July - Northampton School for Girls


July - Northampton School for Girls
School for Girls
July 2012
Northampton Town Olympic Torch Relay – Friday 6th July
Respect for Self
Respect for Others
Respect for Learning
Friday 6th July the Northampton Town Torch came to NSG.
After a last minute change of plans due to the weather, it
was decided that Year 9 & 10 students would welcome the
torch from Kingsley Primary School in the theatre and the
students had the choice to line the pathways from NSG to
Parklands Nursery to pass the torch.
At 9.45am, the Year 7 & 8 students lined the pathways
outside Spinney Hill Theatre to welcome the torch. The torch
arrived with 12 students from Kingsley Primary to a
wonderful reception from our students.
The Kingsley pupils made their way into the theatre and entered
down the steps from the top. As they entered the theatre, the
welcome they received was overwhelming. Every Year 9, 10 & 12
student rose to their feet and sang the Commonwealth song „Sing‟.
As the pupils from Kingsley made their way to the front of the stage,
they witnessed a wonderful moment that will stay with them for the
rest of their lives.
As the torch was handed over, there wasn‟t a dry eye in the house, as both
students and staff got very emotional. Mrs Harley was then given a fantastic art
legacy, which is now displayed in Reception. It was made by the pupils from
Kingsley. As photos of this fantastic occasion were taken, the Year 9, 10 & 12
students left the theatre to take their places in the torch relay.
At 10.10am the torch left Spinney Hill
Theatre and made its way up to Parkland‟s
Nursery, being passed to every student from
Year 12 down to 7. The torch was led by the
40 flags and torches of each country, which
each form is representing in Sports Day.
Rhona Grant, our Olympic Torch Runner,
escorted the Northampton Torch up Spinney Hill Road, alongside
the School‟s banner and plaque for Parkland‟s Nursery.
On arrival at Parkland‟s Nursery, the welcome was wonderful
from all pupils, parents and staff. The torch was handed over to
Parklands by Leah Jones, the plaque by Charlotte Lovell and
our wonderful art legacy was presented by Tiegan Dean. The
students from Parklands sang a welcome song, which was
beautiful and the torch continued its journey through the
Rhona Grant – Olympic Torch Relay
On Monday 2nd July, Rhona Grant in 7 NJS made history by being
one of the nominated people to carry the Olympic Torch for the
London 2012 Olympics. Rhona was nominated by Mrs Tarlton
back in January, for being an outstanding student and
sportswoman. Mrs Tarlton was invited to nominate a Year 7
student, who was 12 years old as part of the 2000 12 year olds
selected by schools in the country. Her nomination letter was
selected and Rhona was asked to carry the Olympic Torch
through Dingley.
At 3.07pm in Dingley, Rhona
started her torch relay by lighting
her torch from the Olympic
lantern. She then started her
300m run, passing her very
members of her form, who had
travelled to support her, along
with Mrs Tarlton, Mrs Cooke and
Mr Parker. At the end of the run,
she and the next chosen torch
bearer performed the kiss of the
torches, where one torch lights
the other.
We would like to congratulate Rhona on this fantastic achievement. It is something that will stay for her for
the rest of her life!
Olympic Launch Day – Friday 22nd June
During Yr 7 & 8 assembly on Friday 22nd June, we held our NSG
Olympic Opening Ceremony. The assembly was opened by Ms
Hodson and Mrs Waterman who told the story of the Olympic
rings and explained the significance of the Greek flag. This was
accompanied by students walking down the stairs of Spinney
Hill Theatre bringing the Olympic Flag, the Union Jack and our
host country Ghana‟s torch. This was then followed by two
members of each form descending the stairs of the theatre with
their form‟s country and torch. In total 40 flags and torches
made their way onto the stage. The Olympics‟ at NSG was then
opened officially by Mrs Harley, who gave a wonderful speech
and was presented with the NSG time capsule by Henrietta. The time capsule contains messages
from all students in Year 7 to 10, as well as other mementos of NSG. The capsule will be sealed and
put on display in the school‟s main reception. It will be reopened in 2037, 25 years time on 29th June
Mrs Harley then led the students in the National Anthem,
followed by the Commonwealth song „Sing‟. This was a very
moving moment, with all students joining in, as well as the flags
waving on the stage. The flags were then led off the stage and
the Circus extracurricular club performed to the remainder of
the song. The ceremony finished with the Year 10 GCSE dance
group performing their Olympic themed dance, portraying
different sports.
The whole ceremony was very moving and thoroughly enjoyed
by all students and staff.
Supporting „Save the Children‟ in Textiles
Students at Northampton School for Girls have designed and made skirts that will be donated to charity. The Year
9 students, have made the skirts for the “Save the Children” and “One Step at a Time”. Both charities provide aid
and support to vulnerable children.
Ms Lynda Foulkes, Head of Design Technology said, “The students have produced skirts for young children
incorporating a wide range of skills. They were supplied with the necessary fabric but many brought in added
embellishments to individualise the garments.
Together with skill building, this project encouraged the students to empathise with children less fortunate than
themselves and to realise the true nature of poverty and charity. It was really touching to see how much effort and
care the girls put into their garments to make them the best that they could for the children.”
The students wrote a letter which was attached to the skirt ready for the recipient to personalise it further.
One Step at a Time was founded by a Northamptonshire resident and provides aid in Uganda to homeless
children, some having been orphaned through Aids or guerrilla fighting. Save the Children operates an
organisation that cares for children worldwide.
One Step at a Time – “on behalf of One Step at a Time we are writing to thank you
so much for the beautiful skirts made by year 9 girls. These will be appreciated by
girls in Uganda especially with the lovely letters”
Save the Children – “I am sure the children overseas will enjoy wearing the skirts
that were made with love and concern. We thank you all from all the children who
will receive them. Princess Anne is our patron, who I met two weeks ago, I am sure
she would be as thrilled as our group”.
Many parents must be wondering whether the Governors are considering a change
to Academy Status at NSG. We can assure you the Governors have spent
considerable time investigating the benefits and disadvantages of such a move,
especially bearing in mind that we are one of the few remaining secondary schools in
Northamptonshire not to convert.
There are two categories of academy – the original ones who were obliged to
convert and who are sponsored and managed by a professional business
organisation and those invited to convert as a result of being in the outstanding
Ofsted category. NSG is in the latter group and does not need a sponsor.
We were invited to convert in September 2011 but two obstacles needed resolution.
The division of the funds that will be available after the sale of the Parklands
Middle School Site.
The outcome of negotiations with the banks regarding the PFI obligations.
We can now report that there has been an agreement between NSG and the County
Council regarding Parklands and the PFI situation was very recently resolved.
During this year we have had three information gathering presentations regarding
academy status:
1 The legal implications and the practical steps involved in converting
2 The conversion of NSB
3 The Anti Academies Alliance
As a result, a working party of Governors has been set up to consider in detail all the
implications for staff, parents, pupils and the community before deciding whether to
go to formal consultation.
Your views would be of interest to us. If you wish to inform the working party of your
views please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Mrs Lisa Payne at school on
lpayne@nsg.northants.sch.uk or on the school telephone number, 01604 679540.
Mrs Joan Martin
Chair of Governors
Jodi Picoult comes to NSG
Our year 10 students received a real treat during their
Applied Learning Day on Thursday 12th July. The
internationally renound author Jodi Picoult visited us
along with her daughter Sammy Van Leer to talk
about their latest novel for teenagers, Between the
We were particularly impressed with Sammy, who, at
the age of 16 displayed the kind of confidence,
dedication and enthusiasm that mirrors that of our
Ms Picoult gave us a great compliment when she said
that our welcome was the best she‟d received during
her tour of the UK. There will be more information
about the visit in next term‟s newsletter, so look out
for it!
Northamptonshire Schools‟
County Challenge
Year 7 & 8
Violence Reduction Challenge
Our challenge was to find a creative way of using the arts to reduce violence in our community. The
Arson Task Force came to school to explain what the challenge was about. They brought with them a
video called „One Punch, One Life‟ about a young man who died as a result of one punch. His name
was Stuart Martin and his fiancée, daughter, mother and brothers and sisters are absolutely
The first stage of the challenge was to gather ideas about how the arts could be used to reduce
violence in the community. After initial ideas were gathered, the best idea from each school was to go
forward to the final.
We had lots of ideas, such as designing catchy logos, making sound boxes, writing poems and writing
plays. We produced two plays and one was put forward for the finals and the other was shown in
assembly with help from the sixth form Film Studies students.
The competition took place over two evenings and our team were on the first evening. Scarlett Jenkins,
Nicole Daley, Laura Cox and Brooke Webber were the main stars along with Lucy Askew, Katie Hamlyn
and Chloe Davison. After introducing and playing the video they had made themselves called „Just
One More‟, the students had to face questioning from the „Business Dragons‟. These included local
business entrepreneurs and the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer. Our team were extremely
valiant and answered their questions very thoughtfully.
The Dragons were very impressed with our video and suggested it went on You tube and that we try to
get business sponsorship to contribute towards providing every school in Northamptonshire and
nationwide with a copy of the video to use in PSHE lessons.
We were in the final on the next evening and watched all the other schools give their presentations.
Although our team performed exceptionally, the Weavers school were a step ahead of us and had
designed a logo for T shirts, sourced the T shirts and given them to local pub landlords to promote the
message to reduce violence. They had researched all the costs of the T shirts and how much the
results of violence cost the NHS.
We came second and we were presented with
a trophy for best presentation and first runners
You can find the video „Just One More‟ on You
We would like to say a huge Thank You to all
the people who took part and helped in the
production of the videos.
Year 12 psychology students enjoyed a day carrying out practical research at Northampton University on
the 19 June. Students worked on various different research topics throughout the day - from the strange
to the very useful - working alongside lecturers and PHD students from the University. Some of the
studies carried out included: Is there a relationship between index finger size and attractiveness? Do
people hold implicit racist and sexist views? and, does paranormal phenomena such as extrasensory
perception really exist?
And if you want to know the answer to such questions, you'll need to study psychology in the future or
seek out Mr Pomerantz and Miss Neal!
Health and Social Care News July 2012
Seven Y12 students have completed the BTEC Level 2, First Diploma in Health and Social Care (HSC) with
100% pass rate. Eleanor Setterfield (12RMY) worked very hard to achieve a Distinction and is moving on to
study HSC at A level next year. Three students achieved a Merit. Nicole Nyandoro (12STO) has secured a
place at Northampton College to study Child Care at Level 3 (BTEC). Mae Edwards (12BML) and
Rukshana Begum (12BMM) have both acquired apprenticeships in nursery and child care settings.
Congratulations on your achievement and good luck in your next venture.
Y12 students have returned from completing their AS‟s and are making considerable progress in Unit 8:
Promoting Health and Well-being. To achieve this unit the students must research a chosen health topic,
develop a mini health promotion campaign and deliver to a group of individuals. Topics for the campaigns
are varied and range from Teenage Pregnancy to Sun Safety!
Y13 students have worked extremely hard this year to achieve their A2 and gain UCAS points to fulfil
university requirements. Congratulations and well done to those of you that have already established offers.
University places have been achieved to study Childhood and Youth Studies, Primary
School Education, Childhood Studies and Health and Social Care to name but a few.
New for 2012/13 is the Extended Project Qualification for HSC. Students were required
to submit an application form outlining their choice of project and explain their reasons
for wishing to undertake the extended project. Students will soon hear if their
applications have been successful.
We are delighted to welcome our new Ambassadors for 2012. Surraya Abukar (12
CWP), Sophie Boyce (12 CWP) and Rachael Holland (12STO) will be available to offer
academic support to BTEC and AS students and promote Health and Social Care.
They will be planning and running some interesting projects through the year so watch
this space!
This year has been a very busy one for the staff and students involved
in Duke of Edinburgh. We have had a large number of students
taking part and successfully achieving their Bronze Award and we
also have a number of students who are currently working towards
their Silver Award. All the students have really enjoyed their
expeditions this year (despite the rain on some of them!). Bronze
expeditions take place in Northamptonshire camping at Grendon Hall
and Cosgrove. For the Silver expeditions we have taken students to
Shropshire and the Peak District.
Congratulations to the following students who have successfully completed their Bronze Duke of
Edinburgh Awards this year:Year 10
Jessica Steele, Yolanda Simpson, Harriet Rapley, Liberty McEwan, Tara Hings, Lizzie Hayes, Shanie
Dickens, Eishar Bassan, Da Suyotha, Lola Prior, Alice Fitt, Shanelle House, Katie Tombs, Nicola Lovell
and Christarose Maphosa
Year 11
Rebecca Boetang, Claudia Dean, Imogen Fitt, Lizzie Hawkins,
Mairead Loftus, Kejal Mistry, Marlene Panchal, Megan Solomon,
Maddie Warren, Dani Watts, Maggie Symonds, Isabella Lorkins,
Georgia West, Georgia White, Nasra Barre, and Amy Rathbone
Year 12/13
Sophie Wing, Sarah Nichol, Derika Richards, Marie Shaylor, Amy
Stanton, Kaye Stephenson, Bethany Warner, Bethany Mabbutt,
Hannah Maskall, Clarissa McKensie, Hattie Scanlan, Tasha GriffinHudson, Amarinda Kang, Sunaina Kapoor, Abbie Claris, Joseph
Daly, Alice Corten and Louisa Lethbridge
If any students who will be in either Y10 or Y12 in September are interested in taking part in the Duke of
Edinburgh‟s Award they should come and see Dr Webster or Miss Cross in the Science Department.
Northampton Education Awards
Fay West, Year 12, was nominated for an “Education
Award‟ in the category „Secondary Pupil of the Year‟ of
which she became a finalist out of hundreds of
nominations. One of the reasons Fay was nominated
was that she had a very bumpy start when she joined
NSG in Year 7.
Fay has a disability (her left forearm is missing) and
found it very hard to cope in secondary school. Fay,
however, turned things around in Year 10 and with hard
work and determination she managed to gain B‟s and C‟s
in her GCSE exams. Fay is now studying A-level English
Language, Drama and Health & Social Care with a view
to going to university and becoming a social worker.
Junior Mathematical Challenge - April 2012
Congratulations to the following girls who have gained a certificate in this year‟s Maths
challenge. The certificates were awarded during the Celebration assembly.
Year 8
Alicia Dominique (Best in school), Chloe Hoyte & Lucy Holden
Ella Machin-Bradbury, Tash Reilly, Antalya Todd, Tasnim Begum, Jibola Orefuja, Ellie Barker,
Buki Jones & Honey-Louise Evans
Ellie Phipps, Jasmine Mahoney, Morgan North, Ruth Murphy, Somya Sharma, Amy Loakes,
Tayla Swan, Alisha Thomas, Katie Horne, Ella White, Hermione Lloyd-Loasby, Storm Christofi,
Jessie Stead, Billie Swift, Charlie Walter, Emma Price, Linda Truong, Millie Madzadzavara,
Millie Billson & Nassima Ali
Year 7
Erin Porter (Best in Year), Xenia Christofi & Zoe Eaves
Verity Gonzalez, Chloe Davison, Emma Cowley, Bex Williams, Brooke Webber, Darcey Bishop,
Eva Ressell & Laura Cox
Maia Stones, Nesh Veriti, Nicole Daley, Aiswarya Antony, Ella Homer, Laura King, Sultana
Begum, Precious Ogaji, Aisha Eltabel, Scarlett Jenkins, Ellie Bishop, Naomi Sam, Sneha John,
Gabrielle Slater, Jiya Thomas, Betsy Thwaites, Rebecca Capstick-O‟Connor & Mathumethaa
Launch of Chess at NSG
We did not realise we have a chess champion in our Year 7 until just recently and
we are very proud of Eva‟s achievements
“Two years ago I discovered chess. I came equal 1st girl in the British Championships
receiving a big trophy and I have successfully defended my County Champion title this year.
Did you know that Chess is massive all over England? I think it could be even more popular
than tennis or badminton.
I see new people every time I enter a competition. So if you play football; why not try it and
convert now! You do not have to be that drastic though! Just trying it out is good enough...
There is also such a thing as league chess; like football with 3 divisions and lots and lots of
teams! I was invited to play for FCA Solutions 1 and 2. For me, it was a really important
achievement to compete at that level. I think I am considered as the weakest player there.
However, people praise me for my determination.
I managed to extract a point out of a six hour match! I finished one and a half points above
expectations I’m quite proud of that”.
Eva Ressel 7PHD
This is an amazing achievement for Eva and she is actively promoting the
game in school. This week we are holding a chess competition amongst
year 7 groups as part of our build up to the Olympics. We intend to hold a
chess club from September next year.
NSG Sport News
English Schools Track & Field Championships
Simone Ager finishes 6th in the Junior Girls 100m
Congratulations to Simone Ager 9MDU for becoming the 6 fastest runner in the
country. She achieved her place on the Northants‟ team by becoming Town
Champion, County Champion and achieving English School Standards for the 100m
at the Inter Counties meeting in Stoke. She was one of 26 athletes who competed
for Northamptonshire at the English Schools Track and Field Championships in
Gateshead on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 July. She made it through her heat and
semi-final to gain her place in the final, which was filmed by Sky Sports. Simone
was up against the best athletes in the county at 100m and this is the second year
in a row Simone has qualified for English Schools, as well as achieving English
School standards for 200m and long jump.
Well done to Simone, all the students and staff of NSG are extremely proud of her and this wonderful achievement!
Town Championships – Rockingham Triangle, Corby
NSG Town Champions for Year 8/9 and Year 10/11
Year 8/9 Team consisted of;
Kemi Bamingbade – Hurdles 2 Leticia Quinnell Henry – 100m 1 , Simone Ager – 200m 1 & Long Jump 1 ,
Amiee Smith – 800m 1 , Nicole Johnston – 1500m 1 Coral Baldwin – High Jump 4 , Sarah Round – Shot Putt
4 Emma Salisbury – Discus 3 Billie Swift – Javelin 2 Relay Team – 2
Year 10/11 Team consisted of;
Tara Hings – Hurdles 3 & Discus 4 , Kea Spearing – 100m 1 & Long Jump 1 , Alice Elks – 300m 4 & Triple
Jump 3 , Alice Fitt – 800m 1 , Emily Valentine – 1500m 3 , Nicola Lovell – High Jump 1 , Christa Rose Maphaso –
Shot Putt 2 , Amy Boot – Javelin 2 Relay Team – 1
Well done to all who took part, the girls who finished in 1 and 2
Championships to represent the Town.
places were selected for the County
County Championships – Rockingham Triangle, Corby
At this year‟s County Athletic Championships we had our largest team from NSG going to represent the town. The
following students performed extremely well against the best athletes in the County. The results were;
Junior Girls:
Leticia Quinell Henry – 100m 2 , Simone Ager – 100m 1 , 200m 1 & Long Jump 1 , Amiee Smith – 800m 4 ,
Nicole Johnston – 1500m 6 , Kemi Bamingbade – Hurdles 6
Inter Girls:
Grace Bartholomew – 100m 2 , Kea Spearing – 100m 1 & Long Jump 3 , Genevieve Roberts – 800m 4 & 1500m
3 , Alice Fitt – 1500m 8 , Nicola Lovell – High Jump 3 & Triple Jump 3
The following students were selected to represent the County at the Mason Trophy in Stoke:
Leticia Quinell Henry, Simone Ager, Grace Bartholomew and Kea Spearing
NSG Sport News
Mason Trophy Inter-Counties Championships – Stoke
The following students represented Northamptonshire at the Mason Trophy against 5 other counties to achieve the
English Schools‟ Standards and try and achieve a place at the English Schools‟ Championships at Gateshead.
Junior Girls:
Simone Ager – 100m 2 in a time of 12.8 (English Schools‟ Standard)
Leticia Quinell Henry – 200m 8 in a time of 28.1
Inter Girls:
Kea Spearing – 100m 16 in a time of 13.5, Grace Bartholomew – 100m 19 in a time of 14.2
Well done to all four girls and huge congratulations to Simone Ager for being selected to represent Northants at the
English Schools‟ Track and Field Championships in Gateshead.
National Competition
NSG under 15 Team are crowned National Champions
In the National Quarter Finals NSG beat St. Martin‟s School from Essex 64-10 to gain qualification to the Dynamik
National Schools‟ Basketball Championships. The Championships were held at the Wildcats‟ Arena in Nottingham
and the team returned with the winner‟s plaque.
Semi Final
Northampton School for Girls
61 – 57 Grieg City Academy (London)
NSG coach Karen Goodrich knew that the semi-final against
Grieg City Academy could well prove to be the tournament
final. She also realised that her team would need to be at
their very best to beat a school team who have won
numerous national titles in the past. In the event the two
teams produced a wonderful exhibition of basketball that had
fans and neutrals alike on the edge of their seats.
Leading 30-26 at half time NSG started the second half with
lots of confidence and despite struggling to score, thanks to
their defensive resolve they kept their noses in front and led
46-43 going into the final ten minutes of play.
By now the large crowd were on tenterhooks and Grieg
opened the final stanza with a 6-zero charge to take a 49-46 lead.
Further scores from Steph Ogden and Sarah Round extended the lead to 59-54 but once more Grieg City responded
and going into the final minute of play NSG held a narrow 59-57 lead but despite the best efforts of the London
school they held out forcing their opponents to foul in the hope that NSG would miss from the resulting free throws.
This in fact happened with nerves getting the better of the NSG girls who proceeded to miss four of six free throws
but their defence held firm to keep Grieg scoreless and as they recorded a memorable 61-57 win and a place in the
The players from both sides well deserved the standing ovation they received and indeed it was several minutes
before the NSG players fully appreciated what they had achieved.
NSG Sport News
Coach Goodrich had only used seven players but she was quick to highlight the role played by the other seven
members of the squad who had always turned up for practices throughout the season. Of the seven who had played
in the semi Steph Ogden led her team‟s scoring with 22 points. Caitlin Stewart contributed 14 points while Amy Boot
and Sarah Round controlled the backcourt well. Rio Blessyn scored 8 points and together with Crista Maphosa and
Tara Hings rebounded superbly.
Northampton School for Girls
65 - 49
Ashcombe School (Surrey)
After the epic win over Grieg most neutral observers thought the final against Ashcombe School from Surry would
be a formality for NSG but the coaching staff were careful to get their team into the correct frame of mind for the
game. This plan worked perfectly and NSG rushed out to a 25-7 lead. Ashcombe regrouped but NSG still led 29-11
at the end of the first period of play.
NSG were only able to extend their lead by two points during the second quarter and things got worse in the third
as they managed just four scores whilst Ashcombe closed the gap to 55-41 going into the final ten minutes of play.
By now back-up point guard Sarah Round was out of the game with dehydration and exhaustion so Caitlin Stewart
who had been pressed into service as a „big‟ player in the previous game took over ball handling duties.
Despite Ashcombe‟s resurgence NSG coach Karen Goodrich was coolly
introducing her „bench‟ players into the game and all twelve of her players
saw action as NSG held out to take the final quarter 10-8 and record a 6549 title winning victory.
Once again the NSG scoring was led by Steph Ogden with 25 points. Amy
Boot scored 10 points and Sarah Round 9 before her departure but to the
delight of NSG fans Caitlin Stewart was awarded the Most Valuable Player
award for her 12 point haul matched by 16 rebounds and five steals.
Congratulations to the NSG Squad:
Meg Bamford, Eden Brown, Rio Blessyn, Amy Boot, Alice Fitt, Tara Hings, Christa Maphosa, Steph Ogden (Capt.) ,
Sarah Round, Emma Salisbury, Aimee Smith, Caitlin Stewart, Megan Williams and Jami Luu.
NSG under 16 Team clinch third place nationally.
The U16 team beat Chilwell School from Nottingham in the last 32
of the country and then in the last 16 beat St. John Fisher from
Newcastle Under Lyme. This meant a quarter final draw against
Shenfield School from Essex and a tough task ahead of them.
The game was a close affair but NSG came out on top by 10 points
and celebrated the fact they had reached the National Final Four to
make it a double for the school.
The Northampton School for Girls Under 16 basketball team
travelled to the Wildcats Arena in Nottingham for the Final Four
Tournament of the National Schools Championships full of optimism
of reaching the Final but after a narrow defeat in the semi-final they
had to settle for third place overall.
Semi Final
Northampton School for Girls
43 – 48 Priestnall School (Stockport)
In the first quarter of the game Priestnall took a 19-11 lead as NSG lacked in confidence but things changed in the
second quarter as NSG took the period 13-6 to trail 24-25 at half time.
NSG Sport News
At the start of the third period of play NSG continued to play tough defence but when they had the ball they just
couldn‟t score. Five minutes went by without NSG finding the basket as the Stockport based school extended their
lead to 33-24. A three-pointer from Steph Ogden broke the famine and the same player then converted on two fast
breaks to tie the scores up at 35 all going into the final period of play.
Both teams traded baskets and going into the last two minutes of play NSG trailed 43-45 thanks to two successful
free throws from Lois Bain and another breakaway layup from Steph Ogden.
It was then that the fates of sport took over. The 24 second clock malfunctioned causing a long delay. Goodrich
had drawn up an out of bounds play but when play finally re-started an inbound pass was deflected off court and an
NSG player inadvertently caught the ball giving Priestnall possession. Needing just one more massive defensive
effort NSG were undone by a successful three-point shot from Priestnall and there was no time left to mount any
kind of a comeback.
In the disappointing five points defeat, Steph Ogden with 18 was the only NSG player to score in double figures but
every player who hit the court gave of their very best
3 and 4 Play Off
Northampton School for Girls
52 - 28
St Edmund‟s School (Salisbury)
St Edmund‟s had been heavily defeated by Grieg City Academy in their semi-final so NSG were hopeful of
clinching third place. The Salisbury based school were heavily dependent on five players so it was going to be a
case of keeping a lot of pressure on those five players in the hope they would eventually tire. Coach Goodrich
decided to play all 12 players in the game but at the end of the first quarter NSG trailed 8-11.
The two teams traded baskets for five minutes of the second quarter but then the pressure finally told and NSG
went on a 14-2 surge to take a 28-15 half time lead. For the rest of the game it was a matter of NSG continuing to
play hard-nosed defence and they did this restricting their opponents to just 13 second half points while scoring 24
themselves to run out comfortable winners by 24 points and pick up 3 place.
In the consolation win, nine NSG girls got onto the score sheet while Rio Blessyn and Lois Bain put on an
outstanding display of defensive rebounding.
Congratulations to the NSG team:
Sannon Adams, Lois Bain (Captain), Rio Blessyn, Amy Boot, Roisin Harrison, Tara Hings, Christa Maphosa, Steph
Ogden, Megan Percival, Zoe Quilter, Sarah Round, and Caitlin Stewart,
Under 14 Team
Having beaten Sir Jonathon North School from Leicester, Northampton School for Girls, unfortunately came up
against Greensward Academy from Essex in the last 32 of the competition. In a very close game NSG lost out by
just eleven points. Interestingly Greensward went onto win the Under 14 Girls National Championships easily. In
fact NSG got closer to Greensward than any other team they played including the National Final.
Year 7 Basketball & The School Games
The NSG year 7 Basketball team showed promise as they won the Northampton District Basketball Tournament by
beating Duston School and Northampton Academy. This qualified the team to participate in the Schools‟ Games
Event as part of the celebrations for the Olympic Games.
The successful NSG Year 7 Players are: Amy Denton, Precious Ogaji, Charlie Burge, Rhona Grant, Isis Webb,
Ellie Solomon, Ella Homer, Alayia Jenkins, Gabrielle Slater, Aisleen Whelan, Millie Harris, and Mia Heagren
NSG Sport News
Representative Honours
Congratulations to Sarah Round who was selected to play for the England Under 14
Basketball Squad in an international Tournament in Scotland in June.
She played a significant part in the England success as they beat Scotland and
Northern Ireland and just losing by single figures to a Spanish club team from Girona.
At Regional level, the following NSG girls have been selected for the various age
groups for East Midlands‟ Squads:
Under 13: Ellie Solomon
Under 15: Tara Hings, Amy Boot, Sarah Round, Caitlin Stewart, Charlotte Berridge &
Megan Williams
The Trials for the Under 17 Team are still to take place but it is hoped that a number of
NSG girls will gain selection.
Two of the NSG football teams finished their season by playing in their respective County Cup Finals. The Under 13
team unfortunately lost to Ferrers School 2-0 but the Under 16 team easily beat Northampton Academy 4-0
The students who participated in the finals were:
Under 13 Team: Steph Spalding-Hall, Sarah Round, Anna Huguet, Mar Huguet, Ciara Clancy, Maisie Busssey,
Kaitlyn Brown, Paige Horsley, Sophie Scott. Courtney Henry, Jodie Taylor, Billie Swift, Eve Leonard.
Under 16 Team: Abi Kikta, Shannon Adams, Keiysha Simpson, Lauren Smith, Gina Strausa, Kiera O‟Connor,
Hannah Clancy, Hannah Clancy, Steph Ogden, Amy Boot, Nicola Lovell, Charlotte Lovell, Tara Hings, Alice Fitt,
Imogen Fitt, Lauren Taylor
Rounders Club has been extremely popular and NSG have played a number of fixtures against Northampton
Grammar school.
The Year 7‟s and Year 10‟s have done particularly well in their games and the teachers have highlighted the
following students as their most valuable players. Keanna Kemp and Alexa Reed for Year 10 and Shanique
Shakespeare, Paige Welford and Stephanie Spaliding –Hall for Year 7.
Under 15 County Schools Golf Championships – Kettering Golf Course
Congratulations to Millie Billson and Sinead Birks, they both competed in the Under 15 tournament at Kettering Golf
Club. For Sinead, this was her first year in competing in the competition, where she finished in 5 place. Millie, this is
her second year competing in this competition for the school. She finished in 2 place overall.
Well done to both girls for this excellent achievement!
Wimbledon Championships – Sunday 8th July
For the fourth year running we received tickets for Wimbledon, this time it was for finals day!!!
Mrs Smith and Miss Healy travelled down to SW19 with six students to watch the best tennis players in the world
compete for the top titles.
The day started off very wet but soon the sun broke through and the tennis began. The first match they watched on
Court No 1 was the Boys‟ Singles Final, which was very impressive. They then moved to Court No 2 to watch the
biggest match on …. The Men‟s Singles Final Murray v Federer. The atmosphere are electric and even in the rain it
was a fantastic experience.
Royal Philharmonic Resound Project
We were delighted to be asked to be involved with the RPO
resound project, one of the most diverse community and education
programmes in the UK. The project consisted of a series of
Creative Composition Workshops at NSG with RPO musicians and
a workshop facilitator. The sessions used creative composition to
explore ideas of musical creativity, work on basic instrumental skills and help students with their
abilities to express themselves via their instruments. 20 year 7 instrumentalists were selected to take
part and they had a fun few days leading to a short performance with a large audience in the
Underground at the Royal & Derngate before the RPO Concert on Sunday 22 April 2012.
Our annual Composition, Instrumental and Vocal Awards Ceremony was held in Spinney Theatre on
Thursday 3 May. The awards recognise students who have made the most progress on their
instrument/voice during the school year and also those students who have shown commitment to
extra-curricular rehearsals and the musical life of the school. GCSE and A level composition work
are also recognised.
Once again the evening flowed smoothly with a total of 180 awards being presented by Mrs Joan
Martin, our Chair of Governors. We were treated to outstanding individual performances by 22
students, each one chosen by and representing their peripatetic teacher:
Daniel Akinbosede, Emily Ashby, Sophie Church, Mo Clifford, Emma Cormack, Laura Green, Aisling
Greene, Gemma Harvey, Jodie Hill, Zoe Holmes, Eleanor Jackson, Eden Lole, Angus McAlpine,
Chloe Percy-Smith, Sophie Phillips, Olivia Quilter, Lauren Storey, Jayne Taylor, Hannah Thomas,
Antalya Todd, Grace Vowden & Nesha Vuriti
Thanks to all the performers, to all students who attended to receive their awards, to Paul Parker,
Julie Shaw, Rob Reid, Raydene Vaughan and to all the peripatetic teachers from Northamptonshire
Music and Performing Arts Trust.
Thanks also to the families and friends who stayed until the end to give support to all of our
Northampton Festival of the Performing Arts – May 2012
Congratulations to the many NSG groups which took part in the Northampton Festival. Once
again the groups received some very positive comments.
Percussion Ensemble - “A good driving pulse was set up from the opening”
Percussion Trio - “A very enjoyable fun introduction” – winners of the Dingley Cup
Brass Belles
Trumpet Quartet
Cello Quartet – “Good intonation and well shaped phrases”
Cello Group – “The melodies always sang beautifully”
Senior Wind Ensemble - “Confident and refined playing with clear musical objectives
Sax Quartet – “Very good focus and control of texture”
Big Band and String Orchestra
at the National Festival of Music for Youth
Following on from their success at the regional‟s of MFY, Big Band and String Orchestra were invited to
take part in the finals in Birmingham at the beginning of July.
It is a great honour to take part in this prestigious event and we are very proud of both groups for their
excellent performances.
Special congratulations to Big Ban who were awarded the NUT School Jazz Award for the „most
professional and highest standard in the category‟.
“Summer Celebration”
Our mid-summer concert on Wednesday 20 June was an opportunity for some of our smaller groups to
showcase their talent.
We were treated to great performances from Wind Band, Senior Guitars, Ukulele Group, Brass group,
the „Acoustics‟, Gospel Choir, Percussion Group, String Band and Rock Pop and Soul Band – a very
diverse mixture of music.
These students are our stars of the future and the future is looking bright!
“Gala Concert”
Our end of year concert on Tuesday 10 July was once again an amazing success.
The Gala Concert is our opportunity to say farewell to our leavers and the evening was not dampened
by the torrential rain outside.
The first part of the evening in the theatre featured a performance by Concert Band, under the
direction of Jo Bridge, followed by performances from some of our sixth form leavers, Daniel
Akinbosede, Megan Eyles, Nina Harries, Olivia Quilter, Laura Green and Matthew Haddock, Emmy
Roberts and Lauren Storey.
String Orchestra joined forces with Madrigalis to perform two pieces, „Pie Jesu‟ and „Panis Angelicus‟,
which they subsequently performed in Christ Church, Dublin on the recent music tour.
Chon Meng Lam arranged a beautiful Lloyd-Webber piece „Time to Say Goodbye‟ for Strings and
Madrigalis – a real heart wrencher!
As most of you are aware, Julie Shaw is retiring from NSG after 21 years of teaching in the Music
department. To celebrate Julie‟s dedication and commitment to the department, and to Madrigalis,
we invited former members of the group to join us for a final performance, singing their old favourites,
„Look to this Day!‟, „She‟s like the Swallow‟ and Julie‟s favourite, „Can‟t Help Lovin‟ That Man‟.
„Tie Rack‟ and Steel Pans entertained the audience during the interval followed by the grand finale
which was awe inspiring. Big Band performed „Knock on Wood‟ and „Mr Bojangles‟, two of the pieces
which they took to Birmingham for Music for Youth last week, then they were joined by a full String
Orchestra and Madrigalis to dazzle the audience with „Feeling Good‟. A special mention must go to
our very own Nina Simone, Annie Strausa, whose singing was truly breathtaking.
As we lose this year‟s group of talented sixth formers we can rest assured that NSG has many more
stars in the making. Well done and thank you to everyone who took part.
We know you will all join us in wishing Julie a very happy, enjoyable and fun filled retirement. We will
miss her so much!
Well Done and Thank You!
Congratulations to all students who have passed graded music exams this year.
Thank you to each and every student who belongs to a school ensemble and has taken part in
one (or more) of the many wonderful concerts we have held throughout the year. We have also
taken part in a huge number of community and nationally recognised events. Your talent and
dedication makes NSG Music the amazing success it is.
A reminder to all students who have booked lessons for next year – lessons begin the week
commencing 10 September 2012 – check the timetables as soon as you come back to school
and don‟t forget to bring your instruments!
Have a great holiday!!
The NSG Music Team
Find us on Facebook
Keep up to date with what we do by liking us on Facebook. Search for „Friends
of Northampton School for Girls‟.
Quiz Evening
This was a great success with a profit
of £120 being made.
Jubilee Party
Despite the rain everyone enjoyed
themselves. The Friends provided lots of
party food and of course the cake. Mrs
Martin, Chair of the Governors, definitely
came dressed for the part.
The Giving Machine
Do you use the internet for online purchases using websites such as
EBay, Amazon, Play, Tesco, Currys and lots more?
If so then you can help us to raise money for the
benefit of your Daughter at school without any real
Just sign up to “The Giving machine”
is how it works.
Go to the website www.thegivingmachine.co.uk
Sign yourself up.
When asked who you want as your beneficiary
choose Northampton School for Girls.
 You can then download an icon to put on your desktop.
 When you want to shop click on the icon, Find the shop you want to
purchase your goods from
 Buy your goods in the usual way.
The Friends of NSG will then be credited with a certain amount of commission
which is then donated to the school to buy additional resources.
Example: Ebay give 10% of their final valuation Fee, A new TV from Comet can
give us £12, Amazon also give small amounts which all add up. Take a look at
which sites are included. There are lots!!!
We just need people to sign up and use this site!! So far we have raised over
£450 with 53 givers. Think how much we could raise if just a quarter of the
school registered and used!
Donations this term
As well as providing the food for the Jubilee Party, this term the Friends
have also given £30 to the English Department to provide Literature boxes to
go under their notice boards and £100 to the afterschool club to buy new
craft materials.
We are always open to suggestions from both staff and students as to what
we can spend the money that we raise on. Please send your requests to
Term Dates 2012-2013
Term 1
Teacher Training Day
Teacher Training Day
Term begins
Term ends
Term 2
Term begins
Term ends
Term 3
Teacher Training Day
Teacher Training Day
Term begins
Term ends
Term 4
Term begins
Term ends
Teacher Training Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Term 5
Term begins
Bank Holiday
Term ends
Term 6
Bank Holiday Monday
Term begins
Term ends
Monday 3 September 2012
Tuesday 4 September 2012
Wednesday 5 September 2012
Friday 26 October 2012
Monday 5 November 2012
Wednesday 19 December 2012
Thursday 3 January 2013
Friday 4 January 2013
Monday 7 January 2013
Friday 8 February 2013
Monday 18 February 2013
Wednesday 27 March 2013
Thursday 28 March 2013
Friday 29 March 2013
Monday 1 April 2013
Monday 15 April 2013
Monday 6 May 2013
Friday 24 May 2013
Monday 27 May 2013
Monday 3 June 2013
Tuesday 23 July 2013
Holiday Dates
October Half Term
Christmas Holiday
February Half Term
Easter Holiday
May Half Term
Monday 29 October – Friday 2 November 2012
Thursday 20 December 2012 – Friday 4 January 2013
Monday 11 February – Friday 15 February 2013
Thursday 28 March – Friday 12 April 2013
Monday 27 May – Friday 31 May 2013
NSG picture board
NSG picture board