Les Nouvelles de l`Alliance - Alliance Française de Buffalo
Les Nouvelles de l`Alliance - Alliance Française de Buffalo
Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance treizième année, numéro 5 MAI - JUIN 2008 Join Us At Hallwalls On June 12 For Our Annual Meeting and Elections 2008 Alliance Française de Buffalo, Inc. P.O. Box 721 Buffalo, NY 14207 Phone: 716 688-4171 Web Site: http://afbuffalo.org E-mail contact: info@afbuffalo.org TO BECOME A MEMBER: Contact: Colette Jowdy Phone: (716) 706-0505 Courriel: cfjowdy@yahoo.com ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES: Supporting $75 Individual $35 Family $45 Full Time Student $18 Teacher of French $25 SEND CHECK TO: Colette Jowdy 59 Quail Run Lane Lancaster, NY 14086 Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance Rédaction Send your articles, petites annonces, (free for AFB members), travel news, in English or in French, preferably in digital format, to: Mary Besanceney Aiken (e-mail maryaiken@mac.com) or on CD with hard copy as well to 835 Chestnut Hill Road, East Aurora, NY 14052. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION June 1, 2008 You’re invited to join us for the annual meeting of the Alliance Française de Buffalo which will be held at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, June 12, at Hallwalls (recently renamed Babeville), 341 Delaware Avenue at West Tupper Street, a historic landmark which is Buffalo’s newest cultural center. The session will include election of members to the Board of Directors. The proposed slate of candidates has been inserted Annual Meeting into this issue of Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance of the Alliance Française de Buffalo will take place on and is also available Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. for review on the AFB at Hallwalls (newly renamed Babeville) website: www.afbuffalo. org. Official ballots will 341 Delaware Avenue at West Tupper Street, Buffalo soon be mailed by the Nominating Committee, Elections will be followed by a headed by Sophie Feal, wine & cheese reception to all members in good standing. Please bring your filled-out ballot to the meeting. If you know that you cannot attend on June 12, please be sure to follow the instructions for returning your vote by mail to the address, and by the deadline, specified in the ballot mailing. In addition, the meeting will include brief reports from President Patricia Schiavone and Treasurer Bryan Kamuda for the past year. After the business meeting, we will be able to socialize over refreshments – wine and cheese, if tradition holds. There will be free parking in the lot next to the church and our members may enter through the side door to the former parish house. The meeting will be held in the spacious lower-level cinema. This is a great opportunity for members to meet the Board of Directors and its prospective candidates, to give input on the direction of the organization and to volunteer for future activities. You’ll also have the chance to meet others who share a passion for French language and culture. Everyone is highly encouraged to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. Dans ce numéro 1 Annual Meeting to be Held on June 12 2 Atelier de Cuisine Kristen Angierski Named First Winner of AFB Scholarship 3 French Classes Welcome | Bienvenue Cercle de lecture — L’éternelle histoire by Karen Blixen 4 A French Musical Event to be Remembered 5 Recette du Mois — Salmon Terrine DVD in French: Suggestions of the Month Petites annonces 6 Calendrier Special Insert: Slate of Candidates 2008 2 Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance Atelier de Cuisine Avec le thème Poisson à la méditerranéenne et délices de Provence (Fish Mediterranean style, and the flavors of Provence) I was the last one to arrive for this, my second cooking workshop with the Alliance’s own celebrity chefs, Alessandra DeSimone and Marianne Vallet-Sandre. Fortunately, at 9:15 am on Saturday March 8, there were still fresh homemade croissants and rich, aromatic coffee to be enjoyed before we got down to cooking. We began in the plant room of the beautiful Victorian home of Marianne, with an explanation of the délices de Provence: garlic, anchovies, red peppers, basil, tomatoes, From left to right: Dan Melock, Lois O’Brian, Gloria Gianturco, capers and olives, and how they Liz Melock, Mary Claire Kosek, Mary Ellen Gianturco, Susan could appear throughout the meal Trabert, Susan Fiden, and Kimberly Blessing (although as Marianne points out, not throughout the same meal). Then we nine students followed our instructors into the kitchen and settled around the island with our menu booklets and pencils, but not for long. We were soon blending away at the beurres de Provence: beurre aux poivrons rouges, beurre au basilique, beurre à l’ail and beurre aux anchois. These we tasted immediately on slices of toasted baguette. Our dessert, crème brûlée au citron, came next, so it would have time to chill before dinner. The cream, steeped with lemon zest, and the egg yolks, sugar and lemon juice were blended in a large bowl and poured into ramekins carefully placed in a bain marie (water bath) for baking. The final step of sprinkling the tops with sugar, adding a slice of candied citrus fruit and burning them with a torch or in a broiler comes just before serving dinner. Next came our two vegetables: aubergines fourrées and gratin de courgettes. Both used the same ingredients typical of Provence, Alessandra DeSimone, Gloria Gianturco, and Dan the one to enhance eggplant with a special Melock prepare the beurre au basilique goat cheese layer, the other to flavor zucchini. Both baked in the oven. Now we tackled our appetizer, moules à la provençale, mussel stew, which could also be used as a main course if served in a large quantity with plenty of the toasted baguette and beurres de Provence. We learned how to clean and check the mussels to be sure we had live ones. Then we learned how to check again after the short cooking process to be sure all the shells had opened up. The two variations of a main course, both fish and both of which used sauce provençale, a mixture of kalamata olives, garlic, ca- Susan Fiden, Liz and Dan Melock, and Kimberly pers, parsley, tomatoes, olive oil and sea salt Blessing working on the crème brûlée au citron came next. The one recipe baked the fish en papillotes (in a pouch) with a base of thinly sliced potatoes, the other poached the fish to be served over a bed of rice. It was time to eat. All students and teachers gathered around the dining table, set with provençale style dishes, and enjoyed the food, white wine and each other’s company. On that wintry morning, only our faithful attendee Phyllis Lutwack was totally snowbound down her long, narrow driveway and could not join us. Students were Mary Claire Kosek, Dan and Liz Melock, Mary Ellen and Gloria Gianturco, Kimberly Blessing, Susan Fiden, Susan Trabert and moi, Lois O’Brian. — Lois O’Brian Photos in this article by Paul Pasquarello ©2008 Front row, left to right: Alessandra DeSimone, Marianne Vallet-Sandre, Paul Carroll. Back row: Steve Curvin, Sophie Feal, Kristen Angierski, AFB President Patricia Schiavone, and Kathryn Missert Kristen Angierski is the First Winner of AFB Scholarship! The Alliance Française de Buffalo has inaugurated and hopes to maintain in future years, an exciting educational opportunity for area high school students enrolled in upper level French courses. In an effort to promote the study of French, the AFB is offering a scholarship program for summer study 2008, which this year will take place in Montpelier, France. The scholarship includes round-trip airfare from Toronto, lodging with a French family and tuition for the four week French language program offered by the Institut Européen de Français. French students at more than 80 local schools were invited to submit a scholarship application. Students were required to submit transcripts, letters of reference and an essay in French outlining their interest in studying abroad. Twenty applications were received and seven students were selected for an interview. This past January, interviews were held before a jury of French teachers from throughout Western New York. The AFB is pleased to announce that Kristen Angierski, a senior at Depew High School, has been awarded the AFB’s new scholarship. Kristen is at the top of her graduating class. In addition to being a scholar, she is an accomplished musician and a great athlete having ranked among State finalists in Track and Field. Kristen has been accepted to Cornell University and will begin her studies in French and archeology there in the fall. Félicitations, Kristen! It is through the generous support of AFB members, and non-members within the community, who donate prizes and purchase tickets for our annual fund raising raffle and silent auction, and who attend events and activities throughout the year, that this wonderful educational opportunity is possible. Merci à tous! — Mary Ellen Gianturco Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance French Classes SESSION V May 5 - June 23 (No school on Memorial Day Monday) 7 week session of French conversation classes on the Canisius College Campus. Reserve a space in a class with a non-refundable deposit of $50. Ongoing enrollment and pro-rated classes. 10% DISCOUNT for students who accumulate 12 months of classes (first day of class). $20 COUPON to students who introduce a non-member to a class, who fully registers in an AFB class. As per the Alliance’s policy classes must be paid in full prior to the beginning of the session, or paid to the instructor on the first day of class. Welcome | Bienvenue! Erik Andres 400-9997 Nazeer Bahauddeen 886-0223 Joseph et Lucie Bowers 462-4891 Robert et Cathy Congdon 725-8315 Erin E. Cook (914) 907-0393 Linda Garsin 632-6767 Glen Gerspach 885-2352 Alan Homka 685-9108 Marsha Huard 876-9815 Billian Jo 896-0997 Allison Marron 725-9512 Liza Rivera 941-6905 Save the Date! Please save the afternoon of Sunday, July 20, 2008 on your calendars so that you may join us at Clarence Town Park for our annual pique-nique du 14 juillet! It’s a little later than usual this year to ensure a shelter in case of rain. Full details will be published in the next issue of Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance. We hope to see you there! Cercle de Lecture — L’éternelle histoire de Karen Blixen Le 28 février dernier, pendant le séjour en France de notre charmante hôtesse, Geneviève James, le Cercle de Lecture s’est réuni chez Marianne Vallet-Sandre afin de discuter de L’éternelle histoire de Karen Blixen. Après avoir lu ce texte, certains membres ont indiqué leur surprise de découvrir que l’auteur était également celui d’œuvres rendues célèbres par les films que celles-ci ont inspirés : La ferme africaine ou Out of Africa et Le dîner de Babette ou Babette’s Feast. En fait L’éternelle histoire est une nouvelle extraite du recueil Le dîner de Babette publié pour la première fois en 1958 et qui fut à l’origine d’un film intitulé L’histoire immortelle, réalisé par Orson Welles pour la télévision française en 1968. Cette nouvelle met en scène un étrange procédé à l’inverse de l’acte littéraire habituel; le personnage principal ne raconte pas une histoire qui a eu lieu, ce qui serait logique, il veut plutôt faire vivre une histoire qu’il a entendue dans le passé. L’histoire se situe en Chine au milieu du XIXe siècle. M. Clay, vieux marchand immensément riche, vit sans amis ni famille dans la superbe maison de son ancien collègue qu’il a jadis conduit au suicide. Il souffre d’insomnie, et pour l’aider à passer ses nuits, son fidèle employé, le Juif Elishama, lui lit ses livres de comptes. Ce dernier, ayant prématurément vieilli, fait montre d’une étonnante sagesse. Ses propres désirs ont été compromis par les vicissitudes de son existence. Comme son patron, il n’a pas d’amis et n’en désire pas. Pour lui, « le mot ami était synonyme de perte ». Il ne souhaite plus que bien servir son patron. Un soir, afin de changer le rythme de la lecture des livres de comptes, M. Clay raconte à son employé une histoire qu’il a jadis entendue : celle du marin qui est payé cinq guinées par un vieux monsieur riche mais impotent pour passer la nuit avec sa jeune et 3 superbe femme dans le but de lui produire un héritier. Elishama lui rappelle que cette histoire n’est qu’une légende que tous les marins racontent. M. Clay décide alors de se mettre à la place du riche personnage. Son employé doit en effet lui trouver une courtisane qui jouera le rôle de sa femme ainsi qu’un beau marin pour mener le projet à terme. Tout se passe comme prévu : ironiquement, la jeune femme engagée pour une forte somme d’argent, se trouve à être la fille du collègue suicidé; elle éprouve une certaine satisfaction à venger le triste sort subi par sa famille ainsi que sa propre situation. Le matelot est jeune et beau, il a besoin d’argent, il apprécie le somptueux repas qui précède ladite nuit. Le moment est venu de passer à l’acte. Le couple est attiré l’un vers l’autre et, par conséquent, cette nuit s’avérera une brève histoire d’amour aux frais de M. Clay. Du reste, ce dernier voudrait bien détruire cette histoire en rappelant que rien ne s’est passé sinon la réalisation de son propre désir. Il n’y parviendra cependant pas. Le marin s’en ira avec son bon souvenir et quand Elishama lui dira que lui seul peut maintenant raconter la vraie histoire du marin…celui-ci déclare qu’il n’en parlera jamais à personne. À la fin de cette mise en scène, M. Clay meurt sans avoir pu imposer sa volonté. Tout en dégustant une tarte aux pommes, les membres du groupe ont discuté avec enthousiasme, échangeant réactions et opinions. Nous invitons les intéressés à se joindre à notre groupe, il reste de la place autour de la table! La prochaine réunion aura lieu mardi le 29 avril à 19 heures chez Florence Fradin, 142 Morris Avenue, Buffalo, (716) 837-8059. Nous discuterons de Claude Gueux de Victor Hugo. — Marianne Vallet-Sandre Cercle de lecture — New Date for April! Please note: because of schedule conflicts involving several of the regular AFB Cercle de lecture members, the April meeting’s date and place needed to be changed as follows: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 7:00 p.m. at the home of Florence Fradin, 142 Morris Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14214. Kindly inform her of your intention to attend: (716) 837-8059 or fesflo@buffalo.edu. Claude Gueux by Victor Hugo is the unchanged subject of discussion for the evening. All books are available from www.amazon.ca; www.schoenhofs.com; www.bookfinder.com; through the Buffalo, Erie County Library (http://www.buffalolib.org/) and through Librairie Champlain: 468 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1T7, Canada - Customer service Tel: (416)364-4345 FAX : (416)364-8843. 4 Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance A French Musical Event To Be Remembered Photos in this article by Paul Pasquarello ©2008 “A French Musical Event” was pure en- who had prepared joyment. Young or old, Francophile or not, a “simple” repas audience members were all smiles as they including coquilles left the magnificent Montante Cultural Center S a i n t - J a c q u e s , at Canisius College on February 23rd, 2008. American steaks Buffalonians were treated to a unique and on the grill and eclectic variety of music, performed by the h o m e m a d e energetic and charming singer-saxophonist cheesecake. The Philippe Duchesne (member of the classical guests immediately Paris Saxophone Quartet) in collaboration charmed their hosts with the 24-year-old classical string Quatuor with their good de Chartres. The five member ensemble of humor and warm friends and accomplished musicians were spirit. The following clearly having great fun performing all the morning the musimusical forms ranging from bossa nova and cians performed a rock (Elvis Costello) to jazz (Thelonious Monk) snippet from “Le and ballads. Swing” on AM BufThe quartet, formed by first violin falo, which one of Quatuor de Chartres and Philippe Duschesne performing live on AM Buffalo Patrice Legrand and virtuoso musicians the musicians de- the day before their performance for the Alliance Française de Buffalo Roger Aribaud, Marc Antoine Chomet, and scribed as “typiquePhilippe Pennanguer, opened the program ment Américain.” Their American experience invitations to their homes in France. The indefatigable Marianne Valletwith a Debussy instrumental “blending their continued with a lunch of hot chicken wings music harmoniously and oozing confidence at the Anchor Bar, an intimate reception Sandre, and her husband and photographer and skill” as described by a member of the hosted by the Modern and Classical Paul Pasquarello, orchestrated a Buffalo Alliance. The audience was then introduced Languages department of Buffalo State welcome that the French musicians will not to a marvelous series of original songs creat- College, and a visit to the Albright Knox Art soon forget. The musicians commented that ed in collaboration with contemporary French Gallery. That evening Marianne and Paul Buffalo offered them the warmest reception of lyricists and composers Frédéric Thibault, again opened their home to about 25 mem- their tour, and Philippe Duchesne was ready Xavier Petit and Paul Maucourt, which pro- bers of the Alliance who enjoyed mingling to hire Marianne as their agent. It was over vided an ideal showwith the musicians over one year in the making, and it required great case for the singer’s a buffet dinner prepared amounts of time and energy to bring some rich and versatile by Patricia Schiavone, of France to Buffalo, New York. As a result, voice. When he was Alessandra DeSimone, everyone involved was uplifted by the richly not singing, Philippe and Paul Carroll, including musical and abundantly cultural experience. Duchesne delighted lasagna, chicken, green Bravo! — Kimberly Blessing the audience with his salad, and lemon mousse. exciting saxophone The following morning, playing, and even the entire group gathdancing. At over six ered at the home of Allifeet tall, Duchesne ance members Tim Bohen glided across the and Kimberly Blessing stage with the grace (hosts to the three musiof a trained dancer. At cians who did not fit in the the end of “Les petits Va l l e t - S a n d r e / poissons”, the singer Pasquarello home), to amused the audienjoy blueberry pancakes ence by pulling out a and maple syrup, which fish from his jacket, was such a hit that hosts leading an audience went on a last-minute maple member to exclaim: Philippe Duchesne plays the saxophone and syrup run for the group, Quartet founder and first violinist Patrice Legrand and “I’m waiting for him to leaves them wanting more! while the musicians took second violinist Robert Aribaud perform Debussy pull a rabbit out of his hat.” in a chilly visit to Niagara Falls. After their The audience of just under 200 Buffalo- well-received performance, the performers nians, ranging in age from 9 to 80 years old, joined about 15 members of the Alliance and was composed of half Alliance members, and friends, for a late supper at the Left Bank – half general public. Even those who did not being good sports they sampled a local dark catch all the words were “bopping in their beer, which did not seem to suit their palates seats, and smiling throughout the perfor- as much as the fine California wine that acmance.” One French attendant summarized companied their meals. After a well-deserved it all: “.... J’ai été enchantée! La musique était rest, chef Marianne was determined our un vrai délice, les chansons superbes et le French friends would not leave Buffalo hunMontante Cultural Center de toute beauté. gry, as she whipped up mushroom omelets Tout était donc au rendez-vous pour une and mimosas for all, on Sunday morning magnifique soirée.’’ before their early afternoon departure for the On the day of their arrival the group was return to France. To show their appreciation, graciously welcomed into the inviting home of the guests showered their hosts with their Violist Marc-Antoine Chomet and Marianne Vallet-Sandre and Paul Pasquarello compact discs, signed photographs and cellist Philippe Pennanguer Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance Recette du mois — Salmon Terrine 2 cans (each 213 g) salmon, drained (best quality) 1/2 lb smoked salmon, diced 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro or parsley 3 green onions 1 teaspoon dried tarragon 1/2 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon each Dijon mustard and lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon pepper Mix canned and smoked salmon with parsley/ cilantro, onions and tarragon. In separate bowl, beat together butter, mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice and pepper. Gently, fold in salmon. Line loaf pan with plastic wrap, spoon in salmon mixture and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for about 3 hours, or until firm. — Patricia Schiavone DVD in French: Suggestions of the Month La reine Margot (Queen Margot) (1994). French. Director Patrice Chéreau. To cement a partnership between Protestants and Catholics in France, Margot de Valois (Isabelle Adjani) agrees to an arranged marriage to Henri of Navarre (Daniel Auteuil). Although she’s a staunch supporter of Henri, she’s not a loyal wife and takes up with a Protestant lover (Vincent Perez). During the St. Bartholomew’s Night Massacre, she helps her lover escape, setting off a chain of events that alters their lives and the course of history. Adaptation du roman d’Alexandre Dumas. Acteurs de haut calibre. Démonstration de cruauté et d’amour exacerbés. Le vieil homme et l’enfant (The Two of Us) (1967) French. Acclaimed director Claude Berri. When Nazi soldiers flood the streets of Paris, a young Jewish boy (Alain Cohen) is sent to live in the relative safety of the French countryside with an elderly Catholic woman and her anti-Semitic husband (Michel Simon). Extras in this edition include Claude Berri’s Oscar-winning short film “Le poulet” (1962). Inspiré des propres souvenirs de Claude Berri. Rapport très intéressant entre le vieil homme et l’enfant. Un air de famille (Family Resemblances) (1996) French. Director Cédrick Kepplish **Unconventional An upper-middleclass French clan celebrates a birthday with a meal at a favorite bistro, where family history, discord, collective and individual animosity, and memories collide in a mix of interesting characters, raw emotion, humor and sharp dialogue. Based on a play written by co-stars Agnès Jaoui and Jean-Pierre Bacri and directed by Cédric Klapisch (who’s also in the film), Un Air De Famille speaks volumes about dysfunctional families. Observation satirique de mœurs familiales. Très bonne interprétation des personnages. Le dîner de cons (The Dinner Game) (1998) French. Director Francis Veber. A group of French intellectuals gather each Wednesday for the dinner game, where the challenge is to bring along the most idiotic guest each can find. Pierre (Thierry Lhermitte) thinks he’s found a ringer in François (Jacques Villeret), a civil servant whose passion is making architectural models out of matchsticks. But Pierre gets more than he bargained for when François becomes his houseguest – and nursemaid! Thème original. Rigolades assurées. — Clary Maude Petites annonces “A MUSICAL FEAST” A Musical Feast, the dynamic new chamber music organization founded by retired Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra concertmaster Charles Haupt in 2006, presents the final concert in its very successful second season at the Kavinoky Theater of D’Youville College on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 8 PM. The program is presented in conjunction with the series’ co-sponsor, The Robert and Carol Morris Center for 21st Century Music, University at Buffalo. Making a very welcome return to A Musical Feast will be a special guest, the bass-trombone virtuoso David Taylor. He will perform his transcriptions of songs by the 20th century French masters Maurice Ravel and Darius Milhaud accompanied by the refined playing of Claudia Hoca on piano. Violinist Charles Castleman will be offering three transcriptions, two by Fritz Kreisler and one by Ondricek, of music by Dvorak. UB faculty member Jonathan Golove, cello, will join Mr. Haupt, violin, in a performance of the Passacaglia for violin and cello by Handel. The evening will conclude with a performance of Mozart’s Piano Trio No. 5, in C major K. 548, featuring Mr. Haupt (violin), Mr. Golove (cello) and Ms. Hoca (piano). For more information contact: Irene Haupt - General Manager at haupt@amusicalfeast.com. For tickets call: the Kavinoky Theater 829-7668. Apartment for rent in Paris: 42, rue Sainte Anne - 75002 Paris -Main features: large living/dining room; large master bedroom, second bed-room with sofa bed; kitchen with dishwasher, clothes dryer, electric oven and hotplates; bathroom with shower, fitted with laundry machine. All linen included. Telephone. TV • Weekly tariff : 980 euros • Apartment located within 5 - 10 minute walk from : The Opera Garnier, Louvre, Palais-Royal gardens, Place de la Concorde, The Madeleine, Place Vendôme, Department stores, Galeries Lafayette and Printemps, Monoprix • 5 metro stations connecting to all Paris • Several bus routes. • To hear more about our flat and longer stay please contact André Pithois at email: martaban@wanadoo.fr or téléphone: 011 33 1 64 93 96 26. “Greenland Impressions” book available Luc Hardy, a French-American businessman who heads Sagax, an international investment and advisory firm, is also an avid adventurer. Last summer, he led a 9-person expedition to Greenland, the Sagax REVO Double Top expedition, which included scientists (GREA: Artic Ecologic Research Group) and children, crisscrossing Greenland from the highest mountain to the northernmost point on Earth: the top of the Arctic. The mission was to assess the impact of global warming on wildlife and vegetation in this Arctic region. This expedition has been made in partnership with Green Cross International, a non profit organization whose mission is to help ensure a just, sustainable and secure future for all. M. Hardy wrote a book (in French and English) about this expedition, named “Greenland Impressions” gathering the pictures and impressions that he kept after this journey. To learn about the expedition, visit: http://web.mac.com/ luchardy/Greenland_2007/Welcome.html. For further information about the book, contact Pascal Da Costa, Executive assistant, Sagax, 303 Cognewaugh Road, Greenwich-Cos Cob, CT 06807, TEL: 203-625 0237 or via e-mail at: info@sagax.com. If you would like to place an announcement, please contact Marianne Vallet-Sandre at mvs52@verizon.net or Mary Aiken at maryaiken@mac.com. This service is free for current AFB members or for a fee of $30 for non AFB members. 5 NON-PROFIT ORG. Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance Alliance Française de Buffalo, Inc. PO Box 721, Buffalo NY 14207 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1441 BUFFALO NY Les Nouvelles de l’Alliance Avril Juin NEW DATE! cercle de lecture — Claude Gueux by Victor Hugo DATE: Tuesday, April 29 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Home of Florence Fradin, 142 Morris Avenue, Buffalo CONTACT: Florence Fradin at 716 837-8059 or fesflo@buffalo.edu GROUPES DE CONVERSATION MATIN : tous les jeudis HEURE : 10 h15 - 11 h 45 • LIEU : Quaker Bonnet Eatery, 175 Allen St. CONTACTEZ : Paul Carroll au (716) 883-9378 SOIR : tous les mercredis HEURE : 18 h 30 LIEU : Café Starbucks, Delaware Avenue à Kenmore CONTACTEZ : Robert Reden au (716) 877-6248 ou perede4@aol.com ou Oleg Voronin : ovsr@aol.com SOIR (Williamsville) : tous les lundis HEURE : 18 h 30 • LIEU : Café Starbucks, 5429 Main St., Williamsville CONTACTEZ : Layla Beaini : lilotresor@yahoo.fr ou 836-9159 Mai FRENCH CONVERSATION CLASSES Session V - May 5 - June 23 (no classes on Memorial Day Monday) FEES: $175 for a 7-week session PLACE: Canisius College, Old Main Building, 4th Floor CONTACT: Colette Jowdy at (716) 706-0505 or cfjowdy@yahoo.com GROUPES DE CONVERSATION MATIN : tous les jeudis HEURE : 10 h15 - 11 h 45 • LIEU : Quaker Bonnet Eatery, 175 Allen St. CONTACTEZ : Paul Carroll au (716) 883-9378 SOIR : tous les mercredis HEURE : 18 h 30 LIEU : Café Starbucks, Delaware Avenue à Kenmore CONTACTEZ : Robert Reden au (716) 877-6248 ou perede4@aol.com ou Oleg Voronin : ovsr@aol.com SOIR (Williamsville) : tous les lundis HEURE : 18 h 30 • LIEU : Café Starbucks, 5429 Main St., Williamsville CONTACTEZ : Layla Beaini : lilotresor@yahoo.fr ou 836-9159 BOARD MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 14 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: 103 Eastland Parkway, Cheektowaga CONTACT: Patricia Schiavone at 716 895-0415 or panoramabf@msn.com playgroup DATE: TBA TIME: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. PLACE: TBA CONTACT: Celine Nganga at celinenganga@hotmail.com or 716 884-4354 ANNUAL MEETING DATE: Thursday, June 12 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: Hallwalls, 341 Delaware Avenue at West Tupper Street, Buffalo CONTACT: Sophie Feal at 716 834-0808 or sofeal@msn.com playgroup DATE: TBA TIME: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. PLACE: TBA CONTACT: Celine Nganga at celinenganga@hotmail.com or 716 884-4354 Save the Date! pique-nique du 14 juillet DATE: Sunday, July 20 TIME: 2:00 p.m. PLACE: Clarence Town Park, Main Street in Clarence