November, 2013 - Lakewood City Schools
November, 2013 - Lakewood City Schools
Ranger Roundup Lakewood High School Keith Ahearn , Principal Katrina Holmes PTA President From the Principal’s Desk The partnership between home and school is critically important. This month we will be holding parent/teacher conferences. This is a great opportunity to open lines of communication and set all of our students up for success. Parent / Teacher Conferences will be held November 21st from 4:30pm- 8:00pm and November 25th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. November 2013 Please take a moment to schedule your conferences now via our Conference Scheduler at or by using the Parent / Teacher Conference link available on the Lakewood High School page of the Lakewood City Schools website at Once you’ve registered, you will receive an email with a link to the Conference schedule where you will be able to select your specific dates and times. If you do not have a valid email address and wish to schedule Conferences, please call 216-529-4021 for assistance. Regards, Keith Ahearn The Lakewood High School PTA would like to remind you to get out and vote. 14100 Franklin Boulevard, Lakewood, Ohio 44107 216.529.4028 SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE District Message On Nov. 5, Lakewood City Schools will have a 3.25 mill bond issue and a 0.5 permanent improvement levy on the ballot as Issue 84. Issue 84 will help our district finish the final construction phase of our Master Facilities Plan by rebuilding Grant, Lincoln and Roosevelt Elementary Schools and rebuilding the east half of Lakewood High School. If passed, the state will contribute $50 million - half of the cost of the project. Issue 84 will provide all our students with some of the best buildings in the state and give them updated classroom spaces, instructional technology and the tools needed to succeed in the 21st century. WEATHER-RELATED SCHOOL CLOSINGS Like it or not, winter is on its way and with that comes the possibility of school closings due to inclement weather. If schools are closed, parents and guardians will be notified by phone call and email and texts via our AlertNow notification system. Other ways to find out about the schools’ status are listening to the local TV and radio stations, checking the district web site at, Facebook page at www.facebook/ and/or Twitter account at You can also call the district’s School Closing Hotline at 227-5708. I know that parents sometimes disagree with the district’s decision to keep schools open during bad weather. If this is the case, parents always have the option to keep their child home. That day will be regarded as an excused absence for the student and students will be allowed to make up any work missed. Please call your child’s school absence line to let the school know your child will not be attending due to the bad weather. Jeffrey W. Patterson Superintendent Board of Education Edward Favre, President Linda Beebe, Vice President Tom Einhouse Emma Petrie Barcelona Betsy Bergen Shaughnessy All courses and programs are offered by Lakewood High School without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, creed, gender, marital status, disability, or age in its education programs, activities, employment policies or admission policies and practices as required under Title VI and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Lakewood High School November 2013 Please come join us for our next PTA meeting on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 in room A102. At this month’s meeting we will be choosing a nominating committee, which will be responsible for proposing a slate of officers for next school year. We have to start the process early since we only meet four times a year. Reflections 2013-2014 This year’s Reflection theme is “Believe, Dream, Inspire”. So if your son or daughter is an artist, likes to compose music, take photographs, dance, write, or is into film production please encourage them to submit their original pieces of artwork this year. In the Ranger Round Up are a sheet that summarizes the criteria required and the entry form. Please bring your entries to the House 2 office. The deadline for submitting pieces is December 2, 2013. Parent-Teacher Conference Dinners Many of our teachers cannot get away for a meal before their conferences start so the PTA feeds them. We need your help, if you can volunteer your time, a side dish, or bake good for our teachers, please contact Stacey Sponsler at The dates of the conferences are Thursday, November 21th and Monday, November 25th. CP R /A E D C lasses We are also planning on having an adult, child, and infant CPR/AED class. This class will be offered by our very own Kathleen Corrigan, district nurse. So keep your eye on this newsletter for dates and times. Reminders • If you haven’t done so already please join the LHS PTA. The form is located on the district’s website under the “for parents” tab. • Sign up for the many rewards programs in the area that donate a portion of what you spend to Lakewood High School. o Heinen’s -‐ o Target -‐ https://www-‐ o GFS -‐‐marketplace-‐stores/fun-‐ Hope to see you soon, Katrina Holmes LHS PTA President Our LHS PTA Board Members President, Katrina Holmes, • 2nd VP, Keith Ahearn, • Recording Secretary, Haylee Schwenk, • Corresponding Secretary, Kathy Burkett, • Treasurer, Dawn Stanaitis, • Council Delegate, • Council Alternate, Martha Neff, Lakewood High School PTA General Meeting September 24, 2013 Room A102 in Lakewood High School Katrina Holmes, PTA president, called the meeting to order at 7:03, and attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Guest Speakers: Katie Corrigan, Health, Safety, and Welfare officer from the Lakewood Council of PTAs and district nurse, presented information on CPR training. o Katie offered to provide education for PTA members and families on CPR, AED, and choking relief using the American Heart Association curriculum she is certified to teach. o This class would last approximately 1 and ½ hours and would not lead to certification, but she could accommodate 24-30 people. o She has already trained district staff and most of last year’s 10th graders (in conjunction with their health class). o Cost would be $5 per person. o She is asking PTA to promote and work with her to schedule. Mrs. Schukert from the guidance office offered information on the guidance office’s role. o Counselors work with freshmen on organization and acclimating to the high school, with sophomores on OGT preparation, with juniors on beginning career and college planning, and with seniors on filling out college applications. o The guidance department has counselors available every Tuesday all day in room A229 to assist students with completing college application, including essays. Seniors are welcome to drop in during free periods. o A senior parent night is planned for October 9, to offer information to parents on the college application process. o On, on the Schools -> Lakewood High School -> Guidance tabs, students and parents can find information on College Now Greater Cleveland, a schedule of college visits to the high school, and much more. Colleen Clark-Sutton from the bond committee (also the parent of a high school student) explained the upcoming bond levy proposal. o Voters will be asked to approve a 3.75 mil levy on November 5, 2013. o The levy will support phase III of the Lakewood City Schools Long Range Master Facilities Plan. o Of the requested amount, 3.25 mil will go directly to support construction of three replacement elementary schools and completing the high school renovation. The state will match with $50 million to cover those costs. The other 0.50 mil is for permanent improvement and maintenance of the new and renovated buildings. o Lawn signs are available. Joanne Schwark from the Lakewood Council of PTAs (also the parent of a high school student) presented information on the upcoming Northeast Ohio PTA conference, which will be hosted by Lakewood at Garfield Middle School on October 10. o Cost to attend is $15 per person; event is from 4:15 to 9:00 pm and is catered. o Lakewood and three other districts will be attending. o Workshops will be offered for PTA leaders and members, including sessions on running a successful Reflections program, communications, third-grade reading guarantee, and financial best practices Officer and Chair reports: Haylee Schwenk, recording secretary, explained the volunteer hours sheet. Dawn Stanaitis, treasurer, reviewed the proposed 2013-2014 budget. o No active fundraising is planned, but the painless project is in place again. This program asks members to add a little bit to their membership dues to increase the PTA income. o Please remember to review your Giant Eagle and Heinen’s school designation. They must be renewed every year for the school to receive donations from these grocery stores. o Kathy Burkett moved to accept the 2013-2014 budget as proposed. Colleen Clark-Sutton seconded the motion, and the motion passed by voice vote. o A Paypal account was discussed. Dawn Bilski did some preliminary research and found that Paypal charges 2.9%. Members proposed that we build that additional charge into the membership fee—charge $7.50 or $8.00 for the convenience of online payment so that the PTA is still paid at least $7.00 per member. o The Paypal discussion was tabled until the November meeting. Dawn Bilski, council representative, provided the most recent Lakewood Council of PTAs report. o Of note, the Infosnap information about bike licenses was corrected—licenses are free from the Lakewood police department. o In addition, Lakewood Senior Services are looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels, and the bond levy committee is also looking for volunteers. o Unit treasurers must register with the Ohio Attorney General by November 15. o Volunteer hours from each unit are due to the council by the first of the following month, and a volunteer of the month program is being started. LHS PTA will submit hours after each meeting instead of monthly. Katrina reported for Stacey Sponsler, hospitality chair, that volunteers are needed to help with the teacher dinners during parent-teacher conferences on November 21 and 25. o A sign-up sheet was passed around. Janet Gerity, membership chair, reported that LHS PTA currently has 69 members. o Membership is down from last year. o Breakdown of membership income: $483 membership dues and $790 painless project o Mr. Ahearn will add the PTA membership form to the parent-teacher conference notification mailing. Katrina indicated that October 15 is the deadline for the November Ranger Roundup (high school newsletter, available online through the website on the Lakewood High School page). Katrina reported for Mona Atfield and Tanya Nanni, Reflections co-chairs, that this year’s theme is “Believe, Dream, Inspire.” o In last year’s competition, Lakewood student Gregory Watson received a state-level award for his music entry. New Business: Katrina read a statement proposing support of the bond levy, Issue 84. o Judy Szentkiralyi moved that Lakewood High School support the bond levy. Kathy Burkett seconded the motion, and the motion carried in a voice vote. o Lakewood Council of PTAs has suggested a donation of 2% of net proceeds to support the levy effort. Dawn Stanaitis indicated that would be less than $100. o Jean Shurtleff moved that the Lakewood High School PTA donate $125 to the bond committee. Dawn Stanaitis seconded the motion, and the motion was passed by voice vote. Katrina listed the open positions and asked for volunteers to fill them: o 1st Vice President o Volunteer Coordinator o Health, Safety, and Welfare chair Principals’ Report: Mr. Ahearn thanked everyone for their part in a great start to the school year. o He reviewed the state high school report card. o Interim reports and online conference scheduling information will be sent to parents over the next week. o Upcoming are homecoming assembly, parade, and dance; sophomore ring orders; and senior parent night on October 9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55. Get involved at LHS! Join PTA today! The support of parents, teachers, staff, and community is very important to the success of Lakewood High School. Joining the PTA is a great way to get involved and show your support. Everyone is welcome. Your $7 dues, along with Painless Project donations, help us sponsor and support a variety of activities for the LHS community including Fresh Start freshman orientation, Staff Appreciation events, After Prom, the Senior Reception, and other student projects. And because we know you have a busy schedule, we have only four meetings planned for the year: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Tuesday, April 22, 2014 All meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. in Room A102 (across from the bookroom) Return the completed form below with your dues and Painless Project donation to: Lakewood High School Attn: PTA Membership 14100 Franklin Blvd. Lakewood, OH 44107 Please make checks payable to Lakewood High School PTA. For more information, call Janet Gerity, Membership Chair, at 216.544.5577 or email at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES! I/We would like to become a member(s) of the Lakewood High School PTA. *Name(s) Student Name(s)/Grade(s): *Street Address: *City: Phone: *Zip: *Email: *Please note: To apply for the PTA scholarship in the spring a parent must be a member. *Required fields. (Staff does not need to include address.) q Check if you are an LHS teacher or staff member. q Check if you would like a PTA Membership Card. q Check if you are interested in being on the PTA Board or a Committee. Dues: @ $7.00 per member: Painless Project Donation: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: □ CASH □ CHECK # FILE DATE: Total Enclosed: I’d like to volunteer! Please contact me about helping with food donations, set-up or clean-up for the following events: q Staff Appreciation Dinners during Parent/Teacher Conferences November 21 & 25 q Staff Appreciation Breakfast Mid March 2014 q Senior Reception Early June 2014 Your PTA dues and Painless Project dollars at work: • • • • • • • • • • Fresh Start Ice Cream Social – we purchase and serve ice cream to incoming freshmen and their families at this orientation event in August. Staff Appreciation Breakfast – a great breakfast to show our great staff how much we appreciate them Student Conferences – a hearty dinner, before conferences (so the staff has time to eat and keep their strength up to answer all our questions). Educator of the Year – thank-you gifts and appreciation award to the best of our best. One teacher is chosen each year in addition to one “Helping Hands” recipient, recognizing our wonderful administrative staff. Which is then sent to our PTA Council and are recognized at that level. Senior Recognition Day – reception for seniors to sign yearbooks and say farewells to their high school friends. After Prom – financial support to keep our prom goers safe and happy Reflections – Reflections is a National PTA sponsored Art Contest that covers art, photography and literature. Each year, hundreds of Lakewood student from all grades participate to showcase their artistic talents. LHS PTA supplies our school winners with a reception or a small token of recognition. The Lakewood High School PTA contributes to the H2O Camp Fund, the PTA Council Scholarship Fund (each year PTA awards four $1000 scholarships to LHS seniors), Pumpkin Palooza and the Speed Awareness Campaign (those Brake for Kids signs). This past year we also contributed to H2O’s big fund raiser, The Tributary Bash. Ranger Roundup – the PTA puts this newsletter together and ensures that the newsletter is complete and on time. Special Projects – this past school year, the PTA donated money to the high school math department to purchase calculators. And this list doesn't even begin to address the National and State PTA organizations' child advocacy programs and available information, resources and training. What is a Painless Project?? IT’S A BAKE SALE…..without the baking IT’S A CARNIVAL…..without the planning IT’S A BOOK OR T-SHIRT OR MAGAZINE SALE….. WITHOUT THE TIME AND ENERGY INVOLVED IN MAKING THE SALE IT’S A WAYS AND MEANS PROJECT to support PTA activities…without the work IT IS THE WAY AND THE MEANS by which all parents can support PTA activities benefiting their students So please take a minute to donate the cost of a cake and frosting or the price of a paperback book. Include your Painless Project donation in with your PTA dues and return to Lakewood High School with your student or mail it to Lakewood High School PTA at 14100 Franklin Blvd. Then…. sit back, put your feet up, have a cup of coffee and forget the muss and fuss of a Ways and Means project because IT’S PAINLESS. VISUAT ARTS Drawing, painting, collage, photographic collage, metal etching or punch work, fiber work, or computergenerated artwork No lorger thon 24" X 30" including motting Moy nof exceed 3/E" thickness Convos fromes qre too thick No frqmes or No 3-D Mount ortwork on o sturdy bocking MUS|CAT COMPOSITTON QUICK START Ohio T'TIT eueryclnild. onevoice. PTA INITIAL DUES MUST BE PAID TO OHIO PTA BY NOVEMBER 30. 2013 Originol Composition Voice, instrument/s, or a combination of voice and instrument/s Not lo exceed 5 minutes FORMAT Audio Recording of Music Performance: MP3, MP4, WMA, WAV Music Scores and Lyrics (Middle And High School required) Lyrics (without music score included) PHOTOGRAPHY Color Block qnd White Photomontage, multiple exposure, negative sandwiches, and photograms REFLEGTIONS ata GLANCE No lorger thon I 1" X 14" lncluding motting 3/8" No fromes Fiction or non-fiction Prose, poetry, dromo, song ond lyrics Do not exceed 2000 words AGE CATEGORIES No thicker thon TITERATURE Primory: Preschool- Grode 2 No 3-D entries No slides or tronsporencies lnlermediole: Grqdes 3 - 5 Grode oppropriote grommor, punctuotion ond spelling Moy be illustroted Hondwritten or typed Middle/Junior: Grodes 6 -8 Senior: Grodes 9 - 12 DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY Originol work of one student Not to exceed 5 minutes Credit music used FORMAT Video: AVl, MOV, MPG, MPEG, WMV, FLV Maximum Upload File Size: 1GB (one gigabyte) LOCAL DEADLINE: 6r$rEit bra wd, +ha tlo Ucrna I FrrrYl/vtpEo PRoDUcTtON Animotion Norrqtive Documentory Experimentol Medio presentotions Originol work of one student Not to exceed 5 minutes Credit music used FORMAT Video: AVl, MOV, MPG, MPEG, WMV, FLV Maximum Upload File Size: 1GB (one gigabyte) GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT NEWS LHS COUNSELORS Mrs. Schuckert-Facilitator/Counselor (216)529-4272 Mrs. Diamond-Secretary (216)529-4032 Mr. Daley, Jr.-Counselor (216)529-4124 Mr. Francu-Counselor (216)529-4170 Ms. DeChant-Counselor (216)529-4040 Mrs. Adkins-Counselor (216)529-4141 SUGGESTIONS FOR JUNIORS: *Time to start researching colleges. ( has several links) *Schedule a college visit. Go online to the individual college websites to do this. *Keep up with your studies and work on raising your GPA. *See your guidance counselor if you have any questions. TO ACCESS THE GUIDANCE WEBPAGE… 1. Go to the Lakewood City School’s Home Page at 2. Under Schools, select Lakewood High 3. Select Guidance ON THIS PAGE YOU CAN FIND: Counselors contact information Scholarship information Links for testing information (SAT, PSAT, & ACT) Financial Aid information ATTENTION SENIORS: *Finalize your college list and start applying. *Contact your guidance counselor to schedule a senior interview. *Schedule ACT/SAT if you haven’t already. *Start asking teachers for letters of recommendation. (Forms for this can be found in the guidance office.) *Keep that GPA up. ACT PREP CLASSES Five evening classes: 2 1/2 hours per session Total cost $162 Includes textbook and materials ***Need-based scholarships are available*** GO TO- for more information. ************************************************************************************ HELPSESSIONS COLLEGE APPLICATION Who: Seniors When: Every TUESDAY starting SEPT. 24th Where: ROOM A229 What: Counselors will be there every period. *NO SIGN UP – just stop in!! CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY will be at LHS on November 14th for ON-SITE REGISTRATION at 11am!!! $30 application fee will be waived PE waivers are available in the guidance office. Please make sure to start this process as soon as you complete two sports seasons!!! Any questions-see your counselor. A free, on-line tool which helps students learn more about themselves and their interests, explore careers and industries, identify post-secondary education options, and create tools for employment. Parents and/or Students can log on using: Username: LakewoodHS Password: ohiocis03 then create your own portfolio With OCIS, you can: Learn more about yourself and create a career plan Manage your career development Map your high school classes Answer questions about yourself and connect to occupations that may interest you Explore occupation descriptions to learn about what people do at work Learn about industries Find out if self-employment is a good fit Identify programs of study that interest you and schools that offer them Learn about apprenticeships Explore options for paying for school Create a resume Learn how to apply and interview for jobs Find ways to succeed on your job Ranger Café Opening for Lunch The Ranger Café @ West Shore is now open for business. Make plans to have a lunch meeting with a friend or co-worker in the student operated restaurant. The Ranger Café, located at Lakewood High School, is open from 12:00 to 1:30 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All items are made fresh daily. Select from an array of delicious soups, salads, sandwiches, entrees, and desserts. Reservations are required: 216-529-4165 (press 1 for reservations). The Ranger Café is operated by the Chef Instructors and students in the Culinary Arts/ProStart program at the West Shore Career-Technical District. Established in 1993, this hands-on, industry based program in restaurant management and food service prepares students for professional culinary programs, immediate employment, and/or future education. This program is open to 11th and 12th grade students in West Shore Career-Technical District (Bay Village, Lakewood, Rocky River, and Westlake). For a full menu selection and Culinary program information, go to:, click on West Shore Career-Tech District under “Schools”. Lakewood Music Boosters N E W S NOVEMBER 2013 Meeting Updates We were happy to welcome some new parents to our October Join us! When you join Lakewood Music meeting of the Music Boosters. A lively discussion of our missions and goals was followed by some interesting ideas for an expansion of the Music Boosters ability to promote concerts and fundraisers through social media. If you are interested in helping maintain a Facebook Page or have experience with PayPal and would like to help out, please join us at our next meeting in the LHS Band Room at 7:30 on Tuesday, November 5.The opportunities are endless, but we need your time and enthusiasm to make it happen! Boosters you become part of an organization of parents, teachers alumni and community members who support the 59+ music groups enriching the education of Lakewood’s children. Last year LMB contributed over $15,000 to the district music department and awarded over $7,000 in scholarships for private lessons and music camps directly to the students! All meeting minutes are available on the Music Boosters Page here. Fruit & Flowers for the Holidays! Beginning in November, Lakewood Music Boosters will be offering fresh Indian River Citrus Fruits from Langdon Barber Groves - delivered right to your door! No forms to fill out; no truck to unload; no fruit to pick up. Simply log onto, enter the Music Boosters group ID during checkout, and charge your order directly to your credit card. You can order for yourself and order gifts to be shipped to friends and family members. Everyone can enjoy a bit of Florida sunshine in the middle of Ohio winter. The Group ID is OH27237 and must be entered when placing an order; group salesperson is Laura VanDale. Delivery options are in December and January. Order by December 9th for delivery by Christmas. Order by January 4th for a mid-January delivery. Stay tuned for additional information about a March delivery, too. *LBG will not ship to certain locations: check the website for details. Coming in December: Holiday Poinsettias! Check back here next month for details on how you can take home one of the lovely poinsettias decorating the Civic stage for the Holiday concerts. No pre-ordering necessary! LMB will keep you informed of meetings, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers by emailing you directly and posting information on our web page. And, of course, right here in your Ranger Roundup! Your help and participation are critical as our district continues to provide outstanding music programs in our Lakewood schools. And remember, Music Boosters scholarships are available only to members. AND, members who volunteer are are eligible for higher scholarship levels. Please print out the membership form here and mail to: Lakewood Music Boosters, PO Box 770782, Lakewood, OH 44107. For more information, please visit our Music Boosters’ Web Page on the Lakewood City Schools’ website under the For Parents tab or click on the link below: content_page.aspx?cid=826 Band, Choir & Orchestra news The LHS Marching Band will entertain us with a concert on November 7th at 7:30pm in the Lakewood Civic. Join us for an evening of music sure to get your toes tapping! And the Orchestra Marathon Concert is on Nov. 9th at 5pm, also in the Civic. Lots more in Dec.... stay tuned!! Please enjoy reading the following letter sent from a Rocky River parent to Mr. Harris and the Music Boosters after the Lakewood vs. Rocky River football game in October. We are so proud of you! Go Rangers! Oct. 4, 2013 Mr. Harris, We’ve just arrived home from the Rocky River / Lakewood game, and had to send you a note. (Sorry about the game, but we loved your show.) We’re writing because we noticed that one of your band members is visually impaired. Transfixed by the musician and his helper, we were thrilled to see them nail a complex and demanding show. They were Awesome! Brilliant! Outstanding! You didn’t merely “accommodate” him. You didn’t hide this kid off in a corner beyond the 35 yard line and the back hash. You put him front and center, and let him show the world what he could do if given half a chance. You and your band showed us what very best spirit that must animate Lakewood High School looks like. Things like tenacity, courage, and optimism. Your band should be proud, as should you, your colleagues, the band’s parents & boosters, and Lakewood Schools. Clearly y’all are doing important, meaningful, things that won’t show up on a state report card. While that’s not fair, it’ll be fine in the end. The Lord knows when you’re doing those things. The parents of your students affected know, even if the kid might be an ungrateful little so-andso at times. And, sometimes even people from the other school notice too. God bless you all. Most sincerely yours, Kathleen & Michael Russell Rocky River, OH LAKEWOOD MUSIC DEPT. SCHEDULE 2013-2014 9/6 9/18 9/21 9/27 9/28 Instruments on Parade – 1:30 – Civic 5th Grade Instrumental Parent Mtg. – 7:00, Civic LHS Marching Band Festival 9 Stadium – 7:00 LHS Spirit Parade—5:45 pm OMEA Regional Orchestra Auditions –All DayRehearsals 11/2 10/8 LHS Orchestra & 8th Grade Orchestras Pops Concert 10/22 Fall Choral Symposium 11/23, 24 OMEA Regional Orchestra Rehearsal & Concert 11/7 LHS Marching Band Concert 11/9 LHS Orchestra Marathon-Concert at 5:00 p.m. 12/3 LHS Freshman Winter Concert 12/10 6th Grade Winter Music Concert 12/9 7th Grade Winter Music Concert 12/4 8th Grade Winter Music Concert 12/11 LHS Choral Winter Concert 12/12 Camerata Orchestra & Symphonic Band Winter Concert 12/18 & 19 LHS Winter Concert, featuring: Chamber & Symphony Orchestras, Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Mixed Choir 1/25 Lakewood Project Winter Concert 2/1 OMEA District IV High School Solo & Ensemble 2/4 LHS Orchestra Contest Concert 2/5 LHS Band Contest Concert 2/76-8 OMEA Convention 2/11 LHS Big Band Festival 2/21 OMEA State Orchestra AE– 3:00 p.m. – All facilities 2/22 OMEA State Orchestra AE– 7:30 a.m. – All facilities 3/7 & 8 OMEA District Band & Choir Contest 3/11 Lakewood Jazz Festival 3/19 Elementary Choral Festival – 7:00 p.m. 3/20 8th Grade Band 4/25 & 26 High School State Band & Choir Contest 5/1-3 LHS Barnstormers/Music Department Musical – Civic – 8:00 p.m. 5/6 8th Grade Spring Band Concert 5/13 LHS Band Spring Concert – 7:00 pm 5/14 5th Grade Instrumental Concert, 7:00 p.m. 5/16 LHS Orchestras Spring Concert – 7:00 p.m. 5/17 Lakewood Project Spring Concert 5/19 7th grade Spring Music Concert 5/20 LHS Choral Spring – 7:00 p.m. 5/21 6th Grade Spring Music Concert 5/23 LHS Jazz Band Spring Concert 6/8 Commencement – Orchestra 6/23-27 ROCK ON and Classical Academy Camp Concerts begin at 7:30 in Civic unless otherwise stated. CLASS OF 2014 - SENIOR CALENDAR *October 9 Senior Parent Night, 7:00 p.m. in Civic Auditorium. November 4 Senior Panoramic picture taken in E. Gym November 8 Senior Assembly for graduation announcements and cap and gowns. *November 15 & 22 Senior orders taken for announcements and cap and gowns during lunch periods in L-Room Lobby. November 18-22 Seniors sign up to be elves and collect for Toys for Tots. November 12 After Prom Committee – organizational meeting, 6:30-7:30, L-Room December 4 Toys for Tots elf meeting after school in L-Room December 4 & 5 Trim the Tree Set-up December 6 Trim the Trees Judging December 9-13 Toys for Tots Week February 8 Snowball Dance. *March Order senior items: Class flower, T-shirt, Cedar Point Ticket. Orders must be turned in to Bookroom before 3/14 at 3:00. (Delivery in May) Newsletter to explain Prom/After-Prom and Commencement will be mailed to senior homes. Seniors may also pick up a copy in Student Activities. March Interested seniors can sign up to audition for Commencement Speaker in Student Activities. *April 1-11 Turn in Prom and After Prom fee forms. Forms must be submitted before 3:00 4/11/13 April 23 Senior Assembly to hear Commencement Speaker candidates & Vote. May 5, 6 & 16 Seniors pick up graduation announcements and cap and gowns in L-Room lobby during lunch periods *May 1 Request for extra commencement ticket begins *May 10 Prom, House of Blues, 7:00 – 11:00 p.m. *May 10 After Prom, LHS, 11:30 p.m. – 2:30 a.m. May 27 Senior T-Shirt Day. May 29-June 2 Senior exams June 3 Senior Flower Day June 5 Senior Cedar Point Day *June 6 Commencement Rehearsal, 8:30 a.m. in Civic – MANDATORY *June 8 Commencement, 3:00 in Civic -- Senior Reception -- Senior Last Day Please note all deadlines. Deadlines are strictly enforced. Jostens – 440-934-0482 Student Activities – 529-4454 Guidance – 529-4032 18 25 24 4 17 OGT Makeup Week 11 3 MONDAY 10 November 2013 SUNDAY OGT Makeup Week 5 26 19 12 TUESDAY 27 20 13 6 No School for Students OGT Makeup Week WEDNESDAY 7 28 21 14 Thanksgiving Holiday No School Early Release OGT Makeup Week THURSDAY 29 22 15 8 1 Thanksgiving Holiday No School OGT Makeup Week OGT Week FRIDAY 9 2 30 23 16 SATURDAY Lakewood City Schools 1470 Warren Road Lakewood, Ohio 44107 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID CLEVELAND, OHIO 44107 Permit No. 2512 DATED INFORMATION Board of Education A service of Edward Favre, President Linda G. Beebe, Vice President Tom Einhouse Emma Petrie Barcelona Betsy Bergen Shaughnessy Ranger Roundup Lakewood High School Keith Ahearn, Principal November 2013 November 4 - 15 Katrina Holmes PTA President Time Place Hope for the Holidays. Students collect change to help purchase food for families in need 4th Senior Panoramic taken during announcements 7th period E-Gym 7th Marching Band Concert 7:30 pm Civic 8th Senior assembly to get info on Caps, Gowns and Graduation Announcements 2nd period Civic 9th Orchestra Marathon All Day Civic After-Prom Committee meeting 6:30 pm L-Room 12th 15th & 22nd Senior Order day for Caps, Gowns and Announcements