Penn(ylvania CRS Chapter Leader(hip
Penn(ylvania CRS Chapter Leader(hip
MAY 2011 !"##$ $%&''()*+,'-,$./0$ .1,23&4$5&,6&4(1-2$ PRESIDENT Helen Miernicki Office: 570.875.2045 PRESIDENT ELECT Raul Azpiazu Office: 570.265.2100 SECRETARY Wendy Knorr Office: 570.875.2045 TREASURER Jackie Dorian Office: 570.385.3456 PAST PRESIDENT Mary White Office: 717.560.9100 ! EDUCATION CHAIR Ferne Silberman Office: 717. 653.2646 Sincerely, 2011 CRS PA Chapter President Helen M. Miernicki CHAPTER WITH A HEART CHAIR Kim Rickert Office: 717.248.6400 PROGRAM CHAIR Stephanie Burg-Brown TECHNOLOGY CHAIR Office: 215.744.6700 Robert "Wags" Wagner Office: 800.419.7653 ! #!$%&&#'%!()*$!+,%!-)%&./%0+1! !!!!!+234!567486996:!34!;<=>6?!7392!35@A:B<93A5!@A:! CADE!! !!!!!+26:6!7388!F6!8A94!A@!@D5!<5?!6G=396B659!<9!AD:! H)&!8D5=26A5I!$<C!JK!7392!AD:!3596:<=93L6! )%#M+*)!N<B6I!O#5?!+26!#5476:!.41P!! +234!93=>696?!6L659!34!4;A54A:6?!FC!(D89A5!$A:9N<N6! <5?!-388<:!9A!-A49E!Q6!7388!F6!<55AD5=35N!AD:!567! 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Education Programs Ferne Silberman Chairperson Stephanie Burg-Brown Chairperson UPCOMING COURSES: CRS 200 – Business Planning & Marketing September 26-27, 2011 PAR Headquarters, 500 N. 12th St., Lemoyne, PA 17043 Instructor: LeRoy Houser CRS 204 – Wealth Building Course October 17-18, 2011 Four Points by Sheraton, Pittsburgh North, 910 Sheraton Drive, Mars, PA 16046 Instructor: Pat Zaby To register or for more information, call: 717-561-1303 (2 Day Chapter Sponsored classes qualify for an annual $50 rebate exclusively for PA CRS MEMBERS) HAVE AN IDEA FOR A CLASS IN YOUR AREA? Let us know, send request Including location and the topic/course you want to have to PA CRS Has Joined ! UPCOMING EVENTS LUNCHEON The PA CRS Chapter will host a REALTOR® Luncheon at the Harrisburg Hilton on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 from 11:45 am until 1:00 pm, during the PAR business meetings. The ever popular, “And The Answer Is…” will be the program for the event. Test your knowledge of real estate facts, network and enjoy a tasty meal. You do not have to be a PA CRS member to attend so bring a friend. Tickets are required. The cost to attend is $15 which includes your meal and program. This event will be streamed live at:, beginning at noon. Jonathan Coles is in charge of the streaming. This event is being sponsored by Fulton Mortgage Company. To register visit: HOUR OF POWER During the May PAR Business Meetings at the Harrisburg Hilton, the CRS PA Chapter will be holding an Hour of Power on Tuesday evening, May 24, from 5 to 6 p.m. There will be free refreshments and snacks available, so plan to attend and bring a friend. This is a networking event where you can meet up with colleagues and sponsors and have a great time! This event is being sponsored by Fulton Mortgage Company and Pillar to Post. @PA_CRS_Chapter LIKE US? THEN LIKE US! -#!H)&!H2<;96:! on facebook ! J! !"#$%&'()*%"(#(+&#'%( ( ! Helping CRS Give Back Kim Rick ert Chairperson ! By Marcia Nixon Chapter Administrator The Pennsylvania Chapter CRS participated in the Walk to benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Pennsylvania on Sunday, April 10. President Helen Miernicki, Secretary Wendy Knorr, Administrative Assistant Marcia Nixon and PAR Accountant Jim Antonio walked on behalf of the Chapter. Many others gave monetary donations to the cause. To date, the Chapter has raised $864 for the Society through donations. This money will make a difference in the lives of all people living with MS within Central Pennsylvania, as well as their family, friends and caregivers. More importantly, the money raise will go towards research and PHOTO – From left, Marcia Nixon, Wendy Knorr services for people with MS. and Helen Miernicki cross the finish line at the end of the 5-K Walk-A-Thon benefiting the The race started at the Star Pavilion next to Hershey Park. There were many walkers of all ages Multiple Sclerosis Society of Central Pennsylvania. from across Central PA, geared up with sneakers and team shirts and even dogs waiting to get started on their 5k walk. Though the Hershey route was very scenic and beautiful, nothing could slow down the walkers, not even the chocolately aroma coming from Chocolate Avenue. The race ended where it started, at the Star Pavilion, where we were able to get our picture taken crossing the finish line. HOORAY! Participants also enjoyed a lunch, supplied by sponsors, and celebrated a great day for the MS Society of Central Pennsylvania. Thank you, PA CRS Chapter for all of your hard work and for all who participated and donated. Enter for a chance to win a Xerox Travel Scanner 100. Tickets are $5 each, or 5 tickets for $20. Winner will be chosen at the PAR Business Meetings in May. See any chapter officer for your! entry form. ! ! The Committee is also selling CRS window clings for a $5 donation. For more information or to order yours contact any PA CRS Chapter Officer or Chairperson. \! ALLENTOWN CHESTER COUNTY & MAIN LINE PHILADELPHIA LANCASTER COUNTY BUTLER LANCASTER COUNTY McADOO, HAZLETON, WEATHERLY Patti Copeland Chairperson Membership Attention PA CRS Chapter members – my message today is… RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT!! We need more National CRS members to join our state chapter. We are looking for members to expand our state and local referral base. We need to you to talk and share with other CRS designees and ask them to join the state chapter...this is the place to expand your business, continue educational opportunities and promote personal growth! WELCOME TO THE PENNSYLVANIA CRS CHAPTER NEW DESIGNEES (since January 1, 2011) DAVID S. DUNN Prudential Fox & Roach, West Chester LORA LE CLARK Remax Premier Group, Pittsburgh JONATHAN COLES New Pennsylvania Realty, New Ringgold PA CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OFFERS: Here are just some of the benefits: • Rebate--a $50 rebate for a 2-day PA Chapter sponsored CRS course • Bi-monthly newsletter, website & Facebook & Twitter • Referral Opportunities - Capitalize on our statewide referral network • Networking and Leadership Opportunities--come to the PAR quarterly meetings, and see what our leadership team is all about. • To pay your PA Chapter Dues online visit: ! K! PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH SCHUYLKILL COUNTY PITTSBURGH SCHUYLKILL COUNTY SOUTHEASTERN PA HOW WOULD YOU LIKE SOME REFERRALS FROM OTHER CRS DESIGNEES? WESTMORELAND COUNTY Promote your business on this page and when you have a referral for out of your area, this is the perfect place to look for a great agent!* COST TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE IS ONLY $10 PER PUBLICATION. There are 6 publications per year, which get sent to all CRS PA Chapter members. There are 3 more publications for 2011. If you are interested in having your business card on this referral page, contact Marcia Nixon at 800-555-3390 x-3008 or email Or, send your business card, along with payment to CRS Chapter Administrator, Marcia Nixon at 500 North 12th St., Lemoyne, PA 17043. Or for more information call Marcia at the above number. We accept business cards in .jpg format by email.! *You must be a CRS designee and a member of the PA CRS Chapter to participate on this page. ! ]! ! "The Nominating Committee is looking for qualified members to serve on the Board of Directors of the PA Chapter CRS for the calendar year 2012. The slate of officers will be presented in writing via the newsletter 30 days prior to the Election of Officers. The Election will be held at the September 27th Luncheon and Business Meeting at the Harrisburg Hilton, Harrisburg, PA. Those interested in serving on the Board of Directors may obtain an application by e-mailing the Nominating Chair, Mary White, at The guidelines are as follows: Pursuant to the By-Laws of PA Chapter CRS and the Policy & Procedures of said chapter: The elected officers are President, President Elect/Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The elected Officers shall have such duties as normally accrue to their offices and the Board of Directors may assign to them from time to time. The Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year beginning January 1, and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. The Nominating Committee shall nominate one person for each office to be filled and the Secretary shall notify the members of the slate of nominees, instruction for members to add additional nominees and the date and place of the meeting by written notice 30 days prior to the date of election. Minimum criteria guidelines for President or President Elect/Vice President per Chapter Bylaws: 1) A designated member in good standing of the Chapter, Council and NAR. 2) Has served on the Chapter Board of Directors within the last three years. 3) Has served as chairman of a committee within the last three years. 4) Items 2 and 3 are waived the first three (3) years of existence. 5) No Officer may serve more than one two-year consecutive term in any one position. A request may be sent in writing to the Council's Director of Chapter & Regional Programs showing just cause for a special exception and upon review be approved by the Council's Chapter/RVP Staff Liaison. The names of additional nominees for office may be placed on the ballot providing the nomination is received in writing by the Secretary at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the election and; 1) The nominee has consented in writing to accept the nomination, and 2) The nominee meets the minimum criteria of the office. The final slate of officers should be mailed no later than two weeks prior to the date of the elections. If you are interested in serving as a chairman of a committee during the calendar year 2012, you may also request an application by emailing MaryWhite at Thank you for your continued service to our chapter." ^!!