100 E. California Avenue - P.O. Box 511
100 E. California Avenue - P.O. Box 511
Every child, individual, and family in Kern County is safe, healthy, and self-sufficient. The Department of Human Services partners with children, individuals, families and the community to provide customer-centered services. We work to ensure safe, protected and permanent homes for children and we actively assist individuals as they prepare for employment. Service excellence Proactive leadership Continuous learning Diversity Creative solutions Clear goals Measurable results Effective communication Constructive feedback Honesty Personal/Professional integrity Accountability Adherence to policy and regulation Responsible stewardship Respect for the individual 100 E. California Avenue - P.O. Box 511 - Bakersfield, CA 93302 www.KCDHS.org Kern County Department of Human Services is an equal opportunity employer. This Resource Directory of Community Service Providers is a collection of family resources in Kern County Resource Directory of We hope you find this directory Community Service Providers helpful in locating the following to also available on-line: fit your family’s many needs: County of Kern web-site Department of Human Services www.co.kern.ca.us/dhs ►Services ►Programs ►Other Resources Please contact the listed providers for Be sure to click on the information link under General Info. (Department staff can also access the directory internally through the intranet and CWS/CMS x-drive.) detailed information about the services they offer. To report any additions or edits to the contents of this directory contact: Margarita Soza at (661) 631-6698 E-mail: sozam@co.kern.ca.us TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Court-Ordered Services............................................................. 3 Index to Providers of Court-Ordered Services .................................................... 5 Providers of Court-Ordered Services .................................................................... 7 Community Resources for Families After School Programs .......................................................................................... 13 Child Care Services............................................................................................... 13 Children’s Counseling Services .......................................................................... 14 Community Resources-General ........................................................................... 15 Education Services ................................................................................................ 20 Employment/Job Search Services ....................................................................... 21 Family Recreational Services ............................................................................... 21 Food /Clothing/Shelter Assistance ...................................................................... 22 Gang Prevention Services ................................................................................... 24 Hotlines, Helplines and Referrals......................................................................... 25 Infant and Child Services ...................................................................................... 27 Legal Services ....................................................................................................... 29 Medical Clinics/Pregnancy Care .......................................................................... 30 Native American Indian Resources ..................................................................... 31 Pregnant Teen Services ...................................................................................... 32 Superintendent of School-Kern County ............................................................. 32 Support Groups ..................................................................................................... 33 Transportation Services......................................................................................... 34 Subject Index to Community Resources.............................................................. 35 Guide for Mental Health Substance Abuse Treatment Services ................ 40 Tulare County Resource Providers ..................................................................... http://www.unitedwaytc.org See Resources Directory Online under information and referrals tab GUIDELINES FOR COURT-ORDERED SERVICES Education Programs Education Programs are designed to teach skills that enable individuals to deal constructively and consistently with their issues. In order for a client to complete an education program, the client must participate in the treatment program outlined by the service provider, followed by a positive recommendation from the educator. One-on-one sessions with a licensed counselor/therapist are not required, nor is there a stipulation on how many sessions it takes to complete a class. That decision is left with the service provider. Education Programs Include: ►Anger Management ► Child Neglect/ Endangerment 52 Week Programs ► Domestic Violence-Victims ►Parenting-Neglect/Chronic Neglect Counseling Counseling is a combination of one-on-one and group sessions supervised by a licensed counselor/therapist for purpose of behavior modification. Court-ordered counseling requires at least two (2) hours per week of contact with the counselor/therapist for a minimum of six (6) months, followed by a positive recommendation from the counselor/therapist. Multiple orders for counseling may require attendance for more than two hours per week of individual and group counseling to complete all the programs. Receiving services from a non-approved provider can be interpreted as non-compliance and may not meet the court’s requirement. Counseling Services Include: ►Failure/ Learning to Protect ►Domestic Violence/Perpetrator ►Physical Abuse-Perpetrator ►Sexual Abuse-Perpetrator Substance Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse Treatment requires a combination of one-on-one and group sessions supervised by a counselor/therapist for the purpose of behavior modification. ASSESSMENT It is highly recommended that all clients be assessed by the Kern County Mental Health (KCMH) Substance Abuse System of Care Gate Team/Gate Keeper located at Juvenile Justice Center, 2100 College Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93305. This will ensure the client is enrolled in the correct level of treatment. Nov. 2014 3 TREATMENT In order to address the issues of substance abuse, the client must participate in a certified treatment program, including initial assessment by, and weekly contact with, an Alcohol and Drug Program (ADP) certified counselor for a minimum of four (4) months AND thereafter, a relapse prevention/support program, at least weekly, for a minimum of two (2) months, followed by a positive recommendation from the counselor. Documentation of weekly attendance is submitted to the social worker on a monthly basis identifying the client’s level of treatment. Parent(s) must complete the treatment plan, including aftercare, whether or not children have been returned to the home. Receiving services from a non-approved provider can be interpreted as non-compliance and may not meet the court’s requirement. ► PC 1000 Programs Clients enrolled in a PC 1000 course need to assessed by the Gate Keeper at the Juvenile Justice Center. PC 1000 does not meet requirements for Court Ordered Substance Abuse Treatment. PC 1000 is a pre-sentencing, drug diversion program. Diversion Programs are educational, and are not considered treatment; therefore PC 1000 does not meet the Kern County Mental Health Substance Abuse System of Care (KCMH) treatment model. The Gate Keeper will refer clients to substance abuse providers who will work with the probation department to ensure the client is enrolled in a substance abuse treatment program that will meet the client’s PC 1000 commitment and meet court ordered substance abuse treatment. ► Lerdo Substance Abuse Education Course Clients incarcerated or who were incarcerated at the Kern County Lerdo Detention Facility, who attended substance abuse classes offered by the Bakersfield Adult School must be assessed by the KCMH Gate Keeper upon release. Classes offered by Bakersfield Adult School are prevention education and only meet the requirement of KCMH Substance Abuse System of Care Treatment Level 1. Therefore, only clients who are assessed by the KCMH Gate Keeper as needing substance abuse treatment Level 1 may count this as meeting their case plan objective. (Revised 10/11) For the most current information on Kern County Mental Health approved Substance Abuse providers, contact the Kern County Mental Health Gate Keeper at Juvenile Justice Center at (661) 868-4222 or OC Sills Building, (661)631-6266. Nov. 2014 4 INDEX TO PROVIDERS OF COURT-ORDERED SERVICES Phone Number (661) 327-1345 (661) 322-0931 (661) 763-4357 (661) 477-5156 (661) 325-2939 ● ● ● ● Sober Living Environment ● ● (661) 427-3993 College Community Services* Community Service Organization, Inc. *Compass Rose *Cottage Of Hope and Gratitude-Men Only East Kern Family Resource Center Ebony Counseling Center, Inc. *Freedom House-Recovery Homes * See Listing (661) 327-9376 (800)513-1873 (661) 324-0983 (661) 824-4118 (661) 324-4756 (661) 304-8947 Garden Pathways (661) 633-9133 ● Gary R. Creott, LCSW (661) 323-3337 ● ● *Hearthstone Community Services Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Clinic (661) 861-0051 ● ● (661) 322-1021 ● ● ● (661) 325-8510 ● (661) 333-5545 (661) 831-1825 (760) 379-9194 ● ● ● ● ● ● (661)833-5890 (661) 725-2788 (661) 322-3276 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Kern County Hispanic Commission * See Listing ● Kern County Mental Health Department* * See Listing ● 5 ● ● Indian Wells Valley Family Resource Center *Isaiah’s Sober Living Home-Men Only continuation………………………….………………………………..INDEX ● ● ● See Clinica Sierra Vista (661) 747-4661 Nov. 2014 Substance Abuse Residential Substance Abuse Outpatient Sexual Abuse-Perpetrator Physical Abuse-Perpetrator Domestic Violence Perpetrator ● ● *Awakening Sober Living- Men Only Bakersfield Adult School (Lerdo Only) *Bakersfield Recovery Services Inc., DBA (See listing - multiple sites) Behavioral Intervention Services (See listing – multiple sites) Center For Personal Growth Center For Positive Growth (Lake Isabella) Child & Family Psychology Clinic Clinica Sierra Vista Behavioral Health Clinica Sierra Vista Southeast Partnership (661) 835-1855 Drug Treatment Counseling Failure/Learning to Protect ● Parenting-Neglect ● Domestic Violence Victims Child Neglect/Endangerment 52 week programs Alba Counseling Center, Inc. Alliance Against Family Violence Alpha House- Taft Only* Alta Vida Counseling ASI Counseling & Professional Services Anger Management Education Programs ● ● ● OF PROVIDERS OF COURT-ORDERED SERVICES Kern River Valley Family Resource Center Legacy Behavioral Services Legacy Behavioral Services - Mojave Legacy Behavioral Services – Ridgecrest Melodie Dove New Advances for People with Disabilities (NAPD) North of the River Recreation & Park DistrictNeighborhoods for Learning *Operation Fresh Start- Men Only Pathfinders Guidance Center Pine Meadow Counseling Positive Visions For Men S & T Professional Group *Safe Haven Recovery- Men Only Salvation Army *Serene House “Women Recover” Services Shafter Healthy Start Teen Challenge Tehachapi Wellness Center *The Light House Sober Living The Mission of Kern – Women Only Turning Point/Kennemer Center* Vanguard Community Center Westcare West Side Community Resource Center Will Bowman *Women of Worth Y-Empowerment Inc. Phone Number (760) 379-2556 (661) 861-1133 (661) 221-0472 (760) 499-1909 (760) 338-8404 ● ● ● Sober Living Environment Substance Abuse Residential ● ● ● (661)325-3003 (661) 392-2029 (661) 399-1205 (661) 829-5930 (661) 834-7564 (661) 321-0558 (661) 324-1982 (661) 832-6835 (661) 325-8626 (661) 742-8047 (661) 746-8690 (661) 746-4917 (661) 399-2273 (661) 822-8979 (661) 599- 0631 (661) 325-4565 (661) 861-6111 (661) 871-8481 (661) 321-3124 (661) 398-4303 (661) 765-7281 (661) 378-8360 (661) 832-8075 (661) 381-1082 Substance Abuse Outpatient Sexual Abuse-Perpetrator Physical Abuse-Perpetrator Domestic Violence Perpetrator Failure/Learning to Protect ● ● ● ● ● ● Drug Treatment Counseling Parenting-Neglect Domestic Violence Victims Child Neglect/Endangerment 52 week programs Anger Management Educational Programs ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● *Approved Substance Abuse Provider of Kern County Mental Health. Court-ordered counseling requires at least two (2) hours per week of contact with the counselor/therapist for a minimum of six (6) months, followed by a positive recommendation from the counselor/therapist. 5 Nov. 2014 6 Providers of Court-Ordered Services A CONTINUATION…………………………..…………….. ALBA COUNSELING CENTER, INC. 1603 California Ave., #143 1324 ½ Main St. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 327-1345 (661) 725-2992 FAX (661) 327-1749 FAX (661) 725-8280 *AWAKENING SOBER LIVING 309 Clifton St. Bakersfield CA, 93307 (661) 427-3993 FAX (661) 249-4093 A Spanish Service also available. ALLIANCE AGAINST FAMILY VIOLENCE th 1921 19 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-0931 FAX (661) 322-2916 Outside Bakersfield (800) 273-7713 24-hour hotline (661) 327-1091 Individual counseling available for women and children of domestic assault/sexual assault, emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, selfdefense classes, assistance with restraining orders. DV certification also available. Alliance offers Domestic Violence (awareness) classes for victims of DV and Learning to Protect counseling for parents who failed to protect their children against abuse. Spanish services also available. ALPHA HOUSE 207 7th St. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-4357 FAX (661) 763-4370 Other services include: Homeless Assistance for Victims of Sexual Assault. Approval for court mandated services on case by case basis ONLY. ALTA VIDA COUNSELING 2217 F St. Ste. A Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 477-5156 FAX (661)868-6847 Individual counseling also available. Approval for court mandated services on case by case basis ONLY. Spanish services also available. B BAKERSFIELD ADULT SCHOOL (LERDO ONLY) 17635 Industrial Farm Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 835-1855 FAX (661) 835-9612 Contact: Jeri Long E-mail: jerri_long@KHSD.K12.com Parenting/Neglect and Anger Management Courses available and are free to all CPS clients. Lerdo classes also available for substance abuse prevention education. This Substance Abuse Prevention class only meets requirements of Kern County Mental Health Substance Abuse System of Care Treatment LEVEL 1. Post Release from Lerdo, all clients need to be referred to the KCMH Gate Keeper for an assessment to assess clients substance abue treatment needs. *BAKERSFIELD RECOVERY SERVICES Inc., DBA Jason’s Retreat Men’s Jason’s Retreat Men’s Sober Living Only Sober Living 610 Bernard St. 601 Knotts St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 869-1795 (661) 869-1795 FAX: (661)325-3929 Intensive Out Patient & Capistrano Community for Women Sober Living 504 Bernard St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 869-1795 ASI COUNSELING & PROFESIONAL SERVICES Bakersfield Office Shafter Office 219 California Ave. 435 Central Valley Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Shafter, CA 93263 (661) 325-2939 (661) 325-2939 Fax (661) 746-4315 E-mail: asibakersfield@sbcglobal.net Spanish serices also available. Nov. 2014 7 CONTINUATION……………………………….……….. BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION SERVICES 2014 Calloway Dr. 115 E.Roberts Ln Bakersfield, CA 93312 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661)333-5545 (661)333-5545 FAX (661)829-1372 (661)829-1372 409 Center St. Taft, CA 93268 (661)333-5545 (661)829-1372 1731 Hasti Acres Dr. (off Ming Ave.) Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661)333-5545 FAX (661)829-1372 C *CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY (See Bakersfield Recovery ServicesInc., DBA listing.) CENTER FOR PERSONAL GROWTH 3845 Stockdale Hwy., Ste. 204 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 831-1825 Contact: Laurie Wooten CENTER FOR POSITIVE GROWTH 5121 Lake Isabella Blvd., Ste. C Mailing address Lake Isabella, CA 93240 P.O. BOX 8686 (760) 379-9194 Bodfish, CA 93205 FAX (760) 379-9147 E-mail: ddxckent@msn.com CHILD & FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY 5500 Ming Ave Ste. 120 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661)833-5890 FAX (661)833-5892 CLINICA SIERRA VISTA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM 828 High St., Ste. C 8787 Hall Road Delano, CA 93215 Lamont, CA 93241 (661) 725-2788 (661) 845-3717 FAX : (661)725-1957 Medical and sliding fee scale available. Spanish services also available. B CONTINUATION……………………………….……….. CLINICA SIERRA VISTA SOUTHEAST NEIGBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER th 1509 E. 11 St. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 322-3276 FAX:(661)323-6259 E-mail: gonzalezm@clinicasierravista.org Offering Nurturing Parenting – Neglect curriculum. Spanish services also available. COLLEGE COMMUNITY SERVICES 2731 Nugget Ave. 16940 Hwy. 14, Ste. C-F Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Mojave CA, 93505 (760) 379-3412 (661) 824-5020 (760) 379-5332 (661) 824-5026 1400 N. Norma St. Ste.127-133 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 499-7406 FAX (760) 499-9259 th 1021 4 St. Ste B Taft, CA 93268 (661) 765-7025 (661) 765-7045 29325 Kimberlina Rd. Wasco, CA 93280 (661) 758-4029 Children Services ONLY . Contact provider for specific service at each location. COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION, INC. 1124 Baker St. 10420 Main St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Lamont, CA 93241 (661) 327-9376 (661) 845-3753 FAX (661) 327-7649 FAX (661) 845-4866 E-mail: csobhp.com Anger Management, Domestic Violence for Perpetrators and Substance abuse out-patient services. Spanish services also available. *COMPASS ROSE RECOVERY HOMES 2445 Beech St. Bakersfield CA 93301 (800) 513-1873 *COTTAGE OF HOPE AND GRATITUDE- MEN ONLY SLE 1801 Baker St. Bakersfield CA 93305 661-324-0983 FAX (661) 324-0983 E-mail: glklo@sbcglobal.net CLINICA SIERRA VISTA: INDIAN WELLS VALLEY FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER 825 N. Downs Street, Suite A Ridgecrest, CA (760) 375-4357 FAX (760) 371-2446 Offering Nurturing Parenting – Neglect curriculum. Nov. 2014 C 8 D H - - - - - - - - - - NONE - - - - - - - - - - E EAST KERN FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER 15862 K Street Mojave, CA 93501 (661) 824-4118 Spanish services also available. EBONY COUNSELING CENTER, INC. 1301 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 324-4756 (661) 324-1652 E-mail: ebonycc.com Additional services include: Black Infant Health Program; Youth Programs; Gang Violence Prevention; Information and Education Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Transportation available in some areas. Call for details. HENRIETTA WEILL MEMORIAL CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC 3628 Stockdale Hwy. Delano Office th Bakersfield, CA 93309 1430 6 St. (661) 322-1021 Delano, CA FAX (661) 322-7334 (661) 725-1042 Spanish services also available. *FREEDOM HOUSE – RECOVERY HOMES Transitional Living Transitional Living 519 Niles St. 527 Niles St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661)304-8947 (661)304-8947 FAX: (661)322-2286 FAX: (661)322-2286 *Transitional Living 919 Grace St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661)304-8947 FAX: (661)322-2286 G GARDEN PATHWAYSBREAKING THE CYCLE PROGRAM th 1616 29 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 633-9133 FAX: (661)633-9133 No enrollment without Provider approval . GARY R. CREOTT, LCSW 2519 M Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 323-3337 FAX (661) 323-3888 Hud Jade st 706 E. “21 ” Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 864-1802 (*All classes held in this location) No fees for services. Parenting-neglect available in Bakersfield and Delano. Kinship Support Services also available, see Support Groups. F Tara Lyn House of Hope and Healing 2309 San Moreno Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661)831-1027 *HEARTHSTONE COMMUNITY SERVICES Women’s Sober Living/Hud- Men’s Sober Living Supportive Housing 910 Baker St. 721 Brundage Ln. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 864-1902 (661) 861-0051 FAX (661)864-1914 FAX (661)861-0053 I INDIAN WELLS VALLEY FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER – CLINICA SIERRA VISTA (SEE CLINICA SIERRA VISTA LISTING) *ISAIAH’S SOBER LIVING HOME-MEN ONLY 1900 Clarendon St. 1904 Clarendon St. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, Ca 93307 (661) 633-9702 (661) 633-9702 FAX (661) 831-0722 FAX (661) 831-0722 Sober living environment for men. Fees. J - - - - - - - - - - NONE - - - - - - - - - - K KERN COUNTY HISPANIC COMMISION Alma del Camino Nuevo Casa Serena 1400 Easton Dr., Ste. 151 1131 South “H” St. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 634-9877 (661) 381-7579 FAX (661) 864-0198 FAX (661) 381-7631 (CalWORKs/AB429) Outpatient and Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Services. Spanish services also available. Nov. 2014 9 CONTINUATION….……………………………………… KERN COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Substance Abuse Programs 1401 L St. 928 F St. Bakersfield, CA 93302 Wasco, CA 93280 (661)868-6117 (661) 758-7321 FAX (661)868-6133 FAX (661) 758-7303 Contact: Brenda DeMonge Outpatient substance abuse treatment. K N NEW ADVANCES WITH PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (NAPD) th 1909 16 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)325-3003 KERN RIVER VALLEY FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER 5109 Lake Isabella Blvd. Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-2556 FAX (760) 379-1257 Contact: Lisa Smith Offering Nurturing Parenting - Neglect curriculum. NORTH OF THE RIVER RECREATION & PARK DISTRICTNEIGHBORHOODS FOR LEARNING 401 Willow Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 392-2054 FAX (661) 392-2048 Contact: Beth Vagle School readiness programs for parent(s) of children 0-5 available. Offering Nurturing Parenting – Neglect curriculum. L O LEGACY BEHAVIORAL SERVICES 2700 F St., Ste. 132 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 861-1133 FAX (661) 861-1144 *OPERATION FRESH START- MEN ONLY 325 McCord Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 (661) 399-5462 FAX: (661)399-1205 E-mail: Operationfreshstart@live.com Faith based sober living environment for men. Spanish services also available. LEGACY BEHAVIORAL SERVICES - MOJAVE 15664 K St., Ste. 1 & 7 Mojave, CA 93501 (661) 861-1133 LEGACY BEHAVIORAL SERVICES - RIDGECREST 722 North Norma St. Ste. D Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661)861-1133 See Index (page 6) for services offered at each location. M MELODIE DOVE 8825 Peack Ave. California City, CA 93505 (760)338-8404 New provider serving East Kern area. P PATHFINDERS GUIDANCE CENTER st 728 21 St. Bakersfield, Ca 93301 (661) 829-5930 FAX (661) 427-0386 E-mail: pathfindersgc@gmail.com Weekend and evening sessions available. Spanish services also available. PINE MEADOW COUNSELING 7070 Schirra Court, Ste. 200 618 Kern St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Taft, CA 93268 (661) 834-7564 FAX (661) 831-8882 E-mail: pinemeadowcounseling@yahoo.com *POSITIVE VISIONS FOR MEN 1118 Pacific St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 321-0558 Sober living environment for men. Spanish Services also available. Q - - - - - - - - - - NONE - - - - - - - - - - Nov. 2014 10 R CONTINUATION……………………………….……….. - - - - - - - - - - NONE - - - - - - - - - - S S & T PROFESSIONAL GROUP th 2105 24 St., Ste. 400 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-1982 FAX (661) 324-1220 E-mail: stprofessionalgrou@sbcglobal.net Domestic violence Victims, domestic violence prepetrator, anger management, child neglect/endangement 52 week programs and sexual abuse-prepetrator programs available. Weekend and night classes. Spanish services also available. *SAFE HAVEN RECOVERY - MEN ONLY 2625 Pacheco Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 832-6835 E-mail: safehavenrecovery@yahoo.com Sober living environment for men. SALVATION ARMY th 200 19 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 325-8626 FAX: (661)631-2815 Substance abuse treatment services/Aftercare Payment assistance (Check with facility for details) Residential program. *SERENE HOUSE “WOMEN RECOVER” SERVICES 505 Oildale Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 742-8047 E-mail: serenehouseservices@yahoo.com Sober living environment for women ONLY. SHAFTER HEALTHY START 331 S. SHAFTER AVE. SHAFTER, CA 93263 (661) 746-8659 Offering Nurturing Parenting - Neglect curriculum. T TEEN CHALLENGE Men’s Ranch Women’s Ranch 650 Riverside St. 301 E. Roberts Ln. Shafter, CA 93263 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 746-4917 (661) 399-2273 Payment assistance may be available. (Check with facility for details). Substance abuse and residential treatment. Nov. 2014 T TEHACHAPI WELLNESS CENTER 21030 Mission St., Ste. A Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 822-8979 Contact: Rena Shumway Offering domestic violence victims, anger management, domestic violence-perpetrators, child endangerment, failure/learning to protect, physical abuse perpetrator, sexual abuse perpetraror and parenting-neglect. Sliding fee scale available. Spanish services also available. *THE LIGHT HOUSE SOBER LIVING HOME nd 1331 2 St. Bakersfield CA, 93304 (661) 599-0631 Contact: Dwayne or Sheila Wilson Sober living environment for men ONLY. Faith based. *THE MISSION OF KERN COUNTY - WOMEN ONLY (Formerly – Bakersfield Rescue Mission) st 820 E. 21 St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 325-4565 TURNING POINT/KENNEMER CENTER 1101 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 631-1483 FAX (661) 861-6161 Residential program and outpatient substance abuse treatment. U - - - - - - - - - - NONE - - - - - - - - - - V VANGUARD COMMUNITY CENTER 1701 Niles St. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 871-8481 FAX (661) 323-3338 Domestic Violence – Perpetrator and Anger Management programs availale. W WESTCARE 4520 California Ave. 2901 S. H St. Ste.100 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 398-4303 (661) 321-3124 Residential Substance Outpatient Substance Abuse Treament Program Abuse Treatment program Services include addiction treatment, case management, transitional housing, vocational counseling and health education programs. 11 CONTINUATION…………….……………….……….. W WEST SIDE COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER th 915 N. 10 St., Ste. 20 Taft, CA 93268 (661) 765-7281 FAX (661) 765-7143 Free parenting-neglect classes. WILL BOWMAN 1619 “E” ST., STE. 2 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 378-8360 FAX (805) 489-7601 1092 West Kern St. Taft, CA 93268 500 Campus Ln. Arvin, CA 9320 Spanish line at (661) 319-6620 E-mail: wbowmancadc@yahoo.com Offering Anger Management, Domestic Violence for Batteres, Child Endangerment 52 week program and Parenting-Neglect programs available. Sliding fee scale. Additional offices in Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo, CA. *WOMEN OF WORTH 2812 Potomac Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 832-8075 FAX (661) 832-0375 2500 Olmo Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 832-8075 501 Tilton Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 412-8770 New provider in 2014 for Parenting/Neglect and Anger Management. Sober living environments for women ONLY. X - - - - - - - - - - NONE - - - - - - - - - - Y Y-EMPOWERMENT INC. th 1907 17 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)381-1082 Contact: Nila Hogan New provider in 2014 for Anger Management. Other services available. Z - - - - - - - - - - NONE - - - - - - - - - - Nov. 2014 12 Community Resources for Families KERN COUNTY HELP LINE Dial “2-1-1” from a Local Land Line The Help Line through the Community Action Partnership of Kern provides comprehensive information and referral services that link Kern County residents to community health and human services and support. AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM BAKERSFIELD POLICE ACTIVITIES LEAGUE (PAL) 301 E. 4th St. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 283-8880 FAX (661) 283-8878 Contact: Naomi This service is one of the BPD’s efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency. It provides programs to equip our youth with skills and opportunities to become successful, responsible and caring individuals. It encompasses four areas that include athletics, education, recreation and social activities. FRIENDSHIP HOUSE 2424 Cottonwood Road Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 369-8926 Offers a free After-School Program for community youth that includes homework assistance, tutoring, recreational activities, and daily snacks. The After-School Program is made available Monday – Friday from 2pm-6pm and on Saturdays from 10am-2pm.Kern Tutoring, Arts/Sciences, Homework Time and Mentoring is available. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF KERN COUNTY 801 Niles St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 325-3730 FAX (661) 325-2118 Promotes social, educational, health and character development for our community youth. It provides services and after school programs to children ages 5 through 17. Activities include homework assistance, computer education, photography, sports, life skills, social skills and positive lifestyle. KERN COUNTY SHERIFF’S ACTIVITIES LEAGUE (SAL) 1700 Flower St. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 868-1504 Contact: Marco Vasquez, Sr Deputy Offers activities for the youth of Kern County in the areas of academic tutoring, sports, crafts, games, computer training and leadership training. Its mission is to develop “local youth into responsible, productive, and ethical citizens and reducing juvenile victimization, crime, and delinquency.” CHILD CARE SERVICES BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOLS: MAGNET SCHOOLS: Fremont 607 Texas (661) 631-5280 Horace Mann 2710 Niles (661) 631-5360 Mount Vernon 2161 Potomac (661) 631-5380 Owens Primary 815 Potomac (661) 631-5420 Thorner 5501 Thorner (661) 631-5490 Cesar Chavez 4201 Mesa Marin Dr. (661) 631-5870 CARING CORNER DAY CARE- MEDICALLY FRAGILE 942 Wible Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 847-7342 FAX (661) 847-7346 Daycare and respite services for individuals with special needs from birth to 21 years of age. Services provided with respect to cultural needs, age, development and ability. Also offers services for children with special needs. COMMUNITY CONNECTION FOR CHILD CARE 2000 K St. Ste. 110 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 861-5200 (661) 861-5262 Fax Nov. 2014 FULL CIRCLE SUPPORT rd 1703 3 St. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 861-6040 24-7 Respite services for children with special needs. Respite provided in your home. Kern Regional Clients only. GARDEN PATHWAYS DOWNTOWN EDUCATION CENTER PRESCHOOL AND INFANT CARE th 1130 17 Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)633-2302 www.gardenpathways.org Preschool and Infant Care-ages 6 weeks to 6 years afterschool CareUntil 6th birthday. Community Connection for Child Care and Private pay family’s welcome. KERNVILLE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESCHOOL 3240 Erskine Creek Rd Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-3651 13 CONTINUATION…………………………………… CHILD CARE SERVICES THE JASMINE NYREE DAY CENTER th 801 18 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-1230 (661) 327-1236 fax CHILDREN’S COUNSELING SERVICES CLINICA SIERRA VISTA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Child Abuse Treatment 1400 S. Union Ave. Program (CHAT) Bakersfield, CA 93307 7839 Burgundy Ave. (661) 397-8775 Lamont, CA 93241 KERN COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Assessment Center 2151 College Ave. 3715 Columbus St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 868-8129 (661) 868-7150 (661) 845-5100 Serving Arvin and Lamont 3717 Mt. Pinos Wy. Frazier Park, CA 93225 (661) 248-5250 COLLEGE COMMUNITY SERVICES – CHILDREN 29325 Kimberlina Rd. 1400 N. Norma St., Ste. 133 Wasco, CA 93280 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 758-4029 (760) 499-7406 FAX (760) 499-9259 Contact: Josh Hartman 2731 Nugget Ave. Lakes Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-3412 FAX (760) 379-5332 Contact: Sonie Andres 113 East “F” St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 822-8223 Contact: Nancy Metcalf 16940 Hwy. 14, Ste. C-F (661) 824-5020 (661) 824-5026 Contact: Adriana Salinas Serving Wasco, Buttonwillow, Shafter, Lost Hills & Semitropic Children’s Out-Patient 2621 Oswell St. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 868-6750 FAX (661) 868-6752 Children’s Niles St. 7900 East Niles St. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 868-7730 Children’s System of Care 1111 Columbus St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 868-8300 GOOD SAMARITAN 5201 White Ln. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 398-1800 NE THERAPY CLINIC 3715 Columbus St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 HENRIETTA WEILL MEMORIAL CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC (661) 868-7199 3628 Stockdale Hwy. 1318 High St. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 322-1021 (661) 725-1042 FAX (661) 322-7334 FAX (661) 725-1845 *Serving Central Bakersfield *Serving Delano, McFarland 2001 N. Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 393-5836 *Serving North Bakersfield Provides individual family and group counseling services for children, adolescents and families who reside in Kern County. Nov. 2014 14 Taft th 1021 4 St. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-8660 COMMUNITY RESOURCES - GENERAL ACE ADVANCED CENTER FOR EYE CARE 1721 Westwind Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 215-1006 Contact: Justin Cave Sliding scale eye examinations for the under insured and noninsured. COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP OF KERN 5005 Business Park North Ste. 130 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 336-5236 FAX (661) 322-2237 HIV/AIDS Education & Prevention: HIV Outreach, preventions and Testing Services are available to high risk individuals and substance users in treatment. AGING AND ADULT SERVICES-KERN COUNTY In-Home Supporive Services (IHHS) 5357 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 868-1000 (800) 510-2020 COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP OF KERN FINANCIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS 5005 Business Park North Ste. 130 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 336-5236 FAX (661) 322-2237 Financial Literacy Program This program provides financial literacy classes to lowincome clients to hlep them gain knowledge of budgeting, banking and savings options available to them. HIV/AIDS Education & Prevention: HIV Outreach, Prevention and Testing Services are available to high risk individuals and substance users in treatment. B-GLAD 4949 Buckely Way, Ste 203 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 831-2884 FAX (661) 831-7673 Information and referral services. Free Family Communication. Resource Kit- Teacher ASL BURKE, DAN M.F.T 1326 H St., Ste. 3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 487-0940 FAX (661) 631-2551 Helpline: (661) 336-5200 Family and children’s counseling 6 and above. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES 3120 F St. 165 Center St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Taft, CA 93268 (800) 777-0133 (800) 777-0133 DESERT AREA RESOURCES & TRAINING (DART) 201 E. Ridgecrest Blvd. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 375-9787 FAX (760) 375-1288 Provides services and opportunities to people who have developmental diabilities or other special needs. BUTTONWILLOW COMMUINTY RESOURCE CENTER 42600 Hwy 58 Buttonwillow, CA 93206 (661) 764-9405 CENTER FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED 1721 Westwind Dr. Ste B Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-5234 FAX (661) 324-1176 Advocating for the rights of, and services to, people in and around the Bakersfield area who are blind or visually impaired. Center is open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday. EBONY COUNSELING CENTER 1301 California Ave Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 324-4756 FAX (661) 324-1652 Addiional Services Provided: Black infant Health Program, Youth Program; Gang Violence Prevention; Information and Education Teen Pregnancy Prevention CLINICA SIERRA VISTA East Kern Family Resource Center 15662 K St. Mojave, CA 93501 (661) 824-4118 FAX: (661)824-4150 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT English 1-800-300-5616 Spanish 1-800-326-8937 EPILEPSY SOCIETY OF KERN COUNTY 5117 Office Park Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 634-9810 Provides employment services, advocacy, car seats and support groups. Also offers job skills training. COLLEGE COMMUNITY SERVICES th 1021 4 St. Suite B Taft, CA 93268 (661) 765-7025 Nov. 2014 15 COMMUNITY RESOURCES - GENERAL CONTINUATION……………… FRIENDS OUTSIDE OF KERN COUNTY/DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 3416 Sillect Ave., Ste. A Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 721-6300 Ext. 4912 FAX (661) 324-2966 Spanish language services provided. Counseling and referrals for adult parolees and their families. INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER OF KERN COUNTY 5251 Office Park Dr., Ste. 200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-1063 FAX (661)325-6702 ILKC is a non-profit serving Kern County since 1981. Managed more tha 50% by peple with disabilities, ILKC helps people with disabilities live as independently as possible through programs, serivces, training, advocacy, and referrals for resources, at no charge to consumers, including: Independent living skills classes (money management, wellness, transportation, peer groups, computers); lending adaptable durable medical equipment; locating affordable housing and preventing homelesness; transitioning from assisted living or nursing homes to independence; advocacy (independent, organizational, and societal); finding and hiring personal care assistants; benefits assistance; information and referral; outreach; and job placement for individuals referred by the Dept. of Rehabilitation. All programs are subject to available funding at the time of service. GARDEN PATHWAYS th 1616 29 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 633-9133 FAX (661) 633-9134 Comprehensive Mentoring services for youth and adults, life skills, job readiness, resume preparaion, mock interviews, vocational training, batters intervention services, GED, Community services (restorative justice) Childcare-Preschool and infantcare Link to services/resources; CalWORKS participants earn two hours work credit for 32-hour requirement. Closed on Fridays. HENRIETTA WEILL MEMORIAL CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC 3628 Stockdale Hwy. 2001 N. Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 322-1021 (661) 393-5836 INDIAN WELLS VALLEY FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER 825 N. Down Street, Suite A Ridgecrest, CA (760) 375-4357 FAX (760)371-2446 AFLP and Cal-Learn program; all ages and income. Link to Women’s Center, College Community Services, HEARTS Connection and other resources. th 1430 6 Ave. Delano, CA 93215 (661) 725-1042 FAX (661) 725-1845 Provides indivdual, family counseling servies for children, adolescents and families who reside in Kern County. JESUS SHACK, INC. 2800 Pegasus Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-0638 FAX (661) 324-0556 HOMELESS HEALTH CARE SERVICES 234 Baker St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661)322-7580 Volunteer work. KERN ADULT LITERACY COUNCIL 331 18th St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-3213 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF KERN th 601-24 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 631-8500 (661) 631-8500 x4 Section 8 office FAX (661) 631-9500 Housing Location: 7823 Emperor 701 Meyer St. Lamont, CA 93241 Arvin, CA 93203 (661) 845-3951 (661) 854-2389 FAX (661) 845-9189 (661) 854-7127 Low-income and Section-8 housing; 30% of monthly income; waiting list. Must view Social Security cards for all family members; picture ID and background checks required for all household adults. Nov. 2014 16 COMMUNITY RESOURCES - GENERAL CONTINUATION……………… KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Main Office Adoptions 100 E. California Ave 3041 Wilson Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 631-6000 (661) 631-6006 FAX (661) 631-6811 FAX (661) 868-8945 www.co.kern.ca.us/dhs/ KERN COUNTY TRUANCY REDUCTION PROGRAM 300 E. Truxtun Ave. Ste B Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 636-4757 FAX (661) 636-4329 Contact: Daryl Thiesen Delano 1816 Cecil Ave Delano, CA 93215 (661) 721-5134 Lake Isabella 7050 Lake Isabella Blvd. Ste 130 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (790) 549-2006 Lamont 8300 Segrue Rd Lamont, CA 93241 (661) 635-4000 Mojave 2340 Hwy 58 Mojave, CA 93501 (661) 824-7500 KERN LIFELINE PROJECT nd 2000 Physicians Blvd. 2 Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-3262 FAX (661) 637-2137 (800) 266-3262 toll free Ridgecrest 145 E. Ridgecrest Blvd Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 499-5200 Shafter 115 Central Valley Hwy Shafter, CA 93263 (661) 746-8300 HIV positive and AIDS case management/referral MEXICAN AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY FOUNDATION th 2001 28 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 336-6943 FAX (661) 336-6861 MAOF Bakersfield provides comprehensive vocational training programs leading to gainful employment in various work disciplines to the residents of Kern County. Training and services are provided at no cost to qualifying youth, adults and seniors. Referral needed from Employers Training Resource. Taft th 119 North 10 Street Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-0200 KCDHS CPS Hotline (877) 233-0073 Jamison Children’s Center (661) 334-3500 EBT Card Helpline (877) 328-9677 Health Care Reform/Medi-Cal MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER 3015 Mt. Pinos Way Frazier Park, CA (661)245-4303 Spanish services also available. KERN COUNTY LIBRARY BEALE MEMORIAL LIBRARY –MAIN BRANCH 701 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 868-0701 Call for other location listings. NAPD –NEW ADVANCES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 2601 F St. Bakrersfield, CA 93301 (661) 395-1361 Provides services to adults who are intellecual & developmentally disabled. KERN COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT KERN LINKAGE PROGRAM 2525 N. Chester Ave., Ste. C Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 868-1840 FAX (661) 868-1841 Referral: Case management services to homeless mentally ill/substance abuse addiction. NORTH OF THE RIVER RECREATION & PARK DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD PLACE COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTERS Riverview Park 401 Willow Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 392-2054 (661) 392-2048 fax Early childhood development and family support services, including tutoring, ESL and literacy; prekindergarten/parent workshop; reading, crafts, gardening programs (parents/children 0 — 5 years). KERN COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT MARY K. SHELL CENTER 2151 College Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 868-8111 FAX (661) 868-8087 The Mary K. Shell Mental Health Center’s crisis stabilization unit offers the following services for adults and children: OLD TOWN KERN COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 234 Baker St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661)322-7580 24 hour services including crisis interventions • Assessment and referral to other mental health services • Support for families and significant others • Case management services and linkage to useful resources Crisis Line (661) 868-8000 Toll Free (800) 991-5272 Nov. 2014 17 COMMUNITY RESOURCES - GENERAL CONTINUATION……………… PARENT PROJECT - KERN COUNTY SUPT. OF SCHOOLS Bakersfield Ridgecrest th 1300 17 St. Indian Wells Valley Bakersfield, CA 93301 Family Resource Center 661-636-4242 825 N. Downs St., Ste. A ask for Parent Project or go to: Ridgecrest, CA 93555 www.kernparentproject .org (760) 375-4357 FAX (760) 371-2446 A 10 to 16-week parent training program designed specifically for parents of strong-willed or out-of-control children. Fee $20, scholarships available. TERRIO AQUATIC CENTER 1800 West wind. Dr., Ste. 500 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-9411 FAX (661) 616-9199 Terrio Aquatic Center operates a year-round indoor pool with an average temperature of 92. The pool is accessible by wheelchair and specially equipped with a ramp, handrails, and lift. Classes offered Monday-Friday 8:00am- 7:00pm. Dr. referrals required to participate. UTILITIES ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS California Lifeline (866)272-0349 SHAFTER YOUTH CENTER 455 E. Euclid Ave. Shafter, CA 93263 (661) 746-8235 FAX (661) 746-0983 P G & E C A R E P r o g r a m (15% discount) (800) 743-5000 Southern California Gas Company Care Program: (800) 427-2200 Direct assistance Program: (800) 331-7593 Weatherization assistant program for income eligible SHAFTER YOUTH CENTER 455 E. Euclid Ave. Shafter, CA 93263 (661) 746-8235 FAX (661) 746-0983 Southern California Edison (800) 447-6620 Home Emergency Assistance Program (HEAP) 3115 Select Ave Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 336-5203 FAX (661) 336-5263 For customers on TANF, food stamps, SSI/SSP or limited income. Reach Program (800) 933-9677 Call for the nearest location in your area. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 5300 Office Park Dr. 2575 Haley St. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 861-4242 (866) 366-9558 (800) 772-1213 toll free 2234 Girard St. Monday - Friday 9:00amDelano, CA 93215 4:30 pm (661) 725-3721 (800) 772-1213 toll free SOCIETY FOR DISABLED CHILDREN 1819 Brundage Ln. VITA TAX PREPARATION 2-1-1 th 300 19 St. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 834-1724 Free tax preparation services (during tax season) to individuals and families. (Service is offered through Community Action Partnership of Kern County) Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 322-5595 FAX (661) 633-0696 Speech therapy, aid, equipment loans and transportation. Summer camp for handicapped children. SPECIAL OLYMPICS-KERN COUNTY – REGIONAL OFFICE (661) 322-7598 Special Olympics is a grass-roots movement that provides year-round sports training and athlete competition to children and adults with intellectual disabilities SUPERIOR COURT Me t r o p o l i t a n D i s t r i c t 1415 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 868-5393 (661) 868-5393/Family Law (661) 868-2382/Traffic Div J u ve n i l e J u s t i c e C e n t e r 2100 College Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 868-4270 TEEN REACH OUT AGAINST DRUGS (ROAD) 1527 F St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 325-5005 FAX (661) 325-2344 After-school program for teen Kern Regional Clients only. Contact: Becky Thomas Nov. 2014 18 VOTER REGISTRATION 1115 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 868-3590 WENDALE DAVIS FOUNDATION rd 1330 3 Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 829-2038 FAX (661)323-2467 wendaledavisfoundation@yahoo.com Is a non-profit organization that specializes in various forms of behavior and education health. Services include mentoring and tutoring children and adults. Gang intervention/prevention, substance abuse, and ager manangement classes. WESTSIDE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION 630 Kern St. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 765-5414 EDUCATION SERVICES Alternative Education- HS diploma 16-19yrs Mt. View High School, Mojave (661) 824-9351 Monroe High School, Tehachapi (661) 822-2124 Rare Earth High School, Rosamond (661) 256-5090 Mercy Learning Center 631 E. California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 325-2995 Bakersfield Adult School 501 S. Mount Vernon Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 835-1855 Mountain Pathways- Day program for special need adults 311 W F St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 823-7302 Bakersfield College 1801 Panorama Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 395-4011 Regional Occupational Center (ROC) 501 S. Mount Vernon Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 831-3377 Career Services Center See Employment/Job Search Services section for locations. East Kern Family Resource Center 15662 K St. Mojave, CA 93501 (661) 824-4118 WESTEC 5801 E. Lerdo Hwy Shafter, CA 93263 661) 387-1055 Kern Adult Literacy Council 331 18th St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-3213 FAX (661) 861-0417 *No fees Westside Regional Occupational Program 500 Cascade Place Taft, CA 93268 (661) 765-7185 Kern County ROP-Vocational Training 15925 K St. Mojave, CA (661) 824-9313 Nov. 2014 19 EMPLOYMENT/JOB SEARCH SERVICES AMERICA’S JOB CENTER (FORMERLY CAREER SERVICES CENTER) Bakersfield Rigecrest 1600 E. Belle Terrace 1400 Norma St. Ste. 105 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 325-4473 (760) 446-2595 FAX (661) 635-2761 FAX (760) 446-5108 200 China Grade Loop Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 336-6700 Taft 119 N. 10th St.. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-5491 FAX (661) 763-0293 Lake Isabella 6401 Lake Isabella Blvd. Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-2074 FAX (760) 379-4746 Delano 1816 Cecil Ave. Delano, CA 93215 (661) 721-5800 FAX (661) 721-5850 DHS JOB FIRST CENTER 100 E. California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 366-7411 Mojave 2340 Hwy 58 Mojave, CA (661) 824-7800 FAX: (661)824-7801 FAMILY RECREATIONAL SERVICES BAKERSFIELD CITY PARKS AND RECREATION 1600 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3695 MCMURTREY AQUATIC CENTER 1325 Q St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 852-7430 MURRAY FAMILY FARMS 6700 General Beale Rd. Arvin, CA 93203 (661) 330-0100 The family oriented Main Farmer's Market location offers a children’s play area, petting zoo, baby farm animals, and is the only farm in Kern County to offer Hay Rides and “Pick Your Own” fruit and vegetable crops. BAKERSFIELD ICE SPORTS CENTER 1325 “Q” St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 852-7400 Offer packages for parties that have a minimum of ten guests. Offers skating and hockey lessons. CALIFORNIA LIVING MUSEUM (CALM) 10500 Alfred Harrell Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 872-2256 Displays and interprets native California animals, plants, fossils, and artifacts to teach a respect for all living things through education, recreation, conservation and research. NORTH OF THE RIVER RECREATION & PARK DISTRICT 405 Galaxy Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 392-2000 FAX (661) 392-2041 Organizes and conducts a wide variety of park and recreational programs within its designated boundaries. It offers over 200 classes/programs each year for public participation for all age groups. Some of the services offered include child learning centers, child care, extended day care, R.I.O.T. club and NOR junior theater. CAMELOT PARK FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT 1251 Oak St. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 859-1812 (661) 326-8132 fax OTHER SITE LOCATIONS Martin Luther King Center 1000 S. Owens Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 322-9874 KERN COUNTY MUSEUM 3801 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 868-8400 (661) 322-6415 fax The museum features 56 historic exhibits, many in relocated structures, an award winning hands-on oil exhibition Black Gold: The Oil Experience and the Lori Brock Children's Discovery Center for youth eight and under. Nov. 2014 20 Silver Creek Community 7011 Harris Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661) 665-8033 FAMILY RECREATIONAL SERVICES CONTINUATION…... RABOBANK ARENA THEATER & CONVENTION CENTER 1001 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 852-7300 Administration Office (661) 852-7777 Event Information (800) 745-3000 TICKETMASTER ROLLERAMA 7850 Brimhall Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 589-7555 SKATELAND INC. 415 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 831-5567 WESTSIDE RECREATIONS & PARK DISTRICT 500 Cascade Place Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-4246 th 1004 34 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-7589 FOOD/CLOTHING/SHELTER ASSISTANCE ALLIANCE AGAINST FAMILY VIOLENCE 1921-19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-0931 (661) 322-2916 fax (800) 273-7713 toll free DELANO COMMUINTY CONNECTION CENTER 1842 Norwalk St. Delano CA, 93215 (661) 721-7036 FAMILY RESOURCE CENTERS (FRC) Arvin (FRC) Buttonwillow Community 207 S. A St. Resource (FRC) Arvin, CA 93203 42600 Hwy. 58 (661) 854-6526 Buttonwillow, CA 93206 (661)764-9405 (Spanish) Secure shelter for battered women and children. BAKERSFIELD HOMELESS CENTER 1600 E. Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 322-9281 COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS –RESOURCE CENTERS East Bakersfield Community 1530 E. 19h St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 631-5895 -Debbie Wood BAKERSFIELD PREGNANCY CENTER st 1801 21 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-1907 (661) 326-1916 fax Christian pro-life. No cost pregnancy testing and options, post-abortion counseling, ultrasounds, health care, social service referrals, baby clothes and furniture. Lake Isabella 6401 Lake Isabella Blvd. Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-2556 CALIFORNIA UNIVERSAL LIFELINE 1-866-272-8349 FOOD BANK HELPLINE 2-1-1 Directory (800) 273-2275 toll free Food bank warehouse 1807 Felix Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 398-4520 Call for referrals. Identification required (state driver license or ID card and Social Security number). COMMODITIES (FOOD DISTRIBUTION) Mojave Park New Life Assembly of God O. st-Vet Building 21924 Calhoun Dr. rd 3 Wednesday 9:00am Cal City First Saturday of month 9:00am COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Emergncy Services 700 North St. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 765-2369 FOOD PANTRY COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CAL. CITY 21001 Conklin Blvd. California City, CA 93505 (760) 373-2346 FRIENDSHIP HOUSE 2424 Cottonwood Road Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 369-8926 COMMUNITY CONNECTION FOR CHILD CARE (CCCC) 2000 K Street, Ste. 110 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 861-5200 Nov. 2014 Mojave 15862 K St. Mojave, CA (661) 824-4118 21 FOOD/CLOTHING/SHELTER ASSISTANCE CONTINUATION…………………….………..… GOD’S STOREHOUSE 14432 Hwy 178 Weldon, CA 93283 (760) 378-2880 or (760) 378-2725 LABORERS OF THE HARVEST 201 Harrison St. Taft CA, 93268 (661) 763-1886 FAX (661) 342-6110 Groceries only Tuesdays and Thursdays ONLY. GOLDEN EMPIRE GLEANERS th 1326 30 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-2767 FAX 324-2784 7:30am- 1:30pm once a week. LOVE, INC. (661) 325-6838 (661) 325-8838 Telephone clearinghouse, Monday – Friday, 9 am to noon. Food pantries and delivery to the ill and elderly; furniture and appliance needs; transportation to appointments and local moving assistance; home, appliance and auto repairs; visits and prayer. HELPING HAND MINISTRIES Web Recycling 3612 Suhre St. Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760)379-8201 PG&E 1-800-743-5000 Offering programs such as CARE, FERA, LIHEAP, medical Baseline Program, and Balance pay plan, and energy savings assistance. HOME EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (HEAP) (Through Community Action Partnership) (661) 336-5203 Taft Location: C.A.R.E Program 550 Garden Field Road (661) 763-4619 (Food/ Clothing/ Shelter Assistance Continued) HOMELESS SHELTERS Bakersfield Homeless Center (661) 322-9199 Bakersfield Rescue Mission (661) 325-0863 Men ONLY HOPE CENTER 3311 Manor St. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 399-2119 FAX (661) 399-2294 Clothing and food no referral needed. Household items by referral Monday - Friday 9:30 - 12 p.m. VINCENT DE PAUL (CLOTHING) TAFT, CA 93268 SAINT 300 Baker St. (in alley) 122 S. Green St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Tehachapi, CA (661) 323-7340 (661) 822-7083 FAX (661) 323-1160 Clothing, emergency furniture and food baskets with referral. HIGH DESERT WOMEN’S CENTER 134 S. China Lake Blvd. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 371-1969 FAX (760) 371-3449 (760) 375-7525 hotline (760) 375-7100 child abuse hotline Women’s shelter, sexual assault response team, child abuse prevention helpline, court advocacy, temporary restraining order, and legal assistance. SALVATION ARMY Bakersfield 4417 Wilson Rd. (661) 836-8487 FAX (661) 836-1462 B u t t o n wi l l o w 42600 Hwy. 58 (661) 764-9405 FAX (661) 764-9445 Ridgecrest 151 N. Down St. (760) 375-7219 INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER OF KERN COUNTY 5251 Office Park Dr. Ste 200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-1063 FAX (661) 325-6702 www.ilcofkerncounty.org (We are able to refer you to appropriate agency.) Rosamond 2881 C St. (661) 256-9153 FAX (661) 256-3799 Ta f t th 915 N. 10 St., Ste. 20 (661) 765-7281 FAX (661) 765-7143 Te h a c h a p i 538 East Tehachapi Blvd. (661) 823-9508 FAX (661) 823-1952 KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DEPARTMENT Greater Bakersfield Outlying areas (661) 634-9245 (661) 862-5299 FAX (661) 328-1548 Mojave 15662 K St. (661) 824-2100 W as c o th 1024 7 St. (661) 758-3884 Food baskets, utilities and rent assistance. Hours and services vary by office. Nov. 2014 22 FOOD/CLOTHING/SHELTER ASSISTANCE CONTINUATION…………………….………..… THE MISSION OF KERN Main Office st 816 E. 21 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 325-0863 SHARING AND CARING (CLOTHING) 203 Pauley St. Tehachapi, CA (661) 822-3001 SMARTER ENERGY LINE 1-800-933-9555 VALLEY CATHOLIC CHARITIES 1825 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 281-2130 FAX (661) 281-2139 Referrals required for some services; limited food, hygiene kits based on having funding available. TAFT NEEDS CENTER 518 Main St. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-4888 FAX (661) 763-4313 Food and clothes closet. Monday & Friday, 9 a.m. to noon. WIC- CALL FOR APPOINTMENT AND LOCATION 1-866-327-3074 Tehachapi, Rosamond, Mojave, Boron and California City GANG PREVENTION SERVICES COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP OF KERN/ STOP THE VIOLENCE 5005 Business Park North Ste. 130 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661)336-5236 Ext.1177 Services provided; Community Services and Family Mentoring. Email: rramkiss@capk.org KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 100 E. California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 631-6000 (661) 631-6811 fax WWW.CO.KERN.CA.US/DHS KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SHCOOLS th 1300 17 Street- Blanton Ed. Center Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 852-5649 FAX (661) 852-5694 Services provided; Before and After School Programs, Parent Project and Youth Leadership Development. Targeted case management of youth at risk for gan involvement. EBONY COUNSELING CENTER 1301 California Ave Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 324-4756 Fax: (661) 324-1652 Services provided; After-School Program/Gang Prevention, Community Services Projects and Community Learning Activities. Email: whatwood@ebonycc.com WEB SITE: WWW.EBONYCOUNCELINGCENTER.COM www.facebook.com/Ebonycounselingcenter.com KERN COUNTY TEEN CHALLENGE P.O. Box 1011 Bakersfield, CA 93302 (661) 399-2273 Services provided; After-School Programs E-Mail: chris.ferguson@teenchallenge.org FAITH IN ACTION KERN COUNTY 2005 Eye St, Suite #3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 364-8790 Joseph Johnson FAX (661) 631-9201 Services provided; Family workshop. NEW LIFE RECOVERY & TRAINING CENTER 3501 Edison Hwy. P.O. Box 71195 Bakersfield, CA 93387 (661) 366-8003 FAX (661) 366-8001 Services provided; Vocational Training Program, Employment Case Management, Employment Readiness and Placement Services, and Referrals to supportive services. AB109 Post Release & Residential Employment Program E-Mail: Barbara@newlifecenter.us.com Web Site: www.newlifetrainingcenter.org GARDEN PATHWAYS th 1616 29 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 633-9133 FAX (661) 633-9133 Services provided; Comprehensive Youth Mentoring, Comprehensive Parent Mentoring and Support. www.gardenpathways.org Email: ricardom@gardenpathways.org lorenar@gardenpahways.org Nov. 2014 23 GANG PREVENTION SERVICES CONINTUATION……….…. STAY FOCUSED MINISTRIES 1225 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-HOPE (4673) FAX (661) 322-4622 Services Provided; Youth Mentoring/Leadership Services, School Assemblies, Gang Prevention/Crisis Intervention/Anti-Bullying and Crisis Intervention/Community Outreach. Email: into@stayfocused.org www.reach4greatness.org HOTLINES, HELPLINES & REFERRALS ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES CALL CENTER (661) 868-1006 (800) 510-2020 (800) 277-7866 toll free Department of Aging (800) 434-0222 AIDS/HIV HOTLINE (800) 367-2437 Monday-Friday 9am-4pm (800) 628-9240 After hours BAKERSFIELD CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER st 1801 21 St. Ste.2 (661) 326-1907 BATTERED WOMEN’S HOTLINE (800) 548-2722 Ask for Battered Women’s Hotline. Referrals needed. (800) 232-4636 General Info/ Testing CALIFORNIA YOUTH CRISIS LINE (800) 843-5200 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Bakersfield (661) 322-4025 Ridgecrest (760) 375-5445 CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL (800) CDC- info (232-4636) toll free National HIV, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases information service. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS VISITOR’S HOTLINE (800) 374-8474 toll free Services, transportation and assistance for families of inmates. (661) 393-8871 AMBER ALERT (916) 843-3250 (for agencies use only) (800) TEL-LCPH (for the public) DRUG AND ALCOHOL CRISIS HOTLINE (800) 662-4357 toll free AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY: BAKERSFIELD UNIT (661) 327-2424 EBT CARD HELPLINE (877) 328-9677 toll free AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION, KERN COUNTY CHAPTER FOOD BANK HELPLINE 2-1-1 Directory: Kern County Food Bank (800) 273-2275 toll free (661) 398-4520 Call for referrals. Identification required (state driver license or ID card and Social Security number). (888) 342-2383 AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION (661) 327-1173 BAKERSFIELD ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CITIZENS (B.A.R.C) (661) 834-2272 HOFFMAN HOSPICE OF THE VALLEY (888) 833-3900 toll free (661) 410-1010 Kern County BAKERSFIELD CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (A.D.D.) AND SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY AND DISLECTSIA Stockdale Learning Center (661) 326-8084 or (661) 331-2373 Nov. 2014 24 HOTLINES & REFERRALS CONTINUATION……………….. INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER OF KERN COUNTY (661) 325-1063 (661) 369-8966 VRS (800) 529-9541 toll free www.ilcofkerncounty.org NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR THE MENTALLY ILL (661) 868-5061 (ADHD, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and other Brain Disorder) JAMISON CHILDREN’S CENTER (661) 334-3500 NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN (800) 843-5678 English/Spanish toll free JUVENILE DIABETES FOUNDATION BAKERSFIELD (661) 636-1305 NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE (800) 799-7233 English/Spanish toll free KERN AUTISM NETWORK (661) 588-4235 NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY KERN COUNTY (661) 321-9512 KERN COUNTY CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE KCDHS CPS Hotline Ridgecrest (661) 631-6011 (760) 375-6049 (877) 233-0073 NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD (800) 621-4000 OPTIMAL HOSPICE CARE (661) 716-4000 KERN COUNTY HELP LINE Dial “2-1-1” Toll Free 1 (800) 273-2275 The Help Line through the Community Action Partnership of Kern Provides comprehensive information and referral services that link Kern County residents to community health and human services and support. RAPE CRISIS HOTLINE Ridgecrest (760) 375-0745 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES HOTLINE (HEALTH AMERICA) (800) 227-8922 (919) 361-8400 Monday – Friday 9am– 11pm www.Ashastd.org KERN COUNTY LEAD POISONING PREVENTION PROGRAM (661) 321-3000 SOCIETY FOR DISABLED CHILDREN (661) 322-5595 KERN COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Crisis Intervention Center Family Advocate: (suicide) Erick Moss (661) 868-8000 (661) 868-6626 (800) 991-5272 SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS) SUPPORT (800) 369-7437 www.california sids.com TEEN CHALLENGE HOTLINE (661) 399-2273 KERN LIFELINE PROJECT (AIDS) (661) 324-3262 (800) 266-3262 toll free WARMLINE PARENTING SERVICES PARENTING SUPPORT (661) 323-3531 (888) 955-9099 toll free MIGRANT EDUCATION HOTLINE (800) 234-8848 WOMEN’S SHELTER NETWORK Ridgecrest (760) 375-7525 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION- KERN COUNTY CHAPTER (559) 453-9822 (520) 529-2000 National NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS INFORMATION LINE (877) 629-6759 Nov. 2014 25 INFANT & CHILD SERVICES BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERS Preschool 1 1801 Panorama (661) 395-4560 Fax (661) 395-4844 Preschool 2 1801 Panorama (661) 395-4369 HEAD START PROGRAM, COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP th 300 19 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 336-5236 FAX (661) 322-2237 Sites in Bakersfield, Buttonwillow, California City, Delano, Lake Isabella, Lamont, Lost Hills, McFarland, Mojave, Ridgecrest, Rosamond, Shafter, Taft, Tehachapi and Wasco B-GLAD 4949 Buckley Wy., Ste. 203 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 369-8858 FAX (661) 831-7673 (661) 831-2884 TTY Information and referral services. Free Family Communication Resource Kit – teaches ASL. Black Infant Health Department of Public Health 1800 Mt. Vernon Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 868-0492 FAX (661) 868-0225 HEARTS CONNECTION RESOURCE CENTER (AUTISM) 3101 N. Sillect Ave., Ste. 115 6505 Wofford Hts Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93308 Wofford Heights 93285 (661) 328-9055 1-800-210-7633 For families of children with special needs. Parent to parent support, advocacy, training and assistance, resource coordination and information. Also sibling support group. Ebony Counseling Center 1301 California Ave Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 324-4756 FAX (661) 324-1652 KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Main Office Adoptions 100 E. California Ave. 3041 Wilson Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 631-6000 (661) 631-6006 FAX (661) 631-6811 FAX (661) 868-8945 KCDHS CPS Hotline (661) 631-6011 Jamison Children’s Center (661) 334-3500 EBT Card Helpline (877) 328-9677 Customer Assistance 1-800-427-7702 or (661) 631-6855 www.co.kern.ca.us/dhs Offices in Delano, Lake Isabella, Lamont, Mojave, Ridgcrest, Shafter, Taft and Wasco (Spanish) CALIFORNIA CHILDREN’S SERVICES (CCS) nd 1800 Mt. Vernon Ave. 2 floor Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 321-3000 (877)818-4787 FAX (661) 635-2901 Some funding assistance for children with catastrophic illness/severe handicap CALIFORNIA SEARCH AND SERVE (661) 636-4817 Bakersfield City Schools (661) 631-4600 Fax (661) 326-1485 Panama-Buena Vista District (661) 831-8331 Beardsley School District (661) 393-8550 x232 Kern High School District (661) 827-3100 Kern Superintendent of Schools (661) 636-4080 Special education for ages 0 – 21. Contact outlying area school districts for referrals. KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1800 Mount Vernon Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 321-3000 FAX (661) 868-0266 www.kernpublichealth.com KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS/EARLY INTERVENTION th 1300 17 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 636-4884 FAX (661) 636-4810 EAST BAKERSFIELD COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 815 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 322-3905 Outreach for pregnant African-American women, Over 18, parenting children under 2 years. Information and referral, mentoring, social group, community coalition. GARDEN PATHWAYS DOWNTOWN EDUCATION CENTER- PRESCHOOL AND INFANT CARE th 1130 17 Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)633-2302 www.gardenpathways.org Preschool and Infant Care-ages 6 weeks to 6 years th afterschool Care- Until 6 birthday Community Connection for Child Care and Private pay families’ welcome. 26 Nov. 2014 KERN REGIONAL CENTER 3200 N. Sillect Ave. Delano (661) 725-2792 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Lamont (661) 845-2286 (661) 327-8531 Ridgecrest (760) 375-9512 (661) 327-1251 TTY Shafter (661) 746-3918 (800) 479-9899 Taft (661) 765-7294 FAX (661) 324-5060 Tehachapi (661) 822-1288 Serves developmentally disabled: cerebral palsy, epilepsy and autism. Case management and parenting programs. INFANT & CHILD SERVICES CONTINUATION…….... KERN INDIAN EDUCATION PROGRAM 1001 Tower Wy., Ste.230 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 328-6206 FA X (661) 328-6235 Tutoring for all ages; general education and cultural classes. RUGGENBERG CAREER CENTER 610 Ansol Ln. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 366-4401 Provides vocational training for students in Special Education. MASTERING ABILITIES RIDING EQUINES (M.A.R.E.) 18200 Johnson Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93314 (661) 589-1877 FAX (661) 589-2083 M.A.R.E. is a therapeutic horse riding center that provides equine assisted programs to children and adults with physica l and mental disabilities. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD PROGRAM FOR WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN (WIC) Arvin 601 Bear Mtn. Blvd (661) 862-5422 (call center) Bakersfield Sites 500 E. California Ave (661) 327-3074 MATERNAL CHILD OUTREACH PROGRAM (MCOP) East Bakersfield Community Health Center 815 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 322-7881 FAX (661) 323-0423 Pregnancy testing, prenatal care/support, child birth education, home/hospital visits, case management and family planning counseling/education. 10727 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 587-5784 2519 S. H St. Bakersfield, CA, 93304 (661) 837-8403 Lake Isabella 6310 Lake Isabella Blvd Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-2415 Taft th 915 N. 10 St. Suite 12 Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-1844 TRIBAL TANF, OWENS VALLEY CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER 1001 Tower Wy., Ste. 225 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-1086 FAX (661)323-1746 PARTNERS IN PRINT 1025 Cave Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 703-2082 www.partnersinprint.org Partners in Print is a book donation program for children in the foster care system. Book shop open by appointment only and is reserved for children in group homes, foster family homes, agency shelters, CASA case managers, and social workers. 27 Nov. 2014 2400 Wible Rd. Ste. 14 Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 835-4668 Woofford Heights 67 Evans Road (760) 376-2276 NAPD – New Advances for People with Disabilities TAPSS/TTLG Program 4032 Jewett Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-9735 2666 Mt.Vernon Ave., Ste B Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 862-5422 (Call Center) LEGAL SERVICES AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA th 1313 W. 8 St. Los Angeles CA 90017 (213) 977-9500 FAX (213) 977-5297 INDIGENT DEFENSE PROGRAM (IDP) OF KERN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION 1675 Chester Ave., Ste. 220 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 334-4700 FAX (661) 334-4701 Assistance provided for clients and families of heinous crimes. CALIFORNIA IMMIGRANT POLICY CENTER th 1225 8 St.., Ste. 590 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 448-6762 FAX (916) 448-6774 KERN COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT 1775 Hwy 58 Mojave, CA (661) 824-7180 CALIFORNIA RURAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE 601 High St. Ste. C Delano, CA 93215 (661) 725-4350 FAX (661) 725-1062 LA RAZA (IMMIGRATION LAW) th 1630 19 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-1667 FAX (661) 324-3971 CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES th 1300 18 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (866) 901-3212 Toll Free LEGAL HELP CLINIC th 711 6 St. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 765-4000 CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING OF KERN AND TULARE 2001 F St.. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-9628 (800) 272-2482 toll free MEXICAN-AMERICAN LEGAL DEFENSE/EDUCATION FUND 634 S. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90014 (213) 629-2512 EAST KERN MUNICIPAL COURT 1773 Hwy 58, Mojave CA, (661) 824-7100 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE (NAACP) LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND 99 Hudson St., Ste. 1600 New York, NY 10013 (212) 965-2220 FAMILY LAW FACILITATOR st 1215 Truxtun Ave. 1 Floor Mojave Courthouse Bakersfield, CA 93301 1773 Hwy 58 (661) 868-4518 Mojave, CA (661) 824-7100 Each Monday- 9:30-3:30pm PUBLIC DEFENDER’S OFFICE 1315 Truxtun Ave. 315 N. Lincoln St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Taft, CA 93268 (661) 868-4799 (661) 763-8587 FAX (661) 868-4785 FAX (661) 763-8602 GREATER BAKERSFIELD LEGAL ASSISTANCE 615 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 325-5943 FAX (661) 325-4482 (888) 292-4252 toll free Services include; Fair Housing Law Project, Seniors Law Center, Guardianship Caregiver Project and, Community Homeless Court Program, Domestic Violence Reduction Project, Landlord/ Tenant Complaints, and Health Consumer Alliance. SUPERIOR COURT Mentropolitan District 1415 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 868-5393 (661) 868-5393 Family Law (661) 868-2382 Traffic Div. VICTIM/WITNESS ASSISTANCE 1415 Truxtun Ave. Room 6-603 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 868-4535 FAX (661) 868-4586 28 Nov. 2014 Juvenile Justice Center 2100 College Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 868-4270 MEDICAL CLINICS/PREGNANCY CARE GOOD SAMARAIAN 3811 River Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 873-2011 BAKERSFIELD CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER st 1801 21 St., Ste. 1 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-1907 FAX (661) 326-1916 No fee. Christian pro-life. Pregnancy testing and options/post-abortion counseling, health care/social service referrals, baby clothes/furniture 901 Olive Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 215-7500 HIGH DESERT OUTPATIENT HEALTH SYSTEM 211 S. Real Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93304 th 44900 N. 60 St. Lancaster, CA 93536 (661) 948-8581 FAX (661) 945-8474 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL th 420 34 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-4647 KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1800 Mt. Vernon Ave. Lamont Bakersfield, CA 93306 12014 Main St (661) 321-3000 Lamont, CA 93241 FAX (661) 868-0225 (661) 868-5824 CLINICA SIERRA VISTA-CENTRAL BAKERSFIELD COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 301 Brundage Ln. 1508 Garces Hwy., Ste. 1 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 323-6086 (661) 725-4780 FAX (661) 324-6301 FAX (661) 725-1048 Taft 315 N. Lincoln St. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-8591 CLINICA SIERRA VISTA-EAST BAKERSFIELD COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 815 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 322-3905 Tehachapi 125 E. F St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 823-3000 KERN COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1401 “L” St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 868-6100 FAX (661) 868-6111 Prenatal program for pregnant/parenting women with children through 17. Includes substance abuse treatment/counseling, parenting and neglect. CLINICA SIERRA VISTA-MCFARLAND COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 217 W. Kern Ave. McFarland, CA 93250 (661)792-3038 CLINICA SIERRA VISTA-LAMONT COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 8787 Hall Rd. Lamont, CA 93241 (661)845-3731 KERN MEDICAL CENTER (KMC) 1700 Mt. Vernon Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 326-2000 FAX (661) 326-2006 FAMILY LIFE PREGNANCY CENTER 112 South Curry Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 823-8255 Crisis Pregnancy Center, Childbirth education, counseling and support, clothing for mother and baby, adoption referrals, parenting help. KERN RIVER HEALTH CENTER 67 Evan Rd. Wofford Heights, CA 93285 (760) 376-2276 FAX (760) 376-4801 FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATES 2500 H St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 633-5266 KERN VALLEY HEALTH CARE 6412 Laurel Ave Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-2681 FAX (760) 379-3133 COMPREHENSIVE BLOOD & CANCER CENTER 6501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 322-2206 KERN VALLEY HOSPITAL RURAL HEALTH CLINIC 4300 Birch St. Mt. Mesa, CA 93240 (760) 379-1791 FAX (760) 379-1795 DELANO REGIONAL 1401 Garces Hwy. Delano, CA 93215 (661) 725-4800 Nov. 2014 Mojave 1775 Hwy 58 Mojave, CA 93501 (661) 824-7066 KERN VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 6310 Lake Isabella Blvd. Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-2415 29 CONTINUED…….. MEDICAL CLINICS/PREGNANCY CARE PLANNED PARENTHOOD th 2633 16 St., Ste. 100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 634-1000 FAX (661) 634-1040 LAMONT COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 8787 Hall Road Lamont, CA 93241 (661) 845-3731 MERCY HOSPITALS OF BAKERSFIELD-DIGNITY HEALTH 2215 Truxtun Ave 400 Old River Rd Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 632-5000 (661) 632-5000 (661) 732-6270 OMNI FAMILY HEALTH 277 E. Front St. Buttonwillow, CA 93206 (661) 764-5211 1001 Main St. Delano, CA 93215 (661) 721-7080 FAX (661) 758-8132 21138 Paso Robles Hwy. Lost Hills, CA 93249 (661) 797-2667 Medical and Dental Svcs. SAGEBRUSH FAMILY CLINIC 1111 Columbus St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 326-6500 FAX (661) 326-5001 SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2615 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 395-3000 1100 4th St. Taft, CA 93268 (661) 765-5044 217 W. Kern Ave. McFarland, CA 93250 (661) 792-3038 TEHACHAPI VALLEY HOSPITAL 115 West E. St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 823-3000 1133 N. Chelsea St. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760)446-7978 659 S. Central Valley Hwy. Shafter, CA 93263 (661)746-9194 (661)746-9197 TEHACHAPI FAMILY HEALTH CENTER IN MOJAVE 2041 Belshaw St. Mojave, CA 93501 (661) 824-4511 161 N. Mill St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661)822-9054 WESTSIDE URGENT CARE 100 E. North St. (661) 765-1935 Mon-Fri 12:00pm-9:00pm Sat-Sun & Holidays 10:00am-9:00pm 2101 7th St. Wasco, CA 93280 (661)758-2263 Medi-Cal/Sliding Scale Payment NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN RESOURCEES BAKERSFIELD AMERICAN INDIAN HEALTH PROJECT KAWAIISU TRIBE OF TEJON 1617 30th St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-4030 P.O. Box 20849 Bakersfield, CA 93390 http://home.att.net/~write2kate/artbyhorseindex.html KERN INDIAN EDUCATION 1001 Tower Way Ste. 230 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 328-6206 KERN VALLEY INDIAN COMMUNITY P.O. Box 168 Kernville, CA 93238 SATELLITE COMMUNITY CHEROKEE NATION P.O. Box 8241 Bakersfield, CA 93380 Contact Charles Twist (661) 319-2616 They meet 1xa month and 1x a Year w/Chief from Oklahoma in Bakersfield Websites: Indians.org-http://indians.org/resource-directory.html TRIBAL-TANF/OWENS VALLEY CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER CORP. (OVEDC) BAKERSFIELD 1001 Tower Way, Ste 225 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-1036 Lake Isablella: 6504 Lake Isabella Blvd. Ste C- D Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-4770 Ridgecrest 722 N. Norma, Suite C Lake Isabella, CA 93555 (760) 375-9363 National Congress of American Indians- http://www.ncai.org/ Foster Youth Alliance- TRIBES IN KERN COUNTY CHUMASH COUNCIL OF BAKERSFIELD 1317 S. Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 http: http://fosteryouthalliance.org/?point_of_contact=american-indianchild-resource-center 30 Nov. 2014 PREGNANT TEEN SERVICES ADOLESCENT FAMILY LIFE PROGRAM - CLINICA SIERRA VISTA 2707 F St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-0293 FAX (661) 324-2510 No fee. Pregnant/parenting teen program for mothers and fathers. Prenatal care, family planning and adoption information. Parenting classes on infant care and child development. Case management and support services. CAL-SAFE Blanton Child Development Center th 315 E. 18 St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 852-5651 COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP OF KERN (CAPK) PARENT CHILD CENTER 5005 Business Park North Ste. 130 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 336-5236 ext. 2581 Intensive case management for pregnant teens. Counseling and service referrals. BAKERSFIELD PREGNANCY CENTER St 1801 21 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-1907 FAX (661) 326-1916 Christian pro-life. No cost pregnancy testing and options, post-abortion counseling, ultrasounds, health care, social service referrals, baby clothes and furniture. FAMILY LIFE PREGNANCY CENTER 112 S Curry St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 823-8255 www.familylifepc.org BAKERSFIELD RECOVERY SERVICES Inc., DBA 708 Lincoln St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 869-1795 FAX (661) 869-1794 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS – KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY CONSORTIUM SPECIAL EDUCATION LOCAL PLAN AREA (SELPA) 1300 17th St. City Centre Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 636-4802 FAX (661) 636-4810 kcsos.kern.org/specialed Available Program Services: Programs for Infants and Toddlers, Programs for Preschool Children Ages 3-5, Programs for School Age Children Ages 5-21, Regional Deaf and Hard of Hearing Programs , Administered by the Kern County Superintendent of Schools. Special education needs for children/students with disabilities, from birth until age 22. KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS PRESCHOOLS 931 Belle Terrace Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 837-1582 1100 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 835-7284 1515 Feliz Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 336-5405 900 Sanford Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 399-9682 9615 Main St. Lamont, CA 93241 (661) 845-1015 KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS/EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM th 1300 17 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 636-4000 The Early Intervention Program is to provide additional instructional resources to help students who are performing below grade level obtain the necessary academic skills to reach grade level performance in the shortest possible time. KERN COUNTY NETWORK FOR CHILDREN th 1300 17 St. (Mail) th 1212 18 St. (Physical) Bakersfield, CA 93301 661.636.4488 Created in 1992, the Kern County Network for Children (KCNC) harnesses the power of community action in meeting the critical needs of Kern County's children and families. KCNC takes pride in assisting local community collaborative and family service agencies serving children 35 years in developing integrated service delivery models to help identify and address the most critical children’s issues in Kern County. 31 Nov. 2014 1130 17th St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 636-4550 FAX (661) 636-4565 SUPPORT GROUPS ACTION FAMILY COUNSELING Bakersfield SLE 407 Helen Way Bakersfield, Ca 93307 (661) 832-3098 Fax: (661) 832-3020 KERN AUTISM NETWORK (KAN )-AUTISIM SOCIETY CHAPTER 8200 Stockdale Hwy M-10 #171 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 588-4235 FAX: (661)588-4235 www.kernautism.org Provides support, awareness, information and education to families, professionals and the public throughout Kern County Bakersfield IOP 3801 Buck Owens Blvd., Ste. #105 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 325-4357 Fax: (661) 325-4345 Contact Info-Intake: (661) 705-5903 KERN BRIDGES YOUTH HOMES 1321 Stine Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 396-2301 www.kernbridges.com KBYH offers an adoption support group every second Tuesday of the month from 6:00-8:00pm and includes dinner and childcare. All families, whether they are just starting their foster/adoption journey or are seasoned veterans, are welcome to attend. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS – CENTRAL OFFIE th 925 17 St. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 375-5445 (661) 322-4025 FAX (661) 322-4026 Daily Meetings: Alanon/Alateen family groups. ALLIANCE AGAINST FAMILY VIOLENCE th 1921 19 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-0931 FAX (661) 322-2916 (800) 273-7713 toll free Guided support group for parents of sexually molested children, no child care, no fees. KINSHIP SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM 3628 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 322-1021 The Kinship Support Services Program provides supportive services to kinship caregiver and children to help strengthen their families and to provide opportunities for success. Services include; Guardianship Assistance, Case Management, Individual Family and Group Counseling, and Support Groups. ASPIRA NET 1001 Tower Way, Ste. 250 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-1233 BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUPS MERCY HOSPITAL (CATHOLIC HEALTHCARE WEST) 2215 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 632-5000 KOINONIA FAMILY SERVICES 4600 American Ave., East Ste. 101 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 833-4483 Offers adoption family support group. OPTIMAL HOSPICE 4600 Stockdale Hwy., Ste. 120 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 716-4000 Bereavement groups for adults and youth. No fee for services . Adult Classes: Tues 10:00 am – 11:30 am at the above location. Children Classes: Tues 6:00 pm located at the Church across the street. CENTRAL CAL TYPE ONE info@CentralCalTypeOne.org HENRIETTA WEILL MEMORIAL CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC KINSHIP SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM (See Kinship Support Services Program) HOFFMAN HOSPICE 8501 Brimhall Rd., Ste. 100 Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 410-1010 Bereavement groups for adults and youth and services for terminally ill. All costs covered by Medi-Cal or Medicare. Adult Classes:Tues 6pm & Thurs 10:00am Children Classes: Thurs 5:30pm SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL BURN UNIT 2615 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 869-6507 Burn Unit offer support group for adults, children and families every first Monday of the month from 5:30pm7:30pm in the SJCH basement. Call for more information. INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER OF KERN COUNTY 5251 Office Park Dr. #200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-1063 FAX (661) 325-6702 32 Nov. 2014 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AMTRAK: 1-800-USA-RAIL BUS TO AMTRAK TRAIN STATION IN: Bakersfield Mojave Tehachapi- stops INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER OF KERN COUNTY 5251 Office Park Dr. #200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-1063 FAX (661) 325-6702 (We are able to refer you to the appropriate agency.) ARVIN TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Arvin/Lamont area only (661) 854-3139 DELANO AREA REGIONAL TRANSIT (DART) (800) 560-1733 DIAL-A-RIDE Delano Lamont Area Shafter Taft Wasco (661) 721-3333 (800) 881-5787 (661) 746-2955 (661) 763-3822 (661) 758-7222 GET-A-LIFT Disabled service (661) 869-6363 Reservations can be scheduled daily from 8am- 5pm. GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT (GET) Bus schedule information Nov. 2014 (661) 869-2438 33 KERN COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSIT outside Bakersfield Toll Free Bakersfield Rosamond (800) 881-5787 (800) 560-1733 (800) 323-2396 RIDGE-RUNNER AREA TRANSIT (760) 499-5040 TAFT SUB-STATION 315 N. Lincoln St. Taft, CA 93268 WESTSIDE REGIONAL TRANSIT 2700 M Street, Suite 400 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 763-8550 (661) 862-8850 1-800-560-1733 Will Bowman SUBJECT INDEX TO COMMUNITY RESOURCES Community Resources –General After School Programs Ace Advanced Center for Eye Care Aging and Adult Services-Kern County B-Glad Burke, Dan M.T.F. Buttonwillow Community Resource Center Center of the Blind and Visually Impaired Clinica Sierra Vista-East Kern Community Action Partnership of Kern Community Action Partnership of Kern Financial Education Programs Department of Motor Vehicles Desert Area Resources & Training (DART) Ebony Counseling Center Employment Development Department Epilepsy Society of Kern County Friends Outside of Kern County/Department - of Corrections Garden Pathways Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Clinic Homeless Health Care Services Housing Authority of the County of Kern Independent Living Center of Kern County Indian Wells Valley Family Resource Center Jesus Shack, Inc. Kern Adult Literacy Council Kern Co. Department of Human Services Kern Co. Library Kern Co. Mental Health Department – Kern Linkages Program Kern Co. Mental Health Department – Mary K. Shell Center Kern Co. Mental Health-Taft Kern County Truancy Reduction Program Kern Lifeline Project Kern Regional Center Mexican American Opportunity Foundation Multipurpose Senior Service Program (MSSP) - Adult Protective Services Mountain Communities Family Resource Center NAPD – New Advances for People with Disabilities North of the River Recreation & Park District Old Town Kern Community Health Center Parent Project- Kern County Supt. of Schools Shafter Youth Center Social Security Administration Society for Disabled Children Special Olympics-Kern County Bakersfield Police Activity League (PAL) Boys and Girls Club of Kern County Friendship House Kern County Sherriff’s Activities League (SAL) Anger Management ALBA Counseling Center, Inc. ASI Bakersfield Adult School - Lerdo ONLY Behavioral Intervention Services Center for Personal Growth Center for Positive Growth Community Service Organization Garden Pathways Gary R. Creott, LCSW Hearthstone Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Legacy Behavioral Services Pathfinders Guidance Center S&T Professional Group Tehachapi Wellness Center Vanguard Community Center Will Bowman Women of Worth Y-Empowerment, Inc. Child Care Services Bakersfield City Schools Caring Corner Daycare - Medically Fragile Community Connection for Child Care Full Circle Support Garden Pathways Downtown Kernville Union School District The Jasmine Nyree Day Center Weldon State Preschool Children’s Counseling Services Clinica Sierra Vista Behavioral Health College Community Services-Children Henrietta Weill Memorial Child GuidanceClinic Kern County Mental Health Department– Out-patient Services Good Samaritan NE Therapy Clinic Child Neglect/Endangerment 52-Week Program Alba Counseling Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Center Legacy Behavioral Services (*See Listing) S&T Professional Group Tehachapi Wellness Center Nov. 2014 34 Superior Court Teen Reach Out Against Drugs (ROAD) Terrio Aquatic Center Utilities Assistance Program VITA Tax Preparation 2-1-1 Voter Registration Wendale Davis Foundation Westside Ministerial Association Camelot Park Family Entertainment Kern County Museum McMurtrey Aquatic Center Murray Family Farms North of the River Recreation and Park Robobank Arena Theater & Convention Center Rollerama Skateland Inc. Westside Recreations & Park District Domestic Violence-Victims Alliance Against Family Violence ASI Counseling S&T Professional Group Tehachapi Wellness Center The Mission of Kern Food/Clothing/Shelter Assistance Alliance Against Family Violence Bakersfield Homeless Center Bakersfield Pregnancy Center California Universal Lifeline Commodities (Food Distribution) Community Christian Fellowship Community Connection for Child Care (CCCC) Delano Community Connection Center Family Resource Centers-see listing Community Connections Food Bank Helpline Food Pantry Friendship House God’s Storehouse Golden Empire Gleaners Helping Hand Ministries Home Emergency Assistance Program Homeless Shelters Hope Center High Desert Women’s Center Independent Living Center of Kern County Kern County Fair Housing Department Laborers of the Harvest Love Inc. PG&E Saint Vincent de Paul Salvation Army Sharing and Caring Smarter Energy Line Taft Needs Center The Mission of Kern Valley Catholic Charities WIC Domestic Violence- Perpetrator Alba Counseling Center, Inc. ASI Counseling Behavioral Intervention Services Center for Personal Growth Center for Positive Growth Community Service Organization Garden Pathways Legacy Behavioral Services Pathfinders Guidance Center S&T Professional Group Tehachapi Wellness Center Vanguard Community Center Will Bowman Education Services Alternative Education Bakersfield Adult School Bakersfield College Career Services Center East Kern Family Resource Center Kern Adult Literacy Council Kern County ROP-Vocational Training Mercy Learning Center Mountain Pathways Regional Occupational Center (ROC) WESTEC Westside Regional Occupational Program Employment/Job Search Services America’s Job Center (Formerly Career Services Centers) DHS Job first Center Gang Prevention Services Failure/Learning to Protect Community Action Partnership of Kern/Stop- the Violence Ebony Counseling Center Faith in Action Kern County Garden Pathways Kern County Department of Human Services Kern County Superintendent of Schools Kern County Teen Challenge New Life Recovery & Training Center Stay Focused Ministries Alliance against Family Violence Alta Vida Counseling Bowman, Will Center for Personal Growth Center for Positive Growth Martinez, Diane LCSW Pathfinders Guidance Center Family Recreational Services Bakersfield City Parks & Recreation Bakersfield Ice Sports Center California Living Museum (CALM) Nov. 2014 35 Kern Co. Department of Human Services Kern County Department of Public Health Kern Co Superintendent of Schools/Early Intervention Kern Regional Center Kern Indian Education Program Mastering Abilities Riding Equines(M.A.R.E.) Maternal Child Outreach Program (MCOP) Hotlines, Helplines and Referrals Adult Protective Services AIDS/HIV Hotline Alcoholics Anonymous Alzheimer’s Disease Association of KC Amber Alert American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Heart Association Bakersfield Assoc. Retarded Citizens Bakersfield Children and Adults with ADD Bakersfield Crisis Pregnancy Center Battered Women’s Hotline California Youth Crisis Line Centers for Disease Control Department of Corrections Visitor’s Hotline Drug and Alcohol Crisis Hotline EBT Card Helpline Food Bank Helpline Hoffman Hospice of the Valley Independent Living Center of Kern County Jamison Children’s Center Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Kern Autism Network Kern County Help Line Kern County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Kern County Mental Health Department Kern Lifeline Project (AIDS) Migrant Education Hotline Muscular Dystrophy Association Narcotics Anonymous Information Line National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Nat. Cntr for Missing and Exploited Children National Domestic Violence Hotline National Multiple Sclerosis of Kern County National Runaway Switchboard Optimal Hospice Care Rape Crisis Hotline Sexually Transmitted Diseases Hotline Society for Disabled Children Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS) Support Teen Challenge Hotline Warmline Parenting Services Women’s Shelter Network NAPD New Advances for People with Disabilities Partners in Print Ruggenberg Career Center Special Supplemental Food Program (WIC) Tribal TANF, Owens Valley Career Development Center Legal Services American Civil Liberties Union California Immigrant Policy Center California Rural Legal Assistance Child Support Services Consumer Credit Counseling of Kern & Tulare East Kern Municipal Court Family Lay Facilitator Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Indigent Defense Program (IDP) of Kern County Kern County Probation Department La Raza (immigration law) Legal Help Clinic Mexican-American Legal – Defense/ Education Fund NAACP Legal Defense and Education Medical Clinic/Pregnancy Care Bakersfield Crisis Pregnancy Center Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Clinica Sierra Vista-Bakersfield Clinica Sierra Vista-East Bakersfield Clinica Sierra Vista-McFarland Clinica Sierra Vista-Lamont Family Life Pregnancy Center Family Planning Associates Comprehensive Blood & Cancer Center Delano Regional Good Samaritan High Desert Outpatient Health System Kern County Department of Public Health Kern County Mental Health Department — Kern Medical Center (KMC) Kern River Health Center Kern Valley Health Care Kern Valley Hospital Rural Health Clinic Kern Valley Medical Center Lamont Community Health Center Mercy Hospitals of Bakersfield Omni Health Clinics Planned Parenthood Sagebrush Family Clinic Infant and Child Services Bak. College Child Development Centers B-GLAD Black Infant Health California Children’s Services (CCS) California Search and Serve East Bakersfield Community Health Center Garden Pathways Downtown Educational Center - Preschool & Infant Care Head Start Program-(CAPK) Hearts Connection Resource Center Nov. 2014 Fund Public Defender’s Office Superior Court Victim/Witness Assistance 36 San Joaquin Community Hospital Tehachapi Valley Hospital Tehachapi Family Health Center-Mojave Westside Urgent Care Tehachapi Wellness Center Substance Abuse Services – Dept. Approved Native American Indian Resources American Indian Health Project Bakersfield Kern Indian Education Tribal-TANF, Owens Valley Economic Development Corp. (OVEDC) Bakersfield Tribes in Kern Chumash Council of Bakersfield Kawaiisu Tribe of Tejon Kern Valley Indian Community Satellite Community Cherokee Nation Parenting-Neglect Alba Counseling Bakersfield Adult School Bakersfield Recovery Services Inc., DBA Center for Positive Growth Clinica Sierra Vista East Kern Family Resource Center Ebony Counseling Center, Inc. Gary R. Creott, LCSW Hearthstone Community Services Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Indian Wells Valley Family Resource Kern River Valley Family Resource Center Legacy Behavioral Services North of the River Recreation & Park District Neighborhoods for Learning Pathfinders Guidance Center S&T Professional Group Shafter Healthy Start Tehachapi Wellness Center The Mission of Kern West Side Community Resource Center Will Bowman Physical Abuse-Perpetrator Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Clinic Pathfinders Guidance Center Tehachapi Wellness Center Pregnant Teen Services Adolescent Family Life Program-Clinica Sierra Vista Bakersfield Pregnancy Center Bakersfield Recovery Services Inc., DBA Cal-SAFE Community Action Partnership (CAPK) — Kern Parent Child Center Family Life Pregnancy Center Sexual Abuse-Perpetrator Pathfinder Guidance Center S&T Professional Group Nov. 2014 37 Bakersfield Recovery Services Inc., DBA (Formally known as Jason’s Retreat) Clinica Sierra Vista Behavioral Health College Community Health Services Community Service Organization Ebony Counseling Center, Inc. Good Samaritan Hospital Southwest Kern County Hispanic Commission Kern County Mental Health Department Pathfinders Guidance Center Turning Point/ Kennemer Center Westcare *Kern County Mental Health ProvidersResidential Bakersfield Recovery Services Inc., DBA (Formally known as Jason’s Retreat) (multiple sites) Kern County Hispanic Commission- Casa Turning Point/ Kennemer Center Westcare *Kern County Mental Health-Sober Living Awakening Sober Living- Men Only Bakersfield Recovery Services Inc., DBA (Formally known as Jason’s Retreat) (multiple sites) Cottage of Hope and Gratitude Freedom House - Men & Women Isaiah’s Sober Living Home – Men ONLY Operation Fresh Start - Men ONLY Positive Visions for Men Safe Haven Recovery Serene House – Women ONLY The Light House Sober Living – Men ONLY Women of Worth *California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs Certified Action Family Counseling, Inc. Bakersfield Recovery Services Inc., DBA (Formally known as Jason’s Retreat) Bakersfield Recovery Services Capistrano Community - Women ONLY Community Service Organization Kern County Hispanic Commission Legacy Behavioral Services Pathfinder Guidance Center Professional Group Serene House - Women ONLY Turning Point/ Kennemer Center Westcare Women of Worth Superintendent of Schools—Kern County Kern County Consortium Special Education - Local Plan Area (SELPA) Kern County Network for Children Kern County Superintendent of Schools - Preschool Kern County Superintendent of Schools/Early Intervention Program Support Groups Action Family Counseling Alcoholics Anonymous Alliance Against Family Violence Aspira Net Breast Cancer Support Groups Mercy Hospital (Catholic Healthcare West) Central Cal Type One Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Hoffman Hospice Independent Living Center of Kern County Kern Autism Network (KAN) Kern Bridges Youth Homes Kinship Support Services Program Koinonia Family Services Optimal Hospice San Joaquin Community Hospital-Burn Unit Transportation Services Amtrak Arvin Transportation Department Delano Area Regional Transit (DART) Dial-A-Ride Get-A-Lift Golden Empire Transit (GET) Independent Living Center of Kern County Kern County Regional Transit Ridgecrest Area Transit Taft Sub-Station Westside Regional Transit Nov. 2014 38 KERN COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE SYSTEM OF CARE TREATMENT LEVELS (02/02/2010) LEVEL 1 2 3 Nov. 2014 DURATION 6 Months Up to 3 Months 6 Months ELIGIBILITY Individuals with no significant history of alcohol or other drug (AOD) use or incarceration. A pre-treatment program for individuals demonstrating a significant AOD use history and need for treatment, but indicating a low level of motivation and receptiveness to treatment. Individuals demonstrating a significant history of AOD use and a moderate to high level of treatment readiness. Individuals have a relatively stable and AODfree living situation. TREATMENT GOALS SERVICES PROVIDED 1. Individual interview for assessment and treatment planning. 2. Individual counseling at mid-point to review progress. 3. Individual counseling at discharge to develop discharge plan. 4. 12 hours of group AOD education, to include information about effects of use of self and family; the addiction process and progression; alternatives to use; and personal consequences of use. 5. 36 hours of group counseling. 6. *Drug testing at client expense. 7. Attend a minimum of 6 self-help meetings. 1. Individual interview for assessment and treatment planning. 2. Individual counseling once a week. 3. 24 group counseling/education sessions (90 minutes each). Client to attend 2 group sessions per week with a focus on denial management and motivational enhancement. 4. Attend a minimum of 3 self-help meetings. 5. *Drug testing at client expense. 6. Referral to appropriate treatment level. 1. A minimum of one (1) individual session for assessment and treatment planning; 2. Individual counseling sessions no less often than once per month; 3. A minimum of one (1) individual session at discharge for the purpose of discharge planning; 4. Group counseling sessions at a rate of three (3) per week for two (2) months followed by two (2) per week for the next two (2) months, 5. Advance treatment group services for two (2) months, at a rate of one (1) group per week, with a focus on relapse prevention and discharge/transitional planning; 6. Attendance at a minimum of twelve (12) self-help meetings; 7. *Drug testing at the client’s expense; and 8. Assistance with vocational and literacy development as appropriate. 39 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Client will examine and articulate negative consequences of AOD use. Client will articulate a plan to eliminate or reduce those consequences. Client will refrain from AOD use during the length of the program. Client will gain skills necessary to continue the gains made. Client will recognize and articulate negative consequences of AOD use. Client will progress along the “stages of change” continuum, i.e., from “contemplation to action.” Client will demonstrate readiness to progress to more intense treatment. Client will demonstrate an understanding of factors that have contributed to AOD use. Client will demonstrate an ability to deal with daily stressors without the use of AOD. Client will become engaged in fulfilling activities that support recovery. Client will demonstrate a commitment to abstinence. EVEL DURATION 4 8 Months 45 Days (Average)† 5 6 8 to 12 months (As necessary) ELIGIBILITY Individuals who demonstrate a significant history of drug and/or alcohol use, including recent use severe enough to require detoxification. Individuals who qualify for this level of service may also be in need of a stable, drug-free environment with moderate supervision. Same as Level 4, except that these individuals will demonstrate a need for a highly structured and supervised living environment. Developmentally disabled individuals who are referred for outpatient services under SACPA. Each individual must complete at least two, four-month open-entry cycles to complete the program. SERVICES PROVIDED TREATMENT GOALS 1. Detoxification may be offered as needed; 2. Sober Living Environment for up to three (3) months may be offered as optional services when available; 3. Group counseling at a rate of four (4) per week: one (1) group daily for the first three (3) months, followed by an additional three (3) months of three (3) groups per week; 4. A minimum of one (1) individual session for assessment and treatment planning; 5. Individual counseling at a rate of one (1) per week to occur on a non-group day so that the client attends the program five (5) days per week, for the fist three (3) months, followed by one (1) per month in the last three (3) months; 6. A minimum of one (1) individual counseling session for the purpose of discharge planning; 7. Attendance at a minimum of twenty-four (24) self-help meetings, 8. Two (2) months of advanced treatment, consisting of one (1) group session per week, focusing on relapse prevention; 9. Assistance with vocational and literacy needs; and 10. The Department will pay for drug testing at the Office of the District Attorney’s Crime Laboratory for the first ninety (90) days, and the client shall pay for drug testing thereafter.” 1. 1. 1. 2. 3. Individual interview for assessment and treatment planning. Residential treatment, including detoxification, if needed. Upon stabilization, client will transition into services at Level 4, after provider assessment of client progress. 1. One individual, one skills building group and one group counseling session (each) per week. 2. Attend a minimum of three self-help meetings. 2. 3. 4. 2. Client will demonstrate an understanding of factors that have contributed to AOD use. Client will demonstrate an ability to deal with daily stressors without the use of AOD. Client will become engaged in fulfilling activities that support recovery. Client will demonstrate a commitment to abstinence. Client will acquire a period of abstinence and stability, and will facilitate the ability to participate in an intensive outpatient treatment program. Client will demonstrate a commitment to abstinence. 1. Recognize, understand and verbalize the disease concept of alcohol and drug use. 2. Develop new social supports and participate in alcohol and 3. Additional services include social recreation activities, family support groups and higher education and employment counseling and referrals. drug free activities. 3. Develop, understand and verbalize new coping skills and strategies that promote sobriety. 4. Understand and verbalize how the use of drugs and alcohol affects areas of functioning. 5. Develop skills for maintaining sobriety. * County will pay for drug testing during the first thirty days of program participation for SACPA clients. ** County will pay for drug testing for SACPA clients until the Probation Officer determines the client’s ability to pay for it. † Eligibility for Perinatal-enhanced Drug/MediCal Residential Treatment Services continues as long as the resident is eligible for those services. Eligibility begins at pregnancy and continues until the end of the second month after the end of the pregnancy. Revision: November 2012 Nov. 2014 40
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