San Francisco, California - California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
San Francisco, California - California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
Executive Director Gail Jones OFFICERS 1555 River Park Dr., Suite 105 ● Sacramento, CA 95815 Phone: (916) 643-1800 ● Fax: (916) 643-1836 Jeff Thoma, President Matthew Guerrero, Vice President Cris Lamb, Treasurer Steven Rease, Secretary California Attorneys for Criminal Justice & Hastings College of Law 2015 BOARD OF GOVERNORS October 15–18, 2015 David Andersen, Oakland Shannon Baker, Sacramento Dan Barton, Palo Alto Elias Batchelder, Oakland Allison Bernstein, Oakland David Bigeleisen, San Francisco Heather Boxeth, San Diego Robert Boyce, San Diego Megan Burns, San Francisco Luke Byward, Victorville Teresa Caffese, San Francisco Lesli Caldwell, Fairfield Seth Chazin, Albany Oliver Cleary, San Diego Gerissa Conforti, San Diego Stephen Dunkle, Santa Barbara Deedrea Edgar, Santa Barbara Jodea Foster, Chico William Genego, Santa Monica Jacqueline Goodman, Fullerton Neil Hallinan, Oakland Mohammad Ali Hamoudi, San Francisco Richard Hanawalt, Ventura Belinda Handy, Riverside Nancy Haydt, Ventura Kurt Hermansen, San Diego Michael Hernandez, San Diego Dustin Johnson, Sacramento David S. Kestenbaum, Van Nuys Keri Klein, Nevada City Richard LaFianza, Mountain View James Lambe, Fresno Barry Melton, Clearlake Jessie Morris, Sacramento Joe O'Neill, Oxnard Linda Parisi, Sacramento Alex Post, Oakland Dennis Riordan, San Francisco Timothy Rien, Livermore Adam Ryan, Redding Jesse Stout, San Francisco Julie Traun, San Francisco Orchid Vaghti, Santa Rosa Charles Windon III, Rancho Palos Verdes Allison Zuvela, Woodland National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition San Francisco, California The California Attorneys for Criminal Justice and University of Hastings School of Law cordially invites your law school to compete in our National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition to be held in San Francisco, California, October 15–18, 2015 We are looking forward to this year's event as it will be an excellent trial advocacy competition. We have invited only the best programs in the nation to compete. The competition will be held in the Federal District Courthouse with the final round at Hastings College of Law. Our competition is in its 7th year, and in this short time, it has become well known for its excellence. Both the fact pattern and judging have been hailed as exemplars of what a competition should include. We are fortunate to attract dedicated federal and state court judges and highly experienced criminal defense attorneys and prosecutors in our state and federal courts here in San Francisco. Attached to this invitation are copies of CACJ’s Forum’s articles summarizing recent competitions. Since 1973, justice has been part of our organizational name, because Justice is our goal. From the initial membership of 60 lawyers, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice has grown to include thousands of members and is the country's largest statewide organization of criminal defense lawyers and allied professionals. The specific purposes of CACJ are: 1. To defend the rights of persons as guaranteed by the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of California and other applicable law; 2. To preserve due process and equal protection of the law for the benefit of all persons; to enhance the ability of its members to discharge their professional responsibilities through educational programs, publications and mutual assistance; and 3. To protect and foster the independence of the criminal defense lawyer and to improve the quality of the administration of criminal law. To register, please review the attached REGISTRATION INFORMATION and complete the APPLICATION form attached. As noted, Registration opens on May 4, 2015, and closes on June 12, 2015, when payment is due. CACJ will provide a Federal Tax ID form upon request if needed by your accounting department. Also attached are key deadlines and additional General Information. For questions concerning the competition please email For any other questions regarding payment or deadlines, please email Sydney Langford at Thank you. Respectfully, NCTAC Planning Committee David Diamond Mohammad Hamoudi Geoffrey Hansen Cris Lamb Bobbie Stein Julie Traun Orchid Vaghti National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition 2015 CACJ & UC Hastings Law School REGISTRATION INFORMATION Thank you for your interest in the 2015 CACJ National Criminal Law Trial Advocacy Competition. In recent years, the number of law schools wishing to enter teams in the NCTAC has increased greatly. In order to maintain the quality of the competition, and to insure that teams from the greatest number of law schools are able to participate, we have changed some of our policies and procedures. Please read the following Registration Information carefully as it differs from past years: CACJ TRIAL COMPETITION DATES October 15, 16, 17 and 18, 2015 REGISTRATION FEE (Non-Refundable after July 31, 2015) $500.00 per Team REGISTRATION OPENS May 4, 2015 REGISTRATION CUT-OFF AND PAYMENT DUE DATE June 12, 2015 MAILING OF TRIAL MATERIALS (Subject to change) Early September 2015 Mail, Email or Fax Application and Payments to CACJ, Attn: Sydney Langford, 1555 River Park Drive, Ste. 105, Sacramento, CA 95815 or (916)643-1836- fax (Registration Applications received earlier than this date will not be given priority) (Trial Materials will be electronically mailed to the e-mail address indicated on your Registration Application.) IDENTIFICATION of COMPETITORS and OTHER PARTICIPANTS September 18, 2015 (Each team must consist of four (4) competitors. The names of student competitors, coaches, advisers and guests must be provided to CACJ.) MULTIPLE TEAMS If your school wishes to field a second team, you must indicate this on your Registration Application. PLEASE NOTE that only one (1) team will be confirmed as registered prior to the Registration Cut-Off Date. The registration of your “Team 2” will be held in abeyance until after the Registration Cut-Off Date. If, after the Registration Cut-Off Date, there is space available, the registration of your “Team 2” will be confirmed. Confirmation of Registration of your “Team 2” will be sent within ten (10) days after the Registration Cut-Off Date. Applications for more than two (2) teams per school will not be accepted. If, after the Registration Cut-Off Date a school withdraws one of its two teams from the Competition, the other team from that school, in the discretion of CACJ, may also be required to withdraw to maintain a proper number of teams overall. LATE REGISTRATION Registration Applications and/or Registration Fee checks received after the Registration Cut-Off Date will be accepted only to the extent that positions are available after the allocation of positions to previously received “Team 2” applications has been completed. (See “MULTIPLE TEAMS”, above.) If you have any questions please contact: California Attorneys for Criminal Justice & Hastings College of Law California Attorneys for Criminal Justice 1555 River Park Drive, Suite 105 Sacramento, CA 95815 Phone: (916) 643-1800 Fax:(916) 643-1836 National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition UNIVERSITY CONTACT INFORMATION SCHOOL NAME:__________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ COACH/ ADVISOR*: _______________________________________________________________________________ COACH/ ADVISOR PHONE*: ______________________________ COACH/ ADVISORS EMAIL*:________________________________ *REQUIRED INFORMATION TEAM ENTRY DEADLINE: JUNE 12, 2015 (NON REFUNDABLE AFTER JULY 31, 2015) LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE! One Team Wait List for 2nd Team □ $500.00 □ BILLING INFORMATION Name: ____________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $ 500.00 □ Check Enclosed Charge my: □ Visa □ MasterCard Account Number: _________________________________________________ 3 Digit Security Code: __________ Exp. Date: ____________ Billing Address (Required for all Credit Card Purchases): _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________ ______________________________ _________________ Signature Date PLEASE SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO CACJ BY MAIL, FAX, OR EMAIL 1555 RIVER PARK DRIVE, STE. 105 SACRAMENTO, CA 95815 (916) 643-1836- Fax SLANGFORD@CACJ.ORG WWW.CACJ.ORG 2013 NATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIAL ADVOCACY COMPETITION By Julie Traun This year the competition featured 24 law school teams from all around the country. Each team is comprised of four students who must prepare both a prosecution and defense team; each student performs the role of advocate and witness and following every round, the team must switch roles. Obviously, the work by the teams requires mastery of facts, strategy and law from the perspective of both defense and prosecution. It is a significant undertaking. The teams were paired randomly, having no idea how the opposing team might prepare. The level of preparation and skill exhibited by the student participants was impressive and the resulting competition was intense. More than 100 lawyers and judges volunteered their time to help preside over and/ or score the trials. In the Ànal trial, The +onorable Maxine Chesney, United States District Court Judge, presided alongside The Honorable Harry Dorfman, San Francisco Superior Court Judge, and San Francisco 3ublic Defender JeͿ Adachi. Congratulations to the following teams and coaches. The Ànal results were: *HRUJH:3RUWHU$ZDUG IRU 2XWVWDQGLQJ 3HUIRUPDQFH -R\'LQHR1RUWKZHVWHUQ t7PM/P 27 2 0 1 3 N AT I O N A L C R I M I N A L T R I A L A D V O C A C Y C O M P E T I T I O N UG 3ODFH &KaUlotte 6FKool oI /aZ 6WXGHQWV 6\GQH\ &DUWHU .HYLQ /RQJ $GDP :LOOLDPVRQ DQG &KULVWRSKHU 'UDXJKQ &RDFK .\OH 3D\QH WK 3ODFH Cal Western VW 3ODFH 1RUWKZHVWHUQ 6WXGHQWV -R\ 'LQHR )UDQN 'RRUOH\ $OOLVRQ )UHHGPDQ -RKQ 0DFN .ULVWHQ 0F&DOO &RDFK 5LFN /HYLQ 7HDP 0LFDHOD 'H /D &HUGD 6KDQH /DXULW]HQ -RUGDQ 'X%RLV DQG 0HOLVVD 0DFN &RDFKHV %LOOLH *LEVRQ DQG 5RE\Q 5LHGHO WK 3ODFH 0FGeorJe 6WXGHQWV $QGUHD 0RUULV 7LͿDQ\ :\QQ 'D\OD 6ZDUW] DQG -DPHV %UDGIRUG %RDFKHV$ODQ 'RQDWR DQG -HͿ 6FKDͿ WK 3ODFH Santa Clara QG 3ODFH Golden Gate 6WXGHQWV $VHLO 0RKPRXG %URRNH 3HUNLQV %UHQW .OLQJ -DFO\Q 0HUNLV /LWLJDWLRQ 'LUHFWRU :HV 3RUWHU &RDFKHV 9- &KHWW\ %ODLU 3LFNXV .DW\D 6DOJDQLFN 6WXGHQWV 0RNVKD &KDWWRSDGK\D -HQQLIHU 6FKDUUH -DPHV :HWKH DQG *UHHU 6WRQH &RDFK $OH[ )ULHGPDQ %HQ &KLDQJ DQG $PLQGHU 6LQJK WK 3ODFH Florida Coastal 6WXGHQWV $PDQGD 'HUE\ ,DQ 3LFNHQV 7UDF\ (QJOH DQG 7KHUHVD &DUOL &RDFK -RKQ &DQQL]]DUR CACJ is committed to attracting bright, committed lawyers to the practice of criminal law and takes pride in this event which provides a real-world experience for the students as they consider their futures as attorneys. It could not have happened without the commitment of time and energy by many Àne judges and lawyers; thank you to everyone that helped make it possible. 28 The CACJ/Hastings National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition Committee: Julie Traun, Geoff Hansen, Cris Lamb, Bobbie Stein, Mohammad Hamoudi, David Diamond, Linda Starr and Chris Gauger. WK 3ODFH Southwestern 6WXGHQWV $QUHZ 6WHLQEHUJ 1HJLQ 0RVWDGLP %\URQ $EURQ 1RUPDQG\ +XWVRQ.LGG &RDFKHV $QWKRQ\ .RXWULV *LDQFDUOR 5HFLQRV DQG -HUHP\ 'DYLV CACJ/FORUM Congratulations to all of the 2014 National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition Participants and Winners Another Very Successful DocŬ drŝĂl oŵƉeƟƟon ϮϬϭϰEĂƟŽŶĂůƌŝŵŝŶĂůdƌŝĂů ĚǀŽĐĂĐLJ ŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϭϲƚŚ - ϭϵƚŚ ŽďďŝĞ ^ƚĞŝŶ Θ :ƵůŝĞ dƌĂƵŶ CACJ held its sixth annual National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition (NCTAC) this year, hosting 24 law school teams from around the country. In six years this competition has grown in stature and popularity, garnering a national reputation. The program now attracts some of the nation's top law school advocacy programs. The NCTAC was created to stimulate student interest in developing trial advocacy skills with a focus on criminal and constitutional law and to encourage law schools to teach trial advocacy skills to their students. In recent years, CACJ has partnered with UC Hastings College of the Law to plan the event. The final round is held in Hastings¶ state-of-the-art moot courtroom. The preliminary rounds are held at the Federal District Court in San Francisco. 1st Place University of San Diego School of Law (LeŌ to Right): The Honorable Saundra Brown Armstrong, Senior Judge Federal District Court, Aaron French, Caitlin Macker, James Joseph, Jennifer Boyle, Steven Kalar, &ĞĚĞƌĂů ĞĨĞŶĚĞƌ EŽƌƚŚĞƌŶ ŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ ŽĨ ĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂ, The Honorable Susan Breall, of the San Francisco Superior Court who collapsed in the August heat during football practice, never to regain consciousness. Prosecutors brought unprecedented charges against the high school football coach for the death of the player. The law school teams played out the courtroom drama, alternately prosecuting and defending the coach against involuntary manslaughter and child abuse CACJ¶s devoted NCTAC¶s charges. coordinating committee based this year¶s fact pattern on an ac- Each law school team painstaktual case out of Louisville, ingly analyzed, strategized and Kentucky. It was the tragic case practiced their skills for six of a high school football player weeks prior to arriving in San 18 Francisco for the competition. The four member teams acted as both the prosecution and the defense, in addition, performed as both advocates and witness, switching roles every round. Understanding the case from the broad perspective of witness and advocate, defense and prosecution, requires considerable effort and a thorough analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the facts and applicable law. Teams were paired randomly and all teams competed during the preliminary rounds on Thursday and Friday nights. CACJ/FORUM Congratulations to all of the 2014 National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition Participants CACJ¶s own Ann Moorman, now a Superior Court Judge in Mendocino County, addressed the students after the Friday night round at the Soluna Cafe & Lounge reception as they awaited the results of the preliminary rounds. Citing her own experience and involvement with CACJ, Ann encouraged students to find a professional community, like CACJ, to foster relationships with respected peers, noting that the professional development made possible through organizations like CACJ is essential to professional excellence. Only the top eight teams advanced to the Saturday morning quarter finals, with four winners moving on to the semi-final round on Saturday afternoon. This year¶s top two teams, Charlotte School of Law and University of San Diego, met on Sunday morning in the final round before an esteemed panel of both Federal and State Court judges and the Federal Defender for Northern California. In each round, the teams exhibited extraordinary skill and preparation and our volunteer judges universally praised the participants for their impressive performances. Nearly 100 lawyers and judges graciously volunteered their time to preside over and score the trials. Thank you to everyone who helps to make this competition possible year after year. This event could not happen without the commitment of time and energy by all of our volunteers. A special note of gratitude goes out to Geoff Hansen of the Federal Defender¶s 2ffice and $djunct 3rofessor at Hastings College of the Law. His tireless efforts to secure the use of the Federal Courthouse and permission of twelve judges for the use of their courtrooms as well as his logistical support for all aspects of this competition is the glue that cements the success of this pro- gram. The CACJ/ Hastings National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition Committee Julie Traun (chair), David DiaŵŽnd, 'eŽī ,anƐen, DŽhaŵŵad ,aŵŽudi, riƐ Lamb, and Bobbie Stein. And the Winners aref 1st Place: University of San Diego School of Law ϮnĚ Place: harloƩe School of Law 3rd Place: Florida State School of Law 6th Place: Pepperdine University School of Law (Team #2) 7th Place: Santa Clara University School of Law 8th Place: University of San Francisco School of Law ϰth Place: U ,asƟngs ollege of Law 5th Place: Loyola University of Chicago 2014 • Vol. 41, No. 4 George Porter Award James Joseph, University of San Diego 19 Congratulations to all of the 2014 National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition Participants George Porter Award Recipient 20 James Joseph –University of San Diego 2nd Place: Charlotte School of Law (LeŌ to Zight): The ,onorable Saundra Broǁn rmƐtronŐ, Senior JudŐe &ederal DiƐtrict ourt, JameƐ JoƐeƉh, Steven <alar, &ederal DeĨender Eorthern DiƐtrict oĨ aliĨornia, The ,onorable SuƐan Breall, JudŐe oĨ the San &ranciƐco SuƉerior ourt (LeŌ to Zight): Zobert <. orbeƩ, ///, The ,onorable Saundra Broǁn rmƐtronŐ, Senior JudŐe &ederal DiƐtrict ourt, JoƐhua <ellouŐh, ledža DcartneLJ, Waul Steven (in bacŬ), The ,onorable SuƐan Breall, JudŐe oĨ the San &ranciƐco SuƉerior ourt, Steven <alar, &ederal DeĨender Eorthern DiƐtrict oĨ aliĨornia, and JuƐƟn ŬenjeƉiƐ 3 rd Place: Florida State School of Law 4th Place: UC Hastings School of Law (LeŌ to Zight)͗ oreLJ <irŬǁood, Lauren BaLJe, Demi BuƐaƩa, and ZLJan DolaŐhan (LeŌ to Zight): JuƐƟn WaŐe, SteƉhanie Biehl, ,annah toreŬ, and JeƐƐica 'ueƐt CACJ/FORUM Thank You to all of the 2014 National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition Judges Final Round Judges: The Honorable Susan M Breall Judge of the San Francisco Superior Court The Honorable Saundra Brown Armstrong Senior District Judge Steven Kalar Federal Defender, Northern District Special Thanks to all of our Judges... Hon. Saundra Brown Armstrong Hon. Susan Breall Hon. Harry Dorfman Hon. Susan Illston Hon. Newton Lam Hon. James Larson Hon. Ann Moorman Hon. Braden Woods Hon. 'arreƩ Wong Shilpi Agarwal Linda Allen David Andersen Graham Archer Dean Arnold Ira Barg Daniel Barton Elliot Beckelman George Beckwith Daniel Blank Jeīrey Bornstein Chuck Bourdon Sheila Brogna Megan Burns ScoƩ Burrell Gregory Cleaver John Cline Robbi Cook William Corman Erin Crane Randolph Daar MaƩ Dalton Ila Deiss 2014 • Vol. 41, No. 4 Paul DeMeester Grace DiLaura Lisa D'Orazio Julie Drous Ruth Edelstein BriƩ Evangelist Braden Faerstein Nicole Feied Thomas Feimer Seth Flagsberg Eric Flemming Erica Franklin Peter Furst Michael Gawley Brian Getz Mark Goldrosen August Gugelmann Amanda Hairston Eric Hairston John Hamasaki Stuart Hanlon Sarah Hawkins Laurel Headley Michael Hinckley Sidney Hollar Rick Horn Douglas Horngrad Lindsay Horstman Mark Iverson Anne Lackey Jan Lecklikner Kasie Lee Marvin Lew Suzanne Luben Mary MacNamara Alex McClure Brian McComas Alyssa MelloƩ Candis Mitchell Karen Morghtader Robert Moutrie Chris Nemetz Sanaz Nikaein Shirin Oloumi Thomas Ostly Asit Panwala Nate Peterson Randy Sue Pollock Alexander Post Garry Preneta Sharon Reardon John Rowland Richard Shikman Rani Singh Mai Linh Spencer Linda Starr Tony Tamburello Michael Thorman Rafael Trujillo L. Stephen Turer Orchid saghƟ Robert Waggener Cheryl Wallace Charles Woodson Tom Worthington Some of the Judges from the Semi-Final and Quarter-Final Rounds: (LeŌ to Zight): The Honorable Susan Illston, Senior District Judge, The Honorable James Larson, District Magistrate Judge (reƟred) (former CAJC president), The Honorable Ann Moorman, Judge of the Superior Court, Mendocino County (former CACJ president), MaƩ Gonzalez, Chief AƩorney, San Francisco Public Defender and Ted Cassman (former CACJ president), (Eot pictured: Eric Fleming (Head of Homicide hnit) and Linda Allen (Homicide hnit), San Francisco District AƩorney͛s Oĸce, The Honorable Harry Dorfman, The Honorable GarreƩ Wong, Judges of the San Francisco Superior Court 21