2015 Issue 2, V IV - Bergen County Technical Schools


2015 Issue 2, V IV - Bergen County Technical Schools
Bergen County Technical High School
Paramus Campus
Ways to support your school and show school spirit:
Look up the sports game schedule on Bergen.org/Paramuscampus/
Athletics. Call your friends and go cheer for the Bergen Tech Knights:
Football, Track & Field, Tennis, Soccer, Cross Country, Fencing, Basketball,
Bowling, Cheerleading, and Volleyball.
Volume V, Issue I
October-December 2015
Newspaper Staff:
Caitlin Harris
Rachel Miller
Tom Mirabella
Tonie Lepore
Thomas Prieto
Britain’s Most Beloved Fashion Company
Burberry is one of the most respected, well-known, and important fashion companies.
Liam Cromelin
Club Advisor-Mrs. Ryan
It was established in 1853, and has been a huge brand ever since. Some of the models, or
Email Addresses
“face” of the Company are Naomi Cambell, Cara Delevingne, Kate Moss and for the past
three years, Romeo Beckham. Burberry sets the standards for quality merchandise
Movie Critic
making it costly, however, it quickly will become a beloved possession. Some trendy
items they sell are shoes, bags, makeup, glasses, skirts, suits, and most famous, the trench
coat. Their trench coats are made in Scotland and their scarfs are made in England.
A new item they are selling are cute little keychains. They also have a list of acoustic
songs that is featured on their website. (https://us.burberry.com/acoustic/#/acoustic)
They have stores all over the world, and there is a new one right here in Paramus at the
Garden State Plaza!
Reptile Column
Fashion Column
Gaming Corner Column
Literary Corner
Coffee House is upon us.
Get together with friends and prepare to be dazzled by BT’s
extraordinary talent.
Some of our previous acts featured students
playing guitars, reciting poems, and singing, yes, even the cup
song! So let your creativity shine and join in the fun.
Have a poem you want
to share? An opinion to
voice? This is your student
newspaper, so send us your
illustrations, recipes, short
stories, secret tips from your
technical area, fashion
updates or any concert or
gaming news!
Binge Drinking-Know the facts, you can save a life!
Submitted by Ms. Bogdanowich marbog@bergen.org
What is binge drinking?
4 or more drinks for a girl
5 or more drinks for a boy
Why is binge drinking harmful?
Can lead to poor concentration
Memory lapses
Mood changes
Poor decision making
Alcohol poisoning
What is alcohol poisoning?
Alcohol poisoning is the body’s response to having too much alcohol in its system. Alcohol slows down the body’s functioning,
including breathing and the gag reflex-meaning a person can choke on his or her vomit. If left untreated alcohol poisoning can lead
to death.
If someone has had too much to drink, do you know what to look for and what to do?
Know the warning signs & symptoms of alcohol poisoning:
Consumed large quantities of alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) in a short span of time
Breathing slowly
Slurred, incoherent speech
Passing out- semi-conscious or unconscious
Nausea, vomiting, vomiting while sleeping
Cold, clamming, bluish or pale skin
Beds of eyes (inside red part of the eye) turn bluish
Very poor coordination, unsteady movement, slow reaction period
Call 911 and then tell them it is an alcohol overdose
You will not be able to tell how sick the person really is
Without medical help, the person will die
Stay with the victim. Do not leave them alone
If they are lying down, roll them on their side, so they do not choke if they vomit
Tell the emergency workers what and how much the victim drank or used
Every extra moment that you do not call 911 increases the chance of death for the victim
Turning Over A New Leaf
December is infamous for thoughts of reflection and resolution. In a world
where everything moves so quickly, it's an opportunity to pause. It's a
chance to be still and be present. It's a time to consider your successes
and achievements, your setbacks and failures. It's a chance to practice
gratitude and mindful thinking. December instills a sense of hope for the
coming year; a clean slate, a fresh start, a new beginning. The thrill and
excitement of the unknown -- of possibility -- fills the air and thoughts are infused with the undetermined
road that lies ahead. (www.huffingtonpost.com/timetoreflect)
Why do we make New Year’s resolutions?
A New Year's resolution is a tradition, most common in the
Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere,
in which a person makes a promise to do an act of selfimprovement or something slightly nice, beginning from New
Year's Day. (www.health.com/health/gallery.html)
A resolution is a decision to do or not do something in order to
accomplish a personal goal or break a habit. It comes at a time
when people look back at the past year and make an effort to
improve themselves as the new year begins.
What New Year’s resolution
will you undertake in 2016?
*If you have an inspirational story of your own that you would like to share, submit to Rachel Miller racmil@bergen.org*
Nov 22– Dec 21
Dec 22– Jan 19
You can see little details that
everyone else misses, so scope
out the scene and figure out what's important. You
don't need to share with the whole world, but you may
need to make a few changes. How the knot of your day
unravels is completely up to you, so get in touch with
your more positive mood and follow it. Best matches
for this zodiac sign; Aries, Aquarius and Leo. Least
favorable matches are Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.
You are surrounded by people who don't
seem to know what time it is -- and it may
be driving you nuts! Get some down time
on your own, so you can at least concentrate on important
stuff. You'll get some extremely good news that will send
your mood skyrocketing to the heavens. Best matches for
this zodiac sign; Taurus, Pisces and Virgo.
Least favorable matches are Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.
The Ant Man Movie Review
by Liam Cromelin
The Ant Man movie was a good movie filled with a combination of science, comedy and BaskinRobbins. In my opinion, you should add this to your “movies to see” list.
According to Peter Travers, movie reviewer, ..“The latest film franchise culled from Marvel's comicbook universe packs a ton of fun into a teeny package. Its low-key charm helps glide us over trouble
spots in tone and pacing. Ant-Man stars Paul Rudd as standard-sized Scott Lang, a petty thief who gets
to shrink at will and cause all sorts of trouble. Ant-Man may not have the hulking clout of the
Avengers, but the little hero from Marvel's second-tier gets the job done. The movie version benefits
from not being familiar to the point of frustration.” http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/reviews/antman-20150715
To sum up the plot a Cat Burglar named Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) teams up with Hank Pym (Michael
Douglas) after stealing a suit that can shrink as small as a ant and grow back in a matter of seconds.
But Hank Pym’s old intern Darren Cross (Corey Stoll) has invented a suit just like the Ant Mans.
The overall sum of the story is it’s a funny, science-y, and smartly planned movie with great actors.