ACTION REPORT - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
ACTION REPORT - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
ACTION REPORT Volume 36 SAN ANGELO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PHONE 325.655.4136 FAX 325.658.1110 418 W. AVENUE B E-MAIL CHAMBER@SANANGELO.ORG SAN ANGELO, TEXAS 76903 INTERNET : Number 04 April 2012 Annual Economic Development Awards Each year, the Chamber recognizes businesses and organizations in our community that have experienced outstanding achievements in sales, employment, or physical growth. This year, four organizations will receive the Existing Industry Expansion Award for their 2011 expansions and one additional organization will be presented with the Special Economic Impact Award at this month’s Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Luncheon. Carolyn Corbin The keynote speaker for the event will be Carolyn Corbin, President of the Center for the 21st Century, which provides consulting and organizational training in critical 21st century issues. Carolyn is also an internationally renowned socioeconomic futurist, author and speaker. She has written five books, some of which have been listed on several best-seller lists. Her fifth book, Community Leadership 4.0: Impacting a World Gone Wiki, was released in 2011 and is currently ranked in the top 1% on Carolyn currently resides in McKinney, Texas, serving on multiple education, civic, religious and historical boards and committees. The first 50 people to arrive at the luncheon will receive a free copy of Carolyn’s bestseller, Community Leadership 4.0: Impacting a World Gone Wiki. Luncheon Sponsored by: Date, Time, Location Tuesday, April 10, 2012 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Bentwood Country Club, 2111 Club House Lane Deadline to Register Friday, April 6, 2012 Cost $15 per person To Make Your Reservation Call the Chamber at 655‐4136 (after hours, ext. 232), email or visit to register online. A Look Inside... From the Chairman...................................................... 2 Staff Perspective ......................................................... 3 New Members ............................................................. 4 Convention & Visitors Bureau ..................................... 5 Members & Muffins...................................................... 6 West Texas Legislative Summit .................................. 7 Ribbon Cuttings ........................................................... 8 “We Can Do That” ...................................................... 9 Business Barometer .................................................. 10 Rio Concho Community ............................................ 11 Business Brown Bag ................................................. 12 Goodfellow Sponsorship Opportunities ..................... 13 Angelo State SBDC ................................................... 14 Concho Valley SHRM ................................................ 15 SAVE THE DATE GOODFELLOW APPRECIATION DAY Saturday, May 19, 2012 See Insert for Details Page 2 Action Report April 2012 From The Chairman We ARE Doing That! San Angelo Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Sam Allen................. Chairman of the Board Mark Thieman ..................... Chairman-Elect Stanley Mayfield ........................... Treasurer Jim Hughes ..........Immediate Past Chairman Edward Carrasco Jeff Deloach Binnie Dierschke Scott Gibbs Brad Holland Justin Jonas Kandi Pool Robert Ramirez Carlos Rodriguez Greg Simons Blaine Smith Brett Turnage Del Velasquez Ex-Officio Directors Don Butts ..................San Angelo Industries Dr. Carol Ann Bonds. .... Superintendent SAISD Mike Brown .......... Tom Green County Judge LeAnne Byrd .......... Provost, Howard College Drew Darby .................. State Representative Lee Pfluger ........ Downtown San Angelo, Inc. Col. Mark Damiano ............. Goodfellow AFB 17th Training Wing Dr. Joseph Rallo ................... President, ASU Jamie Akin ..................... Leadership Alumni Association Tim Vasquez……......San Angelo Police Dept. Staff Phil Neighbors ............................... President Sandra Pomroy...................... VP Operations Lara Coleman .......... ….. Events Coordinator Teri Turner………………………....Receptionist Kathy Keaton .............. Membership Director Beverly Hanks ......... Financial Administrator John Dugan .... VP Marketing & Recruitment Hope Barron.......... Economic Dev. Specialist Pamela Miller .................................. VP CVB Jenni Hutcheson ..... CVB Sales & Servicing Dir. Kimberly Torres ............. CVB Sales Manager Lucie Hofheins .... Visitor Center Coordinator San Angelo Chamber of Commerce 418 W. Avenue B San Angelo, TX 76903 Phone: 325.655.4136 Fax: 325.658.1110 E-Mail: Internet: I am so thankful for the moisture we received during the first quarter of 2012 and I know you are too. It’s great to see green landscapes and wildflowers throughout the area and to the South. Keep praying for rain and keep working toward a bright 2012 for our local economy. We can do that!! I know many of you shared my enthusiasm during our first luncheon in the Community Room of the new Stephens Central Library. The room was bright and colorful; a great setting for our introduction to the future San Angelo Performing Arts Center. Many thanks to Sam Allen the San Angelo Performing Arts Council (SAPAC) for a great Chairman of the Board program and for their sponsorship. Learn more by visiting their website at Congratulations also to Staff Sergeant Craig Casipe of the U.S. Marine Corps from Goodfellow AFB. Sergeant Craig received the Chamber’s 2012 Order of Merit Award for outstanding community service which was presented by Military Affairs Committee Chairman Johnny Griffin. Last, but certainly not least, we are grateful to our luncheon sponsors Performant DCS and Templeton Construction. Media Advantage was an excellent host for our March Business @ Happy Hour which took place at their offices on Executive Drive. Attendance continues to grow as does the cash drawing! No one has been present to claim the cash prize yet so $750 awaits the lucky attendee whose name is drawn (just like in business, you must be present to win). So be there!! Come enjoy great networking, a beverage of your choice, and the company of an exceptional gathering of local professionals. The clock wasn’t the only thing that moved forward in March: the Chamber’s Plan of Action continues to march forward as well. Preparations continue for our 2012 West Texas Legislative Summit scheduled for Aug. 28 where the agenda will focus on water. Banking was the topic for our March Business Brown Bag lunch. In the meantime, Chamber volunteers and staff continue to work to make life and business better here in San Angelo, including a special meeting to address transportation about town for Goodfellow students, a TxDOT transportation forum, and a meeting of the Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee. Chamber Board representatives also met with officers of Young Professionals of San Angelo to take advantage of partnership opportunities; and the Chamber made some important calls through its BREP (Business Retention and Expansion Program). We are active on many, many other fronts; so let us know how we can help you. Remember to consider sponsoring or volunteering for this year’s Goodfellow Appreciation Day and Picnic (May 19th) as well as the Showdown in San Angelo Drag Boat Races (June 22 – 24). Here are some more opportunities for you during the coming weeks: Don’t miss our April 10th Economic Development Awards luncheon at Bentwood Country Club. In addition to honoring the achievements of some of our local employers, we’ll also hear from socioeconomic futurist Carolyn Corbin. Thanks to our sponsors AEP Texas, Ener-Tel Services, and Texas Bank. Please call 655-4136 to make your $15 reservation, email, or register online at The April 24th Business @ Happy Hour will be hosted by Staybridge Suites at their beautiful hotel located at 1355 Knickerbocker. Join us from 5 to 6:30 p.m. for excellent networking and possibly $750 from the cash drawing. This is a FREE service to members. The next Business Brown Bag Business will be April 19th at the Visitor Center, hosted by the Chamber, Incubator and SBDC. This month’s program focuses on improving your A/R Collections Rate! This event is free, please call 655-4136 to reserve your space. Action Report (PSPS 352-530) is published monthly by the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, 418 W. Avenue B, 76903. Then why not schedule a confidential business planning appointment at the Chamber office? Brainstorm with trained business advisors from the ASU Small Business Development Center on any business planning issue or opportunity. Call 655-4136. Subscriptions are $20.00 per year. Second Class Postage paid at San Angelo, TX 76902. As always, thank you for your support of the Chamber and this wonderful community. I hope to see you soon!! POSTMASTER send address changes to Action Report, 418 W. Avenue B, San Angelo, TX 76903. Sam Allen, Chairman of the Board Page 3 April 2012 Action Report Chamber Staff Perspective Your Chamber has a dedicated staff that works together as a team for the success of our membership and community. Each staff member serves a different function in order to fulfill the Chamber mission…to foster and promote a business and tourism environment which assures the economic growth and well-being of our members and our community. Each month, a staff member is featured in the Action Report so that you can better understand the part each plays in providing you the maximum benefit from your investment in the Chamber. Art Roberts, long‐time chamber executive and now retired from the Texas Association of Business, has always described chamber work as rich in the “psychological paycheck” but not a vocation in which you ever become wealthy. I have found those secondary benefits to be huge, having the opportunity to work with small and large businesses, and playing a small part in the economic improvement of several communities during a 35‐year ca‐ reer working for chambers of commerce. Phil Neighbors Chamber President Without question, the best chamber I’ve worked for is this one, and Susan’s and my favorite community of all time is San Angelo for so many reasons…the quality volunteer base at the Chamber, the right size for us, the River and Lake in an otherwise dry climate, strong arts and historic aspects, Goodfellow, and the presence of family members and a good church family. As an ASU grad, it’s great to work closely with the University on many fronts, as well as with the Howard College Foundation. The President is hired by the board, and other staff members by the President, so staff direction is one of my responsibilities, and I am very blessed to work alongside my fellow staff members. Financial oversight is another duty I’m given, which keeps me actively involved with all three divisions: Chamber Services, Economic Development, and the Convention & Visitors Bureau. The job description emphasizes administrative oversight, and accomplishing the Chamber’s goals through community interaction, which enables me to serve on several community boards in addition to the Chamber’s. Finally, my specific program charges are the Government Affairs, which includes Transportation and Military Affairs, all three of which I enjoy. But make no mistake—my responsibility bottom line is to assist you and create an environment in which your business is sustained and strengthened, so please let me know when I may assist you. Best way to reach me: Email, or text if in a meeting Favorite Chamber event: Business Expo—new relationships forged and others strengthened Number of years in San Angelo: 9—four in college, five back with the Chamber Office reputation: The Chocoholic Phil Neighbors President, San Angelo Chamber of Commerce 655‐4136 ext. 222 Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association Seeking Nominations Business @ Happy Hour Tuesday, April 24th 5 to 6:30 p.m. Staybridge Suites 1355 Knickerbocker Rd. Remember, all Chamber members have been entered in a drawing for a cash prize, but you MUST be present to win! At the Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association Annual Meeting on June 7th, the association will name the “Bob Diebitsch Alumnus Civic Leader of the Year”. The organization is now accepting nominations for the award. The nominated individual must be a Leadership San Angelo program graduate. The graduate must embody the Leadership San Angelo program’s goals and objectives, through their hard work, dedication and personal and professional acumen. The individual should be one who has developed into a strong leader for the Community, should have strong community knowledge and proven leadership skills. This person accepts leadership roles professionally and/or personally that are a benefit to the community. To nominate someone for the 2012 “Bob Award,” fill out the nomination form online at: chamber/lsa/nomination.php. Please return by fax to: 325-658-1110, or by mail to: Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association 418 W. Avenue B., San Angelo, TX 76903. The nomination deadline is April 16th. April 2012 Page 4 Action Report The Chamber Welcomes Its Newest Members Data Management, Inc. Software Development Ernie Nabors 3322 W. Loop 306 San Angelo, TX 76904 223-9500 Lucky You! Boutique Misti Anderson 227 S. Chadbourne San Angelo, TX 76904 617-7836 Days Inn Hotel Emily Sharp 4613 S. Jackson San Angelo, TX 76903 658-6594 Stango’s Coffee Shop Coffee Shop Steve Stango 221 S. Chadbourne San Angelo, TX 76903 Trump Network Nutrition Center Peter & Crystal Helfrich 134 River Oaks St. San Angelo, TX 76903 374-3250 Fatboss’s Pub Bar/Pub John Castillo 1017 W. Beauregard San Angelo, TX 76901 617-4532 UP Group Real Estate Real Estate Carol Gober 2638 Country Club Rd. San Angelo, TX 76904 949-3050 Kelly’s Auto Repair Auto Repair & Sales Kelly Cothran 3217 N. Chadbourne San Angelo, TX 76903 482-8930 Chamber April Calendar Thursday, April 5th Chamber Board Meeting, 8 a.m. Monday, April 9th Concho Cadre Meeting, Zentner’s Daughter, noon Tuesday, April 10th Chamber Luncheon, Bentwood Country Club Thursday, April 12th Leadership San Angelo, Chamber Day Monday, April 16th Newsletter Deadline—Contact: Deadline— LSAAA Bob Diebitsch Civic Leader Award (see page 3 for details) Wednesday, April 18th Economic Development Meeting, River View Room, 3 p.m. Thursday, April 19th Business Brown Bag (see insert for details) Tuesday, April 24th Members & Muffins, 9 a.m. (see page 6 for details) Convention & Visitors Bureau Board Meeting, 3:30 p.m. Business @ Happy Hour, 5-6:30 p.m. (see page 3 for details) SBDC April Calendar Larry Jolley Real Estate Realtor Larry Jolley 2437 College Hills Blvd. San Angelo, TX 76904 656-3366 For questions about Chamber Membership, please call us at 655-4136. The Small Business Development Center is located on the ASU Campus. Classes are in Rassman Bldg. Conference Room 100 and are free unless otherwise specified. To register, call 942-2098 or email April 3rd: Essentials of Starting a New Business, 6-8:30 p.m. April 5th: Business Plan Bootcamp ($25), 10 a.m.-3 p.m. April 10th: Social Media Marketing ($20), 6-8:30 p.m. ER MB ME EMO D M AR BO A free service for Chamber members. Please call Lara at 655-4136 ext. 235. Member Memo Mosaic Belt Buckle Ball, May 12, 2012. Dinner, auctions and dance to Clearwater & Red Steagall. Tickets $60 each or $450 table. (325) 651-3333 ext. 206 Bee Hive Homes of San Angelo opens in May. Assisted Living & Alzheimer's certified. Taking reservations now. (325) 261-3015 April 17th: International Trade Logistics ($5), 6-8:30 p.m. April 18th: Exporting Forum: Take Your Business Global ($10) 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Alumni Center April 19th: Business Brown Bag Series, noon-1 p.m., Chamber April 24th: Marketing 101: Basics of Branding & Advertising ($10), 6-8:30 p.m. April 25th: Workshop: Facebook & Twitter Bootcamp ($50) 3-5:30 p.m., TBD Schedule is subject to change. Please check website at Page 5 April 2012 Action Report From the Convention & Visitors Bureau... April is Arts Month From the Ma ilbag... Dear CVB, April is definitely Arts Month in San Angelo with many wonderful art‐related events happening throughout the city attracting tourists from all over the United States! Some of the anticipated events include the Bluegrass Music Festival, National Ceramics Competition, Texas Mesquite Arts Festival, San Angelo Wine & Food Festi‐ val, Chalk Fest, Chicken Farm Art Center, Art Walk, and the music of Sinatra by our San Angelo Symphony. Go to for further information. San Angelo to be featured at State Travel Information Center April 2012 Community Calendar San Angelo will be a featured city at the Texas Travel Information Center in Laredo, Texas from March through August of this year. Special displays, including colorful photographs and other promotional materials, will be available in the center’s lobby. (Left) Pamela Miller and Margaret Hoogstra promote San Angelo and the Texas Forts Trail at the Fort Worth Vacation and Home Show last month. April Conventions, Meetings, & Major Events Date Event 13-15 13-15 18-19 20-22 21-22 26-27 Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival National Ceramics Competition Lone Star Solar Summit Annual Texas Mesquite Festival Ironhead Striders Duathalon Texas Justice Court Training Center Thank you so m uch for taking care of the arrangements for our receptio n on Friday, Feb. 10 th, as wel l as the arrangem ents at Fort Concho fo r our meeting th e next day. Everything wen t off very well, and everyone had a great time. Loved th e bags! We look forward to coming back to San Angelo again in th e future. We ap preciate your help! - Benny Cox, Pres ident Texas Sheep & G oat Raisers’ Ass oc. Expected Attendance 300 450 150 400 150 50 1.………………………….………Just Between Friends Spring Sale 4,11,18,25………………..………..……Fort Concho Speaker Series 5-6……………ASU Softball, Rambelles @ ASU Softball Complex 5-7…………………..ASU Baseball, Rams vs. Eastern New Mexico 7………………….Dog Days in the State Park “Weiner Dog Races” 7………………………1st Saturday at the Chicken Farm Art Center 8…………………………………...Concho Cruises Easter Egg Hunt 11………………………………ASU Baseball, Rams vs. St. Mary’s 13-14…...………………………..Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival 14…………...…………Family Day at the SA Museum of Fine Arts 14...…………………………………....Old Town Second Saturdays 14………….………………….Sunset Mall 5th Annual Motor Show 15…………………..…………….…….Old Town Second Saturdays 15…...San Angelo Chamber Music Series, SA Museum of Fine Arts 17….…………...…..ASU Softball, Rambelles vs. Abilene Christian 18…...San Angelo Chamber Music Series, SA Museum of Fine Arts 19………………………………………………Downtown Art Walk 20.……………ASU Softball, Rambelles vs. Texas A&M Kingsville 20-22…………….…..USTA Adult Major Zone Tennis Tournament 20-22………………...ASU Baseball, Rams vs. Cameron University 20-22……..………………………..…..Texas Mesquite Art Festival 20………………………………...27th Annual Ceramic Symposium 20-24……………………………...San Angelo Ceramic Invitational 22……………………………………...22nd Annual Children’s Fair 22……………………………...……………………...Chalk Art Fest 26-27…………………………….……..Fork & Cork Tasting Finale 28-29………………...…ASU Baseball, Rams vs. Abilene Christian 28………………...….Texas Trail Challenge, San Angelo State Park 28………………………………..………..Fort Concho Frontier Day 28………………….………..Simply Sinatra, San Angelo Symphony Page 6 Action Report 8th Edition of Images of San Angelo Magazine In Progress What will the cover photograph be this year? What stories will be featured in this year’s edition? Which businesses will be featured as advertisers in the magazine and online? April 2012 It’s time to get on board with the San Angelo Chamber Smartphone App! LAUNCHING IN APRIL 2011 Cover Photo These questions will soon be answered as we work to create the 2012 edition of Images of San Angelo Magazine. Advertising space in Images San Angelo is available for local businesses but only for a limited time. Advertisers will be able to purchase ads and have the opportunity to develop a customer acquisition and retention program. The official San Angelo Chamber of Commerce sponsored magazine targets a defined audience of potential residents, new business recruitment and visitors and will be distributed through the year at trade shows and conferences. Ginny Ellsworth, the Images San Angelo magazine advertising representative, will be in San Angelo in April making contact with the previous year’s advertisers and potential new participants. If you have questions or would like to be a part of the magazine, please contact Sandra Pomroy at 6554136, or email Ginny Ellsworth at As a member of the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, your business will automatically be listed in the App, which will be available to all members, as well as our entire commu‐ nity and visitors. The App will be a critical tool for your business to reach other members, as well as draw‐ ing in business from anyone in the San Angelo area and sur‐ rounding areas. Users will search for members (your business), receive special offers (from you), and find your business with geo‐location and mapping technology. We will be promoting this free smart‐ phone download in all of our communications, meetings, and more. According to a new report from Cisco—“Mobile data traffic overall is expected to increase a whopping 18‐fold by 2016. For marketers, the data is proof that mobile is a growing channel to target a broad group of consumers.” Thank you to the following business sponsors that have already secured advertising space! Shannon Medical Center Howard College of San Angelo Randall Motors First Financial Bank PK Kelley Insurance Dierschke & Dierschke REALTORS Pack Saddle BBQ—KOA Campgrounds SpringHill Suites Ener-Tel Services San Angelo Community Medical Center There are only a few advertising pages left, so don’t delay! Call Valerie at (314) 330‐6294 or contact Sandra at the Chamber office, 340‐4009, for more information. Members & Muffins The next Members & Muffins new member meet & greet will be held on Tuesday, April 24th from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Visitor Center Riverview Room. If you have joined the Chamber since September 15th, or are a longer-term member and would like an update on benefits, please join us. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow new members, so bring plenty of business cards or brochures for sharing. Additionally, the Chamber membership staff would like to meet you and learn more about you and your business so that we can give you quality referrals. For more information or to RSVP, please call the Chamber at 655-4136. April 2012 Action Report Page 7 9th Annual West Texas Legislative Summit Scheduled for August 28th “Water Resources – for the long term, now and the future” Change of Date and Location - - -State Senator Robert Duncan and State Representative Drew Darby will again join the Chamber to host the West Texas Legislative Summit. Scheduled for August 28th at the McNease Convention Center, the Summit brings together elected representatives and business people from across West Texas to discuss areas of common interest and concern related to water resources, projects, management, strategies and implementation for the future of West Texas. What are the realities and opportunities ahead for cities and counties in West Texas? What options are there for municipalities and counties in the areas of water resources? Hear out of the box thinking for now and the long term. This year’s focus will allow West Texas urban and rural communities an opportunity to hear from legislators and industry experts on the challenges ahead. Although early in the planning stages, we hope that many of the panel topics will cover water realities, water choices, water management, water laws, the state water plan and funding options. Senator Duncan and Representative Darby are planning to invite a large contingent of their fellow legislators to attend the Summit. As we did last year, we plan to host a reception and dinner on the evening prior to the Summit to allow community members an opportunity to interact with this delegation. Watch your newsletter for more information as these plans are finalized. Be Among the First to Reserve Your Sponsorship of the Summit There are multiple sponsorship levels for both the Summit and the Legislative Reception & Dinner. Each sponsorship level includes complimentary tickets and multiple opportunities for your company to receive visibility through signage, networking, and printed materials. Call Sandra at the Chamber, 340-4009. Business Resource Center Project Lone Star Solar Summit & Expo Come join us at the Lone Star Solar Summit & Expo on April 18th 19th at the West Texas Training Center. Energy leaders, industry leaders, regional stakeholders & landowners will discuss the status and prospects for large-scale solar energy in West Texas and beyond in the USA solar and wind corridors. As Texas, the Southwest, and the Great Plains intensify their role as leaders in the global wind energy sector and national & international policies move to incentivize large-scale & building-scale solar energy development, opportunities are emerging to advance the comprehensive solar energy industry. Early registration fee is $200 (a $50 discount) for Chamber members through April 10th. For more information call (325) 2369499 or visit Renovations of the Business Resource Center have officially started! The new BRC will bring together entities involved in economic development and business assistance. Organizations represented in the new center include the ASU Small Business Development Center, City of San Angelo Development Corporation, Concho Valley Center for Entrepreneurial Development, Concho Valley Workforce Development Board, Downtown San Angelo Inc., Howard College and the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Division. To watch a video about the project and see renderings and floor plans of the facility, visit and click on Business Resource Center. Goals for the new and improved BRC: Consolidate San Angelo's economic development efforts into a single facility. Improve environment for small businesses and the recruitment of businesses. Improve knowledge sharing and synergy among economic development partners. Enhance Angelo State University and Howard College business student service learning opportunities. A CTION R EPORT 418 West Avenue B San Angelo, TX 76903 418 W. A VENUE B S AN A NGELO , TX 76903 Ribbon Cuttings Bee Hive Homes of San Angelo 2510 Sawgrass Rd. (325) 261-3015 Golden Corral 4387 W. Houston Harte Expwy. (325) 949-6064 Eva’s Gift Shop 2025 Sherwood Way (325) 227-6945 Reeves Rehab Speech Therapy 133 W. Concho, Ste. 106 (325) 340-4020 We Can Do That! “A positive, forward‐thinking mindset is a critical element for an organization such as ours—charged with sustaining and growing businesses and promoting community. A can do attitude is important as we use new strategies to reach greater levels of excellence in our existing pro‐ grams and activities.” ‐ Sam Allen, San Angelo Chamber of Commerce 2012 Chairman of the Board We can do that ...and much more! (Left) Members mingle at the February Business @ Happy Hour hosted by ERA Newlin & Co. (Right) Leslie Healy of San Angelo Homes REALTORS was one of the door prize winners at the February Business @ Happy Hour. (Above) Sam Spooner, Terri Nix, and Bruce Flage participated in City & County Government Day as a part of the Leadership San Angelo Program. (Above) Chamber members listen to a presentation by the newly formed San Angelo Performing Arts Coalition on their plans to develop a performing arts complex downtown. The luncheon was sponsored by Performant and Templeton Construction and hosted by the Stephens Central Library. (Below) The BRC kick-off drew a crowd of City officials, Chamber and community members to witness the official start of renovations for the new Business Resource Center. (Above Left) Chamber members go through the buffet at the very first membership luncheon held in the new Stephens Central Library. (Above Right) Dave Erickson, Cindy Hartin, and Corbett Gaulden of ASU make way to their seats to hear the featured program on the new Performing Arts Center. Wondering what you CAN DO to get involved? Call the Chamber at 655‐4136, or visit our website at for upcoming opportunities. San Angelo BUSINESS BAROMETER April 2012 A Gauge of San Angelo’s Economic Indicators Published by the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce (325) 655-4136 Building Permits February 2012 Total Value 2011 Total Value New Single Family Residence 15 $2,720,900 8 $1,537,000 New Commercial 14 $11,868,344 1 $5,000 Other 546 $3,109,955 657 $3,528,224 Totals 575 $17,699,199 666 $5,070,224 1,288 $27,361,912 1,422 $7,849,472 YTD Totals Sales and Use Tax Rebated January 2012 2011 % Change City of San Angelo $1,662,028.96 $1,454,436.68 11.52% Totals YTD (Nov-Jan) $5,854,950.51 $5,170,009.09 13.24% Labor Market Statistics January (MSA) 2012 2011 Civilian Labor Force 57,112 55,285 Total Employment 53,749 51,572 Total Unemployment 3,363 3,713 Unemployment Rate 5.9% 6.7% San Angelo Regional Airport – Mathis Field February 2012 2011 Enplaned 4,025 3,765 Deplaned 3,708 3,133 Enplaned YTD 8,027 7,418 Deplaned YTD 7,859 7,084 MLS Statistics – Single Family Residential February 2012 2011 83 78 Dollar Volume $11,402,885 $10,669,263 Total Sold YTD 149 137 $19,335,934 $19,181,583 Total Sold Dollar Volume YTD Hotel/Motel Occupancy February 2012 2011 Occupancy Rate 74.4% 62.3% Average Daily Room Rate $79.29 $72.72 Sources: City of San Angelo Permits & Inspections Department, State Comptroller of Public Accounts, San Angelo Regional Airport, Texas Workforce Commission, San Angelo Association of REALTORS, San Angelo Convention and Visitors Bureau San Angelo, TX Brown Bag LUNCH SERIES EAT. LEARN. NETWORK. Don’t miss this FREE monthly noontime “bring your own brown bag” business focused speaker series. Box lunches are available upon request when registering. SAVE THE DATE! 2012 Business Brown Bags SERIES V: P L A N N IN G F O R A BE T T E R BUS IN E S S A P R I L 19 Better Money Management from Profit Mastery® Profit Mastery® is a program designed by Steve LeFever, a national leader in the development of practical financial programs and training for the independent business community. These lessons have helped thousands of businesses across the country take charge of their finances. Dave Erickson (ASUSBDC Director) and Cindy Hartin (ASU-SBDC Assistant Director), certified Profit Mastery® facilitators, will share some of these valuable techniques at this business brown bag. TO SEE A PREVIEW Next series will be covering HR topics. of Profit Mastery University click or copy the following URL: M AY 1 7 OR SCAN THE QR CODE TO THE RIGHT with your smartphone. JUNE 21 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PROFIT MASTERY PROGRAM VISIT: J U LY 1 9 AU GU ST 1 6 S E PT EMB E R 2 0 N OV EMB E R 1 5 WHEN: THURSDAYS FEB 16, MARCH 22, APRIL 19 12:00 P.M. - 1 P.M. (Doors Open 11:45 a.m.) WHERE: VISITOR CENTER, RIVERVIEW ROOM 418 W. Avenue B. San Angelo, TX 76903 NO COST! OC TO B ER 1 8 CALL AND REGISTER TODAY! DON’T MISS IT! REGISTRATION: PLEASE CALL (325) 655-4136 A box lunch is available for a nominal fee for those who request it when they register. BUSINESS BROWN BAG LUNCH SERIES BROUGHT TO YOU BY San Angelo Chamber of Commerce Concho Valley Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CVCED) ASU Small Business Development Center (ASU-SBDC) AIR FORCE COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The 17th Force Support Squadron on Goodfellow AFB is seeking sponsorship partners for high visibility morale events for the military troops and families for 2012-2013 programs. These events include fun runs/walks, chili cook-offs, children’s fests, car shows, outdoor recreation adventures, intramural sports, bowling, library and many more! Businesses have opportunities to partner with the official Air Force Commercial Sponsorship program in providing funds and/or in-kind products and services to offset expenses of supplies, promotional materials, entertainment, etc for specific events. These unique partners receive sponsor benefits including, but not limited to, company banners displayed at the events, logo recognition in marketing and advertising materials leading up to the event throughout Goodfellow AFB, company hotlink on website, and product displays along with signage. If your company would like to partner with us in offering fantastic morale-boosting events to our military troops and families, call your commercial sponsorship liaison Suzanne Torres at 654-3336 or write to 17 FSS/FSK, 310 E. Kearney Blvd., Bldg 3303, Goodfellow AFB, TX 76908. DEMOGRAPHICS MILITARY................ 4,266 CIVILIANS ............... 1,081 RESERVE/GUARD ... 123 RETIREES ............... 4,500 DEPENDENTS ......... 3,700 ECONOMIC IMPACT $412M *Demographic data summary subject to change without notice. CORPORATE SPONSOR BENEFITS COMPANY BANNER & DISPLAY TABLE(S) ACTIVATION AT THE EVENT CROSS-MARKETING ON W EBSITE SPONSOR PRODUCTS SAMPLING SPONSOR LOGO RECOGNITION IN PRINTED MEDIA NEWCOMERS BRIEFINGS AFTER-ACTION REPORT WITH PHOTOS (UPON REQUEST) BUNDLE IT! PARTNER WITH A SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY AND INCLUDE YOUR ADVERTISING BENEFITS ALONG WITH IT INSTEAD OF PAYING JUST FOR ADVERTISING! Your Commercial Sponsorship & Advertising Liaison on Goodfellow AFB: SUZANNE TORRES Director, Marketing & Sponsorship 17th Force Support Squadron Email: Phone: 325.654.3336 Website: INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS EXPOSURE TO A TARGET AUDIENCE BY CHOOSING SEVERAL EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR! Goodfellow Corporate Partnerships • 310 E. Kearney Blvd., Bldg 3303 • Goodfellow AFB, TX 76908 • 325 654 3336 2012 ASU SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER SPECIAL EVENTS & CONFERENCES Register Now or Save the Date! FMI OR TO REGISTER VISIT: WWW.SBDC.ANGELO.EDU OR CALL (325) 942-2098 REGISTER NOW! REGISTER NOW! EXPORTING CONFERENCE: NEW GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT Do you see an opportunity in exporting goods to other countries? Find out how! Interested in contracting with the City of San Angelo, county governments, Goodfellow Air Force Base, SAISD, or even ASU? TUESDAY MAY 1, 2012 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. ASU Alumni Center 1620 University Ave., San Angelo, TX 76904 TUESDAY MAY 8, 2012 1 p.m - 5 p.m. ASU Alumni Center 1620 University Ave., San Angelo, TX 76904 Many resources and programs are available to people wanting to import and export. Special funding options and resources for shipping and matching with vendors in other nations are available for your use. Attend this conference to hear from various speakers about finding funding, matching with importers/exporters in other nations, planning your international buisness, and much more. All of these government entities can do business with you! Learn from purchasing directors what these various business entities are looking for when accepting bids for contracts. Learn the process to become a licensed bidder and learn the contacts you need to make a deal happen and the resources that can help. COST: $15. FREE WITH COUPON BELOW! COST: $10. FREE WITH COUPON BELOW! WOMEN’S BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE EVENT SAVE THE DATE! September 18, 2012 FINDING FUNDING October 2012 “Vote for success!” Attend the Women’s Business Roundtable Event to increase your network, learn tips to improve your business, view vendor/exhibitor booths, win prizes, have a great dinner, and more. Hear from our 2012 keynote speaker Brenda Gunter about her journey to where she is today and about her business ownership experience. This delightful evening provides entertainment, networking, and educational experiences paired with the beautiful historic Cactus Hotel and plenty of delicious food. Visit our website to learn more about this event and dates for registration. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SYMPOSIUM November 2012 Looking for funding? Look no further. New and established business owners in search of capital cannot miss this event. There are a variety of options available to you when you are looking for funding for your small business. Learn about SBA guarantee programs, credit unions, commerical lending programs, and much more at this event. Network with local bankers and lenders and learn what you need to know before you visit a bank looking for a loan. CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR UPDATES! Learn about the global business climate and how you can be prepared. Every year the Center for International Studies and the ASU Small business Development Center pair up to bring a national guest speaker to visit San Angelo for a one day presentation. This FREE event is a great opportunity to hear from one of the brightest minds in the international business community. The event will take place on the ASU Campus, Univeristy Center, CJ Davidson Conference Hall. CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR UPDATES! ASU • SBDC - A partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration The ASU • SBDC is partially funded under cooperative agreement #SB-3-603001-Z-0049-17-ASU by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The support given by the SBA through such funding does not constitute an express or implied endorsement of the co-sponsors’ or participants’ opinions, findings, conclusions, recommendations, products, or services. All ASU • SBDC programs are nondiscriminatory and open to the public. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested in advance. Contact the ASU • SBDC at ASU Station # 10910, San Angelo, Texas, 76909-0910, or call (325) 942-2098. FREE n! upo his co with t $15 OFF EXPORTING CONFERENCE MAY 1, 2012 REGISTER NOW BY VISITING WWW.SBDC.ANGELO.EDU OR CALLING 325.942.2098 Please present coupon redeem. n! upo his co F ith t REE w $10 OFF HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT MAY 8, 2012 REGISTER NOW BY VISITING WWW.SBDC.ANGELO.EDU OR CALLING 325.942.2098 Please present coupon to redeem. THE SKY’S THE LIMIT 2012 Annual Seminar May 10, 2012 - 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. McNease Convention Center Concho Valley Society for Human Resource Management The 2012 The Sky’s the Limit Seminar will be a full day of updates on recent compliance changes and a motivating presentation on the techniques and effectiveness of addressing drama and conflict in your organization. CV-SHRM is excited to be able to provide such a relevant program to both Human Resource professionals and management in general. • Documenting Discipline and Disciplining Your Documents – This presentation will provide best practices for documenting employee misconduct, discipline, complaints, and requests to include a review on how to use personnel documents to avoid legal liability. Presented by Jeff Lisson, Attorney at Law with Carter, Boyd, Lisson & Hohensee, P.C. • Workforce Compliance and the Impact of Heightened Enforcement – This presentation will explore the latest developments in Form I-9 compliance, ICE audits and investigations, EVerify advantages and risks, increased worksite enforcement, and how to be proactive with your company’s compliance efforts. Presented by Paul J. Zambie, Attorney at Law with FosterQuan, LLP. • Save Your Drama for Your Mama – Conflict and employee drama is inevitable when you are responsible for leading individuals within your organization. So why do we avoid it? It is because we lack tools to deal with it and this conflict and drama takes up a lot of your time and energy. Discover how you can keep employees focused on their work and not become derailed by the Drama of the Day by learning how to address drama and conflict in your organization. Presented by Alice Dendinger, SPHR – 5 hours of General Re-Certification Credit pending with the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) Registration (Onsite registration begins at 8:30am) Fee is Non-Refundable – Pre-payment is preferred or you may pay at the door Full Day Session Non CV-SHRM Member - $100.00 Half Day Session 9am - 12pm Compliance - $75.00 CV-SHRM Member - $90.00 1pm - 4pm Save Your Drama for Student - $40.00 Name: E-mail Address: Your Mama- $75.00 Employer Name: Contact Number: Send registration and payment to: CV-SHRM, P.O. Box 61131, San Angelo, TX 76906
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