May 2013 - Northglenn
Northglenn Connection the 11701 Community Center Drive, Northglenn, CO 80233 • 303-451-8326 • • Issue 185 • May 2013 SWAT Training at the Garland Center In This Edition On April 14 and 15, members of the Northglenn/Thornton SWAT team utilized the Garland Center for training. The two days consisted of simulated hostage situations and armed standoffs with barricaded gunmen. The Northglenn /Thornton SWAT team is a multi-agency group used in critical tactical situations when the event rises beyond the level of normal police operations and capabilities. n BRICKS AVAILABLE FOR E.B. RAINS JR. MEMORIAL PARK BRIDGE: Proceeds will benefit the Utility Assistance Program. Page 2 n FIREFIGHTER HONORED: Lt. Dan Maes of Station No. 63 in Northglenn was honored by a national magazine for his efforts in helping two Northglenn youth. Page 3 n PLENTY OF RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH: City to Honor Fallen Officers n Park Cleanup, Vigil & Kops vs. Kids Basketball Challenge Highlight National Police Week Northglenn National Police Week Events By Renae Lehr Crime Analyst In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a bill designating May 15 as National Peace Officer Memorial Day and the week which that day falls as National Police Week. The Police Department has a valued tradition of celebrating this week with a calendar of events. On May 15, officers and city employees will pitch in to help with a cleanup of E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park and Webster Lake. On May 16, the police will host the 2013 Fallen Officer Memorial Candlelight Vigil from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park. It will be an evening to remember and honor Colorado officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. It was almost 30 years ago, May of 1984, that the Police Department lost • Wed., May 15: Clean up at E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park, across from City Hall, 11701 Community Center Drive • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Thurs., May 16: Fallen Officer Memorial Candlelight Vigil, E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Sat., May 18: Kops vs. Kids Basketball Challenge, Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive one of their own. Sadly, Corporal Edgar B. Rains was struck with stray pellets during a domestic disturbance call. The officer firing did not know the corporal was in the line of fire. Northglenn dedicated the park, where the ceremony is now held, in his name. Law enforcement from all jurisdictions, as well at the public, are invited to attend the ceremony. Police week will close with a chance for kids to interact in the friendly Kops vs. Kids Basketball Challenge. Youth ages 9 to 14 can take on the police in a good-natured game at 6:30 p.m. on May 18. The event is sponsored by the Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association (CPAAAN). Cost is $5 for residents, $6 for non-residents. Call 303-450-8800 or go to www. to register. Immediately after, the cops will play against North Metro Fire Rescue District firefighters. National Police Week is dedicated to honoring America’s law enforcement community and Northglenn is proud to support this effort locally. Opportunity for Youth to Make Difference in Northglenn n Youth Commission Advises Council, Works on Community Projects By Amanda Peterson Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Youth ages 13 to 18 who live in the city or attend a school in the Adams 12 Five Star School District are needed to join the Northglenn Youth Commission (NYC). The NYC is composed of between 7 and 15 youth who act in an advisory capacity to City Council on youth-related issues in the community. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Northglenn Recreation Center. Youth are asked to serve a one-year term. Long standing commissioners Ciara Neill, Rory Moore, Leandra Laws and Kurtis Alberi will be graduating from high school this year, leaving their seats on the Youth Commission empty. 25th Annual Kids’ Fishing Derby on Page 4 June 1 The city is looking for teens to fill these seats who are interested in serving the community. In recent years, the NYC has participated in the development of the skatepark, worked on leadership skills through attendance at the annual Youth Summit and are currently conducting an art contest. A limited number of seats are available on the board. Applications are available in the City Clerk's Office or at They will be taken through May 24. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an interview on June 4. For more information about the NYC or the application process, please contact Amanda Peterson at 303-450-8950 or apeterson@ The city offers a wide-range of activities, camps and trips for youth that cater to diverse interests. Page 4 n EAGLE SCOUT CANDIDATE HELPS SKATEPARK BENCH ART CONTEST: Brandon Glandt’s project honors a friend who loved the skatepark; youth invited to contribute design entries. Page 4 n WORKFORCE CENTER UNITES EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES: Adams County agency provides training and hiring services. Page 5 n REGISTRATION OPEN FOR MUD VOLLEYBALL, JULY 4TH CAR SHOW AND WIFFLEBALL: Participants can now register for three separate events in the city this summer: Mudapalooza VII, the July 4th Car Show and the 9th Annual Wiffleball Tournament. Page 6 n ENJOY THE CITY’S LARGEST ICE CREAM SUNDAE: In cele- bration of National Historic Preservation Month, enjoy Northglenn’s Largest Ice Cream Sundae on Sunday, May 19, at Stonehocker Farmhouse. Page 7 n FREE LANDFILL DAY ON MAY 18: Residents can bring items too large for a polycart to the landfill in Erie. Page 7 CLOSURE City Hall and the Northglenn Senior Center will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27. The Northglenn Recreation Center will be open from 5:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Trash will be picked up as normal. Despite Recent Snows, Water Conservation Still Necessary Page 8 2 Local Legislative Recap March 25, 2013 Resolutions Police Vehicles Purchased CR-28 – Council unanimously authorized the city manager to issue purchase orders to Sil-Terhar Motors, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $50,424 for the purchase of two 2013 Ford Police Interceptor sedans and to the State of Colorado Department of Public Safety in an amount not to exceed $27,017.50 for the purchase of one 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD 1500 commercial vehicle. New Member of City’s Youth Commission CR-29 – Council unanimously appointed John Bedwell to the Board of Directors of the Northglenn Youth Commission. His term begins March 25, 2013, and expires March 25, 2014. Fire Hydrants Purchased CR-31 – Council unanimously authorized the city manager to issue a purchase order to HD Supply Waterworks in an amount not to exceed $38,528.25 for the purchase of 20 fire hydrants, eight valves and various associated parts. Standley Lake Dam Tender House Replaced CR-32 – Council unanimously authorized reimbursing the Farmers Reservoir and Irrigation Company for a third of the cost of the Standley Lake Dam Tender House Replacement Project in the amount of $85,751.67. The total cost of the project is $257,255.01 and is split between Westminster, Northglenn and Thornton. Council Backs FasTracks authorized the mayor to execute a letter to RTD, stating that the North Metro jurisdictions are offering to work closely with RTD in order to build the FasTracks North Metro Rail Line by 2020 and are willing to commit to waiving fees, committing additional funds and/or adjusting the phasing of certain elements of the plan. Terminal Reservoir Outlet Structure to Have Repairs CR-34 – Council unanimously authorized the city manager to issue a purchase order to Whipps, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $32,500 for the purchase of a horizontal slide gate and hydraulic power unit for the terminal reservoir at the Northglenn Water Treatment Plant on 112th Avenue. These parts require a long lead-time for fabrication and delivery, and having the city directly buy them will speed up completion of the repairs. April 8, 2013 Coleman Stays on NURA CR-36 – Council unanimously reappointed Ronald Coleman, Jr. as a regular member of the Northglenn Urban Renewal Authority for a fiveyear term. The term commenced on April 19, 2013 and will expire April 19, 2018. Trash Truck Purchased CR-37 – Council unanimously approved the purchase of a rear-load semi-automated trash truck from Rush Truck Center Denver for $192,103. Pension Plan Amended CR-38 – Council voted 6-2 to approve an amendment to the general employee’s pension plan in order to come into compliance with the policies of the plan’s new administration company, ICMA-RC. The plan was switched from Charles Schwab to ICMA-RC at the end of 2012. Police Department Pension Plan Amended Resolutions Locker Room Facilities Design Awarded CR-30 – Council unanimously authorized the execution of a contract with Zeiler-Pennock, Inc. for designing the remodeling of the locker room facilities at the Northglenn Recreation Center in the amount of $29,612 and for construction management services in the amount of $16,000. Avery Named to Parks and Rec Advisory Board CR-35 – Council unanimously appointed Leonard Avery to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board as the Ward IV representative. His term commenced on April 8, 2013, and will expire May 24, 2016. CR-39 – Council voted 6-2 to approve an amendment to the Police Department’s pension plan in order to come into compliance with the policies of the plan’s new administration company, ICMA-RC. The plan was switched from Charles Schwab to ICMA-RC at the end of 2012. Property Modification for Business Approved Ward I Carol Dodge Wayne Dodge mayor@ cdodge@ wdodge@ 8 On the Web: 303-601-3633 Resolutions Measure CR-28 CR-29 CR-31 CR-32 CR-33 CR-34 303-457-9872 Vote Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Resolutions Measure CR-30 CR-35 CR-36 CR-37 CR-38 CR-39 CR-40 Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Vote Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Unanimous Yes: Downing, C. Dodge, Carrico, Snetzinger, W. Dodge, Brown, Whitman No: Wieneke, Clyne Passed Yes: Downing, C. Dodge, Carrico, Snetzinger, W. Dodge, Brown, Whitman No: Wieneke, Clyne Passed Yes: Snetzinger, Downing, Clyne, Brown, Whitman, Carrico, Wieneke Abstain: W. Dodge, C. Dodge – Local Legislative Recap by Jason Rogers, Public Communications Manager Ward II Ward III Joe Brown Leslie Carrico Marci Whitman Susan Clyne joebrown@ lcarrico@ mwhitman@ 303-255-9166 Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed April 8, 2013 Meet Your Mayor and City Councilmembers Joyce Downing 303-457-3542 March 25, 2013 CR-40 – Acting as the Northglenn Medical Marijuana Authority, council voted 7-0, with two members abstaining, to allow Physician Preferred Products, LLC to modify their premises. CR-33 – Council unanimously Mayor Council Scorecard 303-451-5046 303-521-0201 720-308-8759 Ward IV Gene Wieneke Kim Snetzinger mayor pro tem 303-457-0858 gwieneke@ 303-913-7195 ksnetzinger@ Go to for more information about city proceedings and meetings. Engraved Bricks on Bridge Make For a Lasting Memorial n Profits Aid Utility Assistance Program Memorial Day is almost here, which makes it the perfect time to honor your loved one with a message that will last for decades to come. The Northglenn Community Foundation, in partnership with the city, is taking orders for customized, engraved bricks that will be placed in the Millennium Bridge at E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park this fall. This is a great way to recognize someone that has served their country and to help out a family in need. Proceeds will go to help out Northglenn residents who are struggling to pay their city utility bill. Orders will be accepted through July 31. Commemorative brick applications can be found at City Hall, 11701 Community Center Drive, the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive, or the Maintenance & Operations Building, 12301 Claude Court. For more information, please contact Joyce Altfeltis at 303-450-8800 or, or Donna Reagan at 303-280-7821 or dreagan@ Bricks Sizes Available • $40: 4" x 8" – Three lines of text • $75: 8" x 8" – Three lines of text • $120: 8" x 8" – Two lines of text with logo 3 Mary Ciancio Memorial Distinguished Service Award Numbers to Know EMERGENCIES ......................911 Animal Control ......303-450-8886 Animal Impound ..303-288-3294 Building Permits ..303-450-8745 City Hall ................303-451-8326 City Clerk ..............303-450-8757 City Court ............303-450-8701 City Manager ........303-450-8709 Communications ..303-450-8713 Customer ............303-450-8994 Solutions Economic..............303-450-8743 Development Fire (non-emerg) ..303-452-9910 (North Metro Fire Rescue) Graffiti Hotline ......303-252-3849 Neighborhood ......303-280-7876 Services Parks & Trails........303-280-7818 Planning & Zoning ..303-450-8836 Police ....................303-450-8892 Police Records ......303-450-8893 Polycarts/ ............303-450-4004 Roll-Off Rentals Street Repair ........303-450-4001 Rec Center ............303-450-8800 Senior Center........303-450-8801 Snow & ................303-450-4001 Ice Removal Storm Drainage .. 303-450-4001 Street Sweeping .. 303-450-4001 Trash/Special........303-450-4004 Pickup Utility Billing/ ......303-450-8770 Cust. Service Volunteering..........303-450-8904 Water ....................303-450-4045 Conservation Hotline Water/Sewer ........303-280-7803 Problems Water/Sewer ........303-451-1289 24-hour Line Council Meeting: 7 p.m. Mon., May 13 (The May 27 council meeting is cancelled due to Memorial Day.) Special Meeting: 7 p.m. Mon., May 20 Study Session: 6 p.m. Mon., June 3 Residents are welcome to attend council meetings and study sessions. Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Study sessions are held as needed on the first and third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Call 303-4508756 for more information. Location: Study sessions and council meetings are held at City Council Chambers in City Hall, 11701 Community Center Drive. The 2013 Mary Ciancio Memorial Distinguished Service Award’s banquet was held at Stonebrook Manor in Thornton on April 18. The event is organized by the Community Reach Center and is named in honor of Mary Ciancio, whose dedication to the center and to the community benefitted thousands of Adams County residents living with mental and physical challenges. Valerie Escatel was the 2013 winner. City residents Rosie Garner and Sean Reif were nominated, along with Jo Edgar, Carol Hastings, Ron Hellbusch, Kevin O’Connell, Catherine Roberts and Robin O’Dorisio. North Metro Firefighter Wins Magazine’s Heroism Award n Helped Save Lives of Two Northglenn Youth By Stacey Mulligan North Metro Fire Rescue District The North Metro Fire Rescue District is proud to announce that Lt. John Maes of Station 63 in Northglenn was chosen to receive the 2012 Firehouse Magazine Heroism and Community Service Award. Lt. Maes was 14th out of hundreds of nominations submitted for this highly respected award. Lt. Maes, along with the top 20 grand prize winners, is currently featured in the April issue of Firehouse Magazine. Lt. Maes was chosen to receive this award because he was successful in saving the lives of two young children on Feb. 23, 2012. These innocent children were put in harm’s way when their father barricaded the home’s front door and set fire to the stairwell leading up to the second floor where the children were sleeping. Without his tremendous leadership, commitment and service as the commanding officer of Crew 63, the out- Feb. 2013 General Fund Financial Report City of Northglenn Mar. 2013 Crime Statistics Figures are through the end of February These charts show statistics from the Northglenn Police Department for theft from a motor vehicle, burglary and motor vehicle theft in the city over the last six months as well as from March of a year ago. To report a crime, call 911. Burglary 15 10 10 10 20 12 12 17 13 11 5 0 23 14 11 10 8 Mar12 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar13 0 11 12 6 9 21 16 5 19 $5M 5 5 Mar12 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar13 0 Mar12 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar13 $0M $1,434,604 9 $1,517,387 $10M 11 Total Revenue Taxes $19,410,024 15 $15M InterLicenses User Charges Fines & government & Permits Forfeits & Fees $2,379,884 $2,404,423 20 Total Revenue Components $848 20 $20M $134,000 25 $2,186,696 15 – 2012 Actual Year to Date Motor Vehicle Theft 25 General Fund Expenditures Year to Date is 12.3% of the 2013 Annual Budget $482,968 20 – 2013 Actual Year to Date $19,220,275 Theft from Motor Vehicle – 2013 Annual Budget $65,223 $66,890 E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park $1,724,964 City Hall (Administration, Court, Police) The Northglenn Connection is a monthly publication that is delivered to city residents. To suggest topic, story or article ideas for this newsletter, contact Jason Rogers at 303-450-8713 or Use it as a reference for city information and to learn about what is happening in the community. This publication and past editions are also available at www. You may also contact Rogers for questions or comments about Channel 8 television programming. come for the two children involved could have been very different. The 2012 Heroism Award, Firehouse Magazine’s most prestigious, recognizes the spirit of service, courage and heroism that is a tradition among the world's fire and emergency service. It honors firefighters for their expert training, professional service and dedication to the duty displayed in saving a human life. The North Metro Fire Rescue District is incredibly proud of what this award represents for Lt. Maes, the city of Northglenn and the district. $107,865 $108,268 Webster Lake Lt. John Maes, left, listens to the story about him in Firehouse Magazine. $13,762,387 Interstate 25 Northglenn Recreation Center (Senior Center, D.L. Parsons Theatre) Grant Drive Community Center Drive 120th Avenue Northglenn Connection the $967,832 $950,224 Many of the city’s activities, events and meetings occur at City Hall, the Northglenn Recreation Center or E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park. Here is a map of the area: $43,331 City Spots $929,260 the latest council meeting, catch it on Comcast Cable Channel 8. • Sunday: Council meetings at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., study sessions at 2 and 10:30 p.m. • Monday, Wednesday & Friday: Council meetings at noon and 10:30 p.m., study sessions at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. • Tuesday & Thursday: Council meetings at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., study sessions at noon. • Saturday: Council meetings at noon and 7:30 p.m., study sessions at 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. You can also listen to audio recordings the day after meetings occur at $143,602 $148,422 Audio/Video: If you missed $189,534 $159,952 Council Study Sessions & Meetings Other General Fund Revenues Expenditures 4 What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer? Recreation Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Has a Wide Range of Opportunities for Youth of All Ages DAY CAMP ROVING REC SPORTS FRIDAY FUN DAYS THEATRE Beginning June 3, the city’s state-licensed Summer Day Camp program begins for kids ages 6 to 12. Each day brings a new activity, including crafts, field trips, sports and swimming! The first three weeks of camp include FREE swim lessons each day and everyone gets a swim shirt. The program has a ratio of 10 kids per camp counselor, with a maximum of 60 kids any given week. The cost is $130 per week for residents, $140 for non-residents. Go to www.northglenn .org/youthprograms for more information. The Roving Rec program is for youth entering fifth to ninth grade in the fall. Fun games and activities will be offered from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the following parks: • Monday: E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park • Tuesday: Larson Park • Wednesday: Malley Park • Thursday: Danahy Park The program runs from June 3 through Aug. 8. The cost is only $30 for the whole summer. Looking for a summer sport activity to keep your child active this summer? Below are the youth sports being offered this summer. The majority of them begin in June. On Fridays throughout the summer, exciting trips are planned for youth in fifth through ninth grade. All excursions depart from and return to the Northglenn Recreation Center. Most trips take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prices vary based on the trip. Register online at recxpress. This summer, the Cultural Services Division is offering a variety of camp and class options to engage and enlighten your child. In June, the award-winning Northglenn Youth Theatre will host auditions for the hilarious comedy production of Twinderella. Approximately 30 children will rehearse from June 24 to Aug. 9, followed by four performances to be held from Aug. 9 to 11 at the D.L. Parsons Theatre. Also in June, children can audition for the Missoula Children’s Theatre production of The Tortoise vs. the Hare. Approximately 60 children will be chosen to rehearse every day from June 24 to 29. Two performances will be presented on Saturday, June 29, at 3 and 7 p.m. Cultural Services offers indoor summer camps where children can enjoy extended art and drama training. The department also has a wide variety of drama classes for every level for children interested in acting, singing and dancing on stage. As an addition to the Roving Rec program, all youth 18 years and younger can receive a free sack lunch from noon to 1 p.m. through a partnership with Food Bank of the Rockies. You do not have to purchase a Roving Rec pass to receive free lunches. Participants in the city’s Summer Day Camp enjoy plenty of activities with kids their own age. • CARA track & field (ages 5-16) • Youth flag football league (ages 5-10) • Youth baseball league (ages 5-10) • Quick start tennis (ages 5-11) • Soccer (ages 5-7) • Tee ball (ages 4-6) • ANA Playmakers basketball camp (ages 9-14) • Skyhawks sports camps (soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis and multi-sport) (ages 4-14) • CARA cross country (ages 6-14) • June 7: Denver Zoo • June 14: X-Arena • June 21: Brighton Oasis • June 28: Butterfly Pavilion • July 5: Hike and Swim • July 12: Zip Lines Tour • July 19: Crackpotts Pottery • July 26: BIG Time FUN & Swim • Aug. 2: Family Sports Center • Aug. 9: Pool Party and BBQ Need More Information? Call 303-450-8800 or stop by the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. These metal boards are available at the Northglenn Recreation Center for youth to take and create designs on. The top designs will be used to create a bench at Don Anema Memorial Skatepark. Art Contest for Skatepark n Scout Turning Boards into Bench in Memory of Friend By Jason Rogers Public Communications Manager The Northglenn Youth Commission (NYC) is enhancing the Don Anema Memorial Skatepark by sponsoring a skate art contest. They also have help from Brandon Glandt, a local Eagle Scout candidate. The NYC started planning the art contest back in January. The idea was to have area youth decorate skateboard-like canvases that would eventually be judged and then displayed in the skatepark. Last month, Glandt approached the city about doing something to improve the park as his Eagle Scout project. The skatepark was a special place for Brandon. His good friend, Nathan Phan-Meece, tragically passed away last Mayor Pro Tem Susan Clyne with last year’s winner, Jackson Mendez. September at the age of 14. Nathan always skated there, and his friends even held his memorial service at the park. Now Brandon will use the canvases from the skate art contest to construct a bench for the park as his Eagle Scout project. The skate art contest is open to youth in kindergarten through 12th grade until May 31. The grand prize winner receives $100. Entry forms and canvases are available at the front desk of the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. For more information, please call 303-450-8800. The Northglenn Arts & Humanities Foundation and the NYC are sponsoring this contest. Register Now for the Kids’ Fishing Derby n 8-11 a.m. Sat., June 1 at Webster Lake inside E.B. Rains Jr. Memorial Park Join us for the 25th annual Kids’ Fishing Derby. Anglers ages 2 to 14 are welcome. Check-in at 8 a.m. and fish from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Awards will be presented at 11 a.m. in six age categories and for the overall longest fish. The Division of Wildlife will have a fishing clinic and drawings for free fishing poles. There will be event mementos, snacks, entertainment, and lots of fun for all participants, so come join the fun. Bring your own pole, tackle, and bait, as none will be provided. To commemorate the event’s 25th anniversary, the winners will receive a $25 gift card from the Northglenn Community Foundation and a fishing pole, tackle box and trophy. The grand prize winner will receive a $250 gift card from Credit Union of Colorado and have the fish mounted as a trophy. This event sells out every year, so register early. The entry fee is $4 per child. To sign up, call 303-450-8800, stop by the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive, or go to The registration deadline is Wednesday, May 29, at 4 p.m. or when the spaces are filled – whichever comes first. Also, volunteers are needed to help; background checks are required. For more information, contact Jeanette Sánchez at 303-450-8935 or 5 Northglenn Business News Ribbon Cuttings SunHawk Seconds SunHawk Seconds, located at 10643 Melody Drive, held its grand opening April 4. The shop offers quality pre-owned goods and is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, please call 303-255-1299 or visit Want a Ribbon Cutting? If a Northglenn business has moved locations, changed owners, remodeled or simply opened in the last three months, a ribbon-cutting event is an excellent form of promotion. For more information, contact Jordan Brown, economic development coordinator, at 303450-8938 or New Businesses At the end of April, Northglenn had 888 total businesses. Of that total, 669 are storefronts and 219 are home occupations. This year Northglenn has announced 19 new storefront businesses, adding 77 new jobs, and absorbing 39,983 square feet of office, industrial and retail space. Listed below are seven new businesses reported in April. These companies have added 27 new employees to our workforce and have absorbed 8,205 square feet of office, industrial and retail space. n Awakening Balance, LLC leased 1,160 square feet at 11160 Huron St., Suite 35. The company provides acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) including herbs, skin care and vitamins. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information visit or call 720-936-4822. n Colorado Auto Air, LLC leased 988 square feet at 11480 Cherokee St., Unit G. The company provides auto air conditioning, accessories and general repair services. Hours of operation are weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 303-254-6174 or visit n iFixit, LLC leased 800 square feet at 11215 N. Washington St., Suite A. The company provides retail repair services on cell phones, computers, laptops, iPhones, iPads, game systems and other electronic devices. Hours of operation are Monday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, call 303-9997476. n G’s Spot Barbershop, LLC leased 1,280 square feet at 998 W. 104th Ave. and employs three people. Hours of operation are Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 303-255-1086. n Goodfellas Heating and Cooling, Inc. leased 460 square feet at 1412 W. 104th Ave. The company provides HVAC services and employs five people. Hours of operation are Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 303-457-4328 or visit www. n Kidstown Drop-in Daycare leased 2,450 square feet at 2145 E. 120th Ave., Suite H. They provide drop-in only licensed daycare for children from the ages of 12 months to 13 years. This is the eighth location in the metro Denver area, and they plan to open on June 1. They will employ 10 to 20 people and the hours of operation are Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. For more information, visit or call 303-7474141. Workforce & Business Center Unites Employers & Employees By Adams County Workforce & Business Center The Adams County Workforce & Business Center (WBC) is committed to stimulating the economy and supporting business development in the community. Located in the Adams County Government Building in Brighton, the WBC assists with multiple facets of the hiring and training process at no cost to the employer or employee. This includes recruitment, retention and training. Customized Recruitment The WBC will list a job opening in a statewide database and perform an applicant skills match search among registered job seekers to identify and refer the most qualified individuals to open positions within a company. Potential candidates will be screened through various assessment tools to pinpoint talent with specific skills. Job Order Management The WBC will help an employer develop effective job descriptions, perform customized applicant searches and Area Name Northglenn Adams County Colorado distribute notices. Qualified candidates will be notified of an open position and given instructions on preferable application procedures that fit the availability of the employer. Hiring Events The WBC conducts customized recruiting events or job fairs at a business site or at one of the Workforce & Business Center locations. Events can include virtual job fairs, résumé screenings, scheduling of interviews or a customized event that fits a unique need. Training & Support Services The WBC will provide customized training and support services to individuals needing additional education and/or skills development to enhance their wage-earning capacity and career path direction within a company. Veteran Services Local veteran representatives work to match veterans making the transition from military to civilian life with employment that allows them to use the skills they have gained during their military service. For more information about these services with the WBC, please contact Rebecca Post at or 720-5236923; or Noelle Glasser at or 720523-6956. March 2013 Employment Numbers Civilian Number Labor Force Employed 19,993 233,342 2,740,005 18,333 213,340 2,539,049 Number Unemployed 1,660 20,002 200,956 Unemployment % for Mar. 2013 Unemployment % for Feb. 2013 8.6% 8.8% 8.3% 7.3% 8.4% 7.6% The table reflects the estimated labor force, employment and unemployment information for March 2013. It shows an 8.3 percent unemployment rate, which is a .1 percent decrease from the previous month (8.4 percent). Source: Labor Market Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program. Not seasonally adjusted. 8On the Web: Go to g Employment g Workforce & Business Center Nationwide Fab Wins County Award n Completed 25,000-Square-Foot Expansion in Industrial Park Nationwide Fabrication won the 2012 Adams County Excellence Award for Business Retention from Adams County Economic Development. Nationwide was acknowledged at a luncheon ceremony on April 25 at the Denver Merchandise Mart for its recent 25,000-square-foot expansion to the existing 50,000-square-foot facility located at 10923 Leroy Drive. Nationwide is a leader in the full service custom stainless steel fabrication business. They specialize in food service equipment manufacturing to hospitals, independent and major chain restaurants, correctional facilities, schools, universities, stadiums, casinos, corporate facilities and senior and assisted living facilities. This project is the first new construction in almost 20 years in the Northglenn Industrial Park. Northglenn business Nationwide Fabrication received the 2012 Adams County Excellence Award for Business Retention for its major expansion project at a ceremony on April 25. 6 City News News Briefs n ELECTRONIC WASTE NO LONGER ACCEPTED AFTER JULY 1: Starting July 1, the city’s Sanitation Division will no longer take electronic waste. Electronic waste is generally defined as computers, televisions, monitors, tablet computers or any computer peripherals. This change is in response to a new state law. Call 303-450-4004 with any questions. Come and Play in Northglenn this Summer Just south of 120th and Grant Auditions Performances Art and Theatre Camps Drama Classes n MOST MAGNIFICENT TREE IN CITY SOUGHT: The city is seeking open for Mudapalooza VII, the city’s co-ed adult mud volleyball tournament. The tournament will be held on Saturday, June 15, at Northwest Open Space, 112th Avenue and Ranch Drive. Cost is $325 per team. Registration ends at 8:30 p.m. Monday, June 10. Teams are guaranteed at least five games. Each team can have eight to 12 players, with eight on the court at a time. At all times at least half the players on the court must be female. All participants must be at least 18 years old. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the American Lung Association of Colorado. For more information, call 303450-8800 or go to www.northglenn .org/mudapalooza. n REGISTER NOW FOR ADULT WIFFLEBALL TOURNAMENT ON JUNE 29: Knucklers, fastballs and curveballs – anything goes in the city’s 9th Annual Wiffleball Tournament. Registration is now open for the event, which will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat., June 29, at Northwest Open Space, 112th Avenue and Ranch Drive. Get a team of three to five players for this oneday event. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Cost is $110 a team. Awards are given to the top finishers. All participants receive t-shirts. For more information or to register, call 303-450-8800. c e r t Series 2 F n MUDAPALOOZA VII SIGN UP NOW OPEN: Registration is now Summer Co n ree Thanks to our fabulous sponsors! n REGISTRATION OPEN FOR JULY 4TH CAR SHOW: After a very successful inaugural year, the Northglenn July 4th Car Show is revving up for its second annual event and applications are being taken now. New, classic, vintage and antique cars, along with hot rods, motorcycles and trucks are welcome to enter. Cost is $25; $30 if you order a tshirt. Registration deadline is June 3. Space is limited to 100 vehicles. Applications are available at www. For more information, call Donna Reagan at 303-280-7821. Sa Northglenn r 013 mm r Su e ddle u p f o nominations for the “Most Magnificent Tree” in Northglenn. Any tree within city limits is eligible. The owner of the winning tree will not be charged for their August water bill. Submit a nomination by July 30 to Jenni Murphy at 303-450-8904 or Be Aware of Common Code Violations n Neighborhood Services to Actively Enforce Yard and Home Maintenance is Spring er-tight, water-tight, and rodent-proof. • Exterior surfaces should be protected from water seepage and decay. • Exterior surfaces should be painted and in good condition with no cracking or peeling of paint. • All exterior stairways should be safe for normal use. • Runoff from rain, snow or ice should drain from all roofs and away from all foundations. • All windows should be effectively screened. Contact Us By Stephanie Pelster Neighborhood Services Supervisor With spring upon us, the Neighborhood Services Division will be actively enforcing yard and home maintenance to ensure safe, clean neighborhoods. The listed minimum requirements are intended to enhance the appearance and maintain the value of residential neighborhoods: Residential Landscaping • Yards need to be kept landscaped with no bare dirt or dead grass areas. • The entire front, side and rear yards shall be landscaped except for hard surfaced driveways and sidewalks. • Decorative rock or gravel areas should have a weed barrier installed underneath and should be maintained weed free. • Landscaping includes plants, nonliving materials and structures installed and maintained to enhance the appearance of a property. Landscape may include grass, live ground covers, Contact the city’s Neighborhood Services Division at 303-280-7876 for questions about code enforcement, or to report an issue. shrubs, trees, flowers, vegetables, decks, brick or paved areas, bark or other nonliving ground covers, rock gardens, pools, gazebos, arbors or some combination thereof. Weed and Grass Control • Property needs to be kept substantially weed free. • Grass or weeds cannot grow to a height of 8 inches or more. Home Maintenance • Buildings should be kept and maintained in good condition and repair. • All buildings should be kept weath- Dead or Diseased Trees • Trees, tree limbs, shrubs and other vegetation that are dead, broken, diseased or infested by insects need to be removed from the property. Code Compliance Officers will be going through the neighborhoods inspecting all properties for code violations. Any properties that are not up to code will be given a notice with a reasonable time to correct the problem. If you would like for an officer to come inspect your property to let you know if it has any violations, please call Neighborhood Services at 303-280-7876 to schedule an appointment. Homes Sought for Brothers’ Redevelopment Paint-A-Thon The Brothers Redevelopment Paint-A-Thon has become one of the state’s largest volunteer events, serving seniors over the past 35 years. This is a free service for elderly homeowners living in the metro area who cannot afford a commercial paint job. Northglenn seniors wishing to apply to get the exterior of their home painted should send in their applications before May 31. Volunteers are also needed to paint. You can organize a team of 10 to 15 people from your office, 8 On the Web: church, civic group, neighborhood or other organization and sign up to paint a home on Aug. 10. In case of inclement weather, it will be moved to Aug. 17. Brothers Redevelopment will provide all equipment and screen the applicants. Call 303-202-6340 or visit www. for more information. Representatives from the Paint-A-Thon will attend Coffee with the Mayor at 8:30 a.m. May 20 at Atlanta Bread in the Northglenn Marketplace. Go to Paint-A-Thon Qualifications Your home may qualify for the Paint-A-Thon if: • You are 60 years of age or older • You own and occupy your own home • You are on a limited income and cannot afford to hire a painting contractor 1/2 stories • Your home is no taller than 1 • Your home needs painting • You will be present the day of painting • You plan to live in your home for at least one year or more 7 Upcoming Community Events Edible Landscaping Class Youth Safe Sports Class Learn about edible landscape plants and practices so you can create your own beautiful, productive landscape in this free class. Topics include plant choices, soil preparation and efficient watering for drought conditions, as well as design, planning and maintenance. The focus will be on vegetables, with some edible flowers. Please register in advance by contacting Jeanette Sánchez at 303-450-8935 or jsanchez@ Safe Sport is a comprehensive child safety course that encourages children ages 6 to 10 to get involved in sports, and emphasizes the fundamental safety aspects of doing so. Cost is $35 for residents, $38 for non-residents. Call 303-450-8800 or go to www.northglenn .org/recxpress to register. RECXPRESS 6:30 p.m. Thurs., May 16, Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive Free Landfill Day 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat., May 18, Front Range Landfill, 1830 Weld County Road 5, Erie Free landfill day offers residents an opportunity to dispose of items that are too large to fit in a polycart. To get to the landfill, take Interstate 25 north to exit 229 (Colorado Highway 7). Go left (west) on CO7 to Sheridan Parkway. Turn right (north) on Sheridan Parkway and make a left at the stop sign (County Road 4). At the next stop, turn right (north) onto County Road 5, which leads to the landfill. Tires and appliances with Freon are not accepted at the landfill. Please call for a special pick up for these items at 303-450-4004. All loads to the landfill must be covered. Proof of residency such as a driver’s license and/or current utility bill is required. Call 303-450-4004 for more information. 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. Tues., June 4, Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive CODE: 16528 The Power of Magic 10 a.m. Thurs., June 6, D.L. Parsons Theatre, 11801 Community Center Drive Northglenn’s Largest Ice Cream Sundae 1 p.m. until the ice cream is gone, Sun., May 19, Stonehocker Farmhouse, 10950 Fox Run Parkway May is National Preservation Month, and in celebration, the Northglenn Historic Preservation Foundation is having an enormous ice cream sundae that is free for the public. Also, enjoy music from the Denver Jazz Club Youth All-Stars and check out exhibits at the car show. For more information, contact Mayor Joyce Downing at 720232-4402 or RAP: Rock Climbing 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat., May 18, meet at the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive As part of the Recreational Alternative Programming series, youth ages 11 to 18 can go rock climbing at Red Rock Canyon. This lesson is open to any level of climber. Pack a lunch, wear athletic clothing, have sunscreen and bring plenty of water. Cost is $40 for residents, $45 for non-residents. Call 303-4508800 or go to to register. RECXPRESS CODE: 16477 Babysitting Class 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat., May 18, Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive This course teaches first-time babysitters ages 11 to 13 everything they need to know when responsible for young children. Skills covered include CPR, first aid, growth and development, safety, feeding, discipline, diapering and bathing. The cost is $55 for residents, $60 for non-residents. Call 303-4508800 or go to to register. RECXPRESS CODE: 16521 Coffee With the Mayor 8:30 a.m. Mon., May 20, Atlanta Bread in the Northglenn Marketplace Coffee with the Mayor is a chance to talk directly with the mayor about issues and learn about new developments in the city. Brothers Redevelopment will be there to talk about their upcoming Paint-A-Thon and other services they provide. Call 303-4508713 for more information. As part of the Break Escapes Series, which provides fun shows for young audiences, the amazing and enchanting Erica Sodos is ready to delight magic lovers of all ages! Her one-woman show is very entertaining and interactive. Cost is $3.75 per person. Call 303-450-8800 for more information. Survivor Caregiver Social 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday, May 7 Northglenn Senior Center Info: 720.232.0492 FREE FINANCIAL WORKSHOPS AT THE NORTHGLENN RECREATION CENTER Sonic on 120th Avenue east of Washington Street is hosting a fundraiser for the Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association of Northglenn (CPAAAN). On Wednesday, May 15, from 5 to 8 p.m., a percentage of all net sales will go to CPAAAN. These funds will support the city’s Citizen’s Police Academy and the Police Department. Senior Center Events These events occur at the Northglenn Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Drive, unless noted. They are for people ages 55 and older. Call 303-450-8801 for more information. Keeping Your Investment Focus & Women and Investing Long Term Care Insurance & Your Prosperity Picture This free financial workshop will cover two aspects of investing. The first is about making adjustments to keep investments focused on long-term goals. The second covers women and investing, and why they face greater challenges. This class will go over two unique financial topics. First, learn about long-term care insurance, including options in funding a policy and what to look for when selecting a policy. Then, create your prosperity picture through a five-step system to manage your money, design your life and create your future. 6:30 p.m. Tues., May 14 All attendees will be able to sit for a special Mother’s Day photo compliments of professional photographer Chris Douglas. Register in advance for these classes by contacting Jeanette Sánchez at jsanchez or 303-450-8935. Note: The presenters and information provided are not endorsed by the city, and the city does not guarantee their accuracy. Learn to Play Pickleball Festive Friday Luau Monday Bike Club Kickoff 2:30 p.m. Tues., May 7, Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive Learn about the hottest new trend in senior sports – pickleball – in this free instructional class. Pickleball is a fun, sweet sport that is played on a badminton court lowered to 34 inches at the center with a perforated ball and paddles. Please RSVP at 303-450-8801. Noon, Fri., May 17 As part of the Festive Friday series, head out onto the pool patio for a luau lunch. Cost is $9. Please RSVP at 303-4508801. 1 p.m. Fri., May 31 As part of the Festive Friday series, come to the inaugural event of the Monday Bike Club. Participants receive free water bottles and light refreshments will be served. And don’t forget your bike! Please RSVP at 303-450-8801. Alternative Pain Management 8 On the Web: 6:30 p.m. Tues., May 21 1 p.m. Tues., May 14 Learn about alternative pain therapies, including acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, yoga, biofeedback, massage and more. Please RSVP at 303-450-8801. Senior Book Club: “Mrs. Kennedy and Me” 1 p.m. Tues., May 28 This memoir by former Secret Service agent Clint Hill recalls his time watching Jackie Kennedy from 1960 to 1964. Call 303450-8801 to reserve a copy. Local Heroes BBQ 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wed., June 5, Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive Join the Police Department and North Metro Fire Rescue District as they are treated to lunch. Pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, beans, chips, cookies and lemonade will be served. Cost for seniors is $2. Please RSVP at 303-450-8801. Go to for a listing of all city-sponsored events, meetings and activities. PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID DENVER CO PERMIT NO. 1655 Northglenn Connection the P.O. Box 330061 11701 Community Center Drive Northglenn, CO 80233-8061 Phone: 303-451-8326 Fax: 303-450-8708 ECRWSS Postal Customer May 2013 PRINTED WITH RECYCLED PAPER Despite April Snow, Water Conservation Necessary By Tami Moon Water Resources Administrator Spring snow storms brought some relief to the statewide drought conditions in April. However, the recent snow and precipitation does not mean that Northglenn’s water supply is safe from summer demands. In order to protect our water supply and ensure that there is enough water for all residents this summer and into the winter, the city will continue to enforce its waste of water ordinance. The ordinance provides rules for residents about using water 8 On the Web: in a responsible manner. Residents that fail to comply with the waste of water ordinance could be subject to penalties. The first offense is a warning. Subsequent failures to comply could result in fines, up to $999, which are assessed to the resident’s utility bill. All residents are encouraged to use water wisely and practice conservation in their homes and yards. Voluntary measures that residents are encouraged to consider during the summer irrigation months include: • Watering only two days a week • Watering during the coolest times of the day • Watering each zone twice, with shorter cycles to get more water into the grass • Not watering when it is windy • Using a broom to sweep driveways and sidewalks • Checking indoor and outdoor plumbing for leaks For more conservation tips or information on the waste of water ordinance, visit www.northglenn .org/conservation, or call 303-4504070. Go to for more water saving tips. Help Maintain Area Detention Ponds By Pam Acre Stormwater Coordinator Detention ponds dot the landscape across Northglenn. Some are in the open and are used for water retention and passive recreation. Others aren’t so obvious, hidden by tall grasses and small valleys, or are in the corners of parking lots. But each pond serves several important purposes. These drainage facilities temporarily detain stormwater runoff and improve water quality. The ponds reduce peak stormwater runoff rates by providing temporary water storage during larger storms. During a heavy rainfall, they hold water that might otherwise accumulate on streets or sidewalks, preventing potential damage to public and private property. The ponds typically drain out in about 40 to 72 hours. While containing all this excess water, detention ponds also help keep the water clean. The ponds capture runoff from parking lots, roads, residential neighborhoods, commercial areas and industrial sites. As the water drains out, the pond allows sediment and some pollutants to settle out of the water. Poorly maintained ponds can allow pollutants to flow downstream, raise the risk of flooding, increase the instability of downstream channels, harm the aesthetic quality of the city and lead to nuisance insect problems. Waste of Water Ordinance Provisions of the city’s waste of water ordinance, which will be enforced starting May 1, include: • No watering between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. • No excessive amounts of water leaving a property and flowing down the gutter • No allowing sprinklers to “water” sidewalks, driveways or the street • No washing vehicles without a shut-off nozzle on the hose • No using water to wash impervious surfaces including: sidewalks, driveways, patios, gutters, sides of buildings, etc. • Not repairing outdoor plumbing leaks or leaks to sprinkler systems n Vital Drainage Facilities Clean and Reduce Stormwater Runoff Northglenn residents can help maintain area detention ponds by following these steps – even if your yard isn’t close to a detention pond: • Properly dispose of dog waste. (Rain can wash it into a detention area.) • Make sure trash is properly secured so it doesn’t blow away • Don’t litter – especially cigarette butts • Discard of grass clippings in your polycart – not by dumping them over your fence or leaving them in the street or sidewalk • Use lawn fertilizer and chemicals according to instructions – excess can run into a detention pond, harming plants or animals If you would like to know more about a pond in your area, please contact Stormwater Coordinator Pam Acre at or 303450-8792. More information is online at /stormwater.
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