Dimensional Scoring


Dimensional Scoring
Firefighter - FireTEAM™......................................... 5
Entry Level Test ............................................................... 6
Supervisory Exams .......................................................... 8
Assessment Centers ........................................................10
Tactical and Command Training & Testing ................11
Performance Evaluation System ....................................12
Training ...............................................................................13
Law Enforcement FrontLine National™ ................................................15
Entry Level Test ...............................................................16
Supervisory Exams ...........................................................18
Assessment Centers .......................................................19
Performance Evaluation System ...................................20
Emergency Communications - ECOMM™......21
Entry Level Test ................................................................22
Adult Corrections - REACT™...............................25
Entry Level Test ...............................................................26
Supervisory Exam ............................................................28
Training ...............................................................................29
Juvenile Corrections - IMPACT™........................31
Entry Level Test ...............................................................32
Supervisory Exams ...........................................................34
Training ...............................................................................35
Transit - START™.......................................................37
Entry Level Test ................................................................38
Supervisory Exams ...........................................................40
Training ...............................................................................42
Customer Service - Diplomat Series™ ........... 43
Entry Level Test ...............................................................44
Office Skills Test ............................................................... 46
Supervisory Exams .......................................................... 47
ExamHQ .........................................................................48
National Testing Network .......................................49
Consulting Services .................................................... 50
& Applied Personnel
Research, Inc.
A b o u t E rgo m e t ri c s
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc., is a human
resource management firm specializing in personnel selection
and training. Established over 30 years ago, Ergometrics has
designed the most comprehensive, award winning, video
testing and job simulation testing programs in the nation.
We have provided personnel testing services for thousands
of clients in the US and Canada. Most large cities and state
governments in the US use our products, as do hundreds of
local entities and smaller organizations.
Ergometrics’ tests have been given to millions of applicants.
Our tests are extensively and professionally validated, using
both content and criterion validation. We provide complete
documentation that conforms to all legal and professional
standards for validation. Regardless of the size of the
organization, Ergometrics provides a comprehensive set of
personnel selection tools that are highly predictive of on the
job performance.
Ergometrics’ owners Carl Swander, Ph.D., Oscar Spurlin, Ph.D.
and Carla Swander are all dedicated testing professionals,
nationally recognized for the development of video-based
and simulation testing.The Ergometrics team is comprised of
professionals with backgrounds in psychology, testing, video
and computer technology.This complete range of skills makes
it possible for Ergometrics to develop the most sophisticated
testing tools available.
National Awards
The City of Long Beach, CA, won the IPMAAC Innovation
in Assessment Award using Ergometrics FireTEAM™ Testing
System. One of our owners, Carla Swander, recently won the
prestigious Stephen E. Bemis award for lifetime achievement
in testing.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
Se r vice Ph ilosop hy
At Ergometrics, we strive to give our clients the highest
level of service. We develop tests and systems with the
client in mind.To simplify the testing process, we make our
proctor instructions easy to follow and most candidate
instructions are built right into the videos. We also offer
guaranteed two day scoring and only charge for actual
tests used.
Quick Scoring
Ergometrics provides scoring results within two business
days of receipt of answer sheets. Services include:
scoring of all answer sheets, transmission of test results,
maintenance of a database of all previous testing and
consultation regarding scoring and passing points.
Flexible Pricing
Customer Service
At Ergometrics, we go far beyond traditional service to
make sure our clients are satisfied. We provide unlimited
phone consultation to clients and work closely on details
specific to our clients’ needs.
Making Administration Simple
Ergometrics’ simulation tests are easy to administer -- as
simple as playing a video or DVD. Answer sheets and all
administration instructions are provided. Ergometrics’
tests are designed for the whole range of testing venues,
from thousands of candidates in one administration to
small, single candidate administrations.
Ergometrics offers standard per applicant pricing and
annual licenses. Per applicant pricing is a good choice
for organizations with low volume or infrequent testing.
Organizations that test more frequently or have large
numbers of applicants may prefer annual licenses with
reduced per applicant fees. This catalog shows pricing
options for each product so you can make the best choice
for your organization.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
Testing P h i l osop hy
Ergometrics’ testing philosophy is centered on providing
our clients with the most effective and job related selection
tools in the industry. We believe that, of all the decisions
managers make, hiring decisions have the largest impact on
their organizations. Therefore, we take the approach that
test design and development should not be limited solely
to traditional methods. Our team includes experts in many
professional and technical fields collaborating to create tests
that predict job performance.
Simulation Testing
Observing how people work in the real environment is
the most effective way to assess abilities. With tests that
are not a simulation of the job, such as paper and pencil
tests, candidate job match becomes less clear. Ergometrics’
simulations are designed to narrow that gap between test
performance and job performance. Simulations give you
a look at not only abilities, but how individuals use those
abilities given real work conditions including time pressures,
stressful interactions, interruptions and other factors
that make jobs difficult. High quality simulations increase
test validity and are an essential component of modern
management. Ergometrics is the leader in simulation testing.
Use of Video and Technology
Video is a practical medium for job simulations for many
occupations. Written and oral tests describe situations
for candidates to imagine. Not only is it impossible and
impractical to fully describe a situation, the description itself
provides clues about what is important. Video scenarios
present exactly the same information to everyone, allow
for careful staging of the events and the surrounding
environment and require applicants to observe and analyze
situations for themselves.
Advancing the Science
At Ergometrics, we are dedicated to advancing the science
of testing. We are continually researching and improving
testing methods.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
Valida tio n
All Ergometrics’ simulation tests are professionally validated. Ergometrics’ video tests consistently have lower adverse
impact than written tests. They are not dependent on
Ergometrics uses both content and criterion validation.
reading ability or prior experience. Because the scenarios
Content validation is demonstrated by job analysis and are actual job simulations, video tests are the fairest way
the relationship between test content and job demands. to assess applicants from diverse backgrounds. Simulations
Simulation design, depicting common stressors and problems also provide the best measurement of judgment and human
encountered on the job, provides the most obvious evidence interaction skills, which are often critical to job performance
of content validity. During test development, detailed job and typically have less adverse impact than dimensions
analyses are developed and data collected from incumbents generally tested by traditional format tests.
to further document the strong link between our simulation
tests and the actual job.
Dimensional Scoring
Ergometrics’ criterion validation consists of comparing the
linkage between test scores and job performance. Direct
statistical relationship between higher test scores and
higher job performance provides strong evidence for test
validity. Ergometrics’ simulations consistently show strong
correlations with job performance. Other criteria such
as turnover, absenteeism and training scores are used to
support criterion validation.
Years of research in simulation testing have advanced our
ability to report dimensional scores for most of our tests.
These dimensional scores are analyses of candidate response
patterns that are pertinent to the job. Dimensional scores
help employers understand candidates better and the type
of training, coaching and supervision they will need, if hired.
Ergometrics can provide detailed technical validation reports
upon request. We encourage organizations to review this
information and compare it to other tests.
Fa irness
Ergometrics is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in
the development of fair and objective screening procedures.
Emphasis on video and other techniques for developing
simulations is Ergometrics’ cornerstone in the process of
creating fair, job related tests. Following are key aspects
in our approach to provide systems with the maximum
predictive power and fairness:
Extensive job analysis
Identifying and measuring the full range of critical skills and behaviors
Development of test materials that require no prior training or experience
Extensive subject matter expert input and review
Detailed item analyses
Professional validation studies
Example dimensional score graph from FireTEAM™ Promote.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
FrontLine National
Adult Corrections
REACT™ Human Relations Video Test
REACT™ Count Test
REACT™ Reading Test
REACT™ Report Writing Video Test
REACT™ Promote Supervisory Exam
Other Services
Standard Exams
Custom Exams
REACT™ Training
Video-Based Training Program for
Working with Juvenile Offenders
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
REACT™ Human Relations Video Test
Interactive Style with Offenders
Response to Offender Behaviors
Gaining Cooperation
Recognizing Situations and Behaviors
Rule Enforcement and Discipline
Professional Attitude and Conduct
REACT™ Count Test
Keeping Track of Inmate Movement and Count for Correctional Officers
REACT™ Reading Test
Standard Reading Level for Correctional and Probation Officers
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
Other Services
Probation/Parole (Community Corrections)
Community Based Residences and Programs
Mental Health Security
Counselor/Social Worker/Case Manager
Facility Support
Program Support
Administrative Support
Court Worker
Medical Personnel
Management Personnel
REACT™ also includes test components for other important
job skills needed in most criminal justice jobs.
1hr. 59min.
Candidates for criminal justice jobs may be too weak to work
with offenders, susceptible to manipulation, too harsh or
prone to over-involvement. REACT™ is a specifically designed,
research-based, video simulation test that identifies outstanding
candidates well suited for these demanding jobs. REACT™ is
a useful and valid component for any job where incumbents
interact with offenders. REACT™ scores should be considered
when hiring personnel for:
Length (Minutes)
Video Testing System for Adult Corrections
Human Relations Video Test
Count Test
Reading Test
Report Writing Video Test
# of Items
Support Services Supervisor
Weld County, CO Sheriff’s Office
REACT™ Testing Components
FrontLine National
The burden of finding truly qualified
applicants is a thing of the past. By using
Ergometrics, our hiring process has become
half the work and creates a solid pool of
qualified applicants. With its validation
in place, the React video testing product
eliminates concerns about whether the hiring
practice is fair to all.
• Identifying Candidates Suited to Work with Offenders
• Identifying Top Candidates in the First Phase of Testing
• Lower Adverse Impact
• Easy Administration
• Rapid Scoring Services
• Dimensional Score Reports
• Reduced Cost and Hiring Times
REACT™ Benefits include:
REACT™ Report Writing Video Test
Observation Skills
Accurate Report Writing
Basic Writing Competency for Correctional Officers
Dimensional Scores
REACT™ is not a paper and pencil personality checklist.
REACT™ uses simulation of actual job circumstances to
understand how candidates will respond. Dimensional scores
provide a preview of behavioral patterns to expect if the
candidate is placed in a job requiring offender contact.
Overall judgment scores plus candidate response patterns in
these eight dimensions are reported.
Other Services
FrontLine National
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
REACT™ Promote Supervisory Exam
FrontLine National
REACT™ Promote Supervisory Exams are validated tests that
measure ability to supervise and manage staff in correctional
settings. REACT™ Promote consists of a video-based employee
observation component and a series of written situational
judgment questions, all specific to corrections. REACT Promote
Supervisory Exams are available for the following ranks:
Managing Performance
Training/Career Development
Interpersonal Relations
Managing Conflict
Managing Change
Changing Role to Supervisor
Working with Management
Discipline and Managing Difficult Employees
Team Development/Delegation
Prioritization/Effective Use of Resources
Offender Management
There is a minimum price of $500 to use REACT™ Promote
Exam. This fee covers testing for 1-10 applicants. For additional
candidates beyond the first 10, the cost is $40 per applicant.
Candidate preparatory handouts, test booklets, answer sheets
and scoring are included.
# of Items
2hrs. 30min.
Ergometrics can create custom exam items from assigned
sources, including internal documents such as department SOPs.
Contact us to discuss your needs and get a firm price based on
your specific testing requirements.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
Other Services
Custom Exams
REACT™ Promote Exam Component
Using dimensional scores helps you customize your interview
process to find those candidates most suited for promotion.
Additionally, dimensional scores provide helpful feedback for
candidates on areas they can improve.
R EAC T ™ Pro mo te Ex am Pr i c i ng
REACT™ Promote includes both numerical ranking by total
score and dimensional scores in these areas:
REACT™ Training
REACT™ Training Pricing
REACT™ Training is designed for all occupations requiring
contact with offenders. REACT™ Training complements
REACT™ Testing and addresses employee patterns that are
challenging to supervisory staff, including: unnecessary harshness,
over-involvement with offenders, susceptibility
to manipulation and low team orientation. Each module is
specifically designed to make a strong impact on new or veteran
employees whose performance suffers due to one or more
common dysfunctions often observed in those who work with
offenders. REACT™ Training provides strategies; techniques
and tools that help employees better understand their
responsibilities and the impact of their behaviors. REACT™
Training addresses the following areas:
REACT™ Training is a one time cost, based on the size of your
FrontLine National
Staff Size
5001 +
Other Services
Reducing susceptibility to offender manipulation and
getting out of extortive situations
Curbing unnecessary harshness to improve officer
safety and offender control
Avoiding over-involvement and maintaining
professional relations with offenders
Working hard: expectations for high productivity and
work ethic
Team orientation
R EA CT ™ Tr ai ni n g P r i ci ng
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
Special Pricing
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org

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