NEWSLETTER - The Hills Christian Community School
NEWSLETTER - The Hills Christian Community School
NEWSLETTER “I remember running home from School, tears streaming down my face. Through the open doors, I flew into my father’s strong embrace. As he wiped away my tears, I found the strength to speak. The kids at School all call me names ........ what’s wrong with me? God made you perfect, just you remember that. Term 4 Week 8 Every hair He put in place, every freckle upon your face Issue 37 2012 He made you perfect, no matter what they say. 28th November 2012 You see when God made all of us, He didn’t make mistakes.” HCCS The Hills Christian Community School This is the first verse and the chorus of a song sung by Carter and Carter, at Devotions last week. David and Merelyn are a husband and wife team that travel throughout Australia performing many of their own compositions, and this is one of them. Now when you first read it, you may have been taken back to your own childhood and remembered some name calling that was directed at you. Perhaps your child has come home from School, upset, that they have been teased or someone has called them names. (It even could be that your child has upset another child!) We all know that this is totally unacceptable and I would like to think that this never happens in our School community. Of course, that would be very naive of me, as it does occur. Wherever possible, we address the circumstances that we are made aware of, and endeavour to help the children learn through these situations. However, there is also another side to this story. I believe each of us are able to help the children in our care to know what it is to feel accepted, loved and secure in themselves. Could I encourage you as parents to go through this chorus with your children, maybe even write it out with them and put it on their bedroom door. Let it be something they say out aloud to themselves at the beginning and end of every day. Please read and discuss Psalm 139 verses 13 – 18 with your children. “How precious are your thoughts about me God.” Clay Dyer was born without legs and only has one partial arm with no fingers or thumb. He loves fishing and coaching football. He uses his neck and arm to hold and cast the rod. He attaches lures using his mouth. He now competes on the National Pro Fishing Circuit. Clay says that when he was almost 5 years old, he said, “Daddy, why did God make me like this?” His Dad looked at him and with tears in his eyes said, “Son, I don’t know, but I do know God doesn’t make mistakes.” Clay says that those words caused him to believe in himself, because he knew God did, and he has gone onto achieve great things in life. (Watch Clay on YouTube and be blessed!) Always remember, God doesn’t make mistakes. God Bless, Desley Saldanha (Chaplain / Counsellor) Tomorrow! PO BOX 120 VERDUN SA 5245 PHONE: (08) 8388 7811 Newsletters can be accessed at Gold Coin Donation FAX: (08) 8388 1308 Welcome to our new student Prayer & Praise Points Thank God for a successful Parent General Meeting HCCS is delighted to welcome Ebony-Jade NashSmith to Year 6/7.We pray God’s richest blessing as you join our community. Thank God for the ELC staff who organised a wonderful Christmas performance last Sunday Thank God for the volunteers from the HCCS Community who give of their time so freely Did you know…. Pray for the Reception Nativity which will be performed at Assembly this week and for families and Grandies next week Pray for students and parents as they receive their child’s placements for 2013 today. Thank God for the care and thought that is put in by our teaching team as they have prepared the 2013 class placements Pray for the Year 1 class as they participate in the Mt Barker Christmas Pageant this Saturday. Pray for Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith as she settles into our community. half of the children in the world live in poverty. That equates to 1 billion children? Cans for Christmas To help those in need this Christmas, please bring a can of food to School by Tuesday, December 4th. All proceeds will go to the Salvation Army. Last year, HCCS contributed towards over 1,000 cans to make a special Christmas for those who are less fortunate. This is being sponsored by LJ Hooker Stirling. 2011 FAMILY DATABASE CHECK These forms were due back last week. There are still a number outstanding. Please ensure these are completed and returned to School this week. 1 billion children in poverty EARLY LEARNING CENTRE We notice a number of families have moved house and as such contact details have changed. Please ensure that any change of information is given to the School as soon as possible. This ensures that we are able to give the best possible care to your children and contact you at all times. HCCS PLAYGROUP Friday, November 30th Excursion to the Mt Lofty Botanical Gardens (meet in the bottom car park at 10am) Congratulations to Rosie, Bev and the ELC staff Friday, December 7th team for a wonderful concert of songs and dance which captivated a huge turn out last Sunday afternoon. There were over 75 ELC children in the concert and 190 adults who enjoyed themselves immensely. Christmas Break—Up Party T ER M 4 WE E K 8 (Please bring $2, a plate of food to share and a small gift for your own child) P AG E 2 CHRISTMAS WORSHIP SERVICE AND YEAR 7 GRADUATION Monday 10th December 2012 Commencing at 7.00pm In the HCCS Hall This is an exciting time of the year, as we teach the children the true meaning of Christmas 'celebrating the birth of Jesus.' ALL STUDENTS to arrive by 6.45pm and meet teachers at their class area. FULL SUMMER UNIFORM (NO HATS) to be worn. During the Service we ask that YOUNGER CHILDREN remain with parents and not be allowed to move around the Hall. There will be a SUPPER for STAFF and YEAR 7 FAMILIES afterwards AT THE SCHOOL. Last week, the Reception classes were putting the finishing touches on their Nativity performance with the assistance of out ICT teacher, Ms Lancaster. The students had lots of fun recording their narrations for the Nativity Movie. You are welcome to join us for their Assembly in the Beaumont Building, on Friday which begins at 2.35pm. (CHANGE OF TIME FOR THIS WEEK ONLY) Mt Barker Christmas Pageant This Saturday, 10.30am Look out for our children from Mrs Nicholls’ Year 1 class. This week, the Receptions have also been practising their songs as they get ready for the performance for Friday’s Assembly and the performances for the Receptions' families next week. While the 2013 Receptions had their second morning Orientation, the parents were ‘prepared’ for school by Deputy Principal, Angela Harvey. A special appearance is made by Matilda Herbert, Mrs Herbert’s daughter, who plays baby Jesus in the movie! T ER M 4 WE E K 8 P AG E 3 How to make a banana split In Procedure Writing, Mr Ritchie’s Year 4 and Mr Hodges’ Year 3/4 classes made a banana split. We had to follow the procedure. The materials we used were chocolate sauce, bananas, ice-cream, a bowl, knife, fork and napkins. We all had lots of fun following the procedure and we got to eat it. Mr Shepherd enjoyed it also! YUM! Saffie This year we have been raising money for the Congo Kids. When we saw them they were so happy even after what they have been through. We felt so sad and we wanted to help them. We decided to do some fundraising so that they can live a better life. We had ‘guess the lollies’, sold milo drinks and cookies and held discos and games. In the end we raised $1,217.60 which in the Congo is equivalent to $12,176.00. We are all proud of ourselves and were very excited when we heard how much we had raised. We would like to thank everyone for their participation and for the purchases that were made. It really helped. At Assembly last Friday, we gave the cheque to Mr Osborne. Gracie and Allani We are very grateful to the wonderful people who kindly volunteer their time to help make this School special! As a small token of our appreciation, the School provided a morning tea to those who were able to ma k e it la st Thursday. T ER M 4 WE E K 8 P AG E 4 Staff and students who attended the Lower Primary and Upper Primary Talent Shows last week were astounded by the variety and the talents of the performers. We are all grateful to the House Captains for their leadership and initiative with these wonderful events. The Library saw the Junior P r i m a r y students giving it a go! The audience had as much fun as the performers and cheered everyone on! The Beaumont Building was filled with so much LOVE, FUN and LAUGHTER! T ER M 4 WE E K 8 2012 On the 18th October, the Sartory String Quartet (Pascale, Sophie, Aaron and Susanna), visited us and gave a performance to the whole School. Payton and Adam, pictured with Grace Portolesi (Minister of Education and Child Development) and Jay Weatherill (Premier of SA) attended the Premier's Reading Challenge Reception with Mrs Abbott on Friday, 9th November. They were presented with a certificate on behalf of our School for our outstanding achievement in the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2012. Last week, students received medals for participating in the PRC. The following students received ‘Readers for Life’ Certificates for participating in the PRC for the last 8 years: Renee Jenkins, Jed Groening, Sam Roberts, Matilda Lorimer and Jake Roberts. Haider received a Principal’s Award for his outstanding efforts in completing the Challenge in only 6 weeks. They played a selection of music from Baroque to Pop. They played the violin, cello and viola. My favourite part was when they played pop music by Michael Jackson. Pascale and Susanna played very well on the violin and interacted well with the School. Sophie was very good at playing the cello especially when she played to us ‘The Little Green Frog.’ Aaron also played very well on the viola and he played music from a scene from Harry Potter. I would recommend this concert for other children who are into playing their own instruments and I give this concert Isobel Kuiper I really liked their performance because they put us into groups to tap to their beats and they plucked their strings. It sounded really cool! My favourite bit was when I asked them to play a rock song and they played Billie Jean. Lily Hannaford Congratulations everyone on another successful year in reading. Lisa Abbott and Catherine Lovelock Congratulations Olivia and Adalyn on being selected to participate in an inter club gymnastics competition o n S u n d a y . They both did very well! Congratulations Nicole, Jack, Isabella, Benjamin, Lucy and Asha for receiving Wallis Awards at last week’s Assembly. T ER M 4 WE E K 8 P AG E 6 Music Tuition forms for 2013 were sent home to families late last week. If you would like your child to learn an instrument, please return the Enrolment Form to the Front Office by Friday 7th December 2012. A trip back to Ancient Egypt Last week, the Year 6/7 class celebrated their learning by holding a class exhibition. The students were excited to share their knowledge with other classes across the School. The students worked tirelessly to prepare their exhibits and their researched questions. I was very proud of the way they shared their new found skills and knowledge while interacting with people of all ages. WE WISH YOU WELL MRS SHEPHERD! Last Friday, The Year 1/2 class organised a party for Mrs Shepherd. Jo commenced Maternity Leave on Monday and the whole School community wishes her and David every blessing as they deliver their daughter and sister for Bailey VERY SOON. We are praying for God’s richest blessing on their family! Adam Stevens (Year 6/7 Teacher) Comments from Year 5 Students: I learnt that Egyptians wore a lot more makeup than Australians. Victoria I learnt that the Sphinx lost his nose from target practice from some tribe. I had a great time and learnt great things. Josiah I learnt that they had lots of tombs filled with paintings of what happened in their time. Lucy Congratulations Last Sunday, Catherine, Sophie, Alicia and Matthew attended their National Karate Grading. Sophie and Alicia obtained their Yellow Belts while Catherine and Matthew received their 2nd tips for yellow belts in the Miranda Kai System. T ER M 4 WE E K 8 P AG E 7 DATES TO REMEMBER Wed 28th HCCS Secondary Orientation Day at Oakbank Thurs 29th HCCS Secondary Parent Meeting 7.30pm Casual Day Fri 30th 26th Nov: Lunch orders Zoe Stark Adam Brown Playgroup Excursion to the Mt Lofty Botanical Gardens-meet there at 10am at the bottom car park Charlotte Dawes Year 5/6 Masterchef 27th Nov: Miss Fraser Assembly—Receptions’ Nativity and the ‘Blue Grass Band’ 2.35pm (change of time) 28th Nov: Leo Bennier Emily Watts December Sat 1st Mt Barker Christmas Pageant (Year 1) 29th Nov: Ashleigh Kubiak Mon 3rd Year 2/3 Party 3.25pm—4.30pm 30th Nov: Jacinta Jefferies Tues 4th Receptions’ Nativity for ‘Grandies’ and friends 10am Madeline Noske P & F Christmas Dinner at Oakbank Hotel, 7.30pm Jack Alexander Last day for ‘Cans for Christmas’ Wed 5th Sausage Sizzle Thurs 6th New 2013 Students’ Orientation Morning and ‘Moving Up’ morning 1st Dec: Edward Hill Tess Spowart 2nd Dec: Ruby Triplett Year 1/2 Class Party Receptions’ Nativity for parents 6.30pm Fri 7th Playgroup 9.30am—11.00am Christmas / Break-up Party Assembly—Year 7 ‘Students’ Revenge’ 2pm Sat 8th Year 7 Graduation Dinner Mon 10th Christmas Worship Service and Graduation Wed 12th Last day for students for 2012 Parent General Meting 2012 The School is grateful to staff and parents who attended this very informative meeting and received reports from the Chairman, Principal and Treasurer. A brief summary of the meeting will feature in next week’s Newsletter. Board Meeting Refreshment Stop at HCCS January 2013 Fri 25th Second Hand Uniforms OPEN 2pm—3.30pm Wed 30th Sunday, March 17th 2013 Stationery Collection 2pm—3.30pm Students First Day Term 1 COMMUNITY NEWS Further information can be obtained from the School’s Front Office. OZZ ORGANIC– Lice treatment and Prevention. NO CHEMICALS! Phone 1300 761 302 or visit SPORTS FUSION CLINICS—for students aged 5 — 14 years at Prince Alfred College during the school holidays. Monday, January 7th —Thursday, January 10th. TENNIS, CRICKET, BASKETBALL, SOCCER and COMBO. Phone 1300 134 154 or visit Kids Classes at Sticky Rice Cooking School in the Christmas School Holidays. Book online at our live or call our office on 8339 1314. SCHOOL TERM DATES 2013 TERM 1 Wed Jan 30th — Fri April 12th TERM 2 Wed May 1st — Fri July 5th TERM 3 Tues July 23rd—Fri Sept 27th TERM 4 Mon Oct 14th—Wed Dec 11th T ER M 4 WE E K 8 Bike SA has organised a recreational bike ride through the Adelaide Hills on March 17th and HCCS has been invited to host a Refreshment stop on our oval with use of the Hall toilets. HCCS and Bike SA would appreciate 10 volunteers to provide directions / distribute drinks etc between 9am and 12 Noon and will provide a donation in return. Even thought it is a while away, WE NEED TO HAVE A SHOW OF INTEREST NOW! If you are interested in helping please contact Deb Frahn at by Monday, December 10th. Thank you! BANK SOME MONEY AND YOU COULD BANK YOURSELF AN iPAD MINI. Simply making a deposit through School Banking, before Friday 14th December, will put you in the draw to win one of twelve (12) iPad Mini’s valued at $369 each, for Christmas. For more information talk to Nikki Campbell on 0421 199 641 (HCCS School Banking Co-ordinator.) P AG E 8
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