April 2015
April 2015
The Beaver State Corvette Club Newsletter Beaver State Corvette Club Beaver Tales Beaver State Corvette Club; PO Box 801; Albany, Or 97321 2015 BSCC Officers President: Debby O’Donnell dolphin1596@yahoo.com April 2015 Inside This Issue: Vice President: Al Sather acsather@wvi.com 1. President’s Message 2. New members 3. Tech Time: C6 Recall info 4. March “Road Trip” report Secretary: Lou Gsell gizwilly1@comcast.net 5. March Meeting Minutes 6. What’s Coming Up Events to check out April Calendar Newsletter contributions wanted! Next Meeting: April 14, at 6:30pm at Ciddici’s Treasurer’s Report 7. 2015 BSCC Registration & Dues Treasurer: John Wendel jc541w@aol.com Webmaster: John Williams webguy@beaverstatecorvetteclub.com Newsletter: Bill & Lou Gsell gizwilly1@comcast.net Who Dat? 1 President’s Message: Hello magnificent Beaver State Corvette riders! March went by quickly. I hope everyone enjoyed a great and wonderful month, especially St. Patrick's Day. We have a very busy April ahead of us. First, we have the South Albany High School car show on the 4th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Second, we have the BSCC Heritage Mall Show. Corvettes will enter the mall on the 10th at 9:00 PM when the mall closes. We will meet at Red Robin at 6:30 PM for a group dinner and then drive the cars into the mall when it closes at 9:00PM. For those of you who are not participating in the Heritage Mall Show, the Cascade Corvette Club would like to invite both the Beaver State and Capital City Corvette clubs to join their Casino Run on Saturday, April 11th. They will be leaving Junction City at 9:00 AM (See attached flyer.) The Corvettes will be passing through our area. To participate, you need no reservations; no RSVP, just your Corvettes. There will be food and maybe a game of chance will present itself. There will also be a five dollar per hand poker run, winner takes all. For those of you who went on the Daffodil Run, I hope that you all had a great time since the weather was actually pretty good. I can't wait to hear about it at the next meeting on the 14th. For those signing-up for the President’s Enchanted Murder Mystery Run, please see me to make your payment for tickets. Suspense and fun are planned. The deadline for payment for the trip is June 1st. Interesting fact: Did you know that the 1968 Corvette was the first year an AM/FM stereo radio was offered as an option? – Crank up that AM radio!! ZZZZZZINGGGG!!!! Can’t wait to see you! Debby O’Donnell President BSCC 2 3 New BSCC Members: Please welcome Rich Graham and his wife Kathy to the club! They are owners of a 1980 Corvette. Also, a hearty “Welcome Aboard” to Don Shupert, driving a sweet ’91 Torch Red convertible. 4 TECH TIME: GM letter recall C6's electrical issue Tom Cordier was kind enough to pass on this recall information that he received from Chevrolet regarding low beam headlight malfunction. 5 Pelican Brew Pub Road Trip: Lou put together a Road Trip to Pelican Brew Pub in Pacific City on Saturday, March 7. There were 11 Corvettes that made the trip, with 20 souls aboard. Here’s a man who likes his wheels CLEAN. Corvettes at Fort Yamhill State Park. 6 Dining at Pelican Brew Pub in Pacific City. 7 Here is an awesome picture of the Road Warriors who braved this adventure with us! We stopped in Monmouth for some ice cream. Bill’s favorite is the black licorice! 8 BSCC MARCH MEETING MINUTES: Tuesday March 10, 2015 The meeting was called to order by President Debby O’Donnell at 6:30 PM Prior Minutes: The minutes from February’s meeting were seconded and approved without discussion. New Officers: Debby introduced new officers: Al Sather-Vice President and Lou Gsell-Secretary. Treasurer’s Report: John Wendel presented the Treasurer’s report. He reported that a new club account was opened at a new bank which has no costs for a checking account and requires no minimum balance. He also submitted a Banking summary that is available in this newsletter. Club Events: Lou Gsell reported on the March 7th Road Trip to Pelican Pub & Brewery in Pacific City. See pictures in this newsletter. Larry Angland talked about the April 10-12 Heritage Mall Show. He said the paperwork with the mall is complete and sent around a sign-up sheet for cars to be displayed and for people to monitor the cars. Al Sather encouraged participation in the South Albany High School Car Show on April 4th. The Club participation trophy is on the line. President’s Enchanted Tour: Debby talked about this year’s President’s Tour. The ”Enchanted Tour” will involve a drive to Hood River where club members will board the Murder Mystery Train at 4:30 PM. Passengers will enjoy a 4 course dinner while solving a murder mystery and riding the train along the historic Mt. Hood Railroad. The cost of the Murder Mystery Train tour is $76.50 per person payable to Debby who is holding reservations with her credit card. You will need to make your own reservations for a hotel room. Debby has rooms held at the Vagabond Inn in Hood River 800-386-2992. Cost of rooms range from $90-$140 depending on the type of room you select. Debby said there will be “mystery and fun” along the drive. The trip is scheduled September 19th and 20th and sign-ups have begun. Christmas Celebration: Debby asked for volunteers to reserve a venue and plan our end of year party. Lou, Cathy W., Leanne and Mary volunteered. Progressive Dinner: Debby asked for volunteers to plan one progressive dinner for summer. We still need volunteers for this committee. New Members: Rich and Kathy Graham (1980 Corvette) and Don Shupert (1991 Torch Red convertible) Tabled Motion from February: The tabled motion from February’s meeting to move the club meeting from the second Tuesday to the third Wednesday failed. The meetings will continue to be on the second Tuesday of each month. March Birthdays: Tom Barrett-3rd; Pat Cordier-3rd; Russ Barker-11th; and Don Foreman-13th. 9 50/50 Drawing: This is a new volunteer job at meetings. This year Pat Melius has volunteered to be in charge of the 50/50 drawings. Mary Hobson won the 50/50 drawing of $29.50. She donated her winnings back to the club. Attendance Drawing: This is a monthly drawing of a cash prize for attending meetings. Lee and Patty Cray won the $15 pot since those drawn in January and February were not present. Missing Badge: We collected $1 for a missing badge at this meeting. Dues: Membership dues are now past due; please pay your yearly dues. Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 14th at Ciddicis METTING ADJOURNED Submitted by Lou Gsell Chuck Norris Humor: Chuck turned 75 a few weeks ago. Here are some jokes to help us recall his achievements: Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear carpet in his living room. The bear isn't dead, it's just afraid to move. Superman and Chuck Norris bet on an arm wrestling contest. The loser had to wear their underwear on the outside of their clothes. A street performer once asked Chuck Norris if he knows how to ride a unicycle. Chuck hopped on and did a wheelie. Chuck Norris can gargle peanut butter. Chuck Norris doesn't call the wrong number. You answer the wrong phone. Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice. The Boogey Man is scared that Chuck Norris is underneath his bed. Chuck Norris sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts skills. Immediately upon completing the transaction, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked the Devil in the face and took his soul back. The Devil, who appreciates irony, acknowledged that he should have seen that coming. Now they go bowling together every Tuesday. 10 UPCOMING EVENTS: April 4; April Fools Car show; South Albany High School. 9-11; PIR Swap Meet, Portland International Raceway 11-12; BSCC Heritage Mall Show 10-12; Portland Swap Meet, Expo Center 25; 3rd Annual Food Cruise, 2817 Santiam Hwy., Albany May 2; Suburban Auto Groups Annual Spring Cruise In, Sandy 9; Bethel Boosters Car Show, Eugene 30; Function 4 Junction, Junction City June 5-6; Corvettes on the Columbia; http://www.3riverscorvetteclub.net/corvettes-on-the-columbia/ 21; North Albany Father's Day Car Show. North Albany Village. http://northalbanycarshow.com/ 27; Sweet Home Sweet Ride Car Show Sweet Home Sweet Ride Car Show - Registration 28; 11th Annual Cruise-in. Pietro's Pizza 10300 SE Main Street Milwaukie, Oregon http://www.northwestclassicautomall.com/CruiseNews.html?step=3&id=4791&returnstep=1 11 April 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY 2 FRIDAY 3 April Fool’s Day 5 6 7 8 4 South Albany H.S. Car Show 9 10 11 Heritage Mall Show Easter Sunday 12 SATURDAY 13 Rick Blood Barbara Mulkey 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 Arbor Day Laurie Cox “Take Your Daughter to Work “ day BSCC meeting at Ciddici’s. 6:30 pm Lou Gsell Tom Cordier Heritage Mall Show 19 20 21 Earth Day 26 Susan Angland Mark Silva-Horta 27 28 29 30 Geneva Deister 12 OUR SPONSORS Who actually contribute something to the club. A word from your Newsletter Editors: HEY! The newsletter’s success depends on the input of club members, so please email any stories, pictures, car information, happenings or events that involve Corvettes or the club. It is our goal to publish the newsletter on the 1st of each month, so submit any material for the newsletter at least a few days ahead of the 1st. Thanks for your help. Send newsletter material to gizwilly1@comcast.net NEXT MEETING: 6:30pm Tuesday, April 14, at Ciddici’s. 13 TREASURER’S REPORT: 2015 Membership renewal is now due: Please fill out the registration form. Then mail in or bring in to the next meeting the form along with the dues. Thank you. 14 15
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