May - Dusters RC Club


May - Dusters RC Club
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
Dusters News
May June 2013 ISSUE
Here's a shot of Dan Lurvey's new plane that he flew
on its maiden flight over the
It is a Carden, built by
master builder and flier
Henry Piorun from across our
northern border.
Henry flew this plane for
the better part of two seasons
in Advanced IMAC in the NW
region winning the class. The
plane has a DA 200 on canisters turning a 29x12x3 prop.
This combo is smooth,
quiet, and powerful. Henry's
workmanship is excellent, and
if you have not done so already, check out the build
thread on his new plane on
Flying Giants.
Dan also acquired Henry's
set-up for this plane which he
plugged into his newly acquired Futaba 18MZ radio,
making this new plane truly a
"plug and play".
We expect great things
from Dan this season!
Its June already, flying season
and Dusters events are right
around the corner,...and my flying
skills are RUSTY !!
Like many of you, I need to get
out to the filed, see what’s happening and get some flying in!.
A reminder that the June
meeting is taking place Monday
the 17th, and is the meeting for
final preparations for the Bigger
Bird and the Doolittle Days.
This is 3 days from the simmer
Equinox, the longest flying day of
the year…(electrics after 7 of
Hope to see many of you at the
meeting...until then, fly safely !!
Sergei Dennenbaum is at
it constantly, and is shown
here with his latest, The Top
Flight DC-3.
Powered by 2 of the .30
size, OS Wanklels and 3 bladed
props, this plane features flaps
and the unique DC 3 retracts.
As usual, this one is another masterpiece and as of
this writing has not flown,
pending more engine run time
and the healing of fileted fingers suffered by Sergei as he
got too close to the props!
Meeting Notes
Area Events
Field Activities
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
Meeting Notes
The April meeting of the Dusters RC Clun
was called to order by club president Chris Elliot
at 7 pm on April 22nd….that’s right folks, April
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved with a minimum of discontent
A Duster welcome to new member : Robert Walden
Club VP Lurvey’s report included a short
review of the April IMAC event at the field. In
short, this was s successful IMAC event, with 16
pilots registered and one spectacular wreck. (See
April issue of Dusters News)
Dusters Deli was capably handled by Ron
Campbell and Billy Martin. Dan noted that no
other Dusters members were involved with this
event, a source of minor disappointment.
Treasurers report was another bright spot
on the club agenda. He reported a positive net
income on the IMAC event in addition to
healthy club bank balances and no outstanding
financial obligations.
This report lead to a an analytical overview of the actual annualized costs to run the
To review, Assuming club expenses at
$5k a year, and dues of $75 a member, it takes
67 members to maintain the club. We are not
there, and this illustrates the importance of
events at the field to bolster our financial position each year. We have been successful in the
past at actually, far surpassing our annual expense figure, but club activity and membership is
slowing. Raising dues should be our last resort.
This is plenty of reason for each of us to
expend a bit of ourselves and our time and get
involved, in order to further the club position
and provide us each with a magnificent flying
facility in the years to come.
It seems like this is as good a place as any
to remind ourselves of this simple fact: We are
in possession of one of the finest flying fields in
the Pacific Northwest….its as simple as that, gentlemen.
The Safety officers report was a single
statement: “ Don’t fly into the wires !”
Pg 2
Under old business, members would like to
see an updated banner on the club website that
would list club events as well as meeting dates and
times. Chris and Dan will pursue this opportunity
with Terry.
Other than reminders of our up coming
club events, no new business was brought to the
What did ensue, however, was a long discussion concerning club etiquette, flightline courtesy and overall manners at the flying field.
It should be noted that our field is like all others
in that there is always s certain degree of tension
that exists between the competition pilot circles
and the sport flying circles. This usually revolves
around flight time and access to a flying station
while the other guys are in the air.
Pilots generally recognize that these two styles
do not mix well in the air and over time each side
feels limited in their flight time by the other.
Our situation in this regard is almost laughable when compared to many of the major flying
fields across the country, where flight time is a real
Our situation is also different in that all of our
members are approachable and reasonable individuals.
These issue are best corrected with communication. If you feel limited in your flight time, it’s
a simple matter of explaining your situation to
those who you may feel you will interfere with.
This is the most compromising group of flyers I
have ever flown with.
Try it, and watch what happens.
In a spirit of camaraderie, the meeting was adjourned at 8 PM
$15 winner was Bill Martin
$30 winner was Bill Bale
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
Beware the "Hun" in the Sun
by Jim Tiller (
The phrase ‘Beware the Hun in the Sun’ dates back to World War I. Allied pilots used this
idiom to remember to watch for enemy airplanes using the glaring sun to mask their diving attacks. It remains a standard combat tactic to this day.
What does this have to do with safety? How often have you heard the dreaded, "I haven’t
got it," while standing in the pits or on the flightline. Although these are often mechanical or radio issues, sometimes they are not. We have all experienced the temporary loss of orientation in
flight and with those new to the RC skies, it is more common than we’d like to think. Loss of
control is one of the most common reasons cited in severe crashes. Therefore it becomes a highpriority safety concern.
Although we usually don’t have to worry about gun toting RC airplanes diving on us spitting bullets, the glaring sun can be a problem to even the most experienced RC pilots when our
airplane flies across the orb of the sun. For those few seconds and the time it takes for your eyes
to recover, you have lost control of your aircraft.
What can we do to minimize the problem? First, given we aviate mostly for recreation; we
can choose when and where we fly. We can choose to postpone flight until the sun is in a more
favorable position or find a spot of sky that does not bring our line of sight across the sun.
But at a contest or a fun-fly sometimes we don’t have a choice. Anything else we can do? On
bright, sunny days, wear good-quality polarized sun glasses (they should also be ANSI-rated
safety lenses as well—see a previous safety column). Remember that even the best sunglasses
will not protect your eyes from damage when looking directly at the sun, but they will help with
the glare and minimize the time your airplane disappears in the sky. Combine glasses with a hat
or cap with a bill. This gives you a built-in sun visor.
But gizmos only go so far. What do you do when your airplane disappears in the sun? The
simple answer is don’t panic, it will reappear again on the other side. Keep the sticks where they
were and let the airplane do the flying. Try not to do anything frantic until you have reacquired
the plane on the other side. This may sound like simple advice, but it is easy—especially for new
pilots—to get disoriented.
One of the most common problems is to mistake the orientation of the airplane as it reappears as a shadow. Once again, let it fly for a moment as you re-establish your visual cues as to
attitude and direction. If that fails, give a small stick movement to the left. If it turns left, it is
going away from you, if it turns right, it is coming toward you. These small test movements will
soon get you back to normal. This advice is also good for newbies when your airplane gets out
there so far you can’t see it clearly anymore.
Another problem encountered when you go through the sun is white spots that appear in
your eyes from the sensory overload. These spots can be bad enough that you can’t see your airplane. In this case, remember the spots most often occur in the center of your vision, so reestablish contact using your peripheral vision.
In this or any serious loss-of-control situation, immediately call out for help. As I began
this discourse, the words "I haven’t got it" will certainly get the attention of those around you.
Briefly explain your situation and have them help you return the plane to level flight. Even if you
are an experienced pilot, hand over the transmitter if need be. Don’t be embarrassed or prideful.
Safety should be your first concern. And it could also save one of your expensive airplanes.
Still, it might be fun to put on the leather flying helmet and the dark goggles that those
vintage aviators wore in days of old. Throw in a silk scarf for good measure. It won’t do much for
helping your vision on sunny days, but it will certainly make you noticed at the flying field.
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
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The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
I-5 Exit 271
West on 214 to Butteville Rd.
South on Butteville to Le Brun Rd
West on Le Brun Rd. until you Cross the
Look left, towards Duster Field
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The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
7/4/2013 - 7/7/2013 -- Joseph, OR (C) ALPINE SOARING ADVENTURE. Site: O Rouke Field.
William Byers CD PH: 509/947-0640 Email: Visit: RC Soaring Fun
fly for Alpine Soaring Enthusiasts. Thie event is free! However, a landing fee to the farmer is required. Memaloose, Mt. Howard and at O'Rouke field.
7/6/2013 - 7/7/2013 -- Molalla, OR (AA) MOLALLA AEROBATIC CHALLENGE. Site: Club Field. William Carder
CD PH: 971-235-6850 Email: Events, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406 (JSO) Sponsor: MOLALLA
7/6/2013 - 7/7/2013 -- Woodburn, OR (C) DOOLITTLE DAYS. Site: Labrun Rd. Jim Riggle CD PH: 503-6553243 Email: Visit: Come celebrate the life and career of one of the most
significant aviators of the last century. Bring airplanes that honor General Doolittle like golden age racer and
WWII warbirds. Sponsor: DUSTERS RC CLUB
7/13/2013 - 7/14/2013 -- Cottage Grove, OR (C) WARBIRDS OVER THE PACIFIC PLUS. Site: 77401 Moseby
Crk Rd. Gus Phillips CD PH: 541-337-2718 Email: Visit:
Open scale event honoring US Veterans of Foreign Wars. Any scale model aircraft warbirds or civilian are welcome. Landing fee $15. Camping welcome, no hook ups or fires. Set up on Friday. Prizes. Static judging
awards. Lots of fun in a park like setting. Concession available. Sponsor: SOUTH LANE RC MODELERS
7/13/2013 - 7/14/2013 -- Wamic, OR (C) NORTHWEST RC SEAPLANE CHAMPIONSHIP. Site: Pinhollow Lakeside Resort. Dale Mcdonald CD PH: 503-475-3319 Email: Visit: Sport, Scale, Electric, and Funcub categories. Effective mufflers required for internal combustion.
Must R.O.W. New this year, Helicopter event. Sponsor: SKY KNIGHTS RC CLUB OF PORTLAND
7/19/2013 - 7/28/2013 -- Molalla, OR (AAA) PCFC AND IMAC CHALLENGE. Site: Sharps Green Acres. Grant
Sharp CD PH: 971-570-6535 RC Sacle and RC Scale Aerobatics with special classes for vintage and model
7/20/2013 -- Keizer, OR (C) WINGS OVER KEIZER. Site: 6763 Hwy 99 E. Ronald Hall CD PH: 503-463-0540
Email: Visit: KROSSWINDS.COM. Continuos multiple aircraft airborne from 10AM-noon.
Demonstration flights from noon-1PM (stunt, pattern, furmation, smoke, jets, pylon, helicoters and tanks). Freee
"Try-A-Fly" follows for all interested. Sponsor: KEIZER RC ASSN
Site: Camco Field. Richard Bergeron CD PH: 541-367-0705 Email: The First Annual
Pattern Contest sponsored by the Albany Thundervolts will be flown at the newly renovated Camco field located
in Millersberg, OR. RV parking spaces but no hook ups. Lunch will be available. Electric connection available.
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
Washington Events
7/6/2013 - 7/7/2013 -- Eltopia, WA (AA) 37TH ANNUAL SUN SLY. Site: Club Field. Douglas Coleman CD PH: 509-943-5203 Email: Events 442, 444, 460 (JSO) Sponsor: MID COLUMBIA R/
7/12/2013 - 7/14/2013 -- Richland, WA (C) JUST FOR FUN ALL FLY. Site: Higgins Field. Ronald Page CD PH:
509.430.3921 Email: Visit: If it flys bring it. This event is about
having fun! Eat, fly and visit. Come enjoy our TWO paved runways, indoor plumbed facilities, acres of grass, hospitality, have a great time. $15 landing fee. See website for questions. Sponsor: MINIATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION
7/13/2013 -- Chehalis, WA (A) CHEHALIS CUP 2. Site: Chehalis Yard Birds. W Wilson CD PH: 360-275-2900
7/13/2013 -- Redmond, WA (C) MARYMOOR SCALE FLY IN. Site: Marymoor Park. Tom Richards CD PH: 206303-8189 Email: Visit: Flying and static displays of scale models. $5 landing fee,
prizes for best flight, pilots choice, and technical achievement. Sponsor: MARYMOOR RC CLUB
7/13/2013 -- Shelton, WA (C) SCALE FUN FLY. Site: Club Field. Richard Robb CD PH: 360-427-4521 Email: Visit: R/C Scale Fly in. Non Judged fly in. All scale aircraft welcome. No turbines due to fire restrictions. Sponsor: SANDERSON FIELD RC FLYERS
7/13/2013 - 7/14/2014 -- Spangle, WA (AA) SOAR AT PARADISE. Site: 15810 Us 185. Jim Frahm CD PH: 253677-2766 Sponsor: INLAND EMPIRE QUIET FLYERS
7/13/2013 - 7/14/2013 -- Spokane, WA (C) WARBIRDS OVER DEER PARK. Site: Deer Park Airport. Barry
Greene CD PH: 509-995-1977 Email: Visit: BARONSRC.COM. Any aircraft, fixed
wing or helicopter, from WWI to present day welcome. Landing fee $10 for one day, $15 for 2 days. Landing fee
includes lunch. Sponsor: BARONS MODEL CLUB
7/20/2013 -- Olympia, WA (A) PSSF F3K (DLG) CONTEST. Site: Pssf Field. Gary Guinotte CD PH: 541-944-7058
7/26/2013 - 7/28/2013 -- Monroe, WA (C) MONROE AEROTOW. Site: Cmaa Field. Donald Bailey CD PH:
425.350.9557 Email: Visit: 13th Annual at Big Birds field. Scale
sailplanes and scale motorgliders only. Tug to 150cc will be available. Camping on field or local motels, $20 event
fee for all 3 days, towing starts at 9am (bring lunch), flying til noon Sunday. Saturday night pre-pay BBQ. Sponsor:
7/27/2013 - 7/28/2013 -- Deer Park, WA (C) BARONS BUG BIRD FLY IN. Site: Deer Park Airport. James Mathias
CD PH: 509.465.9009 Email: Visit: IMAA rules apply . Open to all AMA
members and canadian counter part. $10 landing fee included lunch and breakfast. Sponsor: BARONS MODEL
7/28/2013 - 7/29/2013 -- Ferndale, WA (C) 8TH ANNUAL WARBIRDS OVER WHATCOM. Site: Club Field. Gerald Becker CD PH: 360.650.0841 Email: Landing fee $15 per day or $20 for both days,
includes lunch ticket. Entries must represent military aircraft from WW1-present. No size or scale restrictions.
Registration at 9am, pilots meeting at 9am. 120Noon Demonstrations. Events ends at 4pm. Over night camping
available, no hook ups. Sponsor: BELL/AIR RC FLYERS
The Official Newsletter of the Dusters RC Club
Dusters Officer Roster
President: Chris Elliot 503-475-5101
Secrtry/Newsltr: Jay Penninger
Vice President: Dan Lurvey
Treasurer: Jim Robb
Field Maintenance: Bill Bale
Webmaster: Terry Criswell
On the Road
25699 SW Argyle Ave. Unit F
Wilsonville, OR 97070
(503) 685-7333