IRT January 2016


IRT January 2016
Vol. 35, Issue No. 3, 2015-16
January, 2016
Published since 1981 by the Island Reef Owners’ Association • 8770 Midnight Pass Road • Sarasota, FL 34242 • 941-349-2844
Wrapping up warm, colorful and fun holidays here at Island Reef . . .
From the bottom of our
very grateful hearts,
know that we, the owners and renters here at
Island Reef, are amazed
at the collective talents
of these masters of party
-planning! Thanks for
making our holidays
‘merry and bright,’ Skip
& Ann Krause and Diane
& Rick Wulterkens
(pictured at left)! You
are the absolute best!
Our office staff wishes to say “THANK YOU!” for all
the cards, candy, gifts, baked goods, well wishes, kind
words, hugs,
prayers and
more that we
received during
the holidays!
We consider
blessed to serve
our ‘family’ here
at Island Reef! Left to right: Tim Berry, Angel Rios,
Anna Bondi, and Kathy Barshinger (Property Manager). Camera-shy is Suzie Schurr.
No matter how you say it, the
joy comes from being a good
person and radiating your joy
from within, sharing good
times and being around those
who are like-minded!
28 Island Reefers gathered
in the Club House for
cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, followed by a 9 p.m.
seating at Turtles-on-theBay for a delicious dinner!
Afterwards, we all saw the
ending of 2015 and the
magnificent entry of 2016!
We thank Bonnie and Ed
Rowley for opening their
festive condo to the New
Year’s Eve partiers who all
watched the ball drop on
NYC’s Times Square!
January 2016 IR President’s Message
Rick Wulterkens,
IR Board President
016, here we come! The warm weather has changed, and we seem to be
headed toward a more ‘normal’ pattern
for this time of year. Island Reef has a
bright year ahead, not one without issues, of
course, but one of continued growth and improvement.
After our December board meeting, my first
as president, several owners approached me
with a request: “Rick, we’re really glad you’ll be
our president for the upcoming year, but you
have to do one thing for us.”
“Gladly,” I replied, “if it’s within my ability.”
“You have to change your photo in the Island
Reef Times!” I chuckled and assured them I
could make that happen. You see, I was in a bit
of a quandary when I was ‘up north’ and discovered I had to compose a president’s message
and include a head and shoulders photo, since I
didn’t have access to any there. So, I attempted
to take a ‘selfie’ on my newly purchased iPhone.
Needless to say, my attempts were pathetic.
Some folks I talked to said I looked like a terrorist
(or worse).
So as the saying goes, ‘Be careful what you
wish for.” – SEE ABOVE! Yes, that dapper gent
in none other than yours truly, circa 1976!
There are some big ticket items ahead for our
Island Reef infrastructure, and money will be an
issue. As the Board seeks to be responsible in
maintaining our facilities and grounds, there will
be questions about what needs to be done and
when. A reserve study will be done to help us
determine answers to these important questions.
One topic that has come up several times
over the last couple of years is ‘garages.’ Many
residents are satisfied with the parking and carport scenario we currently have. Others, especially car buffs, covet that indoor space for their
cars and assorted other possessions. If any of
you are seriously interested (think dollars) in
possibly having a garage here at Island Reef,
please let me or another board member know.
There is no reason to explore permitting, location, or cost if there’s not enough interest in the
In closing, please plan to attend our Wednesday, January 20 board meeting. It will be in
the Club House at 1:00 p.m. sharp.
Another Fluffy “do” on IR Campus . . .
Hi! My name is Coconut and I live with Marge Tichy in
302H. Marge has been an owner here at Island Reef since
2008 but only visited on school vacations and during her
summers “off.” She has recently retired from her job as a
middle school library media specialist and computer teacher and is making this her permanent home. I came into
Marge’s life a year ago last summer right here in Sarasota,
and the West family in 403H helped to give me my name.
I am really glad we are going to live here and not in cold
and snowy Connecticut anymore. Marge has 3 granddaughters in CT (ages 11, 9 and 21 months). They love to
play with me and dress me up in clothes. The youngest
granddaughter Morgan and I share the same birthday and
are the same age. The older girls Kalea and Makana think
I should have been named Olaf after the snowman in the
movie Frozen. That may have been a good name if I was
going to live in CT, but I am all about being a Florida dog.
I love this island paradise! We have rented our home here
for the last time in February and March, and Marge and I
will drive north to get our former
home in CT on the market and sold
so we can be back here in April for
I am a male Bichon Frise, a
︠ nd I
am just 21 months old, so I still enjoy a lot of puppy play and mischief.
Bichons don’t shed and are supposed to be hypoallergenic, so I am
pretty nice to have around. I look
really handsome when I come back
from the groomers. I love attention
from everyone, especially if you
have a treat for me like my friend
Geri in our building. I always get a
nice petting from Angel and Suzy. I
am happy to be a boy dog with all
the fun lady dog friends I see on my
walks with Marge — Chloe, Sophie,
Scottie, Mimi, Lolly, and Lizzy. They
are not always thrilled with me, but I
A Rick Wulterkens or
don’t care…. I love those girls! If
you see me come say ‘hello!’ I love Rudolph the Red-nosed
Reindeer look-alike?
attention! Marge and I would love to You be the judge!
meet you! I feel so welcome at Island Reef! Your new friend, Coconut . . .
The Darrell
& Angela
gathered at
IR for
Thanksgiving and for
a photo on
Siesta Key
Messages and
reminders from our
IR Property Manager,
Kathy Barshinger . . .
back, everyone!!!
Here we go,
Kathy Barshinger
Property Manager
full speed
ahead into
on Siesta Key”…. My grandson Elijah at
16 months old.
he first topic I’d like to discuss is the
property wide wi-fi. Omni Technologies tested our equipment on January 6 and found all of the equipment is working properly. Comcast was
called and the system reset to clear out
some of the stagnancy caused by overuse,
and the speed increased to 95bps, which
is good. It was never the intention of the Association to provide individual Internet service
to all of the units, but to provide something for
casual Internet browsing and a way to check
your e-mail. The number of devices logged into the system at any given point in time is
what dilutes the signal. The individuals who
are streaming Netflix or hooking up their Apple
TV or Amazon Fire Stick are the primary problem. Gaming on your devices is a huge hog of
the service. How many of you log into Facebook or any of the other social media? We
need the cooperation of all of our residents in order for the system to work as it
was intended. If you need to rely on Internet,
you should call Comcast and get a dedicated
modem for your condo. We get comments (and
complaints) quite frequently in the office. Last
summer, the Association spent $11,000 to upgrade the equipment, and our Comcast Internet connection was upgraded to 100bps. This
connection costs $250/month, so when I hear
people comment that it’s so expensive and
they think they should get their money back
because we are not getting the service they
expect, I would like to explain that it amounts
to $1.44 per unit per month. We have the ability to view the individual usage and to limit
bandwidth if we see a violation occurring. We
don’t want to have to take these measures, but
will do so if we find it necessary.
The new enterphones are installed on all buildings. You can simply enter the unit number
and press the red call button or you can scroll
through the list of names, and when you find
the correct one, push the call button. The
person in the unit needs to press the number
6 on the keypad of the phone in the kitchen
area so that the lock will activate and the person at the lobby door can enter. We do not
have keyless entry on the system at this time.
Another thing that everyone needs to be
aware of is that traffic on Midnight Pass Road
is treacherous. I am so surprised at how people are oblivious to the dangers of walking
against traffic in the bike lane or of riding two
abreast on bicycles in the bike lane. We have
a lot of people whose driving skills have diminished with age, and then there are those from
out of state who are just plain lost and not
watching for you, but are instead looking for
street signs! Please be careful!
We do our best to keep an eye on the property
throughout the day for rule infractions, but
can’t be everywhere all day. I appreciate
those of you who contact us about someone
who is violating the rules, but also, if you gently remind others of our rules, it is helpful.
Please don’t be confrontational though and if
you have a problem that needs management
attention, please call the office and I will send
appropriate staff or will tend to it myself. We
have a big property and a small staff, but we
try very hard to keep on top of things.
On another note, many of you have had letters from your mortgage companies OR you
will be receiving them. In order to obtain an
insurance certificate, you can either call Brown
& Brown Insurance (941-893-2200) or you
can visit their website
Click on CSR-24 on the right side of the page.
User ID: Condo Password: Cert
The other website to obtain the Evidence of
Insurance is www.eoidirect.
Their customer service number is 877-4563643.
Both websites are relatively easy to use as I
have used them, but again, if you have questions or concerns, call Brown & Brown Insurance at the number listed above.
LAURIE ROSSI (206A) writes: Thank you, Marlene Marshall, for your talented skills in choosing an amazing restaurant for the Island Reef Women's Luncheon on December
10. Everyone met at Duval's Restaurant (1435 Main
Street). The lunch menu offered a variety of selections that
specialized in fresh seafood and it is highly rated on Trip
Advisor. We all enjoyed getting to know each other and we
appreciate all the social activities offered at Island Reef
where everyone feels so welcome! The meal ended with
very decadent desserts that we all could not resist. Below,
pictured (l-r) are: Gerri Devlin (405H), Marge Tichy (302H),
Angela Shears (204H), Laurie Rossi (206A), and
(103B). See
below for
our next IR
on Thursday,
January 28.
IR January Ladies’ Luncheon
Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 12:30 p.m.
1970 Main Street, Sarasota,
FL 34236
(941) 365-4122
What I did on my summer vacation . . .
Do you remember writing essays with this title at the beginning
of each new school year? Well, at this beginning of this new
“season” here at Island Reef, Carrie Bowman has a whopper of
an essay for us!
It was an adventure of a lifetime! I went on a three week
safari in Southern Africa to South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Bosnia. Game drive and bush walks in addition to
animals walking through our tented campsite made for an
interesting, exciting experience which I could fill a
whole page relating - but
won’t! Nothing exciting like
a near death experience
(thankfully), but I was close
enough to an elephant
and cape buffalo to reach
out and touch them
which of course I didn’t
— or I wouldn’t be writing this. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures! Carrie Bowman
$22.86 Per Person
$5.00 Op1onal Dessert
Payable at Lunch
We will order from an
abbreviated menu (in office).
Read Ahead for IR Book Club
The Island Reef Book Club has decided to have a
moveable date each month beginning in January
2016. Hence the Book Club’s first
meeting will be at 4:30 p.m. the
3rd Wednesday in January
(January 20), followed by the
2nd Wednesday in February
(February 10) — in the CBuilding card room. Then we will
move to the 1st Wednesday in
March and April (March 2 and
April 6).
Harper Lee’s sequel to To Kill a
Mockingbird was scheduled for a
July 14 release date, so reread
Mockingbird and move on to Go
Set a Watchman. We will discuss
both BOTH books at the January
Boys in the Boat by Daniel
James Brown is the February selection.
Kathy Caltagirone (404B)
Island Reef is a privately owned, residential
condominium complex designed to meet the living,
recreational, and social needs of both individuals and
While not a resort property, Island Reef provides a
casual and friendly atmosphere and strives to maintain the highest standards for facilities, landscape, care,
and service in order to sustain owners’ enjoyment and
protect property values.
The ISLAND REEF TIMES is published approximately monthly
(during the season) and otherwise approximately every other
month by the Island Reef Owners’ Association (IROA) at 8770 Midnight Pass Road; Sarasota, FL 34242.
Editors: JOHN & KAY MAIER (401H). Suggestions for articles
and digital photos may be submitted to John or Kay Maier at John also serves as the official
photographer for this publication, although your digital photos are
welcome and may be emailed to the above address.
Thanks, Kathy Barshinger, Carrie Bowman, Skip & Ann Krause,
Donna Lenhof, John & Kay Maier, Laurie Rossi, Bonnie Rowley,
Joan Schmidt, Angela R. Shears, Marge Tichy, and Rick & Diane
Wulterkens, for your submissions for this current issue. Neither the
editors nor the IROA are responsible for material submitted for
publication or copied from other sources. Articles may be edited
for clarity and length. The deadline for our next edition of the
2015-16 season will be February 3, 2016 so that we can
continue to pass IR’s latest news onto our readership!
by Diane Wulterkens, Chairperson
It’s fair to say that our Island Reef Holiday Party, “A Royal Feast,” on Sunday evening, December
13, was well-a8ended and enjoyable. While half of
the Social Commi8ee was out of town (as were
many of our owners), we nonetheless enjoyed the
company of 47 people. The dinner’s fare included
crab cros1ni, and other appe1zers, prime rib, ‘Fish
for a Prince’ (cod and shrimp in a cream sauce with
asparagus), rice pilaf, rutabaga/potato casserole ala
Kathy Caltagirone, salad, rolls, and a selec1on of
desserts. Chef Krause out-did himself! No surprise.
Background music for the evening was provided by Joe Thayer, a local piano player and singer.
Someone in the audience was heard saying “This is
just like having Frank Sinatra here with us.” Joe
plays a diverse variety of music that can appeal to
all ages.
Our tradi7on of bringing toys for needy children ne8ed a bumper crop of giDs under the tree.
Check out Ann Krause’s summary of the evening’s
haul, along with the delivery of those presents.
As always, the commi8ee was assisted by many
willing volunteers. While many of our a8endees
assisted, special thanks goes out to spouses, Rick
Wulterkens and Ann Krause, Joan & Harry Schmidt,
Claudia & Tom Gallahue, Kathy Caltagirone (even
though she was out of town), our photographers/
writers Kay and John Maier, and our staff members,
Susie, Anna, and Tim.
New Year’s Eve, while not officially coordinated by
the Social Commi8ee, was enjoyed by 28 par1ers.
As always, this event was hosted by Bonnie and Ed
Rowley. The group met in the club house for cocktails, and then ventured down the street to Turtles
Restaurant for dinner. Thanks to Bonnie for taking
charge of ringing in the New Year.
Marlene Marshall has a Ladies’ Luncheon scheduled for Thursday, January 28 at Mediterraneo,
1970 Main Street, downtown Sarasota, at 12:30
p.m. Informa1on is posted on the bulle1n board
near your elevator room. Sign up at office.
In the works for Tuesday, February 2nd is a Soup,
Salad and Bread Bar. We will ask a8endees to sign
up beforehand in the Island Reef Office and pay a
nominal fee OR bring a pot of your favorite homemade soup. (You’ll have to let us know ahead if
you plan to cook up a batch.) I believe that, at this
1me, we have offerings of clam chowder, len1l
soup, chili, and more! Weather-permiMng, we will
put up our tents on the pa1o so that we can ac-
commodate our larger seasonal numbers. If Mother
Nature is not so coopera1ve, we may have to let people
choose to say or take their orders to-go, and then party
with our friends in some of our units.
Also, mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 16,
for a St. Patrick’s Party. Mary Hummer has arranged a
demonstra1on of Irish dancing, and we will serve a tradi1onal corned beef and cabbage dinner. “Why not,”
you ask, “on the real St. Pa8y’s Day (March 17)?” We
couldn’t book the dancers and besides, it’s the chef’s
birthday so we need to give him the night off. (Don’t
tell Skip that I told you.)
A couple of ou7ngs are under considera7on as of now.
We’ll keep you posted as we get informa1on. And a
couple of other thoughts . . . we are lucky to have our
club house. It is for all of us, and owners can book it
from the office. If you use any of the equipment, please
be sure to put it back where you found it. If you use any
disposable item(s), please let us know so that we can
replace it/them. Your coopera1on is appreciated.
Thanks again to all of you who help us out. If any of
you are interested in being a part of the Social Commi8ee, please let one of us (Diane Wulterkens, Skip
Krause, or Mary & Richard Hummer) know. Otherwise,
your con1nued help is appreciated.
A final reminder in case you didn’t get the memo: We
need to use the bulle7n boards for communica7ons.
The glass doors to the elevator lobbies are off limits. I
understand the soon-to-be-launched website will also
be a great resource for keeping you updated. And,
keep an eye on the calendar. If you want to be where
the ac7on is, keep your eyes open and reserve your
spaces for upcoming events ASAP. Space will o>en be
I am looking forward to a fun season! Hope to see you
all there.
Diane Wulterkens
Other reminders . . .
Exciting announcement! Joan Schmidt (201F) has
requested the Club House on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 11-12
a.m., AND Tuesday, Jan 26, 11-12 a.m., for a LADIES’
SOCK HOP! The music is ‘oldies but goodies.’ Joan
exclaims: “Let’s have fun and work off the holiday indulgences! NO FOOD, JUST WATER.”
Please remember that SCRAPBOOKING/CARD
CROP DATES for 2016 include the following Wednesdays (noon-4 p.m.) and Thursdays & Fridays (10 a.m.-4
p.m.): January 13-15; February 17-19; March 23-25;
and April 13-15. Call Bonnie Rowley (941-349-2599)
OR email her at to reserve your table/work space!
May these IR owners rest in peace . . .
Nature at its finest!
Jack D. Mitchell
(September 19, 1924 December 14, 2015)
SARASOTA, FL- Jack D. Mitchell,
91, of Sarasota, Florida and formerly
of Elkhart, passed away on Monday
December 14, 2015 at his home in
Sarasota. He was born September
19, 1924 in Bristol, Indiana to the late J. Willis Mitchell
and Violet (Slusser) Mitchell McGarite. On January 1,
1944, he married Margaret J. (Peg) Johnston in Elkhart.
Peg preceded him in death on February 26, 2005 in
Elkhart. He then married Marion (Whalen) Rinehart on
May 31, 2008. She survives along with Jack’s two
daughters, Carol (Mal) Stevens of Wilmington, NC, Sue
(Tom) Jellison of Elkhart; five grandchildren and three
great-grandchildren. Also surviving are Marion’s three
children, Timm Rinehart of Sarasota, FL, Nancy Rinehart, Barbara (John) Tristan both of Englewood, FL; four
grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a half
brother, Bill (Joyce) Mitchell of Texas. Jack was preceded in death by two brothers, Robert and James Mitchell.
He was a life member of the Elkhart Elks Lodge #425,
and he enjoyed collecting model trains. Jack was a tool
and die maker and could fix anything. He was an avid
fisherman and loved to play golf. In addition to being a
great Dad, Jack was a devoted husband and a loyal
friend. His sense of humor will be missed. Jack was the
former owner of Alumni Tool & Die in South Bend, Indiana. A Mass of Christian Burial was held December 30
at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Bristol, IN at which Fr.
Bob VanKempen presided; entombment followed in
Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens in Osceola, IN. Memorial
contributions may be given to the charity of the donor’s
choice. Walley-Mills-Zimmerman Funeral Home was
entrusted with the arrangements for Jack. To send an
online condolence, please visit
Donald Angus MacIver
Born May 10, 1938 and passed away on December 22,
2015, Donald MacIver was a remarkable and brilliant
man known for his unstinting generosity of spirit and
deed. His wisdom and limitless devotion and support
for his family were a boundless source of comfort and
security for them. Don will be remembered by them
with much love, respect and appreciation; an example
of a considerate and honorable man and a reference
for all those left behind. He will be deeply grieved and
very much missed. Nunquam obliviscar. At Don's request, there will be cremation and no visitation or funeral service.
Published in the Toronto Star from
December 26-28, 2015
The top four pictures were taken by
Rick Wulterkens (506H)
when he was ‘out and
about’ the IR campus.
The first of the sunrise
photos overlooking
Li*le Sarasota Bay recently won for Rick the
weekly photo contest in
The Observer. The second sunrise picture was
captured by new owner
Larry Standlee (106F).
Thanks for sharing your
masterpieces with the
Island Reef Times!
A Fish Tale —
not so! LOTS
TAILS! At the
left, Ross
Daniels (103B) poses
with some of the 160+
fish caught recently on
an offshore fishing trip by
Island Reef guys, photographer Rick Wulterkens
(506H) and son Stuart,
Tom Gallahue (307F),
Don Brand (404F), Jerry
Schick (107C), and Ross.
Mark your calendars for future IR Board Meetings
beginning promptly at 1 p.m. in the Club House!
January 20
February 10
March 9
April 6
May 4
A word from our readers . . .
writes: When our family
gathered in Grand Cayman to celebrate Thanksgiving together, we had
this ‘Kodak moment”
which we’d like to share
with IRT readers. Left to
right are: our son-in-law
Mike Barrett, daughter
Allison, wife Ann holding
grandson Jack, and me,
ANN KRAUSE (303F)writes: Happy New Year, IR
Thank all of you who contributed to our Christmas Gift project this past year. The organization
that we have delivered the gifts to in the past few
years is no longer taking items from the outside.
Therefore, we were looking for new recipients for
your generosity. A connection made through the
Sarasota Bay Rotary Club
found a great need, and our
offerings were happily delivered
to children of migrant workers in
Florida. The folks that we gave
our gifts too remarked on the
quality and variety of your kind
donations. For most of these
children, your present was the
only one they received. Thank
you for all you do to help make
the holidays brighter for those less fortunate.
DONNA LENHOF (402C) writes: Happy New Year,
everyone! Following Rocky Rotolo's tradition, I was
wondering whether you all are interested in having
dinner at the Café Amici (same place as last year) after the opera AIDA, which will take place on Sunday,
February 7, for the matinee performance. Note: tickets have already been reserved and purchased.*
I would like a head count before I call the restaurant to
make reservations, so if you are interested, please
send me an e-mail ( and let me
know how many people in your group plan to go to
* Please note that Island Reef owner Guillermo
and Maggi Padron are on a waiting list for the opera,
so if anyone's plans have changed and you are unable
to attend, please contact the Padrons at Thanks.
I look forwarding to hearing from all of you.
JOHN and DONNA LENHOF (402C) got bored with
the long warm fall in Sarasota. What to do? How
about we cool down a little bit in Antarctica! We took a
plane to Ushuaia, Terra Del Fuego, Argentina. A helicopter ride (incredible!) through the southern Andes
Mountains followed by a tour of Terra Del Fuego National Park was next on the agenda. We stopped for a
“light” lunch, ordered a sampler, and ended up with 10
pounds of different types of grilled meats at our table.
Next day we boarded the “Sea Spirit” piloted by a Russian Captain. 116 passengers on board – 50 Americans, 30 Chinese (with an interpreter) and other nationalities including Germans, Russians, Norwegians,
Swiss and Indians, etc. Crossing the Drake Passage
for two days was a challenge for most of us. Very turbulent waters. Doctor prescribed patches, bracelets
and Dramamine were at a premium.
First stop and many landings were on the South
Shetland Islands – all via zodiac rafts. Second stop
– we actually stepped onto the continent of Antarctica. The sights, smells and sounds were unbelievable! Icebergs, ice floes, glaciers, mountains and
mountains of snow. The sounds – penguins and
sea birds of all kinds. The smells – penguins. There
were penguin rookeries everywhere with each of
them occupied by thousands of penguins. Elephant
seals were lying around on the beaches and not
moving a lot. As we cruised from one landing to the
next, we encountered different sea life such as
humpback whales feeding, orcas and again penguins skipping across the top of the water. When
the sun shone on the landscape, it was blindingly
bright and unbelievably beautiful. Pure white snow
and different colored waters set off a contrast that a
camera could not do justice to. As to the earlier
mention of warm weather in Sarasota, we had the
opportunity to cool down in a “polar plunge” which
meant stripping down to the bare essentials and
jumping into 0 to 32 degrees water. Needless to
say, we were smarter than to do something like that!
We spent a few days cautiously hiking the mountains, volcanoes and glaciers, making sure we did
not step onto the penguin highways. Checked out
some of the research stations set up by many different nations. They are all abandoned now except for
one which is being run as a tourist shop and museum. Then it was time to turn around and head back
to Ushuaia. 25 hours later we were back in sunny
Sarasota. Be watching for pictures of John & Donna’s trip in the next edition of the IRT! Exciting!
BONNIE ROWLEY (406A) shared this picture of her
two grandsons, Gabriel and Jonah Kilper, who were
“plum tuckered out” after
2 days in Disney when
their Mom Tiffany and
Dad visited the Rowleys
this Christmas! Bonnie
adds: “Nana and Papa
looked pretty much the
same after their Disney
8770 Midnight Pass Road
Sarasota, FL 34242
(941) 349349-2844
Did you miss this
year’s 6th annual Crystal Classic, the International Sand Sculpting
Festival, on beautiful
Siesta Beach November
13-17? Bonnie Rowley
didn’t, and she provided
us with these beautiful
photos. Mark your calendar for next year’s
event on November 1115, 2016, the 7th annual
event! It’s definitely
Thanks, Bonnie, for capturing the beauty of these
artistic masterpieces!
Getting to know YOU and call you by name!
There seem to be ever-growing numbers of people at
our social gatherings, and often we have LOTS of new
people to meet and names to remember! To make it a
little easier on all of us — those who are “new” and even
those who aren’t! — we ask that you consider purchasing
and wearing a name badge.
Simply visit Anna, Administrative Assistant in the IR
office, and give her the following information on a preprinted form: first name (as you wish it to appear) and
last name; city and state of birth; contact phone number;
condo/unit number.
All orders are pre-paid; per badge price is:
Pin-backed— $6.42 (including tax)
Magnetic-backed— $8.56 (including tax).
Checks are made payable to
A quick turn-around time is guaranteed! Wear your badge
to any and all Island Reef functions so we can get to know
each other by name. Both owners AND renters are
invited to participate.
Note: if you have a pace-maker, a pin-back badge is
required in lieu of a magnetic badge. Stop by the office
soon to pick up your order form!
Note: the actual size of the
name badge is 3.25” in length
by 1.5” in width. Get your
order in today; the official
season is just beginning!