August through October, 2010 - Pope John Paul the Great Catholic


August through October, 2010 - Pope John Paul the Great Catholic
e-News Update
Email Update
A Look Back:
Welcome Back!
New Teachers &
August – October, 2010
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to school and to e-News! The first quarter has already ended, but it‟s
worth noting that this is our first year with all four grades, our first year with a senior
class, and, our largest freshman class to date – 160! All told we‟ve grown to nearly
half-capacity in just over 2 years with more than 485 students, and 63 faculty and
staff. God is blessing JP the Great!
Senior Moments
Catholic Heritage
And the Band
Played On
Great Wolf
In the News
Summer Fun
What’s Ahead:
Open House
Application and
testing deadlines
Middle School
Band Day
And Finally:
CFC# 71428
Wolves Around
the World!
Freshman class on first day of school, August 30, 2010
New Teachers and Staff at JP!
As JP grows, so does our faculty and staff! By now most have met our 13 new
teachers and handful of new staff: Walter Addie, Mary Kate Brock, Emma Boyle,
Megan Burgess, Claire Caveness, Valerie Gore, Christopher Howe, Henry
LaMontagne, Ashley Luongo, Carolyn McNelis, Ryan Pick, Karen Schultz (new
position), Nicole Smith, Karie Von Fange, and Rosemary Wilson. To learn more
about these exceptional people, and the entire JP team, please visit the recently
update Faculty Page of our web site!
Please Forward!
Contact Us
Ph: 703.445.0300
Fax: 703.445.0301
Office Hours:
M-F 7:30am –
New JP Teachers – The class of 2010! (in no particular order)
Eucharistic Celebrations
On September 8, 2010, the feast of Mary‟s birthday, Bishop Paul Loverde celebrated
the Votive Mass of Our Lady of the Cenacle, opening the academic year at JP the
Great. In addition to praying, JP students also cheered as Bishop Loverde offered
them an anticipated and cherished gift: a day off of school!
Heather Miller (2013) and Tessa Croce (2014) greet
Bishop Loverde after Mass.
Dominic Derboghossian and Krista Shaw, Class of 2011.
Another special celebration was held October 7 when students, faculty, and staff
gathered outdoors in the shadow of the chapel to celebrate Mass in honor of the
Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary - a feast begun by Dominican Saint, Pope Pius V.
(this feast is also known as Our Lady of Victory -a title favored by our sports teams!).
Hundreds of handmade rosaries in JP colors (green, black and white) were donated
by Silverado Blue Ministries, and blessed at the conclusion of Mass for later
distribution to JP students and teachers.
Senior Moments
We are all very excited to have our first Senior class at JP, we‟re watching and
documenting every move they make! Pictured below are members of the Class of
2011 getting their senior portraits
taken just before the school year
began. Students were allowed up to
three “looks” including cap and gown,
formal (tux for guys and drape for
girls), and casual.
Mikaela Dyer
Mike McDaniel
Colin Firth
(L) Colin Arnold
The first graduating class from Pope John Paul the Great speaks out…
During the past 2 years Pope John Paul the Great has experienced many „firsts,‟ but
few as exciting as graduating their first-ever class. In many ways, the Class of 2011
have been „seniors‟ since they arrived in 10th grade. Never ruled by upperclassmen,
they have paved the way for younger students and have helped establish JP
traditions. A handful could be coaxed away from their last days of summer vacation
long enough to answer a few questions. Here, in their own words, they reflect on
what‟s it‟s like to be part of the first graduating class at JP the Great, and pass along
some words of wisdom to the new freshmen: …to continue reading, click here!
JP at the Catholic Heritage Festival
On Saturday, October 2, a number of JP Student and Parent Ambassadors
participated in the second annual Catholic Heritage Festival, sponsored by the
Diocese of Arlington. It was a bright and beautiful day at Bull Run Park in Manassas,
filled with great international food,
music, dance, sports, games for the
children and more. The festivities
began with Mass celebrated by
Bishop Loverde and many priests
from the Diocese. At the JP info
table we greeted visitors, handed
out fun JP spirit items, and shared
the good news about our school to
prospective students. The group
preparing to go to World Youth Day
(in Madrid next summer!) was also
face- painting, making snow cones,
and selling JPII Christmas
ornaments as a way to help earn
needed funds for the trip. Thanks to
all those who came out to support
JP, and to those helped pull all the
details together, especially Cathy
Morrison, Margi Loesel, and JP
teacher, Mike Dobson!
Molly Loesel, senior, with new JP display board
…And the band played on (so did the choir!)
Despite a short in the electrical system which set off the fire alarm a number of
times, the 2010-2011 JP choir and band made their debut on October 6, 2010.
The choir, under the direction of new JP teacher, Mr. Ryan Pick, performed three
compelling pieces: Jesus, Jesus Rest Your Head, Green Cathedral, and, My Lord.
According to Mr. Pick, the “music performed was meant to challenge the students
and set the standard for the skill level expected of the young musicians.” Mr. Pick
continued: “The first two pieces were performed as a mixed choir while the final
selection was performed by the more advanced group. The Choir portion of the
evening was climaxed during the second piece, Green Cathedral. This piece was
technically challenging and offered many chances of harmonic and melodic beauty.
The young musicians rose to the challenge!” The beautiful new choir gowns were
donated by benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous, and they were lovingly
hemmed by JP parents Mrs. Dale Babauta and Mrs. Glascow. Thanks and
appreciation to each of you!
Following the choir, the band took the stage. Band founder and director, Mrs.
Dorothy (Logan) Sorensen, has seen the size of the JP band double from the first
year. On October 6 the band played a number of impressive pieces including: Fa
Una Canzona, based on a Renaissance work by Orazio Vecchi; Jesu, Joy of Man’s
Desiring, by J.S. Bach; and, a multi-movement work of Hungarian folksongs titled
Four Pieces for Band by Bela Bartok. To all of our musically gifted students,
bravo! Mark your calendars for the next concert: December 8 at 7:30pm.
The Great Wolf Pack Challenge!
Students don‟t have all the fun at JP…sometimes parents do too! On October 23,
more than 100 parents and friends of JP the Great participated in the first annual
Great Wolf Pack
Challenge! The evening
had two goals: have fun,
and kick off the Annual
Fund at JP. Both goals
were accomplished at this
event best described as
“Who Wants to be a
Millionaire meets Minute to
Win It!” To read more
about the Great Wolf
Challenge, click here!
Congratulations goes to
our winners –the Arctic Wolf Pack led by Alpha Wolf, Richard Montavon with pack
members, Linda Montavon, Clyde and Josee Turner, Brian and Laurey Evans
and Kevin & Sara O'Hare. Second place went to the British Columbia Wolves, and
in third place were the Middle Eastern
THANK YOU goes out to:
*Our all-star committee for pulling off an
amazing event: Mary Donovan
(Mastermind and Chair), Laurie Young
(Decorations Guru), Rossana
Corpancho, Sharon Gonzales, Elissa
Hackerson, Linda Komp, Carole
Morris, Valerie Gore, Cheryl
Pilkerton, and all of the many
volunteers who helped make the Great
Wolf Challenge a howling success!
*To Margi and Bill Loesel for
eloquently sharing their thoughts about
sacrificial giving in support of JP the
* To members of the JP faculty and staff
who worked the event so that most of
our parents could come and have fun!
Stay tuned for next year’s date, and buy your tickets early!
In the News
Click on the links below to see where we‟ve recently appeared in print!
Teaching Bioethics to Teens by Sister Terese Auer, O.P.
Ethics & Medics, publication of The National Catholic Bioethics Center
July 2010, Volume 35, Number 7
Our future depends on the family
Letter to the editor from Mariah Naegele, Class of 2013
The Washington Post – July 20, 2010
From ‘epic’ to ‘épico’
A mission trip to Bánica provides youths the opportunity to serve while transforming
their outlook on life –By Fr. Matthew Zuberbueler
Arlington Catholic Herald - July 28, 2010
Bioethics curriculum gets tested
Arlington Catholic Herald - August 25, 2010
Following what God wants
After a 25-year career in diocesan schools, Shawn McNulty has learned to put God‟s
plans first.
Arlington Catholic Herald - August 25, 2010
Prep field hockey preview (link not available)
Pope John Paul‟s Kelly Donovan headlines this year‟s top returners
News & Messenger/InsideNova – August 30, 2010
JP field hockey opens season with comeback win
News & Messenger/ - September 9, 2010
Diocesan schools reach out to students with disabilities
Arlington Catholic Herald – October 6, 2010
Pope John Paul field hockey tops Forest Part again
Wolves prevail 2-1 in penalty strokes
News & Messenger/ – October 19, 2010
Fervor for faith, life flourish at Pope John Paul the Great
By Student Correspondent, Katie Thompson
Arlington Catholic Herald – October 21, 2010
In Search of the big V (Karen Mahowald‟s vocation story)
Arlington Catholic Herald – October 21, 2010
The Wolves take another one
News & Messenger/ – October 23, 2010
Wolves defeat Cardinals
Arlington Catholic Herald – October 27, 2010
A look Way back: New Family Picnic & Diocesan
Work Camp at JP
In late August we welcomed all of our new students and families at our 2nd Annual
New Family Picnic. The weather was overcast, but that didn‟t put a damper on the
festivities. Fairfax Food Services, our new caterer, provided menu tastings, and new
students were
treated to
hamburgers and hot
dogs, grilled by our dedicated parent volunteers. After munching and mingling, the
parents were invited to an orientation led by Sister Mary Jordan, while children of all
ages were escorted to the gym for games. Special thanks goes to event organizer
and JP mom, Laurie Young, and the many parent volunteers and Student
Ambassadors who made the afternoon a huge success.
Work Camp at JP:
Summer 2010 Work Camp at JP the Great,
By Tori Pilkerton, Class of 2012
August 8, 2010
Imagine yourself spending summer vacation in school! Now think about spending the
night there…six nights in a row, in fact, with hundreds of people you don’t know.
Welcome to Work Camp! To continue reading, click here!
JP students at the Work Camp Café. August 2010
Open House – This Sunday, November 7, 2-4pm
All prospective students and their families are invited to join us for our fall Open
House this Sunday. A presentation will begin in the Theater at 2:15pm, followed by
refreshments and a chance to tour the entire school and meet all of our faculty and
staff. Click here for more info!
Current JP families: Please invite your friends and neighbors to attend!
Click here for more information, including directions to JP!
Applications now being accepted for Fall 2011
Rising 9th, 10th and 11th graders are encouraged to begin the application process
now for the next school year. Please visit the Admissions page of our web site for
important details, dates, and to access our on-line application. Scholarship
opportunities and limited financial aid are available. The link to the financial aid
application is also found on the Admissions page of our web site.
For an overview of the application process, please click here.
Please consider these important dates:
December 4, 2010: High School Admission and Placement Test #1
January 8, 2011: High School Admission and Placement Test #2
January 24, 2011: Admission Application Deadline
January 24, 2011 Financial Aid Application Deadline (1st round)
February 25, 2011: Decision letters mailed
March 10, 2011: Registration Night - an opportunity to register
March 19, 2011: Diocesan Registration Deadline
High School Admission and Placement Test FAQ:
Q: Who needs to take this test?
A: All incoming freshmen, as well as rising sophomores who are transferring from a home
school program
Q: Where is the test given?
A: There are two parts to this answer. Part 1: 8 graders currently attending a Diocesan
middle school will take this test in their 8 grade classroom on December 2. They do not (and
may not) take the test again at JP or any other area high school.
Part 2: 8 graders currently in public, home school, or non-Diocesan Catholic school may
take the test at JP the Great on either December 4 or January 8. Pre-registration is required.
Click here for the HSPT registration form.
Q: Must a student mark JP the Great as their 1 , 2 , or 3 choice on the test for the
school to automatically receive the test results?
A: Yes.
Q: Must a student mark JP the Great as their first choice in order to be eligible for an
academic scholarship?
A: Yes.
For scholarship information, please click here.
Drama! Drama! Drama!
Check out what the season has in store!
December 3 & 4: The Jeweler‟s Shop
March 18, 2011: Our Town
April 15, 2011: Evening of the Arts (showcasing all the arts at JP!)
May 13 & 14: The Pirates of Penzance
For more info, click here!
Save-the-Date: Middle School Band Day Returns!
The second annual Middle School Band Day will be January 15, 2011. All middle
school students (grades 6-8) are invited to come to JP to spend a day playing with
the current JP band students. Music will be sight-read and performed the same
evening, and students will also have clinics with professional musicians from the
area. Participation costs $25.00 for one student, $15.00 for each additional student
from the same family. For more information, including pre-registration, please
contact Mrs. Dorothy Sorensen:
From the Advancement Office
Combined Federal Campaign
Pope John Paul the Great Catholic High School is pleased to announce that we now
participate in the Combined Federal Campaign. Our CFC# is 71428. Please
contact Mrs. Tillotson, Director of Advancement, if you have any questions: or 703-445-0216.
Wolves Around the World
Where are you showing off your JP pride?? We know many of you sport your WolfWare off campus, and we‟d like capture photos of you in the exciting places you go!
Please email photos to for possible future publication in
e-News! Thanks to all those who have sent photos!
Caitlin Oder (2014) and her brother Jacob at the Cliffs of
Moher, Ireland, June 2010.
JP dad, Rich Stryker, in Uganda on business
Austin Zicht (2014) with brother Conor, NYSE, Aug 2010
Future Wolf, Darby Young (2015), caught
chillLAXing at Cripple Creek, VA, June 2010
(Left) Mr. Dave Morales, JP Director of
Technology, with his family in Great Falls, VA/MD
Andres (2012) & Garcia family, Aruba, June 2010
Wolf dad, Paul Ross, in Beirut, Lebanon on June 12, 2010
October 2010
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