Media Production I Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Media Production I Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Brindle Mr. Chad Brindle – Studio 151 (Google) 717-382-4871, Ext. #1151 Media Production I Course Syllabus 2014-2015 “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” – Malcolm X COURSE DESCRIPTION Media Production is an elective course which provides motivated students with a hands-on introductory experience in media production. This intensive hands-on course explores camera operation, script writing, lighting, audio production, video editing and the effects of television on viewers. Students will be provided with all the basic skills necessary to produce a live daily news program, special video features, public service announcements, short films, and commercials. This course will also equip students with the skills necessary to function in a technology and media-centered society. Students are required to spend time outside of the classroom to videotape projects, work in the communication center, and complete group work. Please be advised that while this is an elective course, it is a demanding elective course. COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of this course, you will be able to: 1. Understand the functioning of and operate a television production system. 2. Correctly utilize the major pieces of television production equipment and understand their operations. 3. Understand and execute the functions of all television production personnel. 4. Design and produce a variety of authentic media productions. COURSE RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Produce and execute the Kennard-Dale High School morning announcements, daily and live on KRAM-TV, in a professional and well respected manner. 2. Produce student works that benefit and enhance the learning experience for the students, staff, faculty and administration of the South Eastern School District, as well as promote the South Eastern School District in a positive manner. 1 Brindle REQUIRED TEXTS AND PROGRAMS Television Production Handbook and Television Production Workbook by Herbert Zettl Zettl’s Video Lab 3.0 – Interactive Course Program Various Readings at the discretion of the instructor. Final Cut Pro X COURSE CONTENT Studio Production Field Production The Television Production Process Field Production for Television and Film The Television Camera Handheld Digital Camera Operation and Picture Composition Lenses Postproduction Editing: How it Works Camera Operation and Picture Composition Audio: Sound Control Audio: Sound Pickup Lighting Techniques of Television Lighting Design Video-recording and Storage Systems Editing Functions and Principles Switching or Instantaneous Editing The Producer in Preproduction The Television Production Team The Script The Script Television Talent The Director in Production: Preparation The Director in Production: Preparation The Director in Production: Directing The Director in Production: Directing 2 Brindle COURSE DETAILS AND REQUIREMENTS STUDIO 151 ONLY CURRENT MEDIA PRODUCTION STUDENTS are allowed to be in Studio 151 at any given time. This is an actual television studio with very expensive equipment. This is not a hang out place for your friends while you work on projects, or while they wait for the homeroom bell to ring. ATTENDANCE Students are expected to attend class on a regular basis. If a student misses class due to an excused absence (see the high school handbook for qualifications of an excused absence), IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT to see the instructor about missed work with their excuse. If you intend to make up your missed work before or after school you must make arrangements with the instructor AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. SOUTH EASTERN SCHOOL DISTRICT CABLE CHANNEL Studio 151 is home to the South Eastern School District Cable Channel, made possible by Armstrong Cable Company. We broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on channels 202 and 104.12. KRAM MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS Because the morning announcements start the day at Kennard-Dale High School, the production team is required to be in studio by 7:25AM. This allows the production team to set up their equipment and set so that the announcements may begin right at 7:35AM. Production team members NOT in the studio by 7:25AM are considered LATE and their participation grade is docked. The morning announcements are broadcast live at 7:35AM on the cable channel, and then a taped version is run in various time slots throughout the rest of the day. EQUIPMENT All media production equipment is property of the South Eastern School District and is housed at Kennard-Dale High School in Studio 151. All Media Production students MUST sign out each piece of equipment they use IN or OUT of class. Each piece of equipment is the sole responsibility of the student whose name it is signed out under. Any student caught using equipment that has not been signed out by them or their production team will be punished. ONLY Media Production students may sign out and use the media production equipment. NO EXCEPTIONS! 3 Brindle DUE DATES/LATE WORK /DEADLINES/MAKE-UPS All assigned work (homework, projects, etc.) is due at the beginning of your respective class period unless otherwise specified by your teacher. Work that is not turned in on the due date is considered late. Late work receives a TEN PERCENT (10%) REDUCTION IN GRADE EACH DAY IT IS LATE! NOTEBOOK Each student is expected to keep an organized notebook. The notebook should include divided sections for everything we do throughout the year. Organization is vital to the success of an individual, whether a student or a professional. If you need assistance in getting your notebook started, please see one of us. GRADING All assignments, big and small, will be awarded points throughout each marking period. Larger assignments will be worth more points than lesser assignments such as homework. Students are encouraged to keep track of their own progress throughout the year using HomeLogic. If done properly and kept up to date, every student should always have a solid estimate of what their current grade is. Grades will be based on the total points received out of total possible. PROJECTS Projects will be used to assess student knowledge throughout the year. Projects will either be done individually, in pairs, or in small groups. When you or your group needs to complete work on a project outside of class, you may do so before or after school. You MUST make arrangements with the instructor at least 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE DATE YOU OR YOUR GROUP WOULD LIKE TO COME IN EARLY OR STAY LATE. CLASS PARTICIPATION Each student will receive class participation grades daily throughout each marking period. Class participation grades are based on your participation in in-class activities; completing class work; working cooperatively with other students; listening attentively during class; maintaining a positive, cooperative attitude; being on time for the morning announcements, and by ALWAYS being prepared for class. Always having a pencil or a pen is part of being prepared! WORKING COOPERATIVELY Every student will, at various points throughout the year, be required to work cooperatively with other students. At times, this work will constitute working in pairs or working with larger groups. Students may be graded on participation and contribution within the group by both their peers and the instructor. CHEATING Copying another student’s work or allowing another student to copy work on any assignment/ test is cheating. Using prohibited materials on an assignment, quiz, or test is cheating. Cheating will result in a zero (0) for each student involved and a possible administrative referral. 4 Brindle PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is defined as submitting or presenting another person’s work as your own without proper documentation, including downloaded information from the Internet or using another student’s material without prior approval. Plagiarized assignments will receive a zero (0) and your parents will be contacted. Because we broadcast on the district cable channel, it is important that you follow ALL copyright guidelines when producing your work. GOOGLE ACCOUNTS (@SESDRAMS.ORG ) The South Eastern School District provides each teacher and student with a district Google account. These accounts will be utilized throughout this course for communication through email and various assignments and activities on Google Drive. WEBSITE As another means of communication, please utilize Mr. Brindle’s website by going to the district webpage, selecting Kennard-Dale High School, faculty, and my name from the list. I update this page frequently with assignments and other documents. EXCUSES Excuses do not explain and explanations do not excuse! Be responsible, be accountable, and be upfront! If you do not have access to a computer and/or printer outside of school please see me. The instructor reserves the right to change or modify this course at any point in the semesters as they see fit to do. 5 Brindle TEACHER RULES AND EXPECTATIONS 1. At all times, students and teacher will treat each other with mutual respect. 2. All materials must be brought with you daily unless otherwise specified – textbook and/or novel, binder, agenda, and ink pen or pencil. 3. Students may only use the bathroom during the last ten (10) minutes of each class period. You are responsible for the material and assignments you miss while on a bathroom break. Students must politely ask for permission to sign out. 4. Only bottled water is allowed in the studio. NO FOOD unless otherwise specified. NO FOOD OR WATER IS TO BE NEAR ANY OF THE STUDIO EQUIPMENT. 5. Cell phones, iPods, and other nonessential electronic devices are to be kept away during class unless we are using them for a class activity. If you are caught using your electronic device during a non-designated time in class, your device will be taken to the office and it will be your responsibility to get it after school. 6. Be creative. 7. Be yourself. Rule 1. Be on time § § 2. Be respectful 3. Be honest 4. Be responsible § § § § § § § § Consequence Three (3) tardies allowed per semester. Fourth (4th) tardy is an office referral. Parent phone call/meeting. Office referral. Lose my trust. Parent phone call/meeting. Office referral. Zero (0) on assignment. Parent phone call/meeting. Office referral. § § Reward Learning more! Better grade! § You get respect! § § Better grade! You get respect and trust! § § Learning more! Self-satisfaction! 6 Brindle Media Production I 2014-2015 Mr. Brindle – Studio 151 Parents of Media Production students, Welcome to Kennard-Dale High School. I am looking forward to a productive year with your student. The four years of high school are a time of transition and growth for most students, and parental involvement is essential. Please be aware that although Media Production is an elective course it is also a demanding course. With your support, we can all make this an exciting course for your student. Please take the time to carefully read and sign this syllabus with your child. I am also requesting that parents provide an email address and an additional phone number where you can be reached. This is optional and is simply a means to provide me another avenue of communication. Due to my inability to leave class during the day, it is sometimes easier to reach me through email. My email address is Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this syllabus or the class in general. PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) CONTACT INFORMATION I _________________________, have read and discussed this course syllabus with my parent/guardian and we understand the content of this syllabus. This page MUST be signed by both the student and a parent(s)/guardian(s) and returned to us in class. You will receive 10 homework points if this page is signed by both you and your parent/guardian and returned to me by _________________________. Please be sure the printed name, phone number, and e-mail are legible. _____________________________ Parent Name (Please Print) _____________________________ Parent Phone _____________________________ Parent Signature (Please Sign) _____________________________ Parent E-mail _____________________________ Student Name (Please Print) _____________________________ Student Signature (Please Sign) Does the student have access to a computer outside of school? Yes No Does the student have access to the Internet outside of school? Yes No Does the student have a personal email account, or access to an email account, that may be used for school related activities? Yes No 7 Brindle Additional information about the student or family that I should know: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8