April 2008


April 2008
Duck Tails
Beaver State Corvette Club; PO Box 801; Albany, Or 97321
April 1, 2008
April 1, 2008
Inside This Issue:
1. President’s Message
2. VEEP’s Brainteaser
Dear Members,
3. Civil War tailgating pic
I regret to inform you that all of the club officers and
I are resigning, effective immediately, as we have all sold
our Corvettes, pooled the monies and are moving to a
commune in the Goa region of India. We also wish all of
you a very happy April Fools Day.
4. “Email Last Minute Drive” List
April Social Event
1983 Corvette on Craigslist!
7. VEEP’s Brainteaser
8. “Last Minute “ Daffodil Cruise
March Meeting Minutes
Calendar of Corvette Events
11. Next BSCC Meeting is April 8
12. Heritage Mall BSCC Event
13. BSCC Corvette of the Month?
14. March Bowling Social
Since I don’t want to encroach on the other officers areas
of responsibilities and monthly reports, I don’t have a lot
of news to share. Do keep you eyes open at the meetings
and other club functions and you might see something
new, it seems that nuclear proliferation is occurring in
our own neighborhood. And, be sure to check out the
events, news and the enclosed flyer for the President's
Spring Mystery Tour set for June 7 & 8. Your Corvette
elves and I have a new destination chosen and are
currently working out an excellent route for our tour. I
hope that all of you will join in the fun as this is always a
great club event. After all, we gott'em to drive 'em, right?
See you soon,
15. Prez’s Spring Mystery Tour
What year did the Corvette
have 4,000 missing serial numbers?
Save the Wave
A rare picture of a Duck fan and a Beaver fan tailgating
together before the Civil War basketball game.
John Wendel
Vice President:
Larry Angland
Ron Armstrong
Events Coordinator:
Jeff Jarrett
Carolyn Kidd
DON’T ASK!!!!!!(BG)
Email “Last Minute Drive” List!!!!
Lou Gsell
There are over a dozen members who have joined our new list.
There’s still room for you! By this time, I anticipate that the list
has already been activated for a drive or two. WooHoo!!!
If you’re feelin’ froggy, jump in now!!! We’d LOVE to have your
Bill Gsell
Email me at: gizwilly1@comcast.net
APRIL SOCIAL EVENT: April 24th, starting at 6:15!!!
This month I’ve signed us up for some Miniature Golf at “PAR 3”, halfway
between Albany and Corvallis on Highway 20.
Cruise on in, in any Corvette ya own and smack a ball around the course with
us! If you feel like being part of “Gsell’s Army” rather than actually playing,
that’s fine too! The Pub is also available if ya just wanna hang out.
I’d REALLY love to have your ideas for future events, too! Email me at:
I recently found this listing for a 1983 C4 Corvette on the Portland Craigslist. Couldn’t believe what the
asking price was!!! Good luck selling it at THAT price, dudes!
“Very rare 1983 Corvette Coupe. Low miles, one-of-a-kind car. Absolutely beautiful
example of a C4 Corvette. Must see to appreciate. $49,995. Gerb Car Company
ANSWERED: The serial
number of the last Corvette
made in 1973 ended
with 34,464; but
Chevrolet only built 30,464.
The “Last Minute Call/Email” lists were activated on March 16 for a
quick trip to the Junction City Daffodil Festival. Al and Mary, along with Duane and
Bobby joined Bill and Lou for the drive down. When we pulled up to the entrance,
the flagger guy put us in the show!!! What the heck! Before we had the 3 Corvettes
fully parked, people were looking at them. While we were there, we were joined by
BSCC members Kevin and Carla Holzworth with their beautiful Aqua Marine Blue
1973 C3 (serial # 34,464?), completing the picture. It was a fun trip, and we MADE
their show! Way to go BSCC!!!
Yo, Bro! Wake UP!!!
March 11, 2008
President John Wendel, back from vacation, called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
Sponsor and Banner update-Larry said he was planning on further discussions with Lassen Chevrolet about how
they could support the club as our sponsor. He will have an updated report at the next meeting. Lassen provided 5
trophies for the Heritage Mall show. It was also mentioned that Lassen offers a 10% discount to BSCC members on
parts and service.
March social event- Bill announced the plan for the March social event. There will be an evening of bowling at
Lakeshore Lanes from 7-9pm on March 20th. Lakeshore has offered to reserve lanes for the club. There is also a bar,
food stand and coffee shop at the facility.
Website update-Ron was not present. It was asked if people had been on the site. Some said they had trouble
accessing the site. Others had been on the site with no problems and noted links to the newsletter. John said he’d
contact Ron about the problem of access.
TREAURER’S REPORT: From Carolynn Kidd
Beginning Balance: $1,957.30
Inflow: (Dues, 50/50) $145.50
Outflow: (gifts, PO) $55.30
End Balance: $2,047.54
April social event: The plan for an April social event is mini golf at Par 3 near Corvallis. See the newsletter for
specific details. New ideas for social gatherings are encouraged. John is planning a 4th of July social event. More
details to come.
Loyalty Days Plan: The Loyalty Days event in Newport was briefly discussed. More specific details about a meeting
place, and who’s planning to attend, driving together etc. will be discussed at the April meeting.
Last minute cruise list: Bill again asked members who are interested in last minute cruises to sign up with an email
address. The list will be sent to other last minute drive members who want to plan last minute cruises for gorgeous
spring and summer days.
Letter to Past Members: Carolynn Kidd and John drafted a letter to be sent to past members to invite them to
renew or rejoin the club. The letter was read and approved by members who were present. The letter will be sent
out soon.
March Meeting Minutes Cont’d
Summer Meetings: John suggested that we hold the summer meetings at someone’s house and have a BBQ. Members
would bring meat to BBQ and a side dish to share. The Schmidts offered to host the July meeting and the Loy’s offered
to host the August meeting. More details to come. We decided June might still be too rainy for an outside meeting.
Heritage Mall Event- A huge thank you goes to Larry and Al for organizing the Heritage Mall event. There were 23 cars
on display in the mall and every generation of Corvette was represented. Patrons voted on favorite cars which received
the Lassen trophies. Every car that participated received a photo of their car with a beautiful frame. Thank you to Mary
who got the pictures developed and ran off event fliers for prospective members. See the newsletter for highlights and
Events: If you attend events, please share your story at the meetings or with Bill at: gizwilly1@comcast.net
EVENTS: Jeff Jarrett announced several upcoming events. He said the Jefferson Mint Festival on July 19th was asking
for cars. They have a roped off area for cars, and they may want some cars to be in their parade.
He named several other upcoming and summer events, and will have fliers for some of these upcoming events
available at the meetings.
See the newsletter for a list and the dates of upcoming events.
Bill Gsell asked about replacing shocks on his car and received a helpful response from Rory.
Tom Cordier talked about getting his tire pressure sensor replaced. He bought the part and had Mark Thomas install
them with a positive experience and for a reasonable cost.
BIRTHDAYS: March Birthdays- Tom Barratt 3-3; Patricia Cordier 3-3; Tim Cramlet 3-20; Aaron Dearing 3-26; Don
Forman 3-13; Jim Garboden 3-22; Randy Hunter 3-16; Janie Moody 3-28; Rick Peterson 3-28; Karl Poley 3-11; Craig
Smith 3-2; and Stan Swander 3-13
50/50: Nancy won $27.50
NEW MEMBERS: Roger Marier
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rory announced that that Woodburn drag strip opens in May for Thursday night races.
SUBMITTED BY: Louise Gsell
Don Eckhart relays an item of possible interest: “I thought some BSCC members might be interested in this
post from the Corvette Forum. For those interested in sending an e-mail, they’ll receive a pdf of the wiring
diagram for their respective year (up to '67)”. http://forums.corvetteforum.com/showthread.php?t=1965750
April 5: South Albany High School Show & Shine: 10:00-3:00, $10 at the door.
April 24: Par 3 Miniature Golf Social. No RSVP required. Just Cruise in! 6:15-?
May 3: Loyalty Days; Newport, Oregon. Hosted by Oregon Coast Corvettes.
PTA: Gsells. JNJ Ericksons, Anglands,
June 7/8: BSCC Spring Mystery Tour….Mark your Calendar!!!
June 21: Russ Chevrolet Event; Hosted by Mt. Hood Corvette Club.
June 19-22: Corvettes at Lake Tahoe; Stateline, Nevada.
PTA: Schmidts
June 28: SPEED TRAP; Hosted by Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Corvallis.
PTA: Gsells, Schmidts, JNJ Ericksons,
June 29: Downtown City Cruise/XXX Rootbeer Drive-In; Hosted by The Corvette Club of
Seattle, www.corvettemarqueclub.com
July 4: Club Members are invited to John & Cathy Wendel’s hacienda for festivities.
Watch this space for times and directions. PTA: Gsells,
July 8: BSCC monthly meeting at Wayne and Sharon Schmidt’s. 6:30. Watch this space
for directions.
July 11-12: Dare To Cruz; Downtown Albany
PTA: Gsells, Schmidts, JNJ Ericksons,
July 19: Jefferson Mint Festival: Parade too??? PTA: Gsells,
July 17-19: ‘Vette Fest, Boise Idaho; Hosted by Valley Corvettes;
July 18-20: Corvettes on the Coos; Hosted by Pacific Coast Corvettes.
July 19: Deschutes River Run; High Desert Corvette Club; Bend, Oregon.
PTA: Schmidts
Aug. 1-4: Rose City Corvettes. Portland, Oregon; www.rosecitycorvettes.org.
Aug. 1-4: Thunder in the Mountains; Whistler, BC.; www.bccorvetteclub.ca
Aug. 8-10: Corvettes in the Park; Cottage Grove; www.cascadecorvetteclub.com
Sept. 12-14: Seattle in September V; Hosted by Corvette Marque Club;
Over the weekend of March 7-9, BSCC staged an OUTSTANDING event at the mall. THANKS
to Larry, Al and Mary….and all who helped. We presented 23 gorgeous Corvettes from all 6
generations for the public to drool over! Larry Angland had to carry a Big Stick to deter
over-enthusiastic folks from slobbering all over his ‘65 Fuelie! Cathy Wendel seriously
considered sleeping under her ’60 for the duration! This reporter actually briefly pulled our
lowly C4 from the show to protect it from raging video gamers participating in a Midnight
party at the mall. WHAT A HOOT!!!! Here’s a few pics!
Terry Leach’s C4 entering the Mall.
John and Terry in C1-Ville.
Perlenfein’s show-stopping ‘ 54!
C5 Gasoline Alley.
BEWARE: C3 Pirates live here!
C6- The HOTTEST of the HOT!
Larry’s lonely C2 Fuelie…
Looking forward to the boating season at Foster Reservoir?
BSCC Member’s Corvette of the Month:
This month’s Corvette Spotlight is DARK. But I did find this beast of a Rustang and reluctantly present it
for your amusement.
The Bustang is owned by Lou’s brother Joe, the poor misguided soul. He works for the USFS in Californy.
‘Nuff said….His ride is a 2001 SALEEN SC281 Mustang.
Here’s a coupla pics:
Some stats: You C5 guys might wanna compare:
2001 Saleen, Coupe
S281SC Supercharged
Curb Weight, lb:
Wheel base, in:
Exhaust System:
4.6L, 2V, SOHC V-8
Saleen Stainless,
Dual 2.5” Exhaust
Horse Power :
375 hp @ 5800 RPM
415 ft.-lb. @ 3500 RPM
Yup!!! It’s SUPERCHARGED!!! 281 cubic inch engine.
I believe the SALEEN badge is similar to the Calloway
Corvette. That is, it’s a 3rd party company that heavily
modifies stock vehicles and re-badges them. (Badges??
We don’t need no stinkin’....awwww…forget it..)
I must confess to having driven this vile Mustang. Just
I WILL say that it is smokin’ FAST, and would almost
certainly whup our LT-1, C4 Corvette at the Woodburn
Dragstrip. I would like to make him prove it, however!
You C5 and C6 guys would no doubt have better luck.
That said, it is a MUSCLE car, rather than a SPORTS car
like the Corvette. It’s designed for straight line
acceleration, rather than acceleration AND handling.
Saleen Intercooler
Transmission: Saleen Quick Ratio 5-Speed Transmission
Disclaimer: We actually LIKE Mustangs, and used to
own a 1964 ½. May again someday!!!
It should be noted that SALEEN fields the arch-rival of
the Corvette C6R racing team. It is the Saleen S7. My
friend Paris says the Saleen’s are “HHOT”. What better
recommendation could you ask for???
(Actually….It’s a GREAT car. I like it a LOT!!! BG)_
OK…….I haven’t been bowling in about 15 years……and was awful the last time. I knew I was in
Trouble (with a capital “T”) when 4 BSCC members walked into Lakeshore Lanes with their
own ball and shoes. I’m standing there sporting my rental skids, thinking “Uh-Ohhhh”.
We had about a dozen members there and had an absolutely SUPER time. (Note to self: Never
bowl for $$ with Jerry and Julie…) There was lots of laughter and smiles! As my old football
coach used to say: “A good had was timed by all!”
This is something we’ll do again. Pics below.
Picture From Left: Lou sending one down the lane, Larry and Susan (kneeling), Mary and Al, Julie and Jeff, Don Eckhart.
Wayne and Sharon arrived a bit later.
Jerry “Dead Solid Perfect” Erickson
Julie “Sweet Spot” Erickson
Al’s a Southpaw!!!
Gotta love that Body English!
Susan Angland fires a rocket
right down da middle.
REMEMBER! Brunch at Eola Winery in Rickreall, with the Cascade Corvette Club. Sunday morning
April 13. Please RSVP to Jim or Nancy Garboden at 683-2538 or duckvett@comcast.net no later
than April 5.
Join your BSCC friends on a New Adventure!
John and Cathy Wendel will lead the group to a destination
“Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest?!”
Reserve June 7th and 8th on your calendars!
Meet at Lassen Chevrolet at 8:30 am for a 9:00 sharp departure.
Cost: $125 per room, Single or Double occupancy.
A VERY limited number of smoking rooms are available.
Be SURE to note this request on your Registration form.
Cost includes lunch on Saturday. You are on your own for other meals, although the
facility can accommodate group dining.
Swimming and Golf are available, so pack accordingly!
YES! We want to go! Names:________________________________. Reserve _____Room(s) (S or NS)
at $125 per room. Total cost: $ __________________.
Give your completed entry form and payment to Carolyn Kidd or mail to: BSCC, PO Box 801,
Albany, OR 97321. Make checks payable to BSCC. Registration deadline is May 10th, after this
date applications will be accepted subject to availability.
-2008 Magnetic Red with a glass removable top.
-2005 Triple Black Coupe.
Stop in and see them!!!! BSCC members welcome there!