July 2010 - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce


July 2010 - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
Volume 34
PHONE 325.655.4136
FAX 325.658.1110
INTERNET : www.sanangelo.org
Number 7
July 2010
Legislative Summit Continues Regional Impact
Two Events You Will Not Want To Miss!
Reception and Dinner
for State Representatives and State
Senators (held the evening prior to
the Legislative Summit).
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Reception: 6:15 p.m.
Dinner: 7:15 p.m.
Cactus Hotel
Hosted by:
State Representative Drew Darby
State Senator Robert Duncan
The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
West Texas Legislative
Thursday, August 12, 2010
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: ASU’s C.J. Davidson Conf. Center
Education & Workforce:
Meeting the Challenges of the Future
The 7th annual West Texas Legislative Summit will again
provide a forum for state officials, Texas communities and
the public to discuss future
challenges facing this state.
See insert or register online at www.sanangelo.org.
A Look Inside...
From the Chairman ............................................ 2
Leadership San Angelo Graduates .................... 3
LSA Scholarship Recipients ............................... 4
Business Expo ................................................... 4
LSA Applications ................................................ 4
Member Memo ................................................... 5
Chamber Calendar............................................. 5
New Members.................................................... 5
Convention & Visitors Bureau............................. 6
Economic Development ..................................... 7
Ribbon Cuttings ................................................. 8
Business Barometer........................................... 9
Showdown in San Angelo ................................ 10
West Texas Legislative Summit .................. 11-14
Business Expo Silent Auction........................... 15
Save the Date…
July 13, 2010
Watch your mail for discounted tickets!
Page 2
Action Report
July 2010
From The Chairman
San Angelo
Chamber of Commerce
Board of Directors
Bryan Horner ........... Chairman of the Board
Jim Hughes ......................... Chairman-Elect
Stanley Mayfield ............................ Treasurer
Stacie Elkins ....... Immediate Past Chairman
Robert Aguilar
Sam Allen
Becky Brackin
Lori Francks
Leslie Healy
Scott Gibbs
Chase Holland
Steve Martin
Kathy Munoz
Kandi Pool
Carlos Rodriguez
Bernay Sheffield
Amber Smith
Mark Thieman
Sherri Tipton
Ex-Officio Directors
Don Butts.................. San Angelo Industries
Dr. Carol Ann Bonds. .... Superintendent SAISD
Mike Brown .......... Tom Green County Judge
LeAnne Byrd........... Provost, Howard College
Drew Darby .................. State Representative
Lee Pfluger......... Downtown San Angelo, Inc.
Col. Thomas Geary .............. Goodfellow AFB
17th Training Wing
Dr. Joseph Rallo ................... President, ASU
Eric Sanchez................... Leadership Alumni
Phil Neighbors ............................... President
Peggy Arnold.......................... VP Operations
Lara Coleman ...….. Communications Coord.
Sandra Pomroy ...............Events Coordinator
Annetta Gray………….Membership Assistant
Teri Turner………………………....Receptionist
Kathy Keaton............... Membership Director
Beverly Hanks .........Financial Administrator
Hope Barron ..........Economic Dev. Specialist
Pamela Miller....................................VP CVB
Jenni Hutcheson ..... CVB Sales & Servicing Dir.
Kimberly Torres ............. CVB Sales Manager
Eve Keim .............Visitor Center Coordinator
We are now past the halfway point of 2010 as well as the
Chamber fiscal year. Many of our goals and objectives are being met even as we journey through the hot summer months.
Our 2010 theme, Working Together Works, was proven true
several times in June, but nowhere more pointedly than with
the 4th annual Drag Boat Races. A dedicated Committee, over
400 other volunteers, 30 sponsors and a dozen very dediBryan Horner
cated staff members pulled off the biggest and best ShowChairman of the Board
down in San Angelo yet at Lake Nasworthy June 25-27.
We will let our members know when parts of our races will
be scheduled for viewing on the Speed Channel.
At the June 8 monthly luncheon, SAISD Superintendent Dr. Carol Ann Bonds and
Director of Bond Planning and Construction Steve Van Hoozer gave members an
update on the progress of $117 million in renovations and expansion in the District resulting from the 2008 School Bond election, as well as academic improvements that will result in the District receiving its first “Recognized” status from
the State later this year. Sponsors Cano’s Diamond’s, Grigsby’s Boutique/Merle
Norman Cosmetics, and SKG Engineering made this standing room only event at
Bentwood Country Club possible. A very good crowd also joined us at the LeGrand Alumni Center June 22 for the ASU Alumni Association Business After
Hours, cosponsored by Chartwells Catering, A-B Distributing, Julios, Coca Cola
and Pinkies Liquor Stores. Thank you for supporting these events, and as usual,
we’re taking a break from these monthly membership functions in July and returning in August.
Leadership San Angelo graduated its 27th class last month, and Lynsey Flage received the Bob Diebitsch Leadership Alumni Award. The graduating class recognized Sandra Pomroy for an outstanding first year of staffing the program, as well
as Peggy Arnold for her years of dedication to the program. To date, 737 individuals have completed the program.
Action Report (PSPS 352-530) is published
monthly by the San Angelo Chamber of
Commerce, 418 W. Avenue B, 76903.
Please make note of these opportunities:
 Register soon for the 7th annual West Texas Legislative Summit on August
fdak12. The topic will be Higher Education and Workforce Training. Business
asdkand industry leaders and elected officials from throughout West Texas will
skgkjoin us, and a reception and dinner the evening of August 11 hosting legislaakgittors and speakers will take place at the Cactus Hotel. Sponsors are still being
akigisolicited if you’d like to help underwrite portions of these events, and you
akgtimay contact Peggy Arnold if you’d like to know more.
 Customized, confidential business advising appointments and brainstorm
akgimarketing sessions with trained business counselors from ASU’s Small Busiakgtness Development Center may be arranged at the Chamber office to fit your
agitischedule. Call the Chamber office at 655-4136 to schedule your appointment,
agkior call Phil for more information.
 Applications for the 28th class of Leadership San Angelo will be available
later this month. Contact Sandra Pomroy in the office to inquire about the
2010-2011 program.
Subscriptions are $20.00 per year. Second
Class Postage paid at San Angelo, TX 76902.
Thank you for your support of the Chamber and community.
San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
418 W. Avenue B
San Angelo, TX 76903
Phone: 325.655.4136
Fax: 325.658.1110
E-Mail: chamber@sanangelo.org
Internet: www.sanangelo.org
POSTMASTER send address changes to
Action Report, 418 W. Avenue B, San
Angelo, TX 76903.
Bryan Horner
Chairman of the Board
Page 3
July 2010
Action Report
2010 Leadership San Angelo Class Graduates During Annual Social
Lynsey Flage Named Alumni Leader of the Year
The 2010 Leadership San Angelo Graduating Class
(Photo taken at the Alumni Annual Dinner, June 9th)
Leadership Alumni Treasurer and Board Member
Lynsey Flage was awarded the Bob Diebitsch
Alumni Leader of the Year award during the annual
dinner. Lynsey was lauded for her service to the
Association and her leadership for the past four
years. Lynsey graduated from the LSA program in
2007. The award is named for former Chamber
staffer Bob Diebitsch who was instrumental in starting the Leadership program and administering it for
over 20 years.
Incoming Alumni Association President Corey Peddy
presented the President’s Award to Outgoing president Eric Sanchez. Corey will lead the organization
through June of 2011.
Incoming Alumni Association Officers were ratified
at the Annual Dinner. Jennifer Lennon, Treasurer;
Bobbie Foreman, Secretary; Jay Michaels, PresidentElect, and Corey Peddy, President.
Applications ar
next Leadership
packet on
Alumni Board 2010-2011
Page 4
July 2010
Action Report
Congratulations to the 2010 Recipients of the Leadership
San Angelo Alumni Association $500 Scholarships
Stephanie Eckert
Lake View High School
Stephen Guevara
Central High School
Lauren Moeller
Veribest High School
Blake Herring
Central High School
Applications Available for 28th Leadership San Angelo Class
Applications will be accepted throughout the months of July and August for the 28th class of Leadership San
Angelo. Classes are limited to 30 participants, and class selection will be made in early September. The program will
kick off in October and participants will graduate in June. Tuition is $450 and includes all materials, meals and
transportation for many of the sessions.
For more information or to request an application, contact Sandra Pomroy at the Chamber, 655-4136 or via email at
srp@sanangelo.org, or go to our web site at http://www.sanangelo.org/chamber/lsa_application.php.
July 2010
Page 5
Action Report
A free service for
Chamber members.
Please call
Lara at
ASU’s Small Business Development Center Calendar
The Small Business Development Center is located on the ASU Campus. Classes are in Rassman
Bldg. Conference Room 100 and are free unless otherwise specified. To register, call 942-2098 or
email sbdc@angelo.edu.
July 6th: Essentials to Starting a New
July 8th: How to Write Your Business
Fly those ASU flags!
New college students and their parents will be in
San Angelo and on the Angelo State University
Campus during five S.O.A.R. (Student Orientation, Advising and Registration) sessions this
summer. Please welcome these families new to
our city and university by displaying your ASU
flag at your business on Saturday, July 10, 24 and
31.If you would like to have an ASU flag or need
to replace one, please contact Becky Brackin at
community.relations@angelo.edu or 486-6399.
For more information on S.O.A.R., visit http://
Are any of you busy folks making time for a
summer vacation?
The Royal Touch Pet Sitting wants to take
care of your pets
while you are away.
We offer 1-4 visits daily to your home,
7am-10pm and/or overnight care.
Call Valerie at 226-3734 for details.
Business-6-8:30 p.m.
Plan-6-8:30 p.m. RASS 263
Business Plan Financials
1:30-4 p.m. RASS 263
July 13th: Intro To QuickBooks 4-6:30 p.m. MCS-111B $30
July 15th: QuickBooks Basics 4-6:30 p.m. MCS-111B $30
July 20th: QuickBooks Advanced 4-6:60 p.m. MCS-111B $30
July 21st: Marketing 101 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. RASS 263
July 22nd: QuickBooks Financial Reporting 4-6:30 p.m.
MCS-111B $30
July 27th: The First 100 Days: An Employment Law Update
6-8:30 p.m. $15
Chamber of Commerce July Calendar
Tuesday, July 13th: Chamber Night at the Colts
Wednesday, July 21st: Economic Development Council, 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 27th: CVB Advisory Board Meeting, 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, July 29th: Chamber Board of Directors Meeting, 8:00 a.m.
The Chamber Welcomes Its Newest Members
Concho Cruises
Dinner Cruises
Wayne Nickell
2235 Valley View Blvd.
San Angelo, TX 76904
(325) 481-3210
Expedient Moving, LLC
Moving Company
Kidus Getahun
4717 S. Jackson #258
San Angelo, TX 76903
(325) 716-0718
Interim Home Care & Hospice
Nursing Home/Health Care
Shawn Owen
3402 Green Meadows Dr., Ste. B
San Angelo, TX 76904
(325) 223-1957
San Angelo Christian Academy
Private School
Larry Hettick
518 Country Club Rd.
San Angelo, TX 76904
(325) 651-8363
Concho Valley Plan Room
Construction Plans
Deidra Phillips
919 N. Bell St.
San Angelo, TX 76903
(325 ) 655-3539
Floors Unlimited
Floor Coverings
Clint Pelzel
3566 Knickerbocker
San Angelo, TX 76904
(325) 227-4191
Kona Ice
Snowcone Vendor
Carlos Rodriguez
Mobile Vendor
San Angelo, TX
(432) 290-1123
Seasons Change Designs
Season Neucere
520 Orient St.
San Angelo, TX 76903
(325) 653-8797
Custom Cleaning
Janitorial Services
Marjo Plan
200 CR 493
Mertzon, TX 76941
(325) 763-2993
Go Green & Recycle
Sam Tambunga
2408 W. Ave. N
San Angelo, TX 76904
(325) 949-2000
Music Garden Mansion
Bed & Breakfast
Melody Allen
P.O. Box 61992
San Angelo, TX 76906
(325) 340-0890
Barber & Beauty
Vanessa Gilbert
2201 W.. Beauregard
San Angelo, TX 76901
(325) 944-9700
Electric Bikes
Dave Dierker
1301 Pulliam St.
San Angelo, TX 76903
(325) 227-6903
H&R Block
Tax Service
Joe Smith
Austin Sheen
Amber Smith
3355 Knickerbocker Rd.
San Angelo, TX 76904
(325) 949-9508
Pampered Pets
Pet Grooming
Reba Lindsey
4238 Sherwood Way #4
San Angelo, TX 76901
(325) 944-1573
If you know someone
who is interested in
joining the Chamber,
give us a call at
Page 6
July 2010
Action Report
From the Convention &
Visitors Bureau
23rd Year of POPS
The San Angelo Convention & Visitors Bureau is
happy to announce that
Kimberly Torres joined us
as the newest CVB Sales
Manager on July 6th.
Kimberly Torres
CVB Sales Manager
Kimberly is a graduate of
Central High School and
Angelo State University
and has a strong background in marketing, communications and sales in
San Angelo.
The San Angelo Symphony’s` July 3rd Pops Concert presented by Multi-Chem celebrated its 23rd year in 2010.
The program included the Community Band, the San Angelo Symphony with chorus and soloist Matt Lewis.
This concert is now considered to be the fourth largest
event of its kind in the state of Texas and continues to
give the community an inspirational, patriotic way to
unite and celebrate their love of country. For information
on next year’s event, contact the San Angelo Symphony
at 658-5877.
Conventions, Meetings, & Major Events in July 2010
Expected Attendance
July 3 Pops Concert
Blackshear Reunion
ASU Soar
Little League Sectional
Baptist Memorial Board Meeting
Leatherwood Reunion
ASU Soar
Kelton Family reunion
Jackson Masonic Lodge Roast
ASU Soar
The San Angelo Pops Concert
San Angelo River Stage
July 2010 Community Calendar
Visit www.sanangelo.org for a more detailed listing
1-3 ........... Theatre at ASU – Bedroom Farce
3............... 1st. Saturday at the Old Chicken Farm Art
................. Center
3............... July 3rd pops Concert presented by Multi................. Chem
3............... Patriots Parade
3............... The San Angelo Community Band
4............... Independence Day at Fort Concho
5-8 ........... San Angelo Colts vs. Edinburg Roadrunners
9-24 ......... ACT presents Southern Hospitality
10............. Adult Birding Adventure
10............. West Texas TDA Sportsmen’s Banquet
13-16 ....... San Angelo Colts vs. Rio Grande Valley
................. White Wings
15............. Art Walk
17-18........ World Series Team Roping - Spur
19-24........ Beef master Cattle Show
22-25........ San Angelo Colts vs. Coastal Bend Thunder
23............. Silver Spur Ball
24............. National Cowboy Day at Fort Concho
29-31........ Theatre at ASU – Deathtrap
30-31........ San Angelo Colts vs. Edinburg Roadrunners
Visitor Center Hours
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Noon to 4 p.m.
July 2010
Action Report
Page 7
From the Economic
Development Division
Chamber Hires New
VP of Marketing & Recruitment
The role of Vice President of Marketing & Recruiting in the Economic Development Division of the
Chamber will be filled by John P. Dugan, effective July 19th.
John Dugan
Vice President of
Marketing & Recruiting
Dugan spent six years working in economic development for the City of Abilene, where his responsibilities included Director of Business Services and Downtown Manager. He worked with existing and
new companies of all sizes to help them locate and grow while creating jobs and tax base in Abilene.
He currently works with TX-Econ in McKinney, Texas, an economic development company assisting
businesses and communities with economic development projects. Prior to that, he spent two years
helping Valliance Bank start up in McKinney.
“John has an excellent track record in job retention and creation, and very good marketing skills”
noted Phil Neighbors, San Angelo Chamber President. “His work with the Development Corporation of Abilene has provided him a variety of experience in evaluating private company financial information, interaction with community boards, and exposure to numerous
state and federal programs that are important to San Angelo. He is also a certified Economic Development Finance Professional,” added
Chosen from a field of 18 applicants by a five-member selection committee comprised of Chamber and COSADC representatives, Dugan
emerged as the best candidate among four finalists to meet the requirements of the marketing and recruitment position. Fred Key, Chairman of the Chamber’s Economic Development Council and a Selection Committee member, called attention to Dugan’s marketing skills
and community involvement in both McKinney and Abilene. “His leadership positions with the McKinney Chamber of Commerce demonstrate his strong desire to return to full time community development, and his West Texas roots make him a good fit for San Angelo,”
said Key.
Dugan is a native of West Texas, born and raised in the Abilene area where he and his family still have ranching interests in Callahan
County near Clyde. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree from Abilene Christian University and spent many years in the banking industry in the area. He and his wife, Stephanie, have three grown children and will soon become grandparents.
Dugan begins at the Chamber July 19. “I look forward to returning to the West Texas environment and especially becoming part of such
a vibrant community,” Dugan stated. “San Angelo has been very welcoming thus far, and I am excited about the opportunities and business climate in the area. I find great challenge and reward in working with diverse entities to create partnerships that result in job creation and retention. San Angelo has a promising future, and I am very enthusiastic about putting down roots there.”
The Chamber Welcomes
Its Newest Member
Addison Grace Barron was born to proud parents Hope and Eric Barron
at 1:50 a.m. on June 18th. Addison was born 7 lb. 12 oz. and 20 inches
long and mother and daughter are doing well.
Hope has worked as an Economic Development Specialist at the Chamber for three years and will return in August.
Pictured at Left: Hope & Addison Grace Barron
G a l i l e e C o m mu n i t y D e ve l op me n t C o rp .
1404 S. Oaks St.
JB Of f i c e Ou t f i t t e rs
724 Knickerbocker Rd.
C r os s T e x a s S u p p l y
5294 Christoval Rd.
A l l s t a t e — S e t h C. B e c ke r
3524-F Knickerbocker Rd.
C on c h o E d u c a t o rs F e d e r a l
C re d i t U n i o n
1976 W. Beauregard
In t e ri m H e a l t h C a r e & H o s p i c e
3402 Green Meadow Dr.
West Texas Legislative Summit
Thursday, August 12, 2010
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: C.J. Davidson Conference Center
on the campus of Angelo State University
1910 Rosemont Drive
Education & Workforce
Meeting the Challenges of the Future
The 7th annual West Texas Legislative Summit is set for Thursday,
August 12, 2010. Building upon the success of the past six years, this year's
Summit will again provide a forum for state officials, Texas communities
and the public to discuss the future challenges facing this state.
We hope you will agree that this year's program is a priority issue for
our area. Please plan to join us for these important discussions.
Our Sponsors
Education & Workforce: Meeting the Challenges of the Future
Summit Speakers
Governor Rick Perry
Bill Hammond
President, Texas Association of Business
Tom Pauken
Panel Discussion
Kent Hance, Chancellor, Texas Tech University System
Dr. Joseph Rallo, President, Angelo State University
Dr. Mike McKinney, Chancellor, Texas A&M
University System
Legislative Panel Discussion
Chair, Texas Workforce Commission
Blaine Brunson
Chief of Staff for Lt. Governor David Dewhurst
State Representatives / State Senators
Led by:
State Senator Robert Duncan &
State Representative Drew Darby
Dr. David Gardner
Deputy Commissioner of Higher Education
Keynote Luncheon Speaker
Panel Discussion
Community Colleges &
Technical Training Schools
Dr. Cheryl Sparks, President, Howard College
Bill Segura, Chancellor, TSTC West Texas
Mike Dreith, President, Western Texas College
U.S. Congressman
Mike Conaway
You Are Invited!
The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, State Representative Drew Darby
and State Senator Robert Duncan will host a
Reception and Dinner
for State Representatives and State Senators attending the Summit.
The event will be held on the evening prior to the Legislative Summit and is limited to the first 200 registrations.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Reception: 6:15 p.m.
Dinner: 7:15 p.m.
Cactus Hotel
36 E. Twohig, San Angelo
See Registration Information on Next Page
Register here, or you may copy and fax or mail.
Final deadline to register is Tuesday, August 10, 2010.
Don’t miss the early-bird deadline of August 2nd!
Name ___________________________________________________________
(copy this form for additional attendees)
Note: This program has
been approved for 5.25 hours
of continuing education credit
for County Commissioners.
Preferred First Name for Nametag ____________________________
Title __________________________________________________
Organization or Company Name
Address __________________________________________ City _____________________
Zip ___________
Phone (____) ________________
Fax (____)________________
Email ________________________________
West Texas Legislative Summit 8/12/10
_____ $110.00 (if registered by early-bird
deadline of Monday, August 2nd)
Pre-Summit Reception & Dinner with State
Representatives & State Senators 8/11/10
____ $25.00 (if registered by early-bird
deadline of Monday, August 2nd)
_____ $120.00 beginning August 3rd
____ $35.00 beginning August 3rd
Discount if registering for both events
Discounted combination ticket for Summit & Reception/Dinner: $125.00
No discount available after early bird deadline of August 2nd
_____ Check enclosed
_____ Please bill my Chamber account
_____ Please bill my credit card
(circle one) Visa
(San Angelo Chamber members only)
Account # ___________________________________ Exp. Date ________
Name on Card ____________________________________
Mail to: San Angelo Chamber of Commerce  418 W. Avenue B San Angelo, TX 76903
Fax to: 325-658-1110 Phone: 325-655-4136
Driving Directions to Summit
From Highway 87 North: Proceed south on Highway 87
until intersection of Avenue N. Make right turn on Avenue N.
Proceed to Rosemont Drive. Turn left. The building will be
on the left (look for the pavilion entrance).
From Highway 87 South: Proceed north on Highway
87 until intersection of Avenue N. Make left turn on
Avenue N. Proceed to Rosemont Drive. Turn left. The
building will be on the left (look for the pavilion
From Highways 67 / 277: Proceed west on Highway 67
until reaching Highway 87 South exit. Turn left (south) on
Hwy 87 & proceed until intersection of Avenue N. Turn
Right. Proceed to Rosemont Drive. Turn left. The building
will be on the left (look for the pavilion entrance).
From Airport: Depart Terminal onto Hangar Road
(north). Bear right onto Knickerbocker Road and
proceed to Johnson St. intersection. Turn Left. Proceed
to Dena Drive and turn left. Proceed to Rosemont
Drive. Turn Right. The building will be on the right
(look for the pavilion entrance).
Our Host Hotel
Staybridge Suites
1355 Knickerbocker Road
Special rates are available for Summit attendees through Monday, August 2nd.
Call 325-653-1500 and ask for the West Texas Legislative Summit Rate.
State Officials Rate
(State ID Required)
King Suite (King Bed)
King Studio Suite (King Bed w/ Sofa)
Double (2 Queens w/ Sofa)
Attendee Rate
$85.00 King Suite (King Bed)
$95.00 King Studio Suite (King Bed w/ Sofa)
$105.00 Double (2 Queens w/ Sofa)
The West Texas Legislative Summit is a program
of the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Give your business more visibility and help bring more business prospects to
Business Expo. Again this year the Business After Hours and Silent Auction
will be held in conjunction with Business Expo. We need your help! Please
donate a product or service to the auction. Proceeds from this event will help
to fund Chamber programs. Business Expo drew approximately 2500 people
last year. Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your company or products/services at San Angelo’s best Business Tradeshow / SILENT
AUCTION! If you can help this year by donating an auction item, please
complete the form below and return to the Chamber office.
_____I will donate the following gift, service, or gift certificate for the silent auction (contributors will be recognized in published materials):
Description of item or service donated:
Value: $_______________ (We would appreciate donations of a $25.00 minimum)
I will bring it to the Chamber office by _____________________
OR Please pick up my gift __________________________
Company Name: _____________________________________
Contact Person: _____________________________________
Phone: ___________________________ Fax:__________________________ E-mail__________________________________
Please send completed form as soon as possible to Chamber of Commerce,
Mail: 418 W. Ave. B
San Angelo, TX 76903
Fax: 658-1110
Attn: Sandra Pomroy
E-mail: srp@sanangelo.org
Phone: 655-4136