The Retail Review - Virginia Retail Merchants Association
The Retail Review - Virginia Retail Merchants Association
The Retail Review Vol. 49, No. 4 August/September 2011 Attend the Annual Membership Meeting on Oct. 7 - 8, 2011 Meet and greet the VRMA Legislator of the Year during the evening. (Business attire) On Saturday, October 8th, attend a sit down breakfast just prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. You’ll hear speakers on issues of importance to retail. Caption describing picture or graphic. Plan now to join us on Friday, October 7th, for the Welcome Reception/ Dinner/Silent Auction. Enjoy great food, good company and do some early holiday shopping, online prior to the meeting and at the silent auction. An important event at the VRMA Annual Meeting is this fundraiser for the political action committee (VARPAC). Funds from the PAC are used to help elect retail-friendly state legislators. While in Richmond, the afternoon will provide a great opportunity for you, your family and/or friends to visit the area. Richmond falls are typically picture perfect with colorful foliage and warm daytime temperatures. (Let us know how we can help you plan the afternoon.) Calendar of Events HOTEL REGISTRATION DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 9 COUNCIL OF STATE RETAIL ASSOCIATIONS MTG. SEPTEMBER 24-27 ENERGY STAR & WATERSENSE SALES TAX HOLIDAY OCTOBER 7-10 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING OCTOBER 7-8 ELECTION DAY FOR ALL VIRGINIA HOUSE & SENATE MEMBERS NOVEMBER 8 Inside this issue: Duel Membership with VRMA and NRF The National Retail Federation’s stated mission is to advance the interests of the retail industry through advocacy, communications and education. As a member of the VRMA you are now automatically a member of the NRF. A duel membership sticker is included in this mailing for display on your door or window. This is an important benefit of VRMA membership. As the world’s largest retail trade association and the voice of retail worldwide, NRF’s global membership includes retailers of all sizes, formats and channels of distribution as well as chain restaurants and industry partners from the United States and more than 45 countries abroad. CHAIR CORNER 2 NEW MEMBERS 2 ON LINE BIDDING INFORMATION 3 NEWS ARTICLE 4 VRMA/NRF MEMBERSHIP STICKER ANNUAL MEETING REGISTRATION FORM AUCTION ITEM DONATION FORM Thank you for your membership and your participation in the VRMA. Please recommend your fellow businessmen in your community to join with you and the VRMA in making Virginia a more friendly retail environment. Chair Corner — Ken Vaughan We are half way through the 2011 calendar year. The first half was busy for the VRMA and the second half will be busy and challenging as well. The VRMA is planning our annual membership meeting. Please help make this a more meaningful and successful event by encouraging your nearby managers and associates to attend this year’s meeting at the Westin Hotel on Broad Street in Richmond, VA. All will enjoy the Friday night reception, food stations, and silent auction and the organization will benefit from your manager’s participation. As we move into the coming election the VRMA staff and Board are working to support legislators and candidates who are business and retail friendly. We need your help in this effort. Please know where your local candidates stand on business and retail issues and vote for those you feel will make the best legislator. Please encourage all of your associates, friends, and neighbors to vote in the primaries and the November elections. VARPAC, our political action committee, needs your support as well. Please participate by donating to and participating in our silent auction to raise funds to help us support legislators who are retail business friendly. Our silent auction will be online as well as part of our Friday night reception on President Laurie Peterson Aldrich Chairman Ken Vaughan Peebles First Vice Chairman Greg TenEyck Safeway The Retail Review is intended to be a source of information for VRMA members. The contents are advisory in nature and not intended to be legal advice. Page 2 We hope you had a very successful Tax Free event and Back to School season. Let us hear about it. We always welcome success stories! Please send VARPAC contributions to: Virginia Retail Merchants Association Attn: Laurie P Aldrich 701 E. Franklin Street Suite 809 Richmond, VA 23219 Register online or find sponsor and donation forms by visiting our website at VRMA Welcomes These New Members Visit VRMA on The Retail Review is published bi-monthly by the Virginia Retail Merchants Association, Suite 809, 701 East Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23219; Phone: (804) 6490789; Fax: (804) 644-8762; October 7th. Please share the online auction site with your associates, friends, and neighbors in your email address lists. The Good Cherry Forest Lynchburg Guitar Lessons Lynchburg Hello Nifty, LLC Forest Sale Concrete Construction Forest Home Check Inspections, Inc. Forest All Washed Up Forest BeautiControl Forest CBIZ Payroll Roanoke Craddock Terry Hotel and Event Center Lynchburg From Shabby to Chic Forest Stone Blue Productions Lynchburg Hospitality Marketing Solutions Forest Sweet Peas Children’s Consignment Boutique Lynchburg LAE-LAH Consulting Lynchburg Winridge Manor Madison Heights The Landtech Group of VA Lynchburg Huddleston Goal $10,000 VARPAC Silent Auction You Can Help Us Meet This Goal... Here’s How 1) Donate - These are a few of many items already donated! CharBroil Grill iPod Shuffle Yum! Brands Gift Basket $100 Home Depot Gift Card 24” Toshiba LED TV Mounting Hose Reel Mosaic Table 2 ) Bid - Start your online bidding as soon as you begin receiving emails from VRMA reporting that the auction is up and running. 3) Share - Pass the online bidding information on to family and friends as instructed by the online bidding site. Page 3 Never wire money as part of a retail sale John Mayleben, RPN senior vice president, technology and product development, writes a monthly column on retail technology. Contact John at “Never say never” usually holds true in life, but in the case of handling a MOTO (mail order/telephone order) transaction as a retailer, you should never wire money to someone. Let me repeat, because it’s that important. Never wire money to someone as part of a retail transaction. With the Great Recession of 2009-10 has come a marked increase in the number of merchants who are being taken advantage of by fast-talking scam artists who want something for nothing. The scam usually starts innocently enough. You get a nice size order for products or services from an unexpected source. The story seems legitimate and fits your business model. After the bad guy has set the hook, he suddenly “discovers” a problem that can be “solved” with the help of you, the merchant. Usually it is for shipping or for other services; the problem has even been to help the “customer” with customs (for an international order) or tax reporting. The solution to the customer’s problem is for you to run another transaction and wire the money to another person or company. These scams are limited only by the imagination of the scam artist and the gullibility of the merchant. Here are some real-life examples: A jewelry store customer requests a custom diamond ring, but needs part of the purchase price rebated to cover shipping and/or duty; A car dealer customer is interested in purchasing a unique used car, but needs part of the purchase price rebated to handle the shipping of the car; A granite memorial customer is interested in purchasing a custom headstone for a dead relative, but needs a portion of the purchase price rebated to facilitate delivery and installation; A tire dealer customer wants to purchase four racing tires, but wants them shipped to the racing event and requires a special shipping method; A B&B owner receives a request to “rent” the entire facility for executive meetings, but requires the use of an interpreter and needs the separate services to appear as one transaction for tax reasons. As you might expect, the person or company receiving the wired funds is a partner in the crime being committed. The scam artist has no interest in the actual item or the service, just the wired money. If you receive an order that follows this track, do not wire money. Ever. Once you wire the money (via Western Union or similar service) it is gone forever, because there is almost no way to get it back. The bad guy has your money, and the credit card transaction will become a chargeback with you holding the bag. If you ever have doubts about a transaction, call your help desk. They have probably seen or heard of the scam before and can offer sound advice. Remember, a sale that turns into bad debt is not a sale, it is just bad debt. “Circumstances may cause interruptions & delays, but never lose sight of your goal.” - Mario Andretti Page 4