The Lion – 10 January 2014 - The British School in Tokyo


The Lion – 10 January 2014 - The British School in Tokyo
The Lion – 10 January 2014
Community events
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Dear Parents
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! I trust that you all had an enjoyable and
relaxing Christmas break with your families and, despite the freezing
weather, I hope that you and your children are as happy as I am to be back
for the New Year. It was good to meet some of our new parents over coffee
this morning, and I wish those of you who are just starting out at BST a
particularly warm welcome. It’s been a busy first week, but now that I’ve
enjoyed my first slice of Mr Steven’s Friday morning cake, I feel that the term is properly
One of the joys of a working year divided into three terms is that the return from each
break affords an opportunity to swap stories about holiday adventures. Over the past few
days for example, I have found it both fascinating and humbling to hear from three of our
Primary School teachers about their experiences working as volunteers in a Cambodian
school over Christmas. This morning Ms Inman, Ms Hope and Ms Hall presented an inspiring
assembly to the children in Shibuya about their time at the ABC and Rice School which made
me think that it would be very hard to find better role models for our pupils. Their
selflessness in making such a commitment after a long and demanding term seems to me to
be remarkable, and I hope to persuade them to share their story with a wider audience in
the near future.
A year ago my first Lion letter of 2013 began by welcoming Julia Maeda to our
Communications team as she temporarily stepped in to Lowly Norgate’s shoes while she was
maternity leave; next week Lowly returns, which means that this edition of the newsletter is
Julia’s last. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her enthusiastic hard
work over the past 12 months, and to wish her luck as she takes on her exciting new role
heading our 2014 25th Anniversary project.
It was on September 21 st 1989 that Lady Margaret Thatcher officially opened the British
School in Tokyo and the school has certainly come a very long way since then. Julia has a
whole series of events in Tokyo and further afield planned for the year ahead to mark this
milestone and the first, a party to launch the celebrations, takes place towards the end of
this month, on Thursday 23rd at 7:30pm. Further details may be found elsewhere in this
newsletter, and I do hope that many of you will come along to join us. As for the rest of the
year - watch this space!
Enjoy your weekend
Brian Christian
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For details on how to RSVP, please see the email sent out on Wednesday, 8th January by the
Communications Team, or email
Continuing to support our alumni
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to
welcome back one of our alumni, and support
her in her career development; this week
Alice Warner has been assisting with Y2R as
part of her teacher training qualification.
We wish her the very best of luck, and hope
to her again in the very near future.
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Alumni reunion
It was wonderful to learn that even though it has been many years since they were in the
same class, a group of BST alumni got together on 4th January 2014 to reunite and celebrate
the wedding of Fumiyo (formerly Nakagawa, now Welsby). The group consisted of former
students (Yr 8 graduates of 2001 - Fumiyo Welsby, Elena Omura, Emi Chiba-Smith, Arisa
Tagawa, Kanako Akagi, Kyoko Yoda, Adrian Chih, Andrew Coomber, Kento Taguchi, Robin
Lewis, and Yuri Sugimoto) and four of their old teachers (two current BST teachers - Richie
Steven and Hiroko Yabuta and two former ones - Priya Mehta and Nicola Takizawa).
Check out the newest BST Twitter feed:
Follow @BSTswimming for the latest BST swimming news, results,
training updates and general coaching information
Students (Primary and Secondary) interested in performing at the Advanced Musicians'
Recital on Tuesday, 25th February should see Mr Curran by Friday, 17th January.
Only musicians who are ABRSM Grade 6 and above are eligible.
If you have changed any of your contact information in the last few months,
please be sure to notify the school on so that we have the
latest information in our database, in case of an emergency.
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Dear Secondary parents and students
I hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable winter break and that the new
year will be happy and prosperous for all.
We have Y10 and Y11 Parents’ Evenings coming up over the next couple of
weeks: I look forward to seeing you there. There’s also another PTA
coffee morning scheduled for 23rd January here at Showa, which I hope
will draw plenty of interest: please do pop by if you can. And then at the
end of the month, we’ll be relieving you of the pleasure of your children’s company for a
few days while we take them off to the mountains (or, in the case of Y10, Kyushu) for
another BST Outdoors week. Everyone, I think, is looking forward to that.
I was very impressed on Tuesday by the assembly some of our Sixth Formers gave to the
whole school on learning: it was really well-presented, with plenty of sound and properlyresearched advice for everyone. Particularly pleasing to me was the exploding of that
strangely pervasive myth that ‘we only use 10% of our brains’. Certainly at BST I can assure
you we use a great deal more than that!
On a related note, you might be interested to see some of the outcomes of our education
seminar last August on Independent Learning: there were some very good talks, by BST
teachers, on different aspects of this topic, all videoed for the BST YouTube channel
( If you have a few minutes
to spare, please do navigate there and have a look at Mr Paterson, Mr Reid, Mr Harris, Miss
Arcus, Miss van Niekerk and many more presenting us with their own research and
proposals for the development of greater student independence. It was a most inspiring
event – and might be particularly interesting for you if you have never seen our teachers in
full performance mode!
Finally for this week, please note the good news that we have solved the school tie supply
problem: they are now available for purchase exclusively at Showa Reception, for JPY1,000
(junior size), JPY1,200 (adult size) and JPY1,500 (Sixth Form tie only). We are happy to be
able to return to the old design (stripes aligned correctly!) and, although the plain blue and
red design will remain uniform as well for some time to come (please don’t feel the need to
buy a new one if you already have one!), that one is no longer available to buy as a BST tie.
Upcoming Events: please contact us if you would like more information
Friday 10th January
Ski Club Trip
3:00-8:00pm MS Boys’ Basketball vs CAJ (a)
4:00-5:00pm Lecture Series: Claire Fox
Saturday 11th January
8.30am-3:00pm Model United Nations at KIST
9:00am-1:00pm MS Girls’ Futsal v SISK & NIS (h)
Monday 13th January
9:00am-12:00pm Y7 Art Trip
4:00pm-7:00pm Y11-13 Life drawing class
4:00pm-6:00pm True! Rehearsal
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Tuesday 14th January
4:00pm Y11 Parents’ Evening
4:00-6:00pm HS Boys’ Football v German School (DSTY) (h)
HS Girls’ Basketball v ISTA (h)
Wednesday 15th January
4:00-6:00pm True! rehearsal
Thursday 16th January
2:30-6:30pm MS Boys’ Basketball & HS Girls Basketball v ISTAA (a)
Saturday 18th January
MS Swim Team Competition @ ASIJ (a)
7:30-12:00pm MS Boys’ Basketball v Aoba (a)
9:00-2:00pm MS Girls’ Futsal v ISSH (a)
If you have any queries or questions, please do get in touch with me.
Best wishes
Chris Nicholls
Head of the Secondary School
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Dear Parents
Happy New Year to those of you I haven't managed to greet at the front
door so far this week. I hope you all enjoyed a good break and are raring to
go for Term 2.
This week in assembly at Showa I talked to the Year 4-6 children about how
they know, and indeed how they show that they are experiencing a great
education. We agreed that they are already good at showing us they are engaged and
enjoying learning, that they are making progress, that they are confident to ask questions
and for help. I have asked them to think about how they show you, their grandparents, their
wider social circles that they are becoming well educated. I suggested they reflect on how
they articulate their ideas, how they justify their opinions, what kinds of questions they ask,
how they interact with and query the world they live in. Please can I ask you as parents to
support this with these kinds of discussions at home too. We want to encourage all the
children to develop good learning skills and become great BST Learners.
This morning is our Shibuya assembly Ms. Hope, Ms. Inman and Mrs Hall gave a
presentation on their volunteer work in Cambodia over the Christmas break. The children
were really interested in the different school experience the Cambodian children have. We
were all pleased to see the money raised at the end of term making such a difference.
Congratulations to our three intrepid staff members for being such excellent ambassadors
for BST as well as great role models for helping those less fortunate. I have asked the
children to reflect on how they help and consider others even on a daily basis here at school.
Please do help us in encouraging the children to think of others and how to be a good friend.
A couple of events to highlight for your diary:
As you know 2014 is the year we celebrate our 25th Anniversary. On Thursday 23rd January
our launch event takes place. Details have come to you through email and posters are
around school. We look forward to seeing many of you there to raise the first glass.
Tuesday 11th February is the day for Primary Child Centred Consultations (CCCs). School is
only open for appointments. I will send full information with my newsletter next week. We
schedule CCCs on a national holiday so parents can both attend to talk with their child and
teacher about progress and targets.
We are finalising plans for Parent Workshops and will publish the list next Friday. There will
be a repeat session on Earthquake Preparedness at Home for new parents or those who
missed it last term, plus a repeat of the National Curriculum session I offered. We are
planning several IT sessions too. Please let me know if there is a topic you think would
appeal to a general audience.
Have a great weekend.
Warm wishes
Kirsten O’Connor
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10th January 2014 Year Group newsletter links:
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5:
Year 6:
Please note that all clubs will start on the week of 20th January UNLESS you have been
contacted directly by the club teacher, or by
1st Tokyo Scouts (on Thursdays at 6pm in Shibuya gym) will re-start on
Thursday 30th January and be held every Thursday during Term 2, except for
the half term week.
There will be no WYNRS after school football in January.
They hope to start again in February, and should
confirm this by the middle of January.
Please email directly to Yoshi of WYNRS on if you have any questions.
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Miyabi Arashi Taiko School
BST Fri. TAIKO CLASS – Winter 2014
Start: from Fri. 10th January!
~Class Information~
Period from: Fri. 10th Jan. – Fri. 21st Mar.
(NO class on: Fri. 21st Feb.)
<Class time & fee>
Adult lunch time class 12:00-13:00
\20,000 for 10 classes
Kids classes after school
Class 1 (Beginners)
Class 2 (Intermediate)
Class 3 (Advanced)
\20,000 for 10 classes
15:30-16:20 Yr. 1-3
16:20-17:20 Yr. 4-6
17:20-18:20 Yr. 7-
If any parent who joins Class 1 or 2 with children, the fee will be 16,000 yen.
Other classes for adults available on:
Sun. 12:00 – 13:00 / Wed. 18:40 – 19:50
For the continuing members from the fall session just come back to the first class. For the
new members please email: with the name of the student, Year &
contact number(s). If you need to contact by tel. or fax, the number is: (03) 5442-3368 (fax
as well) Moko Igarashi at Miyabi Arashi Taiko School.
For any questions please contact Moko Igarashi, Taiko class instructor.
Moko Igarashi - BST Taiko class
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Now the Holidays are over and the gift giving and receiving complete,
are you left with a lot of excess unwanted or unneeded gifts?
The Spring Fair Committee is looking for unwanted and unopened
gifts. These can be of any category, both children's gifts and adults
(NO clothes please). We are very happy to take these off your hands
to be used at the Spring Fair. Boxes will be placed in the Shibuya
foyer on Monday morning. If you are at Showa and have items to
donate, email and we can arrange pickup.
Please remember we can only accept completely new items.
Thank you very much for your support.
Mary Mac Manus (BST Spring Fair coordinator)
Coffee Morning for all Showa parents (Primary & Secondary)
Thursday, 23rd of January from 8:45am at the Showa Library (4th floor)
Please come and enjoy Richie's delicious baked goods!
Setagaya Boroichi Flea Market: Wednesday, 15th January 2014
The market has been going for over 400 years and takes place on 15th and
16th of January. There are approximately 700 stalls.
For more information take a look at the link below:
You will need cash as credit cards are not accepted. A charged Pasmo/Suica would also be
helpful but not essential.
Last year it was bitterly cold so layer up. If it is pouring with rain we will cancel the tour.
One Man's rubbish is another man's treasure. Come and find some treasures with us.
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Please R.S.V.P to
Shibuya Tour - Thursday 30th January 2014
With new families in mind but not exclusive to them, we will visit some of the best shops
close to the BST Shibuya school as well as pointing landmarks.
We will start with a coffee at the Tokyo Plaza Starbucks, from there to Oriental Bazaar on
Omotesando, a 100 Yen shop in Takeshite dori and then onto Tower Records, Don Quijote,
Foodchow, Hikarie Kyushu ya, Tokyo Plaza Fish lastly Yamaya (sake/wine store).
Meeting outside BST Shibuya reception at 8.55am and finishing at 12.30pm ish.
Please R.S.V.P to
Kawagoe - Friday 28th February 2014
Please watch the website (‘Upcoming events’), The Lion & the PTA noticeboard for further
details or email
Car seat model Start from RECARO for children 9-36 kg (1,5 - 6
years old).
Universal restraint system for children, approved in accordance
with ECE R44/03.
Fits in all cars that have 3-point safety belt.
The seat has different settings:
height of backrest (11 settings)
Shoulder width (3 positions)
Seat length (6 positions)
Sleeping position (but it will only tilt slightly).
Price: ¥ 3,000. If you are interested, please email:
The events on this page are not endorsed or approved by the BST.
To advertise on this page, please send a short article of no more than 100 word.s. Please
do not include images or documents, however web links for further information are OK.
Any flyers or posters may be put on the Parents’ Noticeboard in the Shibuya outside
corridor, pending approval (to post the noticeboard please talk to the Shibuya receptionist).
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