Northglenn Connection Northglenn Connection
Northglenn Connection the 11701 Community Center Drive, Northglenn, CO 80233 • 303-451-8326 • • Issue 182 • Feb. 2013 Washington Street Work Construction is well underway for the Grange Hall Creek drainage improvements and pedestrian underpass. Work currently includes relocation of utility lines, creek channel stability improvements and erosion control. Running through July, construction will require lane closures on Washington Street north of 104th Avenue. There will be one lane closed (and one lane kept open) in each direction at all times. Traffic will be shifted to the opposite side of the road of where work is taking place. During this time, crews will be constructing the drainage culverts and the pedestrian underpass. Alternate routes are advised. Skatepark Concerns Addressed n Closing Time for Parks Now 10 p.m.; More Accountability for Parents By Amanda Peterson Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Over the past year, residents around the Don Anema Memorial Skatepark have expressed concerns about individuals using the park outside of posted hours and engaging in inappropriate behavior around the park. In order to address these problems, City Council has directed staff to implement additional police patrols in the area as well as post more signs that detail park hours and the penalties for afterhour use. Additionally, two ordinances were given final approval at the Jan. 28 council meeting. The first, CB-1789, allows for an officer to issue a summons to both an offending juvenile and their parent or guardian. The municipal judge may then assign community service and/or a fine to the juvenile and up to a $999 fine to the parent or guardian. The second, CB-1790, changes the hours for all city parks. The new hours are now 5 a.m. until 10 p.m., which means city parks close one hour earlier. These measures are designed to keep Don Anema Memorial Skatepark as a stellar recreational asset to its skaters, visitors and the broader community. The city wishes to send a strong message to those who choose to conduct illegal or inappropriate activity, whether it is at the skatepark or on other recreation facilities. The 15,000-square-foot concrete skatepark opened in fall 2011 at the southeast corner of E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park, and was built primarily with grant funds. It was named after Don Anema, a long-time Northglenn resident, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Member and skatepark advocate. Skatepark Rules The following are PROHIBITED at the Don Anema Memorial Skatepark: • Bikes with metal pegs and wheels larger than 20 inches (plastic pegs are allowed) • Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco Page 8 n NEW SESSION OF CITIZEN’S POLICE ACADEMIES START: Everyone is invited to learn about what the Police Department does through hands-on classes. Page 3 n MORE CITY COUNCIL ON CHANNEL 8: The Channel 8 schedule has been modified so that it features more City Council meetings and study sessions. Page 3 n CODE VIOLATION NOTICE REDESIGNED: Document will more clearly present the infraction to residents; it is not a bill or a violation. Page 4 n VICTIM VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT: Adults are needed to aid people who have been the witness or victim of a crime. Page 4 n FIRE DISTRICT HOSTING FOOD DRIVE: Nonperishable items can be dropped off at any North Metro Fire Rescue District station through February. Page 6 n CANAL CLEANUP IN MARCH: The city is signing up volunteers and group leaders for the yearly clean up of local parks, trails and the Farmers’ Highline Canal. Page 6 n WHAT IS RECXPRESS?: Online service allows patrons to easily find information on many recreational classes and activities and also sign up for them. Page 6 n FREE CLASSES ON MONEY, RETIREMENT: The rec center is 8 On the Web: products • Destroying or defacing the property • Littering, stickers and graffiti • Modifications to any element or area within the skatepark • Mobile ramps or other skating structures of makeshift nature Learn More About Your City Government With Webdocs In This Edition hosting two free classes, with the first covering budgeting and planning for retirement, and the second reviewing Municipal Bonds and Roth IRAs. Page 7 • Profanity, recklessness and rowdy behavior • Amplified and/or loud music (without permit) • Glass containers • Motorized equipment • Pets (must be off the skate surface, on a leash and attended) Dive into the Daddy Daughter Ball - Page 6 CLOSURE City Hall will be closed on Monday, Feb. 18, in observance of Presidents Day. The Northglenn Recreation Center and Northglenn Senior Center will be open. Trash will be picked up as normal. Neighborhood Meeting for Ward I on Feb. 21 at Leroy Drive Elementary Page 3 2 Local Legislative Recap passed a resolution that substantially modified the city’s Urban Renewal Plan. The Civic Center, Malley Center, Marketplace South and Marketplace West were removed from the plan. The Northglenn Marketplace and Huron Center remained in the plan. Dec. 17, 2012 Ordinances: 2nd Reading City Retains Use of Facilities Located in Public Right of Way CB-1785 – City Council gave final approval on a 8-1 vote to an ordinance requiring utility providers to allow the city to attach flags, banners, signs or other decorations to utility infrastructure in the public right of way. A safety review process was also established by the ordinance in order to ensure public health and safety. The ordinance makes it illegal for the utility providers to remove such decorations. Refinance of Certificates of Participation to Save Northglenn $1.6 Million CB-1786 – Council unanimously gave final approval to an ordinance that provides for the refinancing of a 2002 lease that financed improvements to Standley Lake Reservoir. The refinancing will save the city $1.6 million over 10 years. City Recognizes Grant Funds for Playground CB-1787 – City Council unanimously gave final approval to an ordinance amending the 2012 Budget so that it reflects a grant for $67,608 awarded to the city by Adams County Open Space for a poured-in-place surface for the Danahy Park playground. Supplemental Funds for Tennis Court Resurfacing CB-1788 – City Council unanimously gave final approval to an ordinance amending the expenditures of the 2012 Budget to reflect a $34,870 increase due to soil conditions that arose while resurfacing the Danahy Park tennis courts. Resolutions: Park Reappointed to VALE CR-140 – Council unanimously reappointed Brian Park to the Victim’s Assistance and Law Enforcement (VALE) Board from Jan. 1, 2013, to Dec. 31, 2015. Areas Made Eligible for Urban Renewal CR-141 – Council unanimously passed a resolution designating certain property within the city as having substantial barriers to redevelopment based on a conditions study done by Ricker Cunningham. Urban Renewal Plan Substantially Modified CR-142 – Council unanimously Mayor Second Urban Renewal Plan For City Created CR-143 – City Council unanimously approved the creation of a second Urban Renewal Plan. The new plan contains businesses along Huron Street, the Civic Center, Malley Center, the Northglenn Industrial Park, Marketplace East and South Marketplace. Public Works Head Picked as Acting City Manager for Northglenn CR-144– Public Works Director David Willett was unanimously appointed as acting city manager following the retirement of Bill Simmons. His appointment began Jan. 1. City Clerk Salary Set CR-145 – City Council unanimously passed a resolution that raised the city clerk’s salary by 2 percent. The city charter requires the city clerk salary to be set by council resolution. City Gives Support to Locker Room Grant CR-146 – Council unanimously passed a resolution supporting a grant application to Adams County Open Space for funds to improve the Northglenn Recreation Center’s locker rooms. Salaries Set for City Department Heads CR-147 – City Council unanimously passed a resolution that raised the salary of all department heads by 2 percent. Green Medicals’ License Suspended by City Acting as the Medical Marijuana Authority, council voted to summarily suspend the license of Patsin McGinness, owner of Green Medicals, until further proceedings. Jan. 14, 2013 Ordinances: 1st Reading Parents May Be Held Accountable for Minors CB-1789 – Council gave unanimous initial approval to an ordinance that makes it the duty of parents and guardians to prevent minors under their care from violating the Municipal Code. Ward I Carol Dodge Wayne Dodge mayor@ wdodge@ 8 On the Web: 303-601-3633 CB-1790 – Council gave unanimous initial approval to an ordinance that would change the time city parks closed from 11 p.m. to 10 p.m. Resolutions: Posting Places at City Hall Designated CR-1 – Council unanimously passed a resolution designating public posting places in City Hall in order to comply with Colorado Open Meetings Law. 2012 Audit Contract Awarded CR-2 – Council unanimously approved a contract between the city and Johnson & Associates to perform annual financial statement audits for the city. The amount of the contract will not exceed $26,000. Staff Appointed to Leasing Corporation CR-3 – In order to facilitate refinancing debt from the 2002 Standley Lake Reservoir improvements, council unanimously appointed Public Works Director David Willett, Finance Director Jason and Public Works Loveland Superintendent Norm Bell to the Board of Directors of the Northglenn Capital Leasing Corporation. Contract for Terminal Reservoir Repair CR-4 – City Council unanimously approved an agreement between the city and URS Corporation and J&T Consulting to repair the terminal reservoir outlet works pipeline. A leak in the pipeline was found in early November. The contracts will not exceed $117,084. Chemical Building Work Contract Amended CR-5 – City Council unanimously approved an amendment to a contract agreed to in August of 2011 with HDR Engineering for improvements to the chemical building at the Water Treatment Plant. The amendment authorizes an additional $22,415 for safety measures. Medical Marijuana License Approved CR-7 – City Council voted 6-2 to grant a medical marijuana license to BotanaCare LLC. Denver Water Board to Relocate Water Conduit Council Scorecard Dec. 17, 2012 Resolutions Measure CR-140 CR-141 CR-142 CR-143 CR-144 CR-145 CR-146 CR-147 303-457-9872 Vote Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Measure Result Vote CB-1785 Passed Yes: Wieneke, C. Dodge, Downing, Carrico, Brown, Clyne, Whitman, Snetzinger No: W. Dodge CB-1786 Passed Unanimous CB-1787 Passed Unanimous CB-1788 Passed Unanimous Jan. 14, 2013 Resolutions Measure CR-1 CR-2 CR-3 CR-4 CR-5 CR-7 CR-8 CR-9 Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Vote Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Yes: Whitman, C. Dodge, Carrico, Downing, Clyne, W. Dodge. No: Snetzinger, Brown Passed Unanimous Passed Unanimous Ordinances: 1st Reading Measure Result Vote CB-1789 Passed Unanimous CB-1790 Passed Unanimous approved an Intergovernmental Agreement between the city and the Denver Water Board regarding the Grange Hall Creek project. The agreement states that Denver Water will relocate a conduit at no expense to the city. City Clerk Salary Set CR-9 – Council unanimously passed a resolution setting the city clerk’s salary at $76,662 for 2013. The Municipal Code states that the city clerk’s salary must be set by council resolution. – Local Legislative Recap by Jason Rogers, Public Communications Manager CR-8 – City Council unanimously Ward II Ward III Joe Brown Leslie Carrico Marci Whitman Susan Clyne joebrown@ lcarrico@ mwhitman@ 303-255-9166 Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Ordinances: 2nd Reading Meet Your Mayor and City Councilmembers Joyce Downing 303-457-3542 Initial Approval for Change in Park Hours 303-451-5046 303-521-0201 720-308-8759 mayor pro tem Ward IV Gene Wieneke Kim Snetzinger 303-457-0858 gwieneke@ Go to for a listing of all city-sponsored events, meetings and activities. 303-913-7195 ksnetzinger@ 3 Taking The Oath Council Study Sessions & Meetings Numbers to Know EMERGENCIES ......................911 Animal Control ......303-450-8886 Animal Impound ..303-288-3294 Building Permits ..303-450-8745 City Hall ................303-451-8326 City Clerk ..............303-450-8757 City Court ............303-450-8701 City Manager ........303-450-8709 Communications ..303-450-8713 Customer ............303-450-8994 Solutions Economic..............303-450-8743 Development Fire (non-emerg) ..303-452-9910 (North Metro Fire Rescue) Graffiti Hotline ......303-252-3849 Neighborhood ......303-280-7876 Services Parks & Trails........303-280-7818 Planning, Zoning ..303-450-8836 Police ....................303-450-8892 Police Records ......303-450-8893 Polycarts/ ............303-450-4004 Roll-Off Rentals Street Repair ........303-450-4001 Rec Center ............303-450-8800 Senior Center........303-450-8801 Snow & ................303-450-4001 Ice Removal Storm Drainage .. 303-450-4001 Street Sweeping .. 303-450-4001 Trash/Special........303-450-4004 Pickup Utility Billing/ ......303-450-8770 Cust. Service Volunteering..........303-450-8904 Water ....................303-450-4045 Conservation Hotline Water/Sewer ........303-280-7803 Problems Water/Sewer ........303-451-1289 24-hour Line Council Meeting: 7 p.m. Mon., Feb. 11 & 25 Study Sessions: 6 p.m. Mon., March 4 (The regularly scheduled study session on Feb. 18 is canceled due to the Presidents Day holiday.) City Clerk Johanna Small, far left, gives the Police Officer Oath of Office to new members of the Police Department at City Hall in January. From left are Daniel Shube, Jarrod Guzman, Justin Lauck, Joshua Burke, Aaron Flanders, Rick Williams and Chelsey Crawford. Citizen’s Police Academies to Start in Early March n Learn About Police Officer Duties rough Hands-On Classes The Police Department is seeking applicants for its next series of Citizen’s Police Academies. Senior sessions will run Tuesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Northglenn Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Drive, starting on March 5. The regular academy and teen academy will be merged for this session. It will begin on March 6 and be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays in the police training room, 11701 Community Center Drive. The academy offers classroom presentations, hands-on experience and demonstrations that reflect the duties of the Police Department. Classes will meet for approximately 13 weeks and include 8 On the Web: This map shows the wards of the city. If you have a question about what ward you live in, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 303-450-8756. Nov. 2012 General Fund Financial Report City of Northglenn Dec. 2012 Crime Statistics Figures are through the end of November These charts show statistics from the Northglenn Police Department for burglary, motor vehicle theft and theft from a motor vehicle in the city over the last six months as well as from December of a year ago. To report a crime, call 911. Burglary 10 15 25 9 20 12 5 0 10 20 23 13 23 14 11 Dec11 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec12 0 10 11 10 7 6 9 21 $5M 5 5 Dec11 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec12 0 Dec11 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec12 $0M Total Revenue Taxes $18,620,816 InterLicenses User Charges Fines & government & Permits Forfeits & Fees $15,834,063 10 $15,622,213 28 $160,746 10 $10M 14 $45,233 $101,421 15 15 $1,691,587 15 $15M 20 $895,500 $1,212,173 20 Total Revenue Components $2,132,747 20 $20M $426,724 25 $446,940 $387,179 25 General Fund Expenditures Year to Date is 85% of the 2012 Annual Budget – 2011 Actual Year to Date Motor Vehicle Theft $16,155,534 25 – 2012 Actual Year to Date $18,952,119 30 – 2012 Annual Budget $16,323,973 Theft from Motor Vehicle 104th Ave. $1,650,387 Grant Drive Community Center Drive 25 Interstate III II IV I 112th Ave. The Northglenn Connection is a monthly publication that is delivered to city residents. To suggest topic, story or article ideas for this newsletter, contact Jason Rogers at 303-450-8713 or Use it as a reference for city information and to learn about what is happening in the community. This publication and past editions are also available at www. You may also contact Rogers for questions or comments about Channel 8 television programming. Ct. E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park 120th Ave. I-25 City Hall (Administration, Court, Police) Huron St. Webster Lake Wards of Northglenn Pecos St. 6:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 21, Leroy Drive Elementary School, 1451 Leroy Drive This is a chance for residents to communicate directly to Ward I elected officials with questions, concerns or comments about the city and its government. For more information, contact Councilmember Carol Dodge at 303-601-3633 or cdodge@, or Councilmember Wayne Dodge at 303-507-7202 or 120th Avenue Northglenn Connection the u de Cla Ward I Meeting City Spots Northglenn Recreation Center (Senior Center, D.L. Parsons Theatre) Go to $1,566,738 $1,509,120 If you missed the latest council meeting, catch it on Comcast Cable Channel 8. • Sunday: Council meetings at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., study sessions at 2 and 10:30 p.m. • Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Council meetings at noon and 10:30 p.m., study sessions at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. • Tuesday and Thursday: Council meetings at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., study sessions at noon. • Saturday: Council meetings at noon and 7:30 p.m., study sessions at 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. You can also listen to audio recordings the day after meetings occur at Washington St. Audio/Video: on presentations patrol procedures, DUI, traffic accident investigation, gangs, narcotics, community policing, dispatch, police careers and more. Instructors are law enforcement professionals who offer class participants the opportunity to become acquainted with the roles and responsibilities of the Police Department and how police service the community. Sign up is on a first-come, first-served basis with limited space. For more information or to apply, go to www. Applications are also available in the lobby of the Police Department. For more information, contact Officer Jim Gardner at 303-450-8851 or $13,005,441 Study sessions and council meetings are held at City Council Chambers in City Hall, 11701 Community Center Drive. $11,489,906 $11,090,990 Location: $1,823,468 $1,795,326 Residents are welcome to attend council meetings and study sessions. Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Study sessions are held as needed on the first and third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Call 303-4508756 for more information. Other General Fund Revenues Expenditures 4 City News News Briefs n VOLUNTEER ADVOCATES FOR VICTIMS NEEDED: The Thornton- Northglenn Victim Services Unit is accepting applications for volunteer victim advocate positions. Victim advocates provide on-scene contact with victims and witnesses of violent crime, sudden death and other emergency situations. Volunteers are required to undergo a thorough background screening and complete 40 hours of training taught by professionals in the field. Victim advocates are required to take three 12-hour on-call shifts each month, including holidays, and must be able to respond within 35 minutes of dispatch contact. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age, be self-motivated, have strong interpersonal skills, and be able to maintain confidentiality and commit to at least 12 months. For more information or to apply call Lauana Duckworth, victim services supervisor, at 720-977-5183. n SCHOLARSHIP FOR YOUTH COMMISSION PRESIDENT: Ciara Neill, president of the Northglenn Youth Commission, is the recipient of the 2012-13 Colorado Parks and Recreation Association Teen Team Scholarship. Her essay about how being a member of the Northglenn Youth Commission has taught her to "Be Prepared" as a leader in her community and at school was selected as the winning entry. In addition to submitting an essay, applicants had to be active in their local board or commission and attend a Youth Summit event in the past. Ciara has been involved in the Northglenn Youth Commission since Sept. 24, 2009. n NATIONAL PASSPORT DAY AT CITY CLERK’S OFFICE: The Northglenn City Clerk’s Office will be joining the US Department of State and other passport acceptance facilities across the country to participate in "Passport Day in the USA 2013" on Saturday, March 9. On Passport Day, individuals can apply for a passport at the City Clerk’s Office, located in City Hall, 11701 Community Center Drive, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The office will accept applications and take passport photos on site. No appointments are necessary. Individuals who are unable to attend Passport Day can apply for their passports during regular business hours at the City Clerk’s Office, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information on passports, fees and application requirements, call 303-450-8709 or visit www. Warning Notice of Violation Redesigned n Form is NOT a Bill or Citation By Jason Rogers Public Communications Manager Starting this month, the city’s Neighborhood Services Division will begin using a new and improved form to warn residents of Municipal Code enforcement issues. The forms were designed by city staff over the past few months to be more clear and concise than the previous warning notice. One of the issues made clearer on the form is its intent. The form clearly shows which section of the Municipal Code the resident is in violation of and how many days they have to correct the problem. The warning notices should be seen as a reminder of the Municipal Code. A resident who receives a notice owes no money and has not been issued a citation. Previously, some residents were confused by the old forms and believed that they owed money or had to appear in court after receiving one. The new forms will hopefully correct this problem. Neighborhood Services issues approximately 141 notice of violation warnings each month. Most of the warning notices issued are for things like litter, signs on the side of the road and inoperable vehicles. About 87 percent of residents comply without the city issuing any fines or citations. For more information or questions, A Notice of Violation is issued for a code violation on a property. The reason for the violation and the number of days to correct the problem are clearly listed on the notice. Almost all violations are handled without need for a fine or citation. please call Neighborhood Services at 303-280-7876. Learning to Be Heroes On Jan. 18, Malley Elementary School honored staff members Tammie LaRoche, Kristen Loesel and Kim Adams for helping to save the life of senior volunteer Gerald Dagenais when he suffered a heart attack in the school library on Nov. 30, 2012. Members of the North Metro Fire Rescue District who responded that day spoke to the students on how everyday people can be superheroes. Services Available to Help Senior Citizens By The Senior Hub The Senior Hub offers many core programs that enable older adults to remain healthy and independent in their homes for as long as possible. n Meals on Wheels – Warm noon-time meals are delivered six days a week, and can be suited for clients on restricted diets. The Senior Hub conducts an initial home visit and re-assesses clients every six months to ensure the meals are meeting their needs. n Senior Solutions - Provides older adults and their families with counseling and solutions to sometimes complex problems. n Minor Home Repair - Helps low- and moderate-income older adults by providing reduced-cost and free home repair services. n RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) – Enables older adults to contribute their time, energy and expertise to organizations in need. n Respite and In-Home Supportive Services – Offers primary caregivers a break from providing care for loved ones by furnishing trained professionals who are experienced in caring for older adults or provide services like shopping and house- keeping. n Medical Equipment Lending – Walkers, wheelchairs and canes can be checked out at no cost. n Emergency Food Bank – When seniors need a little help with groceries at the end of the month. n Care Management – Identifies the strengths and needs of older adult clients and their families and determines beneficial community services, creates care plans and arranges for appropriate non-medical support. n Adult Day Service (ADS) – Furnishes older adults who suffer from dementia and other chronic illnesses with a safe place during the day. The facility is located in Northglenn. Modest fees are collected from those who can afford to pay for Meals on Wheels, Respite and In-Home Supportive Services and ADS. Partially subsidized and no-cost services are available for those who cannot afford the fees when grant funding is available. There are no fees for Senior Solutions, Care Management, Medical Equipment Lending, Emergency Food Bank or RSVP services. If you are a senior, or the family of a senior, please call 303426-4408 to determine how The Senior Hub might be able to help. Swimming lessons are now being offered at the Northglenn Recreation Center for all ages and abilities. Call 303-450-8800 or go to for more information. 5 Northglenn Business News Grants Approved for Exterior Upgrades to Businesses n BIG Program Provides Matching Funds, Up to $12,500 Per Project By Debbie Tuttle Economic Development Manager The Northglenn Urban Renewal Authority (NURA) recently approved three grants through the Business Improvement Grant (BIG) Program for exterior property improvements for local businesses. • Office Plaza South, Huron Street and Community Center Drive – $8,490 for parking lot improvements • Office Plaza North, Huron Street and Community Center Drive – $12,500 for parking lot and retaining wall improvements • 2nd Time Sports, 10685a Melody Drive – $1,174 for new exterior business signage The BIG Program offers up to $12,500 in matching funds to improve the appearance of buildings and property lots of commercial buildings that are visible to the public. The program is designed to support Northglenn businesses that are investing in the community while revitalizing and improving the city. Only commercial businesses and property owners located within the city’s Urban Renewal Area are eligible, and work completed prior to grant approval is NOT eligible for funding. A similar program is available for non-Urban Renewal Area businesses. Contact Debbie Tuttle at 303-4508743 or, or go to for more information. City Welcomes New Sales Tax Auditor By John Eisel Public Communications Specialist Northglenn has a new, friendly face in the Finance Department to assist city businesses with sales and use taxes. Sarah Charlton joined the city as a sales tax auditor in January. As part of her duties, she’ll be visiting with Northglenn businesses to check for compliance with the city’s sales and use tax code. “I’m really excited to meet the business owners of Northglenn and establish a good working relationship with them,” said Charlton, who was a sales tax auditor for the South Carolina Department of Revenue for two years before coming to Colorado. Making sure that local businesses are all following the same sales and use tax rules keeps the playing field level for all Northglenn companies, so that no one has an unfair advantage. Charlton encourages companies to contact her if they have any questions about the often-confusing topic of sales and use taxes. “I hope to become a resource for business owners, where they can ask questions and get the help they need to start up their business, or keep it running,” she said. She’ll also be taking over the quarterly Sales and Use Tax Class that the Finance Department has hosted over the years. The next one will be on March 12. To get in touch with Sarah, please contact her at 303450-8773 or New Businesses The new AutoNation Hyundai and Fiat dealerships are now open at 759 and 749 W. 104th Ave. New Storefront/Physical Businesses in Northglenn for 2012 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Total New Storefront Businesses New Employees 9 65 22,653 14 4,859 2 6 7 3 10 29 Square Foot Absorption 2,930 8,945 8 21,220 5 12 13,494 3 14 4,980 7 2 4 3 7 58 7 12 8,160 5,500 The city is pleased to welcome these new companies to Northglenn. These companies are making capital investments in our community, creating new jobs, and increasing our tax base - thereby fostering and enhancing economic development in Northglenn. n AutoNation – Go Hyundai and Go Fiat dealerships and service centers opened on Jan. 7. AutoNation purchased the 6.84-acre site (former Northglenn Dodge), located at 759 and 749 W. 104th Ave., for $5.76 million. The company has invested several million dollars in new equipment, major renovations, construction and expansion of the facility. The 24,769-square-foot Hyundai dealership includes an 8,700-square-foot showroom, and will employ 40 people. The newly constructed 5,525square-foot building houses the Fiat dealership and will employ 20 people. Both the sales and service departments will be open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, Area Name 6 10,294 Northglenn 72 47,339 Colorado 7 256 6,909 157,283 Above is an annual summary of new 2012 storefront businesses. Monthly totals can vary based on actual business license submittals. At the end of December, Northglenn had 868 total businesses. Of that total, 648 are storefronts and 220 are home occupations. Note: Totals do not include temporary businesses. Adams County Examples of Eligible Exterior Improvements Exterior Improvements Eligible for the for Business Improvement Grant Program include, but are not limited to: • Façades, including roofing, windows • Signs (new, repairs, replacements, removal) • Landscaping • Parking lot upgrades/repairs “I hope to become a resource for business owners, where they can ask questions and get the help they need to start up their business or keep it running.” – Sarah Charlton City Sales Tax Auditor please call 303-460-0102. n Compu-Med Claims leased 1,256 square feet at 1412 W. 104th Ave., No. 116. The company provides medical billing services and employs five people. Hours of operation are weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, call 303-254-9893 or visit n leased 1,320 square feet at 1028 W. 104th Ave. in the Huron Center. The company provides computer repair services. Hours of operation are weekdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 303-254-9990 or visit n Gentle Touch Chinese Massage leased 1,168 square feet at 1464 W. 104th Ave. in the Hillcrest Shopping Center. The company provides massage therapy and is open seven days a week, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. For more information, call 720431-4331. n Healing Waters Float Studio leased 1,167 square feet at 11654 N. Huron St., Suite No. 110. The company provides flotation tanks for therapeutic and healing assistance. The hours of operation will be seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, please call 303-466-5200 or visit www.healingwatersfloatstudio .com. n Hellfire Fabrication Services, Inc. leased 3,900 square feet at 10750 Irma Drive, Suite No. 21. The company provides metal fabrication and welding services and employs two people. For more information, please call 303-229-2921 or visit Hours of operation are weekdays from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. n National Driver Training Denver (NDTD) leased 1,404 square feet at 11918 Washington St. The company provides driving instruction and testing services. Hours of operation are weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and classes will be offered twice a month on Saturdays. For more information, please call 720-541-7101 or visit www.usdrivertraining .com. To notify the Connection of a new business, contact Debbie Tuttle at 303-450-8743 or December 2012 Employment Numbers Civilian Number Number Unemployment Unemployment Labor Force Employed Unemployed Rate % for Nov. 2012 20,150 234,673 18,362 213,679 2,729,317 2,523,972 1,788 8.9% 8.7% 205,345 7.5% 7.5% 20,994 8.9% 8.7% The table above reflects the estimated labor force, employment, and unemployment information for December 2012. It reflects an 8.9 percent unemployment rate, which is a .2 percent increase from the previous month (8.7 percent). The state unemployment remained the same and the county rate increased by .2 percent. These numbers show a slight decline from the December 2011 unemployment rate of 9.1 percent. Source: Labor Market Statistics. Not seasonally adjusted. 6 City News North Metro Fire Hosting Food Drive D.L. Parsons Theatre inside the Northglenn Recreation Center Coming Soon Auditions Events Night of the Stars Talent Show Friday, February 8 n Donations to Aid Food Bank in City Daddy Daughter Sweetheart Ball This year’s theme will take us to the ocean floor to the lost kingdom of Atlantis, so don your most beautiful outfits and prepare to dance the night away! Young ladies ages 5-13 and their fathers will enjoy light refreshments, dancing, and fun activities. Each couple will receive a commemorative photograph and a special memento. Daddies, grandpas, and uncles are welcome to attend as appropriate. Please register at the Northglenn Recreation Center or call 303.450.8800. Registration deadline is February 15. By Stacey Mulligan North Metro Fire Rescue District Through the month of February, North Metro Fire Rescue District will hold its Annual Winter Food Drive to replenish supplies at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Food Bank, which benefits Northglenn citizens. Community members can donate items to any of North Metro Fire Rescue’s fire stations from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. North Metro Fire Rescue also wants to encourage donors to consider healthy options when choosing food items to donate. Healthy food donations are in great need and luckily there are inexpensive options available. Citizens who have questions about the food drive may call North Metro Fire Rescue District Headquarters at 303-452-9910. North Metro Fire Rescue thanks you for contributing and keeping our community’s generous spirit alive. Food Donation Items Consider the following recommendations when selecting products to donate: • Low-sugar cereal such as Cheerios or Chex • Peanut butter • Cans or plastic containers of 100 percent juice • Any kind of lite or low-sodium canned vegetable • Bags of pinto, black beans • Rice • Canned tuna fish • Powdered milk fortified with vitamin D Donors should avoid: • Foods high in sodium, fat, oils or sugar • Chips, candy, cookies and crackers • Sugary beverages • Items in glass bottles • Items that are expired or in damaged packaging North Metro Fire Rescue Northglenn Stations Station 63 10941 Irma Drive Station 62 10550 Huron St. Donations can be dropped off at any North Metro Fire Rescue District station, including the two shown above that are in Northglenn. 7-9 p.m. $6 Sponsored by Saturday, February 23 6-9 p.m. $50 resident/$55 non-resident per couple. $20 each additional daughter. Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta Music Auditions for ages 8-18 are being held by appointment only. Approximately 35 roles are available. Please prepare a ONE MINUTE monologue. Music to sing will be taught during the audition. Bring along a head-shot and resume with you to the audition. Call 303.450.8800 to schedule an appointment. Auditions: Feb. 12 & 13 Callbacks: Feb. 16, 9 a.m.-Noon Cost: $100, if cast Rehearsals: Tues/Thurs., 5:30-8:30 p.m. and Sat., 9 a.m.-Noon beginning Feb. 19 Performances: April 19-28 Music for growing families We are thrilled to welcome back one of our favorite children’s music performers, Katherine Dines, and her local and national award-winning Hunk-ta-bunk-ta Music! Plus, she’s bringing along her band, which is a very special treat. Lots of really fun songs and little stories fill this concert that are sure to make you wiggle, giggle, and sing-along. Great for Pre-K/Kindergarteners. Thursday, March 7 10 a.m. $3.75 What is RecXpress? n Web Site an Easy Way to Sign Up for Many of the City’s Recreational Offerings By John Eisel Public Communications Specialist The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department offers a multitude of activities, sports, classes and events that cover just about every recreational interest. An easy way to find information or sign up for many of these activities is through the city’s RecXpress Web site, located at The site provides descriptions, times, dates, location, cost and the ability to register. The RecXpress site is encrypted, so it is safe to use a credit card and is available 24 hours a day. When you go to the site, click on “Find an Activity” on the top menu. On this page, you can either search by category or through a barcode number. All items that are available for registration on RecXpress are automatically given a barcode number so they can easily be found on the site. These barcode numbers are located inside the city’s recreation guide, which are mailed to every residence in the city. Rec guides are also located at City Hall or the Northglenn Recreation Center, or can be downloaded online at www. RecXpress barcodes codes will also be printed in the Connection when applicable. For those who want to register in person, you can go to the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive, for information or to register. You may also sign up by calling the recreation center at 303-4508800. If you have any questions, please contact parks and recreation staff at by calling 303-4508800 or e-mailing parksandrec@ The front page for the city’s RecXpress Web site, where you can log in to your account and also find information on and register for classes and events. 8Address: RecXpress Registration Those wanting to use RecXpress need to register to obtain a pin number. If you have registered for any classes at the rec center and gave your e-mail, you have an account and a pin already. If you don't yet have an account or have forgotten your PIN, you can submit a request on the RecXpress site. It will take 24 to 48 hours to have your account verified and set up. Farmers’ Highline Canal and Greenway Trail Cleanup The next Farmers’ Highline Canal and Greenway Trail Cleanup is set for Saturday, March 16, and staff is looking for at least 100+ people of all ages to scour the canal and the city’s trails and parks for garbage and debris. Participants should check-in at 8:30 a.m. at the Police Department entrance at City Hall, 11701 Community Center Drive. A thank-you lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. If weather is poor, the event will be on March 23. Saturday, March 16 • Register: Go to www. and use code 13890, or call 303-450-8800 and refer to the code. • More information: Contact Jenni Murphy at 303-450-8904 or • Crew leaders are also needed! 7 Upcoming Community Events Night of the Stars Youth Talent Show Babysitting Class 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat., Feb. 16, Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive 7-9 p.m. Fri., Feb. 8, D.L. Parsons Theatre, 11801 Community Center Drive This course teaches first-time babysitters ages 11 to 13 everything they need to know when responsible for young children. Skills covered include CPR, first aid, growth and development, safety, feeding, discipline, diapering and bathing. The cost is $55 for residents, $60 for non-residents. Call 303450-8800 or go to /recxpress to register. RECXPRESS CODE: The community is invited to come watch local youth ages 5 to 18 compete in this talent show, with the winners moving on to the regional competition in March. Cost for tickets is $6 and can be purchased at the Northglenn Recreation Center or at the box office the night of the show. Call 303-450-8800 or go to /talentshow for more information. 16085 RAP: Ski Trip 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon., Feb. 18, meet at the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive As part of the Recreational Alternative Programming (RAP) series, youth ages 11 to 18 are invited to enjoy Presidents Day with a day-long ski or snowboard trip to Eldora Mountain. Cost is $40 to $77, depending on equipment rental, residency and whether the youth takes an instructional class. Call 303-450-8800 or go to to register. RECXPRESS CODE: 16099 10:30 a.m. Wed., Feb. 20, D.L. Parsons Theatre, 11801 Community Center Drive This travel film explores Belize and Guatemala, two of the countries that hold the stories and sites of the great Maya past, as well as their culture today. The tour guides are professional filmmakers who These events occur at the Northglenn Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Drive, unless noted. They are for people ages 55 and older. Call 303-450-8801 for more information. Coffee with the Mayor 8:30 a.m. Mon., Feb. 25, Atlanta Bread in the Northglenn Marketplace Travel Film: Worlds of the Maya Senior Center Events personally narrate their films. Shows include a 15-minute intermission with refreshments. Cost is $7.50 for adults, $6.50 for seniors and students. Call 303450-8800 for more information. Coffee with the Mayor is a chance to talk directly with the mayor about issues in the community and to learn about new developments in the city. Call 303-4508713 for more information. Men’s Conversation Group 10:30 a.m. Thurs., Feb. 7 & 21 The guys out there have led interesting lives and have stories to share. Coffee and refreshments will be available. The group meets the first and third Thursday of the month. Photo Scanning 1 p.m. Mon., Feb. 11 Scangaroo is a mobile photo scanning and restoration company whose mission is to protect photo memories as over time the originals deteriorate or are lost. Scangaroo will scan 10 photos per person. Healthy Living – How to Be Heart Healthy 8 On the Web: 1 p.m. Tues., Feb. 12 A nutritional health coach from Natural Grocers will present a seminar on heart FREE FINANCIAL WORKSHOPS 11801 Community Center Drive Retirement Planning and Budgeting 6:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 12, Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive The city is hosting a free workshop that covers two topics concerning retirement – the first on managing income and expenses in retirement, the second on making sure you have enough money to retire. Roth IRAs and Municipal Bonds 6:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 19, Northglenn Recreation Center, Downing Sonic on 120th Avenue east of Washington Street is hosting a fundraiser for the Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association of Northglenn (CPAAAN). On Wednesday, Feb. 13, from 5 to 8 p.m., a percentage of all net sales will go to CPAAAN. These funds will be used to support the city’s Citizen’s Police Academy and the Police Department. health. Cost is free. Festive Friday – Cowboy Noon, Fri., Feb. 15 As part of the Festive Friday series, grab your boots and join us for a Cowboy party! The Northglenn Senior Organization will provide the food. The cost is $5. Call 303-450-8801 to RSVP. Scrapbooking 1 p.m. Mon., Feb. 25 Bring pictures and stories while joining everyone for this ongoing activity in the upcoming year. Scrapbooking supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. This activity will continue on the fourth Monday of every month. Want to learn more about ways to manage your money? This free workshop will first cover Roth IRAs and how they can provide a tax-free income in retirement, and then discuss municipal bonds and how they can help reduce the impact taxes have on investment earnings and help cushion the impact of stock market volatility. Please RSVP for either of these classes to Jeanette Sánchez at or 303-450-8935. Note: The presenters and information provided in these workshops are not endorsed by the city, and the city does not guarantee their accuracy. Senior Book Club – “The Story of Edgar Sawtelle” 1 p.m. Tues., Feb. 26 This story is a retelling of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” in rural Wisconsin. A mute boy who comes from a long line of dog breeders runs away from home after his father is killed. He later returns to his usurped home, hoping to prove that his uncle murdered his father. To reserve a copy, please call 303-450-8801. Festive Friday – National Pig Day Potluck Noon, Fri., March 1 Celebrate National Pig Day with pig races and everything bacon. Bring a potluck dish that includes bacon – even dessert! Please RSVP at 303-450-8801. Go to for a listing of all city-sponsored events, meetings and activities. • March 25-29 Tax Filing Assistance at Senior Center o Adams County Tax Assistance will help low-income residents with tax filing from Feb. 4 through April 15. Electronic filing is available. o Participants must have a combined income of less than $50,000. Please bring all tax forms from this year and last, as well as Social Security cards. o The service will be held 1 to 7 p.m. Mondays and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays at the Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Dr. First-come, first-served. o For more information, call 720-523-6163. • • • • • Swimming Movies Indoor Skydiving Bowling And More! • Go to or call 303-450-8800 for more information. PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID DENVER CO PERMIT NO. 1655 Northglenn Connection the P.O. Box 330061 11701 Community Center Drive Northglenn, CO 80233-8061 Phone: 303-451-8326 Fax: 303-450-8708 ECRWSS Postal Customer February 2013 PRINTED WITH RECYCLED PAPER Protect Trees During Drought By Sonja Sjoholm-deHaas Water Resources Technician Trees add value to your property, and it is important to protect these investments, especially in times of drought. During dry winters, such as the one Colorado is currently experiencing, trees should be watered on a regular basis to keep them healthy. According to the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, the following is the best way to water your trees in the winter: n Water your trees to the dripline. The dripline is the area underneath the spread of the tree’s branches. This area shows where the tree’s roots are. Evergreens will need to be watered an additional three to five feet beyond the dripline. Trees need deep watering, to a depth of 12 inches, to ensure that water reaches the roots. Use a soil needle attached to a hose with medium pres- sure to get water to the roots, if your soil is not too compacted. Saturate the soil within the dripline. The rule of thumb for watering trees is 10 gallons of water per 1 inch of trunk diameter. n When deep watering, take care to not damage the roots and refrain from digging holes to facilitate deep watering – this only dries the roots out. Other important things to keep in mind when winter watering your trees are: n Water slowly, and disperse the flow to get water deep down to the roots. n Avoid watering when the temperature is below 40 degrees, or if the ground is too frozen. n Do not water branches; keep the hose directed at the ground. n In the winter, it is best to water at mid-day when temperatures are at their warmest. n Healthy trees should not need watering more than once a month, at the most twice. Standley Lake Water Levels This chart shows the city’s total storage of water in Standley Lake, which is where Northglenn receives its drinking water. The city’s total is 6,854 acre feet. An acre foot is the amount of water that will cover one acre one foot deep. - Percentage of Total Water Storage - Specific Yearly Level – Wet Year 100% – Dec. 31, 2011 118% capacity (8,086 acre feet) 75% – 50% – Five-Year December Storage Average – 5,474 acre feet 25% – Drought Year Dec. 31, 2002 60% capacity (4,125 acre feet) 0% – Find City Records on Webdocs The interface that users encounter when they go to Current Year Dec. 31, 2012 95% capacity (6,505 acre feet) Having 11 boards and commissions leads to a lot of documents. But with the city’s Webdocs Public Meeting Records System, anyone can sort through the reams of files to find what they want. Located at /webdocs, Webdocs manages and organizes files back to 2004 for City Council and the other boards and commissions. Webdocs allows users to search the meetings by date and board or commission, so someone could easily find information on a Liquor Licensing Authority meeting from 2008. A search tool for the documents is also available on the site. Staff first created Webdocs in 2004 and then upgraded it in 2009. That year, the Center for Digital Government gave the city a Best of the Web Award in the Government-to-Citizen Local Government Category for the site. Webdocs Contents Content that can be found on Webdocs • Agendas, packets and minutes • Audio recordings • Video recordings (City Council meetings only) • Voting results • Important documents relating to a meeting
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