Footprints for the Future - Down Syndrome Association of Central


Footprints for the Future - Down Syndrome Association of Central
A publication of Down Syndrome Association of Central California
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all people whose lives are touched by Down syndrome.
September/October 2010 ~ Volume 9, No. 5
In this issue...
DSACC Updates
Club 321
Monthly Articles
Kid’s Korner
DSACC Website
Fall Sibshops
Third Thursday
DSACC Wish Lists
Thank You’s
Family Fiesta
Volunteer Spotlight
Step Up Committee
2010 Calendar
Articulos en Espanol
Footprints for the Future
On Friday, November 19 and Saturday, November 20, DSACC is hosting a conference for professionals and primary caregivers. Join us as we explore the topic of
personal planning for our loved ones with disabilities after we are no longer able
to care for them ourselves. Jo Ann Simons, MSW, will explain how to develop
and keep an updated personal planning manual. Friday will be dedicated to a
workshop for professionals -- Ms. Simons will walk through the personal planning
manual step-by-step. Saturday will be dedicated to primary caregivers -- they
will be given the opportunity to work through the manual and personalize it for
their loved one. Participants will be provided with a hard copy of the manual as
well as the manual on a CD.
Footprints for the Future will be held at International Catering (NW corner of
West and Ashlan).
*More information on page 7
Step Up Is Here!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Hoover High School
Step Up is a one mile walk that serves as the largest public Down syndrome awareness
event in the Central Valley and our primary fundraising event to support all the vital
programs and services throughout the year.
Last call!!!
Deadline for early registration,
sponsors, and vendors is
September 15!
Don’t miss out, call 228-0411
or E-mail
Step Up Dates:
-September 18: Creative Workshops for PossAbilities; 9am to
Noon; DSACC office
-September 30: Early T-shirt Pick-up; 12-7pm; DSACC office
-October 1: Early T-shirt Pick-up; 12-5pm; DSACC office
-October 2: Step Up for Down Syndrome; 10am (registration
opens at 8:30am); Hoover High School
*More Step Up information on page 7
DSACC Updates
Program Manager:
Kate Henry
Office Manager:
Danielle Hananouchi
The Extra is funded in part by
The Fansler Foundation and
Impress Printing.
Newsletter Editor:
Danielle Hananouchi
Spanish Language Editor:
Lourdes Arias
Contact Information:
Down Syndrome Association of Central California
4277 W. Richert Ave. Suite 102
Fresno, CA 93722
Phone: (559) 228-0411
Fax: (559) 228-0414
Statement of Policy and Disclaimer:
The Extra is the periodic newsletter of (DSACC)
Down Syndrome Association of Central California,
which serves Central California. Subscription is free to
members & friends of the Association.
DSACC is affiliated with N.D.S.C and N.D.S.S.
The Extra reports items of interest related to
Down syndrome, so that the reader may make informed decisions concerning Down syndrome related
issues. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or
recommendations expressed in The Extra are those of
the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the officers, Board of Directors, DSACC organization or its membership. All medical related issues
should be thoroughly discussed with your doctor before
being implemented. DSACC does not endorse the writings of any individual, professional, or organization.
2010 Officers and Board of Directors
Denise Allshouse - President
Bill Leist - Vice President
Marie Harder - Secretary
Lourdes Arias - Treasurer
Members At Large
Paris Boone
Jane Feist
Ben Nicholson
Sukhjit Purewall, DDS
Efrain Tovar
Jennifer Whiting
***Office Hours***
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9am until 4pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 9am until Noon
Also open for scheduled events, and by appointment
Join DSACC’s Dream Team
It is time to think about electing our leadership members for the coming
2011 year. We have had a wonderful year working together and have
accomplished so much already.
In April 2009, at a Strategic Planning Meeting, the DSACC Board of
Directors put together a list of occupations that would be beneficial to
have as board members. The expertise of someone within these
occupations would provide viewpoints that we need to consider as a
We have many of the “Dream Team” members that we had envisioned
but are still looking for people with expertise in any of the following areas:
Accountant, Public Relations or Marketing, Community celebrity or leader,
Clergy, Clinician and an Educator. Candidates for these positions do not
have to have a loved one with Down syndrome but we ask that they have
the time and passion to dedicate to board service. Our families are a
diversified group across a rather wide area so our goal is to have a board
of directors who represents our membership in every aspect.
Nominations are accepted until the Board meeting on November 17,
2010. As usual, the meeting will be held at the DSACC office at 6pm.
Members are invited to come and vote on this important piece of
business. The vote will be the first order of business to be conducted by a
secret ballot according to the DSACC bylaws.
If you are interested in serving on the Board or know someone who might
be, please contact me at the following number (559) 229-3761 or send an
E-mail to
I will be happy to provide more information about the expectations and
responsibilities of being a DSACC Board member.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jane Feist
Nominating Committee Chairperson
2011 Proposed Slate of Board Members
Board of Directors:
President - Pending
Vice President - Bill Leist
Secretary - Marie Harder
Treasurer - Lourdes Arias
Past President - Denise Allshouse
Members at Large:
Paris Boone
Sukhjit Purewal, DDS
Jane Feist
Efrain Tovar
Ben Nicholson
Jennifer Whiting
Club 321, by Gil Sosnik, founder
Club 321 creates a fun, creative space for teen aged youth with Down
syndrome to connect with their peers. To me, Club 321 is more than that.
It’s an open space where you can be yourself and have a great time and
make new friends. I hope that we get a lot of new members and that they
will enjoy it as much as I know I will!
I want to thank all of the parents and teens that came to Club 321’s first
event on Saturday, August 7. It was a huge success! Our next event is
scheduled for Friday, September 10. This gathering will be a movie night
hosted at my house. If you are interested in joining or just want to hear
more about Club 321, E-mail me at and I will give you
more details, as well as invite you to our new Facebook page.
Monthly Articles
Hey all you D.A.D.S. out there,
Boy, has this summer flown by! In July, DSACC had its annual day at the water park. The
Island Waterpark adventure was wonderful and there were lots of you, dads, out there
enjoying your time with your children. As dads, we play a vital role in those special moments, as well as every day life, so for all you that attended, I commend you.
The attendance at our monthly meetings have been lower than ever. I know that the
meetings I have attended have been great. It is a time to reflect on being a dad and meet
new dads, as well as share experiences and goals for ourselves and our children.
We will be having a booth for the D.A.D.S. group at Step Up for Down Syndrome, DSACC’s
largest Down syndrome public awareness event and fundraiser, so if any one is interested
in helping out with this, please contact the DSACC office. I hope to see you at the next
meeting, and I look forward to our growing numbers.
And, remember, we are not a support group, we are an action group whose mission is to
assist and support through fellowship and action, the fathers and families of those with Down syndrome. So, come out
to the next meeting and lets take some action!
Our meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 6pm at Round Table Pizza on Willow and Herndon (UPCOMING MEETINGS: September 20, October 18, and November 15). Come hungry and show your support for our group
and our kids. Let’s make this next meeting our best yet! If you have any questions please call me at (808) 343-9995,
Arturo Arias at (559) 978-1686, or E-mail, I hope to see you soon.
Grandparents: Looking for love in all the right places
Remember the 1968 movie “Oliver!” and when Oliver Twist sings “Where is Love?” ? What a universal question. So
often in our lives we ask it, and so often the answer is: in our family.
As a grandparent of a child with Down
syndrome you have an amazing opportunity to experience the love of your
grandchild. These little folks are master
relationship builders, seeking hugs and
playtime at every turn. There’s a reason
we talk about “those whose lives are
touched by Down syndrome”, because
if you have that special person in your
life, you can’t help but be touched by
the open, engaging and caring personalities of many of these children. If
that child is your grandchild then you
are just double lucky. Could you use a
“silly day” to recharge your batteries,
your grandchild is the perfect source of
silly! Looking for a quiet time to cuddle
and read a book? Your grandchild is the
loving companion for that activity, too.
Just need hug after a long day? You have
an endless supply available! As grandparents we may give many wonderful
things to our children and grandchildren,
but these are the gifts we get in return.
Oh it’s true, every day isn’t sunshine and
lollypops, but many moments of many
days are remarkably sweet. So, where
is love? In the eyes and arms of your
grandchild, of course.
Beginning in September, we invite all grandparents to join us for First Fridays, Second Saturdays
(both at our Fresno office) and Third Thursdays (in Visalia) from 10 am to 12 noon, for a chance to meet with
other families and enjoy our educational program activities. This way we can incorporate everyone in our
meetings with the goal of even more family-time together!
September 2010 Birthday Celebrations * October 2010 Birthday Celebrations
If your birthday is not listed here, please call us and let us know.
We will publish missed birthdays.
Analysa Garcia
Angel Portillo
Ariana Lopez-Gutierrez
Bryan Rodriguez
Cassandra Taussig
Celeste Valdez
Elsie Nieto
Emma Sambrano
Mark Dobbs, Jr.
Emme Ann Morris
Genesis Martinez
Genevieve Blanco
Jared Schmidt
Jayden Audry Guillen
Jose Vasquez, Jr.
Julia Appelonia
Kyle Harder
Kym Hauser
Lauren Sherman
Madison Day
Mana Elena Guo
Dannylin Ledesma-Rodriguez
Maylanii Malmgren
Noah Mayorga
Richard Lathrop
Alana Marley
Anahis Rayes
Ariana Alvarez
Biana Sarabia
Bobby Montemayor
Camilia Sandoval
Candice Castio
Candice R. Castro
Ciara Helms
Justin Garretson
Elaine Ward
Elicia Nasalroad
Elyvia Grant
Helen Young
Jackson White
Melissa Correa
Jacob Ballon
Naythan Kerber
Jacob Castillo
Perla Espinoza-Quijada
Jayden Chalabian
Rachel Avilan
Jonathon Linares
Salvador Ramirez
Jose Morales
Santiago Ceja
Josue Ambris
Sara Habib
Juan Mata, Jr.
Sarah Corona
Sherrie Collins
Shawn Justice
Xavier D. Anthony Castro
Maria Solano
Marissa Garcia
Matthew Briam
Kid’s Korner
Which is Witch?
Can you match these Halloween pictures?
Draw a line from one picture to the picture that matches it exactly. There are six pairs of matching pictures.
*Answers on page 11
It’s here!
DSACC is on Facebook!
Join Facebook and become a
member of our group-
is your new go-to site for
Down Syndrome Association
of Central California
Down Syndrome Association
of Central California.
We are taking suggestions from all of you for
additional site content, so if you have some ideas
you can E-mail them to
Keep up to date on all DSACC events
It’s easy and it’s FREE!
Fall Sibshops
Third Thursday’s New Location!!!
Sibshops are back!!!
Ages 6-13
Location: DSACC office
Saturday, October 16, 2010, 9:30am to 12:30pm &
Saturday, November 6, 2010, 9:30am to 12:30pm
Please respond no later than: Friday, October 8 and Friday, October 29, respectively
Reserve your spot today, call the DSACC office
(559) 228-0411
United Methodist Church
5200 West Caldwell Avenue, Visalia, 93277
This monthly parent meeting will still be held every
Third Thursday from 10am to Noon.
More Information at: DSACC office (559) 228-0411
DSACC Wish List
Volunteer Wish List
These are things we could really use at the
DSACC office:
Office Supplies-Copy paper, white and colors
Printer ink (call for info on type)
Warehouse shelving
Plastic bins
Cleaning Supplies-Paper towels
Antiseptic wipes
Silent Auction Items (non- perishable)
DSACC always welcomes cash contributions.
You can donate online by going to
and clicking on the DONATE button or by mailing
a check to:
4277 West Richert Avenue, #102
Fresno, CA 93722
DSACC is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent
allowed by law.
New Parent Pack (NPP) Coordinator: Duties include copying
materials, putting together the NPP, and inventory control.
Dollars for Down Syndrome Coordinator: Duties include seeking out new businesses, keeping an up-to-date spreadsheet
listing the businesses who have cans, periodically visiting
the sites, and collecting the donations and securely bringing
them back to the DSACC office for appropriate deposit.
Special Events- We have many special events during the year
that utilize volunteers to organize and plan the events and
assist attendees.
Outreach Events- Accompanied by staff or board members,
volunteers greet the public at conferences, public education
events and trade shows, providing information about DSACC.
Clerical Assistance- We provide a great deal of educational
material to the public, that material needs to be researched,
copied and collated. Other duties might include data entry,
materials management and newsletter production.
Young client supervision- Specially trained volunteers.
Occasionally, we have educational programs where childcare
is provided.
We also have a need for Spanish translators.
For more information, call the DSACC office at (559)288-0411
Can you lend us a hand?
Thank You
Thank you for helping us fulfill our mission to enhance the quality of life for all people
whose lives are touched by Down syndrome.
Many thanks to...
...our July and August volunteers: Kathy Monty (Third Thursday), Holly Archon (Second Saturday Guest Speaker),
Maria Falcon (Second Saturday Guest Speaker and Family Fiesta Chairperson), Shannon Johnson (clerical and
office assistance and First Friday and Second Saturday assistance), Margie McClain (First Friday assistance), and
Gil Sosnik (Club 321).
...Fashion Furniture and Rod Avedikian for donating two reception chairs in honor of Lucy Conto-Jones.
Family Fiesta Recap
On Sunday, August 22, DSACC held its annual Summer Family Fiesta. The event took place at International
Catering. We had great food, and fun activities for the children. The children engaged in the coloring center,
made mini pinatas, and enjoyed the face painting. A big Thank You goes out to Jimmie Villa, our DJ, for the
day, to the Los Ninos de Aztlan Folkloric group who performed, and all our guest speakers. And, last but not
least, a HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Maria Falcon for coordinating this fun family social!
Pictures to follow in the November/December newsletter.
Volunteer Spotlight
Step Up for Down Syndrome Committee
As many of you know, we are getting ready to Step Up for Down Syndrome (formerly
known as Buddy Walk) this October 2nd. This event, which attracts over 1500 participants
each year and raises awareness of Down syndrome and DSACC, takes months of dedication,
planning and just plain hard work. We are very lucky to have a terrific team making it all happen, ensuring another successful event. This amazing team is headed up by Jennifer Whiting, who joined the DSACC Board in 2009
and took on the chairmanship of the Step Up committee this year. As a detail oriented person, she is keeping us
organized and moving ahead. In her “spare time” she handles the medical advertising accounts for The Fresno
Bee, spends time with her loving husband and tends to the other love of her life, her horse.
Our other team members include: Debbie Arthur, Registration Coordinator, who teaches at The Lori Ann Infant
Program serving special needs infants and families to enhance the growth and development of the child.
Leigh Deguli, Volunteer Coordinator, is herself a very experienced volunteer. As a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) she helps children who are interacting with the court system and she volunteers at Children’s Hospital
of Central California. With a business degree from Fresno State, and her husband, dogs and family all here in the
valley, she is well connected to the community.
Denise Allshouse, DSACC Founder and President, and a mother of three children with Down syndrome.
Chanel Ruiz-Mendez and Jason Mendez, owners of Snapshot Media, who have enthusiastically provided their
professional talents in creating the marketing materials for Step Up.
Thanks to all our committee members for their commitment to serving those whose lives are touched by Down
syndrome. With an awesome team like this, you can bet that October 2, 2010 will be an incredible day for us all!
Footprints for the Future
When: Friday, November 19, 2010, 9:30a to 12n
(Professionals) and
Saturday, November 20, 2010, 9:30a to 3p
(Primary Caregivers)
Where: International Catering
4277 N. West Ave., Fresno 93705
(NW corner of West and Ashlan)
Cost: Professionals: $40
Primary Caregivers: $25*
Keynote Speaker: Jo Ann Simons, MSW
*scholarships are available, please inquire by calling 228-0411
Register Today!
Primary Caregiver
(November 19)
(November 20)
Payment Enclosed:
Check $________________________
Step Up For Down Syndrome
*****Register by calling the DSACC office, filling out a registration form found at and mailing it to the office, or online at*****
Early-bird registration by September 15, 2010.
$8 per walker: includes a T-shirt (shirts are not guaranteed if registered after September 15)!
Participants with Down syndrome walk FREE!
If you register by September 15, early T-shirt pick up is available at the DSACC Office
(4277 W. Richert Avenue Suite 102, Fresno 93722) on the following days:
Thursday, September 30 from 12 - 7pm & Friday, October 1 from 12 – 5pm
Large teams are encouraged to pick up their T-shirts early
On-site registration, Saturday, October 2 opens at 8:30 am. Participants are not guaranteed a T-shirt. Registration the
day of the event is $12 per walker, walkers with Down syndrome walk FREE! Scholarships available for registration.
Please call for details, (559) 228-0411.
This year, competition divisions include High Schools, Hospitals, Businesses, and Teams for Individuals with Down
syndrome. Teams and individuals have the chance to win a personalized banner to carry in the walk.
Entertainment and Booths
PossABILITIES - displays by individuals with Down syndrome highlighting their daily lives, hobbies, accomplishments, and talents. Cost to participate is FREE - if you or someone you know with Down syndrome would like to
participate, please call the DSACC office at (559) 228-0411 by September 15. If you need assistance in creating
your display, Kelly Cahill will be hosting creative workshops at the DSACC office on Saturday, September 18,
2010 from 9am to Noon. To reserve a spot to attend the creative workshop, call the office at least one day prior
to the workshop! Participants need to bring 10-20 pictures of them doing their favorite activities, etc. for their
Vendor Area - booths with food for purchase throughout the date and resource exhibits from businesses and
agencies who support the Down syndrome community.
Entertainment will be provided by:
Break the Barriers, Diamonds in the Rough, Folklorico Danzantes de Azatlan, Pop Recording Artist Jared Blair,
and Music by Jimmie Villa
2010 Programs, Groups & Events Calendar
For more information or questions,
Call the DSACC Office 559.228.0411
First Friday
PossABILITIES Creative Workshop
September 3, 2010: Guest Speaker - TBD - Number skills development for children with Down syndrome
DSACC Office
Saturday, September 18, 2010
9am to Noon
Meetings are held at DSACC office, 10am to Noon
October 1, 2010: Guest Speaker - TBD - Please call the DSACC
office for more information
Step Up For Down Syndrome
Pre-Registration/Early T-shirt Pick-up
November 5, 2010: Guest Speaker - Teri Van Huss - Come learn
how to make your house non-toxic. Teri will do a demonstration
and even provide our families with a sample of the cleaning solution to try at home!
DSACC office
Thursday, Sept 30 from 12 - 7pm
Friday, October 1 from 12 – 5pm
If your team is 25 or larger,
please call ahead to arrange T-shirt pickup
(559) 228-0411
Second Saturday
Meetings are held at DSACC office, 10am to Noon
September 11, 2010: Guest Speaker - TBD - Please call the DSACC
office for more information
October 9, 2010: Guest Speaker - Dr. Mike Allshouse will
present Down syndrome Healthcare Guidelines
Step Up For Down Syndrome
November 13, 2010: Guest Speaker - TBD - Please call the DSACC
office for more information
Hoover High School
Saturday, October 2, 2010
10am to 2pm
Registration opens at 8:30am
Third Thursday
Meetings are held at United Methodist Church, 10am to Noon
September 16, 2010: Guest Speaker - Tiffany Stark, a behavior
October 21, 2010: Guest Speaker - TBD - Please call the DSACC
office or E-mail
Harvest Ball 2010
Break the Barriers
Friday, October 29, 2010
7pm to 10pm
November 18, 2010: Guest Speaker - TBD - Please call the DSACC
office or E-mail
Volunteer Orientation
Please bring a healthy or junky snack to share
and remember...
No scary or skimpy costumes
Second Saturdays of the Month at the DSACC office
1pm to 2pm
September 11 and October 9
Footprints for the Future Conference
International Catering
Friday, November 19th; 9:30am to Noon and
Saturday, November 20th; 9:30am to 3pm
Join us as we explore the topic of personal planning
for our loved ones with disabilities after we are no
longer able to care for them ourselves.
Saturday, October 16 and Saturday, November 6
9:30am to 12:30pm
DSACC office
Meetings held on 3rd Mondays at 6pm
Round Table Pizza on Willow and Herndon
Contact DSACC office for more information, 559.228.0411 or Ryan
Jones at (808) 343-9995 or Arturo Arias at (559) 978-1686
UPCOMING MEETINGS: September 20, October 18 &
November 15
Holiday Social
December 2010
Please see your November/December Newsletter
for more information
Board Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday
of the month, 6pm, DSACC Office
2010 Calendario, de Grupos y Eventos
Llame a la Oficina de DSACC Si Tiene Preguntas
Primer Viernes
Taller Creativo de Posibilidades
Las juntas son en la oficina de DSACC, de10am al medio día
Oficina de DSACC
Sábado, 18 de septiembre, 2010
9am al Medio Día
Septiembre 3, 2010: Orador- Le avisaremos después – Habilidades
con números de acuerdo con el desarrollo de niños con síndrome
de Down
Octubre 1, 2010: Orador - Le Avisaremos Después - Llame a la
oficina de DSACC para más información
Pre-Registración para la Caminata del
Síndrome de Down/Puede Recoger
sus Camisetas
Noviembre 5, 2010: Orador - Teri Van Huss – Venga a aprender
como mantener su casa fuera de peligros tóxicos. Teri va a dar
una demostración y también le dará a la familia unas pruebas
para que las usen en casa!
Oficina de DSACC
Jueves, 30 de Septiembre de 12 - 7pm
Viernes, 1 de Octubre de 12 – 5pm
Si su equipo es de 25 personas o más,
Favor de llamar a nuestra oficina antes para poder
Recoger sus camisetas
Segundo Sábado
Las Juntas son en la oficina de DSACC, de 10am al medio día
Septiembre 11, 2010: Orador - Le Avisaremos Después - Llame a
la oficina de DSACC para más información
Octubre 9, 2010: Orador - Dr. Mike Allshouse Presentara Guías
del Cuidado de la Salud para niños con síndrome de Down
Noviembre 13, 2010: Orador - Le Avisaremos Después - Llame a la
oficina de DSACC para más información
Caminata para el
Síndrome de Down
Tercer Jueves
Escuela Secundaria Hooverl
Sábado, 2 de Octubre del, 2010
10am a 2pm
La Registración empieza a las 8:30am
Las juntas son en la Iglesia United Methodist de,
10am al Medio Día
Septiembre 16, 2010: Orador- Tiffany Stark, una especialista en
Octubre 21, 2010: Orador- Le avisaremos después - Llame a la
oficina de DSACC o E-mail
Baile de la Cosecha 2010
Noviembre 18, 2010: Orador - Le avisaremos después – Llame a
la oficina de DSACC o E-mail
Break the Barriers
Viernes, 29 de Octubre, 2010
7pm a 10pm
Por favor traiga un aperitivo para compartir Y recuerde... No se permiten disfraces que asusten
Orientación para Voluntarios
Segundo sábado del mes en la oficina de DSACC
1pm a 2pm
Septiembre 11 y Octubre 9
Futuras Conferencias por Venir
International Catering
Viernes, 19 de Noviembre de 9:30am al Medio Día y
Sábado, 20 de Noviembre de 9:30am a 3pm
Acompáñenos a explorar el tema de planeación familiar para nuestros seres queridos con discapacidades
cuando desafortunadamente ya no podremos estar a
su cuidado.
Las Juntas son el Tercer Lunes del Mes a las 6pm
Round Table Pizza en la Willow y Herndon
Recuerde estas reuniones son para los papás
solamente no mamás
Comuníquese con la oficina de DSACC para mas información,
559.228.0411 o con Arturo Arias al (559) 978-1686
JUNTAS POR VENIR: Septiembre 20, Octubre 18, Noviembre 15
Fiesta de Navidad
Juntas de la Mesa Directiva son el tercer miércoles
Del mes, a las 6 pm, en la Oficina de DSACC
Diciembre 2010
Por favor vea la Revista de noviembre/diciembre
Para más información
Huellas Hacia el Futuro
El viernes, 19 de Noviembre y Sábado, 20 de noviembre DSACC tendrá una conferencia para profesionales y personas encargadas del cuidado de individuos con discapacidad. Acompáñenos a explorar el tema de la planeación
para nuestros seres queridos con discapacidad cuando desafortunadamente ya no podremos estar a su cuidado.
Jo Ann Simons, MSW, explicará cómo desarrollar un plan personal. El viernes será el taller para profesionales
solamente. Ms. Simons explicara paso a paso el manual de la planeación personal. El sábado será dedicado para
las personas que están al cuidado de discapacitados se les dará la oportunidad de ver el manual y diseñar su propio plan personal para sus seres queridos. A los participantes se les proveerá una copia del manual al igual que
un CD. Huellas hacia el futuro será en International Catering (localizado en la esquina de la West y Ashlan).
Cuándo: Viernes, 19 de Noviembre, 2010, 9:30am a 12 del día
(Profesionales) y
Sábado, 20 de Noviembre, 2010, 9:30am a 3p
(Personas encargadas)
Donde: International Catering
4277 N. West Ave., Fresno 93705
(Esquina de la West y Ashlan)
Regístrese Hoy!
Costo: Profesionales: $40
Padres y Encargados: $25*
(Noviembre 19)
Orador: Jo Ann Simons, MSW
*Hay becas disponibles favor de llamar al 228-0411
Pago Incluido:
Persona encargada
(Noviembre 20)
Step Up Esta Aquí!
Sábado, 2, de Octubre 2010
Escuela Secundaria Hoover
Step Up es una caminata de una milla que es la manera más grande de darnos a conocer ante el público como
una organización del síndrome de Down en todo el valle Central y es nuestra fuente principal para recaudar fondos y apoyar los programas y servicios que ofrecemos durante todo el año.
*****Para registrarse llame a la oficina de
DSACC, o llene la forma de registración que la
encontrará por la internet al y
mandarla a la oficina, o en línea al*****
Fechas de Step Up:
-Septiembre 18: Taller Creativo para Posibilidades;
9am al Medio Día; oficina de DSACC
-Septiembre 30: Día para recoger Camisetas; 12-7pm;
oficina de DSACC
-Octubre 1: Día para recoger Camisetas; 12-5pm; oficina de DSACC
-Octubre 2: Step Up para el síndrome de Down; 10am
(registración empieza a las 8:30am); Escuela Secundaria Hoover
Registración Temprana es el 15de Septiembre, 2010.
$8 por Persona: incluye una a camiseta
(no se le garantiza camiseta si se registra después
del 15, de Septiembre)!
Para los participantes con síndrome de Down es
Step Up Para el Síndrome de Down
Si se registra para el 15 de Septiembre 15, su
camiseta está disponible en la oficina de DSACC
(4277 W. Richert Avenue Suite 102, Fresno
93722) en los siguientes días:
Jueves, 30 de Septiembre de 12 - 7pm &
Viernes, 1 de octubre de 12 – 5pm
A los equipos grandes se les recomienda que recojan sus camisetas temprano.
Habrá registración el Sábado, 2 de Octubre empezando a las 8:30 am. Si se registra ese mismo día no se le garantiza camiseta y el costo por
registración es de $12 por participante, para
las personas con síndrome de Down es GRATIS!
Hay becas disponibles para la registración. Llámenos para más detalles al (559) 228-0411.
Este año, Divisiones de Competencia incluye,
escuelas secundarias, Hospitales, Negocios, Y
los equipos para individuos con síndrome de
Down. Estos equipos tendrán la oportunidad
de ganar un listón que podrán usar durante la
Entretenimiento y Puestos
Posibilidades - Exposiciones de individuos con síndrome
de Down exponiendo sus logros pasatiempos y talentos.
El Costo por participante es GRATIS – si usted conoce a alguien con síndrome de Down que le gustaría participar favor de llamar a la oficina de DSACC a (559) 228-0411 para
el 15 de Septiembre. Si necesita ayuda con su exposición,
Kelly Cahill va a tener un taller creativo en la oficina de
DSACC el Sábado, 18 de septiembre del 2010 de 9am al
Medio Día para darle ideas. Llame a nuestra oficina por
lo menos un día antes del taller para reservar su espacio
si desea asistir a este taller! Los participantes deben traer
por lo menos de 10 a 20 fotos haciendo sus cosas favoritas para usarlos en la exposición.
Área de Puestos – puestos de comida para comprar durante todo el día, exhibiciones de negocios y agencias que
apoyan la comunidad de síndrome de Down.
El entretenimiento será proveído por:
Break the Barriers, Diamonds in the Rough, Folklórico
Danzantes de Aztlan, Pop Recording Artist Jared Blair, and
Music by Jimmie Villa
You Are Cordia lly Invited...
Harvest Ball 2010!
Friday, October 29th
7 pm to 10 pm
Break The Barriers
8555 N. Cedar Ave. Fresno
(NW corner Cedar & Teague)
Please bring a healthy or junky snack to
share and remember...
No scary or skimpy costumes!
Music by Jimmie Villa
Proudly sponsored by...
Break The Barriers
Exceptional Parents Unlimited SOAR
Center for Independent Living
Diamond Learning Center
4277 W. Richert Ave. Suite 102
Fresno, Ca. 93722
US Postage
Fresno, CA
Permit No. 2383
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October is
Down syndrome awareness