ACTION REPORT - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
ACTION REPORT - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
ACTION REPORT Volume 35 SAN ANGELO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PHONE 325.655.4136 418 W. AVENUE B FAX 325.658.1110 SAN ANGELO, TEXAS 76903 E-MAIL CHAMBER@SANANGELO.ORG INTERNET : Number 04 April 2011 Date, Time, Location Tuesday, April 12, 2011 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bentwood Country Club Deadline to Register Friday, April 8th, 2011 at noon Cost Cost is $15 per person To Make Your Reservation Call the Chamber at 655-4136 (after hours, ext. 232) or visit to register online. SAVE THE DATE GOODFELLOW APPRECIATION DAY Saturday, May21st—See Insert for Details Page 2 Action Report April 2011 From The Chairman San Angelo Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Jim H. Hughes .......... Chairman of the Board Sam Allen ............................ Chairman-Elect Stanley Mayfield............................ Treasurer Bryan Horner ....... Immediate Past Chairman Becky Brackin Edward Carrasco Scott Gibbs Chase Holland Carrie Maier Jay Michaels Blaine Smith Kandi Pool Robert Ramirez Carlos Rodriguez Amber Smith Mark Thieman Sherri Tipton Ex-Officio Directors Don Butts .................. San Angelo Industries Dr. Carol Ann Bonds. .... Superintendent SAISD Mike Brown.......... Tom Green County Judge LeAnne Byrd ........... Provost, Howard College Drew Darby .................. State Representative Lee Pfluger .........Downtown San Angelo, Inc. Col. Thomas Geary............... Goodfellow AFB 17th Training Wing Dr. Joseph Rallo ................... President, ASU Corey Peddy .................... Leadership Alumni Association Tim Vasquez……......San Angelo Police Dept. Staff Phil Neighbors ................................ President Peggy Arnold .......................... VP Operations Lara Coleman... ….. Communications Coord. Sandra Pomroy .............. Events Coordinator Annetta Gray………….Membership Assistant Teri Turner………………………....Receptionist Kathy Keaton .............. Membership Director Beverly Hanks ......... Financial Administrator John Dugan .....VP Marketing & Recruitment Hope Barron ......... Economic Dev. Specialist Pamela Miller ................................... VP CVB Jenni Hutcheson ...... CVB Sales & Servicing Dir. Kimberly Torres ............. CVB Sales Manager Lucie Hofheins .... Visitor Center Coordinator San Angelo Chamber of Commerce 418 W. Avenue B San Angelo, TX 76903 Phone: 325.655.4136 Fax: 325.658.1110 E-Mail: Internet: Action Report (PSPS 352-530) is published monthly by the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, 418 W. Avenue B, 76903. Subscriptions are $20.00 per year. Second Class Postage paid at San Angelo, TX 76902. POSTMASTER send address changes to Action Report, 418 W. Avenue B, San Angelo, TX 76903. Business Happy Hour Page 3 Action Report April 2011 Page 4 April 2011 Action Report ***We Need Your Help!*** with the... 6th Annual Goodfellow Appreciation Day Armed Forces Day - Saturday, May 21st • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Goodfellow Recreation Camp at Lake Nasworthy Barbecue / Music / Family Fun This Armed Forces Day, the Military Affairs Committee of your Chamber of Commerce will host a Barbecue for all active-duty military personnel and their families. This day of food and fun is planned to show our appreciation to our military neighbors. We are seeking business partners to assist us financially. Please consider a sponsorship at one of the following levels: Chief Master Sergeant Captain $350 - $699 Major $700 - $999 Colonel $1,000 - $1,499 $100 - $349 Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsor logo on event write-up in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,800) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at picnic in print size relative to size of sponsorship 2 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event write-up in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,800) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at picnic in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website 5 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event write-up in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,800) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at picnic in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website 10 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event write-up in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,800) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website Sponsor name on sign at picnic in print size relative to size of sponsorship 15 tickets to event General $1,500 and above Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsor logo on Event write-up in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,800) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website Sponsor banner prominently displayed at the Recreation Camp on the day of the Bar-B-Que 20 tickets to event YES, I will sponsor the 6th annual Military Affairs Committee Goodfellow Appreciation Barbecue at the following level: Please specify amount: General _______ Colonel _______ Major_______ Captain______ Chief Master Sergeant _______ Business Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name __________________________________________________ Phone # _____________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Email _______________________________ _____ Bill My Chamber Account _____ Bill My Credit Card MC VISA AMEX DISC (circle one) _____ Check Attached Account # ____________________________ Exp. Date ________ Name on Card: ____________________________________________ Clip & Return to: San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, 418 W. Avenue B, 76903 - Or fax to: 325-658-1110 We will also need volunteers on the day of the event. If you would like to be a part of “The Team,” please specify how many will participate. Count on ____ people from our company to be part of “THE TEAM” on event day. Contact name: ________________________________ Phone Number: _________________ FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT SANDRA AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 655-4136. Page 5 Action Report From the Convention & Visitors Bureau 1 ………………….. San Angelo Concert Series - Slaid Cleaves 1………………….. ASU Planetarium – Oasis in Space 1 - 3...…………….. Softball Lonestar Conference Crossover Tournament 2………...………… 1st Saturday - Chicken Farm Art Center 5 ……...…............... Texas Tech vs UTSA, Colts Stadium 6, 13, 20, 27.…….. Fort Concho Speaker Series 8 - 9..…………….. ASU Baseball, Rams vs Central Oklahoma 8 - 9…………….... ASU Softball, Rambelles vs Eastern NM 8 & 9.………............ Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival 8 & 9………….…… Mah Jongg for Murals 9…………………… Adult Birding Adventure – State Park 9..………………….. Southwest Federation of Archeological ..................... Symposium – Fort Concho 9………………… ... Family Day at SAMFA 10………………..… Chamber Music Series – ASU Music Dept. 14……..…………… Live Music in the Courtyard – Old ..................... Chicken Farm Art Center 15 - 16……………. ASU Softball, Rambelles vs WTA&M 15………………….. Museum of Fine Arts Reception - Ceramics ................ Invitational 15 - 16…………….. Texas Mesquite Arts Festival 16………………….. West Texas Boys Ranch 6th Annual ..................... Sporting Clay Shoot 17………………….. Spring Chicken Affair 17………………….. 21st Annual Children’s Fair 20………………….. ASU Softball, Rambelles vs St. Mary’s 21………………….. Downtown Art Walk 21 - 22…………….. ASU Softball, Rambelles vs Abilene ..................... Christian 21 - 22…………… ASU Baseball, Rams vs West Texas A&M 21 - 24…………….. ASU Theater “One Flew Over the ..................... Cuckoo’s Nest” 23……..…………… 3rd Saturday Downtown 28 -29……………... San Angelo Wine & Food Festival 30………………….. Fort Concho Frontier Day 30………………….. Circus Comes to Town “Cirque de La Symphonie” San Angelo Symphony April 2011 April 2011 Action Report Page 6 From the Economic Development Division John Dugan and State Representative Drew TMCN representatives at Texas Midwest Day Darby listen to a presentation at the TMCN at the Capitol in January. Dinner with State Representatives on January 31st, 2011. State Representatives representing TMCN counties (from left to right): Harvey Hilderbran, Jim Keffer, Sid Miller, Drew Darby, Susan King, Jim Landtroop, and Rick Hardcastle. Page 7 Action Report April 2011 Page 8 Action Report ER MB ME EMO D M AR BO April 2011 A free service for Chamber members. Please call Lara at 655-4136 ext. 235. April 2011 Action Report Page 9 TEAM SAN ANGELO Presented by Beginning April 1st at 8:30 a.m. Reserve a V.I.P. Tent Table V.I.P. Tent Tables are $1,000 each and seat eight people. Each table includes weekend admission (June 25th & 26th) and lunch on Saturday and Sunday for eight, premium transportation from the gate to the V.I.P tent, two cooler passes, and accessibility to the V.I.P. cash bar. To make a reservation, please call Lara Coleman at 655-4136, ext. 220, or email her at
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