CoreLogic - SafeRent 2014 AMSI ESite Training
CoreLogic - SafeRent 2014 AMSI ESite Training
1 Resident Screening Integration Training 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 2 Learning Objectives I. How to Screen New Applicants in Esite II. How to read the SafeRent Lease Decision Reports III. Error Message Handling IV. Adverse Action Letters V. Online Billing VI. Score Configurations VII. SafeRent Q & A 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 3 Screening a New Applicant Login to AMSI eSite Login to AMSI using your AMSI ESite username and password 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 4 Entering a New Guest Card Select Guest Card Select Enter New Guest Card Guest information is entered Complete all required fields per your Management Company Policy. NOTE: Fields marked with a RED * are mandatory in AMSI Click Next 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 5 Address Information is entered NOTE: Entering the Zip Code will auto populate the City and State Click Next Additional applicant information If your applicant has a roommate, spouse or guarantor enter the information on the Roommates Tab Click Save A new Guest Card is generated and assigned a guest card number 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 6 Enter a New Application Lease New Application Process 1 1a 1b After creating the Guest Card you will create an application in eSite that will be used to submit to CoreLogic-SafeRent to screen the applicant. 1. Select Application/Move-In under Leasing a. To create new application for an existing guest card select Enter a New Application/Lease (Pages 6-11) b. To continue with an application in process select View Pending Applications and Leases (Pages 12-16) 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 7 New Application Process Complete the Steps as Prompted 1 1. Choose a Unit for the application 1a a. The selected Unit displays Click Next 2. Select the guest card to create the new application. 2 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 8 New Application Process Occupants The PRIMARY applicant will display on the Occupants tab as the first name in the list. Additional applicants or occupants will display if added to the main applicant Indicate either: Responsible (Lease holders over the age of 18) NOT Responsible (Non Lease Holders) Guarantor (Co-Signer) Credit Info Click Credit on the first applicant in the list 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 9 Complete Credit Check Information - Main Applicant Credit Info Details are entered NOTE: Fields marked with a RED * are mandatory in AMSI Complete the Credit Info fields. OTHER REQUIRED FIELDS FOR SCREENING Personal Information: First and Last Name SSN: Required for all applicants except foreign nationals. Enter all 0’s in this field and CoreLogic will accept this as a BLANK field and process the applicant without an SSN. Date of Birth VALID E-Mail Address Rent amount: enter the rent amount paid by the applicant at their current address. If not renting enter 0. Current Address: pre-populates from guest card Note: If an additional applicant was added the address field populates identical to the main applicant. Please edit the information if necessary. Previous Address is NOT REQUIRED Note: Additional information will improve screening results. Drivers License NOT REQUIRED Employment Details Income enter monthly income with no decimals Other Income If your applicant has additional income, be sure to enter the monthly amount in the ADDITIONAL INCOME field. 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential Click Save 10 Complete Credit Check Information - Additional Applicant Select the Credit Info Icon for the additional Applicant The Co-applicant Information tab will display Complete the same information required for the main applicant. Complete the fields as required Note: The address field for the Co-Applicant populates identical to the main applicant. Please edit the information if necessary. Select Save when complete 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 11 New Application Process Complete the lease workflow Move-In Date, Lease Information, Charges & Fees are entered. 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 12 Application Process Complete – Next Steps 1 2 1. 2. 3. 3 When you have completed the application process the Lease Changes Task Selection will display. If you are ready to continue with the screening process select Application Move-In from the Leasing menu Click on View Pending Application and Leases 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 13 View Pending Applications and Leases Pending Applications will display - Note: Only the PRIMARY applicant is displayed Click the Credit Check Icon to complete the screening process. The Credit Check Occupants List displays additional applicants on the application noted as RESPONSIBLE that will be included in the screening process. Note: Only the primary applicants ICON should to be selected 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 14 Submit Credit Check to CoreLogic-SafeRent The Screening Application Screen displays applicant information entered in the guest card for the PRIMARY Applicant. If your applicant includes additional applicant information you must click “Show CoSigners/CoApplicants” to display the Applicant Type Selection Select the Applicant type for each additional applicant. Co-Signer = Guarantor Co-Applicant = All other applicant types The CoApplicant/Signer Information will display Click SAVE 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 15 Submit Credit Check to CoreLogic-SafeRent Once you have completed the required information for all applicants, you are now ready to submit the application for screening: Packages are customized by client. Select the appropriate “Package” related to the applicant you are screening using the drop down arrow. Full Screening Package (Market Rate) Enter your CoreLogic-SafeRent user name and password Select “Process” to submit your application 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 16 Credit Check to CoreLogic-SafeRent The CoreLogic-Safe Rent In-Progress Screen will appear SafeRent Reports are generated in 10-20 seconds. Screening decisions post for both credit and criminal. “View” is selected to View and/or Print reports. The SafeRent Decision Page displays with Credit and Criminal Decisions. 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 17 How to Read SafeRent Lease Decision Reports 18 Lease Decision Report - Single Applicant 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Score / Score Points Chart Indicates the risk score levels set by your management company on the scale of 200-800 and the lease risk score outcome. 2. CrimSAFE Decision Criminal decision based on the preset criminal rules established by your management company. 3. Custom Decision Messages Instructional Decision messages set by your management company Accept, Conditional, Decline 4. Reports & Letters Access to credit and criminal details back up data 5. Alerts Informational please refer to the Tips on Alerts section of this training. 6. Messages Most are general messages indicating specific searches performed. NOTE: Please refer to Error Messaging section of this training for instructions related to specific Messages. 7. Hyperlinks & Post Screening Functions Use the PRINT ALL Icon 7 19 Lease Decision Report – Multiple Applicants When processing multiple applicants a SUMMARY Lease Decision Page is returned, to view the detailed results follow these easy steps. 1. Click on the file TAB Applicant 1 and Applicant 2 OR 2. Click on each applicants Name This will open the VIEW of the full report 1 JOHN APPLICANT JANE APPLICANT 2 20 Lease Decision Report CoreLogic provides 2 Rule Decisions The Lease Score Decision The Criminal Rule Decision Below are examples of the consolidated decisions please follow as seen to issue the final approval or denial Please Note: The scheduled “GO LIVE” date for JRK is 11/11/14 we anticipate an enhancement to the AMSI interface to be completed by AMSI prior to this date that includes functionality which will provide enhanced Decision Posting to AMSI. We will provide updates and revised training prior to 11/11/14. 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 21 Error Handling Error Handling If you receive a Permission Denied error message at the time you process the application, please make the following security settings to your computer. •From Internet Explorer •Click on Tools • Select Internet Options 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential •Click on Security, •Select Trusted Sites •Select Custom Level • Scroll down to Miscellaneous • Change Access data sources across domains to ENABLE. • Set level to Low and SAVE. 23 Error Messages -SafeRent Reports 1 Report will read: 1. Unable to Assess OR 2. The service requested does not provide a score 3. Scroll down to the Messages Section and locate the error. NOTE: Multiple applicants screened together you must click each applicant name to view the MESSAGES section. 3 4. Navigate back to the AMSI the Credit Info Page, Correct the error , SAVE and resubmit to CoreLogic-SafeRent. 2 4 3 NOTE: If the error is not clearly stated in the MESSAGES section of the report DO NOT attempt to reprocess please contact your Account Manager for assistance. 24 No Credit Rule vs. Error Message 1 1 JRK Residential utilizes a No Credit Rule This rule applies to any applicant who does not poses a credit file i.e. trade lines, inquiries etc. 1. Auto approves conditionally, does not score the applicant. 2. Alert indicates no credit report at the selected bureau. NOTE: If multiple applicants the rule will only apply if ALL applicants do not have a credit file. 2 2 1 1 NOTE: If the error is not clearly stated in the MESSAGES section of the report DO NOT attempt to reprocess please follow instructions below OR contact your Account Manager for assistance. 1. UNABLE TO ASSESS with Alert 2. Credit Alert – No record Found the applicants credit file has possibly been frozen by the applicant OR there is an issue with retrieving the credit record from the selected bureau. 2 2 NOTE: This alert is not associated to the No Credit Rule noted above To process please follow the below steps: Applicant must contact the bureau either by phone or online to unfreeze their file Applicants have the ability to set a timeframe for their credit files to be accessible. Once the applicant informs you the file is unfrozen you may reprocess the screening report. 25 Adverse Action Delivery 26 Adverse Action – Auto Delivery Requirements CoreLogic-SafeRent will auto deliver the FCRA compliant Adverse Action Letter to each applicant screened via the e-mail address provided in Yardi by the site level. 1 JRK Requirements: 1. A valid e-mail address must be included on each applicant over the age of 18. 2. Ensure that each applicants E-Mail populates on the Guest Card & Credit Info Pages. False e-mail addresses such as are strictly prohibited and are a violation of JRK policy * 2 Reporting will be provided to JRK Corporate Leadership monthly detailing all Adverse Action Notifications sent including the applicants e-mail address. Any violation of policy will be addressed by JRK senior leadership. Please Note: FCRA requires all applicants receive a letter within 30 days of decline or conditional approval. Letters will be delivered 26 days after initial screening. *Reference next slide for instructions on delivery if an applicant does NOT have an e-mail address. 27 Adverse Action – Manual Delivery OPTIONAL JRK Residential This applies ONLY to any applicant that does NOT have an e-mail address. Note: This should be a very rare occurrence. 1 Enter your property e-mail address in the e-mail field within AMSI Please follow the steps below if you wish to save letters to a specific folder: 1. Create an e-mail folder Adverse Action Letters 2. Create a rule within your e-mail with the subject line of “Important Notice From JRK Residential “ 4 2 3 JRK Residential 3. All Adverse Action Notifications for applicants that DO NOT have an e-mail address will be stored in this location. Applicant(s) may request a copy of the notification in person at the community leasing office. It is recommended you print a copy for the permanent file. 28 Score Configurations 29 Scores and Rules set by JRK Senior Leadership Regional Mgr Property Fountains of Katy 1C561 GH590 Conditional Verbiage West Eighteenth Applications with this score or higher will be accepted with conditions Applications scoring below the lowest decision point in Tier 2 will be Declined. 380 280 280 Auto Decline Landlord Tenant(EVICTION RECORDS) MDO Auto Decline Rent to Income (MDO) Auto Decline No Credit MDO Auto Declined Auto Declined Conditional Acct # Conditional Verbiage Overlook at Berkley Applications with this score or higher will be accepted Previous Landlord Debt Management Decision Override (MDO) AUTO DECLINE 1D473 Conditional Verbiage Applicant is approved 440 Applicant is approved 500 Applicant is approved Applicant(s) did not meet minimum qualifications and is declined. An Adverse Action Letter will be auto LLD debt over $1 LLT that matches Applicant is approved with a Any income less Approved with a generated and e-mailed to in the last 12 below in the last 12 double deposit. than 3x the rent double deposit. the applicant(s) e-mail months months address of record within 30 days from the date of this report. 340 340 Auto Decline Auto Declined Auto Declined Applicant(s) did not meet minimum qualifications and is declined. An Adverse Action Letter will be auto LLD debt over $1 LLT that matches Applicant is approved with a Any income less Approved with a generated and e-mailed to in the last 60 below in the last 60 double deposit. than 3x the rent double deposit. the applicant(s) e-mail months months address of record within 30 days from the date of this report. 400 400 Auto Decline Auto Declined Auto Declined Conditional Applicant(s) did not meet minimum qualifications and is declined. An Adverse Approved with Action Letter will be auto LLD debt over $1 LLT that matches Applicant is approved with 1 Any income less an additional generated and e-mailed to in the last 84 below in the last 84 month's rent deposit than 3x the rent deposit equal to the applicant(s) e-mail months months 1 months rent. address of record within 30 days from the date of this report. EXCEPTIONS Eviction Records: Fountains of Katy: Conditional for applicants that have an eviction between 1-5 yrs, they must pay 1 mo. rent as deposit. Overlook: Conditional for applicants that have an eviction between 5-7 yrs, they must pay double deposit. NOTE: These instructions will be displayed on the Lease Decision Page under the Decision Messaging Section. 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential Conditional 30 SafeRent Tips 31 Tips on Alerts Alert Type Short Description Full Alert Description THE INFORMATION REPORTED BY THE SELECTED CREDIT BUREAU SHOWS THAT THE CREDIT FILE FOR THIS APPLICANT IS LESS THAN THREE YEARS OLD BANKRUPTCY INFORMATION FOUND. TAX LIEN INFORMATION FOUND. Action CREDIT ALERT Thin Credit NONE INFORMATIONAL ONLY CREDIT ALERT CREDIT ALERT Bankruptcy Tax Lien CREDIT ALERT Frozen Credit File CREDIT ALERT Address Discrepancy FRAUD ALERT Fraud and Active Duty Alerts INDIVIDUAL MESSAGES PROVIDED BY CREDIT BUREAU PLEASE HAVE THE APPLICANT CALL CORE-LOGIC CONSUMER SERVICES @ 888-333-2413 TO VERIFY THEIR IDENTITY MORTGAGE ALERT Mortgage Alert THE APPLICANT'S CREDIT REPORT CONTAINS A MORTGAGE ACCOUNT(S). NONE INFORMATIONAL ONLY SSN ALERT Social Security Alert NONE INFORMATIONAL ONLY NONE INFORMATIONAL ONLY POSSIBLE CONSUMER FROZEN CREDIT FILE - CONTACT YOUR ACCOUNT MANAGER FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE FOLLOW YOUR MANAGEMENT COMPANY ADDRESS DISCREPANCY INDICATOR HAS RED FLAG POLICY- IT IS NOT NECESSARY BEEN REPORTED BY THE SELECTED CREDIT TO PROVIDE ANY DOCUMENTATION TO BUREAU CORELOGIC-SAFERENT NO CREDIT RECORD FOUND SSN CANNOT BEGIN WITH THE NUMBER 9. A RETURN TO AMSI and CORRECT THE SSN NUMBER STARTING WITH 9 COULD BE A # ERROR IF A FOREIGN NATIONAL ENTER VALID ITIN ALL 0’s RULE ALERT CREDIT No Credit NO CREDIT REPORT AT THE SELECTED CREDIT BUREAU MATCHED THE INFORMATION FOR THE APPLICANT. COLLECTIONS ALERT Landlord Collection Records Found INDICATES THERE ARE COLLECTIONS PRESENT THAT VIOLATE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS LT ALERT Landlord Tenant Court Records Found INDICATES THERE ARE EVICTION COURT RECORDS PRESENT THAT VIOLATE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS. INSTRUCTIONAL MESSAGE PROVIDED ON THE SCREENING REPORT DECISION MESSAGING -AUTO APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NONE INFORMATIONAL ONLY- PAYMENT OF COLLECTIONS DEBT DOES NOT GUARANTEE AN APPROVAL AND IS THE SOLE RESPONSABILTY OF THE APPLICANT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED ON THE SCREENING REPORT DECISION MESSAGING 32 Tips on SSN Alerts SSN Randomization On June 25, 2011, the Social Security Administration)(SSA) began randomizing assignments of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) Previously SSNs were assigned following a distinct pattern for a given state and birth year allowing the credit reports we provide to validate that information based on those consistently assigned values. After June 25, 2011 the SSA began issuing numbers randomly—not following the historic pattern currently in use. Why? In part to help with identity theft and simply because some areas need more numbers than the current number assignment logic allows. The credit reports we provide have been affected because they use the distinct SSN pattern to assist in determining validity. Since this change in 2011 the credit reports will only be able to accurately validate SSNs issued before that date. How to Validate You can confirm directly with the applicant or ask the applicant to get confirmation from the Social Security Administration. It is not necessary to provide any documentation to CoreLogic-SafeRent this validation is for your file only. Alert Type Short Description Full Alert Description SSN ALERT Social Security Alert SSN ALERT-UNABLE TO DETERMINE-SSN MAY HAVE BEEN ISSUED AFTER June 2011 SSN ALERT Social Security Alert SSN BELONGED TO A PERSON REPORTED DECEASED Action APPLICANT MUST PROVIDE PROOF OF VALID SSN FROM THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION APPLICANT MUST PROVIDE PROOF OF VALID SSN FROM THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SafeRent User Name/Password Reset When a new SafeRent username and password is created, before the user tries to run SafeRent reports in Voyager, they must first log into and reset their password. This is one of the most common causes of report failure for first time users of the CoreLogic-SafeRent integration. You will be provided the following upon activation: User Name Generic Password Account Number CoreLogic-SafeRent Company Confidential 2014 34 SafeRent Q&A Q: Will I still have access to screen applications directly through SafeRent Website? A: No, all users are restricted you must utilizing the AMSI ESite interface workflow process. Q: Will I have access to other services on the SafeRent Website A: Yes, services including Online Billing, Viewing Lease Decision Reports, Contacting Customer Service. NOTE: All billing is delivered online you must access from the Services menu click Billing on between the 1st-3rd day of each month. Q: I made an error when I initially ran the applicant(s) how do I correct the error? A: All changes are to be made in ESite if a change to Name, DOB, SSN, Income or Address is performed the applicant(s) must be reprocessed using the Credit Check Screen to provide a revised Lease Decision. You will be charged for reprocessing if these changes are not made in the same day as the original processing. What if my change is to just the unit # or rent? Simply change the information in ESite there is no need to reprocess. Q: If a prospect has an issue with the decision what steps do I take? A: Provide the prospect with the Consumer Relations telephone number 1-888-333-2413. The prospect MUST initiate contact, this cannot be initiated by the property. What happens next? An investigation and/or verification will be completed dependent upon the request made by the applicant. The applicant can request that the property be notified of any changes made that affect their report outcome. No information will be provided to the property unless authorized by the applicant through Consumer Relations. How long does it take to get the result? Approx. 14-30 days dependent upon the request 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 35 Q: I ran an application with multiple roommates. One of the roommates was declined and/or has decided not to move in how do I remove the roommate? A: Once an application has been processed there is no way to remove an applicant. You must reprocess the remaining applicants to achieve the desired result. Step 1: If the initial screening resulted in a denial, then go into Lease Changes / Lease Dates and remove the initial denial (prior to rescreening). This will enable the new decision to be effective. If the initial screen resulted in an approval then client will probably want to go to Lease Changes / Lease Dates to remove the initial approval date (prior to rescreening), however this isn’t an absolute requirement. Q: I ran an application with multiple roommates. One roommate has decided not to move in and is being replaced by another roommate how do I process the additional roommate? A: Enter the new roommate as an occupant. Follow the leasing steps ensuring that all information is completed on the guest card and Occupants Tab. At the credit check screen mark all applicants as “”RESPONSIBLE”. Rescreen all applicants to receive an updated the Lease Decision. You can add additional occupants any time prior to the screening, you can also add occupants after the screening and request a new screening for those specific occupants. As with Step #1 above what to do to enable the new decision to be applied to the lease depends on the initial screening results. Once a move in has occurred the lease decision cannot be changed. 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 36 Common Errors -Special Characters and Punctuation Refrain from using any special characters when entering information in guest cards or credit application screens. The characters below will cause screening transactions to fail: Example 1: When entering income, use whole dollar amounts only with no decimal. $5,000.00 monthly income must be entered as 5000 Example 2: When entering SAM’S CLUB for employer, enter SAMS CLUB 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential 37 Important Contacts Who do I contact if I need further assistance with training or the process? SafeRent Account Manager – Amber Harris Local (281) 758-0433 Toll Free (855) 671-3014 Mobile (713) 823-9192 Who do I contact if I need a SafeRent User Name? E-Mail: Amber Harris After receiving: Remember to login into to change your password Who do I contact if I need help with the AMSI Interface to SafeRent ? E-Mail and your AMSI Internal Support 2014 CoreLogic-SafeRent Confidential