40431_OP Chamber_FEB.indd - Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce
40431_OP Chamber_FEB.indd - Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce
CHAMBER REVIEW The Chamber’s mission is toOrchard developPark and encourage theCommerce growth and participation Chamber members The mission of the Chamber of is to develop andofencourage through actions beneficial to the Orchard Park business community. the growth and involvement of the local business community through actions beneficial to Chamber members. 716-662-3366 ▪ Fax 716-662-5946 ▪ www.OrchardParkChamber.org 716-662-3366 ▪ Fax 716-662-5946 ▪ www.OrchardParkChamber.org Vol. 31, No. 2 ▪ February 2014 Vol. 31, No. 2 ▪ February 2014 Important Important Health Health Insurance Insurance Notice: Notice: Quarterly Invoices Will Be Emailed Quarterly Invoices Will Be Emailed Chamber Chamber Perspectives Perspectives Mike Borowiak Mike Borowiak Nussbaumer & Clarke Nussbaumer & Clarke Let’s face it, every day Let’s face it, every day we are confronted with we are confronted with new challenges in both new challenges in both our personal and work our personal and work lives. These challenlives. These challenges constantly alter ges constantly alter how we conduct how we conduct ourselves and our ourselves and our businesses. businesses. This year’s first This year’s first challenge is to challenge is to understand and comply with the Affordable Healthcare Act. understand and comply with the Affordable Healthcare Act. While no one has all the answers, our Chamber has made a While no one has all the answers, our Chamber has made a concerted effort to assist our members with compliance-related concerted effort to assist our members with compliance-related issues. We will continue to serve members through this transition, issues. We will continue to serve members through this transition, as we recognize that this challenge has a significant impact on our as we recognize that this challenge has a significant impact on our companies and the cost of doing business. companies and the cost of doing business. As President Anthony Amigone stated in last month’s newsletter, As President Anthony Amigone stated in last month’s newsletter, 2014 is the Chamber’s 50thth Anniversary and we are doing the 2014 is the Chamber’s 50 Anniversary and we are doing the necessary Strategic Visioning and Planning to keep this necessary Strategic Visioning and Planning to keep this organization strong today and in the future. We need to be ever organization strong today and in the future. We need to be ever transitioning so that we do what is best for our 600 plus members. transitioning so that we do what is best for our 600 plus members. Much work lies ahead for the Board and staff in 2014, but we are Much work lies ahead for the Board and staff in 2014, but we are up for this challenge. I would like to challenge all members to be up for this challenge. I would like to challenge all members to be involved in supporting Chamber sponsored events. Make the time involved in supporting Chamber sponsored events. Make the time to interact with our membership and support our member to interact with our membership and support our member businesses. A strong Chamber starts with being an active and businesses. A strong Chamber starts with being an active and involved member. Together we can face any challenge that 2014 involved member. Together we can face any challenge that 2014 presents. Hey, I think I just found my New Year’s resolution: presents. Hey, I think I just found my New Year’s resolution: Work together to overcome any obstacle or challenge! Work together to overcome any obstacle or challenge! The The Orchard Orchard Park Park Chamber of of Commerce, Commerce, Inc. Inc. Chamber Celebrating Celebrating 50 50 years years of of service service to the community! to the community! 1964-2014 1964-2014 Did you know that in 1964… Did you know that in 1964… Pepsi Cola introduced Diet Pepsi Pepsi Cola introduced Diet Pepsi To expedite delivery and minimize administrative expense, To expedite delivery and minimize administrative expense, participating businesses will receive future quarterly health participating businesses will receive future quarterly health insurance bills via email. insurance bills via email. quarter billing in February, health insurance Effective with the 2nd Effective with the 2nd quarter billing in February, health insurance invoices will be sent to the email address on file for the business. invoices will be sent to the email address on file for the business. Invoices will be emailed on Wednesday, February 26, with Invoices will be emailed on Wednesday, February 26, with payment due by March 14. payment due by March 14. If you participate in the health insurance program and have not If you participate in the health insurance program and have not already provided the Chamber with a business email address, already provided the Chamber with a business email address, please send the address to penny@OrchardParkChamber.org. please send the address to penny@OrchardParkChamber.org. Email addresses are kept strictly confidential, are not distributed, Email addresses are kept strictly confidential, are not distributed, and are used only for Chamber communications. and are used only for Chamber communications. For those without an email address, we will fax the invoice, For those without an email address, we will fax the invoice, provided you call the Chamber office at 662-3366 with your provided you call the Chamber office at 662-3366 with your current fax number. Those without an email or fax should call the current fax number. Those without an email or fax should call the Chamber office to make other arrangements. Chamber office to make other arrangements. Time Time To To Renew Renew We all know that times are tough and businesses are tightening their We all know that times are tough and businesses are tightening their belts. But now is not the time to pull back on promoting your belts. But now is not the time to pull back on promoting your business. Some may consider cutting expenses by dropping their business. Some may consider cutting expenses by dropping their membership in the Chamber, but to survive in this economy, membership in the Chamber, but to survive in this economy, businesses need each other more than ever before. And that’s where businesses need each other more than ever before. And that’s where the Chamber can help. the Chamber can help. One of the keys to success is increased exposure for your business, One of the keys to success is increased exposure for your business, and nothing can provide that better than the Chamber. Take and nothing can provide that better than the Chamber. Take advantage of our Mixers to introduce your business to any of the advantage of our Mixers to introduce your business to any of the more than 75 guests that attend. Join our networking group, more than 75 guests that attend. Join our networking group, Business Connections, to give and receive business leads. Offer a Business Connections, to give and receive business leads. Offer a member-to-member discount to attract new customers and utilize the member-to-member discount to attract new customers and utilize the discounts other members offer. Purchase our Enhanced Media discounts other members offer. Purchase our Enhanced Media Package, which may be the best $125 investment you’ll ever make. Package, which may be the best $125 investment you’ll ever make. You’ll receive inclusion as a “Featured Member” on the Chamber’s You’ll receive inclusion as a “Featured Member” on the Chamber’s website; free insertion of your 8½ x 11” promotional flier in one of website; free insertion of your 8½ x 11” promotional flier in one of our monthly newsletters; a free set of nearly 700 pressure-sensitive our monthly newsletters; a free set of nearly 700 pressure-sensitive membership mailing labels; and a 5% discount on sponsorship of membership mailing labels; and a 5% discount on sponsorship of Chamber events. Chamber events. Yes, times are tough. But if your business hopes to get through them Yes, times are tough. But if your business hopes to get through them profitably, you have to become personally involved in ensuring your profitably, you have to become personally involved in ensuring your own success. Let the Chamber help! own success. Let the Chamber help! Beautification Award Presented Birch Run, Inc., headed by Jack Bertsch, is the recipient of the December Business Community Beautification Award. The Selection Committee, chaired by Joe Wales of W.G. Arthur Co., has chosen the Birch Run property at 3847 North Buffalo Road, currently home to Allstate - The Sainsbury Agency, in recognition of its enhancement of the Orchard Park business community and to acknowledge it as an asset to Orchard Park. 3019 Union Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 (716) 674-3344 Tel. 716 824-3766 Serving pancakes, waffles, crepes, and omelettes Famous for our Apple pancake and Dutch baby GUEST PASS Exchange for 1 (one) Lift Ticket Good for the 2008-09 season only For info call: 941-SNOW 4000 N. N. Buffalo Buffalo Rd., Rd., 4000 Orchard Park, Park, NY NY 14127 Orchard 716-662-1311 716-662-1311 www.opcsfcu.com www.opcsfcu.com YourCommunity CommunityCredit Credit Union Your Union Now servingSouthern Southern County Now serving ErieErie County Families Businesses Familiesand and Businesses. Prior to the renovations, the building was a residence. The interior of the building was completely remodeled. The stucco exterior was refinished, trim was repainted and all new shutters were added. Porches were installed in the rear of the building and the garage door was removed and replaced with a bow window. Improvements also include new exterior doors, soffits and facia. Ceramic tile was installed on the floor of the front porch and decorative brick sidewalks were added to the front and rear of the building. A rear parking lot, landscaping, exterior lighting and new outdoor signage complete the facelift to this property. The Chamber applauds Jack Berstch and Birch Run for their significant investment in and commitment to our community. If you would like to nominate a business that has made physical improvements to its facility, submit their name and address to the Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce. The next award will be presented in March. Welcome New Members The Chamber extends a warm welcome to our newest members. Please add them to your membership directory for future reference. Blasdell McKinley Plaza, 3670 McKinley Pkwy. (716) 822-6599 Northwest Direct: 1-877-672-5678 www.northwestsavingsbank.com Member FDIC Discover a Unique Retirement Opportunity Full Service Retirement Living Call Today to Tour WNY’s Newest Opening Fall 2007 Lifecare Community Live your life. 716-662-5001 One Fox Run Lane Orchard662-5001 Park, NY (at www.foxrunorchardpark.com the corner of Rt 20A & California) Emily Becker Bob-O-Link Golf Club, Inc. Joe Ference 4085 Transit Road Orchard Park 14127 662-4311 Golf Courses Harbor Capital Advisory Mark Muchowski 6541 Webster Road Orchard Park 14127 348-3711 Financial Services Patti Looney Productions LLC Patricia Looney 3859 North Buffalo Road, #19 Orchard Park 14127 359-6599 Photography & Videography Referred by: Sally Pyne Lake Shore Savings Bank Brian Moorman’s P.U.N.T. Foundation Gwen Mysiak 3859 North Buffalo Road Orchard Park 14127 200-3458 Community Organizations Referred by: Patricia Looney Patti Looney Productions LLC Wanted: Presenters For Lunch & Learn The Chamber’s Lunch & Learn one hour mini-seminars focus on topics of general interest to our membership. Over the years, they have included computer and human resource issues, marketing, insurance, health savings accounts and even smart phones. We are seeking members willing to donate an hour of their time to share their expertise with other members. Topics must be business related and of interest to all types of businesses. Presenters can identify who they are and what they do, but may not solicit business during the presentation. If you would like more information, call the Chamber at 662-3366. Join Us For Our Business After Hours Mixer Hosted By… Thursday, March 13, 2014 3364 Southwestern Blvd. 5:30 - 7:30 PM Meet new contacts and renew business acquaintances in a relaxed and congenial atmosphere. No Admission Charge * Refreshments Available ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Business After Hours Mixer Thursday, March 13 Person(s) Attending _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Company _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ Telephone ________________________________ Complete and return this portion to: Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce 4211 North Buffalo St., Suite 14 Orchard Park, NY 14127 Phone 662-3366 Fax 662-5946 Deadline for reservations: March 10, 2014 The Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce presents its educational series Each mini-seminar focuses on a topic of general interest to businesses. Seating is limited to 12 guests for this one-hour session. A box lunch is included. HR 101 Topics Include: Records Management Employee Handbook Basics Interviewing Basics Presented By: Jennifer Palaganas, Human Resource Manager TripleTrack HR Partners Wednesday, February 19 Chamber Office Noon - 1:00 p.m. 4211 North Buffalo Street, Suite 14 $10/person (Payable in Advance) Call the Chamber at 662-3366 to reserve your seat. Specify your lunch choice: Julienne Salad with Ham & Turkey or Deli Turkey Sandwich with Macaroni Salad Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce GOlF OutInG PrOMOtIOnal OPPOrtunItIES Cart SponSor – $1,000 (1 Available) • • • • • • • • • Register for this sponsorship by March 21 to be included on the registration form EXCLUSIVEsignageonallgolfcarts Includeyourbrochureorproductpromotingyourbusinessineachcart Providearepresentativeforannouncementspriortoshotgunstart Recognitioninournewsletter(over700copies) RecognitiononGolfers’InstructionSheet Recognitioninallmediareleases LogoonRegistrationForm(1000pieces) RecognitiononEventSignageatOuting Setupdisplayatdinnerpromotingyourbusinessorproduct 19tH HoLe SponSor – $1,000 (1 Available) • • • • • • • • • aCe SponSor – $400 plus prize of any value (3 Available) • • • • • • • • • Register for this sponsorship by March 21 to be included on the registration form Recognitioninournewsletter(over700copies) RecognitiononGolfers’InstructionSheet EXCLUSIVEsponsorshipofhole#6,#10or#16,eachwithaprizeforaholeinone Recognitioninallmediareleases LogoonRegistrationForm(1000pieces) RecognitiononEventSignageatOuting Setupdisplayatdinnerpromotingyourbusinessorproduct Haverepresentativeatteepromotingyourbusinessorproduct Providearepresentativeforannouncementsandraffleprizepresentation pUttInG SponSor – $200 plus prize valued at $150 or more (1 Available) • • • • • EXCLUSIVEsignageonputtinggreen Recognitioninournewsletter(over700copies) RecognitiononGolfers’InstructionSheet Recognitioninallmediareleases Setupdisplayatdinnerpromotingyourbusinessorproduct BIrDIe SponSor – $100 plus prize of any value • Recognitioninournewsletter(over700copies) • RecognitiononGolfers’InstructionSheet • Holesponsorship(signwithyournameprominentlydisplayedonhole) Register for this sponsorship by March 21 to be included on the registration form EXCLUSIVEsignageonbeveragecarts Includeyourbrochureorproductpromotingyourbusinessinbeveragecarts Providearepresentativeforannouncementspriortoshotgunstart Recognitioninournewsletter(over700copies) RecognitiononGolfers’InstructionSheet Recognitioninallmediareleases LogoonRegistrationForm(1000pieces) RecognitiononEventSignageatOuting Setupdisplayatdinnerpromotingyourbusinessorproduct eaGLe SponSor – $225 plus prize of any value • • • • • • • Register for this sponsorship by March 21 to be included on the registration form Recognitioninournewsletter(over700copies) RecognitiononGolfers’InstructionSheet Holesponsorshipfeaturingsignonteeofyourchoice(asavailable) Recognitioninallmediareleases RecognitiononRegistrationForm(1000pieces) RecognitiononEventSignageatOuting Setupdisplayatdinnerpromotingyourbusinessorproduct FantaSY CarD SponSor – $150 plus prize valued at $100 or more (1 Available) • Recognitioninournewsletter(over700copies) • RecognitiononattachmenttoGolfers’InstructionSheet • Businessnameanddonationprominentlydisplayedduringregistration • AnnounceWinneratOuting • Printingonbackofscratch-offcard raFFLe SponSor – Donate a raffle prize with a minimum value of $75 • Recognitioninournewsletter(over700copies) • RecognitiononattachmenttoGolfers’InstructionSheet • Businessnameanddonationprominentlydisplayedduringregistration • PullwinningticketandpresentprizeatOuting CUStoM SponSorSHIpS aVaILaBLe – Call 662-3366 to discuss • June 2, 2014 • Orchard Park cOuntry club • Yes, sign me up! CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE: I would like to participate as a sponsor of the Chamber’s 23rd Annual Golf Outing! CART SPONSOR 19th HOLE SPONSOR ACE SPONSOR EAGLE SPONSOR PUTTING SPONSOR FANTASY CARD SPONSOR BIRDIE SPONSOR RAFFLE SPONSOR Business Name ___________________________________________Contact Name ___________________________________ Business Address___________________________________________E-mail Address _________________________________ Prize to be Donated ___________________________________________________________ Value ______________________ Phone _________________________Fax _______________________ Tee # Preferred (if applicable) ______________________ Complete and return to: Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce, 4211 N. Buffalo St., Suite 14, Orchard Park, NY 14127 or Fax – 662-5946 From The Desk Of The Executive Director A Year To Celebrate! 2014 marks the 50th Anniversary of The Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce, Inc. The organization was incorporated during the tumultuous sixties, a time when change surrounded us in all aspects of life. The Chamber had its roots in the Businessmen’s Association that was formed in 1952 to unite in promoting the growth of Orchard Park. Early in 1963, with nearly 100 individuals in attendance, a meeting was held to discuss forming a chamber of commerce. Membership applications were distributed and 55 joined. On August 14, 1964, the Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce was incorporated. It was the year the Ed Sullivan Show presented the Beatles to America. I recall watching with my Dad, who muttered a few choice words about the long-haired hippies that played I Want to Hold Your Hand. Kellogg’s Pop Tarts appeared on grocery shelves and instant coffee was introduced by General Foods. Warning messages were proposed for cigarette packs and the ever-popular Ford Mustang made its debut with a price tag of $2,338. Much like Pop Tarts, instant coffee and the Mustang, the Chamber has endured. We have embraced the inevitable changes that have occurred throughout the years, but have stayed true to our purpose. We offer many programs, services and benefits designed to help businesses prosper. One of the most tangible of these is group health and dental insurance. The passage of the Affordable Care Act brought significant change and in response, the Chamber has done everything possible to ensure that in addition to options through the state’s exchange, members have access to a variety of health insurance plans outside the exchange as well. We continue to offer plans to employers and to the smallest of businesses, the sole proprietor. A long line of men and women have stepped forward to lead this organization. Our first president, Charles L. Gerecke, helped draw the blueprints and construct the foundation on which we continue to grow. 39 individuals have followed his lead, serving as president of the Chamber. Countless others have served on our Board of Directors. It is through their combined efforts that the Orchard Park Chamber has become the largest in the Southtowns. As we prepare to celebrate our 50th Anniversary, we are very grateful to Dennis Jewell, 1981-82 Chamber president, for his assistance in compiling historical information about our former presidents. Sadly, we’ve learned that at least nine of them are deceased, but we hope to recognize them all as we recall 50 years of service to the community. There have been many changes impacting the Chamber in the past 50 years, but some things have remained the same, especially our commitment to Orchard Park. The Chamber is continually striving to meet the needs of the Orchard Park business community. I welcome and encourage your participation in our effort! Travel To China Or The Land Down Under! The Chamber is offering an amazing opportunity for you to visit China in October. This 9day tour includes airfare from JFK, accommodations in four and five star hotels, all meals, deluxe bus tours, English speaking guides, admission to tourist spots and airport taxes, all for just $2,399! Optional bus transportation between Buffalo and JFK is also included. Many Orchard Park residents have taken this trip and agree that it was all it promised to be and more. You will walk through Tian’Anmen Square, climb the Great Wall, visit a 1,500year old Buddhist temple and much more. You will also see how fibers are extracted from the cocoons of silk worms and woven into threads for silk garments; how green tea leaves are harvested and made into the finished product; and learn how to choose quality jade. This trip-of-a-lifetime, which is always an early sell-out, departs on October 15, 2014. A $200 deposit will hold your spot, and is fully refundable until July 1. Many Orchard Park residents have taken the Chamber’s trip to China and are looking for another unique destination. If Australia and Figi are on your bucket list of places to visit, you won’t want to miss “A Taste of the South Pacific.” The 13-day trip departs on February 2, 2015. You’ll set out on high speed catamaran for an exciting excursion to the Great Barrier Reef and explore from your base on Green Island. Visit the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Centre to meet Australia’s original inhabitants. Get up-close and personal with crocodiles in their natural habitat at Hartley’s Croc Farm! Meet some of the local koalas and have a private talk with a wildlife naturalist to learn more about these cuddly creatures. Discover one of the world’s most fascinating architectural sights as you take a guided tour of the Sydney Opera House. Take in the sights during a delightful dinner cruise of Sydney Harbour. Spend three nights in the beautiful tropical paradise of Fiji to complete your South Pacific experience. Priced at $4,699 per person if booked by August 2 (based on double occupancy), this tour includes roundtrip airfare from Buffalo, accommodations at first-class hotels, 15 meals, admission to tourist spots on the itinerary, deluxe motorcoach transportation and services of a professional tour manager. A $250 deposit will hold your spot and is fully refundable until September 4. The Chamber will host a slide presentation for “A Taste of the South Pacific” on Wednesday, April 9 at 5:30 p.m. Call the Chamber at 662-3366 to reserve your spot! To learn more about either of these trips, visit our website at OrchardParkChamber.org or call the office. siness After Hours Mixer About Our Business After Hours Mixer Host… Winning Smiles Pediatric Dentistry was founded in 2006 by pediatric dentist, Dr. Michael Foley. In 2009, Winning Smiles opened its doors at its state-of-the-art Sheridan Drive location. The practice’s unique environment and skilled staff Hosted By… gained a great deal of attention from families in in the area -- from the mini movie theater and video ith arcade in the reception area, to the movies 10 displayed above the treatment chairs, Winning Smiles has helped many nervous children overcome their anxieties and have a positive dental Thursday, March 13,menu 2014of services includes advanced preventative treatment for healthcare experience. The the Southwestern Blvd. toddlers, 3364 children and teens, orthodontics, nitrous oxide sedation, outpatient surgery, custom 5:30 7:30 PM athletic mouth guards, 24 hour emergency service, care for patients with special needs and new contacts and renew business acquaintances muchMeet more! in a relaxed and congenial atmosphere. car No Admission Charge * Refreshments Available Due to the high quality of care their children were receiving, many parents asked to become patients as well. Winning Smiles answered the demand for general dentistry with Winning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Smiles Adult Dentistry and is now able to care for all adult patients, whether their children are Business After Hours Mixer patients not. Thursday, or March 13 The adult dentistry team is proud to offer a vast array of services including cosmetic dentistry, full smile makeovers, Invisalign, dental implants, treatment for sleep apnea _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ and TMJ, prosthodontics and much more. ___________________________________________ Telephone ________________________________ cury Winning Smiles opened their doors at their second location, 3364 Southwestern Boulevard Complete and return this portion to: Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce North Buffalo Suite 14 (formerly4211AAA) inSt.,January of 2013, offering both pediatric and general dental care undertheone Orchard Park, NY 14127 Phone 662-3366 Fax 662-5946 Deadline for reservations: March 10, 2014 roof. A resident of Orchard Park, owner Dr. Michael Foley, along with his experienced team, the is thrilled to have the opportunity to serve the families of his own community. The practice boasts cutting edge technology, a warm and welcoming atmosphere, a coffee bar for adults, a movie theater and video arcade, an incentivized rewards program for pediatric patients toand more. Winning Smiles accepts many major insurance plans and welcomes new patients! Please visit www.winningsmilespd.com or call 716-332-2444 for more information. John C. Bailey • Attorney At Law 3623 Eggert Rd., Ste. 103 • Orchard Park, New York Phone: 662-0236 “Your Business Insurance Specialists!” 662-5170 6546 E. Quaker St., Orchard Park, NY 14127 - Joseph Pilates Call or Stop By to See How Pilates Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals. 6179 West Quaker Road Orchard Park, New York 14127 Kudos To… …ComputerSearch Payroll on their recent acquisition of Buffalo Time Clock. on …Darren Caparaso, MD, who will join the family practice of Robert & Jennifer Erickson, DO on March 3, 2014. oyable …Mangia Ristorante, which recently expanded to include the new “M Lounge” above5:30 the restaurant. …Legislator John Mills, president of J. Mills Distributing Co., who was elected 2014 chairman of the Erie Country Legislature. …Gary Occhino, director of instruction at Orchard Park Country Club and author of theideas. best seller “Play Golf Like The Pros,” who recently kicked off his East Coast tour with a seminar at groups, Shea’s. each …Dawn MacMurray, recently promoted to vice president for residential services at People Inc. . in the …Dave Borodzik, owner of Runner’s Roost, who was honored with the 2013 Post ofduring Fame and 3rd Award. for …E. David Rebmann, executive director of the Town of Orchard Park’s Youth Services, Youth Bureau and Youth Court, who was named the Erie County Legislature’s Citizen of the Month for December 2013. …Wolf Agency Inc., celebrating its 70th Anniversary with Merchants Insurance Group. Want To Save A Tree? with at the you Since the debut of our electronic newsletter in February 2010, nearly 190 members have opted to receive their monthly Chamber Review via a link in an email. This is certainly a cost-saving measure for the Chamber, reducing our printing and postage costs for the newsletter. In addition, this has saved 21,900 sheets of 8½ x 11″ paper! a If you would like to receive future newsletters electronically, rather than in the mail, please visit contact the Chamber to be added to the growing list. NEXTEL by On The Fly Cellular Dean and Nancy Neaverth Owners 4062 N. Buffalo Rd., Orchard Park, NY 14127 For A Free Consultation Please call 662-8230 Stan Siembieda EISNER DDS, PC creating a lifetime creating smilessmiles for afor lifetime 3221 Southwestern Blvd. Complete Dentistry for your whole family Orchard Park, NY 14127 • Implantology M-F 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. • TMJ Therapy Sat. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sun. closed • Lumineers 716.674.2461 Tel. • Sedation 716.674.2462 Fax • Restorative Dentistry store5286@theupsstore.com www.theupsstore.com/5286.htm 250 Quaker Road East Aurora, NY 14052 716 655-3500 Fax: 716 652-5260 www.eastauroracosmeticdentist.com www.eastaurorasedationdentist.com CHAMBER REVIEW PRSTD STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 67 Orchard Park, NY The Newsletter of THE ORCHARD PARK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4211 North Buffalo Street, Suite 14, Orchard Park, NY 14127-2401 Orchard ParkChamber Chamberof ofCommerce Commerce REQUESTED ADDRESS SERVICE Orchard Park EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Orchard ParkAmigone, Chamber Commerce Anthony Jr.of . .President Anthony Amigone, Jr. . .President Michael Borowiak. . .Past President Michael Borowiak. . .Past President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE John McCarthy. . .Treasurer John McCarthy. . .Treasurer Anthony Amigone, . .President Dennis Salerno. . Jr. .Vice President Dennis Borowiak. Salerno. . .Vice President Michael . .Past President Nancy Conley. . .Executive Director Nancy Conley. . .Executive Director John McCarthy. . .Treasurer Dennis Salerno. . .Vice President BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nancy Conley. . .Executive Director Anthony Amigone, Jr. . .Amigone Funeral Home Anthony Amigone, Jr. . .Amigone Funeral Home Paul Bahr. . .Bryant & Stratton College Paul Bahr. . .Bryant & Stratton College BOARD OF DIRECTORS Colleen Baker. . .Orchard Park Country Club ColleenAmigone, Baker. . .Orchard Park Country Club Anthony Jr. .Coaching .Amigone Roberta Bemiller. . .RLB &Funeral CareerHome Consulting Roberta Bemiller. . .RLB Coaching & Career Consulting Paul Bahr. . .Bryant Stratton College Michael Borowiak. .& .Nussbaumer & Clarke MichaelBaker. Borowiak. . .Nussbaumer & Clarke Colleen . .Orchard Park Country Club Doug Bradley. . .Bradley MediaWorks Doug Bradley. MediaWorks Roberta Bemiller. . .RLB. .Bradley Coaching & Career Consulting Aldo Canestrari. . .Canestrari Agency Aldo Borowiak. Canestrari. . .Nussbaumer .Canestrari Agency Michael & Clarke Barbara Janish. .. .Hunt Real Estate ERA Barbara Janish. . .Hunt Real Estate ERA Doug Bradley. MediaWorks Donald Lorentz..Bradley . .Solid Gold Enterprises Donald Canestrari. Lorentz. . .Solid Gold Enterprises . .Canestrari AgencyCompany John Aldo McCarthy. . .Buffalo Exterminating John McCarthy. . .Buffalo Exterminating Company Barbara Janish. . .Hunt Real Estate ERA Frank Muggia. . .Frank C. Muggia, Esq. Frank Muggia. . ..Frank C. Muggia, Esq. Donald Lorentz. .Solid Gold Enterprises Christopher Repp. . .Repp Construction Co. Repp. . .Repp Construction Co. JohnChristopher McCarthy. . .Buffalo Exterminating Company Dennis Salerno. . .Salerno Motors Dennis Salerno. . .Salerno Motors Frank Muggia. . .Frank C. Muggia, Esq. Michael Tepfenhart. . .West Herr Nissan Michael Tepfenhart. . .West Herr Nissan Christopher Repp. . .Repp Construction Co. Dennis Salerno. . .Salerno Motors Michael Tepfenhart. . .West Herr Nissan Donʼt Miss Miss Donʼt Donʼt Miss Business After Hours The Mixer! The Mixer! Mixer The Mixer! Hosted by… Hosted by… Join Us For Our HR 101 101 HR HRFebruary 101 1919 Wednesday, February Wednesday, Hosted by… thth Noon-February -11p.m. p.m. 19th Hosted By… Noon Wednesday, ChamberOffice Chamber Noon - 1 Office p.m. $10/person $10/person Chamber Office $10/person Topics Include: 3364 Southwestern Blvd. Thursday, March 13,Blvd. 2014 3364 Southwestern Topics Include: 3364 Southwestern Blvd. OrchardPark Park Orchard RecordsManagement Management 5:30 - 7:30 PM Blvd. 3364 Southwestern Records Meet new contacts and renew business acquaintances TopicsHandbook Include: Employee HandbookBasics Basics Employee inOrchard a relaxed and congenial atmosphere. Park thth Management Interviewing Basics No Admission Charge * Refreshments Available Records Interviewing Basics Employee Handbook Basics th Presented By: Interviewing Basics Presented By: Business After Hours Mixer JenniferPalaganas Palaganas Thursday, March 13 Jennifer Presented By: Human Resource Mgr. What greatway waytotomake makenew newbusiness business Human Resource Mgr.Person(s) Attending _______________________________________________________________________________________________ What a agreat Company _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jennifer Palaganas TripleTrack HRPartners Partners contacts! Bring Bringplenty plenty businesscards cards TripleTrack HR Address ______________________________________________________________ Telephone ________________________________ contacts! ofofbusiness Human Resource Mgr. What a great way to ofmake new business and join usthere. there. Complete and return this portion to: Orchard Park join Chamber us Commerce and North Buffalo St., Suite 14 SeatingisTripleTrack islimited limitedtoto1212 guests. boxlunch lunch HR Partners contacts! 4211 Bring plenty of business cards Seating guests. AAbox Orchard Park, NY 14127 Phone 662-3366 Fax 662-5946 office Call theChamber Chamber is included. Call the Chamber office at Call the office join Deadline for reservations:and March 10, 2014 us there. is included. Call the Chamber office at at662-3366 662-3366totoplace placeyour yourreservation(s). reservation(s). Seating662-3366 is limitedtotoreserve 12 guests. A box lunch 662-3366 reserve your seat. at your seat. Call the Chamber office is included. Call the Chamber office at at 662-3366 to place your reservation(s). 662-3366 to reserve your seat. Thursday,March March13 13 Thursday, 5:30--7:30 7:30 p.m.13 Thursday, March 5:30 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 23rdrdAnnual Annual 23 23rd Annual Golf Outing Outing Golf Golf Outing Monday Monday nd June22nd Monday June June 2nd GetInvolved InvolvedToday! Today! Get Get Involved Today! The Chamber’s 2014Golf GolfOuting Outing willfeature feature The Chamber’s 2014 will scrambleformat formatwith witha abarbecue barbecuelunch lunchonon a ascramble The Chamber’s 2014 Golf Outing willGrill feature thepatio patioprovided provided Zebb’s Deluxe Grill&& the byby Zebb’s Deluxe aBar; scramble format with a barbecue lunch on Bar; shotgun start at 1 p.m.; 2-hour open bar; shotgun start at 1 p.m.; 2-hour open bar; the patio provided by Zebb’s Deluxe Grill & and a sit down dinner. and a sit down dinner. Bar; shotgun start at 1 p.m.; 2-hour open bar; Ifyou you areinterested interested servingononthe theGolf Golf If and a sitare down dinner. ininserving Committee, volunteering the day of the event, Committee, volunteering the day of the event, If are call interested in serving on the Golf golfing, callthe theChamber Chamber 662-3366. All ororyou golfing, atat662-3366. All Committee, volunteering the day of the event, members are invited and encouraged members are invited and encouraged toto or golfing, call the Chamber at 662-3366. All participate. participate. members are invited and encouraged to participate. You make the list. We’ll get it done. If you’re looking for reliability and guaranteed results, it’s time to consider Merry Maids. Just let us know what is best for you. Take it in. A thorough, customized cleaning from a team you trust— guaranteed. Then enjoy a little time for yourself. merrymaids.com It all begins with a FREE ESTIMATE. 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