Minnesota CRS Chapter News


Minnesota CRS Chapter News
Minnesota CRS Chapter
February 2014
Message from President Tom Slupske………..……..….3
Pictures from MN CRS Charity Auction……..………….10
Hunger Solutions Letter of Thanks……………………….11
Ascension Place, Inc. Letter of Thank…….….…......…12
Capital Conference………………………………..……........13
MN CRS Tee It Up For Kids…………………......…......…14
“The Power of U” Article By Eric Kodner.…..….……….15
Becoming a Better Real Estate Professional .…………17
RC Fields Home Inspections – Radon Article………….19
Minnesota CRS Chapter Designees and Members
January 2014…………………………………..…………...…..21
MN CRS Chapter Board of Directors.…………………….22
Support Our Sponsors…………………………………………23
President’s Message:
Well, it’s just a couple of months into
2014 and I’ve already been asked what
has been my greatest accomplishment
and greatest challenge thus far as MNCRS president?
Let me answer the last first. The
greatest challenge has been why so
many have membership in National but
choose not to be chapter members.
The Minnesota chapter ended 2013
with roughly 53% of national members
belonging to the chapter. Immediate
past-president Dan Boman says, “The
chapter is the backbone of National.
Without chapter membership there
would be no National CRS.” If you’re a
National member but not a chapter
member I strongly encourage you to
join the chapter.
President’s Message (cont.)
The greatest accomplishments?
MN-CRS leadership had its first ever
orientation. In the past little was explained to
potential board members: what was expected
of them and what should they expect from the
Board? That started to change on February 5,
2014 when Lynn Leegard led the first
orientation. Lynn is a long-time member of the
Minnesota Realtors, an attorney, former
counsel for one of the State’s larger real estate
companies, well-known instructor for
Minnesota CE and has given similar
orientation presentations for several local
Realtor associations including Minnesota
Association of Realtors.
Another first. Board meetings were not
broadcast. Previously Board members out of
the area could only listen and responses were
often difficult. Starting last November MN-CRS
meetings are now broadcast both video and
audio to Board members. Board meetings are
normally the 1st Thursday of each month,
starting at 9:30 AM. If you’re near the
Minnesota Association of Realtors office in
Edina you are welcome to stop in and observe
your Board of Directors in action.
President’s Message (cont.)
What’s more for 2014?
As mentioned, increased chapter
membership. One way is to offer CRS
information to real estate companies during
their sales meetings. We’ll start in the Metro
area and then expand. Do you have an office
or company wanting someone to speak at
your sales meeting? Call me, and I’ll be
happy to attend.
By the time you read this MN-CRS will have
already participated in Capitol Conference
Day in St. Paul on February 19th. Each year
about 600 Realtors meet at the Excel Center.
We’ll have the opportunity to listen to State
legislators discuss how proposals affect not
only Realtors but consumers too. Legislators
will be available to listen to Realtors
March 12th will be the 2nd year MN-CRS has
participated at the GLAR Expo at Breezy
Point. If you’re in the Brainerd Lakes area
stop by our booth to say hello.
President’s Message (cont.)
MN-CRS offers great value!
Only $45.00 a year to be a chapter member. It’s
the chapter which brings you great education,
the national doesn’t do that. During 2013 the
chapter offered education in Brainerd,
Rochester, Hudson and the Twin Cities. We
celebrated the Hudson, WI event with a boatcruise on the scenic St Croix River; attended by
over 100 who took advantage of a beautiful fall
evening. It was such a success many have
asked to make this an annual event. We’re
planning 2014 education for Duluth and
Rochester; and Brainerd again in early 2015.
But, to continue these great programs we need
more chapter members.
Why should you become a CRS designee and a
MN chapter member?
CRS could mean “C”ash “R”eferral “S”ystem.
One of the benefits of chapter membership is
the networking among CRS and the
opportunity of receiving a referral. To
paraphrase an old-adage, “Referrals go to
those who show-up” If you’re not a chapter
member you probably won’t receive a referral.
President’s Message (cont.)
Real estate business is expected to improve
for the next several years. As it improves
more people are once again becoming
Realtors. Newer and inexperienced agents
bring challenges. The demand for
knowledgeable Realtors will be more than
ever. One way to gain that knowledge is to
attend MN-CRS sponsored education. Newer
and inexperienced agents bring challenges to
a transaction. Wouldn’t you prefer a much
better chance of closing? You can have that
confidence if the other Realtor is a MN-CRS
You should be proud of the people in your
chapter. Director Steve Stewart was recently
named Regional Vice President for National
CRS. Congratulations Steve. Director Gary
Williams won the prestigious Medallion
Award for his yeas of serves on several
national committees: RVP Committee Chair,
member of the RVP selection committee,
member of the Exec committee, member of
the BOD, member of the EAB Education
Advisory Committee, Immediate past Chair of
the Membership Development committee.
President’s Message (cont.)
Last November in San Francisco, your chapter
was awarded CRS Chapter of the Year during
the NAR Convention. President-elect Eric
Kodner was a guest editor in the
January/February 2014 edition of REALTOR®
Exciting announcement!
With all this bitter cold it’s difficult to imagine
warm summer days; but they’re coming! Circle
your calendars for August 12, 2014. MN-CRS is
sponsoring our first-ever golf charity for
Minnesota National Guard Youth camp. Thank
Director Sandy Maxwell for offering us this
opportunity. This has been an annual event
which has raised over $21,000 a year for the
Youth Camp. All of us on the leadership team
are eager and excited to give back. Sandy will
have more details later in this edition.
President’s Message (cont.)
Who do you know that is a national but not a
chapter member? Who do you know that would
like to become a CRS designee? Ask them to join
the chapter. They can view information at
CRS.com or call me
Tom Slupske.com – MN CRS President 2014
Direct: 612-720-2997
Pictures from Charity Auction
MN CRS Charity Auction
MN CRS Charity Auction
MN CRS Charity Auction
Capital Conference Days – 19th
of February
Capital Conference Day
Tom Slupske, MN CRS - President 2014, Dan
Boman, MN CRS President - 2013, and
Sandy Maxwell, MN CRS Board - Secretary
MN CRS “Tee It Up for the Kids”
“Tee It Up for the Kids”
Join us for this special event on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at Majestic
Oaks Golf Course in Ham Lake, MN.
This 18 hole shot-gun tournament is played by hard core golfers and the
golfer who just likes to have fun. There are many opportunities for meeting
new people, to discuss business opportunities, and above all, to contribute to
a well deserved charity for our military families.
Registration starts at 10:00am, Shot-gun starts at Noon.
Social Hour, Silent Auction Following Golf Banquet Dinner at 6:00PM
“Tee It Up for the Kids”
This will be our 7th Year! Be a Part of It!
This event has been well received every year. It is attended by over
150 military men and women, Realtors, lenders, businessmen and
women, family and friends.
Silent Auction, Raffle, Contests and more are all a part of this event.
We hope you will join us and make this one of your charities of choice
for 2014. This is one charity that is all Volunteer!
It is our way of saying “thank you” to our men and women in the
To Participate, please return the sponsorship form
that is included with your preference and level of support.
You Will Make a Difference in a Child’s Life Thank You
Testimonials provided upon request.
Please contact:
Sandy Maxwell, REALTOR, Licensed Broker
Tournament Director Secretary, MN CRS Board 612-791-5677
“The Power of U”
Realtor Magazine - January/February 2014
Guest Editor Column by Eric Kodner, CRS, Broker & Owner, Wayzata Lakes Realty
As real estate practitioners, most of us focus
constantly on our relationships with consumers. It is
REALTOR® Magazine’s job to do the same with us,
developing content that offers insights about industry
trends and best practices that help us excel on the
job. After seven years, it was time to freshen the
magazine’s appearance. Design director Julie
Fournier has introduced a sleeker “webby” design
that uses typography and graphics sparingly and has
also reorganized our sections in a way that I hope will
be even more useful to you.
I am thrilled to serve as guest editor for the launch of
the magazine’s reinvigorated design. After a year of
inviting members of the Young Professionals Network
to visit the offices for an editing stint, the publication is
now reaching out to a broader segment of NAR
members, both young and young at heart.
I enjoyed, among other contributions, being able to
provide input on the proposed typefaces and fonts.
Retiring the old serif fonts truly makes for a cleaner
“ The Power of U” (cont.)
I’ve always been comfortable with the necessity of
personal reinvention. I became a REALTOR® in 2001
after a long and satisfying career as a symphonic
musician and conductor (I still work occasionally as a
freelance French hornist), and I’ve developed strong
niches in both residential and luxury second-home
markets in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Working in two
distinct markets has served as something of a hedge
through wildly varying economic conditions.
The magazine’s editorial reorganization has given
rise to the new Top of Mind section, which clusters
newsier topics, including law and the economy,
toward the front of the book. The How To section
leads you to the hands-on practical content that can
benefit you in your everyday business. At the back of
the book is the Power of R section, which brings you
news from NAR along with a new page showcasing
the influence REALTORS® have in advocating for the
good of their communities and for property owners.
When REALTORS® pull together to address the
effects of a dangerous roadway issue or foster the
redevelopment of an abandoned downtown, the
results can be amazing.
Becoming a Better Real Estate Professional
As we all continue on our business journeys to improve
our knowledge and value to our clients there is one item
that stands out to me and that is our ongoing education.
Smart agents understand that they need to invest time
and money to better themselves with good education.
With there being so many different companies and
associations offering education it can be difficult to sort
through all the options.
Did you know CRS offers many high quality education
opportunities both online and in a classroom
environment? In the busy and fast paced lifestyles we all
live many of us are now turning to shorter 1 or 2 hour
webinars and online programs. With all the advances in
technology you can be part of these at the office, at a
coffee shop or restaurant or maybe even in your car if
you have connectivity for your mobile device. We bring
the class to wherever you are!
We at MN CRS make it a point to bring at least 3 or 4
above average classroom education opportunities to our
members each year. We just had Jackie Leavenworth
here for 3 days’ worth of excellent education in January;
watch this newsletter for our upcoming education
offerings. It just amazes me after we hold these classes
how many student tell us this was the best real estate
education they have ever taken!
WHY CRS Education (cont.)
I felt the same way when I took my first CRS
class. The instructors are top notch and many
are still practicing Realtors so they are using
what they are teaching us. These classes will
help you improve your production and posture.
You can always go to CRS.com and go to the
education tab and see what is on the calendar
for upcoming classes both online and in a
I will share a tip I learned a while back from
another high producing CRS member. Step out
of your normal education agenda and take a
class in another state perhaps even one in a
warmer climate than here in Minnesota. It is a
tax deduction and you will open up doors to
meet other agents for developing referral
Wouldn’t it be nice to go to Florida this month
for a few days for a CRS class? I can assure you
that you will probably be the only Realtor in
that class from Minnesota so bring lots of cards
and build those connections. It’s never been a
better time for you to invest in your education
and separate yourself from your competitors by
learning to increase you’re earning.
To your continued success with CRS
Daniel Boman, Past President 2013
RC Fields Home Inspection – Ryan Sinkfield
Radon “The Unwanted House Guest”
As of January 1st 2014 the State of Minnesota
has implemented the “Minnesota Radon
Awareness Act” to ensure that all parties
involved in a Real Estate transaction are
aware of (by means of a seller’s disclosure
form) any knowledge of radon concentrations
in the home and informed of the risks
associated with Radon before signing a
purchase agreement to sell or transfer
residential real property.
•Radon is the #2 cause of lung cancer in the
Radon is an invisible, odorless, tasteless,
radioactive gas that naturally occurs from the
decomposition of elements such as Uranium
and Thorium found in the soil, rocks, and
water throughout the world. As this
breakdown occurs, these gases rise up
through the ground and enters our homes
where we spend most of our time. Regardless
if the house was built 100 years ago or is new
construction, it is at risk. Although the house
next door may have safe levels, yours may
RC Fields Home Inspection (cont.)
Radon “The Unwanted House Guest”
Two in Five homes in Minnesota have levels that
pose a significant health risk, and nearly 80% of
counties are rated “High Radon Zones” (EPA
recommendations; 0-2pCi/L acceptable level, 24pCi/L consider taking action, >4pCi/L action
highly recommended).
The Minnesota Department of Health
recommends all Minnesota homes be tested for
radon. During a Real Estate transaction, time is of
the essence. The fastest way to test for radon is
with a CRM (Continuous Radon Monitor), which
will give you results in 48 hours. These results will
help you determine whether or not the house will
need mitigation. There are several methods used
for radon mitigation to help reduce radon levels in
a home to a safe level. These can range from $800
to $2,500 depending on how the house was built
and the extent of the radon problem.
Contact Ryan Sinkfield at RC Fields Home
Inspection Services for Radon Testing.
Direct: 612-812-4977
Email: ryan@rcfieldshomeinspections.com
Online: www.rcfieldshomeinspections.com
New Minnesota CRS Chapter Designees
January 2014
Kevin H Gyllenblad, CRS
Shannon Lindstrom, CRS
February 2014
Sue Brown, CRS
Henry Edelstein, CRS
Betty L. Eischens, CRS
Debra Flam, CRS
Debra L. Grimme, CRS
Mary C. Hansmeyer, CRS
Phillip D. Holm, CRS
Marv Karth, CRS
Steve T. Kraft, CRS
Albin D. Kuschel, CRS
Aaron J. Thompson, CRS
Please welcome new CRS Designees to our MN
CRS Family!
2014 Minnesota CRS Chapter
Board of Directors
Please feel free to contact us with questions and/or ideas for
improvement or if you would like to become a MN CRS Board of
Directors member
President: Thomas Slupske
President Elect: Eric Kodner
Secretary: Sandy Maxwell
Treasurer: Dar Vosburg
Past President: Dan Boman
Director: Betty Cole
Director: James Geisinger
Director: Jason Gorman
Director: Dennis Libby
Director: Shannon Lindstrom
Director: Fred Schramm
Director: Stephen Stewart
Director: Gary Williams
District Representative: Ron Hanger
District Representative: Scott Norton
District Representative: Melanie Schmidt
District Representative: Dinah Sundberg
Regional Vice President: Michele Epps
MNAR Support Staff: Chris Galler
MNAR Support Staff: Peg Anderson
Minnesota CRS Chapter News February 2014
Please Support Our Sponsors