accepts peanuts and bubble wrap. Wilmette The UPS Store 1187 Wilmette Ave (847) 256-1187 Accepts peanuts and bubble wrap. Skokie The UPS Store 4957 Oakton St (847) 329-7400 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. The UPS Store 3223 Lake Ave, Suite 15C (847) 853-1300 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. Postal Plus 8820 Skokie Blvd (847) 972-1690 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. Winnetka The UPS Store 1001 Green Bay Rd (847) 446-6899 Accepts peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. PACKING PEANUTS – see PACKAGING PRODUCTS PAINT_________________________________________ Latex Paint: Latex paint will not be accepted at Household Chemical Waste collections. It may be disposed of at home because it is water-based and does not contain toxic material. The easiest way to dispose of paint is to use it up completely. Apply a second coat to your project or use it up on a piece of old cardboard or scrap wood. Let the can dry out and dispose of it in your regular garbage. If this isn’t an option, continue reading for further instructions. You can add shredded newspapers, kitty litter or Waste Paint Hardener (available at most hardware stores) to your latex paint. Let the paint dry out completely. This should be done in a well-ventilated area and away from children and pets. After the paint has dried, put the container in your garbage with the lid off so the garbage hauler knows the can is empty. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 54 PAINT continued________________________________ Many local theatre groups, churches and housing authorities will accept leftover paint and put it to good use. If you have a significant amount of paint that is usable, contact the following: The ReBuilding Exchange 2160 N Ashland, Chicago (773) 252-2234 The mission of the ReBuilding Exchange is to divert building materials from the waste stream and make them accessible to the public for reuse, protecting community health, creating jobs and saving resources. Habitat for Humanity ReStore Accepts building materials, construction tools, pallet jacks, cabinets, siding, tile, paintbrushes. Call (847) 249-3160 (distribution center) or see website for list of donations accepted, hours of operation, and criteria for donation pickups. Hardware Stores If your paint is not usable and you are unable to dry it out yourself, the hardware stores listed below recycle latex paint for a fee: •Craftwood Lumber and Hardware 1590 Old Deerfield Rd, Highland Park (847) 831-2800 •Palatine Ace Hardware 239 E Northwest Hwy, Palatine (847) 358-8100 •Schaumburg Ace Hardware 560 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg (847) 895-9292 •Sherwin Ace Hardware 1705 W Campbell, Arlington Heights (847) 255-3113 •Skokie Ace Hardware 5035 Oakton St, Skokie (847) 673-0700 •Weiss Ace Hardware 1560 Waukegan Rd, Glenview (847) 724-3444 The following website lists additional locations to recycle latex paint and cans. Earth Paints Collection Systems (847) 231-6044 •Millen Do It Best 1219 Wilmette Ave, Wilmette (847) 251-3060 This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 55 PAINT continued______________________________ Lead-Based Paint: In response to lead-based paint (LBP) concerns, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has prepared an information package which outlines those LBP removal approaches which IEPA recognizes as being consistent with protecting human health and the environment. Oil Paint: Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). Accepts oil-based paints, aerosol paints and paint thinners. Also accepts solvents (mineral spirits, stains, paint strippers, preservatives and sealers). This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. PAPER SHREDDING AND RECYCLING__________ SWANCC has established a seasonal document destruction program for member communities. Accurate Document Destruction Managed by Groot Industries 2500 Landmeier Rd, Elk Grove Village (800) 407-4733 Provides on- or off-site shredding services. Acme Document Destruction 3357 S Justine St, Chicago (773) 523-4500 Provides on- or off-site shredding services. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 56 PAPER SHREDDING AND RECYCLING continued_ AMS Store and Shred (AMS Ag Medical Systems Inc.) (800) 262-2344 An authorized Kodak subcontractor, AMS also recycles old x-ray, lithographic film, aluminum plates and silver flake. Cintas 2600 S 25th Ave, Broadview (708) 345-8392 Provides on- or off-site shredding services. Citadel Information Management 827 Blackhawk Dr, Westmont (630) 323-1540 Onsite mobile shredding and material dropoff. Call to make an appointment or see website for details. Paper Retriever Recycling This program places bins at schools, churches and other non-profit organizations, which are paid for paper products recycled by community members. Website lists locations of recycling bins and acceptable materials for recycling. Shred First, Inc. 530 E Algonquin Rd, Des Plaines (847) 390-9133 Onsite mobile shredding and material dropoff. You may observe the destruction of your documents. PLASTIC BAGS_________________________________ Many retail stores have bins to recycle plastic bags. Check local directory for exact location and for program verification. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 57 POLYSTYRENE/STYROFOAM___________________ The same properties that make polystyrene an excellent packaging material - its light weight, low cost and strength - make it difficult to recycle. The cost of trucking polystyrene to a recycling plant is cost-prohibitive and it has low scrap value. Because styrofoam food containers are usually contaminated, they require cleaning before they can be processed for recycling, another factor which makes recycling generally infeasible. Abt Electronics 1200 N Milwaukee Ave, Glenview (847) 967-8830 Thursday – Saturday: 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm Abt also recycles cardboard, batteries, plastic and electronics. Please bring your recyclables to the freestanding building located just west of the main building. City of Highland Park Highland Park Firearms Training Center 1180 Half Day Rd, Highland Park Tuesday and Friday: 7:00 am – 1:00 pm Dart Container Corp. 310 Evergreen Dr, North Aurora (630) 896-4631 24 hours Dart operates a polystyrene foam recycling plant, open to the public. Some UPS store locations will accept clean packing peanuts for recycling. PRINTERS – see ELECTRONICS DONATION PROPANE TANKS_______________________________ Amerigas •522 S Vermont, Palatine (800) 398-1354 $3 fee per tank. •4158 Division, Hillside (708) 544-1131 No charge. •310 N Sangamon, Chicago (312) 997-2300 No charge. Coleman Provides information about proper disposal of propane tanks. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 58 PROPANE TANKS_______________________________ Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). Accepts propane tanks for BBQ grills, small fire extinguishers and small non-refillable cylinders (NCRs). This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES – see BATTERIES RECYCLING HOTLINE_________________________ Log onto Earth 911 recycling web site: or call the nationwide hotline: (800) CLEAN-UP (253-2687) This service provides recyclers with locations to take old newspapers, magazines, scrap paper, aluminum cans, glass bottles, tires and other materials to be collected for recycling. It also provides information about source reduction, reuse opportunities and community environmental events. This hotline is a recording. REFRIGERATORs – see APPLIANCES RESALE SHOPS – see CLOTHING RUBBER/TIRES__________________________________ Lakin Environmental Industries 2044 N Dominick St, Chicago (773) 871-6360 Industrial only. Liberty Tire Services 1323 W Cortland, Chicago (773) 871-6360 Industrial only. Also see the Automotive Products for locations to take tires and other automotive equipment. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 59 SCHOOL EQUIPMENT___________________________ Tools for Schools (SCARCE) 799 Roosevelt Rd,Bldg 2, Ste 8, Glen Ellyn (630) 545-9710 Sponsored by SCARCE (School and Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education). SCARCE collects the following for proper reuse/recycling: cell phones, printer cartridges, crayons, American flags, clothing, buttons, safety pins, eyeglasses, keys, LP records and license plates Also see “Book” section to donate school and office supplies Please call ahead. SCRAP METAL – see METALS SERVICE STATIONS – see AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS SHARPS DISPOSAL___________________________ Most local pharmacies have sharps disposal programs. Call your local pharmacist for details. LB Medwaste (888) 526-3392 Pickup contracts available. Stericycle (866) 783-7422 Pickup contracts available. SWANCC Member Communities: See also SWANCC’s Prescription Drug/Sharps Disposal Program at This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 60 SHOES_______________________________________ Note: Please DO NOT mail shoes to SWANCC's office. Athletic Shoes: Shoes – All Types: Nike’s Reuse-A-Shoe program recycles worn-out athletic shoes into material used in sports surfaces and playgrounds. Share Your Soles 5623 W 115th St, Alsip (708) 448-4469 Donates gently used shoes to people in need around the world. Check website for donation opportunities. Learn more about the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe program and school and business shoe collections. You can bring up to 10 pair of athletic shoes at a time to the following location: Niketown 669 N Michigan Ave, Chicago (312) 642-6363 No cleats or heels. You can also mail your athletic shoes straight to Nike: Grind Processing 3552 Avenue of Commerce Memphis, TN 38125 For on-going shoe recycling: Shoes - Matchmaker Organizations: This program helps people who need only one or different-sized shoes: National Odd Shoe Exchange POB 1120 Chandler, AZ 85244-1120 (480) 892-3484 Exchange accepts unworn shoes, boots, socks and laces. See website for mailing instructions. Algonquin Township Road, District Parking Lot (blue container in middle of lot - next to the MCCD Hollows Conservation Site) 3702 US Highway 14, Crystal Lake Questions? Contact Bob or Anna Miller at (847) 639-2700 x 6 Drop-off - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For large amounts, please bring during business hours. Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Please remove laces and place loose shoes in bin (no bags). Do not bring shoes with metal eyelets, zippers, cleats, spikes, “fashion lights”, or any non-courttype athletic shoes (like sandals, heels, boots, pool shoes, soccer shoes, etc.) This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 61 SMOKE DETECTORS__________________________ Ionization smoke detectors contain small amounts of radioactive materials. Never disassemble a smoke detector. Intact detectors pose little threat, but can be a health hazard if broken open. By federal regulation, all smoke detectors contain the mail-back address to send used units with radioactive chips. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission suggests checking the label on the detector for disposal options, but residents may safely discard individual units in their regular garbage. SOFTWARE – see MEDIA SPORTS EQUIPMENT_____________________ Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Also accepts computer equipment and peripherals (including monitors), TVs, small appliances, clothing, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. Play It Again Sports •1325 N Rand Rd, Palatine (847) 221-2672 •Brookside Plaza, 525 Waukegan Dr, Northbrook (847) 564-9180 •1127 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg (847) 895-8914 Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Also accepts books, clothing, musical instruments, working computers and monitors, bicycles, working television sets, and appliances in good working condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. STEEL – see METALS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 62 STORAGE BAGS and CONTAINERS– see MISCELLANEOUS STOVE – see APPLIANCES STYROFOAM – see POLYSTYRENE SUMP PUMP BATTERIES – see BATTERIES SYRINGES – see SHARPS DISPOSAL TELEPHONE BOOKS___________________________ Yellow Pages Remove your home and office from receiving printed telephone directories. All SWANCC communities can recycle phone books in curbside bins. Also see Recycling Drop-off Centers. TEXTBOOK REUSE – see BOOKS THERMOMETERS__________________________________ SWANCC has established an environmentally-friendly Thermometer Exchange Program for member communities. Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). Accepts thermometers, switches and thermostats. This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. Also see Mercury. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 63 THERMOSTATS_______________________________ SWANCC has established a recycling program for thermostats and wall switches, and a thermometer exchange program for member communities. Chicago's Permanent Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility 1150 N Branch St, Chicago Operated by the City of Chicago and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Call (312) 744-7606 for more information. Tuesdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1st Saturday of month: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Residential waste only (no business or commercial sector waste). G & O Thermo Supply Company Intact units only. Do not remove bulb. •51 W Seegers Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 439-5242 •5435 N Northwest Hwy, Chicago (773) 763-1300 GW Berkheimer 4 E College Dr, Arlington Heights (847) 259-5596 Wholesale only. Intact units only. Do not remove bulb. Accepts thermometers, switches and thermostats. This facility accepts many additional items for recycling. See site for details. Also see Mercury. TIRES – see AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS TOOLS – see CONSTRUCTION/BUILDING MATERIAL - DONATION This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 64 TOYS__________________________________________ Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Also accepts computer equipment and peripherals (including monitors), TVs, small appliances, clothing, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. Salvation Army •250 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 577-2828 •6715 W Dempster, Morton Grove (847) 581-0590 •4335 Oakton, Skokie (847) 983-8197 Also accepts books, clothing, musical instruments, working computers and monitors, bicycles, working television sets, and appliances in good working condition. Not all stores accept all items (e.g., TVs). Call individual store before dropping off donations. Bulk pickups may be scheduled by calling (773) 477-1300. TRANSPARENCIES– see FILM/CANISTERS/X-RAYS TRANSPARENT ADHESIVE TAPE – see MISCELLANEOUS VIDEO CASETTES – see MEDIA VIDEO SYSTEMS/GAMES______________________ Costco The Costco Trade-In Program is a service provided to Costco customers by Gazelle. Eligible products qualify for Costco Cash or recycling. Shipping charges are pre-paid by Gazelle. See website for details. Disc Replay •5455 W Touhy Ave, Skokie (847) 568-0773 •13 W Golf Ctr, Hoffman Estates (847) 882-7660 Buys and sells used DVD and blu-ray movies, CDs, video games, video game systems and accessories. This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 65 VIDEO SYSTEMS/GAMES continued_____________ GameStop Stores (EB Games) See website for store locations to trade in old games and accessories. Goodwill Industries 1551 N Dryden Ave, Arlington Heights (847) 670-7311 Accepts Microsoft Xbox, Zune and Microsoft-branded webcams. Also accepts computer equipment and peripherals (including monitors), TVs, small appliances, clothing, home décor, books and movies (DVD and VHS). No refrigerators or washers/dryers. WASHER/DRYER – see APPLIANCES WATER FILTERS – see MISCELLANEOUS WOOD RECYCLING____________________________ Davin Industries 1881 Commerce Dr, Ste 108, Elk Grove Village (847) 593-8100 Recycles wood pallets, engineered wood and crates, construction and lumber trim, and all untreated wood. No logs are accepted. D K Organics 29307 N Skokie Hwy, Lake Bluff (847) 234-5499 Accepts brush, branches, wood chips and logs (maximum 6 feet in length). No stumps, pallets, engineered wood or construction lumber. Material made into compost and mulches, available for purchase. Land and Lakes 1300 N Milwaukee Ave, Buffalo Grove (847) 520-1857 Monday – Saturday: 6:00 am – 3:30 pm Accepts freshly cut grass and landscape material for composting; you can also purchase prescreened and unscreened compost. Do not tie or put in plastic bags. Logs accepted 3-4 feet in length and up to 34 inches in diameter. WRITING INSTRUMENTS – see MISCELLANEOUS X-RAYS – see FILM/CANISTERS/X-RAYS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. 66 YARD WASTE_________________________________ D K Organics 29307 N Skokie Hwy, Lake Bluff (847) 234-5499 Accepts most organic matter including grass, leaves, brush, branches, wood chips and logs (maximum 6 feet in length). No stumps or food. Also accepts clean fill (must be separated from other organic material.) Mr. K Garden & Material Center 1440 Higgins Rd, Park Ridge (847) 692-2118 Accepts fresh grass, thatch, chips, leaves, branches and brush. Also accepts (but must be separated) branches less than 3" in diameter, concrete, rock and dirt. Does not accept old grass. Land and Lakes 1300 N Milwaukee Ave, Buffalo Grove (847) 520-1857 Monday – Saturday: 6:00 am – 3:30 pm Accepts freshly cut grass and landscape material for composting; you can also purchase prescreened and unscreened compost. Do not tie or put in plastic bags. Logs accepted 3-4 feet in length and up to 34 inches in diameter. YOGURT – see MISCELLANEOUS This information is not an endorsement of any company, product, or service. Please call locations prior to drop-off. Last updated: September 2011. Outreach Events Log Date of Event Event Summa Event Location A Arbor Park VAex Montessori School n129 2011 May 14 2011 September A A 2011 2011 Day Open House Mount Prospect Public Wants Green Fair Mount Pros Earn Day Mount Prospect Park District Fnendship Park Consewato d Public Libra SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTATION Staff Initials c I Arbor Day April 29 2011 You are cordially invited to attend Mount Prospect s Arbor Day celebration Friday April 29th 2011 Park View Montessori School 805 Burning Bush Lane 10 am Please come and help us plant the Arbor Day tree Mount Prospect Public Works Department 847 870 5640 Village of Mount Prospect Celebrates Arbor Day 2011 i Park View Montessori School 805 Burning Bush Lane April 29 2011 10 00 am WELCOME Ms Sandy Clark Forestry Grounds Superintendent Mr George Petkovich Administrator Park View Montessori SONGS THE TREES ARE GROWING HIGH AND M A TREE I Songs Performed by the 2 s Preschool and Kindergarten students taught by Iffat Mahmud Saroj Sharma Gina Dodaro Zina Danno Jenna Stanley and Ewa Przeklasa TREE CITY U A AWARD S Sandy Clark Forestry Grounds Superintendent S REMARKS AND POETRY READING MAYOR Original poem written and recited by Mayor Irvana K Wilks SONG GREEN GRASS Song performed by the Toddlers taught by Mina Parrenas and Laurie Washburn PLANTING CEREMONY Forestry Assistant Dave Hull Mayor Wilks and Village Trustees Garden Club Representatives Park View Montessori School Officials Park View Montessori Kindergarten Students Aya Deiri Olivia Perkins Sabine Lee Zachary Zigmond Forestry Division Grounds Public Works Mascot P W Paws CLOSING SONG THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND Please sing along with the Preschool and Kindergarten students This land is your land this land is my land From California to the New York island From the Redwood Forests to the Gulf Stream waters This land was made for you and me THE ARBOR DAY TREE And the winner is Miyabe Maple The Miyabe maple grows to be about 40 30 feet tall and wide This tree is native to Japan but also grows great in our area It has crisp dark green foliage in the summer turning a golden yellow color in the fall Miyabe maple trees like to be planted in the sun and are adaptable to urban conditionslike dry soils and pollution With good care like watering and mulching your Arbor Day tree should grow big and strong VV w e v g ill I P IL TAKE A BOUGH A special thank you to Director Kathy English for her help coordinating this year s celebration Thank you to Leah Nawrot Sabine Lee Sawyer Schnell and Sophia Widholm for the beautiful program artwork Also thank you to the Garden Club of Mount Prospect for donating money toward this year s Arbor Day tree SEE YOURSELF ON TV MPTV17 Mount Prospect television will broadcast the ceremony during the month of May Call 847 870 5685 for dates and times Come and see Your Works Saturday May 14 2011 Join PW Paws on a Fun Fact hunt through your works Learn how water flows from Lake Michigan to your faucet How high can you go Find out Get a lift in one of the department s aerial trucks How does the sewer system under your house work How is Mount Prospect developing an urban forest How will road reconstruction and resurfacing affect you Come have a dog with the Works Free refreshments will be served Find the answers to these and any other questions you may have at the 32th annual Public Works Open House Saturday May 14 2011 OOam to 1 9 OOpm 1700 W Central Rd Mount Prospect IL 60056 At the intersection of Central and Busse Roads 0 PROCLAMATION NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK May 15 21 2011 WHEREAS the services provided by the Public li orks Department in our communiry are an integral parr ofon citizen every dery lives and WHEREAS the support ofan understanding and informed communiry is vital to the efficient operation of a public works system and its marry programs relating to ware sewers streets and highways public buildings public green solid waste collection recycling trees and snow removal and WHEREAS the quality and effecliveness ofThese facilities as well as their planning design and construction are dependent upon the efrts and skills ofpublic works emplgves and WHEREAS the a ciency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who staffpublic works departments is materially influenced by the people s anlmde and understanding of the tmporlauce of the work they perform and WHEREAS the Afount Prospect Public Works Department will have art Open House on Saturday Ala 14 2011 between the hours of 9 00 a m and IM p m to acquaint the residents of Mount Prospect with the many services provided by the Public Works Department NOW THEREFORE I rvana K W ilks Mayor ofthe Village ofMount Prospect do hereby proclaim the weekofMay 2011 15 21 as NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK in the WWage of Mount Prospect and 1 call upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the various services provided by the Alosnt Prospect Public Works Department to assure the health safety and con jaT ofour residents Irvin K Wilks Maya AYTEST M List Angell Village Clerk Dared this 3rd day ofAfay 2011 f t f E E5 0 m 7 a 2 0 a 4 a7 2 m o o E 2o k k E B t 3 2f0 aQ0m 2 m k Q i k j k k m LL z m 7 e Co 0 gO E 4 0 D7 k 0 7 r G 0 k CL D 6 f G 0 2 cL Es k o J cu f i0 0 0 oe a E f k IS t4 ot y Mount Prospect Public Works Open House Saturday May 19 2012 9 AM to 1 PM 1700 W Central Mount Prospect ot Free Refreshments and Food Provided By The Mount Prospect Lions Club Discover How Fresh Water Gets To Your Tap Get A Lift In An Aerial Truck Or Ride A Sweeper See How The Sewer Systems Work Find Out How Streets Get Fixed Learn About Your Urban Forest Fun Games Food Displays Rides Prizes Meet the Public Works Mascot fT f illilf 334 PW Paws niwn rn s IN44 4 Household Hazardous Waste Removal Event Log Desch tion of Material Date of Ewnl Amount Event LOwBOn Sharps Disposal Onjoing 0 lb 282 Mount Prospect Public Works Presni On going 0 lb 380 Mount Prosped Public Works On going 29 Boxes Mount Pros Lion Disposal Fluorescent Liht B CFL Bulb Recyclinq SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTATION ct Public Works AM 2 o 23 z k Z k r a L kk az Q 7 ft 7faf ki I t N 1 4 0 g g si I OF A 3 y N O O N s O aeaW p A U v o o m aa n awn o An0 n o xm d c3m m 3 nnc n Y CD M y d aP O A 30 p n Hm fD dam m n s a a N G S a 23 af 3 o N W SWANCC Communities f 1310 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST LB MEDWASTE SERVICES INC O BOX 54 P L j teawca Highway Treneportaaon WAUSAU W154402 0054 WDNRAt12105 715 Rla Ergenc5Retponaelnfommtion l1 000324 9700 Tel Cerdafns Regulated Medical Waste Health Hazard Potentially lnfeedous Materials 2048 842 Fa Hazard Lowdek Incese of Im use a fire exangulsher TE M WES1W M 123551ntowelato Ewintoflriddant Wear personal protective gear to sw4g debits Use absods any liquids and than dlalnfedema Discard ordsan Balled 27 j Ir dothing end equipment Wash hand thoroughly A2I fhmp6ct 1 SWANCC Saguia a Ouew 1700 W Central Rd M Pwgxed IL 60056 Public WoTim Dept 847 M5640 g ERVICE INCLUDES PICKUP S SIZE 5 W D WEIGHT Yeer 112M SERIAL 2 DISPOSAL OF MEDICAUINFECTIOUS WASTE 3 Bulk blood body fluids from humans Human Tissue Shalps unused or disinfected Tissue bulk blood or body fluid wmemNaled from animals oa n amonotb infe 1111 ent Microhb a ballabomW xaeu TRACE CHEMO WASTE 5 PATNOLOOICAL WASTE AMALGAM BUCKET OTHER C 7 fJ DELIVERIES TO CUSTOMER on in rs Size 8 h en 4 30 11 i 12 Other 13 14 15 TREATMENT AND DiSMMSAL ICAL W MR TR NT MEDwA3TE 8ERVICEs iNe 8550DEVELOPMENTCOURT WAUSAU W1 544024048 LB 7158424048 DNR LIC194405 MEDT Ai 16 rACnj W cry D aMSiq 17 MARATHON COONTY SOLID WASTE R18300EASTHWY29 RINOGB Wl 4471 19 7154463339 DNR LIC 903338 20 AMALGAM BUCIO T RE CYC I LNG HeslttrcanE hannsdMal Stinks 1Cr0 40 SDeet N Farye NO 581102 UC X178001 Fargo landfal 2101 W ATerare F44 VOi 373702g 1 N0 W11 UC 45W 2M 29Z2486 W01 PFi I W that have recehred the imecdous waste as dasnhed above I wNy that the wells descelbed harsh has been rendered non4rdad6us in accordance with a0 applbaHe laws and regulations JEFF eOENHOUSE 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vptI a9 lneaseb fspfkmilWfemgnt2441ourSplAs Hatlhe ivo 30W3 to e IagNegfel8 rocassea LB MEDWASTE SERVICES INC O BOX 54 WAUSAU WI 54402 0054 P WDNRt12105 Q 15 542 2048 reiRa S1UttALAICllVl13 WAA 1lr Lvl lAll raa I Highway Transportation Em n erygrRxpe Maaegulated M aley In rite lly wdskof az rd RmH lnlecdous ectlouelonterfele t 7 Fre Hazard Low dak o flrs ar azploelon Incase of Ate tees a fire extlnguTiher MANIFEST M 1411 7 totowels Eventoffnciderd Weer penonel protective gear to sweep up debris Use to absorb my liquids and then dlslnfederaa Dleard or dean soiled I TE doming and equipmertL Wish hands moroughy 1 ACCOUNT 2021 Cuaroarar 7 1 sa0at SWANCC Mt Prospect Ad 700 W Cent 1 Public Works W I S Mt ProspectlL60056 84 i1 8004244300 M Contain Dept If2TimeseY OA Cell HT E L 1 5705640 SE VIDE INCLUDES PICKUP r A DISPOSAL A F MEDICALJINFECTIOUS WASTE 8 Bulk blood bodyflukle from humens Human Tlesua Sharps ontaminaW from animals unused biaod orbodyfluld ordisinfeded Jinn bu N amonolb bfedbds a ent TRACE CHEMO WASTE 5 PATHOLOGICAL WASTE 6 At1ALG CKET T OTHER A ELIVERIESTOCISTOMER ntainers Size Co h r 9 Ouantity s 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 iT AND DISPOSAL FACMITIES TREATMF MEDICAL WASTE TREATMENT MEDICALWASTEDISPOSAL 17 LB MBDWASTE SERVICES INC MARATHON COUNTY SOLD WASTE 18 8550DEVELOPhOMCOU2T 818500 EAST MY 29 RINOM WI 54471 7154463339 WAUSAU WI 54402 2041 715 842 2048 e4405 DNRLIC 19 WRLIC 903338 20 INCINERATION WASTE TREATME INCINERATION WASTE DISPOSAL I cer that I have received the infedtcuswaste as deso bed above I arty thetme waste desaDed herald has been mndered taniratlbus In amordanoewth 99 sppliwhlslaesandmgule0ons JEFF EV MOUSE Signature name mea Iaryllre al vreafea re Dme retdydeaabed antabed and labeled forhaaspoft 4 11 i i In case Df spills cell 61a Wauona rdhWmgipIL me 1 8W 0003 943 tNsconsfY24i1ax5pNk HdMe O BOX 54 P i a l Highway a spouse 54402054 WAUSAU W 1 0 12105 WDNR C RReapmgidMmm t ldOW24 g900 Haadh Hazard Potentlalry Infectious MatedaB COntelnr Regulated Medical Weete 2048 715 542 Rte Hazard Low risk of fire or ezpioslon In case of fi use afire e ngulaher a EsentofInddent Wear pommel protective gear to amep up debris Use IVI DATE n If1lYriAGNLUJVw LB MEDWASTE SERVICES INC rowels to absorb any liquids and than dWnfed area Dlecer4 or dean doting and equipment Wash hands Noroughy r ACCOUNT 2621 SWANCC Mt Prospect Rd W Central 1700 RegoazCurtomu IZE MtPtaspectlL60056 Call El 1l21wua Yur WEIG T SERIAL Public Wor sDept 847 8705640 SERVICE INCLUDES PICKUP DISPOSAL OF MEDICAL9NPECTIODB WASTE 3 Bulk blood SbgdyflbMsfmm humansJiumanTmaue Tissue bulk blood orbodyfluld unused ordlcirwill fmmSharps anirnalconlaminated sca n amon rs otleflone nl lo Isbomh 4 wade TRACE CHEMO WASTE PATHOLOGICAL WASTE M BUCKET T O DELIVERIES TO CUSTOMER 9 I cors 10 la 13 14 MVATMEM AND DISPOSAL FACILFrIES vna v N1 LB k4EOWAS 1E SERVICES INC 9550DEVELOPMEHTCOURT 2049 WAUSAU WI 54402 rt D 3rrO5A1 A W 17 MARATHON COUNTY SOLID WASTE 1g RIS500 EAST HWY 29 54471 RWOLE W1 19 7154463339 ONE WC N 03339 2049 715942 DNR aavDl sr 4405 LiC 20 AaarAAM HUerra9 RPCYCSLNC I coddy that l has mceNWOehfedpuawasle as described above I mrify that the waste dowilledbereln has been rendered nun4nlediaus In aomrdance Will All applicaNelans and mgulatbns JEFF EVMCItISE Print I Ortlipe mrlA commetsof waste aocuraby a Date Pmtassw eB m name Abod contained and labeia I nspbs eoopnfug PImble lane mgtAatlona nspo r e fntese 000943 0003 afap6a tstlWlec09shk244burSplls Hd9lne1 2 LB 131UHAGA1WVUJ YYAAlr 1vJH I MEDVOASTE SERVICES INC O BOX 54 P WAUSAU WDNPo Highwa y W VM 5MO20054 N2Q Sgp RGTi 1 ca r i e 300 1140842 Contains Regulated Medical Waste H9eah Hazard Potentially Infeceaus Materials Fire Hazard Low dakof flre or explosion In case of flre use a Ore extinguisher Event oflncident Weer personal protective gear to sweep up debris Liao 1419 5 Intowels to absorb any Ilqulds and then dlsinfectana Discard or dean soiled clothing and equipment Wash hands thoroughly y Rs8WetCjutomer 1700 W 1 RdlW R4 SIZE Mt Prospect IL 60056 Public Works MQJ n e spons Emerg cy Re R4 Information T911 1 5 842 2040 MAN IFESIW M Tr 112 Ti Y 0111 WEIGHT I SERIAL Dept 847 6640 870 2 SERVICE INCLUDES PICKUP 8 DISPOSAL OF MEDICALIINFECTIOUS WASTE 3 Bulk blood 8 bodyflulds from humana r Nman Tissue harps unused ordlamlactef butblow orbody flub contamnated from admalacturymg a zoonotlo infections agent h0cmWo ioallaboreb waste TRACE CHEMO WASTE 4 S PATHOLOGICAL WASTE Q AMALGAM CKET 7 O DELIVERIES TO CUSTOMER on Size i n t an i 9 10 lA 13 14 35 TRF ATMF NT MFnarAr 1TIFa AND DISPOSAL FAcn MEDICAL WASTE D3SPOSAL WpBTF TaapTMENT LE b15DWASTS SERVICES INC MARATHON COUN Y SOLID WASTE 8550 DEVRLOPMEJT COURT R18500 EAST11WY 29 WAUSAU W1 RINGER W1 54471 440L2048 17 7154463339 71584k2048 DM MC 16 DNR LIC a 03338 64405 1D INCINERATION WASTE TREATMENT aF I IC10 AMALGAME I w that I have recehred ale Infectious waste wdescribed above Ice that the wage described herein has been rendered ran Infectious In accordence wM all applicable lova and regulations JEFF EVENHOUSE or i pe oedlfy that Froce DateDate Signature name nteMaoflhe waste Menedandlabeled mtelydesMied mfulNa Irt de000rding bfsp04 co Wlawtsnt 144OauSpNe Haft IOWS43 0003 lase B regulations G L B OHAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST CES INC 1 0054 F Trans orfadai tl2 uld 54 WAUSAw X S1 PO S MEDWASTE E Erne eery Reaped Medical etlte Tel1300iT4dL100 Havith H Regulated Medical Waste WDNRR72305 715 842 2 fin ZOpI FleeHh Hazard Pdan8e8y Infectious Hazard Low MANIFESfH M 15544 tmInn Indtlen VistoerNO E t ar personal p M ion rotec8va geArlo sweep up deb abeorbanyaquidsandthendisin federea Dlacartladeen uC Arlin A SV1 U f dothingandequipmenL Wa h halldethoroughy 1 fal Cc a i No f oq 14 Al 1ey 1 4 tli 40no3 A 7 3 cil a nrim r r Iu SIZE IIcJ ceJr V i 7 nla fire ar expion In case fire use a fire exflngulahec q DATE A WEIGHT SERIAL 1 73Z S SERVICE INCLUDES PICKUP DISPOSAL OF 2 MEDICALRNFECTIOUS WASTE bulkbldado7 Tissue ded Bulk blood bodyflukis from humans fiuman Time Sharys Iamineted unusedordisin fmmanbnJdada n azootlotichoclons TRACE CHE fO WASTE of Mldob ioalland 3 4 3 PATHOLOGICAL WASTE AMALGAM BUCKET 6 OTHER 7 DELIVERIES Cl T0 S E 9 I r 10 UU k 12 autity 13 15 A TRRATMFNT ANrJD6 pICAL WASTETRATMFNT bf MRDI Ll1 MEDWASTE SERVICES ETC 8550 DEVELOPMENT CpURT ISAD VA W AJ FA W eT MARATHON COD DIawT3AI SOLO WASTE HWY 2 R18500EA81 54402b2048 17 18 RDIOLE WL 54471 715842 2048 715 444 3339 DNRLIC H 03338 DNRLIC e4405 r INCINERATION WA 16 II ITIF TR n ATA INCINERATIOfJ 1 19 20 AMALG B T REMCI N l osrgy teal l have receNed Me iMedbuswaste az dext3ed shove I iergy that Uewasladesorbed herein has been tendered no l4nfe ious in aw dum with all epplbableJaws and regulations Jed iC i eIIhvUie of n tll e the 5 MOlis Sfe arafuly eta Protease acar mntapwd and labaled fortranspeRa000rding b epplbable laves tegoatbns r OJ s WkCOitaiig T4Hour5p Cesed s 190P 7ae H 0009 943 LB ME IC IOHAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST INC Highway Tr O BOX P X 54 64 WAUSAU WAu Au vw 59402 00 4 6 115 84220404 8 cy ergen Em 8422 VV5 xaerraa Rin elnfomu 01 000424 1 8300 Regulated Contains Regulated Medial Vdaste ious MANIFESTW M 1616 8 InFirEvern e Hazard odent w rak f8re or expl elon In ceee of firesweep use upa eredebds exenpulUsesher ofin l Wear pemenel protective georto j Health Hazard potentially lnlectlous Met dela towels to absorb any liquids and than dlslnlect area Discard or dean bolled clothing and equipment Vvaeh hands thoroughly 2021 SW ANCCMt Prospect 1700 W Central Rd Mt Prospect H SIZE 8705640 cog 112Ti e Y ec WEIGHT Public Wotb Dept 847 b gwarcmwmsr SERIAL L SERVICE INCLUDES PICKUP DISPOSAL OF MEDICAUINFECT1 WASTE Bulk blood bodylulds from humane iuman Tissue 3 ops o9ntamrated Tissue bulkblood orbodyOuW unusadordlainfeded N from animas ca arlorothlnfeo8ons ant lam hW labomlo 4 waste TRACE CHEMO WASTE PATHOLOGICAL WASTE AMALGAM BUCKET OTHER 7 DELIVERIES in on rs Size TO CUSTOMER eti Sh 8 a p D 9 f IQ 71 i 12 13 14 15 IRCATMPNT AND DISPOSAT FACHTI rPS DIC MT LB MEDWASTB SERVICES INC 8550 DEVELOP MM COURT WAUSAU WI 54402 2048 115842 2048 INCINERATION WAS WA D 38 R1850013ASCIIWy29 RINOLP WE 54471 476 vv 17 MAHATHONCOUNTYSOLIDWAsTB 71 84405 ONRLIC I 16 19 3339 DNRL1Cg0333g 1p ATM ti A GAM AMAL M1 fitimmmemal Sarlce6 Heihnca 142 ro oN05812N 7 R CY ING Fargo umaril Arenue 23018 Fargo ND 98102 PH W0 2822488 uc Iappiketwelaws CalBy that l have mcaW b brediouewaeb asdwonbed above I Canty that the waste deanrPosd herein has been rondenM nominhdhus In acoordenwwOh all and mgula83na JEFF NITOuse name roces ateate J J at dome faof vaveare u0y axulal ydeecdbed contalnedadlebdedfo spodamardl picaWe Yrre a regulatlona 11900wrius j J ncbseae oe Waca d7424Jku 5p0s Hddne 3 S4M0 i4W