The Survive2Thrive Foundation and KAZI 88.7fm Austin Present The


The Survive2Thrive Foundation and KAZI 88.7fm Austin Present The
The Survive2Thrive
KAZI 88.7fm
The Swing for
Golf Tournament
Lions Municipal Golf Course
8th, 2012
Lions Municipal
Golf Course
2901 Enfield Road
Austin, Texas
This tournament is a four person scramble
format and is $70.00 per player with a
shotgun start at 8:00 a.m.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three
teams and there will also be door prizes and a
raffle, along with a $20,000 hole in one prize.
Come join R&B singer Courtney Sanchez and
the entire KAZI staff for an exciting day of
golf, prizes and a great cause.
For more information, please contact:
Kevin Fletcher, DJ Flexx at 512-552-5434 or
email to for questions.
Sponsorship Packages:
+ Title Sponsor - $2000.00 (Includes Logo on all
signage and goodie bags, (4) entry fees and listed
as title sponsor in all marketing materials)
+ Lunch Sponsor - $1000.00 (Includes signage on
Hole #1 and 2 entry fees)
+ Hole Sponsor - $250.00 (includes signage on
desired hole except #1)
+ Team Sponsor - $280.00 (4 x $70.00)
**All sponsorships are tax deductible and will
include company logo on the event t-shirt .
Unable to attend the tournament?
Make a donation checks payable :
KAZI Radio
8906 Wall St # 203
Austin, TX 78754
For more information, please contact:
Kevin Fletcher, DJ Flexx at 512-552-5434 or
email to
The Survive2Thrive Foundation has
two life changing goals:
+ To help survivors of domestic violence shift
the paradigm to know they are worthy of true
love, companionship, and friendship and grow
from survival mode into truly thriving in a new
reality without violence.
+ To give much needed relief to emergency shelters
across the country through an interactive website
connecting survivors with resources, inspiration,
support, and counseling services.
KAZI and Survive2Thrive have partnered to
introduce the Swing for Awareness Golf
The purpose of the tournament is to raise the
awareness for those in need as former or current
victims of domestic violence.
The efforts of these two community oriented
non-profit organizations is to lead the way in
education, support and inspiration for the future.